Newsletter 11 30 2010

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Weekly E-Newsletter

Vol. 6, No. 14 - Nov. 30, 2010

UK AMSTEMM Program Office, 113 Bowman Hall, Lexington, KY 40506-0059
Phone: 859-257-2613, E-mail:

If there is anything you would like to see in future editions of the AMSTEMM E-Newsletter,
please e-mail:

In this Issue
Note from the AMSTEMM Advisor/Coordinator Math Excel for Spring 2011 Academic Resources
Scholarship Opportunities Important Events & Opportunities
Research Opportunities & Fellowships Career Center Events

Note from Sue Scheff, AMSTEMM Advisor/Coordinator

WEDS. DECEMBER 1, 4:00 – 7:00p.m.
Student Center Grand Ballroom. STEP SHOW at 5:30p.m. (See flyer at end of newsletter)
▪ Have you completed the AMSTEMM SURVEY? We need your input—Click on appropriate link below: (1st-yr. students) (advanced students)

Scholarship Opportunities
▪ Gaines Fellowship: Applications are now available at The deadline for
applications is 4 pm, January 14, 2011. Each spring the Gaines Center accepts a small number of outstanding undergraduates to receive a yearly
stipend and to spend their final two university years at the Center as Gaines Fellows. Sophomores from all disciplines are encouraged to apply. To
learn more, come to the above-mentioned information session and check out our website. Contact the staff at the Gaines Center for more informa-
tion about the program or application process by phone at 257-1537, or by email: Dr. Robert Rabel (, Dr. Lisa Broome-Price
(, or Colleen Horne (

▪ Truman Scholarship $30,000 for graduate school plus leadership and academic mentoring. Are you a [future] CHANGE AGENT AND LEADER?
Do you want a career in PUBLIC SERVICE OR GOVERNMENT? Do you want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE locally, nationally, globally? Are you a
Junior (1 year before graduation) and US citizen with a 3.0 GPA or better? UK may nominate up to 4 students for this award. About 60 scholarships
are awarded nationally each year. UK nomination application deadline: 4pm Wednesday, December 1, 2010. Check out and
contact Dr. Lisa Broome-Price, Office of External Scholarships,, for more info and an application for nomination.

▪ The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program encourages outstanding students to pursue careers in mathemat-
ics, the natural sciences, or engineering and to foster excellence in these fields. The award provides the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and
board, up to $7,500 annually (2 years for sophomore recipients, 1 year for junior recipients, defined by years remaining to degree). For more infor-
mation: Application deadline: December 6, 2010.

▪ Applications are now open for the Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) at https:// This is an exciting opportunity for doctoral students to earn up to four years of financial support along with
outstanding benefits and opportunities while pursuing degrees in fields of study that utilize high performance computing technology to solve com-
plex problems in science and engineering. Benefits of the Fellowship: $36,000 yearly stipend, payment of all tuition and fees, $5,000 academic al-
lowance in first year, $1,000 academic allowance each renewed year, 12-week research practicum at a DOE Laboratory, yearly conferences, ca-
reer, professional and leadership development, renewable up to four years. Applications for the next class of fellows are due on January 11th,
2011. For more information regarding the fellowship and to access the online application, visit

▪ U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Scholarship Program: Supporting students interested in pursuing the basic science and technol-
ogy innovations that can be applied to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security mission. Complete information is available online at http:// Application Deadline: January 5, 2011

▪ Bluegrass Alliance for Women, 2011 Legacy of Leadership Scholarship $500 non-renewable scholarship for women:
Research Opportunities & Fellowships

▪ American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) will award up to four $2,000 grants to travel to the 2011 Annual Conference.

Eligibility: individuals who are currently pursuing or plan to pursue a career in engineering education. Nomination packets must be received by
5pm Eastern time on January 20, 2011 via email to Nominees with questions are highly encouraged to contact the
AFG Committee Chair, prior to submitting an application via email: or phone: 864-656-4321.

▪ The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University is pleased to announce the 2011 Undergraduate Summer Research In-
ternship in the plant sciences. More information is available online at with transportation to and
from Purdue University, University housing and a $3,600 living allowance are provided. The dates of the program are June 1 – July 30, 2011, but
vary depending on the project. Application deadline is February 14, 2011.

▪ UNCF/Merck Science Initiative Research Scholarships & Fellowships: This initiative provides scholarships, internships and fellowships to at
least 37 outstanding African American students per year—15 undergraduates, 12 graduates, and 10 postdoctoral students. Applications: - must be submitted on-line no later than December 1, 2010.

▪ NIH Funding Opportunity- NIH Early Independence Award Program: Early Independence Awards are targeted to exceptional junior investiga-
tors with the intellect, scientific creativity, drive, and maturity to flourish independently without the need for traditional post-doctoral training. Early
Independence Award projects will receive up to $250,000 in direct costs each year for up to 5 years. Junior scientists must identify a host institution.
Alternatively, institutions may actively recruit exceptional junior scientists to apply for these positions. An institution may elect to host an applicant
for this program with the commitment to a position being contingent upon receipt of the award. These awards will be very selective, and each insti-
tution may only submit two applications. The deadline for submitting Early Independence Award applications is January 21, 2011. For more infor-
mation visit:

▪ Internships and Visiting Students at Smithsonian Institute - Minority Awards Program. Summer internships and visiting student awards are
available to increase participation of U.S. minority groups who are underrepresented in Smithsonian scholarly programs, in the disciplines of re-
search conducted at the Institution, and in the museum field. This program is designed to provide undergraduate and beginning graduate students
the opportunity to learn more about the Smithsonian and their academic fields through direct experience in research or museum-related internship
projects under the supervision of research and professional staff members at the Institution's many museums, research institutes and offices. In-
ternships and Visiting Student appointments are full-time (40 hours per week), for ten weeks during the summer, fall, or spring. Stipends are $500
per week, with additional travel allowances offered in some cases and a small research allowance for Visiting Students. Qualifications: Applicants
should be currently engaged in undergraduate or graduate study, and an overall G.P.A. of 3.0 or its equivalent generally is expected. The relevance
of an internship at the Smithsonian to the student's academic and career goals will be an important part of the evaluation of an applicant. Most suc-
cessful candidates are students of the disciplines in which the Smithsonian conducts research.
▪ Paid Summer 2011 Undergrad Research Placements: Over 400 programs - REU and Other Summer Research Opportunities for Undergrads.

▪ For Financial Support in Graduate School Opportunities: Bridges, GK-12, IGERT and NSF Grad Research Fellowship programs provide gener-
ous stipend and tuition support for students through the National Science Foundation:

▪ For Postdoc opportunities:

▪ For NASA-supported internships, fellowships and scholarships:

▪ Research Opportunity: Maryland Sea Grant's Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Estuarine Science.

It is a great opportunity. Spend a summer by the Chesapeake Bay.

- 12 week program: May 22 to August 14, 2011.
- $4200 stipend plus housing and travel support to and from Maryland
- Applications due: February 22, 2011
- Apply

Undergraduates are selected from diverse disciplines, including engineering, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, ecology and marine
and environmental science. Details and application guidance at our web site:
MathExcel for Spring 2011
If you are interested in adding Math Excel for Spring 2011, add/drop begins on Wednesday, Dec. 1st. on myUK.

The MathExcel program for Calculus I and II continues in the Spring 2011 semester with the following offerings.
(1) For students enrolled in MA 113 in Spring 2011:
Supplementary Workshop MA 193-010 W 3:00-4:30
Students taking MA 113 in the spring can enroll in this workshop for an additional credit hour and obtain extra practice solving Calculus prob-
lems. Students attend their regular MA 113 lecture and recitation, but also commit to this extra group learning activity. Admission is open to
all students; enrollment is not controlled. Students will work together in groups in the informal atmosphere of the Math House and will be as-
sisted by a graduate workshop leader and one or more undergraduate assistants. Students enrolling in MA 193-010 should understand that
they will not be working on assigned homework during this period, but rather obtaining additional problem solving practice.

(2) For students enrolled in MA 114 in Spring 2011:

The MathExcel program continues with two packages:
(1) MA 114-008 and MA 194-008
(2) MA 114-009 and MA 194-009
Students enrolled in Fall MathExcel are pre-qualified for these controlled enrollment sections. Other students should e-mail the MathExcel
director at to apply for admission and obtain a Controlled Enrollment Override. Students who enroll in the MathExcel
workshops attend the same lectures and take the same exams as other students, but commit to extra recitation time to obtain additional
problem-solving assistance. Students who enroll in MathExcel workshops should understand that workshop time will be devoted primarily to
group problem-solving and not to assistance with other assigned homework in the course. Students should be sure to enroll in the same sec-
tion of MA 114 and MA 194.

Important Events & Opportunities

▪ Any student interested in being a part of starting a chapter of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Latino’s and Native Americans in
Science (SACNAS) here at UK should come out Tues, Nov. 30 th from 5-6pm in Room 199 of the Student Center.

▪ Are you interested in signing up for a Chemistry Workshop for Spring 2011?? We still have seats available in our sections, CHE 195 006,
and CHE 197 007. Call Sue Scheff, Academic Advisor or 257-2614 to enroll.

▪ The Pre-Med Activities Council (PMAC) will be hosting a Donate-to-Dine Night at Denny's on Nicholasville Rd. this Wednesday, Dec. 1 from
5pm-8pm. Invite all of your friends to come and support this organization! ALSO!! this is a reminder that PMAC will be having a meeting
this Thursday December 2nd at 5pm in Student Center room 249.
▪For Juniors! Have you considered beginning Master level classes next year along with your remaining undergraduate major
requirements? Many students are not aware of this opportunity. Requirements include:
1) Have an overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
2) Have a major GPA of 3.5 or higher
3) Have senior standing by the first semester of the combined Bachelor’s/Master’s program (90 or more earned hours)
4) Be finished with University Studies requirements by the first semester of the combined Bachelor’s/Master’s program
5) Apply to the Graduate School with the addition of completing the University Scholars form to note how graduate level coursework will
count for transcript and tuition purposes.
More information is available in the UK Undergraduate Bulletin and the UK Graduate Bulletin. Please see
doc/39595648 for undergraduate information or for graduate information for more information.

▪ MAJOR AND CAREER EXPLORATION: Strong Interest Inventory Assessment, *RSVP required via Wildcat CareerLink,
Nov. 30, 3:30p.m. - 5p.m.

DROP-IN HOURS: First come, First served. Tuesday - Thursday 12 p.m. - 3 p.m.

James W. Stuckert Career Center

408 P: (859) 257-2746 |
Rose Street | Lexington, KY 40506- 0494
Academic Resources
▪ SSS Workshops:
TAC: Taking Academic Control: Topic: Essay Exams, Weds. December 1, 2:00—3:00p.m. Student Support Services Conference Room
Money 101: “Budgeting” Thurs. December 2, 12:30—1:30p.m. Student Support Services Conference Room
For more information on these workshops, contact Valarie McGaughey Rister, 257-9797 or by email:
▪ UK Counseling Center: are you confused about your major, experiencing anxiety about upcoming tests, feeling lost and alone here on cam-
pus? Don’t waste another minute..drop in to the UK Counseling Center, 201 Frazee Hall and attend a workshop or talk with a coun-
selor. 859.257.8701

▪ Visit Academic Enhancement's "The Study"! Offering a variety of tutoring for different subjects, academic consultations from AE's staff, exam
reviews and more. All for FREE. The schedule as well as a full list of services offered can be found at:

▪ FREE Tutoring in Ingles Hall 6:00 - 8:00p.m. every Monday. Advanced math courses, physics, and engineering courses included.

▪ UK Writing Center: Located on the 5th floor, west stacks of Young Library. Open M-Th 10-2; F 12-2, and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
from 6-9pm. Offers individual consultations on any writing project at any stage in the process and are happy to meet regularly, even every day, if
needed! It is a free service offered to all students, faculty and staff.

▪ Mathskeller: The center is a computing and mathematics learning center of the Mathematics Department and the Mathematical Sciences Comput-
ing Facility at the University of Kentucky. The center is located in CB 63, which is close to the loading dock in the basement of White Hall Class-
room Building. The Math Resource Center is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Faculty, Graduate Students, and Undergradu-
ate Assistants for 100 level courses hold office hours in the Mathskeller.

▪ Campus Libraries: The library system maintains a humanities, social sciences and life sciences collection in William T. Young Library as well as
subject libraries in several colleges and departments around campus, each library holding materials related to the particular discipline it serves.
There are 16 libraries, find them at:

▪ The Medical Center undergraduate mentoring program seeks to connect undergraduate students to current students, faculty and alumni in each
of the graduate and professional programs in the Medical Center colleges by holding regularly scheduled sessions where undergraduate students
can hear from and connect to current students. For more information, contact: Christopher L. Johnson,

▪ MATH 109 Exam Review Sessions will be in the Business and Economics building on the following dates:
Sunday, December 12 from 3-5 Room 231
The sessions, hosted by SSS, will be run by a tutor and will be working on past exams. If you are interested in attending please email val- by Friday before the review sessions.

▪ CHEMISTRY 105 Exam Review Sessions will be in the Business and Economics building on the following dates:
Sunday, December 12 from 3-5 Room 228
The sessions, hosted by SSS, will be run by a tutor and will be working on past exams. If you are interested in attending please email val- by Friday before the review sessions.

▪ CHE 105 Review Sessions: (sponsored by Chemistry Department)

Tuesday, December 7th 5:00-5:50 PM CP-139

▪ The General Chemistry Learning Center is staffed by Chemistry graduate student teaching assistants. The Learning Center is located in CP-25
in the basement of Chem-Phys. The schedule for the learning center will be posted on the door to CP-25 and in Blackboard under ―Course Help‖
on the left-hand menu. If any teaching assistants are particularly unhelpful, please report their names to your instructor.

▪ Chemistry Help Sessions: An instructor will offer help sessions on Tuesdays from 5:00 - 5:50 PM in CP-139 the week of each examination. Atten-
dance at these help sessions is voluntary but highly recommended.

▪ Chemistry Private Tutors: A list of names of Department of Chemistry staff (usually graduate students) willing to be paid tutors for general chem-
istry can be obtained from the General Chemistry Office (CP-120). SAACS (Chemistry Student Organization) Officers and Members can tutor or
mentor students free of charge. Simply stop by CP-144 if interested.

▪ MCAT-DAT Review Summer Workshop, University of Louisville, July 5 - Aug 3, 2011. Free residential intensive review program. Books, materi-
als, housing and a meal stipend provided for eligible participants. Application cycle: Nov 1, 2010 - Mar 1, 2011. Email for an application or call 502-852-8109.


Enjoy music, games, corn hole tournament,
crafts and much more!
Did we mention FREE food??
(wings, meatballs etc.)
Step Show @ 5:30 pm

If you would like to CONTRITUBE monetarily to Circle of Love

-a program that provides gifts to underprivileged children in
Fayette and surrounding counties-a box will be at the registration table!

*Come over to the Crafts Station and create a special card for either
a patient at UK Children’s Hospital OR a soldier overseas!

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