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Assessment 6

1. Why does it seem that Liverpool was awarded the 2008 Ecoc Title?

Liverpool’s ambition and desire was to replicate that of Glasgow in 1990. Liverpool has been
traditionally being known as a poverty-stricken city, associated with high crime rates,
unemployment etc. Liverpool offer many factors in the culturally sphere artists, actors, musicians
(Beatles), poets and football teams have made sure that the city have prominent representation on
national and international cultural stages throughout the twentieth century. From the economic
perspective Liverpool being ECOC 2008 believed that they would result in 12,000 new jobs, double
annual visitor numbers to 38 million and generate £2 billion of additional spending in the local
economy as a result.

2. What is it hoped that the award will achieve for the city?

Gaining this award Liverpool believes that they would not only bring significant economic gains,
but also it will enable them to invest in project, promoting grassroots cultural activity and social
cohesion. For example the, £800 million Paradise Street development, which is projected to create
4,000 permanent, retailing jobs. In the wake of Liverpool receiving the award of capital culture the
The Mersey Partnership announced a 30% rise in inward investment enquiries in the 12 months as
well as private investment. In addition to this the housing market saw a 10% increase in house
prices. Generally Liverpool would like to achieve in the fields of business volume, the density, and
the business demography, physical infrastructure, the unemployment rates, increase the average
household income rates reduce the crime rates.

3. Does this seem to be likely?

It would appear that culturally Liverpool benefitted to a great extent from being an ECoC and has
used it as a stepping stone to further develop its cultural stronghold. But I feel you cannot measure
these improvement (regeneration), it is important to see what criteria it is being measured on i.e.
the economic, the social cohesion, increase of tourism etc. Combining all of these aspects do we
actually achieve social cohesion or is it form of capitalism, is everything becoming a free market or
a policy provision. One example that I can recall is the Quiggins buildings it represented the
Idiosyncratic cultural production but since Liverpool awarded the title it has been threatened by
the redevelopments and making it into a retail centre.

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