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Subjective: Vasospasm of the veins and Ineffective Tissue Perfusion Within 3 days of nursing Independent: After 3 days of nursing
-³Mataas po ang presyon ko arteries related to vasoconstriction intervention, the maternal blood Position the client into dorsal Helps in aiding for the intervention, the maternal
kapag nagbubuntis ako´ as of blood vessels as pressure will be alleviated from recumbent or side lying position evacuation of sodium and to blood pressure was
verbalized by the mother manifested by a blood mild hypertension to normal for bed rest Ĺ diuresis alleviated from mild
pressure of 140/80 mmHg hypertension to normal as
Objective: vasoconstriction Provide Emotional Support to Client are vague in their evidenced by:
>G4P3 Pu 39 wks the client condition and must be >BP- 120/80 mmHg
>BP- 140/80 mmHg supported by the nurse to help >R- 20 cpm
>R- 18 the client understand the >P- 74 bpm
>P- 87 Poor organ perfusion esp. in the seriousness of the symptoms >(-) edema of hands and
>(-) edema of hands and face renal tubules face
>(+) proteinuria Monitor VS q30 To check for the possibility of >(-) proteinuria
progress from mild
preeclampsia to severe
Initiation of RAAS preeclampsia

Assess for Upper extremities To know if the client has

and face for presence of edema moved from mild to severe
Water Retention preeclampsia

Provide a calm environment to To alleviate stress and to

the patient prevent severe pre-eclampsia
Increased Blood Pressure
Administer Magnesium Sulfate To prevent seizures
as ordered by the physician

Refer to a nutritionist to ensure A balanced diet has low salt
that the client has a balanced that helps alleviate the
diet meal planlike bland or low problem of Ĺ BP resulting from
salt diet activation of RAAS system

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