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31 XpE{ 2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O @u‚ dSs_pZ Os[S-Tm

WpZOrY ∫J>uJ> Vvõ@‚ @‚p (000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)

TtzGr dpvZ QuYOphy dSs_tEr 31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O
_z. @u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES Schedule As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
No. (current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
Capital ... ... 1 526,29,89 526,29,89
dpZ<b<OYpy dpvZ d<R]u^
Reserves & Surplus ... ... 2 30772,25,75 27117,78,72
Deposits ... ... 3 435521,08,94 380046,05,53
Borrowings ... ... 4 39703,33,52 30641,24,43
dÆY QuYOphy dpvZ T}p\RpS
Other liabilities & provisions ... ... 5 60042,25,78 55697,56,88

TOTAL 566565,23,88 494028,95,45

dp˘∫OYpy dSs_tEr 31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

_z. @u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
ASSETS Schedule As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
No. (current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
WpZOrY qZ˚\{ Vvõ@‚ Xuõ S@‚Qr dpvZ GXpZp<]Ypy
Cash & balances with Reserve Bank of India ... ... 6 29076,42,50 21652,70,39
Vvõ@‚puz Xuõ GXpZp<]Ypy dpvZ XpyB OPp d∂T _tESp TZ T}pØY RSZp<]
Balances with banks & money at call & short notice ... 7 22892,26,50 22907,29,72
Investments ... ... 8 149148,88,25 162534,24,10
Advances ... ... 9 337336,49,35 261800,93,59
dE[ dp˘∫OYpy
Fixed Assets ... ... 10 2818,86,67 2752,93,39
dÆY dp˘∫OYpy
Other Assets ... ... 11 25292,30,61 22380,84,26

TOTAL 566565,23,88 494028,95,45

_Xp<kO QuYOphy / Contingent liabilities ... ... 12 ‘. Rs. 306590,01,55 ‘. Rs.228881,37,72

_zB}`N @u‚ <[h <V[ / Bills for collection ... ... — ‘. Rs. 23367,51,09 ‘. Rs.20592,95,35
T}XsA [uAp Sr<OYpy / Principal Accounting Policies ... ... 17
[uAp-qJ>ØT<NYpy / Notes on Accounts ... ... 18


C84 K84
1 — TtzGr
(000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)
(000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (qTF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)
‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.

— 10/- ‘Th T}<O ]uYZ \p[u 100,00,00,000 ]uYZ

T}p<R@w‚O TtzGr
Authorised Capital — 100,00,00,000 shares of Rs.10/- each 1000,00,00 1000,00,00

<SB{<XO, d<WQl dpvZ _zQl TtzGr — 52,62,98,878 ]uYZ —

T}´Yu@‚ ]uYZ 10/- ‘ @‚p [e_Xuõ 4,14,54,618 (31.03.2006 @‚pu 4,14,68,018)
]uYZ _˘≥X<[O `võ Gpu 20,727,309 (31.03.2006 @‚pu 20,734,009) \v˘∏\@‚ GXp Z_rQpuõ @u‚ ’‚T Xuõ `võ].
Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Capital — 52,62,98,878 shares of Rs.10/- each
[includes 4,14,54,618 shares (4,14,68,018 as on 31.03.2006)
represented by 20,727,309 (20,734,009 as on 31.03.2006)
Global Depository Receipts]
526,29,89 526,29,89

TOTAL 526,29,89 526,29,89


C85 K85
2 — dpZ<b<OYpz dpvZ d<R]u^
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 2 — RESERVES & SURPLUS (000s omitted)
31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006@‚√ ˘∫P<O
@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)
‘. Rs. ‘. Rs. ‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. @‚pStSr dpZ<b<OYpy
Statutory Reserves
Opening Balance ... ... ... 17020,92,36 14087,14,91
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS TqZ\R{S
Additions during the year ... ... ... 3358,11,32 2933,77,45
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... ... — —
20379,03,68 17020,92,36
II. TtzGr dpZ<b<OYpy
Capital Reserves
Opening Balance ... ... ... 418,10,48 302,88,48
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS TqZ\R{S
Additions during the year ... ... ... 3,91 115,22,00
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... ... — —
418,14,39 418,10,48
Share Premium
Opening Balance ... ... ... 3510,57,33 3510,57,33
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS TqZ\R{S
Additions during the year ... ... ... — —
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... ... — —
3510,57,33 3510,57,33
IV. <S\u] fOpZ-EÁp\ dpZ<b<OYpy
Investment Fluctuation Reserve
Opening Balance ... ... ... 5253,89,38
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS TqZ\R{S
Additions during the year ... ... ... — —
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... ... — — 5253,89,38 —
V. ZpG∫\ dpvZ dÆY dpZ<b<OYpy*
Revenue and Other Reserves*
Opening Balance ... ... ... 5874,44,64 103,03,26
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS TqZ\R{S
Additions during the year ... ... ... 321,11,43 5771,41,38
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... ... — —
6195,56,07 5874,44,64
VI. <\Qu]r XsÈp ’‚zTpOZN dpZ<b<O
Foreign currency Translation Reserve ... ... ... 293,39,98 287,96,41
Opening Balance ... ... ...
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS TqZ\R{S
Additions during the year ... ... ... — 5,43,57
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... ... 24,79,63 —
268,60,35 293,39,98
VII. [pW dpvZ `p<S ApOu @‚p d<O]u^
Balance of Profit and Loss Account ... ... ... 33,93 33,93
* e_Xuõ (WpZOrY ∫J>uJ> Vvõ@‚ d<R<SYX, 1955 @‚√ RpZp 36 @u‚ dzOB{O ZAu Bh)
h@‚√@‚ZN dpvZ <\@‚p_ <S<R @u‚ ‘. 5,00,00,000
(<TF>[u \^{ 5,00,00,000) ]p<X[ `võ.
* Includes Rs. 5,00,00,000 (previous year Rs. 5,00,00,000) of
Integration and Development Fund
(maintained under Section 36 of the
State Bank of India Act, 1955)
TOTAL 30772,25,75 27117,78,72


C86 K86
3 — GXpZp<]Ypy
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 3 — DEPOSITS (000s omitted)

31.3.2007@‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
@‚. I. XpyB GXpZp<]Ypy
A. I. Demand Deposits
(i) Vv@‚puõ _u
From banks ... ... ... ... 10974,81,01 7013,50,64
(ii) dÆY _u
From others ... ... ... ... 71023,16,37 60982,14,37
II. VEO Vvõ@‚ GXpZp<]Ypy
Savings Bank Deposits ... ... ... ... 129136,49,61 112723,92,14
III. _p\<R GXpZp<]Ypy
Term Deposits
(i) Vvõ@‚puõ _u
From banks ... ... ... ... 4613,48,62 5183,09,38
(ii) dÆY _u
From others ... ... ... ... 219773,13,33 194143,39,00

YpuB TOTAL 435521,08,94 380046,05,53

A. (i) WpZO Xuõ ]pApdpuõ @‚√ GXpZp<]Ypy

B. Deposits of branches in India ... ... ... ... 419936,76,49 366228,53,46
(ii) WpZO @u‚ Vp`Z ˘∫PO ]pApdpuõ @‚√ GXpZp<]Ypy
Deposits of branches outside India ... ... ... ... 15584,32,45 13817,52,07

YpuB TOTAL 435521,08,94 380046,05,53

4 — fRpZ
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 4 — BORROWINGS (000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. WpZO Xuõ fRpZ
Borrowings in India
(i) WpZOrY qZ˚\{ Vvõ@‚
Reserve Bank of India ... ... ... ... 1000,00,00 —
(ii) dÆY Vvõ@‚
Other banks ... ... ... ... 1254,80,59 1000,00,00
(iii) dÆY _z∫Pphz dpvZ d<W@‚ZN
Other institutions and agencies ... ... 3564,96,73 5642,38,17
II. WpZO @u‚ Vp`Z _u fRpZ
Borrowings outside India ... ... ... ... 33883,56,20 23998,86,26

YpuB TOTAL 39703,33,52 30641,24,43

g‚TZI dpvZ II Xuõ _˘≥X<[O T}<OWtO fRpZ

Secured borrowings included in I & II above ... ... ... ... ‘. Rs.4650,53,97 ‘. Rs.4423,59,69


C87 K87
5 — dÆY QuYOphy dpvZ T}p\RpS
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. _zQuY <V[
Bills payable ... ... ... ... 20276,79,80 17293,76,01
II. dzOZ-@‚pYp{[Y _XpYpuGS (<S\[)
Inter-office adjustments (net) ... ... ... ... — 11435,24,05
III. T}puQoWtO ±YpG
Interest accrued ... ... ... ... 3948,06,93 3687,98,51
IV. dp∫P<BO @‚Z QuYOphy (<S\[)
Deferred Tax Liabilities ... ... ... ... 483,67,44 —
V. dÆY (e_Xuõ T}p\RpS _˘≥X<[O `võ)
Others (including provisions) ... ... ... ... 35333,71,61 23280,58,31
‘. ëîîîìê.ñô (<Q. ìë.êì.íêêñ @‚pu îôòï.òë ‘Th)
@‚p BpvN j‚N dpvZ ‘. ëíìò.òê (ìë.êì.íêêñ) @‚pu
]tÆY ‘Th) @u‚ Vu<XYpQr VpzL>
[Includes sub-ordinated debt of
Rs. 14430.69 Crores (Rs. 4985.81 Crores
as on 31.03.2006) and perpetual bonds
of Rs. 1738.80 Crores (Rs Nil as on 31.03.2006)]

YpuB TOTAL 60042,25,78 55697,56,88

6 — WpZOrY qZ˚\{ Vvõ@‚ Xuõ S@‚Qr dpvZ GXpZp<]Ypy

(000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. `pP S@‚Qr (e_Xuõ <\Qu]r @‚Zuõ_r SpuJ> OPp ∫\N{ _˘≥X<[O `võ)
Cash in hand (including foreign currency notes and gold) 2530,11,93 2080,23,05

II. WpZOrY qZ˚\{ Vvõ@‚ Xuõ GXpZp<]Ypy

Balance with Reserve Bank of India
(i) Ep[t ApOu Xuõ
In Current Account ... ... ... ... 26546,30,57 19572,47,34
(ii) dÆY ApOpuõ Xuõ
In Other Accounts ... ... ... ... — —

YpuB TOTAL 29076,42,50 21652,70,39


C88 K88
dSs_tEr7 — Vvõ@‚puõ Xuõ GXpZp<]Ypy dpvZ XpyB OPp d∂T _tESp TZ T}pØY RSZp<]
(000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. WpZO Xuõ
In India

(i) Vvõ@‚puõ Xuõ GXpZp<]Ypy

Balances with banks

(@‚) Ep[t ApOpuõ Xuõ

(a) In Current Accounts ... ... ... ... 996,68,04 599,80,23

(A) dÆY GXp ApOpuõ Xuõ

(b) In Other Deposit Accounts ... ... ... ... — 2,77,24

(ii) XpyB dpvZ d∂T _tESp TZ T}pØY RSZp<]

Money at call and short notice

(@‚) Vvõ@‚puõ Xuõ

(a) With banks ... ... ... ... 6503,29,34 8081,06,08

(A) dÆY _z∫Ppdpuõ Xuõ

(b) With other institutions ... ... ... ... — —

YpuB TOTAL 7499,97,38 8683,63,55

II. WpZO @u‚ Vp`Z

Outside India

(i) Ep[t ApOpuõ Xuõ

In Current Accounts ... ... ... ... 1835,75,03 1919,52,80

(ii) dÆY GXp ApOpuõ Xuõ

In Other Deposit Accounts ... ... ... ... 2410,91,56 3242,22,63

(iii) XpzB dpvZ d∂T _tESp TZ T}pØY RSZp<]

Money at call and short notice ... ... ... ... 11145,62,53 9061,90,74

YpuB TOTAL 15392,29,12 14223,66,17

@s‚[ YpuB GRAND TOTAL 22892,26,50 22907,29,72


C89 K89
8 — <\<SRpS
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 8 — INVESTMENTS (000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. WpZO Xuõ <\<SRpS
Investments in India in:
(i) _Z@‚pZr T}<OWt<OYpy
Government Securities ... ... ... ... 117703,11,14 134644,05,61
(ii) dÆY dSsXpu<QO T}<OWt<OYpy
Other approved securities ... ... ... ... 3343,05,89 3535,18,49
(iii) ]uYZ
Shares ... ... ... ... 2304,65,19 1384,87,66
(iv) qL>VuõEZ dpvZ VpzL>
Debentures and Bonds ... ... ... ... 8690,71,27 10100,44,42
(v) dSs^z<BYpy dpvZ/dP\p _`-f X (_`Ypu<BYpuõ _<`O)
Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures
(including Associates) ... ... ... ... 2220,87,43 2020,94,00
(vi) dÆY (≥Yt•Ysd[ Uz‚L>põu @‚√ Yt<SJ>,õu \p<N˘ßY@‚ Tm T}pP<X@‚OpT}p· bumpuõ @‚√ GXpZp<]Ypy dp<Q)
Others (Units of Mutual Funds, Commercial Papers, Priority sector deposits etc.) 9073,91,24 5600,70,34

YpuB TOTAL 143336,32,16 157286,20,52

II. WpZO @u‚ Vp`Z <\<SRpS
Investments outside India in
(i) _Z@‚pZr T}<OWt<OYpuõ Xuõ (e_Xuõ ∫PpSrY T}p<R@‚ZN _˘≥X<[O `võ)
Government securities (including local authorities) 567,71,60 647,32,62
(ii) <\Qu]puõ Xuõ _XSs^zBr dpvZ/dP\p _`-f X
Subsidiaries and/or joint ventures abroad ... ... ... 352,49,77 310,11,50
(iii) dÆY <\<SRpS (]uYZ, qL>VuõEZ dp<Q)
Other investments (Shares, Debentures etc.) ... ... ... 4892,34,72 4290,59,46

YpuB TOTAL 5812,56,09 5248,03,58

@s‚[ YpuB GRAND TOTAL 149148,88,25 162534,24,10

III. WpZO Xu <\<SRpS

Investments in India
(i) <\<SRpSpuõ @‚p _@‚[ XpS
Gross Value of Investments ... ... ... ... 144580,01,14 163430,99,48
(ii) CJ>phy # @s‚[ T}p\RpS/Xt∂Y◊p_
Less : Aggregate of Provisions/Depreciation ... ... ... 1243,68,98 6144,78,96
(iii) I _u)
<S\[ <\<SRpS (g‚TZ
Net Investments (vide I above) ... ... YpuB TOTAL 143336,32,16 157286,20,52

IV. WpZO @u‚ Vp`Z <\<SRpS

Investments outside India
(i) <\<SRpSpuõ @‚p _@‚[ XpS
Gross Value of Investments ... ... ... ... 5823,31,53 5260,00,49
(ii) CJ>phy # @s‚[ T}p\RpS/Xt∂Y◊p_
Less : Aggregate of Provisions/Depreciation ... ... ... 10,75,44 11,96,91
(iii) <S\[ <\<SRpS (g‚TZ II _u)
Net Investments (vide II above) ... ... YpuB TOTAL 5812,56,09 5248,03,58

@s‚[ YpuB GRAND TOTAL 149148,88,25 162534,24,10


C90 K90
9 — d<B}X
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 9 — ADVANCES (000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
@‚. (i) @}‚Y q@‚h Bh dpvZ <XOr@‚pJ>u TZ WsBOpS q@‚h Bh <\<SXY Tm
A. Bills purchased and discounted ... ... ... ... 30787,10,14 24853,74,92
(ii) @v‚] @}u‚qL>J>, dpu\ZL~>p∞J> dpvZ XpyB TZ T}<O_zQuY fRpZ
Cash credits, overdrafts and loans repayable on demand ... 125476,17,29 95856,77,32
(iii) _p\<R fRpZ
Term loans ... ... ... ... 181073,21,92 141090,41,35

YpuB TOTAL 337336,49,35 261800,93,59

A. (i) XtO{ dp˘∫OYpuõ ÃpZp T}<OWtO (V`r j‚Npuõ TZ d<B}X _˘≥X<[O `vz)
B. Secured by tangible assets (includes advances
against Book Debt) ... ... ... ... 233336,81,03 180021,88,93
(ii) Vvõ@‚/_Z@‚pZr T}´YpWt<OYpuõ ÃpZp _zZ<bO
Covered by Bank/Government Guarantees ... ... ... 21719,09,18 20927,19,21
(iii) dT}<OWtO
Unsecured ... ... ... ... 82280,59,14 60851,85,45

YpuB TOTAL 337336,49,35 261800,93,59

B. (I) WpZO Xuõ d<B}X

C. Advances in India
(i) T}pP<X@‚OpT}pØO bum
Priority Sector ... ... ... ... 102015,85,14 80012,87,97
(ii) _p\{G<S@‚ bum
Public Sector ... ... ... ... 27164,92,08 22897,01,23
(iii) Vvõ@‚
Banks ... ... ... ... 2696,31,70 650,11,57
(iv) dÆY
Others ... ... ... ... 167406,35,94 131295,86,97

YpuB TOTAL 299283,44,86 234855,87,74

(II) WpZO @u‚ Vp`Z d<B}X

Advances outside India
(i) Vvõ@‚puõ _u ]puöY
Due from banks ... ... ... ... 2834,34,43 2238,67,18
(ii) dÆYpuõ _u ]puöY
Due from others
(@‚) @}‚Y q@‚h Bh dpvZ <XOr@‚pJ>u TZ WsBOpS q@‚h Bh <\<SXY Tm
(a) Bills purchased and discounted ... ... ... 10448,94,17 8229,16,64
(A) d<W^Q fRpZ
(b) Syndicated loans ... ... ... ... 12605,50,09 6388,72,53
(B) dÆY
(c) Others ... ... ... ... 12164,25,80 10088,49,50

YpuB TOTAL 38053,04,49 26945,05,85

@s‚[ YpuB GRAND TOTAL 337336,49,35 261800,93,59


C91 K91
10 — dE[ dp˘∫OYpy
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 10 — FIXED ASSETS (000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. @‚. TqZ_Z
A. Premises
31 XpE{ @‚√ ˘∫P<O @u‚ dSs_pZ [pBO TZ
Tt\{\Or{ \^{ @‚√
At cost as on 31st March of the preceding year ... ... 1346,45,99 1214,46,29

\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS TqZ\R{S

Additions during the year ... ... ... ... 105,30,36 133,01,75
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... ... ... 3,13,58 102,05

d OS Xt∂Y◊p_
Depreciation to date ... ... ... ... 498,92,88 441,33,24
949,69,89 905,12,75
A. dÆY <SXp{NpRrS TqZ_Z
B. Premises under Construction ... ... ... ... 141,95,26 79,82,05

II. dÆY dE[ dp˘∫OYpy (e_Xuõ U‚Sr{EZ dpvZ <U‚°_EZ _˘≥X<[O `võ)
Other Fixed Assets (including furniture and fixtures)

Tt\{\Or{ \^{ @u‚‚‚31 XpE{ @‚√ ˘∫P<O @u‚ dSs_pZ [pBO TZ

At cost as on 31st March of the preceding year ... ... 4981,56,51 4275,00,68
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS TqZ\R{S
Additions during the year ... ... ... ... 635,08,49 896,06,59
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... ... ... 123,45,73 189,50,76

d OS Xt∂◊p_
Depreciation to date ... ... ... ... 3855,37,21 3411,21,50
1637,82,06 1570,35,01

III. TJ>oJ>p@w‚O dp˘∫OYpy

Leased Assets ... ... ... ...
31 XpE{ @‚√ ˘∫P<O @u‚ dSs_pZ [pBO TZ
Tt\{\Or{ \^{ @‚√
At cost as on 31st March of the preceding year ... ... 1190,93,80 1331,36,22

\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS _XpYpuGS _<`O TqZ\R{S

Additions during the year ... ... — —
\^{ @u‚ QpvZpS T}p\RpS _<`O @‚J>pv<OYpy
Deductions during the year ... ... 70,83,39 140,42,41
d OS Xt∂◊p_
Depreciation to date
including provision ... ... ... ... 960,87,48 899,18,30

159,22,93 291,75,51

CJ>phy # TJoJ>p _XpYpuGS dpvZ T}p\RpS

Less : Lease Adjustment and Provisions ... 69,83,47 94,11,93
89,39,46 197,63,58

YpuB TOTAL 2818,86,67 2752,93,39


C92 K92
11 — dÆY dp˘∫OYpy
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 11 — OTHER ASSETS (000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
(i) dzOZ-@‚pYp{[Y _XpYpuGS (<S\[)
Inter-office adjustments (net) ... ... ... ... 216,96,15 —
(ii) T}puQoWtO ±YpG
Interest accrued ... ... ... ... 5020,30,82 4724,84,47
(iii) d<B}X ’‚T _u _zQl @‚Z/_}puO TZ @‚pJ>p BYp @‚Z
Tax paid in advance/tax deducted at source ... ... ... ... 2152,43,61 352,67,18
(iv) [uAS _pXB}r dpvZ ∫J>pzT
Stationery and stamps ... ... ... ... 78,61,32 82,31,95
(v) Qp\puõ @‚√ _zOs<πJ> Xuõ T}pØO @‚√ Be{ BvZ-Vvõ@‚@‚pZr dp˘∫OYpy
Non-banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims ... ... ... 34,91 35,16
(vi) dp∫P<BO @‚Z dp˘∫OYpy (<S\[)
Deferred Tax Assets (Net) ... ... ... — 117,79,32
(vii) dÆY
Others ... ... ... ... 17823,63,80 17102,86,18

YpuB TOTAL 25292,30,61 22380,84,26

dSs_tEr 12 — _Xp<kO QuYOphy (000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)


31.3.2007 @‚√ ˘∫P<O 31.3.2006 @‚√ ˘∫P<O

@u‚ dSs_pZ (Ep[t \^{) @u‚ dSs_pZ (<TF>[p \^{)
As on 31.3.2007 As on 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. Vvõ@‚ @u‚ <\‘– Qp\u <GÆ`uõ j‚N @u‚ ’‚T Xuõ ∫\r@‚pZ S`rõ q@‚Yp BYp `v
Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts ... ... ... 3808,98,78 1704,81,71
II. dz]O: _zQl <\<SRpSpuõ @u‚ <[h QuYOp
Liability for partly paid investments ... ... ... ... 2,80,00 2,80,00
III. V@‚pYp \pYQp <\<SXY _z<\Qpdpuõ @‚√ VpVO QuYOp
Liability on account of outstanding forward exchange contracts ... ... 197285,30,50 134350,28,74
IV. _zCJ>@‚puõ @‚√ dpuZ _u Qr Be{ T}´YpWt<OYpy
Guarantees given on behalf of constituents
(@‚) WpZO Xuõ
(a) In India ... ... ... ... 23715,63,18 20770,83,28
(A) WpZO @u‚ Vp`Z
(b) Outside India ... ... ... ... 13905,56,57 6116,14,67
V. T}<OB}`N, TwπK>pz@‚S dpvZ dÆY VpöYOphy
Acceptances, endorsements and other obligations ... ... ... 47050,64,26 37025,48,25
VI. dÆY XQuõ <GS@u‚ <[h Vvõ@‚ _Xp<kO ’‚T _u flZQpYr `v
Other items for which the bank is contingently liable ... ... ... 20821,08,26 28911,01,07

YpuB TOTAL 306590,01,55 228881,37,72


C93 K93
WpZOrY ∫J>uJ> Vvõ@‚ @‚p 31 XpE{ 2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ @u‚ <[h [pW dpvZ `p<S ApOp (000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)

dSs_tEr 31.3.2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ 31.3.2006 @‚pu _XpØO \^{

_z. (Ep[t \^{) (<TF>[p \^{)
Schedule Year ended 31.3.2007 Year ended 31.3.2006
No. (current year) (previous year)
‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. dpY
d<G{O ±YpG
Interest earned ... ... ... 13 39491,02,55 35979,56,94
dÆY dpY
Other Income ... ... ... 14 5769,24,87 7435,20,17

YpuB TOTAL 45260,27,42 43414,77,11

∑YY q@‚Yp BYp ±YpG
Interest expended ... ... ... 15 23436,82,10 20390,44,70
Operating expenses ... ... ... 16 11823,51,68 11725,09,74
T}p\RpS dpvZ dp@‚˘∫X@‚ ∑YY
Provisions and contingencies ... ... ... 5458,62,91 6892,55,51

YpuB TOTAL 40718,96,69 39008,09,95

III. [pW
\^{ @u‚ <[h <S\[ [pW
Net Profit for the year ... ... ... 4541,30,73 4406,67,16
dB}pSrO [pW
Profit brought forward ... ... ... 33,93 33,93
_pXpÆY dpZ<b<OYpuõ _u dzOZN
Transfer from General Reserve ... ... ... 2,88,57 —

YpuB TOTAL 4544,53,23 4407,01,09

@‚pStSr dpZ<b<OYpuõ @‚pu dzOZN
Transfer to statutory reserves ... ... ... 3358,11,32 2933,77,44
TtzGr dpZ<b<O Xuõ dzOZN
Transfer to Capital Reserve ... ... ... 3,91 115,22,00
ZpG∫\ dz\ dpZ<b<OYpuõ Xuõ dzOZN
Transfer to Revenue and
other reserves ... ... ... 324,00,00 517,52,00
Dividend ... ... ... 736,81,84 736,81,84
[pWpz] TZ @‚Z
Tax on dividend ... ... ... 125,22,23 103,33,88
]u^ Zp<] Gpu dpBu Os[S-Tm Xuõ [u Gpe{ Be{ `v
Balance carried over to Balance Sheet ... ... 33,93 33,93

YpuB TOTAL 4544,53,23 4407,01,09

T}<O ]uYZ Xt[ @‚ZSu Ypu£Y dpY

Basic and dilutive Earnings per Share ‘. Rs. 86.29 ‘. Rs. 83.73
T}XsA [uAp Sr<OYpy / Principal Accounting Policies... 17
[uAp-qJ>ØT<NYpy / Notes on Accounts ... ... 18


C94 K94
13 — d<G{O ±YpG
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 13 — INTEREST EARNED (000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ 31.3.2006 @‚pu _XpØO \^{{

(Ep[t \^{) (<TF>[p \^{)
Year ended 31.3.2007 Year ended 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)
‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. d<B}Xpuõ/<\<SXY Tmpuõ TZ ±YpG/<XOr@‚pJ>p
Interest/discount on advances/bills ... ... ... 24839,17,66 17696,29,64
II. <\<SRpSpuõ TZ dpY
Income on investments ... ... ... 11492,99,21 13977,52,84
III. WpZOrY qZ˚\{ Vvõ@‚ Xuõ GXpZp<]Ypuõ dpvZ dÆY dzOZ-Vvõ@‚ <S<RYpuõ TZ ±YpG
Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India
and other inter-bank funds ... ... ... 2719,60,34 2121,73,01
Others ... ... ... 439,25,34 2184,01,45

YpuB TOTAL 39491,02,55 35979,56,94

14 — dÆY dpY
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)
SCHEDULE 14 — OTHER INCOME (000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ 31.3.2006 @‚pu _XpØO \^{{

(Ep[t \^{) (<TF>[p \^{)
Year ended 31.3.2007 Year ended 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)

‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. @‚Xr]S, <\<SXY dpvZ Q[p[r
Commission, exchange and brokerage ... ... ... 4804,50,30 3996,19,86
II. <\<SRpSpuõ @u‚ <\@}‚Y TZ [pW (`pSr) (<S\[)
Profit / (Loss) on sale of investments (Net) ... ... ... 567,78,12 587,17,14
III. <\<SRpSpuõ @u‚ TsSX{t∂Ypz@‚S TZ [pW (`pSr)
Profit / (Loss) on revaluation of investments ... ... ... (1677,51,35) —
IV. Wt<X, W\Spuõ dpvZ dÆY dp˘∫OYpuõ @u‚ <\@}‚Y TZ [pW (<S\[)
Profit on sale of land, buildings and other assets
including leased assets (Net) ... ... 12,12,70 1,93,90
V. <\<SXY [uSQuS TZ [pW
Profit on exchange transactions ... ... ... 373,39,93 1001,26,62
VI. <\Qu]/WpZO Xuõ ∫Pp<TO _XSs^z<BYpuõ/@z‚T<SYpuõ dpvZ/Yp _zYs°O f Xpuõ _u
[pWpz]puõ dp<Q @u‚ ’‚T Xuõ d<G{O dpY
Income earned by way of dividends, etc., from subsidiaries/
companies and/or joint ventures abroad/in India ... ... ... 596,96,77 317,18,28
VII. <\lTpu^N - TJoJ>p dpY Income from financial leases
(@‚/a) TJ>oJ>p q@‚ZpYp (íô,ëí,ìí `GpZ ‘Th, <TF>[u \^{ ìî,ïî,ñó
`GpZ ‘Th TJoJ>p _XpSr@‚ZN CJ>p@‚Z)
Lease rental (net of lease equilisation of Rs 29,12,32
thousand, Previous year Rs. 34,54,67 thousand) ... ... 83,48,18 117,45,66
(A/b) d<OQuY T}WpZ
Overdue charges ... ... ... 15,18 33,40
VIII. T}@‚√N{ dpY
Miscellaneous Income ... ... ... 1008,35,04 1413,65,31

YpuB TOTAL 5769,24,87 7435,20,17


C95 K95
15 — ∑YY q@‚Yp BYp ±YpG
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)

31.3.2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ 31.3.2006 @‚pu _XpØO \^{{

(Ep[t \^{) (<TF>[p \^{)
Year ended 31.3.2007 Year ended 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)
‘. Rs ‘. Rs.
I. GXpZp<]Ypuõ TZ ±YpG
Interest on deposits ... ... ... 19083,58,02 18132,18,48
II. WpZOrY qZ˚\{ Vvõ@‚/dzOZ-Vvõ@‚ fRpZpuõ TZ ±YpG
Interest on Reserve Bank of India/Inter-bank borrowings ... ... 2141,55,46 1321,55,78
Others ... ... ... 2211,68,62 936,70,44

YpuB TOTAL 23436,82,10 20390,44,70

16 — TqZEp[S ∑YY
dSs_tEr (000 @‚pu F>puÊ> <QYp BYp `v)

31.3.2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ 31.3.2006 @‚pu _XpØO \^{{

(Ep[t \^{) (<TF>[p \^{)
Year ended 31.3.2007 Year ended 31.3.2006
(current year) (previous year)
‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
I. @‚X{EpqZYpuõ @‚pu WsBOpS dpvZ fS@u‚ <[h T}p\RpS
Payments to and provisions for employees ... ... ... 7932,58,10 8123,04,38
II. WpJ>@‚, @‚Z dpvZ Zpu]Sr
Rent, taxes and lighting ... ... ... ... 896,50,11 796,35,14
III. XsÈN dpvZ [uAS-_pXB}r
Printing and stationery ... ... ... ... 173,87,31 175,63,91
IV. <\cpTS dpvZ T}EpZ
Advertisement and publicity ... ... ... ... 88,42,66 109,44,23
V. (@‚) Vvõ@‚ @‚√ _zT<l TZ Xt∂Y◊p_ (TJ>oJ>p@w‚O dp˘∫OYpuõ @u‚ d<OqZ°O)
(a) Depreciation on bank’s property (Other than Leased Assets) ... 527,74,82 628,02,25
(A) TJ>oJ>p@w‚O dp˘∫OYpuõ TZ Xt∂Y◊p_
(b) Depreciation on Leased Assets ... ... ... 74,64,41 101,10,92
VI. <SQu]@‚puõ @‚√ U‚√_, Wlu dpvZ ∑YY
Directors’ fees, allowances and expenses ... ... ... 107,83 123,27
VII. [uAp-TZrb@‚puõ @‚√ U‚√_ dpvZ ∑YY (]pAp [uAp-TZrb@‚puõ @‚√ U‚√_ _<`O)
Auditors’ fees and expenses (including branch auditors’ 62,28,29 63,55,96
fees and expenses)
VIII. <\<R T}WpZ
Law charges ... ... ... ... 57,35,98 49,48,62
IX. L>p@‚ X`_t[, OpZ dpvZ J>u[rU‚puS dp<Q
Postage, Telegrams, Telephones etc. ... ... ... ... 118,16,92 102,24,80
X. XZ≥XO dpvZ dSsZbN
Repairs and maintenance ... ... ... ... 189,14,95 170,27,08
XI. VrXp
Insurance ... ... ... ... 355,28,60 340,76,38
Other expenditure ... ... ... ... 1346,41,70 1063,92,80

YpuB TOTAL 11823,51,68 11725,09,74


C96 K96
‚ã¶ãìÔãîÞããè 17 SCHEDULE 17
1. Basis of Preparation
1. ¦ãõ¾ããÀ ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãŠã ‚ãã£ããÀ The accompanying financial statements have been prepared
ÔãâÊãضã ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ‚ãÌããä£ãØã¦ã ÊããØã¦ã ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ¦ãõ¾ããÀ ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö. Ìãñ ¼ããÀ¦ã under the historical cost convention. They conform to
½ãò Ôãã½ã㶾ã¦ã: ÔÌããè‡ãðŠ¦ã ÊãñŒãã-ãäÔã®ãâ¦ããò (•ãã膆¹ããè) ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãì¹ã Öö †Ìãâ ãä•ã¶ã½ãò Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in India,
which comprise the statutory provisions, regulatory/Reserve
ÔããâãäÌããä£ã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã, ãä¶ã¾ãã½ã‡ãŠ/¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ (‚ããÀºããè‚ããƒÃ) ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍã, Bank of India (RBI) guidelines, accounting standards/
¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã Ôã¶ãªãè ÊãñŒãã‡ãŠãÀ ÔãâÔ©ãã¶ã (‚ããƒÃÔãã膂ããƒÃ) ´ãÀ㠕ããÀãè ÊãñŒãã-½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ/½ããØãêÍããê guidance notes issued by the Institute of Chartered
ã䛹¹ããä¥ã¾ããú ‚ããõÀ ¼ããÀ¦ã ½ãò ºãöãä‡ãâŠØ㠄²ããñØã ½ãò ¹ãÆÞããäÊã¦ã ¹ãÆ©ãã†ú Íãããä½ãÊã Öãñ¦ããè Öö. ãäÌãªñÍã Accountants of India (ICAI), and the practices prevalent
ãäÔ©ã¦ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÔãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ªñÍããò ½ãò ¹ãÆÞããäÊã¦ã ÔããâãäÌããä£ã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‚ããõÀ in the banking industry in India. In respect of foreign
offices, statutory provisions and practices prevailing in
¹ãÆ©ãã‚ããò ‡ãŠã ¹ããÊã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. respective countries are complied with.
ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¦ãõ¾ããÀ ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ½ãò ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠãñ, ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ããò ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ‡ãŠãñ - The preparation of financial statements requires the
‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‚ããõÀ ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò, (ƒÔã½ãò ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ªñ¾ã¦ãã†úâ Ôããä½½ããäÊã¦ã Öö) ‡ãŠãè ÔãîãäÞã¦ã management to make estimates and assumptions considered
ÀããäÍã ¦ã©ãã ÔãîÞã¶ã㠂ãÌããä£ã ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ÔãîãäÞã¦ã ‚ãã¾ã †Ìãâ ̾ã¾ã ½ãò ¹ãÆãä¦ã¹ãŠãäÊã¦ã ¹ãÆã‡ã‹‡ãŠÊã¶ã in the reported amounts of assets and liabilities (including
contingent liabilities) as of the date of the financial
‚ããõÀ ¹ãîÌããöãì½ãã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ¦ãã Öãñ¦ããè Öõ. ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠã ¾ãÖ ½ãã¶ã¶ãã Öõ ãä‡ãŠ statements and the reported income and expenditure
ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¦ãõ¾ããÀ ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ½ãò ¹ãƾãì‡ã‹¦ã ¹ãÆã‡ã‹‡ãŠÊã¶ã ¾ã©ããñãäÞã¦ã †Ìãâ ¹ã¾ããù¦ã Öö. during the reporting period. Management believes that the
¼ããÌããè ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ã ƒ¶ã ¹ãÆã‡ã‹‡ãŠÊã¶ããò Ôãñ ‚ãÊãØã Öãñ Ôã‡ãŠ¦ãñ Öö. estimates used in the preparation of the financial statements
are prudent and reasonable. Future results could differ from
2. ‚ããäØãƽ㠂ããõÀ „¶ãÔãñ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã these estimates.
2.1 ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‚ããõÀ ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò (†¶ã¹ããè†) ¹ãÀ ‚ãÌãÔãîÊã º¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠãñ
2. Advances and Provisions thereon
Üã›ã‡ãŠÀ ‚ããäØãƽ㠪ÍããÆ ØㆠÖõâ . 2.1 Advances are shown net of provisions and unrealised
2.2 ÌãõãäÍÌã‡ãŠ ÔãâãäÌã¼ããØã ½ãò ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ †‡ãŠ Ôãã½ã㶾㠹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè interest on Non-Performing Assets (NPAs).
‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ¦ãã Öãñ¦ããè Öõ. ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ãäÌããä¼ã¶¶ã Ñãñãä¥ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã - 2.2 A general provision is required to be made on Standard
ªÀãò ‡ãŠã Ôãâãäà㹦ã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ¶ããèÞãñ ã䪾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ :- Assets on the global portfolio. The provision rates for
the different categories of Standard Assets are
‡ãŠ. ¹ãƦ¾ãà㠇ãðŠãäÓ㠂ããäØãƽ㠦ã©ãã ÊãÜãì ‚ããõÀ ½ã£¾ã½ã „²ã½ã 0.25% summarised below :-
Œã. 20 ÊããŒã Á¹ã† Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ‚ããÌããÔããè¾ã ØãðÖ ¨ãÉ¥ã 1.00% a. Direct advances to agricultural and
Øã. Ìãõ¾ããä‡ã‹¦ã‡ãŠ ¨ãÉ¥ã 2.00% SME Sectors 0.25%
b. Residential housing loans beyond
¹ãîâ•ããè ºãã•ããÀ •ããñãäŒã½ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠂ãã¶ãñ ÌããÊãñ ¨ãɥ㠂ããõÀ Rs.20 lakhs 1.00%
‚ããäØãƽã, Ô©ããÌãÀ Ôãâ¹ãªã (Àãè¾ãÊã ԛñ›) ‡ãŠãñ ã䪆 Øㆠc. Personal Loans 2.00%
Ìãããä¥ãã䕾ã‡ãŠ ¨ãɥ㠦ã©ã㠕ã½ããÀããäÍã ØãÆ֥㠶㠇ãŠÀ¶ãñ ÌããÊããè
Loans and advances qualifying as capital
¹ãÆ¥ããÊããèØã¦ã ½ãÖ¦Ìã¹ãî¥ãà ØãõÀ ºãöãä‡ãâŠØã ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ‡ã⊹ããä¶ã¾ããò market exposures, Commercial real estate
(†¶ãºãã膹ãŠÔããè) ‡ãŠãñ ã䪆 Øㆠ¨ãɥ㠂ããõÀ ‚ããäØãƽã loans, and Loans and advances to
systemically important NBFCs - Non
Üã. (‡ãŠ), (Œã) ‚ããõÀ (Øã) ½ãò Íãããä½ãÊã ¶ã Öãñ¶ãñ ÌããÊãñ Deposit Taking
‚㶾ã Ôã¼ããè ¨ãɥ㠂ããõÀ ‚ããäØãƽã 0.40%
d. All other loans and advances not
included in (a), (b) and (c) 0.40%
2.3 ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã
2.3 Indian Offices
2.3.1 Ôã½ãԦ㠂ããäØãƽããò ‡ãŠãñ ÞããÀ Ñãñãä¥ã¾ããò, ‚ã©ããæãá (‡ãŠ) ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú,
2.3.1 All advances are classified under four categories, viz.
(Œã) ‚ãÌã-½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú, (Øã) ÔãâãäªØ£ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú ‚ããõÀ (Üã) Öããä¶ã¹ãƪ
(a) Standard Assets, (b) Sub-standard Assets,
‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú, ½ãò ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. (c) Doubtful Assets and (d) Loss Assets.
2.3.2 ºã‡ãŠã¾ã㠂ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ããäØãƽããò ¹ãÀ ãä¶ã½¶ãÌã¦ã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö (‚ãÌãÔãîÊã 2.3.2 Provisions are made on outstanding non-performing
º¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠãñ Üã›ã‡ãŠÀ) : advances (net of interest not realized) as under :
‚ãÌã-½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ : 10%
● ● Substandard Assets : 10%
: 20% In case of unsecured
: 20% ‚ã¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãî¦ã ¨ãɥ㠕ããñãäŒã½ã
exposures (where
‡ãñŠ ½ãã½ãÊãñ ½ãò realisable value of
(•ãÖãú ¹ãÆãÀâ¼ã Ôãñ Öãè ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã security is not more
‡ãŠã ÌãÔãîÊããè ¾ããñؾ㠽ãîʾã 10 than 10 per cent, ab
¹ãÆãä¦ãÍã¦ã Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ ¶ãÖãé Öõ)
ÔãâãäªØ£ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú

● Doubtful Assets
a) Unsecured portion at 100 per cent after netting
‡ãŠ) •ãÖãú ‡ãŠÖãé ÊããØãî Öãñ, ãä¶ã¾ããæ㠨ãÉ¥ã ØããÀâ›ãè ãä¶ãØã½ã/ÊãÜãì „²ããñØã ¨ãÉ¥ã retainable/realisable amount of guarantee cover
ØããÀâ›ãè ¶¾ããÔã ´ãÀ㠄¹ãÊ㺣㠇ãŠÀãƒÃ ØãƒÃ ØããÀâ›ãè ÔãìÀàã㠇ãŠãè ÀŒã¶ãñ provided by Export Credit Guarantee
¾ããñؾã/ÌãÔãîÊ㠇ãŠÀ¶ãñ ¾ããñؾã ÀããäÍ㠇ãŠãñ Üã›ã¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ºã㪠‚ã¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãî¦ã ¼ããØã Corporation/ Credit Guarantee Trust for Small
¹ãÀ 100 ¹ãÆãä¦ãÍã¦ã Industries, wherever applicable.


C97 K97
Œã) ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãî¦ã ¼ããØã b) Secured portion
‚ããäØãƽ㠇ãŠãñ ÔãâãäªØ£ã ½ãã¶ãñ •ãã¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè ‚ãÌããä£ã Period for which the advance has been
†‡ãŠ ÌãÓãà ¦ã‡ãŠ 20% considered as doubtful
†‡ãŠ Ôãñ ¦ããè¶ã ÌãÓãà ¦ã‡ãŠ 30% Upto one year 20%
¦ããè¶ã ÌãÓãà Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ 100% One to three years 30%
● Öããä¶ã¹ãƪ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú 100% More than three years 100%
● ãäºã‰ãŠãè ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ``ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ¹ããäÀÔãâ¹ããä§ã¾ããò'' ‡ãŠãñ ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÞããä¶Ö¦ã ● Loss assets 100%
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ : ● “Financial Assets” sold are recognised as
i) ¾ããäª ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ½ãîʾã ãä¶ãÌãÊã ºãÖãè ½ãîʾã (†¶ãºããèÌããè) Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã Öõ under :
¦ããñ ƒÔ㠂ãâ¦ãÀ-ÀããäÍ㠇ãŠãñ Êãã¼ã †Ìãâ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò ¹ãƼãããäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã i) In case the sale is at a price lower than the
Net Book Value (NBV), the difference is
Øã¾ãã Öõ.
charged to the Profit & Loss Account.
ii) ¾ããäª ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ½ãîʾã ãä¶ãÌãÊã ºãÖãè ½ãîʾã (†¶ãºããèÌããè) Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ
ii) In case the sale is at a price higher than
Öõ ¦ããñ ‚ããä£ãÍãñÓã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãƦ¾ããÌããä¦ãæ㠶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ the NBV, the surplus provision is not reversed
‚ããõÀ †ñÔããè ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ãäºã‰ãŠãè ¹ãÀ Öãñ¶ãñ and is utilised to meet the shortfall on sale
ÌããÊããè ‡ãŠ½ããè ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãƾããñØã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. of other such non-performing financial assets.
2.3.3. ‚ããäØãƽããò ‡ãñŠ ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã †ñÔãñ ‚ãÌãÔãîÊã º¾ãã•ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 2.3.3. Unrealised Interest recognised in the previous year
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ, •ããñ ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè Öãñ ØㆠÖö. on advances which have become non-performing
during the current year, is provided for.
2.3.4 ‚ããäØãƽããò ‡ãŠãè ¹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ãã/Þãì‡ãŠãõ¦ããè-‡ãŠã¾ãÉ㊽㠇ãñŠ ¹ãì¶ããä¶ããããÃÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ ½ãã½ãÊãñ ½ãò,
2.3.4 In case of restructuring/rescheduling of advances, the
½ãîÊ㠇ãŠÀãÀ ‡ãññŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¼ããÌããè º¾ãã•ã ‡ãñŠ Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ½ãîʾ㠂ããõÀ ÔãâÍããñãä£ã¦ã ‡ãŠÀãÀ difference between the present value of the future
‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¼ããÌããè º¾ãã•ã ‡ãñŠ Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ½ãîʾ㠇ãñŠ ºããèÞ㠇ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãÀ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠinterest as per the original agreement and the present
¹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ãã/¹ãì¶ããä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ Ôã½ã¾ã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. value of the future interest as per the revised
agreement is provided for at the time of restructuring/
2.4 ãäÌãªñÍã ãäÔ©ã¦ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã rescheduling.
2.4.1 ‚ããäØãƽããò ‡ãŠã ÞããÀ Ñãñãä¥ã¾ããò ½ãò „Ôããè ¹ãƇãŠãÀ ÌãØããê‡ãŠÀ¥ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ •ãõÔãã 2.4 Foreign Offices
¼ããÀ¦ã ãäÔ©ã¦ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ¾ã㠕ãã¦ãã Öõ. 2.4.1 Advances are classified under four categories in line
2.4.2 Ô©ãã¶ããè¾ã ‡ãŠã¶ãî¶ã ¾ãã ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ½ãã¶ãªâ¡ãò ½ãò Ôãñ •ããñ ¼ããè ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ ©ãã, with those of Indian Offices.
„Ôã‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ããäØãƽããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö. 2.4.2 Provisions in respect of non-performing advances are
made as per the local law or as per the norms of
3. ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã RBI, whichever is higher.
3.1 ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã 3 Ñãñãä¥ã¾ããò, ‚ã©ããæãá `̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øã†', `ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã 3. Investments
‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ„¹ãÊ㺣ã' ‚ããõÀ `¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øã†' ½ãò ÌãØããê‡ãŠÀ¥ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã 3.1 Investments are classified into 3 categories, viz.
Øã¾ãã Öõ. ‘Held for Trading’, ‘Available for Sale’ and ‘Held
ƒ¶ã Ñãñãä¥ã¾ããò ½ãò ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãì¶ã: ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ to Maturity’ :
œÖ Ôã½ãîÖãò ½ãò ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ : Under each of these categories, investments are
further classified under following six groups :
i) ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀãè ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããú
i) Government Securities
ii) ‚㶾㠂ã¶ãì½ããñã䪦㠹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããú
iii) Íãñ¾ãÀ ii) Other Approved Securities
iv) ã䡺ãòÞãÀ ‚ããõÀ ºããâ¡ iii) Shares
v) ‚ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããò /Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã „²ã½ããò ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ¦ã©ãã iv) Debentures and Bonds
vi) ‚㶾ã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã v) Investments in Subsidiaries/Joint Ventures and
3.1.1 „¶ã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãñ `̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øã†'' Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã vi) Other Investments
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ •ããñ ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀ㠂ãʹããÌããä£ã ½ãîʾã/º¾ãã•ã-ªÀ Üã›-ºãü¤ ‡ãŠã ¹ãŠã¾ãªã „Ÿã‡ãŠÀ 3.1.1 Investments that are acquired by the Bank with the
̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ‚ããä¼ã¹ãÆã¾ã Ôãñ ‚ããä¼ãØãðÖãè¦ã ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö. †ñÔãñ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãñ intention to trade by taking advantage of short term
‚ããä¼ãØãÆ֥㠇ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã Ôãñ 90 ã䪶㠦ã‡ãŠ ƒÔã Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ÀŒã㠕ãã¦ãã Öõ. price /interest rate movement are classified under
`Held for Trading'. These investments are held under
3.1.2 „¶ã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãñ `¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øã†' Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã this category upto 90 days from the date of acquisition.
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ãä•ã¶Öò ¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ãã ¦ã‡ãŠ ÀŒã㠕ãã¦ãã Öõ. 3.1.2 Investments which are intended to be held up to
3.1.3 ãä•ã¶ã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãñ „¹ã¾ãìÇ㋦㠽ãò Ôãñ ãä‡ãŠÔããè †‡ãŠ Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã maturity are classified as ‘Held to Maturity’.
¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ, „¶Öò `ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ„¹ãÊ㺣ã' ‡ãŠãè Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ¹ã 3.1.3 Investments which are not classified in either of the
½ãò ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. above categories are classified as ‘Available for Sale’.
3.2 ½ãîʾã¶ã 3.2 Valuation
3.2.1 ãä‡ãŠÔããè ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠãè ‚ããä¼ãØãÆÖ¥ã-ÊããØã¦ã ‡ãŠã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ½ãò: 3.2.1 In determining the acquisition cost of an investment:
(‡ãŠ) ‚ããä¼ãªã¶ããò ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆ㹦㠪ÊããÊããè/‡ãŠ½ããèÍã¶ã ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ÊããØã¦ã ½ãò Ôãñ (a) Brokerage/commission received on subscriptions is
Üã›ã ã䪾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. deducted from the cost of securities.


C98 K98
(Œã) ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ããä¼ãØãÆ֥㠇ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò Ôã⪧㠪ÊããÊããè, ‡ãŠ½ããèÍã¶ã ‚ããõÀ ԛãâ¹ã- (b) Brokerage, commission and stamp duty paid in
Íãìʇ㊠‡ãŠãñ Àã•ãÔÌã ̾ã¾ã ½ãã¶ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. connection with acquisition of securities are treated
as revenue expenses.
(Øã) ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ããä¼ãØãÆ֥㠇ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ¦ã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆãñªá¼ãî¦ã º¾ãã•ã ‚ã©ããæãá Œãâã䡦ã-
(c) Interest accrued upto the date of acquisition of
‚ãÌããä£ã º¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠãñ ‚ããä¼ãØãÆÖ¥ã-ÊããØã¦ã ½ãò Íãããä½ãÊ㠶㠇ãŠÀ‡ãñŠ º¾ãã•ã ̾ã¾ã ‡ãñŠ securities i.e. broken-period interest, is excluded
¹㠽ãò Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããñ⠇ãŠñ ãäÌã‡ãŠÆ¾ã ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆ㹦㠌ãâã䡦ã- from the acquisition cost and recognized as interest
‚ãÌããä£ã º¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠãñ º¾ãã•ã ‚ãã¾ã ‡ãŠñ ¹㠽ãñâ Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. expense. Broken-period interest received on sale of
(Üã) ÊããØã¦ã ‡ãŠã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ¼ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ããõÔã¦ã ÊããØã¦ã ¹ãÆ¥ããÊããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. securities is recognized as interest income.
(Ý) ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã (†‡ãŠ Ñãñ¥ããè Ôãñ ‚㶾ã Ñãñ¥ããè ½ãò) ‡ãŠãñ ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã (d) Cost is determined on the weighted average cost
‡ãŠãñ ‡ãŠ½ã Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã ‚ããä¼ãØãÆÖ¥ã ÊããØã¦ã / ºãÖãè ½ãîʾã / ºãã•ããÀ ½ãîʾ㠇ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ
(e) The transfer of a security (from one category to
ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ¦ã©ã㠆ñÔãñ ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã ¹ãÀ Öì† ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã, ¾ããäª Öãñ
another) is accounted for at the least of acquisition
¦ããñ, ‡ãŠãñ ‡ãŠ›ãõ¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò Êãã¼ã ‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãã - `ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ cost/book value/market value on the date of transfer
¹ãì¶ã½ãîÃʾããâ‡ãŠ¶ã ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ã' ½ãò ¹ãƼãããäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. and the depreciation, if any, on such transfer is
3.2.2 `̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øã†' Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ ãäԉ㊹ã, charged to Profit and Loss Account - “Profit on
Revaluation of Investments” as a deduction.
‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã¶ã, ºãÖãè-½ãîʾ㠾ãã ºãã•ããÀ-½ãîʾã Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
3.2.2 Individual scrips classified under ‘Held for Trading‘
¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã¶ã ãäԉ㊹ãÌããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ ÌãØããê‡ãŠÀ¥ã
category are valued at lower of book value or market
‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã/½ãîʾãÌãðãä® ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ãîãäÖ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ ÌãØããê‡ãŠÀ¥ã value. Securities are valued scrip-wise and
‡ãŠñ ãä¶ãÌãÊã ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã, ¾ããäª Öãñ ¦ããñ, ‡ãŠã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ, •ãºããä‡ãŠ depreciation/appreciation is aggregated for each
ãä¶ãÌãÊã ½ãîʾãÌãðãä® ‡ãŠãñ Íãããä½ãÊã ¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ãäԉ㊹ããò ‡ãŠã ºãÖãè ½ãîʾã classification. Net depreciation in each classification,
ãä¶ãÀâ¦ãÀ ‚ã¹ããäÀÌããä¦ãæã ÀÖã Öõ. if any, is provided for while net appreciation is
ignored. The book value of the scrips continue to
3.2.3 `¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øã†' (†Þã›ã膽ã) Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠂ãã¶ãñÌããÊãñ remain unchanged.
ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠãñ ‚ããä¼ãØãÆÖ¥ã-ÊããØã¦ã ¹ãÀ ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. •ãÖãú ‡ãŠÖãé ºãÖãè-½ãîʾã 3.2.3 Investments under ‘Held to Maturity’ (HTM) category
‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ½ãîʾã/¹ãÆãä¦ãªã¶ã ½ãîʾã Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ Öãñ¦ãã Öõ, ‚㶾ã Ñãñ¥ããè Ôãñ ‚ããä¼ãØãÆÖ¥ã are carried at acquisition cost. Wherever the book
¾ã㠂ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãèãä½ã¾ã½ã ‡ãŠãñ ÌãÖãú ãä¶ã¾ã¦ã ‚ãã¾ã ¹ã®ãä¦ã (ÔããèÌããƒÃ†½ã) ‡ãñŠ value is higher than the face value/redemption value,
¹ãƾããñØã ´ãÀã ºãÞããè ÖìƒÃ ¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠂ãÌããä£ã ½ãò ¹ããäÀÍããñãä£ã¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. the premium on acquisition or on transfer from
another category is amortised over the remaining
¹ããäÀÍããñãä£ã¦ã Öããä¶ã ‡ãŠãñ ‡ãŠ›ãõ¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò Êãã¼ã ‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãã - `ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò
period to maturity of the security using Constant
‡ãñŠ ¹ãì¶ã½ãîÃʾããâ‡ãŠ¶ã ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ã' ½ãò ¹ãƼãããäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ºãÖãè Yield Method (CYM). Amortisation loss is charged
½ãîʾ㠇ãŠãñ ¹ããäÀÍããñãä£ã¦ã ÀããäÍ㠇ãŠãè ½ãã¨ãã ¦ã‡ãŠ ‡ãŠ½ã ÀŒãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. to Profit and Loss Account - “Profit on Revaluation
3.2.4 `ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ„¹ãÊ㺣ã' Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠂ãã¶ãñÌããÊãñ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã¶ã - ÊããØã¦ã of Investments” as a deduction. The book value of
the security is reduced to the extent of the amount
¾ãã ºãã•ããÀ- ½ãîʾ㠽ãò, •ããñ ¼ããè ‡ãŠ½ã ©ãã, ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. •ãÖãú ºãã•ããÀ- amortised.
¼ããÌ㠄¹ãÊ㺣㠶ãÖãé ©ãã, ÌãÖãú ƒÔã ¹ãƾããñ•ã¶ã Öñ¦ãì ºãã•ããÀ-½ãîʾ㠇ãŠãè Øã¥ã¶ãã
3.2.4 Investments under ‘Available for Sale’ category are
ÌãÔãîÊããè¾ããñؾ㠺ãã•ããÀ ½ãîʾ㠇ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¾ãÖ ÌãÔãîÊããè¾ããñؾã valued at cost or market value, whichever is lower.
ºãã•ããÀ ½ãîʾã - Øã¥ã¶ãã ãä¹ãŠ‡ã‹Ô¡ ƒ¶ã‡ãŠ½ã ½ã¶ããè ½ãã‡ãóŠ› †â¡ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã Where market quotations are not available, market
†ÔããñãäÔã†Íã¶ã ‚ããù¹ãŠ ƒâã䡾ãã (†¹ãŠ‚ãテ½ã†½ã¡ãè†) / ¹ãÆヽãÀãè ¡ãèÊãÔãà value for this purpose is arrived at on the basis of
†ÔããñãäÔã†Íã¶ã ‚ããù¹ãŠ ƒâã䡾ãã (¹ããè¡ã膂ããƒÃ) / ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã- realizable market price computed as per the guidelines
ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öõ. ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã¶ã ãäԉ㊹ãÌããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã of the Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives
Association of India (FIMMDA) / Primary Dealers
Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ ÌãØããê‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊã†, ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã/½ãîʾãÌãðãä® ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ãîãäÖ¦ã Association of India (PDAI) / RBI. Securities are
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ ÌãØããê‡ãŠÀ¥ã ½ãò ãä¶ãÌãÊã ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã, ¾ããäª Öãñ ¦ããñ, ‡ãŠã valued scrip-wise and depreciation/appreciation is
¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ •ãºããä‡ãŠ ãä¶ãÌãÊã ½ãîʾãÌãðãä® ‡ãŠãñ Íãããä½ãÊã ¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã aggregated for each classification. Net depreciation in
Øã¾ãã Öõ. ãäԉ㊹ããò ‡ãŠã ºãÖãè-½ãîʾã ãä¶ãÀâ¦ãÀ ‚ã¹ããäÀÌããä¦ãæã ÀÖ¦ãã Öõ. each classification, if any, is provided for while net
appreciation is ignored. The book value of the scrips
3.2.5 Àã•ãÔÌã ãäºãÊããò ‚ããõÀ Ìãããä¥ãã䕾ã‡ãŠ ¹ã¨ããò ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã¶ã ÊããØã¦ã - ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã continues to remain unchanged.
Øã¾ãã Öõ. 3.2.5 Treasury Bills and Commercial Papers are valued
3.2.6 ‚ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããò ‚ããõÀ Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã „²ã½ããò (¼ããÀ¦ã ‚ããõÀ ãäÌãªñÍã ªãñ¶ããò ½ãò) ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò at cost.
‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã¶ã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãè ÀããäÍã, ¾ããäª ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ©ããè, ¦ããñ „Ôãñ Üã›ã¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ºã㪠3.2.6 Investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures (both
‚ãÌããä£ãØã¦ã ÊããØã¦ã ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. in India and abroad) are valued at historical cost after
netting off provisions, if any.
3.2.7 ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò⠇ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ
3.2.7 Non-Performing Investments are recognised as per
ãäÞããä¶Ö¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ „¶ã ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ããäØãƽããò⠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠRBI guidelines and provision is made as per RBI
ÊããØãî ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ½ãã¶ãªâ¡ãñ ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. norms applicable to Non-Performing Advances.
3.2.8 àãñ¨ããè¾ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠãñ (‚ããÀ‚ããÀºããè) ‡ãñŠ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã¶ã ÀŒããÌã ÊããØã¦ã 3.2.8 Investments in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) are
(‚ã©ããæ㠺ãÖãè-½ãîʾã) ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. valued at carrying cost (i.e. book value)

3.3 ãäÀ¹ããñ ¦ã©ãã ¹ãƦ¾ããÌããä¦ãæã ãäÀ¹ããñ Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã [¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ÞãÊããä¶ããä£ã 3.3 The Bank has adopted the Uniform Accounting
Procedure prescribed by the RBI for accounting of
Ôã½ãã¾ããñ•ã¶ã ÔãìãäÌã£ãã (†Êㆆ¹ãŠ) ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãÊããÌãã] ‡ãŠãñ ÊãñŒãñ Repo and Reverse Repo transactions [other than
½ãò Êãñ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã Ôã½ãã¶ã ÊãñŒãã transactions under the Liquidity Adjustment facility
¹ãÆãä‰ãŠ¾ã㠇ãŠãñ ‚ã¹ã¶ãã¾ãã Öõ. ¦ãª¶ãìÁ¹ã, ãäÀ¹ããñ/¹ãƦ¾ããÌããä¦ãæã ãäÀ¹ããñ ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã/ (LAF) with the RBI]. Accordingly, the securities sold/


C99 K99
‰ãŠ¾ã ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããñ⠇ãŠãñ †‡ãŠ½ãìͦã ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã /‰ãŠ¾ã ½ãã¶ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ purchased under Repo/Reverse Repo are treated as
„¶Öò ãäÀ¹ããñ/¹ãƦ¾ããÌããä¦ãæã ãäÀ¹ããñ Œãã¦ããò ‡ãñŠ ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ¦ã©ãã ¹ãÆãäÌããäӛ¾ããò outright sales/ purchases and accounted for in the
Repo/Reverse Repo Accounts and the entries are
‡ãŠã ¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ãã ãä¦ããä©ã ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãƦ¾ããÌã¦ãöã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ÊããØã¦ã †Ìãâ Àã•ãÔÌã
reversed on the date of maturity. Costs and revenues
‡ãŠãñ ¾ã©ãããäÔ©ããä¦ã º¾ãã•ã ̾ã¾ã/‚ãã¾ã ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ãäÀ¹ããñ/ are accounted as interest expenditure/income, as the
¹ãƦ¾ããÌããä¦ãæã ãäÀ¹ããñ Œãã¦ãñ ‡ãŠãè ÍãñÓã ÀããäÍ㠇ãŠã Ôã½ãã¾ããñ•ã¶ã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ‡ãŠãè case may be. Balance in Repo/Reverse Repo Account
ÍãñÓã ÀããäÍ㠇ãñŠ Ôãã¹ãñàã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. is adjusted against the balance in the Investment
¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ÞãÊããä¶ããä£ã Ôã½ãã¾ããñ•ã¶ã ÔãìãäÌã£ãã (†Êㆆ¹ãŠ) Account.
‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ‰ãŠ¾ã /ãäºã‰ãŠãè ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò ¶ãã½ãñ/ Securities purchased/sold under LAF with RBI are
debited/credited to Investment Account and reversed
•ã½ãã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ „¶ã‡ãŠãñ Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ‡ãŠãè ¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ‡ãŠãñ
on maturity of the transaction. Interest expended/
¹ãÀ ¹ãƦ¾ããÌããä¦ãæã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. „¶ã ¹ãÀ ‚ããä•ãæ㠺¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠãñ ̾ã¾ã/Àã•ãÔÌã earned thereon is accounted for as expenditure/
‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. revenue.

4. ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã : 4. Derivatives :
Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ½ãò ºãö‡ãŠ º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã, ‚ã©ããæãá Á¹ã¾ãã º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã, ¹ãÀÔ¹ãÀ The Bank presently deals in Interest Rate Derivatives
viz.Rupee Interest Rate Swaps, Cross Currency Interest Rate
½ãì³ã º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ‚ããõÀ Ìãã¾ãªã ªÀ ‡ãŠÀãÀ ¦ã©ãã ½ãì³ã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠂ã©ããæãá ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã
Swaps and Forward Rate Agreements, and Currency
‚ããõÀ ½ãì³ã Ìãã¾ãªã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã, ‡ãŠã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ. ºãö‡ãŠ ÔãâÀÞã¶ããØã¦ã „¦¹ã㪠ÔãâãäÌã¼ããØã Derivatives viz. Options and Currency Forwards. The Bank
‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ƒ¶ã Ôãã½ã㶾ã ãä½ããäÑã¦ã ãäÊãŒã¦ããò ‡ãŠã ¼ããè Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ. also deals in a mix of these generic instruments, under the
4.1 ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠã ½ãîʾã¶ã ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ portfolio of Structured Products.
¹ãÀ ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ: 4.1 Based on RBI guidelines, Derivatives are valued as
under :
‡ãŠ) ̾ãã¹ããÀ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãƾãì‡ã‹¦ã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠãñ ºãã•ããÀ-½ãîʾ㠂ã¶ãìÔããÀ ºãÖãè ½ãò
a) Derivatives used for trading are marked to market and
‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ¦ã©ãã ãä¶ãÌãÊã ½ãîʾãÌãðãä®/½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãŠãñ Êãã¼ã ‚ããõÀ net appreciation/ depreciation is recognised in the
Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. Profit and Loss Account.
Œã) ¹ãÆãä¦ãÀàã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãƾãì‡ã‹¦ã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠãñ : b) Derivatives used for hedging are :
i) „¶ã ãäÔ©ããä¦ã¾ããò ½ãò ºãã•ããÀ-½ãîʾ㠂ã¶ãìÔããÀ ºãÖãè ½ãò ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã i) Marked to market in cases where the underlying
Öõ, •ãÖãú ‚ãã£ããÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò/ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‡ãŠãñ ºãã•ããÀ-½ãîʾ㠂ã¶ãìÔããÀ ºãÖãè Assets/Liabilities are marked to market. The
½ãò ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ã㠕ãã¶ãã Öõ. ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ããè Êãã¼ã/Öããä¶ã ‡ãŠãñ Êãã¼ã ‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã resultant gain/loss is recognised in the Profit &
Loss Account.
Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò ãäÞããä¶Ö¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
ii) Accounted on accrual basis in cases where the
ii) „¶ã ãäÔ©ããä¦ã¾ããò ½ãò ¹ãÆãñªá¼ãî¦ã ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ, •ãÖãú underlying Assets/Liabilities are not marked to
‚ãã£ããÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò/ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‡ãŠãñ ºãã•ããÀ-½ãîʾ㠂ã¶ãìÔããÀ ºãÖãè ½ãò ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã market.
¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ã㠕ãã¶ãã Öõ. The net outstanding marked to market position of
¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãñŠ ºãã•ããÀ-½ãîʾ㠇ãŠãè ãä¶ãÌãÊã ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãŠãñ, each type of derivative is shown either under Asset
or Liability, as the case may be.
¾ã©ãããäÔ©ããä¦ã, ‚ãããäԦ㠾ãã ªñ¾ã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ã䪌ãã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
5. Fixed Assets and Depreciation
5. ‚ãÞãÊ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú ‚ããõÀ ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã
5.1 Premises and other fixed assets are accounted on
5.1 ¹ããäÀÔãÀ ‚ããõÀ ‚㶾㠂ãÞãÊ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ‚ãÌããä£ãØã¦ã ÊããØã¦ã ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ÊãñŒãñ historical cost basis.
½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. 5.2 Depreciation is provided on the written down
5.2 ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãŠã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ÖÆããäÔã¦ã ½ãîʾ㠹ã®ãä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ‚ãã¾ã‡ãŠÀ ãä¶ã¾ã½ããÌãÊããè, value method at the rates prescribed under the
Income Tax Rules, 1962, which are considered
1962 ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ªÀãò ¹ãÀ „Ôããè ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã
appropriate by the management. In respect of
Öõ ãä•ãÔãñ ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ´ãÀ㠄ãäÞã¦ã Ôã½ã¢ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ‡ãŠâ¹¾ãî›Àãò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò, ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã computers, depreciation is provided on straight
‡ãŠã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 33.33% ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠ªÀ ¹ãÀ Ôããè£ããè ‡ãŠ›ãõ¦ããè ¹ãÆ¥ããÊããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ line method @ 33.33% per annum, as per RBI
¹ãÀ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÃÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. Öã¡ÃÌãñ¾ãÀ guidelines. Computer software not forming an
‡ãŠñ ‚ããä¼ã¶¶ã ‚ãâØ㠇ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò ¶ã Íãããä½ãÊ㠇ãŠâ¹¾ãî›À Ôãã¹ã‹›Ìãñ¾ãÀ ‡ãŠã ŒãÀãèª- integral part of hardware is depreciated fully in the
ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠñ ªãõÀã¶ã ¹ãî¥ãæã¾ãã ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. year of purchase.
5.3 Assets costing upto Rs.1000/- are charged off to the
5.3 Á.1000/- (†‡ãŠ ֕ããÀ Á¹ã†) ¦ã‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ÊããØã¦ã ÌããÊããè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ Êãã¼ã
Profit and Loss Account.
‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò ¹ãƼãããäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
5.4 In respect of fixed assets held at Foreign Offices,
5.4 ãäÌãªñÍã ãäÔ©ã¦ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ããò ½ãò £ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ãÞãÊ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãŠã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã depreciation is provided as per the laws/norms of the
Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ªñÍ㠇ãñŠ Ô©ãã¶ããè¾ã ‡ãŠã¶ãî¶ã/½ãã¶ãªâ¡ãò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. respective countries.
5.5 ¹ã›á›ñ ¹ãÀ ãäÊㆠØㆠ¹ããäÀÔãÀãò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò, ¹ã›á›ã-ÀããäÍã ¹ã›á›ñ ‡ãŠãè ‚ãÌããä£ã 5.5 In respect of leasehold premises, the lease amount
‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãì¹㠹ããäÀÍããñãä£ã¦ã ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öõ. is amortised over the period of lease.

6. Assets given on Lease

6. ¹ã›á›ñ ¹ãÀ ªãè ØãƒÃ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú
6.1 In respect of assets given on lease by the Bank on
6.1 ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã 31 ½ããÞãà 2001 ‡ãŠãñ ¾ã㠄ÔãÔãñ ¹ãîÌãà ¹ã›á›ñ ¹ãÀ ªãè ØãƒÃ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò or before 31st March 2001, the value of the assets
‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò ¹ã›á›ñ ¹ãÀ ªãè ØãƒÃ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾ㠂ããõÀ ¹ã›á›ñ ¹ãÀ ªãè •ãã¶ãñÌããÊããè given on lease and the amounts paid as advance for


C100 K100
‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ‚ããäØãƽ㠇ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò Ôã⪧ã ÀããäÍã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ‰ãŠ½ãÍã: ``¹ã›á›ã‡ãðŠ¦ã assets to be given on lease are disclosed as “Leased
‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú'' ‚ããõÀ ``ÞãÊã ÀÖñ ¹ãîâ•ããèØã¦ã ‡ãŠã¾ãà (¹ã›á›ã‡ãðŠ¦ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú)'' ‡ãñŠ ¹ã Assets’’ and “Capital Work-in-progress (Leased
Assets)’’ respectively under fixed assets. Depreciation
½ãò ‚ãÞãÊ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠪Íããþãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãŠã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã is provided on straight line method as per the
‡ã⊹ã¶ããè ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ã, 1956 ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ Ôããè£ããè ‡ãŠ›ãõ¦ããè ¹ãÆ¥ããÊããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ Companies Act, 1956, and the difference between the
¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠¹ã›á›ã Íãìʇ㊠(¹ãîâ•ããè-ÌãÔãîÊããè) †Ìãâ ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã annual lease charge (capital recovery) and the
‡ãŠã ‚ãâ¦ãÀ ‚ããƒÃÔãã膂ããƒÃ ´ãÀ㠕ããÀãè ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¹ã›á›ã depreciation is taken to Lease Equalisation Account
Ôã½ãã¶ããè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. as per the guidelines issued by the ICAI.
6.2 Assets given on lease by the Bank on or after 1st
6.2 ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã 1 ‚ã¹ãÆõÊã 2001 ‡ãŠãñ ¾ã㠄Ôã‡ãñŠ ¹ãÍÞãã¦ãá ¹ã›á›ñ ¹ãÀ ªãè ØãƒÃ April 2001 are accounted as per Accounting Standard
‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú ‚ããƒÃÔãã膂ããƒÃ ´ãÀ㠕ããÀãè ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ 19 (¹ã›á›ã) ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ 19 (Leases) issued by the ICAI. Such assets are
ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò Êããè ØãƒÃ Öõâ . ¾ãñ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú ``‚㶾㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú'' ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã Íãããä½ãÊã included under “Other Assets’’.
‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öö. 6.3 Provisions on non-performing leased assets are made
6.3 ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ¹ã›á›ã‡ãðŠ¦ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã, ‚ããäØãƽããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÊããØãî ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã on the basis of RBI guidelines applicable to advances.
ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö. 7. Impairment of Assets
Impairment losses (if any), are recognized in accordance
7. ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¹ãÔãã½ã㶾ã¦ãã with Accounting Standard-28 issued by the ICAI and
‚ã¹ãÔãã½ã㶾ã Öããä¶ã¾ããò (¾ããäª Öãñ ¦ããñ) ‡ãŠãñ ‚ããƒÃÔãã膂ããƒÃ ´ãÀ㠕ããÀãè ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ - charged off to Profit and Loss Account.
28 ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÞããä¶Ö¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ Êãã¼ã †Ìãâ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò ¹ãƼãããäÀ¦ã 8. Foreign Currency Transactions
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. 8.1 In conformity with Accounting Standard 11 (The
effects of changes in foreign exchange rates) of the
8. ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã Êãñ¶ã-ªñ¶ã ICAI, Foreign Branches of the Bank and Offshore
8.1 ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã Ôã¶ãªãè ÊãñŒãã‡ãŠãÀ ÔãâÔ©ãã¶ã (‚ããƒÃÔãã膂ããƒÃ) ‡ãñŠ ÊãñŒãã-½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ 11 Banking Units (OBUs) have been classified as Non-
integral Operations and Representative Offices
(ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ªÀ ½ãò „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌ㠇ãŠã ¹ãƼããÌã) ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÁ¹ã ºãö‡ãŠ
classified as Integral Operations.
‡ãŠãè ãäÌãªñÍã ãäÔ©ã¦ã ÍããŒãã‚ããò ‚ããõÀ Ôã½ãì³¹ããÀãè¾ã ºãöãä‡ãâŠØ㠃‡ãŠãƒ¾ããò (‚ããñºããè¾ãî) ‡ãŠãñ
8.2 a) Foreign currency transactions are recorded on
ãä¼ã¶¶ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¹ãÆãä¦ããä¶ããä£ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ããò initial recognition in the reporting currency by
‡ãŠãñ ‚ããä¼ã¶¶ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò ÌãØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. applying to the foreign currency amount the
8.2 ‡ãŠ) ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã Êãñ¶ã-ªñ¶ã ‡ãŠãñ Êãñ¶ã-ªñ¶ã ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ‡ãŠãñ ÔãîãäÞã¦ã ½ãì³ã †Ìãâ exchange rate between the reporting currency
and the foreign currency on the date of
ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ‡ãñŠ ºããèÞã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ªÀ ‡ãŠãè ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ÀããäÍ㠇ãñŠ ¹ãƾããñØã
´ãÀã ÔãîãäÞã¦ã ½ãì³ã ½ãò ¹ãÆãÀâãä¼ã‡ãŠ ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ¹ãÀ ª•ãà ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
b) Foreign currency monetary items are reported
Œã) ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ½ããõã䳇㊠½ãªãò ‡ãŠãè ÔãîÞã¶ãã ¹ãñŠ¡ƒÃ ‡ãŠãè ‚ãâãä¦ã½ã ¦ã¦‡ãŠãÊã ªÀ using the FEDAI closing spot rates.
‡ãñŠ ¹ãƾããñØã Ôãñ ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öõ. c) Exchange differences arising on the settlement
Øã) ½ããõã䳇㊠½ãªãò ‡ãñŠ ãä¶ã¹ã›ã¶ã ½ãò „ªá¼ãî¦ã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ‚ãâ¦ãÀ-ÀããäÍã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ, ãä•ã¶Öò of monetary items at rates different from those
at which they were initially recorded are
¹ãÆãÀâ¼ã ½ãò ãä•ã¶ã ªÀãò ¹ãÀ ãäÀ‡ãŠã¡Ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã ©ã㠄¶ãÔãñ ãä¼ã¶¶ã ªÀãò ¹ãÀ
recognised as income or as expense in the period
‚ãã¾ã ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò ‚ã©ãÌãã ãä•ãÔ㠂ãÌããä£ã ½ãò Ìãñ „¦¹ã¶¶ã Öì† ©ãñ „Ô㠂ãÌããä£ã in which they arise.
½ãò ̾ã¾ã ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
8.3 Non-integral Operations
8.3 ‚ãÔã½ãã‡ãŠãäÊã¦ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã a) All monetary/non-monetary assets and liabilities as
well as contingent liabilities are translated at the
‡ãŠ) Ôã½ãԦ㠽ããõã䳇ãŠ/ØãõÀ½ããõã䳇㊠‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò †Ìãâ ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ¦ã©ã㠂ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò closing rate notified by FEDAI.
‡ãŠãñ ¹ãñŠ¡ƒÃ ´ãÀ㠂ããä£ãÔãîãäÞã¦ã ‚ãâãä¦ã½ã ªÀ ¹ãÀ Á¹ããâ¦ããäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
b) Income and expenditure are translated using the
Œã) ‚ãã¾ã †Ìãâ ̾ã¾ã ‡ãŠã ¹ããâ¦ãÀ¥ã ¹ãñŠ¡ƒÃ ´ãÀ㠂ããä£ãÔãîãäÞã¦ã ãä¦ã½ããÖãè ‚ããõÔã¦ã ªÀ quarterly average rate notified by FEDAI at the end
‡ãñŠ ¹ãƾããñØã Ôãñ Ô㽺㮠ãä¦ã½ããÖãè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ã ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. of the respective quarter.
c) All resulting exchange differences are accumulated
Øã) ãä¶ãÌãÊã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ãä¶ã¹ã›ã¶ã Öãñ¶ãñ ¦ã‡ãŠ Ôã¼ããè ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ããè ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ‚ãâ¦ãÀ- in a separate “Foreign Currency Translation Reserve”
ÀããäÍã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ÔãâÞã¾ã¶ã `ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ¹ããâ¦ãÀ¥ã ‚ããÀãäàããä¦ã' ‡ãñŠ ¹ãð©ã‡ãŠá Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò account till the disposal of the net investment.
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
8.4 Integral Operations
8.4 Ôã½ãã‡ãŠãäÊã¦ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã a) All income and expenditure of integral operations are
‡ãŠ) Ôã½ãã‡ãŠãäÊã¦ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ Ôã½ãԦ㠂ãã¾ã †Ìãâ ̾ã¾ã ‡ãŠãñ Êãñ¶ã-ªñ¶ã ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã recorded at the rates prevalent on the date of
‡ãŠãè Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ªÀãò ¹ãÀ ª•ãà ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. transaction.
b) All foreign currency monetary items are reported
Œã) Ôã¼ããè ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ½ããõã䳇㊠½ãªãò ‡ãŠãè ÔãîÞã¶ãã ¹ãñŠ¡ƒÃ ‡ãŠãè ‚ãâãä¦ã½ã ¦ã¦‡ãŠãÊã ªÀ using the FEDAI closing spot rates.
‡ãñŠ ¹ãƾããñØã Ôãñ ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öõ.
8.5 Forward Exchange Contracts
8.5 Ìãã¾ãªã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ÔãâãäÌãªã†ú In accordance with the guidelines of FEDAI and the
¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ̾ãã¹ããÀãè ÔãâÜã (¹ãñŠ¡ƒÃ) ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ¦ã©ãã ÊãñŒãã provisions of AS -11, net outstanding forward exchange
contracts in each currency are revalued at the Balance
½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ -11 ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ, ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ ½ãì³ã ½ãò Ìãã¾ãªã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã Sheet date at the corresponding forward rates for the
ÔãâãäÌãªã‚ããò ‡ãŠãè ãä¶ãÌãÊã ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ÀããäÍã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¦ãìÊã¶ã-¹ã¨ã ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ‡ãŠãñ ÔãâãäÌãªã residual maturity of the contracts. The difference between


C101 K101
‡ãŠãè ÍãñÓã ¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¦ãª¶ãì¹ããè Ìãã¾ãªã- ªÀãò Ôãñ ¹ãì¶ã½ãîÃʾããâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã the revalued amount and the contracted amount is recognised
Øã¾ãã Öõ. ¹ãì¶ã½ãîÃʾããâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ÀããäÍ㠂ããõÀ ÔãâãäÌãªãØã¦ã ÀããäÍ㠇ãñŠ ºããèÞ㠇ãŠãè ‚ãâ¦ãÀ ÀããäÍã as profit or loss, as the case may be.
‡ãŠãñ Êãã¼ã ¾ãã Öããä¶ã ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò ¾ã©ãããäÔ©ããä¦ã Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. 9. Revenue Recognition
9.1 Income and expenditure are accounted on accrual
9. Àã•ãÔÌã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã basis. In case of Foreign Offices, income is recognised
9.1 ‚ãã¾ã †Ìãâ ̾ã¾ã ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãÆãñªá¼ãÌã¶ã ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ãäÌãªñÍã as per the local laws of the country in which the
ãäÔ©ã¦ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò, ‚ãã¾ã ‡ãŠã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ªñÍã, •ãÖãú respective foreign office is located.
Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ãäÌãªñÍããè ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã ãäÔ©ã¦ã Öõ, ‡ãñŠ Ô©ãã¶ããè¾ã ‡ãŠã¶ãî¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ 9.2 The following items of income are recognised on
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. realization basis:
(a) Commission (other than commission on deferred
9.2 ‚ãã¾ã ‡ãŠãè ãä¶ã½¶ããäÊããäŒã¦ã ½ãªãò ‡ãŠã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ÌãÔãîÊããè ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ :
payment guarantees and government transactions),
(‡ãŠ) ‡ãŠ½ããèÍã¶ã (‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã ØããÀâã䛾ããò ‚ããõÀ ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀãè Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ¹ãÀ exchange and brokerage.
‡ãŠ½ããèÍã¶ã ‡ãŠãñ œãñü¡‡ãŠÀ), ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ‚ããõÀ ªÊããÊããè (b) Dividend on investments.
(Œã) ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ããâÍã. (c) Income on Rupee Derivatives designated as
(Øã) ``̾ãã¹ããÀ'' ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò ¶ãããä½ã¦ã Á¹ã¾ãã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›Ìããò ¹ãÀ ‚ãã¾ã. “Trading”.
(Üã) ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãè ‚ããÌãñª¶ã ÀããäÍã ¹ãÀ º¾ãã•ã ‚ããõÀ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¹ãÀ ‚ããä¦ãªñ¾ã º¾ãã•ã. (d) Interest on application money on investments
and overdue interest on investments.
9.3 ‚ãã¾ã ‡ãŠãè ãä¶ã½¶ããäÊããäŒã¦ã ½ãªãò ‡ãŠã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã „¶ã‡ãŠãè ÌãÔãîÊããè ½ãò ‡ãŠã¹ãŠãè ‚ããä¶ããäÍÞã¦ã¦ãã
9.3 The following items of income are recognised on
Öãñ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ‡ãŠãÀ¥ã ÌãÔãîÊããè ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ :
realisation basis, owing to significant uncertainty in
(‡ãŠ) ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ããäØãƽããò, ‚ããä¦ãªñ¾ã ãäºãÊããò ‚ããõÀ ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ¹ã›á›ã‡ãðŠ¦ã collection thereof:
‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ‚ãã¾ã (a) Income on non-performing advances, Overdue
(Œã) ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¹ãÀ º¾ãã•ã. bills and non-performing leased assests
(b) Interest on non-performing investments.
9.4 `¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øã†' (†Þã›ã膽ã) Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¹ãÀ ‚ãã¾ã
‡ãŠãñ (º¾ãã•ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãÊããÌãã), ãä•ãÔãñ ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ½ãîʾ㠽ãò ºã›á›ã-ÀããäÍã ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆ㹦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã 9.4 Income (other than interest) on investments in “Held
to Maturity” (HTM) category acquired at a discount
Øã¾ãã Öõ, ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ: to the face value, is recognised as follows :
9.4.1 ‡ãŠ) º¾ãã•ãÌããÊããè ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ƒÔãñ ‡ãñŠÌãÊã ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã/Íããñ£ã¶ã ‡ãñŠ Ôã½ã¾ã Öãè a) On Interest bearing securities, it is recognised
Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. only at the time of sale / redemption.
Œã) º¾ãã•ãÀãä֦㠹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ, ƒÔãñ ãä¶ã¾ã¦ã ‚ãã¾ã ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã b) On zero-coupon securities, it is accounted for
‡ãŠãè ÍãñÓ㠂ãÌããä£ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÊãñŒãñ ½ãò ãäÊã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. over the balance tenor of the security on a
constant yield basis.
9.4.2 ƒÔã Ñãñ¥ããè ‡ãñŠ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ã ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãÖÊãñ Êãã¼ã †Ìãâ Öããä¶ã
9.4.1 Profit on sale of investments in this category is first
Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò •ã½ãã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¦ã¦¹ãÍÞãã¦ãá ƒÔãñ `¹ãîâ•ããèØã¦ã ‚ããÀãäàã¦ã ãä¶ããä£ã credited to the Profit & Loss Account and thereafter
Œãã¦ãã' ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã¾ããñãä•ã¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ¹ãÀ Öããä¶ã ‡ãŠãñ Êãã¼ã †Ìãâ appropriated to the “Capital Reserve Account”. Loss
Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. on sale is recognised in the Profit & Loss Account.

10. ÔãñÌãã-ãä¶ãÌãðãä§ã-Êãã¼ã 10. Retirement Benefits

10.1 Contributions payable to the Bank’s Provident Fund
10.1 ¼ããäÌãÓ¾ã ãä¶ããä£ã ¾ããñ•ã¶ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ¼ããäÌãÓ¾ã ãä¶ããä£ã ¶¾ããÔ㠇ãñŠ
Trust in terms of its Provident Fund Scheme are
ãäÊㆠªñ¾ã ‚ãâÍãªã¶ã ¹ãÆãñªá¼ãÌã¶ã ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ã ‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò Íãããä½ãÊã charged to Profit and Loss account on accrual basis.
ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö. 10.2 Liability for gratuity, pension and leave encashment
10.2 ØãÆñÞ¾ãì›ãè, ¹ãòÍã¶ã ‚ããõÀ ‚ãÌã‡ãŠãÍã ¶ã‡ãŠªãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã (•ããñ ãäÖ¦ãÊãã¼ã ‡ãñŠ ¹㠽ãò (which are defined benefits) is determined on the
¹ããäÀ¼ãããäÓã¦ã Öõâ) ‡ãŠã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ã ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÌããÔ¦ããäÌã‡ãŠ ½ãîʾã¶ããò basis of actuarial valuations carried out at the year
end and the incremental liability is provided for by
‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ Ìãðãä®ÍããèÊã ªñ¾ã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÊãã¼ã †Ìãâ charging to the Profit and Loss Account.
Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò Íãããä½ãÊ㠇ãŠÀ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ.
11. Provision for Taxation
11. ‡ãŠÀ-ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã Provision for tax comprises of current tax for the period
‡ãŠÀ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã - ƒÔã Ôã⪼ãà ½ãò ¹ãÆãÔãâãäØã‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã¶ãî¶ã ´ãÀã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã Ôã½ã¾ããÌããä£ã determined in accordance with the relevant laws, fringe
Öñ¦ãì Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÖõ ‚ããõÀ ‚ã¶ãìÓãâØããè Êãã¼ã-‡ãŠÀ †Ìã⠂ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ-¹ãƼããÀ benefit tax and deferred tax charge or credit reflecting the
tax effects of timing differences between accounting income
¾ãã ¨ãɥ㠄‡ã‹¦ã ‚ãÌããä£ã Öñ¦ãì ÊãñŒã㠂ãã¾ã ‚ããõÀ ‡ãŠÀ-¾ããñؾ㠂ãã¾ã ½ãò Ôã½ã¾ã ¹ãã©ãÇ㋾ã and taxable income for the period, in conformity with
‡ãñŠ ‡ãŠãÀ¥ã ‡ãŠÀ-¹ãƼããÌã ½ãò ãä¼ã¶¶ã¦ã㠇ãŠãñ ÀñŒããâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ •ããñ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã Ôã¶ãªãè ÊãñŒãã‡ãŠãÀ Accounting Standard 22 (Accounting for taxes on income)
ÔãâÔ©ãã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ 22 (‚ãã¾ã ¹ãÀ ‡ãŠÀ ÊãñŒãã - ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã) ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÁ¹ã Öõ. of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The
‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ¹ãƼããÀ ¾ãã ¨ãɥ㠂ããõÀ ¦ãª¶ãì¹ããè ‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ-ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ¾ã㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò deferred tax charge or credit and the corresponding deferred
‡ãŠãñ ‡ãŠÀ ‡ãŠãè †ñÔããè ªÀãò ‡ãŠã „¹ã¾ããñØ㠇ãŠÀ‡ãñŠ ãäÞããä¶Ö¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ •ããñ ¦ãìÊã¶ã-¹ã¨ã tax liabilities or assets are recognized using the tax rates
that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the
‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ‡ãŠãñ ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ã ½ãò ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ¾ãã ½ãîÊã ¹㠽ãò ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ©ããè. •ãºã ¦ã‡ãŠ balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are not recognized
¾ãÖ ¹ãî¥ãà Á¹ã Ôãñ Ôãìãä¶ããäÍÞã¦ã ¶ãÖãé Öãñ Øã¾ãã Öõ ãä‡ãŠ ‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã-‡ãŠÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè unless there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable
ÌãÔãîÊããè ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¼ããäÌãӾ㠽ãò ¹ã¾ããù¦ã ‡ãŠÀ-¾ããñؾ㠂ãã¾ã „¹ãÊ㺣ã ÖãñØããè - ¦ãºã ¦ã‡ãŠ income will be available against which such deferred tax
‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ½ã㶾ã¦ãã ¶ãÖãé ªãè ØãƒÃ Öõ. assets will be realized.


C102 K102
‚ã¶ãìÔãîÞããè 18 Schedule - 18
ÊãñŒãã-ã䛹¹ããä¥ã¾ããú NOTES ON ACCOUNTS
ÀããäÍ㠇ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã¾ããò ½ãò Amount in Rupees in Crores
18.1. Capital :
18.1. ¹ãîâ•ããè
The Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio as assessed by the Bank on the
ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀ㠕ããñãäŒã½ã ¼ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ãããäԦ㠂ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã ‡ãŠãè ¹ãîâ•ããè ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾããâ‡ãŠ¶ã ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ‚ããõÀ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã basis of the financial statements and guidelines issued by RBI is given below:
•ããÀãè ãäªÍãã - ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ : As at As at
½ãªò 31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè Items 31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio - Overall 12.34% 11.88%
Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio - Tier I 8.01% 9.36%
•ããñãäŒã½ã ¼ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ãããäԦ㠂ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã ‡ãŠãè ¹ãîâ•ããè - ‡ãìŠÊã 12.34% 11.88%
Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio - Tier II 4.33% 2.52%
•ããñãäŒã½ã ¼ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ãããäԦ㠂ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã ‡ãŠãè ¹ãîâ•ããè - Ñãñ¥ããè - I 8.01% 9.36% Shareholding of the Government of India Nil Nil
•ããñãäŒã½ã ¼ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ãããäԦ㠂ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã ‡ãŠãè ¹ãîâ•ããè - Ñãñ¥ããè - II 4.33% 2.52% Amount of Subordinated Debt raised as
¼ããÀ¦ã ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀ ‡ãŠãè Íãñ¾ãÀ£ãããäÀ¦ãã Íãã Íãã Tier-II capital during the year 9442.90 3283.00
18.2. Hybrid Bonds :
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã Ñãñ¥ããè II ¹ãîâ•ããè ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò „ØããÖñ ØㆠØããõ¥ã
During the year, the Bank has raised USD 400 million (Rs.1738.80 crores as on
¨ãɥ㠇ãŠãè ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ÀããäÍã 9442.90 3283.00 31st March 2007) by issuing “SBI Perpetual Non Call 10.25 Years Bonds -
February 2007 issue”, which qualifies for Hybrid Tier I Capital. These bonds
18.2. Ôãâãä½ãÑã ºããâ¡ carry a fixed interest rate for a period of 10.25 years. In case the Bank does not
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ `†Ôãºããè‚ãム¹ãÀ¹ãñÞãì‚ãÊã ¶ããù¶ã-‡ãŠãùÊã 10.25 ÌãÓããê¾ã ºããâ¡ - ¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2007 ƒÍ¾ãî' •ããÀãè ‡ãŠÀ‡ãñŠ exercise its call option by 15.05.2017, the interest rate will be raised and the
400 ãä½ããäÊã¾ã¶ã ‚ã½ãñãäÀ‡ãŠãè ¡ãÊãÀ (31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãñ ãä•ãÔã‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã 1738.80 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† ©ãã) ‡ãŠãè „ØããÖãè ‡ãŠãè - •ããñ fixed rate would be converted into a floating rate. These bonds have been
Ôãâãä½ãÑã Ñãñ¥ããè-1 ¹ãîâ•ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠂ãã¦ãã Öõ. ƒ¶ã ºããâ¡ãò ¹ãÀ 10.25 ÌãÓãà ¦ã‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ‚ãÌããä£ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠãä¶ã¾ã¦ã º¾ãã•ã ªÀ †‡ãŠ listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.
Öãè ÖãñØããè. ¾ããäª 15.05.2017 ¦ã‡ãŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ½ããâØã - ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã ‡ãŠã ¹ãƾããñØã ¶ãÖãé ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ ¦ããñ º¾ãã•ã ªÀò ºã¤ûñâØããè ‚ããõÀ ãä¶ã¾ã¦ã ªÀ 18.3 Subordinated Debt :
- ‚ãÔ©ãã¾ããè ªÀ ½ãò ¹ããäÀÌããä¦ãæã Öãñ •ãã†Øããè. ƒ¶ã ºããâ¡ãò ‡ãŠãñ ãäÔãâØãã¹ãìÀ ԛãù‡ãŠ †‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ã ¹ãÀ ÔãîÞããèºã® ‡ãŠÀã¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. i) The subordinated debts are unsecured, long term, non-convertible and
are redeemable at par. The debt is subordinated to present and future
18.3 Øããõ¥ã ¨ãÉ¥ã senior indebtedness of the Bank and qualifies for Tier II capital.
i) Øããõ¥ã ¨ãÉ¥ã - ‚ã¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãî¦ã, ªãèÜããÃÌããä£ã, ‚ã¹ããäÀÌã¦ãöããè¾ã ¦ã©ãã Ôã½ã½ãîʾ㠹ãÀ ¹ãÆãä¦ãªñ¾ã Öõâ. ƒÔã ¨ãɥ㠇ãŠãñ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ii) The details of outstanding subordinated debt raised through private
placement of bonds are given below :
Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã †Ìãâ ¼ããÌããè ¹ãÆÌãÀ ¨ãÉ¥ãØãÆÔ¦ã¦ãã Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã ÌãÀãè¾ã¦ãã ¹ãÆ㹦ã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¾ãÖ Ñãñ¥ããè II ¹ãîâ•ããè ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠂ãã¦ãã Öõ. Particulars Date of issue Rate of Interest Tenor Equivalent
ii) ºããâ¡ãò ‡ãñŠ ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã Ôãñ „ØããÖñ Øㆠºã‡ãŠã¾ãã Øããõ¥ã ¨ãɥ㠇ãŠã º¾ããñÀã ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ Öõ : (Per annum) Amount
ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ãä¶ãØãýã ã䪶ããâ‡ãŠ ÌãããäÓãÇ㊠º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ‚ãÌããä£ã Ôã½ã¦ãìʾã ÀããäÍã Private Placement
Bonds 2000-2001 01.01.2001 11.90% 87 months 1675.20
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 01.01.2001 11.90% 87 ½ããÖ 1675.20 Private Placement
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 05.12.2005 7.45% 113 ½ããÖ 3283.00 Bonds 2005 05.12.2005 7.45% 113 months 3283.00
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 05.06.2006 8.80% 180 ½ããÖ 2327.90 Private Placement
Bonds 2006 (I) 05.06.2006 8.80% 180 months 2327.90
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 06.07.2006 9.00% 180 ½ããÖs 500.00 Private Placement
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 12.09.2006 8.96% 180 ½ããÖ 600.00 Bonds 2006(II) 06.07.2006 9.00% 180 months 500.00
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 13.09.2006 8.97% 180 ½ããÖ 615.00 Private Placement
Bonds 2006(III) 12.09.2006 8.96% 180 months 600.00
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 15.09.2006 8.98% 180 ½ããÖ 1500.00 Private Placement
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 04.10.2006 8.85% 180 ½ããÖ 400.00 Bonds 2006(IV) 13.09.2006 8.97% 180 months 615.00
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 16.10.2006 8.88% 180 ½ããÖ 1000.00 Private Placement
Bonds 2006(V) 15.09.2006 8.98% 180 months 1500.00
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 17.02.2007 9.37% 180 ½ããÖ 1000.00 Private Placement
ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã ºããâ¡ 21.03.2007 9.85% 111 ½ããÖ 1500.00 Bonds 2006(VI) 04.10.2006 8.85% 180 months 400.00
ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ½ãò Private Placement
Bonds 2006(VII) 16.10.2006 8.88% 180 months 1000.00
‚ã¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãî¦ã ¨ãÉ¥ã 12.04.2000 6.50% 108 ½ããÖ 29.59 Private Placement
¾ããñØã 14430.69 Bonds 2006(VIII) 17.02.2007 9.37% 180 months 1000.00
Private Placement
18.4 ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã Bonds 2006(IX) 21.03.2007 9.85% 111 months 1500.00
ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¦ã©ãã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¹ãÀ Öì† ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌ㠇ãŠã º¾ããñÀã Unsecured Loan in
Foreign Currency 12.04.2000 6.50% 108 months 29.59
ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ Öõ: Total 14430.69
½ãªò 31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè
18.4 Investment
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ
The Details of investments and the movement of provisions held towards
I. ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã depreciation on investments of the Bank are given below :
i) ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã Ôã‡ãŠÊã ½ãîʾã As at As at
(‡ãŠ) ¼ããÀ¦ã ½ãò 144580.01 163430.99 Items 31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006
(Œã) ¼ããÀ¦ã Ôãñ ºããÖÀ 5823.31 5260.01 I. Value of Investments
i) Gross value of Investments
ii) ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã (a) In India 144580.01 163430.99
(‡ãŠ) ¼ããÀ¦ã ½ãò 1243.69 6144.79 (b) Outside India 5823.31 5260.01
(Œã) ¼ããÀ¦ã Ôãñ ºããÖÀ 10.75 11.97 ii) Provisions for Depreciation
iii) ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã ãä¶ãÌãÊã ½ãîʾã (a) In India 1243.69 6144.79
(‡ãŠ) ¼ããÀ¦ã ½ãò 143336.32 157286.20 (b) Outside India 10.75 11.97
iii) Net value of Investments
(Œã) ¼ããÀ¦ã Ôãñ ºããÖÀ 5812.56 5248.04 (a) In India 143336.32 157286.20
II. ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ (b) Outside India 5812.56 5248.04
Øㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌã II. Movement of provisions held towards
depreciation on investments
i) ‚ã©ãÍãñÓã 6156.76 3075.24
i) Opening Balance 6156.76 3075.24
ii) •ããñü¡ñâ : ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 477.20 3925.87 ii) Add: Provisions made during the year 477.20 3925.87
iii) Üã›ã†ú : ‚ããä¦ããäÀ‡ã‹¦ã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã / ¹ãì¶ãÌãÃØããê‡ãŠÀ¥ã iii) Less : Write off/write back of excess
‡ãŠã ‚ã¹ãÊãñŒã¶ã/¹ãÆãä¦ãÊãñŒã¶ã 5379.52 844.35 provision / reclassification 5379.52 844.35
iv) ƒãä¦ã ÍãñÓã 1254.44 6156.76 iv) Closing balance 1254.44 6156.76


C103 K103
¶ããñ› : Notes :
1. ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ½ãò ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ½ãò ÞãÊããä¶ããä£ã Ôã½ãã¾ããñ•ã¶ã ÔãìãäÌã£ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠹ãƾãì‡ã‹¦ã ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ5000.00 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ 1. Investments include securities utilised under Liquidity Adjustment Facility
Á¹ã† (ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà 2000.00 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã†) ‡ãŠãè ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããú Íãããä½ãÊã Öö. with Reserve Bank of India - Rs.5000.00 Crores (Previous year
Rs.2000.00 Crores)
2. ¦ã¦‡ãŠãÊã Ôã‡ãŠÊã ãä¶ã¹ã›ã¶ã (‚ããÀ›ãè•ããè†Ôã)/¦ã¾ãÍãìªã Êãñ¶ã-ªñ¶ã ¹ãÆ¥ããÊããè (†¶ã¡ãè†Ôã) ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ22755.00 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡
2. Investments amounting to Rs.22755.00 Crores (Previous Year Rs.22755.00
Á¹ã† (ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà 22755.00 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã†) ‡ãñŠ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ/ãä‡ã‹Êã¾ããäÀâØ㠇ãŠãÀ¹ããñÀñÍã¶ã ‚ããù¹ãŠ
Crores) are kept as margin with the Reserve Bank of India/Clearing
ƒâã䡾ãã ãäÊã. ½ãò ½ãããä•ãö㠇ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ÀŒãñ ØㆠÖõâ. Corporation of India Ltd. towards Real Time Gross Settlement
3. ‚㶾ã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ½ãò ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ½ãîÊã¼ãî¦ã ÔãìãäÌã£ãã ãäÌã‡ãŠãÔã ãä¶ããä£ã (‚ããÀ‚ããƒÃ¡ã膹ãŠ) •ã½ãã ¾ããñ•ã¶ã㠇ãñŠ ‚㶦ãØãæã ÀãӛÈãè¾ã (RTGS)/NDS.
‡ãðŠãäÓ㠂ããõÀ ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ãäÌã‡ãŠãÔã ºãö‡ãŠ (¶ããºãã¡Ã) ½ãò ÀŒããè 7652.53 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† (ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà 4141.67 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã†) 3. Other investments include deposits with NABARD under the RIDF Deposit
‡ãŠãè •ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú Ôããä½½ããäÊã¦ã Öö. Scheme amounting to Rs.7652.53 Crores (Previous Year Rs. 4141.67 Crores).
4. ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ 14.12.2006 ‡ãŠãñ ¹ããè›ãè ºãö‡ãŠ ƒâ¡ãñ ½ããñ¶ãñ‡ã‹Ôã (¹ããèºããè‚ããƒÃ†½ã) ‡ãñŠ 76% ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀãò ‡ãŠã ‚ããä£ãØãÆÖ¥ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã. 4. On 14.12.2006, the Bank has acquired 76% equity shares of PT Bank Indo
¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ãÔÌãÁ¹ã, „‡ã‹¦ã ã䪶ããâ‡ãŠ Ôãñ ¹ããèºããè‚ããƒÃ†½ã ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã †‡ãŠ ‚ã¶ãìÓãâØããè ºã¶ã Øã¾ãã Öõ. Monex (PBIM). Consequently, PBIM has become a subsidiary of the Bank
since that date.
18.4.1. ãäÀ¹ããñ Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã / Repo Transactions
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ãäÀ¹ããñ ‚ããõÀ ¹ãƦ¾ããÌããä¦ãæã ãäÀ¹ããñ ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ãäºã‰ãŠãè †Ìã⠉㊾㠇ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã º¾ããñÀã ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ Öõ:
The details of securities sold and purchased under repos and reverse repos during the year are given below :

½ãªò / Items ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠñ ªãõÀã¶ã ¶¾ãî¶ã¦ã½ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠñ ªãõÀã¶ã ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ¦ã½ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠñ ªãõÀã¶ã ªõãä¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ããõÔã¦ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ã ½ãò ÍãñÓã ÀããäÍã
ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ÀããäÍã ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ÀããäÍã ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ÀããäÍã
Minimum outstanding Maximum outstanding Daily Average outstanding Balance as on
during the year* during the year during the year* year end
ãääÀ¹ããñ ‡ãŠñ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ãäºã‡ãŠÆãè ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããú 0.00 11873.63 325.38 5000.00
Securities sold under repos (0.00) (9208.00) (365.87) (2100.00)
¹ãƦ¾ããÌããä¦ãæã ãääÀ¹ããñ ‡ãŠñ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ‡ãŠÆ¾ã ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããú 0.00 20512.05 3707.28 0.00
Securities purchased under reverse repos (0.00) (18299.00) (1672.77) (0.00)
(‡ãŠãñӟ‡ãŠãò ½ãñâ ã䪆 Øㆠ‚ããâ‡ãŠ¡ûñ ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠñ Öö / Figures in brackets are for Previous Year)
18.4.2 ØãõÀ ÔããâãäÌããä£ã‡ãŠ ÞãÊããä¶ããä£ã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã (¶ããù¶ã †Ôã†Êã‚ããÀ) ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ÔãâãäÌã¼ããØã
Non-SLR Investment Portfolio
(i) ØãõÀ ÔããâãäÌããä£ã‡ãŠ ÞãÊããä¶ããä£ã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã (¶ããù¶ã †Ôã†Êã‚ããÀ) ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãè ãä¶ãØãýã‡ãŠ¦ããà ÔãâÀÞã¶ãã :
Issuer composition of Non SLR Investments
ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠñ ØãõÀ ÔããâãäÌããä£ã‡ãŠ ÞãÊããä¶ããä£ã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã (¶ããù¶ã †Ôã†Êã‚ããÀ) ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãè ãä¶ãØãýã‡ãŠ¦ããà ÔãâÀÞã¶ãããä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ Öõ :
The issuer composition of non-SLR investments of the Bank is given below :
Ôãâ. ãää¶ãØãýã‡ãŠ¦ããà / Issuer Ôã‡ãŠÊã ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ÀããäÍã ãä¶ã•ããè Ô©ãã¹ã¶ã `ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã Ñãñ¥ããè Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã' `ãäºã¶ãã Àñãä›âØã ÌããÊããè` `‚ãÔãîÞããèØã¦ã'
‡ãŠãè ½ãã¨ãã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããñ⠇ãŠãè ½ãã¨ãã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããñ⠇ãŠãè ½ãã¨ãã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããñ⠇ãŠãè ½ãã¨ãã
No. Gross outstanding Extent of Private Extent of 'Below Invest- Extent of `Unrated' Extent of `Unlisted'
Placement ment Grade' Securities * Securities * Securities *
(i) ÔããÌãÕããä¶ã‡ãŠ àãñ¨ã ‡ãŠñ 5865.49 603.93 132.00 34.11 111.11
„¹ã‡ãŠÆ½ã / PSUs (6195.41) (1123.06) (0.00) (33.27) (299.13)
(ii) ãääÌã§ããè¾ã ÔãâÔ©ãã†ú / FIs 1401.04 1398.36 255.90 108.65 404.54
(1198.25) (1196.87) (0.00) (255.90) (255.90)
(iii) ºãõâ‡ãŠ / Banks 3507.06 2313.53 125.13 0.00 60.00
(3582.62) (2473.95) (93.72) (5.00) (45.00)
(iv) ãää¶ã•ããè ‡ãŠãÀ¹ããñÀñ› 3701.90 757.49 143.59 80.07 110.27
Private Corporates (3666.87) (630.46) (98.42) (601.30) (638.00)
(v) ‚ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããúâ/ Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã „²ã½ã 2611.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Subsidiaries / Joint ventures ** (2449.65) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
(vi) ‚㶾ã / Others 11605.76 8337.63 538.82 513.20 1842.79
(7727.33) (4518.95) (218.48) (456.54) (1391.99)
(vii) ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãŠñ ãäÊㆠÀŒãã Øã¾ãã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 589.79 ÊããØãî ¶ãÖãé/ NA 0.92 ÊããØãî ¶ãÖãé / NA ÊããØãî ¶ãÖãé / NA
Provision held towards
depreciation (465.13) ÊããØãî ¶ãÖãé / NA (1.38) ÊããØãî ¶ãÖãé / NA ÊããØãî ¶ãÖãé / NA
¾ããñØã / Total 28102.72 13410.94 1195.44 736.03 2528.71
ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãÃ/ Previous Year 24355.00 9943.29 410.63 1352.01 2630.02
(‡ãŠãñӟ‡ãŠãò ½ãò ã䪆 Øㆠ‚ããâ‡ãŠü¡ñ ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ Öö / Figures in brackets are for Previous Year)
* ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè, ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè-Ô㽺㮠ãäÊãŒã¦ããò, ‚ãããäÔ¦ã Ôã½ããä©ãæ㠹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã‡ãðŠ¦ã ãäÊãŒã¦ã, ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀãè ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‚ããõÀ ¹ããÔã -©ãÆî-Ôããä›Ããä¹ãŠ‡ãñŠ› ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠãñ ƒ¶ã Ñãñãä¥ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠃ÔããäÊㆠ‚ãÊãØã-‚ãÊãØã ãäÌã¼ã‡ã‹¦ã ¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‡ã‹¾ããòãä‡ãŠ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ
¹ãÆãÔãâãäØã‡ãŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠄‡ã‹¦ã ½ãªñ ¶ãÖãé ‚ãã¦ããè Öõâ.
** ‚ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããò / Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã „ªá¾ã½ããò ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠãñ ãäÌããä¼ã¶¶ã ÌãØããô ½ãò ƒÔããäÊㆠ‚ãÊãØã-‚ãÊãØã ãäÌã¼ã‡ã‹¦ã ¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‡ã‹¾ããòãä‡ãŠ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÔãâãäØã‡ãŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠄‡ã‹¦ã ½ãªñ ¶ãÖãé ‚ãã¦ããè Öâõ.
* Investment in equity, equity linked instruments, asset backed securitised instruments, Govt. securities and pass through certificates have not been segregated
under these categories as these are not covered under relevant RBI guidelines.
** Investments in Subsidiaries/Joint Venture have not been segregated into various categories as these are not covered under relevant RBI guidelines.


C104 K104
ii) ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ØãõÀ ÔããâãäÌããä£ã‡ãŠ ÞãÊããä¶ããä£ã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã (¶ããù¶ã †Ôã†Êã‚ããÀ) ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ii) Non Performing Non-SLR Investments
ãääÌãÌãÀ¥ã ÀããäÍã ÀããäÍã Particulars Amount Amount
2006-07 2005-06 2006-07 2005-06
Opening Balance 254.57 221.97
‚ã©ãÍãñÓã 254.57 221.97
Additions during the year 19.13 93.29
ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠñ ªãõÀã¶ã ¹ããäÀÌã£ãöã 19.13 93.29 Reductions during the year 30.28 60.69
ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠñ ªãõÀã¶ã ‡ãŠ½ããè 30.28 60.69 Closing balance 243.42 254.57
ƒãä¦ã ÍãñÓã 243.42 254.57 Total provisions held 208.68 232.24
ÀŒãñ Øㆠ‡ãŠìÊã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 208.68 232.24 18.5 Derivatives
18.5 ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã 18.5.1 Forward Rate Agreement / Interest Rate Swap
Items As at As at
18.5.1 Ìãã¾ãªã ªÀ ‡ãŠÀãÀ / º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã 31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006
½ãªò / Items 31½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè i) The notional principal of swap agreements 186610.70 97967.93
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ii) Losses which would be incurred if
i) ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ‡ãŠÀãÀãñ⠇ãŠãè ‚ãã¶ãì½ãããä¶ã‡ãŠ ½ãîÊã ÀããäÍã 186610.70 97967.93 counterparties failed to fulfil their
obligations under the agreements 2415.53 671.59
ii) ¹ãÆãä¦ã¹ãàããò ´ãÀ㠇ãŠÀãÀ ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ‚ã¹ã¶ããè ºã㣾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãîÀã
iii) Collateral required by the Bank upon
‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ½ãò ‚ãÔã¹ãŠÊã Öãñ¶ãñ ¹ãÀ Öãñ¶ãñ ÌããÊããè Öããä¶ã¾ããú 2415.53 671.59 entering into swaps Nil Nil
iii) ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ½ãò Íãããä½ãÊã Öãñ¶ãñ ¹ãÀ ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀ㠂ã¹ãñãäàã¦ã Ôãâ¹ãããäÍÌãÇ㊠Íãã Íãã iv) Concentration of credit risk arising
iv) ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã Ôãñ „ªá¼ãî¦ã ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã ‡ãŠã ‡ãñŠ¶³ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ¶ãØ㥾㠶ãØ㥾ã from the swaps Not Significant Not Significant
v) ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã - ºãÖãè ‡ãŠã „ãäÞã¦ã ½ãîʾã 35.41 - 82.52 v) The fair value of the swap book 35.41 - 82.52

18.5.2 ºãã•ããÀ (†‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ã) ½ãò ̾ãã¹ããÀ ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠº¾ãã•ã-ªÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã 18.5.2 Exchange Traded Interest Rate Derivatives
Sr. No. Particulars Current Year Previous Year
‰ãŠ½ã Ôãâ. ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ÀããäÍã ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà 1 Notional principal amount of exchange
1 ºãã•ããÀ (†‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ã) ½ãò ̾ãã¹ããÀ ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠº¾ãã•ã-ªÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠãè traded interest rate derivatives undertaken
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‚ãã¶ãì½ãããä¶ã‡ãŠ ½ãîÊã ÀããäÍã Íãã Íãã during the year Nil Nil
2 31½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãñ ºãã•ããÀ (†‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ã) ½ãò ̾ãã¹ããÀ ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ2 Notional principal amount of exchange
traded interest rate derivatives outstanding
º¾ãã•ã-ªÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠãèºã‡ãŠã¾ã㠂ãã¶ãì½ãããä¶ã‡ãŠ ½ãîÊã ÀããäÍã Íãã Íãã as on 31st March 2007 Nil Nil
3 ºãã•ããÀ (†‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ã) ½ãò ̾ãã¹ããÀ ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠº¾ãã•ã-ªÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠãè 3 Notional principal amount of exchange
‚ãã¶ãì½ãããä¶ã‡ãŠ ½ãîÊã ÀããäÍ㠕ããñ ºã‡ãŠã¾ã㠂ããõÀ `‚㦾ããä£ã‡ãŠ ¹ãƼããÌããè' ¶ãÖãè Öõ Íãã Íãã traded interest rate derivatives outstanding
4 ºãã•ããÀ (†‡ã‹ÔãÞãò•ã) ½ãò ̾ãã¹ããÀ ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠº¾ãã•ã-ªÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠã and not `highly effective' Nil Nil
‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ºãã•ããÀ ½ãîʾ㠕ããñ ºã‡ãŠã¾ã㠂ããõÀ `‚㦾ããä£ã‡ãŠ ¹ãƼããÌããè' ¶ãÖãè Öõ Íãã Íãã 4 Marked-to-market value of exchange traded
interest rate derivatives outstanding and not
‘highly effective’. Nil Nil
18.5.3 ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã ½ãò •ããñãäŒã½ã - ¨ãɥ㠇ãŠã ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã
18.5.3 Disclosures on Risk Exposure in Derivatives
‡ãŠ) Øãì¥ã㦽ã‡ãŠ ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã
A) Qualitative Disclosure
ºãö‡ãŠ Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ½ãò ‡ãŠã„â›À ¹ãÀ (‚ããñ›ãèÔããè) º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ‚ããõÀ ½ãì³ã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ. ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã The Bank currently deals in over-the counter (OTC) interest rate and
ãä•ã¶ã º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ã㠄¶ã½ãò, Á¹ã¾ãã º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã, ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã º¾ãã•ã currency derivatives. Interest rate derivatives dealt with by the Bank are
ªÀ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ‚ããõÀ Ìãã¾ãªã ªÀ ‡ãŠÀãÀ Íãããä½ãÊã Öö. ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã ãä•ã¶ã ½ãì³ã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã rupee interest rate swaps, foreign currency interest rate swaps and
Øã¾ãㄶã½ãò, ½ãì³ã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã, Á¹ã¾ãã ¡ãÊãÀ ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã ‚ããõÀ ¹ãÀÔ¹ãÀ-½ãì³ã ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã Íãããä½ãÊã Öö. ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ØãÆãևãŠãò forward rate agreements. Currency derivatives dealt with by the Bank
are currency swaps, rupee dollar options and cross-currency options.
‡ãŠãñ „¦¹ããªãò ‡ãñŠ ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã - ¹ãÆÔ¦ããÌã, „¶ã‡ãñŠ ãä¶ãÌãñÍããò ¹ãÀ ãä¶ã¾ãâ¨ã¥ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠã䪆 •ãã¦ãñ Öö ‚ããõÀ ºãö‡ãŠ †ñÔãñ
The products are offered to the Bank’s customers to manage their
ãä¶ãÌãñÍããò ‡ãŠãè Ààã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã ÔãâãäÌãªã†ú ãä¶ãÓ¹ããã䪦ã‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ. ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠã ¹ãƾããñØã exposures and the Bank enters into derivatives contracts to cover such
̾ãã¹ããÀ ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã-Ôãã©ã ¦ãìÊã¶ã¹ã¨ã ‡ãŠãè ½ãªãò ‡ãŠãè ¹ãÆãä¦ãÀàã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¼ããè ãä‡ãŠ¾ã㠕ãã¦ãã Öõ. ºãö‡ãŠ ÔãâÀÞã¶ã㠄¦¹ã㪠exposures. Derivatives are also used by the Bank both for trading as well
ÔãâãäÌã¼ããØ㠇ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ƒ¶ã Ôãã½ã㶾ã ãä½ããäÑã¦ã ãäÊãŒã¦ããò ‡ãŠã ¼ããè Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ. as hedging on-balance sheet items. The Bank also deals in a mix of
these generic instruments, under the portfolio of Structured Products.
¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ½ãò ºãã•ããÀ •ããñãäŒã½ã Íãããä½ãÊã Öö ‚ã©ããæãá º¾ãã•ã ªÀãò/ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ªÀãò ½ãò ¹ãÆãä¦ã‡ãîŠÊ㠄¦ããÀ-
Derivative transactions carry market risk i.e. the probable loss the Bank
Þãü¤ãÌ㠇ãñŠ ‡ãŠãÀ¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñ Ôãâ¼ãã̾ã Öããä¶ã „Ÿã¶ããè ¹ãü¡ Ôã‡ãŠ¦ããè Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¾ããäª ¹ãÆãä¦ã¹ãà㠂ã¹ã¶ããè ºã㣾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‡ãŠã
may incur as a result of adverse movements in interest rates/exchange
¹ããÊã¶ã ¶ãÖãé ‡ãŠÀ¦ãñ Öõâ ¦ããñ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñ ¨ãɥ㠕ããñãäŒã½ã ‚ã©ããæãá Ôãâ¼ãã̾ã Öããä¶ã „Ÿã¶ããè ¹ãü¡ Ôã‡ãŠ¦ããè Öõ. ºããñ¡Ã ´ãÀã rates and credit risk i.e. the probable loss the Bank may incur if the
‚ã¶ãì½ããñã䪦㠺ãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè `¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã ¶ããèãä¦ã' ºãã•ããÀ •ããñãäŒã½ã (Öããä¶ã ‡ãŠãè ‡ãŠ›ãõ¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Ôã¦ã‡ãʦãã ãäºã¶ªì, ‚ããâÀãä¼ã‡ãŠ counterparties fail to meet their obligations. The Bank’s `Policy for
ÀããäÍã Ôããè½ãã, ‚ãÌããä£ã, ‚ããÍããñãä£ã¦ã ‚ãÌããä£ã, ¹ããèÌããè 01, ‚ãããäª)‡ãŠãñ ãä¶ã¾ãâãä¨ã¦ã ‚ããõÀ ̾ãÌããäÔ©ã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ Derivatives' approved by the Board prescribes risk parameters to control
•ããñãäŒã½ã ½ãã¶ãªâ¡ãò ‡ãŠãñ ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ããè Öõ. ¾ãÖ ¶ããèãä¦ã ØãÆãև㊠¹ãã¨ã¦ãã ½ãã¶ãªâ¡ (¨ãɥ㠹ãã¨ã¦ãã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã, Ôã½¹ã‡ãÊ and manage market risk (cut-loss triggers, open position limits,
duration, modified duration, PV01 etc.). The policy also prescribes
‚ãÌããä£ã ‚ãããäª); ¼ããè ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ããè Öö. ¹ãÆãä¦ã¹ãàããò ´ãÀ㠃¶ã ½ãã¶ãªâ¡ãò ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãîÀ㠇ãŠÀ¶ãñ, ºã㣾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‡ãŠã ¹ããÊã¶ã
customer eligibility criteria (credit rating, tenure of relationship etc.);
‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãŠñ ªããä¾ã¦Ì㠇ãŠãñ £¾ãã¶ã ½ãò ÀŒã¦ãñ Öì† Ôã½ãìãäÞã¦ã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¹ãàããè ¨ãÉ¥ã - Ôããè½ãã ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ¦ã©ãã ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ credit risk is controlled by entering into derivitive transactions only
¹ãÆãä¦ã¹ãàã Ôãñ ‚ãテÔã¡ãè† ‡ãŠÀãÀ ‡ãŠÀã¶ãñ ¹ãÀ Öãè ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›Ìã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ‡ãŠÀ‡ãñŠ ¨ãɥ㠕ããñãäŒã½ã ¹ãÀ ãä¶ã¾ãâ¨ã¥ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã with counterparties satisfying these criteria, setting appropriate
•ãã¦ãã Öõ. counterparty exposure limits taking into account ability to honour
obligations, and entering into ISDA agreements with each counterparty.
ƒ¶ã ¨ãÉ¥ã - •ããñãäŒã½ããò ‡ãñŠ ‡ãìŠÍãÊã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠã ÔãÌãóàã¥ã ‚ãããäԦ㠪ñ¾ã¦ãã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã Ôããä½ããä¦ã (††ÊãÔããè‚ããñ)
The Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO) of the Bank
‡ãŠÀ¦ããè Öõ. ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ‡ãŠãñÓ㠇ãŠã ½ã£¾ã-‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã ‚ããõÀ •ããñãäŒã½ã ãä¶ã¾ãâ¨ã¥ã (†½ã‚ããñ‚ããÀÔããè) ãäÌã¼ããØã, Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã
oversees efficient management of these risks. The Bank’s Mid-Office
½ãò ºãã•ããÀ •ããñãäŒã½ã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ãäÌã¼ããØã (†½ã‚ããÀ†½ã¡ãè), ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›Ìã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã Ôãñ Ô㽺㮠ºãã•ããÀ •ããñãäŒã½ã and Risk Control (MORC) Department at Treasury, now Market Risk
‡ãŠã ÔÌã¦ãâ¨ã Á¹ã Ôãñ ‚ããä¼ããä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã, ‚ãã‡ãŠÊã¶ã, ãä¶ã¾ãâ¨ã¥ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ, ƒ¶ã •ããñãäŒã½ããò ‡ãŠãñ ãä¶ã¾ãâãä¨ã¦ã †Ìãâ Management Department (MRMD), independently identifies, measures,
̾ãÌããäÔ©ã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ½ãò ‚ãããäԦ㠪ñ¾ã¦ãã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã Ôããä½ããä¦ã (††ÊãÔããè‚ããñ) ‡ãŠãè ÔãÖã¾ã¦ã㠇ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ ¦ã©ãã ºããñ¡Ã ‡ãŠãè and monitors market risk associated with derivative transactions, assists
•ããñãäŒã½ã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã Ôããä½ããä¦ã (‚ããÀ†½ãÔããèºããè) ‡ãŠãñ ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ¶ããèãä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãì¹ããÊã¶ã ‡ãŠãè ãä¶ã¾ããä½ã¦ã ‚ãâ¦ãÀãÊã ¹ãÀ ALCO in controlling and managing these risks, and reports compliance
with policy prescriptions to the Risk Management Committee of the
ãäÀ¹ããñ›Ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ.
Board (RMCB) at regular intervals.
¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔ㠇ãŠñãäÊㆠÊãñŒãã ¶ããèãä¦ã ¦ãõ¾ããÀ ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ The accounting policy for derivatives has been drawn up in accordance
Öõ. with RBI guidelines.


C105 K105
Œã) ½ãã¨ã㦽ã‡ãŠ ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã : B) Quantitative Disclosures :

‰ãŠ½ã Ôãâ ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ½ãì³ã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã

Sr. No. Particulars Currency Derivatives Interest Rate Derivatives
ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãÃ
Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
(i) ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã (‚ãã¶ãì½ãããä¶ã‡ãŠ ½ãîÊã ÀããäÍã)
Derivatives (Notional Principal Amount)
‡ãŠ/a) ¹ãÆãä¦ãÀàã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ/ For hedging - 3293.79 7428.99 21219.72
Œã/b) ̾ãã¹ããÀ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ/ For trading 49938.77 6377.87 179181.71 76748.21
(ii) ºãã•ããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ºãÖãè ½ãò ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ½ãîʾã
Marked to Market Positions
‡ãŠ/a) ‚ãããäÔ¦ã / Asset (+) 21.72 - 162.11 57.55
Œã/b) ªñ¾ã¦ãã / Liability (-) - - 108.79 97.08
(iii) •ã½ãã ¨ãɥ㠕ããñãäŒã½ã / Credit Exposure 1517.60 3945.84 3059.23 1135.47
(iv) º¾ãã•ã ªÀ (100* ¹ããèÌããè 01)
½ãò †‡ãŠ ¹ãÆãä¦ãÍã¦ã ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãö㠇ãŠã Ôãâ¼ãã̾㠹ãƼããÌã
Likely impact of one percentage change
in interest rate (100* PV01)
‡ãŠ/a) ¹ãÆãä¦ãÀàãã ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã ¹ãÀ / on hedging derivatives - - 141.99 136.62
Œã/b) ̾ãã¹ããÀ ¡ñÀãèÌãñãä›ÌÔã ¹ãÀ / on trading derivatives 0.04 0.82 - 3.38 70.74
v) ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‚ã¶ãì¹ããÊã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ100* ¹ããèÌããè 01 ‡ãŠã ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ¦ã½ã †Ìãâ ¶¾ãî¶ã¦ã½ã
Maximum and Minimum of 100* PV 01
observed during the year
‡ãŠ/a) ¹ãÆãä¦ãÀàãã ¹ãÀ / on hedging - - 12.85 & -0.24 170.19 & 30.19
Œã/b) ̾ãã¹ããÀ ¹ãÀ / on trading -0.65 & -0.23 82.06 & -13.46 40.82 & -4.12 106.80& - 35.81

18.6 ‚ãããäÔ¦ã Øãì¥ãÌã§ãã 18.6 Asset Quality

18.6.1 ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã 18.6.1 Non-Performing Asset

½ãªò 31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31 ½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè Items As at As at

ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ 31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006
i) ‡ãìŠÊ㠂ããäØãƽããñ ‡ãŠãè ãä¶ãÌãÊ㠂ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú (%) 1.56% 1.88% i) Net NPAs to Net Advances (%) 1.56% 1.88%
ii) ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌã (‡ãìŠÊã) ii) Movement of NPAs (Gross)
(‡ãŠ) ‚ã©ãÍãñÓã 9628.14 11656.99 (a) Opening balance 9628.14 11656.99
(Œã) ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ¹ããäÀÌã£ãöã 4963.87 4327.28 (b) Additions during the year 4963.87 4327.28
(Øã) ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‡ãŠ½ããè 4593.79 6356.13 (c) Reductions during the year 4593.79 6356.13
(Üã) ƒãä¦ã ÍãñÓã 9998.22 9628.14 (d) Closing balance 9998.22 9628.14
iii) ãä¶ãÌãÊ㠂ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌã
iii) Movement of Net NPAs
(‡ãŠ) ‚ã©ã ÍãñÓã 4911.41 6303.34
(a) Opening balance 4911.41 6303.34
(Œã) ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ¹ããäÀÌã£ãöã 3538.50 3238.78 (b) Additions during the year 3538.50 3238.78
(Øã) ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‡ãŠ½ããè 3192.19 4630.71 (c) Reductions during the year 3192.19 4630.71
(Üã) ƒãä¦ã ÍãñÓã 5257.72 4911.41 (d) Closing balance 5257.72 4911.41

iv) ‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌã iv) Movement of provisions for NPAs
(‡ãŠ) ‚ã©ã ÍãñÓã 4716.73 5353.65 (a) Opening balance 4716.73 5353.65
(Œã) ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 1425.37 1088.50 (b) Provisions made during the year 1425.37 1088.50
(Øã) ‚ããä¦ããäÀ‡ã‹¦ã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã ‚ã¹ãÊãñŒã¶ã/¹ãÆãä¦ãÊãñŒã¶ã 1401.60 1725.42 (c) Write-off/write-back of excess provisions1401.60 1725.42
(Üã) ƒãä¦ã ÍãñÓã 4740.50 4716.73 (d) Closing balance 4740.50 4716.73


C106 K106
18.6.2. ¹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ¨ãɥ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã º¾ããñÀã
Details of Loan Assets subjected to Restructuring
½ãªò / Items Œãã¦ããò ‡ãŠãè ‡ãŠãÀ¹ããñÀñ› ¨ãɥ㠹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ãã Ôããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã ÊãÜãì ‚ããõÀ ½ã£¾ã½ã Ôããè¡ãè‚ããÀ ‚ããõÀ †ÔㆽãƒÃ ¾ããñØã
Ôã⌾ãã (Ôããè¡ãè‚ããÀ) ¾ããñ•ã¶ã㠄¦Ôããä•ãæã ÀããäÍ㠄²ã½ã ¾ããñ•ã¶ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã (Œã) ¾ããñ•ã¶ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ãÊããÌãã (Øã) Total
(Ôããè¡ãè‚ããÀ) ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã (‡ãŠ ) Amount sacrificed Under Small & Other than under
No. of Under Corporate under CDR Medium CDR & SME
A/cs. Debt Restructuring Enterprises Scheme(C)
(CDR) (CDR) Scheme (A) Scheme (B)
i) ¹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ãã, ¹ãì¶ããä¶ããããÃÀ¥ã, ¹ãì¶ã:¹ãÀ‰ãŠã½ã¥ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã
¨ãɥ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ‡ãìŠÊã ÀããäÍã
Total amount of loan assets subjected
to restructuring, rescheduling, 13 78.52 11.37 327.76 488.66 906.31
renegotiation (108) (442.82) (31.70) (81.88) (902.17) (1458.57)
(ii) ¹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ãã, ¹ãì¶ããä¶ããããÃÀ¥ã, ¹ãì¶ã:¹ãÀ‰ãŠã½ã¥ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã
½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ÀããäÍã
The amount of Standard Assets
subjected to restructuring, rescheduling, 11 31.35 11.37 267.35 327.02 637.09
renegotiation (44) (98.08) (0.44) (51.52) (270.43) (420.47)
(iii) ¹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ãã, ¹ãì¶ããä¶ããããÃÀ¥ã,
¹ãì¶ã: ¹ãÀ‰ãŠã½ã¥ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ‚ãÌã½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ÀããäÍã
The amount of Sub-Standard Assets
subjected to restructuring, rescheduling, 0 0 0 30.84 44.68 75.52
renegotiation (56) (210.05) (25.80) (6.86) (225.03) (467.74)
(iv) ¹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ãã, ¹ãì¶ããä¶ããããÃÀ¥ã,
¹ãì¶ã: ¹ãÀ‰ãŠã½ã¥ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ÔãâãäªØ£ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ÀããäÍã
The amount of Doubtful Assets
subjected to restructuring, rescheduling, 2 47.17 0 29.57 116.96 193.7
renegotiation (8) (134.69) (5.46) (23.50) (406.71) (570.36)

18.6.3 ‚ãããäԦ㠹ãì¶ããä¶ãýããå㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã‡ãŠÀ¥ã / ¹ãì¶ããä¶ãýããå㠇ã⊹ã¶ããè ‡ãŠãñ ãäºã‰ãŠãè ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò 18.6.3 Details of financial assets sold to Securitisation / Reconstruction Companies
‡ãŠã º¾ããñÀã for Asset Reconstruction

½ãªò ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà Items Current Year Previous Year

i) Œãã¦ããò ‡ãŠãè Ôã⌾ãã 90 131 i) No. of Accounts 90 131

ii) ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‡ã⊹ã¶ããè / ¹ãì¶ããä¶ãýããå㠇ã⊹ã¶ããè (†ÔãÔããè/‚ããÀÔããè) ‡ãŠãñ ii) Aggregate value (net of provisions)
of accounts sold to SC/RC) 19.62 203.68
ãäºã‰ãŠãè ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠŒãã¦ããñ ‡ãŠã ‡ãìŠÊã ½ãîʾã (¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã Üã›ã‡ãŠÀ) 19.62 203.68
iii) Aggregate consideration 33.00 196.78
iii) Ôã½ãØãÆ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¹ãŠÊã 33 196.78
iv) Additional consideration realized in
iv) ¹ãîÌãÃÌã¦ããê ÌãÓããô ½ãò ‚ãâ¦ããäÀ¦ã Œãã¦ããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò ¹ãÆ㹦ã respect of accounts transferred in earlier years Nil Nil
‚ããä¦ããäÀ‡ã‹¦ã ¹ãÆãä¦ã¹ãŠÊã Íãã Íãã v) Aggregate gain / loss over net book value 13.38 -6.90
v) ãä¶ãÌãÊã ºãÖãè ½ãîʾã Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ ‡ãìŠÊã Êãã¼ã / Öããä¶ã 13.38 -6.90
18.6.4 Provision on Standard Assets :
18.6.4 ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã The Provision on Standard Assets (including provision for restructured
ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò (¹ãì¶ãÔãÄÀÞã¶ããØã¦ã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ standard assets) held by the Bank in accordance with RBI guidelines is as
under :
ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ÔããäÖ¦ã) ¹ãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ Öõ :
Items As at As at
½ãªò 31½ããÞãà 2007 31 ½ããÞãà 2006 31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006
‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ Provision towards Standard Assets 1713.93 1123.50
½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 1713.93 1123.50 18.6.5 Business Ratios
18.6.5 ̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã Items Current Year Previous Year
½ãªò ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà i. Interest Income as a percentage to
Working Funds 7.34% 7.19%
i. ‡ãŠã¾ãÃÍããèÊã ãä¶ããä£ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ¦ãìÊã¶ãã ½ãò º¾ãã•ã ‚ãã¾ã ‡ãŠã ¹ãÆãä¦ãÍã¦ã 7.34% 7.19% ii. Non-interest income as a percentage to
ii. ‡ãŠã¾ãÃÍããèÊã ãä¶ããä£ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ¦ãìÊã¶ãã ½ãò º¾ãã•ãñ¦ãÀ ‚ãã¾ã ‡ãŠã ¹ãÆãä¦ãÍã¦ã 1.07% 1.48% Working Funds 1.07% 1.48%
iii. Operating Profit as a percentage to
iii.‡ãŠã¾ãÃÍããèÊã ãä¶ããä£ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ¦ãìÊã¶ãã ½ãò ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Êãã¼ã ‡ãŠã ¹ãÆãä¦ãÍã¦ã 1.86% 2.27% Working Funds 1.86% 2.27%
iv. ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãä¦ãÊãã¼ã 0.84% 0.89% iv. Return on Assets 0.84% 0.89%
v. ¹ãÆãä¦ã ‡ãŠ½ãÃÞããÀãè ̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã (•ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú †Ìã⠂ããäØãƽ㠕ããñü¡‡ãŠÀ) v. Business (Deposits plus advances)
per employee (Rs. in thousands) 35700 29923
(Á. ֕ããÀ ½ãò) 35700 29923
vi. Profit per employee (Rs. in thousands) 236.81 216.76
vi. ¹ãÆãä¦ã ‡ãŠ½ãÃÞããÀãè Êãã¼ã(Á. ֕ããÀ ½ãò) 236.81 216.76


C107 K107
18.6.6 ‚ãããäԦ㠪ñ¾ã¦ãã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã/ Asset Liability Management :
31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‚ããõÀ ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‡ãŠãè ‡ã슜 ½ãªãò ‡ãŠãè ¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãŠã ÔÌãÁ¹ã
Maturity pattern of certain items of assets and liabilities as at 31st March 2007
1 Ôãñ 14 ã䪶ã 15 Ôãñ 28 ã䪶ã 29 ã䪶ã Ôãñ 3 ½ããÔã 3 ½ããÔã Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ 6 ½ããÔã Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ 1 ÌãÓãà Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ 3 ÌãÓãà Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ 5 ÌãÓãà Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ ¾ããñØã
1 to 14 days 15 to 28 days 29 days to ãä‡ã⊦ãì 6 ½ããÔã ¦ã‡ãŠ ãä‡ã⊦ãìì 1 ÌãÓãæã‡ãŠ ãä‡ã⊦ãì 3 ÌãÓãà ¦ã‡ãŠ ãä‡ã⊦ãìì 5 ÌãÓãà ¦ã‡ãŠ Over 5 years TOTAL
3 months Over 3 months Over 6 months Over 1 year & Over 3 years &
& upto 6 months & upto 1year upto 3 years upto 5 years
Deposits 56990.43 5231.58 17980.35 18266.34 40393.61 120010.53 95365.78 81282.46 435521.09
(49404.38) (4520.29) (9855.03) (11748.82) (38549.13) (108646.22) (79466.47) (77855.71) (380046.05)
Advances 56774.22 5477.79 16079.60 15482.72 13281.92 144478.01 32195.00 53567.23 337336.49
(42549.93) (4746.40) (13806.29) (11608.41) (10270.39) (109432.89) (22055.34) (47331.29) (261800.94)
Investments 656.34 3303.68 9569.63 3475.99 2647.09 27142.16 21411.21 80942.78 149148.88
(1043.92) (2244.92) (8544.31) (4806.39) (2061.02) (28351.24) (29926.36) (85556.08) (162534.24)
Borrowings 9466.58 1658.72 8519.72 4361.37 3579.61 5304.65 5579.20 1233.48 39703.33
(9500.71) (2902.69) (2750.27) (4883.05) (1805.31) (3860.97) (4588.16) (350.08) (30641.24)
ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú *
Foreign 25077.27 3495.20 12064.98 10498.96 5345.62 10942.91 7867.62 3925.82 79218.38
Curency Assets * (22097.59) (4983.45) (13597.43) (7697.79) (4933.79) (9812.51) (6867.94) (2201.63) (72192.13)
ãääÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú
Foreign Currency 16643.24 5457.66 17742.00 9268.26 10215.19 11007.09 6207.31 1573.32 78114.07
Liabilties (19843.98) (5688.11) (10327.21) (10645.15) (10285.82) (8414.29) (4964.48) (770.42) (70939.46)
(‡ãŠãñӟ‡ãŠãò ½ãò ã䪆 Øㆠ‚ããâ‡ãŠü¡ñ 31 ½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãñŠ Öö )
* (¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ¶ãñ ƒ¶ã‡ãŠã Ôãâ‡ãŠÊã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ÊãñŒãã¹ãÀãèàã‡ãŠãò ¶ãñ ƒ¶Öò ÔÌããè‡ãŠãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõ )
Figures in brackets are as at 31st March 2006
* As compiled by the Management and relied upon by the Auditors

18.7 ‚ããäÔ©ãÀ àãñ¨ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¨ãÉ¥ãã¶Ìã¾ã¶ã 18.7 Lending to Sensitive Sectors

ºãö‡ãŠ „¶ã àãñ¨ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¨ãɥ㠹ãƪã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ ÀÖã Öõ, ãä•ã¶ã‡ãñŠ ‚ãããäԦ㠽ãîʾ㠽ãò „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌã Öãñ¦ãã ÀÖ¦ãã Öõ. Ô©ããÌãÀ Ôãâ¹ãªã ‚ããõÀ The Bank has lending to sectors which are sensitive to asset price fluctuations.
¹ãîâ•ããè ºãã•ããÀ ‡ãñŠ àãñ¨ã †ñÔãñ Öãè ‚ããäÔ©ãÀ àãñ¨ã Öö. These sensitive sectors are real estate and capital markets.

18.7.1. Exposure to Real Estate Sector

18.7.1. Ô©ããÌãÀ Ôãâ¹ãªã àãñ¨ã Ôãñ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã
Items As at As at
½ãªò 31½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31 ½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè 31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ
‡ãŠ) ¹ãƦ¾ãàã ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã A) Direct exposure

i) ‚ããÌããÔããè¾ã ºãâ£ã‡ãŠ 33412.29 23248.97 i) Residential Mortgages 33412.29 23248.97

Of which individual housing loans
ãä•ã¶ã½ãò Ôãñ 15 ÊããŒã Á¹ã† ¦ã‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ̾ããä‡ã‹¦ãØã¦ã up to Rs.15 lakhs 26851.28 16704.62
‚ããÌããÔã ¨ãÉ¥ã 26851.28 16704.62
ii) Commercial Real Estate 6264.55 4574.16
ii) Ìãããä¥ãã䕾ã‡ãŠ Ô©ããÌãÀ Ôãâ¹ãªã 6264.55 4574.16 iii) Investments in Mortgage Backed
iii) ºãâ£ã‡ãŠ Ôã½ããä©ãæ㠹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò (†½ãºããè†Ôã) ¦ã©ãã Securities (MBS) and other securitised
‚㶾㠹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã‡ãðŠ¦ã ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ããò ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã : exposures : -
‡ãŠ) ‚ããÌããÔããè¾ã - 6.85 a) Residential — 6.85
Œã) Ìãããä¥ãã䕾ã‡ãŠ Ô©ããÌãÀ Ôãâ¹ãªã 0.08 112.09 b) Commercial Real Estate 0.08 112.09
Œã) ‚ã¹ãƦ¾ãàã ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã B) Indirect Exposure
ÀãӛÈãè¾ã ‚ããÌããÔã ºãö‡ãŠ (†¶ã†Þãºããè) ¦ã©ã㠂ããÌããÔã ãäÌã§ããè¾ã Fund based and non-fund based exposures on
National Housing Bank (NHB) and Housing
‡ã⊹ããä¶ã¾ããò (†ÞㆹãŠÔããè) ½ãò ãä¶ããä£ã ‚ãã£ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ããõÀ ØãõÀ-ãä¶ããä£ã
Finance Companies (HFCs) 1044.21 4779.27
‚ãã£ãããäÀ¦ã ¨ãÉ¥ã - •ããñãäŒã½ã 1044.21 4779.27
Total 40721.13 32721.34
¾ããñØã 40721.13 32721.34


C108 K108
18.7.2 ¹ãîâ•ããè ºãã•ããÀ Ôãñ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã 18.7.2 Exposure to Capital Market
½ãªò 31½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè Items As at As at
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ 31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006

i) ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀãò ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã 1973.48 1518.02 i) Investments made in equity shares 1973.48 1518.02
ii) ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãöãÍããèÊã ºããâ¡ãò / ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãöãÍããèÊã ã䡺ãòÞãÀãò ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã 142.63 105.76 ii) Investments in convertible bonds /
convertible debentures 142.63 105.76
iii)ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè-„¶½ãìŒã ½¾ãîÞ¾ãì‚ãÊã ¹ã⊡ãò ‡ãŠãè ¾ãîãä¶ã›ãò ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã 650.78 651.06
iii) Investments in units of equity-oriented
iv) ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀãò (ƒÔã½ãò ¹ãÆãÀâãä¼ã‡ãŠ ÔããÌãÕããä¶ã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆÔ¦ããÌã (‚ãヹããè‚ããñ)/ mutual funds 650.78 651.06
‡ãŠ½ãÃÞããÀãè ԛãù‡ãŠ ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã ¾ããñ•ã¶ãã†ú (ƒ†Ôã‚ããñ¹ããè†Ôã), iv) Advances against shares to individuals for
ºããâ¡ ‚ããõÀ ã䡺ãòÞãÀ, ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè „¶½ãìŒã ½¾ãîÞ¾ãì‚ãÊã ¹ã⊡ãò ‡ãŠãè investment in equity shares (including IPOs/ESOPS),
¾ãîãä¶ã›ò Íãããä½ãÊã Öõâ) ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ̾ããä‡ã‹¦ã¾ããò bonds and debentures, units of equity oriented
‡ãŠãñ ã䪆 •ãã¶ãñ ÌããÊãñ Íãñ¾ãÀãò ‡ãñŠ Ôãã¹ãñà㠂ããäØãƽã 317.70 63.54 mutual funds. 317.70 63.54
v) Íãñ¾ãÀ ªÊããÊããò ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãî¦ã ‚ããõÀ ‚ã¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãî¦ã ‚ããäØãƽã v) Secured and unsecured advances to stockbrokers
¦ã©ãã Íãñ¾ãÀ ªÊããÊããò †Ìãâ Íãñ¾ãÀ Ôãâ¦ãìÊã¶ã‡ãŠ¦ããÂããò ‡ãŠãè and guarantees issued on behalf of stockbrokers
‚ããñÀ Ôãñ •ããÀãè ØããÀâã䛾ããú 181.90 0.32 and market makers 181.90 0.32
Total Exposure to Capital Market 3266.49 2338.70
¹ãî⠕ããè ºãã•ããÀ Ôãñ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ‡ãìŠÊã ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã 3266.49 2338.70
vi) Of (v) above, the total finance extended to
vi) …¹ãÀ (v) ½ãò Ôãñ Íãñ¾ãÀ ªÊããÊããò ‡ãŠãñ ½ãããä•ãöã ̾ãã¹ããÀ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠstockbrokers for margin trading — —
ã䪆 Øㆠ‡ãìŠÊã ãäÌã§ã — —

18.7.3 ÌãØãÃÌããÀ-ªñÍãÌããÀ ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã : ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ¶ãñ ƒ¶ã‡ãŠã Ôãâ‡ãŠÊã¶ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ÊãñŒãã¹ãÀãèàã‡ãŠãò ¶ãñ ƒ¶Öò ÔÌããè‡ãŠãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõ.
¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÃÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ, ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ªñÍãÌããÀ ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã ‡ãŠã ÌãØããê‡ãŠÀ¥ã ãä¶ã½¶ã ¦ãããäÊã‡ãŠã ½ãò ÔãîÞããèºã® ãäÌããä¼ã¶¶ã •ããñãäŒã½ã ÌãØããô ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã ªñÍãÌããÀ ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã (ãä¶ãÌãÊã) ãä‡ãŠÔããè ¼ããè ªñÍ㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ1% Ôãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ
¶ãÖãé Öõ ‚ããõÀ ƒÔããäÊㆠªñÍãÌããÀ ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠãä‡ãŠÔããè ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠãè ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ¦ãã ¶ãÖãé Öõ.
Risk Categorywise Country Exposure : As compiled by the management and relied upon by the auditors.
As per the extant RBI guidelines, the country exposure of the Bank is categorised into various risk categories listed in the following table. The country exposure (net) of the
Bank does not exceed 1% for any country, and hence no provision for the country exposure is required.

•ããñãäŒã½ã ÌãØãà ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã (ãä¶ãÌãÊã) ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã

Risk Category Exposure (net) Provision held
31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31 ½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè 31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31 ½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ
As at 31-Mar-2007 As at 31-Mar-2006 As at 31-Mar-2007 As at 31-Mar-2006
¶ãØ㥾ã / Insignificant 17422.69 11877.51 Íãã / Nil Íãã / Nil
‡ãŠ½ã / Low 5820.66 3866.53 Íãã / Nil Íãã / Nil
Ôãã½ã㶾ã / Moderate 6425.83 4668.10 Íãã / Nil Íãã / Nil
‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ / HIgh 3041.29 2759.90 Íãã / Nil Íãã / Nil
‚㦾ããä£ã‡ãŠ / Very HIgh 1340.10 427.16 Íãã / Nil Íãã / Nil
¹ãÆãä¦ãºãâãä£ã¦ã / ¨ãɥ㠽ãò Íãããä½ãÊã ¶ã Öãñ¶ãñ ÌããÊãñ
Restricted / Off-Credit 19.57 – Íãã / Nil Íãã / Nil
¾ããñØã / Total 34070.14 23599.20 Íãã / Nil Íãã / Nil

18.7.4 ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀ㠂ããä¦ã‰ãŠãä½ã¦ã †‡ãŠÊ㠄£ããÀ‡ãŠ§ããà Ôããè½ãã, Ôã½ãîÖ „£ããÀ‡ãŠ§ããà Ôããè½ã㠇ãŠã º¾ããñÀã :
Details of Single Borrower Limit, Group Borrower Limit exceeded by the Bank :
ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ ãä¶ã½¶ããäÊããäŒã¦ã ½ãã½ãÊããò ½ãò ¾ã©ããñãäÞã¦ã Ôããè½ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ããä¦ã‰ãŠ½ã¥ã ½ãò †‡ãŠÊ㠄£ããÀ‡ãŠ§ããà ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã ãäÊㆠ:
The Bank had taken single borrower exposures in excess of the prudential limit in the cases given below :

„£ããÀ‡ãŠ§ããà ‡ãŠã ¶ãã½ã ¨ãÉ¥ã-•ããñãäŒã½ã ‡ãŠãè „ÞÞã§ã½ã Ôããè½ãã ÔãâÔÌããè‡ãðŠ¦ã Ôããè½ãã (ÞãÀ½ã Ô¦ãÀ) Ôããè½ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ããä¦ã‰ãŠ½ã¥ã ‡ãŠãè ‚ãÌããä£ã 31.03.07 ‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã (ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã)
Name of the Borrower Exposure ceiling Limit Sanctioned Period during which limit Position as on
(Peak Level) exceeded 31.03.07 (Outstanding)

ƒâã䡾ã¶ã ‚ããù¾ãÊ㠇ãŠãÀ¹ããñÀñÍã¶ã ãäÊã. ‚ã¹ãÆõÊã 2006 Ôãñ ½ããÞãà 2007

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.* 4793.55 7681.72 April 2006 to March 2007 7604.22

¼ããÀ¦ã ÖõÌããè ƒÊãõãä‡ã‹›È‡ãŠÊÔã ãäÊã. •ãìÊããƒÃ 2006 Ôãñ ½ããÞãà 2007

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.** 4793.55 5237.25 July 2006 to March 2007 5237.25

ãäÀÊãã¾ãâÔ㠃â¡Ô›Èãè•ã ãäÊã. ‚ãØãÔ¦ã 2006 Ôãñ ½ããÞãà 2007

Reliance Industries Ltd. ** 4793.55 5457.66 August 2006 to March 2007 5278.75

* ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäÌããäÍãӛ ‚ã¶ãì½ããñª¶ã Ôãñ / with the specific approval of RBI
** ºããñ¡Ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãì½ããñª¶ã Ôãñ / with the approval of Board


C109 K109
18.8 ãäÌããäÌã£ã 18.8 Miscellaneous
18.8.1 ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀã ÊãØãㆠØㆠªâ¡ãò ‡ãŠã ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã 18.8.1 Disclosure of Penalties imposed by RBI Nil
(Previous year - Nil)
Íãã (ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà -Íãã )
18.8.2 Status of customer complaints : As compiled by the management.
18.8.2 ØãÆãև㊠- ãäÍã‡ãŠã¾ã¦ããò ‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã : ƒ¶ã‡ãŠã Ôãâ‡ãŠÊã¶ã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ¶ãñ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõ. Items As at
½ãªò 31½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31-Mar-2007
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ No. of complaints pending at the beginning of the year 322
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ããÀâ¼ã ½ãò ãäÌãÞããÀã£ããè¶ã ãäÍã‡ãŠã¾ã¦ããò ‡ãŠãè Ôãâ. 322 No. of complaints received during the year 16168
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ¹ãÆ㹦ã ãäÍã‡ãŠã¾ã¦ããò ‡ãŠãè Ôãâ. 16168 No. of complaints redressed during the year 16036
No. of complaints pending at the end of the year 454
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ãä¶ãÌããÀ¥ã ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ãäÍã‡ãŠã¾ã¦ããò ‡ãŠãè Ôãâ. 16036
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ã ½ãò ãäÌãÞããÀã£ããè¶ã ãäÍã‡ãŠã¾ã¦ããò ‡ãŠãè Ôãâ. 454 18.8.3 Awards passed by the Banking Ombudsman : As compiled by the
18.8.3 ºãöãä‡ãâŠØã Êããñ‡ãŠ¹ããÊã ´ãÀã ¹ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¥ãþã : ƒ¶ã‡ãŠã Ôãâ‡ãŠÊã¶ã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ¶ãñ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõ. Items Current Year
½ãªò ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà No. of unimplemented Awards at the beginning of the year
No. of Awards passed by the Banking Ombudsman
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ããÀâ¼ã ½ãò ‡ãŠã¾ããÃãä¶Ìã¦ã ¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¥ãþããò ‡ãŠãè Ôãâ -
during the year 10
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ºãöãä‡ãâŠØã Êããñ‡ãŠ¹ããÊã ´ãÀã ¹ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¥ãþããò ‡ãŠãè Ôãâ 10 No. of Awards implemented during the year 10
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃãä¶Ìã¦ã ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¥ãþããò ‡ãŠãè Ôãâ 10 No. of unimplemented Awards at the end of the year —
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ã ½ãò ‡ãŠã¾ããÃãä¶Ìã¦ã ¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¥ãþããò ‡ãŠãè Ôãâ - 18.8.4 The Bank has not received any intimation from the suppliers regarding their
status under the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
18.8.4 ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñ ‚ãã¹ãîãä¦ãÇ㊧ããÂããò Ôãñ ̾ããäӛ, ÊãÜãì †Ìã⠽㣾ã½ã „²ã½ã ãäÌã‡ãŠãÔ㠂ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ã 2006 ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã - „¶ã‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã and hence the disclosures relating to amount unpaid as at the end of the year
Ôãñ Ô㽺㮠Þãîâãä‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ÔãîÞã¶ãã ¹ãÆ㹦㠶ãÖãé ÖìƒÃ Öõ, ‚ã¦ã: ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ã ½ãò, „‡ã‹¦ã ‚ããä£ããä¶ã¾ã½ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæ㠺¾ãã•ã ÔããäÖ¦ã together with interest payable as required under the said act has not been
¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã ¶ã ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ÀããäÍ㠇ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò ¶ã ¦ããñ ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¶ã Öãè ãäÌãÊãã佺ã¦ã ¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã ‡ãŠãè furnished and provision for interest, if any, on delayed payment is not
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã Ôãñ º¾ãã•ã -¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã ƒÔã Ôã½ã¾ã ‚ã¶ãì½ãã¶ã ÊãØãã¶ãã Ôãâ¼ãÌã Öõ. ascertainable at this stage.
18.9 Disclosure Requirements as per Accounting Standards
18.9 ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠãò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‡ãŠãè ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ¦ãã
18.9.1 Significant changes in the principal accounting policies.
18.9.1 ¹ãƽãìŒã ÊãñŒãã ¶ããèãä¦ã¾ããò ½ãò ½ãÖ¦Ìã¹ãî¥ãà ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãöã During the year, the Bank has changed the segmental pricing methodology,
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã, ºãö‡ãŠ ´ãÀ㠌ãâ¡ÌããÀ ½ãîʾã -ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ¹ã®ãä¦ã ‡ãŠãñ ¹ããäÀÌããä¦ãæã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. •ããñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ which was necessitated for presenting more meningful segment results. The
‚ã©ãùãî¥ãà Œãâ¡ ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ã ¹ãÆÔ¦ãì¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ ©ãã. Œãâ¡ ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ããò ½ãñ⠃Ôã ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãö㠇ãŠñ ãäÌã§ããè ¾ã financial effect of the change on the segmental result cannot be reasonably
¹ãƼããÌ㠇ãŠã Ôã½ãìãäÞã¦ã ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ¶ãÖãè Öãñ Ôã‡ãŠ¦ãã. ãä‡ãŠ¶¦ãì ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ããò ¹ãÀ ƒÔã ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãö㠇ãŠã determined. However, this change does not have any impact on the financials
of the Bank.
‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¹ãƼããÌã ¶ãÖãé ¹ãü¡ã Öõ.
18.9.2 The Bank had hitherto been following a policy of amortization of premium
18.9.2 ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ãºã¦ã‡ãŠ `¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ‚ããõÀ ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ̾ã¾ã' ÊãñŒãã ÍããèÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã Ôã½ãã¾ããñ•ã¶ã ´ãÀã `¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ in respect of securities held in the “Held to Maturity* (HTM) category by
Øã†' (†Þã›ã膽ã) Ñãñ¥ããè ½ãò ÀŒããè ØãƒÃ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò Ôãñ Ô㽺㮠¹ãÆãèãä½ã¾ã½ã ‡ãñŠ ¹ããäÀÍããñ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠãè ¶ããèãä¦ã ‚ã¹ã¶ãã¦ã 㠂ãã¾ãã Öõ. an adjustment to the account head “Provision and Contingencies”. From
Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ÌãÓãà Ôãñ ¦ã©ãã ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ã䪶ããâ‡ãŠ 20 ‚ã¹ãÆõÊã 2007 ‡ãñŠ ãä¶ãªñÍ㠇ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ , ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ the current financial year and in accordance with RBI directive dated 20th
April 2007, the Bank has charged the amortization amount as well as marked
‡ãŠ›ãõ¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ‚㶾㠂ãã¾ã : `ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãñŠ ¹ãì¶ã½ãîÃʾããâ‡ãŠ¶ã ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ã' ÊãñŒãã ÍããèÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã Ôã½ãã ¾ããñ•ã¶ã ´ãÀã to market losses on transfer of securities from “Available for Sale” (AFS) to
`ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ„¹ãÊ㺣ã' (††¹ãŠ†Ôã) Ñãñ¥ããè Ôãñ `¹ããäÀ¹ã‡ã‹Ìã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÀŒãñ Øㆠ' (†Þã›ã膽ã) Ñãñ¥ããè ½ãò ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò HTM category by an adjustment to the account head Other Income : “ Profit
‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã ¹ãÀ ¹ããäÀÍããñãä£ã¦ã ÀããäÍ㠇ãñŠ Ôãã©ã-Ôãã©ã ºãã•ããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ºãÖãè ½ãò ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã Öããä¶ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãƼãããäÀ¦ã on Revaluation of Investments” as a deduction. As a result of this change
ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõ. ÊãñŒãã ¶ããèãä¦ã ½ãò ƒÔã ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãö㠇ãñŠ ‡ãŠãÀ¥ã-ƒÔã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Êãã¼ã ½ãò 1677.51 ‡ãŠÀãñ¡ Á¹ã† ‡ãŠãè in accounting policy, the book value of the securities is reduced by
Rs.6357.06 crores being the amortization and marked to market losses on
‡ãŠ½ããè ‚ããƒÃ Öõ ‚ããõÀ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ºãÖãè ½ãîʾ㠽ãò 6357.06 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† ‡ãŠãè ‡ãŠ½ããè ‚ããƒÃ Öõ - •ããñ ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ intercategory transfer of Rs.1677.51 crores for the current year and
ãäÊㆠ1677.51 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† ¦ã©ãã ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ 4679.55 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãÀ -ÌãØãà ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ Rs.4679.55 crores for the previous year. However, there is no impact on the
¹ããäÀÍããñ£ã¶ã ‚ããõÀ ºãã•ããÀ ½ãîʾ㠂ã¶ãìÔããÀ ºãÖãè ½ãò ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã Öããä¶ã ‡ãŠã ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ã Öõ. ¾ã²ããä¹ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ãä¶ãÌãÊã Êãã¼ã ¹ãÀ Net Profit for the year.
ƒÔã‡ãŠã ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¹ãƼããÌã ¶ãÖãé ¹ãü¡ã Öõ. 18.9.3 Prior Period Items : Domestic Offices
18.9.3 ‚ãÌããä£ã ¹ãîÌãà ½ãªò Items Current year Previous year
½ãªò ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà Depreciation (17.47) Nil
Operating expenses 16.38 Nil
½ãîʾã ÖÆãÔã (17.47) Íãã / Nil
Interest expended 264.76 Nil
¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ̾ã¾ã 16.38 Íãã / Nil Other income 2.42 Nil
̾ã¾ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã º¾ãã•ã 264.76 Íãã / Nil The Bank accounts for the interest on income tax refund on determination of
‚㶾㠂ãã¾ã 2.42 Íãã / Nil interest by taxation authorities. Such interest is credited to profit and loss
account on such determination. Any subsequent withdrawal of interest is
ÊãñŒãã ¶ããèãä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ, ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠÀ-¹ãÆããä£ã‡ãŠããäÀ¾ããò ´ãÀ㠂ãã¾ã-‡ãŠÀ Ìãã¹ãÔããè ¹ãÀ ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã º¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠãñ ÊãñŒãñ ½ãò Êãñ¦ãã Öõ. being charged to profit and loss account. However, during earlier years,
†ñÔãñ ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ ºããª, „‡ã‹¦ã º¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠãñ Êãã¼ã ‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò •ã½ãã ãä‡ãŠ¾ã㠕ãã¦ãã Öõ. ¦ãª¶ã¶¦ãÀ, º¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠã ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¼ããè Interest of Rs.264.76 crores withdrawan by taxation authorities, was debited
‚ããÖÀ¥ã Êãã¼ã ‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò ¹ãƼãããäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ã㠕ãã¦ãã Öõ. Êãñãä‡ãŠ¶ã, ãäÌãØã¦ã ÌãÓããô ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã, ‡ãŠÀ-¹ãÆããä£ã‡ãŠããäÀ¾ããò ´ãÀã to the “Tax paid in advance”. This has been rectified during the year to fall
‚ããÖãäÀ¦ã 264.76 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† ‡ãŠãè º¾ãã•ã ÀããäÍ㠇ãŠãñ `‚ããäØãƽ㠽ãò ‡ãŠÀ ¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã' Œãã¦ãñ ‡ãŠãñ ¶ãã½ãñ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã ©ãã. in line with the rationale of opinion expressed by Expert Advisory Committee
of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in similar instance.
Ôã⪼ãããããè¶ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã, ƒÔãñ ãä¶ã¾ããä½ã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ã䪾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ¦ãããä‡ãŠ ÌãÖ ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã Ôã¶ãªãè ÊãñŒãã‡ãŠãÀ ÔãâÔ©ãã¶ã ‡ãŠãè ãäÌãÍãñÓã—
ã Ôãì¢ããÌã Ôããä½ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ããä¼ã½ã¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÁ¹ã ‚ããõãäÞ㦾ã¹ãî¥ãà Öãñ •ãã†. 18.9.4 Segment Reporting

18.9.4 Œãâ¡ ÔãîÞã¶ãã i) Segment identification

Primary i) Banking Operations : Other than treasury
i) Œãâ¡ ‚ããä¼ããä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã
(Business Segment) operations
¹ãÆã©ããä½ã‡ãŠ (̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã Œãâ¡) i) ºãöãä‡ãâŠØã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã: Àã•ã‡ãŠãñÓããè¾ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãÊããÌãã ii) Treasury Operations -> Domestic rupee
ii) Àã•ã‡ãŠãñÓããè¾ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã - ªñÍããè Á¹ã¾ãã Àã•ã‡ãŠãñÓã
Secondary i) Domestic Operations - Branches/Offices
ãä´¦ããè¾ã‡ãŠ (¼ããõØããñãäÊã‡ãŠ Œãâ¡) i) ªñÍããè ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã - ¼ããÀ¦ã ½ãò ¹ããäÀÞããããäÊã¦ã ÍããŒãã†ú/‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã Geographical Segment) having operations in India
ii) ãäÌãªñÍããè ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã - ¼ããÀ¦ã Ôãñ ºããÖÀ ¹ããäÀÞãããäÊã¦ã ÍããŒãã†ú/ ii) Foreign Operations - Branches/Offices
‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã ¦ã©ãã ¼ããÀ¦ã ½ãò ¹ããäÀÞãããäÊã¦ã Ôã½ãì³¹ããÀãè¾ã having operations outside India and offshore
banking units having operations in India


C110 K110
ii) ‚ãâ¦ãÀ-Œãâ¡ãè¾ã ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ããò ‡ãŠã ½ãîʾã-ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ii) Pricing of Inter-segmental transfers
The Banking Operations segment is the primary resource mobilising unit.
ºãöãä‡ãâŠØã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Œãâ¡ ÔãâÔãã£ã¶ã-ÔãâØãÆ֥㠇ãŠãè ¹ãÆã©ããä½ã‡ãŠ ƒ‡ãŠãƒÃ Öõâ. Àã•ã‡ãŠãñÓããè¾ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Œãâ¡ ºãöãä‡ãŠâØã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã The Treasury Operations segment is a recipient of funds from Banking
Œãâ¡ Ôãñãä¶ããä£ã¾ããú ¹ãÆ㹦㠇ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ; ºãã•ããÀ Ôãñ Ô㽺㮠ãä¶ããä£ã ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã ½ãîʾã-ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã (†½ã‚ããÀ†¹ãŠ›ãè¹ããè) 01 ‚ã¹ãÆõ Êã Operations. From Ist April 2006; Market related Funds Transfer Pricing
2006 Ôãñ ÍãìÁ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ, ãä•ãÔã‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ãä¶ã£ããè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ¶³ (¹ãâŠãä¡âØã Ôãò›À) ¶ãã½ã‡ãŠ †‡ãŠ ¹ãð©ã‡ãŠ ƒ‡ãŠãƒÃ ¦ãõ¾ããÀ ‡ãŠãè (MRFTP) has been introduced under which a separate unit called Funding
ØãƒÃ Öõ. ãä¶ã£ããè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ¶³ (¹ãâŠãä¡âØã Ôãò›À) „¶ã ãä¶ããä£ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ‚ãã¶ãì½ãããä¶ã‡ãŠ Á¹ã Ôãñ ŒãÀã誦ãã Öõ, •ããñ ̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã ƒ‡ãŠãƒ¾ããò ½ãò Centre has been created. The Funding Centre notionally buys funds that the
•ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããò ¾ã㠄£ããÀÀããäÍã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò „ªá¼ãî¦ã Öãñ¦ããè Öõ⠂ããõÀ ‚ãããäԦ㠦ãõ¾ããÀ ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ½ãò ÊãØããè ̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã ƒ‡ãŠãƒ¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ƒ¶ã business units raise in the form of deposits or borrowings and notionally
ãä¶ããä£ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ‚ãã¶ãì½ãããä¶ã‡ãŠ ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ. sell funds to business units engaged in creating assets.
iii) Allocation of Expenses
iii) ̾ã¾ã-‚ããºã⛶ã Expenses incurred at Corporate Centre establishments directly attributable
‡ãŠãÀ¹ããñÀñ› ‡ãòŠ³ ‡ãŠãè ÔãâÔ©ãã¹ã¶ãã‚ããò ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ̾ã¾ã •ããñ Ôããè£ãñ ºãöãä‡ãâŠØã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Œãâ¡ ‚ã©ãÌãã Àã•ã‡ãŠãñÓããè ¾ã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã either to Banking Operations or to Treasury Operations segment, are allocated
Œãâ¡ Ôãñ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã Öö, ¦ãª¶ãìÔããÀ ‚ããºãâã䛦ã ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö. Ôããè£ãñ Ôãâºãâ£ã ¶ã ÀŒã¶ãñ ÌããÊãñ ̾ã¾ã ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ Œãâ¡ ‡ãñŠ ‡ãŠ½ãÃÞãããäÀ¾ããò ‡ãŠãè accordingly. Expenses not directly attributable are allocated on the basis of
the ratio of number of employees in each segment/ratio of directly attributable
Ôã⌾ãã/Ôããè£ãñ Ôãâºãâ£ã ÀŒã¶ãñ ÌããÊãñ ̾ã¾ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ‚ããâºãã䛦ã ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö. expenses.
iv) Œãâ¡ ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ã / Segment Results
¼ããØ㠇㊠: ¹ãÆã©ããä½ã‡ãŠ (̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã Œãâ¡)
Part A : Primary (Business segments)
̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã Œãâ¡ ºãöãä‡ãâŠØã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Àã•ã‡ãŠãñÓããè¾ã ãä¶ãÀÔã¶ã ¾ããñØã
Business Segments Banking Operations Treasury Eliminations Total

ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãää¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãää¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãää¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãää¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãÃ
Particulars Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Revenue # 44472.16 35265.88 11464.20 17436.77 10739.92 11474.69 45196.44 41227.96
Result # 8706.06 6042.34 117.73 -1991.32 — — 8823.79 4051.02
‚ã¶ããºãâã䛦ã ̾ã¾ã
Unallocated Income /
(Expenses) - net # (1233.98) 1918.65
¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Êãã¼ã
Operating Profit # 7589.81 5969.67
‚ãã¾ã ‡ãŠÀ
Income Tax # 3048.50 2499.48
‚ãÔãã£ããÀ¥ã Êãã¼ã
Extraordinary Profit # 936.48 — — 936.48
ãää¶ãÌãÊã Êãã¼ã
Net Profit # 4541.31 4406.67
‚㶾ã ÔãîÞã¶ãã :
Other Information :
Œãâ¡ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú
Segment Assets * 428911.94 219714.80 206373.26 382211.31 71259.28 110480.29 564025.92 491445.82
Unallocated Assets * 2539.32 2583.13
Total Assets * 566565.24 494028.95
Œãâ¡ ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú
Segment Liabilities * 401013.33 216599.31 202973.32 357682.71 86738.82 108709.24 517247.83 465413.38
Unallocated Liabilities * 18018.85 812.08
‡ãìŠÊã ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú
Total Liabilities * 535266.68 466225.46

¼ããØ㠌ã : ãä´¦ããè¾ã‡ãŠ (¼ããõØããñãäÊã‡ãŠ Œãâ¡)

Part B : Secondary (Geographic Segments)
ªñÍããè ãääÌãªñÍããè ¾ããñØã
Domestic Foreign Total
ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãää¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãää¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãää¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãÃ
Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year
Revenue # 41451.12 40726.40 3809.15 2688.37 45260.27 43414.77
Assets * 513812.16 450482.65 52753.08 43546.30 566565.24 494028.95
* 31 ½ããÞãà ‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ # 31 ½ããÞãà ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ã㹦ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ãäÊã†
As at 31st March For the year ended 31st March


C111 K111
18.9.4 Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¹ãàã ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã : ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ´ãÀ㠃¶ã‡ãŠã ‚ããä¼ããä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ÊãñŒãã¹ãÀãèàã‡ãŠãñ 18.9.4 Related Party Disclosures : As identified by the management and relied
¶ãñ ƒ¶Öò ÔÌããè‡ãŠãÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõ. upon by the auditors.

‡ãŠ. Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¹ãàã A. Related Parties

‡ãŠ. ªñÍããè ºãöãä‡ãâŠØ㠂ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããú 1. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
1. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ºããè‡ãŠã¶ãñÀ †â¡ •ã¾ã¹ãìÀ 2. State Bank of Hyderabad
2. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ÖõªÀãºã㪠3. State Bank of Indore
3. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ƒâªãõÀ 4. State Bank of Mysore
4. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ½ãõÔãîÀ 5. State Bank of Patiala
5. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ¹ãã䛾ããÊãã 6. State Bank of Saurashtra
6. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ÔããõÀãÓ›È 7. State Bank of Travancore
7. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ¨ããÌãâ¥ã‡ãŠãñÀ 8. SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd.
8. †Ôãºããè‚ãム‡ãŠãù½ããäÍãþãÊ㠆⡠ƒâ›À¶ãñÍã¶ãÊã ºãö‡ãŠ ãäÊã
Œã. ãäÌãªñÍããè ºãöãä‡ãâŠØ㠂ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããú 1. SBI International (Mauritius) Ltd.
1. †Ôãºããè‚ãムƒâ›À¶ãñÍã¶ãÊã (½ããùÀãèÍãÔã) ãäÊã. 2. State Bank of India (Canada)
2. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ƒâã䡾ãã (‡ãŠ¶ãã¡ã) 3. State Bank of India (California)
3. ԛñ› ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ƒâã䡾ãã (‡ãõŠãäÊã¹ãŠãñãä¶ãþãã) 4. Indian Ocean International Bank Ltd.
4. ƒâã䡾ã¶ã ‚ããñÍã¶ã ƒâ›À¶ãñÍã¶ãÊã ºãõ‡ãŠ ãäÊã. 5. Commercial Bank of India LLC, Moscow (##)
5. ‡ãŠãù½ããäÍãþãÊã ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ƒâã䡾ã㠆Êã†ÊãÔããè,½ããԇãŠãñ (##) 6. PT Bank Indo Monex
6. ¹ããè›ãè ºãö‡ãŠ ƒâ¡ãñ ½ããñ¶ãñ‡ã‹Ôã c. DOMESTIC NON-BANKING SUBSIDIARIES
Øã. ªñÍããè ØãõÀ-ºãöãä‡ãâŠØ㠂ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããú 1. SBI Factors & Commercial Services Pvt. Ltd.
1. †Ôãºããè‚ãム¹ãõŠ‡ã‹›Ôãà †â¡ ‡ãŠãù½ããäÍãþãÊã ÔããäÌãÃÔãñ•ã ¹ãÆã. ãääÊã. 2. SBI Capital Markets Limited
2. †Ôãºããè‚ãム‡ãõŠãä¹ã›Êã ½ãã‡ãóŠ›áÔã ãäÊããä½ã›ñ¡ 3. SBI DFHI Limited
3. †Ôãºããè‚ãム¡ã膹㊆Þã‚ãムãäÊããä½ã›ñ¡ 4. SBI Mutual Funds Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd
4. †Ôãºããè‚ãム½¾ãîÞ¾ãì‚ãÊã ¹ã⊡ ›Èԛãè ‡ã⊹ã¶ããè ¹ãÆã. ãäÊã. 5. SBI CAP Securities Ltd.
5. †Ôãºããè‚ãム‡ãõŠ¹ã ãäÔã‡ã‹¾ãîãäÀ›ãè•ã ãäÊã. 6. SBI CAPS Ventures Ltd.
6. †Ôãºããè‚ãム‡ãõŠ¹Ôã ÌãöÞãÔãà ãäÊã. 7. SBI CAP Trustees Co. Ltd.
7. †Ôãºããè‚ãム‡ãõŠ¹ã ›Èԛãè•ã ‡ãâŠ. ãäÊã. 8. SBI Cards & Payment Services Pvt. Ltd.(##)
8. †Ôãºããè‚ãム‡ãŠã¡ÃáÔ㠆⡠¹ãñ½ãò›áÔã ÔããäÌãÃÔãñ•ã ¹ãÆã. ãäÊã. (##) 9. SBI Funds Management Pvt. Ltd. (##)
9. †Ôãºããè‚ãム¹ã⊡áÔã ½ãõ¶ãñ•ã½ãò› ¹ãÆã. ãäÊã. (##) 10. SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. (##)
10. †Ôãºããè‚ãムÊãヹ㊠ƒâ;ããñÀòÔ㠇ã⊹ã¶ããè ãäÊã. (##) d. FOREIGN NON-BANKING SUBSIDIARIES
Üã. ãäÌãªñÍããè ØãõÀ ºãöãä‡ãâŠØ㠂ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããú 1. SBICAP (UK) Ltd.
1. †Ôãºããè‚ãム‡ãõŠ¹ã (¾ãî‡ãñŠ) ãäÊã. 2. SBI Funds Management (International) Ltd.(##)
2. †Ôãºããè‚ãム¹ã⊡áÔã ½ãõ¶ãñ•ã½ãò› (ƒâ›À¶ãñÍã¶ãÊã) ãäÊã. (##) ## These entities are jointly controlled.
## ¾ãñ ‡ã⊹ããä¶ã¾ããú Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã Á¹ã Ôãñ ãä¶ã¾ãâãä¨ã¦ã Öö ii. JOINTLY CONTROLLED ENTITIES
ii. Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã Á¹ã Ôãñ ãä¶ã¾ãâãä¨ã¦ã ‡ã⊹ããä¶ã¾ããú 1. GE Capital Business Process Management Services Pvt. Ltd
1. •ããèƒÃ ‡ãõŠãä¹ã›Êã ãäºã•ã¶ãñÔã ¹ãÆãñÔãñÔã ½ãõ¶ãñ•ã½ãâò› ÔããäÌãÃÔãñ•ã ¹ãÆã. ãäÊã 2. C-Edge Technologies Ltd.
2. Ôããè-†•ã ›ñ‡ãŠ¶ããñÊããù•ããè•ã ãäÊã. iii. ASSOCIATES
iii. ÔãÖ¾ããñØããè a) Regional Rural Banks
‡ãŠ) àãñ¨ããè¾ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 1 Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank
1 ‚ããâ£ãÆ ¹ãƪñÍã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ãäÌã‡ãŠãÔã ºãö‡ãŠ 2 Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank
2 ‚ãÁ¥ããÞãÊã ¹ãƪñÍã ÁÀÊã ºãö‡ãŠ 3 Cauvery Kalpatharu Grameena Bank
3 ‡ãŠãÌãñÀãè ‡ãŠÊ¹ã¦ãÁ ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 4 Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank
4 œ¦¦ããèÔãØãü¤ ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 5 Deccan Grameena Bank
5 ¡âñ‡ã‹‡ãŠ¶ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 6 Ellaquai Dehati Bank
6 ƒÊãã‡ãŠãƒÃ ªñÖã¦ããè ºãö‡ãŠ 7 Ka Bank Nongkyndong Ri Khasi Jaintia
7 ‡ãŠã ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãã¶ããä‡ãŠ¶ã¡ãâØã Àãè ŒããÔããè •ãõ¶ãã䛾ãã 8 Krishna Grameena Bank
8 ‡ãðŠÓ¥ãã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 9 Langpi Dehangi Rural Bank
9 ÊãâØã¹ããèè ªñÖãâØããè ÁÀÊã ºãö‡ãŠ 10 Madhya Bharat Gramin Bank
10 ½ã£¾ã ¼ããÀ¦ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 11 Malwa Gramin Bank
11 ½ããÊãÌãã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 12 Marwar Ganganagar Bikaner Bank
12 ½ããÀÌããü¡ ØãâØãã¶ãØãÀ ºããè‡ãŠã¶ãñÀ ºãö‡ãŠ 13 Mizoram Rural Bank
13 ãä½ã•ããñÀ½ã ÁÀÊã ºãö‡ãŠ 14 Nagaland Rural Bank
14 ¶ããØããÊãö¡ ÁÀÊã ºãö‡ãŠ 15 Parvatiya Gramin Bank
15 ¹ãÌãæããè¾ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 16 Purvanchal Kshetriya Gramin Bank
16 ¹ãîÌããÄÞãÊã àãñ¨ããè¾ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 17 Samastipur Kshetriya Gramin Bank
17 Ôã½ãÔ¦ããè¹ãìÀ àãñ¨ããè¾ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 18 Saurashtra Gramin Bank
18 ÔããõÀãÓ›È ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 19 Utkal Gramya Bank
19 „¦‡ãŠÊã ØãÆ㽾㠺ãö‡ãŠ 20 Uttaranchal Gramin Bank
20 „§ãÀãâÞãÊã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ 21 Vananchal Gramin Bank
21 Ìã¶ããâÞãÊã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ
22 Vidisha Bhopal Kshetriya Gramin Bank
22 ãääÌããäªÍãã ¼ããñ¹ããÊã àãñ¨ããè¾ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠ
b. Others
Œã. ‚㶾ã
1. †Ôãºããè‚ãムÖãñ½ã ¹ãŠãƒ¶ãòÔã ãäÊããä½ã›ñ¡ 1. SBI Home Finance Limited
2. ãä‡ã‹Êã¾ããäÀâØ㠇ãŠãÀ¹ããñÀñÍã¶ã ‚ããù¹ãŠ ƒâã䡾ãã ãäÊã. 2. Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.
3. ¶ãñ¹ããÊ㠆Ôãºããè‚ãムºãö‡ãŠ ãäÊã. 3. Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
4. ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ¼ãî›ã¶ã 4. Bank of Bhutan
5. ¾ãî›ãè‚ããƒÃ †Ôãñ› ½ãõ¶ãñ•ã½ãò› ‡ã⊹ã¶ããè ¹ãÆã. ãäÊã. 5. UTI Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd.


C112 K112
iv. ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãƽãìŒã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠããä½ãÇ㊠iv. Key Management Personnel of the Bank
1. Ñããè ‚ããñ.¹ããè. ¼ã›á›, ¹ãƺãâ£ã-ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ 26.04.2006 Ôãñ 29.06.2006 ¦ã‡ãŠ 1. Shri O.P. Bhatt, Managing Director
¦ã©ã㠂㣾ãàã,30 •ãì¶ã 2006 Ôãñ from 26.04.2006 to 29.06.2006 & Chairman from 30th June 2006
2. Ñããè †. ‡ãñŠ. ¹ãìÀÌããÀ, ‚㣾ãàã, 31 ½ãƒÃ 2006 ¦ã‡ãŠ 2. Shri A.K. Purwar, Chairman upto 31st May 2006
3. Shri T. S. Bhattacharya, Managing Director
3. Ñããè ›ãè. †Ôã. ¼ã›á›ãÞãã¾ãÃ, ¹ãƺãâ£ã ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ 4. Shri Yogesh Agarwal, Managing Director from 10th October 2006
4. Ñããè ¾ããñØãñÍ㠂ãØãÆÌããÊã, ¹ãƺãâ£ã ãä¶ãªñÍã‡ãŠ , 10 ‚ã‡ã‹¦ãìºãÀ 2006 Ôãñ B. Related parties with whom transactions were entered into during the year
Œã. Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¹ãàã, ãä•ã¶ãÔãñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠNo disclosure is required in respect of related parties which are “State-
ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ (††Ôã) 18 ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìޜñª 9 ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ``ÔãÀ‡ãŠãÀ - ãä¶ã¾ãâãä¨ã¦ã „²ã½ã'' Á¹ã ½ãò Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã ¹ãà㠇ãñŠ controlled Enterprises” as per paragraph 9 of Accounting Standard (AS)
Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‚ã¹ãñãäàã¦ã ¶ãÖãââè â Öõ. ¹ãì¶ã: ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ 18 ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìޜñª5 ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¹ãƽãì Œã 18. Further, in terms of paragraph 5 of AS 18, transactions in the nature
¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠããä½ãÇ㊠¦ã©ãã ¹ãƽãìŒã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠããä½ãÇãŠãò ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ºããÀñ ½ãò ºãö‡ãŠÀ-ØãÆãև㊠Ôãâºãâ£ã ‡ãŠãè ¹ãƇãðŠãä¦ã ÌããÊãñ of banker-customer relationship are not required to be disclosed in
Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ããò ‡ãŠã ¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ ¶ãÖãé Öõ. ‚㶾ã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ Öõ : respect of Key Management Personnel and relatives of Key Management
Personnel. Other particulars are
1. Ôããè-†•ã ›ñ‡ãŠ¶ããñÊããù•ããè•ã ãäÊã.
1. C-Edge Technologies Ltd.
2. •ããèƒÃ ‡ãõŠãä¹ã›Êã ãäºã•ã¶ãñÔã ¹ãÆãñÔãñÔã ½ãõ¶ãñ•ã½ãâò› ÔããäÌãÃÔãñ•ã ¹ãÆã.ãäÊã. 2. GE Capital Business Process Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
3. ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ããù¹ãŠ ¼ãî›ã¶ã 3. Bank of Bhutan
4. ¶ãñ¹ããÊ㠆Ôãºããè‚ãムºãö‡ãŠ ãäÊã. 4. Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
5. †Ôãºããè‚ãムÖãñ½ã ¹ãŠãƒÃ¶ãòÔã ãäÊã. 5. SBI Home Finance Ltd.
6. Shri A.K. Purwar, (Upto 31.05.2006)
6. Ñããè †.‡ãñŠ. ¹ãìÀÌããÀ, (31.05.2006 ¦ã‡ãŠ)
7. Shri O.P. Bhatt, (from 26.04.2006)
7. Ñããè ‚ããñ.¹ããè.¼ã›á›, (26.04.2006 Ôãñ) 8. Shri T.S. Bhattacharya
8. Ñããè ›ãè.†Ôã. ¼ã›á›ãÞãã¾ãà 9. Shri Yogesh Agarwal, (from 10.10.2006)
9. Ñããè ¾ããñØãñÍ㠂ãØãÆÌããÊã, (10.10.2006 Ôãñ)

Øã. Êãñ¶ãªñ¶ã ‚ããõÀ ÍãñÓã ÀããäÍã¾ããú

C. Transactions and Balances :
½ãªò ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ÀããäÍã ¾ããñØã
Items Outstanding Total
ÔãÖ¾ããñØããè/ Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã „²ã½ã ¹ãƽãìŒã ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠããä½ãÇãŠ
Associates/ Key Management
Joint Ventures Personnel
•ã½ãã-ÀããäÍã¾ããú / Deposits # 295.37 0.00 295.37
(1770.31) (0.00) (1770.31)
Other Liabilities # 1.76 0.00 1.76
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Investments # 19.75 0.00 19.75
(39.97) (0.00) (39.97)
‚ããäØãƽã 0.00 0.00 0.00
Advances # (26.52) (0.00) (26.52)
Ôã⪧㠺¾ãã•ã / Interest paid * 6.59 0.00 0.00
(28.23) (0.00) (28.23)
¹ãÆ㹦㠺¾ãã•ã / Interest received * 0.00 0.00 0.00
(10.88) (0.00) (10.88)
Êãã¼ããâÍ㠇ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ‚ããä•ãæ㠂ãã¾ã
Income earned by way of dividend* 0.50 0.00 0.50
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Other Income* 0.00 0.00 0.00
(3.61) (0.00) (3.61)
‚㶾ã ̾ã¾ã / Other expenditure* 1.66 0.00 1.66
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ÔãâãäÌãªã†ú
Management contracts * 0.65 0.15 0.80
(0.00) (0.14) (0.14)

(‡ãŠãñӟ‡ãŠãò ½ãò ã䪆 Øㆠ‚ããâ‡ãŠü¡ñ ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ Öö ) (Figures in brackets are for Previous Year)
# 31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ # As at 31st March 2007
* 31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ã㹦ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ* For the year ended on 31st March 2007


C113 K113
18.9.5 ¹ã›á›ñ : 18.9.5 Leases :
‡ãŠ. 01 ‚ã¹ãÆõÊã 2001 ‡ãŠãñ ¾ã㠄Ôã‡ãñŠ ¹ãÍÞãã¦ãá ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ¹ã›á›ãò ¹ãÀ ªãè ØãƒÃ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú : ƒ¶ã ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ¹ã›á›ãò ‡ãŠã º¾ããñÀã A. Assets given on Financial Leases on or after 1st April 2001 : The details
¶ããèÞãñ ã䪾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ : of finance leases are given below :

½ãªò 31½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè Items As at As at

31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ
¹ã›á›ñ ½ãò ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÔã‡ãŠÊã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã 164.73 164.73 Gross investment in the leases 164.73 164.73
Present value of minimum lease payments
¹ãÆ㹾㠶¾ãî¶ã¦ã½ã ¹ã›á›ã ¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ½ãîʾã -
1 ÌãÓãà Ôãñ ‡ãŠ½ã 8.91 17.60 Less than 1 year 8.91 17.60
1 Ôãñ 5 ÌãÓãà ¦ã‡ãŠ 15.04 20.49 1 to 5 years 15.04 20.49
5 ÌãÓãà ‚ããõÀ „ÔãÔãñ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠ - - 5 years and above — —
¾ããñØã 23.95 38.09 Total 23.95 38.09
Present value of unearned finance income 5.00 6.76
‚ããä•ãæ㠶㠇ãŠãè ØãƒÃ ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ‚ãã¾ã ‡ãŠã Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ½ãîʾã 5.00 6.76
18.9.6 ¹ãÆãä¦ã Íãñ¾ãÀ „¹ãã•ãöã 18.9.6 Earning Per Share
ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ 20, `¹ãÆãä¦ã Íãñ¾ãÀ „¹ãã•ãöã' ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ¹ãƦ¾ãñ‡ãŠ ƒÃãä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀ ¹ãÀ ½ãîÊ㠂ããõÀ ‡ãŠ½ã ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠThe Bank reports basic and diluted earnings per equity share in accordance
„¹ãã•ãö㠇ãŠãè ÔãîÞã¶ãã ªãè Öõ. ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã, ‡ãŠÀ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÍÞãã¦ãá ãä¶ãÌãÊã Êãã¼ã ‡ãŠãñ ºã‡ãŠã¾ã㠃Ããä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀãò ‡ãŠãè ¼ãããäÀ¦ã with Accounting Standard 20 - “Earnings per Share”. “Basic earnings” per
share is computed by dividing net profit after tax by the weighted average
‚ããõÔã¦ã Ôã⌾ãã Ôãñ ‚ãÊãØ㠇ãŠÀ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆãä¦ã Íãñ¾ãÀ `½ãîÊ㠄¹ãã•ãöã' ‡ãŠãè Øã¥ã¶ã㠇ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öõ. ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¼ããè ‡ãŠ½ã ãä‡ãŠ† number of equity shares outstanding during the year. There are no diluted
Øㆠ½ãîʾ㠇ãñŠ Ôãâ¼ãã̾㠃Ããä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀ ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã ¶ãÖãé Öõâ. potential equity shares outstanding during the year.
½ãªò ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãÃ
Items Current Year Previous Year
½ãîÊ㠂ããõÀ ‡ãŠ½ã ãä‡ãŠ† Øã†
ºã‡ãŠã¾ã㠃Ããä‡ã‹Ìã›ãè Íãñ¾ãÀãò ‡ãŠãè ¼ãããäÀ¦ã ‚ããõÔã¦ã Ôãâ. 52,62,98,878 52,62,98,878 Basic and diluted
Weighted average no. of equity shares
ãä¶ãÌãÊã Êãã¼ã 4,541.31 4,406.67
outstanding 52,62,98,878 52,62,98,878
¹ãÆãä¦ã Íãñ¾ãÀ½ãîÊ㠂ããõÀ ‡ãŠ½ã ãä‡ãŠ† Øㆠ„¹ãã•ãöã (Á.) 86.29 83.73 Net profit 4,541.31 4,406.67
¹ãÆãä¦ã Íãñ¾ãÀ ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ½ãîʾã (Á.) 10.00 10.00 Basic and diluted earnings per share (Rs.) 86.29 83.73
Nominal value per share (Rs.) 10.00 10.00
18.9.7 ‚ãã¾ã ¹ãÀ ‡ãŠÀ ‡ãŠã ÊãñŒãã -ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã
‡ãŠ. ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã, ‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ‡ãñŠ Ôã½ãã¾ããñ•ã¶ã ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò Êãã¼ã ‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò 19.83 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† (•ã½ãã) 18.9.7 Accounting for Taxes on Income
(ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà 357.89 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† ¶ãã½ãñ) •ã½ãã/(¶ãã½ãñ) ãä‡ãŠ† ØㆠÖö. a. During the year, Rs.19.83 Crores (credit) (Previous Year Rs.357.89 Crores
Œã. ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ‡ãŠÀ-ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãâºãâ£ã ½ãò ªñ¾ã-‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ãäÌãØã¦ã ÌãÓããô ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¹ããèÊããò ½ãò ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñ Ôã¹ãŠÊã¦ãã ¹ãÆ㹦ã ÖìƒÃ debit) has been credited/debited to Profit and Loss Account by way of
‚ããõÀ 31 ½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ã㹦ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã £ã¶ã Ìãã¹ãÔããè ‡ãŠãñ `‚ããäØãƽ㠇ãŠÀ-¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã' Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò •ã½ã㠇ãŠÀ ã䪾ãã adjustment of deferred tax.
Øã¾ãã. „¹ããäÞã¦ã ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ º¾ãã•ã ‡ãŠãñ £¾ãã¶ã ½ãò ÀŒã¦ãñ Öì† Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ‚ãã¾ã-‡ãŠÀ Öñ¦ãì ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ¦ãõ¾ããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã b. The bank had succeeded in appeals relating to earlier years, in respect
•ãã ÀÖã Öõ. ãäÌãÍãñÓã—ããò ‡ãñŠ‚ããä¼ã½ã¦ã ‡ãŠãñ £¾ãã¶ã ½ãò ÀŒã¦ãñ Öì† ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ 621.30 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† ‡ãŠãè ‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ-ªñ¾ã¦ãã of taxation of securities on due basis and refunds were credited to “Tax
‡ãŠãñ ãäÞããä¶Ö¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ - Ôã½ã¾ã ‚ãâ¦ãÀãÊ㠇ãñŠ ‡ãŠãÀ¥ã ƒÔãñ `‚ããäØãƽ㠇ãŠÀ-¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã' Œãã¦ãñ ‡ãñŠ ¶ãã½ãñ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. paid in advance” account during the year ended 31st March 2006. As
Êãñãä‡ãŠ¶ã, ƒÔã‡ãŠã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ Êãã¼ã ¹ãÀ ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¹ãƼããÌã ¶ãÖãé ¹ãü¡ã Öõ. the provision for current income tax is being made considering interest
on securities on accrual basis, the bank, based on expert opinion, has
Øã. ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ¹ããÔã 483.68 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† (ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà 117.80 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã†) ‡ãŠãè ãä¶ãÌãÊ㠂ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ªñ¾ã¦ãã ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã recognized deferred tax liability of Rs.621.30 crores, being timing
Öõ, ãä•ãÔãñ ‰ãŠ½ãÍã: ‚㶾㠪ñ¾ã¦ãã†ú-‚㶾㠦ã©ã㠂㶾㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú-‚㶾㠇ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã Íãããä½ãÊã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ‚ããÔ©ããä Øã¦ã difference, by a corrsesponding debit to “Tax paid in advance account”.
‡ãŠÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‚ããõÀ ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò‡ãŠã ‚ãÊãØã-‚ãÊãØã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ¹ãƽãìŒã ½ãªãò ½ãò ¶ããèÞãñ ã䪾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ : This however, has no impact on the profit for the year.
½ãªò 31 ½ããÞãà 2007 ‡ãŠãè 31 ½ããÞãà 2006 ‡ãŠãè c. The Bank has outstanding net deferred tax liability of Rs.483.68 Crores
ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ (Previous Year deferred tax asset of Rs. 117.80 Crores), which has been
included in Other Liabilities-Others and Other Assets-Others
‡ãŠ) ªñÍããè ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã respectively. The break-up of deferred tax assets and liabilities into major
‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú items is given below:
‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã - 112.20 Items As at As at
†ãä‡ã‹•ã› ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãƪ§ã ‚ã¶ãìØãÆÖ ÀããäÍã 143.38 19.45 31-Mar-2007 31-Mar-2006
‚㶾ã 97.51 117.81
Deferred Tax Assets
¾ããñØã 240.89 249.46 Provision for non performing assets — 112.20
‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú Ex-gratia paid under Exit option 143.38 19.45
‚ãÞãÊ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã 103.27 131.66 Others 97.51 117.81
¹ãÆãä¦ã¼ãîãä¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ º¾ãã•ã 621.30 Total 240.89 249.46
¾ããñØã 724.57 131.66 Deferred Tax Liabilities
Depreciation on Fixed Assets 103.27 131.66
Œã) ãäÌãªñÍããè ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã Interest on securities 621.30
ãäÌãªñÍããè ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ããò ‡ãŠãè ‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú Total 724.57 131.66
ãä¶ãÌãÊ㠂ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú/(ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú) (483.68) 117.80 Net Deferred Tax Assets/(Liabilities) (483.68) 117.80
18.9.8 Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã Á¹ã Ôãñ ãä¶ã¾ãâãä¨ã¦ã ‡ã⊹ããä¶ã¾ããò ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã 18.9.8 Investments in jointly controlled entities
(‡ãŠ) Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã Á¹ã Ôãñ ãä¶ã¾ãâãä¨ã¦ã ãä¶ã½¶ããäÊããäŒã¦ã ‡ã⊹ããä¶ã¾ããò‡ãñŠ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ½ãò 15.70 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† (ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà 10.82 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ (a) Investments include Rs.15.70 Crores (Previous Year Rs.10.82 Crores)
Á¹ã†) ‡ãŠã ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã ãäÖÔÔãã Íãããä½ãÊã Öõ : representing Bank’s interest in the following jointly controlled entities
‰ãŠ½ã Ôãâ. ‡ã⊹ã¶ããè ‡ãŠã ¶ãã½ã ÀããäÍã ãä¶ãÌããÔ㠇ãŠã ªñÍã £ãããäÀ¦ãã Sr. No. Name of the Company Amount Country of Holding
Residence %
1 •ããèƒÃ ‡ãŠõãä¹ã›Êã ãäºã•ã¶ãñÔã ¹ãÆãñÔãñÔã ½ãõ¶ãñ•ã½ãñ⛠ÔããäÃÌãÔãñû•ã ¹ãÆã.ãäÊã. 10.80 ¼ããÀ¦ã 40%
1 GE Capital Business Process 10.80 India 40%
(10.80) Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (10.80)
2 Ôããè-†•ã ›ñ‡ã‹¶ããñÊããù•ããè•ã ãäÊã. 4.90 ¼ããÀ¦ã 49% 2 C - Edge Technologies Ltd. 4.90 India 49%
(0.02) (0.02)
(‡ãŠãñӟ‡ãŠãò ½ãò ã䪆 Øㆠ‚ããâ‡ãŠü¡ñ ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ Öö (Figures in brackets relate to previous year)


C114 K114
(Œã) ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ 27 ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¹ãñàã㠇ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ, Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ã Á¹ã Ôãñ ãä¶ã¾ãâãä¨ã¦ã ‡ã⊹ããä¶ã¾ããò ½ãò ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäÖÔÔãñ Ôãñ Ôãâºãâãä£ã¦ã (b) As required by AS 27, the aggregate amount of the assets, liabilities, income
‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò, ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò, ‚ãã¾ã ‚ããõÀ ̾ã¾ã ‡ãŠãè ‡ãìŠÊã ÀããäÍã ãä¶ã½¶ãã¶ãìÔããÀ ¹ãƇ㊛ ‡ãŠãè ØãƒÃ Öõ: and expenses related to the Bank’s interests in jointly controlled entities are
disclosed as under :
½ãªò 31 ½ããÞãà -07 31 ½ããÞãà -06
Items 31-Mar-07 31-Mar-06
¹ãîâ•ããè ‚ããõÀ ‚ããÀãäàããä¦ã¾ããú/ 52.13 33.80 Liabilities
•ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú 0.00 Capital & Reserves 52.13 33.80
„£ããÀ-ÀããäÍã¾ããú 0.21 0.10 Deposits — —
‚㶾㠪ñ¾ã¦ãã†ú †Ìãâ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 20.60 13.55 Borrowings 0.21 0.10
Other Liabilities & Provisions 20.60 13.55
¾ããñØã 72.94 47.45
Total 72.94 47.45
¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ½ãò ¶ã‡ãŠª ‚ããõÀ •ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú 0.01 0.04 Cash and Balances with Reserve Bank of India 0.01 0.04
ºãö‡ãŠãò ½ãò •ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú ‚ããõÀ ½ããúØã ¦ã©ã㠂ãʹã ÔãîÞã¶ãã ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆ㹾㠣ã¶ãÀããäÍã 3.66 7.20 Balances with banks and money at call and
ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã 2.47 - short notice 3.66 7.20
‚ããäØãƽã - - Investments 2.47 —
‚ãÞãÊ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú 19.79 9.55 Advances — —
‚㶾㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú 47.01 30.66 Fixed Assets 19.79 9.55
¾ããñØã 72.94 47.45 Other Assets 47.01 30.66
Total 72.94 47.45
¹ãîú•ããè ¹ãÆãä¦ãºã®¦ãã†ú Íãã Íãã
Capital Commitments Nil Nil
‚㶾㠂ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú Íãã Íãã
Other Contingent Liabilities Nil Nil
½ãªò ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãÃ
Items Current Year Previous Year
‚ããä•ãæ㠺¾ãã•ã 0.04 0.25 Income
‚㶾㠂ãã¾ã 65.85 48.14 Interest earned 0.04 0.25
Other income 65.85 48.14
¾ããñØã 65.89 48.39
Total 65.89 48.39
̾ã¾ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã º¾ãã•ã - - Interest expended — —
¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ̾ã¾ã 38.25 33.86 Operating expenses 38.25 33.86
¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã †Ìã⠂ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ̾ã¾ã 10.07 5.26 Provisions & contingencies 10.07 5.26
¾ããñØã 48.32 39.12 Total 48.32 39.12
Êãã¼ã 17.57 9.27 Profit 17.57 9.27

18.9.9 ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¹ãÔãã½ã㶾ã¦ãã 18.9.9 Impairment of Assets

ºãö‡ãŠ ¹ãƺãâ£ã¶ã ‡ãŠãè Òãäӛ ½ãò, ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã, ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¹ãÔãã½ã㶾ã¦ã㠇ãŠã ‡ãŠãñƒÃ †ñÔãã ½ãã½ãÊãã ¶ãÖãé Öõ ãä•ãÔã ¹ãÀ In the opinion of the Bank’s Management, there is no impairment to the
ÊãñŒãã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ28 - `‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¹ãÔãã½ã㶾ã¦ãã' ÊããØãî Öãñ. assets during the year to which Accounting Standard 28 - “Impairment of
Assets” applies.
18.9.10 ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã, ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú ‚ããõÀ ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããú :
18.9.10 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets :
‡ãŠ. ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã ‚ãÊãØã-‚ãÊãØã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã
a. Break-up of Provisions
½ãªò ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãÃ
Items Current Year Previous Year
‡ãŠÀ ¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã Öñ¦ãì ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã
ÞããÊãî ‡ãŠÀ 3014.61 1682.71 Provision for Taxation
Current Tax 3014.61 1682.71
‚ã¶ãìÓãâØããè Êãã¼ã ‡ãŠÀ 88.50 458.00
Fringe Benefit Tax 88.50 458.00
‚ããÔ©ããäØã¦ã ‡ãŠÀ (19.83) 357.89
Deferred Tax (19.83) 357.89
‚㶾㠇ãŠÀ 0.49 0.88 Other Tax 0.49 0.88
ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¹ãÀ ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔ㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 379.23 3898.50 Provision for Depreciation on Investments 379.23 3898.50
‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 1428.26 147.81 Provision on Non-Performing Assets 1428.26 147.81
½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 589.19 405.17 Provision on Standard Assets 589.19 405.17
ãä¶ãÌãÊã Ìã¦ãýãã¶ã ½ãîʾã (†¶ã¹ããèÌããè) ¹ãÀ ‚ãã£ãð¦ã ¼ããÌããè º¾ãã•ã ‡ãñŠ Provision for sacrifice of future interest on
„¦Ôã•ãö㠇ãñŠ ãäÊㆹãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã 1.24 - NPV basis 1.24 —
‚㶾㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã (23.06) (58.41) Provision for Other Assets (23.06) (58.41)
¾ããñØã 5458.63 6892.55 Total 5458.63 6892.55

Œã. ‚ãÔ©ãã¾ããè ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã b Floating Provisions

ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà Particulars Current Year Previous Year
‚ã©ãÍãñÓã Íãã 840.00 Opening Balance Nil 840.00
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ¹ããäÀÌã£ãöã Íãã Íãã Addition during the year Nil Nil
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‚ããÖÀ¥ã ´ãÀ㠇㊽ããè Íãã 840.00 Draw down during the year Nil 840.00
ƒãä¦ã ÍãñÓã Íãã Íãã Closing Balance Nil Nil


C115 K115
Øã. ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‚ããõÀ ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã c Description of Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

‰ãŠ½ã Ôãâ. ½ãªò Ôãâãäà㹦ã ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã Sr. No. Items Brief Description
1 ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäÌãÁ® †ñÔãñ ªãÌãñ •ããñ ¨ãÉ¥ã ̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã ‡ãŠãè Ôãã½ã㶾㠹ãÆãä‰ãŠ¾ãã ½ãò ºãö‡ãŠ ãäÌããä¼ã¶¶ã 1 Claims against the Bank not The Bank is a party to various
‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ‚ããä¼ãÔÌããè‡ãðŠ¦ã ¶ãÖãé Öõ. ‡ãŠã¾ãÃÌãããäÖ¾ããò ½ãò †‡ãŠ ¹ãàã Öõ. ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãñ †ñÔããè „½½ããèª ¶ãÖãé Öõ acknowledged as debts proceedings in the normal course of
business. The Bank does not expect
ãä‡ãŠ ƒ¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÃÌãããäÖ¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ã ‡ãŠã ¦ãããä¦Ìã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆãä¦ã‡ãîŠÊã the outcome of these proceedings to
¹ãƼããÌã ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ãäÔ©ããä¦ã¾ããò, ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ¹ããäÀ¥ãã½ããò have a material adverse effect on the
¾ãã ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ ¹ãÀ ¹ãü¡ñØãã. Bank’s financial conditions, results of
operations or cash flows.
2 ºã‡ãŠã¾ãã Ìãã¾ãªã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ÔãâãäÌãªã‚ããò ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ãä¶ã•ããè Œãã¦ãñ ‚ããõÀ ØãÆãևãŠãò ‡ãŠãè ‚ãâ¦ãÀ-ºãö‡ãŠ
2 Liability on account of The Bank enters into forward exchange
. ‡ãñŠ ‡ãŠãÀ¥ã ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú ÔãÖ¼ãããäØã¦ãã Ôãñ ãäÌãªñÍããè ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ÔãâãäÌãªã, ½ãì³ã ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã, outstanding forward contracts, currency options, forward
Ìãã¾ãªã ªÀ ‡ãŠÀãÀ, ½ãì³ã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ¦ã©ãã º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã exchange contracts rate agreements, currency swaps and
‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ. Ìãã¾ãªã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ÔãâãäÌãªã‚ããò ‡ãŠãè ¹ãÆãä¦ãºã®¦ãã interest rate swaps with inter-bank
ãäÌãªñÍããè ½ãì³ã ‡ãŠãñ ¼ããäÌãӾ㠽ãò ÔãâãäÌãªãØã¦ã ªÀ ¹ãÀ ŒãÀã誶ãñ participants on its own account and
for customers. Forward exchange
¾ãã ºãñÞã¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÖõ. ½ãì³ã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ¹ãÆãä¦ãºã®¦ãã†ú contracts are commitments to buy or
¹ãîÌãà ãä¶ã£ããÃãäÀ¦ã ªÀãò ‡ãñŠ ‚ãã£ããÀ ¹ãÀ †‡ãŠ ½ãì³ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÌã¹ãÀãè¦ã sell foreign currency at a future date at
ªîÔãÀãè ½ãì³ã ‡ãŠãè º¾ãã•ã / ½ãîÊã ÀããäÍ㠇ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã the contracted rate. Currency swaps
¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÖõâ . º¾ãã•ã ªÀ ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ‡ãŠãè are commitments to exchange cash
flows by way of interest/principal in
¹ãÆãä¦ãºã®¦ãã†ú ‚ãÞãÊã ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã †Ìã⠂ãÔ©ãã¾ããè º¾ãã•ã ªÀ one currency against another, based on
¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÖö. ‚ãã¶ãì½ãããä¶ã‡ãŠ ÀããäÍã¾ããú, ãä•ã¶Öò predetermined rates. Interest rate
‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ª•ãà ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ, swaps are commitments to exchange
ÔãâãäÌãªã‚ããò ‡ãñŠ º¾ãã•ã ‚ãâÍ㠇ãñŠ ¹ããäÀ‡ãŠÊã¶ã Öñ¦ãì ¶¾ãî¶ã¦ã½ã fixed and floating interest rate cash
flows. The notional amounts that are
½ãã¹ãªâ¡ ‡ãñŠ Á¹ã ½ãò ¹ãƾãì‡ã‹¦ã ãäÌããäÍãӛ ÀããäÍã¾ããú Öõ. recorded as contingent liabilities, are
3 ØãÆãևãŠãò, ãäºãÊããò †Ìãâ Öìâã䡾ããò, ¹ãÀãâ‡ãŠ¶ããò ¦ã©ã㠂ã¹ã¶ããè Ìãããä¥ããä•ã‡ãŠ ºãöãä‡ãâŠØ㠇ãŠã¾ãÃÌãããäÖ¾ããò ‡ãñŠ †‡ãŠ ¼ããØ㠇ãñŠ typically amounts used as a
benchmark for the calculation of the
‚㶾㠪ããä¾ã¦Ìããò ‡ãŠãè ‚ããñÀ Ôãñ ªãè ØãƒÃ ØããÀâã䛾ããú Á¹ã ½ãò ºãö‡ãŠ ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ØãÆãևãŠãò ‡ãŠãè ‚ããñÀ Ôãñ ¹ãÆÊãñŒããè ¨ãɥ㠂ããõÀ interest component of the contracts.
ØããÀâ›ãè ¹ãƪã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öõ. ¹ãÆÊãñŒããè ¨ãÉ¥ã Ôãñ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ØãÆãևãŠãò
3 Guarantees given on behalf As a part of its commercial banking
‡ãŠãè ¨ãɥ㠂ãÌããäÔ©ããä¦ã ºãü¤¦ããè Öõ. ØããÀâã䛾ããú Ôãã½ã㶾ã¦ã: ºãö‡ãŠ of constituents, acceptances, activities, the Bank issues
‡ãŠãè ‚ããñÀ Ôãñ ‚ã›Ê㠂ããÍÌããÔã¶ã Öãñ¦ããè Öõâ ãä‡ãŠ ¾ããäª ØãÆãև㊠endorsements and other documentary credits and guarantees
‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ãäÌã§ããè¾ã ¾ãã ãä¶ãÓ¹ã㪶㠪ããä¾ã¦Ìããò ‡ãŠãñ ¹ãî¥ãà ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ½ãò obligations on behalf of its customers.
‚ãÔã¹ãŠÊã Öãñ¦ãã Öõ ¦ããñ ºãö‡ãŠ †ñÔããè ãäÔ©ããä¦ã ½ãò „¶ã‡ãŠã Documentary credits enhance the
credit standing of the customers of the
¼ãìØã¦ãã¶ã ‡ãŠÀñØãã. Bank. Guarantees generally represent
4 ‚㶾㠽ãªò ãä•ã¶ã‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠºãö‡ãŠ ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ãäÌããä¼ã¶¶ã ‡ãŠÀ ãä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ã ½ãã½ãÊããò, ãä•ã¶ãÔãñ Ô㽺㮠irrevocable assurances that the Bank
will make payment in the event of the
Á¹ã Ôãñ ãä•ã½½ãñªãÀ Öõ. ‚ã¹ããèÊãò ãäÌãÞããÀã£ããè¶ã Öö, ‡ãŠã †‡ãŠ ¹ãàã Öõ. ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ‚ããñÀ customer failing to fulfil its financial
Ôãñ ƒ¶ã ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãä¦ãÌã㪠ãä‡ãŠ¾ã㠕ãã ÀÖã Öõ ‚ããõÀ ƒ¶ã‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠor performance obligations.
‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã ¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ¹ãì¶ã: ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ ̾ãÌãÔãã¾ã 4 Other items for which the The Bank is a party to various
‡ãŠãè Ôãã½ã㶾㠹ãÆãä‰ãŠ¾ãã ½ãò Íãñ¾ãÀãò ‡ãŠã ‚ããä¼ãªã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè Bank is contingently liable. taxation matters in respect of which
¹ãÆãä¦ãºã®¦ã㠇ãŠãè Öõ. appeals are pending. These are being
contested by the Bank and not
Üã. …¹ãÀ „ãäÊÊããäŒã¦ã ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ªñ¾ã¦ãã†ú ¾ã©ãããäÔ©ããä¦ã, ¶¾ãã¾ããÊã¾ã/¹ãâÞãã›/ ¶¾ãã¾ããÊã¾ã ‡ãñŠ ºããÖÀ Ôã½ã¢ããõ¦ãã, ‚ã¹ããèÊããò ‡ãñŠ provided for. Further, the Bank has
ãä¶ã¹ã›ã¶ã, ÀããäÍ㠇ãñŠ ½ããúØãñ •ãã¶ãñ, ÔãâãäÌãªãØã¦ã ºã㣾ã¦ãã, Ôãâºãââãä£ã¦ã ¹ãàããò ´ãÀã ½ããúØã ¹ãÆÔ¦ããÌ㠇ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãÀ¥ã ‚ããõÀ „Ôãñ „ªá¼ãî¦ã made commitments to subscribe to
shares in the normal course of
‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ªããä¾ã¦Ìã ¹ãÀ ‚ãã£ãããäÀ¦ã Öõâ. business.
Ý. ‚ãã‡ãŠãäÔ½ã‡ãŠ ªñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÌãÁ® ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ‡ãŠã „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌã d. The contingent liabilities mentioned above are dependent upon the outcome
of Court/ arbitration/out of Court settlements, disposal of appeals, the amount
ãäÌãÌãÀ¥ã ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ãä¹ãœÊãã ÌãÓãà being called up, terms of contractual obligations, devolvement and raising
‚ã©ãÍãñÓã 63.38 23.36 of demand by concerned parties, as the case may be.
e. Movement of provisions against contingent liabilities
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ¹ããäÀÌã£ãöã 12.76 48.80
ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã ‡ãŠ½ããè 4.24 8.78 Particulars Current Year Previous Year

ƒãä¦ã ÍãñÓã 71.90 63.38 Opening balance 63.38 23.36

Additions during the year 12.76 48.80
18.10 †ãä‡ã‹•ã› ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã : Reductions during the year 4.24 8.78
Closing balance 71.90 63.38
ºãö‡ãŠ ¶ãñ ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ‡ãŠ½ãÃÞãããäÀ¾ããò ‡ãŠãè ¹ãã¨ã¦ã㠇ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÁ¹ã †ãä‡ã‹•ã› ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã ¾ããñ•ã¶ã㠇ãŠã¾ããÃãä¶Ìã¦ã ‡ãŠãè. ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ªãõÀã¶ã, †ãä‡ã‹•ã›
ãäÌã‡ãŠÊ¹ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã£ããè¶ã ‡ãìŠÊã 478.30 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã† (ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà 72.24 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Á¹ã†) ‡ãŠãè ‚ã¶ãìØãÆÖ ‚ãªã¾ãØããè ‡ãŠãñ Êãã¼ã 18.10 Exit Option :
‚ããõÀ Öããä¶ã Œãã¦ãñ ½ãò ¹ãƼãããäÀ¦ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. The Bank had implemented an Exit Option Scheme for its eligible employees.
The ex-gratia payments under exit option aggregating to Rs.478.30 Crores
18.11 ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ããâ‡ãŠü¡ãò ‡ãŠã ÞããÊãî ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ããâ‡ãŠü¡ãò Ôãñ ãä½ãÊãã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè Òãäӛ Ôãñ „¶Öò ¾ã©ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ ‚ããõÀ ¾ã©ãããä¶ã£ããÃÀ¥ãÌãÍã, (previous year Rs.72.24 crores) has been charged to the Profit & Loss account
¹ãì¶ãÔãýãîãä֦㠆Ìãâ ¹ãì¶ãÌãÃØããê‡ãðŠ¦ã ‡ãŠÀ ã䪾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ. ãä•ã¶ã ½ãã½ãÊããò ½ãò ¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäªÍãã-ãä¶ãªóÍããò ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ during the year.
¹ãƇ㊛ãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ¹ãÖÊããè ºããÀ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Øã¾ãã Öõ „¶ã‡ãñŠ ãäÌãØã¦ã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ããâ‡ãŠü¡ñ ¶ãÖãé ã䪆 ØㆠÖö. 18.11 Previous year’s figures have been regrouped and reclassified, wherever
necessary and determinable, to make them comparable with current year’s
figures. In cases where disclosures have been made for the first time in terms
of RBI guidelines, previous year’s figures have not been mentioned.


C116 K116
31 XpE{ 2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ @u‚ <[h S@‚Qr T}\p` <\\ZN
(000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)
(000s omitted)
31.3.2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ 31.3.2006 @‚pu _XpØO \^{{
Year ended 31.3.2007 Year ended 31.3.2006
(Ep[t \^{ current year) (<TF>[p \^{ previous year)
‘. Rs. ‘. Rs. ‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.
‡ãŠ ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò Ôãñ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ
Œã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò Ôãñ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ
Øã ãäÌã§ã¹ããñÓã¥ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò Ôãñ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ
¶ã‡ãŠªãè †Ìãâ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè Ôã½ã¦ãìʾããò ½ãò ãä¶ãÌãÊã ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãöã
Üã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ããÀâ¼ã ½ãò ¶ã‡ãŠªãè †Ìãâ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè Ôã½ã¦ãìʾã
Ý ãääÌãªñÍããè ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã ªÀ ½ãò ¹ããäÀÌã¦ãöããò ‡ãŠã ¹ãƼããÌã
Þã ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠãè Ôã½ããã书㠹ãÀ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè †Ìãâ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè Ôã½ã¦ãìʾã

‡ãŠ ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò Ôãñ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ

‡ãŠÀ ¹ãîÌãà ãä¶ãÌãÊã Êãã¼ã / Net Profit before Taxes 7625,07,91 6906,15,29
Ôã½ãã¾ããñ•ã¶ã / Adjustment for :
½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã Íãìʇ㊠/ Depreciation charges 602,39,23 729,13,17
¹ã›á›ã‡ãðŠ¦ã ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò Ôããä֦㠂ãÞãÊ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ã
Profit on sale of fixed assets incl. leased assets (12,12,70) (1,93,90)
ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããñ⠇ãñŠ ãäÌã‰ãŠ¾ã ¹ãÀ Êãã¼ã / Profit on sale of investments (567,78,12) (587,17,14)
ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããñ⠇ãŠñ ¹ãì¶ãýãîʾããâ‡ãŠ¶ã ¹ãÀ Öããä¶ã / Loss on revaluation of investments 1677,51,35 —
‚ãÊãã¼ã‡ãŠãÀãè ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã / Provision for NPAs 1429,50,31 147,80,12
½ãã¶ã‡ãŠ ‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã / Provision on Standard Assets 589,18,98 405,17,21
‚ãÌã‡ãŠãÍã ¶ã‡ãŠªãè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã / Provision for leave encashment 85,00,00 78,19,00
ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¹ãÀ ½ãîʾãÖÆãÔã / Depreciation on Investments 379,21,99 4043,24,52
‚㶾㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã / Provision on other assets (23,05,56) 71,43,93
àãñ¨ããè¾ã ØãÆã½ããè¥ã ºãö‡ãŠãò ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã / Provision on RRBs/Subsidiaries/JVs (8,49,43) (144,74,84)
‚㶾㠹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ã / Other Provisions — (129,83,55)
‚ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããò Ôãñ ¹ãÆ㹦ã Êãã¼ããâÍã (ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ã)
Dividends from Subsidiaires (Investing Activities) (596,96,77) (317,18,28)
†Ôãºããè‚ãムºããâ¡ãò ¹ãÀ Ôã⪧㠺¾ãã•ã (ãäÌã§ã¹ããñÓã¥ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ã) / Interest paid on SBI Bonds 847,42,87 401,11,41

12026,90,06 11601,36,94
Üã›ã†ú / Less: ¹ãƦ¾ãà㠇ãŠÀ / Direct Taxes (4282,12,53) (525,16,12)

„¹ã ¾ããñØã / SUB TOTAL 7744,77,53 11076,20,82


C117 K117
(000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)
(000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ 31.3.2006 @‚pu _XpØO \^{{

Year ended 31.3.2007 Year ended 31.3.2006
(Ep[t \^{ current year) (<TF>[p \^{ previous year)
‘. Rs. ‘. Rs. ‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.

Ôã½ãã¾ããñ•ã¶ã / Adjustment for

•ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããò ½ãò Ìãðãä®/(‡ãŠ½ããè) / Increase/(Decrease) in Deposits 55475,03,41 12998,52,88

„£ããÀ - ÀããäÍã¾ããò ½ãò Ìãðãä®/(‡ãŠ½ããè) / Increase/(Decrease) in Borrowings 9062,09,09 11456,93,07

ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ½ãò (Ìãðãä®)/‡ãŠ½ããè / (Increase)/Decrease in Investments 7450,67,90 36206,07,50

‚ããäØãƽããò ½ãò (Ìãðãä®)/‡ãŠ½ããè / (Increase)/Decrease in Advances (76965,06,07) (59574,28,24)

‚㶾㠪ñ¾ã¦ãã‚ããò ‚ããõÀ ¹ãÆãÌã£ãã¶ããò ½ãò Ìãðãä®/(‡ãŠ½ããè)

Increase/(Decrease) in Other Liabilities & Provisions (3337,15,10) (525,40,11)

‚㶾㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ½ãò (Ìãðãä®)/‡ãŠ½ããè / (Increase)/Decrease in Other Assets (1206,43,67) (6035,75,27)

¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò ´ãÀã ¹ãƪ§ã ãä¶ãÌãÊã ¶ã‡ãŠªãè


Œã ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò Ôãñ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ


‚ã¶ãìÓãâãäØã¾ããò / Ôãâ¾ãì‡ã‹¦ããò-„²ã½ããò ½ãò ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã (Ìãðãä®) / ‡ãŠ½ããè

(Increase) / Decrease in Investments in Subsidiaries/ JVs (225,32,84) (274,18,11)

†ñÔãñ ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ããò ¹ãÀ ‚ããä•ãæ㠂ãã¾ã / Income earned on such Investments 596,96,77 317,18,28

‚ãÞãÊ㠂ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ½ãò (Ìãðãä®)/‡ãŠ½ããè / (Increase) / Decrease in Fixed Assets (656,19,81) (782,43,46)

ãäÌããä¶ã£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò ½ãò Ôãñ ãä¶ãÌãÊã ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãƼããÌã


Øã ãäÌã§ã¹ããñÓã¥ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò Ôãñ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ


ºãñãä½ã¾ããªãè ºããâ¡ãñ⠇ãŠã ãä¶ãØãýã / Issue of Perpetual Bonds 1738,80,00

Øããõ¥ã ¨ãÉ¥ããñ ‡ãŠã ãä¶ãØãýã / Issue of Subordinated Debts 9442,90,00 3283,00,00

Øããõ¥ã ºããâ¡ãñ⠇ãŠã ¹ããäÀÍããñ£ã¶ã

Redemption of Subordinated Debts — (1760,67,00)

ºããâ¡ãò ¹ãÀ Ôã⪧㠺¾ãã•ã / Interest Paid on Bonds (847,42,87) (401,11,41)

Ôã⪦¦ã Êãã¼ããâÍã-Êãã¼ããâÍã ãäÌã¦ãÀ¥ã ¹ãÀ ‡ãŠÀ ÔããäÖ¦ã

Dividends Paid including tax thereon (840,15,82) (751,62,27)

ãäÌã§ã¹ããñÓã¥ã ‡ãŠã¾ãÇãŠÊãã¹ããò ´ãÀã ¹ãƪ§ã ãä¶ãÌãÊã ¶ã‡ãŠªãè



C118 K118
(000 @‚pu F>puÊ <QYp BYp `v)
(000s omitted)

31.3.2007 @‚pu _XpØO \^{ 31.3.2006 @‚pu _XpØO \^{{

Year ended 31.3.2007 Year ended 31.3.2006
(Ep[t \^{ current year) (<TF>[p \^{ previous year)
‘. Rs. ‘. Rs. ‘. Rs. ‘. Rs.

Üã ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ããÀâ¼ã ½ãò ¶ã‡ãŠªãè †Ìãâ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè Ôã½ã¦ãìʾã


Öã©ã ¶ã‡ãŠªãè (ƒÔã½ãò ãäÌãªñÍããè ‡ãŠÀòÔããè ¶ããñ› ¦ã©ãã ÔÌã¥ãà Ôããä½½ããäÊã¦ã Öö)
Cash in hand (including foreign currency notes and gold) 2080,23,05 1436,16,02

¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ½ãò •ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú

Balances with Reserve Bank of India 19572,47,34 15374,16,97

ºãö‡ãŠãò ½ãò •ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú ¦ã©ãã ½ããúØ㠆Ìã⠂ãʹã ÔãîÞã¶ãã ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆ㹾㠣ã¶ãÀããäÍã
Balances with Banks and Money at Call and Short Notice 22907,29,72 22511,76,87

¾ããñØã / Total 44560,00,11 39322,09,86

Ý ãäÌããä¶ã½ã¾ã „¦ããÀ-Þãü¤ãÌã - ¶ã‡ãŠªãè ¹ãÆÌããÖ


(24,79,63) 5,43,57
Þã ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠãè Ôã½ããã书㠹ãÀ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè †Ìãâ ¶ã‡ãŠªãè Ôã½ã¦ãìʾã

Öã©ã ¶ã‡ãŠªãè (ƒÔã½ãò ãäÌãªñÍããè ‡ãŠÀòÔããè ¶ããñ› ¦ã©ãã ÔÌã¥ãà Ôããä½½ããäÊã¦ã Öö)
Cash in hand (including foreign currency notes and gold) 2530,11,93 2080,23,05

¼ããÀ¦ããè¾ã ãäÀû•ãÌãà ºãö‡ãŠ ½ãò •ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú

Balances with Reserve Bank of India 26546,30,57 19572,47,34

ºãö‡ãŠãò ½ãò •ã½ããÀããäÍã¾ããú ¦ã©ãã ½ããúØ㠆Ìã⠂ãʹã ÔãîÞã¶ãã ¹ãÀ ¹ãÆ㹾㠣ã¶ãÀããäÍã
Balances with Banks and Money at Call and Short Notice 22892,26,50 22907,29,72

¾ããñØã / Total 51968,69,00 44560,00,11

`∫OpbZ@‚Op{: SIGNED BY:

YpuBu] dBZ\p[
Suman Kumar Bery Yogesh Agarwal

} }
_sXS @s‚XpZ VuZr T}VzR <SQu]@‚
h\z _Xt` @‚pY{Tp[@‚ Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala Managing Director
L>px. d]pu@‚ HsSHsS\p[p and Group Executive
(ZpπJ~>rY Vvõq@õ‚B) Ananta C. Kalita (National Banking)
dSzO _r. @‚<[Op
J>r. h_. WJ>oJ>pEpY{ Amar Pal
dXZ Tp[ T. S. Bhattacharya
<SQu]@‚ Arun Singh
d‘N <_õ` T}VzR <SQu]@‚ Managing Director
h\z _Xt` @‚pY{Tp[@‚ Rajiv Pandey Directors and Group Executive
ZpGr\ TpzL>u (Corporate Banking)
(@‚pZTpuZuJ> Vvõq@õ‚B) Shyamala Gopinath
∏YpX[p BpuTrSpP O. P. Bhatt
dpuX T}@‚p] WJoJ> Chairman
@‚pu[@‚pOp Kolkata
12 Xe{, 2007 12th May, 2007


C119 K119
T}<O, WpZO @u‚ ZpπJ~>T<O, To

The President of India,

1. WpZOrY ∫J>uJ> Vvõ@‚ d<R<SYX, 1955 @‚√ RpZp 41 (1)
@u‚ dzOB{O <SYs°O `X, WpZOrY ∫J>uJ> Vvõ@‚ @u‚ dRpu`∫OpbZr 1. We, the undersigned Auditors of State Bank of
[uApTZrb@‚ Vvõ@‚ @u‚ Os[STm, [pW dpvZ `p<S ApOu OPp India, appointed under Section 41(1) of the State
Bank of India Act, 1955, do hereby report to the
S@‚Qr T}\p` <\\ZN @u‚ VpZu Xuõ @uõ‚È _Z@‚pZ @‚pu hOQoÃpZp
Central Government upon the Balance Sheet,
dTSr qZTpuJ>{ T}∫OsO @‚ZOu `võ. Profit & Loss Account and the Cash Flow
Statement of the Bank.
2. `XSu WpZOrY ∫J>uJ> Vvõ@‚ @u‚ 31 XpE{ 2007 @u‚ _z[£S
Os[STm dpvZ f_r OpZrA @‚pu _XpØO \^{ @u‚ [pW dpvZ 2. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of
State Bank of India as at 31st March 2007, the Profit
`p<S ApOu OPp S@‚Qr T}\p` <\\ZN @‚√ [uAp-TZrbp
& Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement of
@‚√ `v. f°O <\lrY <\\ZNpuõ Xuõ <S≥S<[<AO @u‚ [uAu the Bank for the year ended on that date annexed
]p<X[ `võ : thereto. Incorporated in the said financial
statements are the accounts of:
(i) @u‚ÆÈrY @‚pYp{[Y, EpvQ` ∫PpSrY T}RpS @‚pYp{[Y,
i) The Central Office, fourteen Local Head
@‚pZTpu Z u J> [u A p _Xt ` (@u‚ÆÈrY), XöY-@‚pZTpuZuJ>
Offices, Corporate Accounts Group (Central),
_Xt` (@uõ‚ÈrY), OSp\B}∫O dp˘∫O T}VzRS _Xt` Mid-Corporate Group (Central), Stressed
(@u õ ‚ ÈrY) dpv Z VYp[r_ ]pApdpu õ @u ‚ , <GS@‚√ Assets Management Group (Central) and 42
[uAp-TZrbp `XSu @‚√ `v; (forty two) branches audited by us;

(ii) óóïñ (_pO `GpZ _pO _pv F>ØTS) WpZOrY ]pApdpuõ ii) 7,756 (Seven thousand seven hundred fifty
six) Indian Branches audited by other
@u‚ <GS@‚√ [uAp-TZrbp dÆY [uApTZrb@‚puõ Su @‚√;

(iii)<\Qu] ˘∫PO Or_ ]pApdpuõ @u‚, <GS@‚√ [uAp-TZrbp iii) 30 (Thirty) Foreign Branches audited by the
∫PpSrY [uApTZrb@‚puõ Su @‚√; OPp local auditors; and

(iv) EpZ _pv _´Op\S> dÆY WpZOrY ]pApdpuõ @u‚, <GS@‚√ iv) 1,719 (One thousand seven hundred nineteen)
other Indian Branches, the un-audited returns
d[uApTZr<bO <\\Z<NYpz ]pAp T}VzR@‚puõ ÃpZp T}Xp<NO
of which are certified by the Branch Managers.
@‚√ Be{ `võ. eS d[uApTZr<bO ]pApdpuõ @‚p <`∫_p These un-audited branches account for 0.93%
d<B}Xpuõ Xuõ 0.93%, GXpZp<]Ypuõ Xuõ 2.78%, of advances, 2.78% of deposits, 0.57% of
±YpG dpY Xuõ 0.57% OPp ±YpG ∑YY Xuõ interest income and 1.86% of interest
1.86% `v.
These financial statements are the responsibility
Yu <\lrY <\\ZN Vvõ@‚-T}VzRS @‚√ <G≥XuQpZr `võ. `XpZr of the Bank’s Management. Our responsibility is
<G≥XuQpZr dTSu [uApTZrbp-@‚pY{ @u‚ dpRpZ TZ eS <\lrY to express an opinion on these financial
<\\ZNpuõ TZ d<WXO T}∫OsO @‚ZSp `v. statements based on our audit.


C120 K120
3. `XSu dTSp [uApTZrbp-@‚pY{ WpZO Xuõ _pXpÆYO# ∫\r@w‚O 3. We conducted our audit in accordance with the
auditing standards generally accepted in India.
[uApTZrbp XpS@‚puõ @u‚ dSs_pZ q@‚Yp `v. eS XpS@‚puõ @u‚ dzOB{O
Those standards require that we plan and
Y` dTubp @‚√ GpOr `v q@‚ `X dTSr [uApTZrbp @‚√ YpuGSp perform the audit to obtain reasonable
e_ T}@‚pZ VSphy dpvZ <SπTp<QO @‚Zuõ q@‚ `X _Xs<EO ’‚T _u assurance about whether the financial
e_ VpZu Xuõ dp∏\∫O `pu Gphz q@‚ <\lrY <\\ZNpuõ Xuõ <\^Y\∫Os statements are free of material misstatement.
_zVzRr @‚pue{ B[O <\\ZN S`rõ <Qh Bh `võ. [uApTZrbp @u‚ An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and
dzOB{O <\lrY <\\ZNpuõ Xuõ T}∫OsO Zp<]Ypuõ dpvZ T}@‚J>r@‚ZNpuõ @u‚
disclosures in the financial statements. An
_XP{S Xuõ <Qh Bh _pΩY @‚√ TZrbN dpRpZ TZ GpzE @‚√ audit also includes assessing the accounting
GpOr `v. [uApTZrbp @u‚ dzOB{O T}VzRS ÃpZp T}Ys°O [uAp- principles used and significant estimates made
<_–pzOpuõ OPp T}XsA dp@‚[Spuõ @‚p <SRp{ZN OPp _XB} <\lrY by Management, as well as evaluating the
overall financial statement presentation. We
<\\ZN @‚√ T}∫Os<O @‚p Xt∂Ypz@‚S Wr q@‚Yp GpOp `v. `Xuõ
believe that our audit provides a reasonable
<\∏\p_ `v q@‚ `XpZp [uApTZrbp @‚pY{ `XpZu d<WXO @u‚ <[h basis for our opinion.
h@‚ _Xs<EO dpRpZ T}QpS @‚ZOp `v.
4. The Balance Sheet and the Profit & Loss Account
4. Os[STm dpvZ [pW h\z `p<S ApOp Vvõ@‚@‚pZr <\<SYXS have been drawn up in Forms ‘A’ and ‘B’
respectively of the Third Schedule to the Banking
d<R<SYX, 1949 @‚√ OwOrY dSs_tEr @u‚ @}‚X]# "@‚'
Regulation Act, 1949 and these give information
dpvZ "A' U‚pXpu| Xuõ OvYpZ q@‚h Bh `võ dpvZ Yu WpZOrY as required to be given by virtue of the provisions
∫J>uJ> Vvõ@‚ d<RqSYX, 1955 OPp f_@u‚ dzOB{O VSu of the State Bank of India Act, 1955, and
<\<SYXpuõ @u‚ fTVzRpuõ @u‚ dSs_pZ dTu<bO GpS@‚pZr QuOu `v.õ Regulations there under.

5. In our opinion and to the best of our information

5. `XpZr ZpY Xuõ dpvZ G`py O@‚ `Xuõ GpS@‚pZr `v OPp `Xuõ
and according to the explanations given to us and
<Qh Bh ∫TπJ>r@‚ZNpuõ @u‚ dpRpZ TZ dpvZ Gv_pq@‚ fTYs{°O as shown by the books of the Bank, subject to the
dSs•F>uQ 2 Xuõ \<N{O _rXpdpu @u‚ _pP TqK>O Vvõ@‚ @‚√ limitation of the audit indicated in paragraph 2
V<`Ypuõ Xuõ <QApYp BYp `v, `X qZTpuJ>{ @‚ZOu `võ q@‚ : above, we report that :

(@‚) (i) T}XsA [uAp Sr<OYpuõ @u‚ <\\ZN h\z [uApuõ TZ (a) (i) the Balance Sheet, read with the Principal
Accounting Policies and the Notes on
Qr Be{ qJ>ØT<NYpuõ @u‚ _pP TÁu GpSu TZ Os[STm
Accounts, is a full and fair Balance Sheet
TtN{ h\z _`r `v, <G_Xuõ _X∫O dp\∏Y@‚ containing all the necessary particulars
GpS@‚pZr ]p<X[ `v OPp f_u e_ T}@‚pZ OvYpZ and is properly drawn up so as to exhibit
q@‚Yp BYp `v q@‚ \` 31 XpE{ 2007 @‚pu a true and fair view of the state of affairs
of the Bank as at 31st March 2007;
Vvõ@‚ @u‚ @‚pX@‚pG @‚p \p∫O<\@‚ dpvZ _`r
<Em Q]p{Op `v; (ii) the Profit and Loss Account, read with
the Principal Accounting Policies and
(ii) T}XsA [uAp Sr<OYpuõ @u‚ <\\ZN h\z [uApuõ the Notes on Accounts, shows a true
TZ Qr Be{ qJ>ØT<NYpuõ @u‚ _pP TÁu GpSu TZ balance of Profit for the year ended on
[pW h\z `p<S ApOp e_r <QSpz@‚ @‚pu _XpØO that date; and

\^{ @u‚ [pW @‚p _`r ]u^ Q]p{Op `v; dpvZ


C121 K121
(iii)S@‚Qr T}\p` <\\ZN \^{ @u‚ S@‚Qr T}\p`puõ @‚p iii) the Cash Flow Statement gives a true and
fair view of the cash flows for the year
_`r h\z \p∫O<\@‚ <Em T}∫OsO @‚ZOp `v OPp
ended on that date,
WpZO Xuõ _pXpÆYO: ∫\r@w‚O [uAp <_–pzOpuõ @u‚
and are in conformity with the Accounting
dSs’‚T `v.
Principles generally accepted in India.
(A) `XSu G`py Wr @‚pue{ GpS@‚pZr dpvZ ∫TπJ>r@‚ZN XpzBp (b) where we have called for any information and
`v, `Xuõ \` GpS@‚pZr dpvZ ∫TπJ>r@‚ZN <QYp BYp `v explanations, such information and explanations
have been given to us and we have found them to
dpvZ `XSu f_u _zOpu^GS@‚ TpYp `v;
be satisfactory;
(B) `XpZr GpS@‚pZr Xuõ dph Vvz@‚ @u‚ [uS-QuS Vvõ@‚ @u‚ (c) the transactions of the Bank, which have come to
d<R@‚pZ-bum Xuõ `r `võ; OPp our notice, have been within the powers of the
Bank; and
(C) Vvõ@‚ @u‚ @‚pYp{[Ypuõ dpvZ ]pApdpuõ _u T}pØO <\\Z<NYpy
(d) the returns received from the offices and branches
`XpZr [uAp-TZrbp @u‚ fŒu∏Y _u f<EO Tpe{ Be{ `võ. of the Bank have been found adequate for the
purpose of our audit.


C122 K122

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