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Solutions in enterprise:

co-operatives, mutuals and employee-owned business in a

global context

30th Sept – 1st Oct 2010


Thursday 30th Sept 2010

16.00 – 18.30 Drinks reception Linklater Rooms

16.30 Welcome and introductions

Professor Ian Diamond – Principal of the University of Aberdeen
17.00 What do we know about enterprise? The roles of theory
and evidence
Professor Gavin Reid – University of St. Andrews
17.40 Co-operatives – The Best Kept Secret in the World
Iain Macdonald , Former Director-General of the International Co-
operative Alliance

Friday 1st Oct 2010

09.30 – 10.30 Registrations KCCC Foyer

10.30 – 12.30 Co-operation in Practice KCCC Auditorium

Chair: Hugh Donnelly

10.30 Graduating into Co-operative Enterprise
Mike Sweatman – Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative
11.00 The Mondragon Experience
Fred Freundlich & Izaskun Alzola – Mondragon Unibertsitatea
11.30 Employees are doing it for themselves
David Erdal – Baxi Partnership
12.00 Q&A

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch James MacKay Hall

13.30 – 14.30 Co-operative Enterprise in Higher Education KCCC Auditorium

Chair: Elizabeth Macknight

Developing our future leaders of Co-operative Enterprise
Diarmuid McDonnell – Co-operative Education Trust Scotland
Growing the Scottish Co-operative Economy
Sarah Deas – CEO of Co-operative Development Scotland
The Bigger Picture: Co-operative Enterprise in all its forms
Stephen Kelly – Co-operation and Mutuality Scotland

14.30 – 17.00 The Future of Co-operation KCCC Auditorium

Chair: Hugh Donnelly

Roundtable discussion session featuring:

Fred Freundlich – Mondragon Unibertsitatea
John Struthers – University of the West of Scotland
Martin Parker – Warwick Business School

Discussion will focus on the following four topics:

• Relationship between employee ownership and productivity – are

employee owned businesses more efficient?
• Public and political support for co-operative/employee-owned sector
– is the mutualisation of public services just another form of
democratic public ownership or back door privatisation?
• Why employee-ownership is something that is done to employees –
if employee ownership is such a good thing, why isn’t it in more
• The teaching of alternative forms of enterprise - where do the
business schools and universities stand in this?

17.00 Close

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