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We’ll never accept 2nd Kyoto period, says Japan, sparking

doubts on KP’s survival

Cancún, November 30 (Lim Li Lin) – At the the situation is changing rapidly, and that setting
opening of the Kyoto Protocol Working Group, emission caps on a small part of global emissions
Japan shocked participants of the Cancun climate can never be effective. The pledges under the
talks by stressing that it would never accept a Copenhagen Accord cover 85% of global
second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol emissions, and as such is the point of departure, it
and that it would never agree to place its said.
greenhouse gas emission reduction target under It called for a new, single legally binding
the Kyoto Protocol. instrument with all major emitters based on the
Some delegates and observers felt this was a Copenhagen Accord. In Cancun, it said there
significant moment equivalent to the sounding of should be a balanced package of COP
a death knell of the Protocol named after a city in [Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework
Japan in which the Protocol’s negotiations had Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)]
been concluded. decisions, respecting the balance in the
The working group has been negotiating the Copenhagen Accord, and marking a milestone of
further commitments of the Annex I members of progress in the AWG-LCA (Ad hoc Working
the Kyoto Protocol (KP) in a second commitment Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under
period which was scheduled to begin in 2013 after the Convention). It said that emission reduction
the present first period expires at the end of 2012. numbers can only be addressed in the AWG-LCA
(where negotiations for enhanced implementation
Developing countries consider progress in this
group to be a litmus test of developed countries’ of the UNFCCC are taking place).
mitigation commitment, and a condition for (The controversial Copenhagen Accord was
success in the Cancun talks. “taken note” of by the COP in 2009 after being
The Ad hoc Working Group on Further rejected by a number of developing countries.)
Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Japan said that its 2020 target is under the
Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) opened its fifteenth Copenhagen Accord, and that it will not inscribe
session on Monday, at the UN climate change its target in the Kyoto Protocol under any
conference which is being held in Cancun, Mexico circumstance, or under any condition. It said that
from 29 November to 10 December. The it will never accept any CMP (Meeting of the
Working Group’s legal mandate is to determine Parties to the Kyoto Protocol) decision implying a
the emission reduction commitments of Annex I second commitment period or provisional
(developed countries) Parties for a second extension of the first commitment period as this
commitment period after 2012, when the first would pre-judge the legal outcome.
commitment period expires. It said that it supported the establishment of the
Japan said that climate change is a global issue that “Copenhagen green fund”, provided that there is
needs global solutions. It acknowledged the progress in the discussions on MRV (measuring,
historical role of the Kyoto Protocol, but said that
TWN Cancún Update No. 5 2 30 November 2010

reporting and verification) and mitigation by comparable in terms of ambition, accounting and
developing countries. compliance rules. (The US is the only Annex I
In stark contrast to Japan’s statement, the Party of the Convention that is not a Party to the
developing countries unanimously called for the KP).
second commitment period for Annex I Parties’ It said that the Group’s expectations for Cancun
emission reductions under the Kyoto Protocol, are the adoption of the amendment to the Kyoto
insisting that this is a legally binding obligation, Protocol for the second commitment period, and
and had to be adopted in Cancun. the strengthening of emission reduction
Among other developed countries, Norway commitments in accordance with science. It
expressed support for the second commitment stressed the importance of the two- track
period of the Kyoto Protocol, and the European approach, and that reaching agreement on the
Union said that it was willing to consider having a second commitment period is essential to
second period. agreement in the AWG-LCA.

The Chair of the AWG-KP, Ambassador John Grenada, speaking for the Alliance of Small
Ashe from Antigua and Barbuda, had issued a Island States (AOSIS), said that we must agree
scenario note prior to the start of the session that on ambitious, transparent and comparable
indicated that he would make a proposal “on all emission reductions for Annex I Parties through
aspects of the work of the AWG-KP in the form a amending Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol. It
supported the two-track approach, and a legally
draft decision, aimed at substantially advancing the
work of the group”. He also proposed to establish binding ratifiable instrument under the AWG-
a single contact group covering all aspects of work LCA. It said that there should be no gap between
of the AWG-KP. the commitment periods, and that the outcome of
the AWG-KP should be adopted here in Cancun
Yemen, speaking for the G77 and China, said to leave time for ratification of the amendment.
that it looks to the AWG-KP to fulfill its mandate,
and adopt conclusions on the aggregate and It said that any further delay would cast doubts on
individual emission reduction targets for Annex I the sincerity of Annex I Parties, who have the
Parties for the second commitment period of the moral responsibility to reduce their emissions.
Kyoto Protocol. It said that Annex I Parties must Cancun must adopt the amendment for the
fulfill their legal obligations, and show the second commitment period from 2013-2017 with
necessary will and leadership. The second a single legally binding base year of 1990.
commitment period must have truly ambitious It stressed closing loopholes in LULUCF (Land-
quantified emission reduction commitments for use, Land-use Change and Forestry) accounting,
developed countries. addressing surplus AAUs (Assigned Amount
It stressed the importance of the continuity of Units), including new gases and improving the
Kyoto Protocol and the need to avoid a gap mechanisms. It referred to the recently released
between the commitment periods, as any gap report by the UN Environment Programme that
would have serious implications for markets, the showed that emission reduction pledges so far fall
climate system and Mother Earth. Yemen said that far short for a 2 degree C pathway, much less a 1.5
new quantified reductions are a cornerstone of the C degree pathway, but that it is feasible to bridge
Cancun outcome, which the Group insists upon this gap through more ambitious domestic actions,
and will not compromise on. Failure to adopt a and closing the loopholes related to LULUCF and
second commitment period would send a negative surplus AAUs.
signal from Annex I Parties, and the AWG-KP Lesotho, speaking for the least developed
must deliver results for adoption by the CMP at countries (LDCs), said that the entry into force
this session, it said. of the Kyoto Protocol amendment for the second
Democratic Republic of Congo, speaking for commitment period should be given the utmost
the Africa Group, said that agreement on the attention so that there is no gap between the
commitment periods. It said that Cancun should
second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol
is absolutely essential to facilitating agreement in be the stepping-stone towards the legally binding
the AWG-LCA for non Kyoto Parties which are agreement in 2011, and that Annex I Parties must

TWN Cancún Update No. 5 3 30 November 2010

meet their commitments under the Kyoto responsibilities and respective capabilities. The
Protocol. It referred to a 2010 UNCTAD (UN Cancun outcome in the AWG-KP should clarify
Conference on Trade and Development) report proposed emission reduction objectives, and
on LDCs that said that for every degree of inscribe them in the AWG-KP process.
temperature increase, annual average growth in It said that the EU’s heads of state and
poor countries will drop by 2-3%. It stressed on governments prefer a single legally binding
improved access to clean development mechanism instrument, but are willing to consider a second
projects for LDCs. commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol as part
Bolivia, speaking for the Bolivarian Alliance of a global outcome including all major
for the Peoples of our America (ALBA), said economies. It stressed the importance of
that the cornerstone of Cancun is the adoption of LULUCF accounting rules, the continued use of
the second commitment period with ambitious the flexible mechanisms and their improvement,
and domestic reductions for Annex I countries. It new market mechanisms, addressing surplus
said that laws must be complied with, not AAUs, new gases and confirming the Kyoto
negotiated. Article 3.9 of the Kyoto Protocol Protocol’s institutions.
requires an amendment to Annex B for the Belgium said that it looked forward to the Chair’s
second commitment period, and there is no doubt proposal for one decision that addresses all the
about the legal mandate. It said that it as issues under the AWG-KP in a balanced manner.
unacceptable that Annex I countries continue to The package in Cancun should preserve the
try to shirk their obligations, and have increased institutional architecture of the Kyoto Protocol,
their emissions by 12.8 % while seeking to impose stepping up ambition for Annex I Parties. Annex I
new conditions and greater flexibility for emission reductions in the Kyoto Protocol alone
themselves. There should be an aggregate target are not enough, and there should be progress
for domestic emission reductions. towards a legally binding outcome and balance in
It expressed concern with the Chair’s scenario both negotiating tracks (the other being the
note which proposes dealing with all matters as if AWG-LCA) with broad participation, it said.
they have the same legal standing. The work on Australia, speaking for the Umbrella Group
Annex I emission reductions in the second (which also includes the US, Japan and Canada
commitment period cannot be diluted with the among others) said that it was committed to a
other technical issues. As such, it said that it could balanced, fair and effective and comprehensive
not agree to work within a single contact group. global deal, and that discussions under the Kyoto
Papua New Guinea said that as we approach Protocol take place in this context. Progress made
2012, there is increasing uncertainty around a on these discussions including the markets, and
possible gap between the two commitment also mitigation by all major emitters is necessary.
periods, which is leading to a decrease in It said that we need to ensure that discussions
participation in the Kyoto Protocol’s mechanisms. under the AWG-KP take into account the AWG-
It said that it would present a proposal that would LCA, as they are directly relevant. All Umbrella
be a political resolution that would give continuity Group countries intend to take on emission
to the Kyoto Protocol’s flexible mechanisms, and reduction commitments under a “comprehensive
encourage the private sector. climate change framework beyond the expiry of
Belgium, speaking for the European Union the first commitment period”. These pledges are
(EU), said that it was committed to making reflected under the Copenhagen Accord, which
progress in both negotiating tracks as a are the most substantial emission reductions ever
constructive step toward a global, binding and put forward, it said.
comprehensive framework. Its position is that Liechtenstein, speaking for the
developed countries’ aggregate emission Environmental Integrity Group (which also
reductions should be 30% below 1990 levels by includes Switzerland and Korea among others)
2020, in an international agreement where other said that there should be clarification and
developed countries make comparable emission agreement on transformation of pledges into
reductions, and advanced developing countries QELROs (quantified emission limitation and
contribute adequately according to their reduction objectives), LULUCF accounting rules,

TWN Cancún Update No. 5 4 30 November 2010

agreement on the flexible mechanisms, the basket The Chair of the AWG-KP informed the Group
of gases and the length of the second commitment that he had prepared a proposal based on his
period, as part of the balanced outcome in previous proposal to facilitate preparations for
Cancun. It also stressed addressing the carry over negotiations (document 17), that covers all aspects
of surplus AAUs. It supported the Chair’s of work in order to reach a balanced outcome. He
scenario note, and a comprehensive and balanced said that the work of the AWG-KP should be
package of decisions in Cancun, “containing focused on the scale of emission reductions, and
elements of a future comprehensive climate that the Mexican Presidency will assist in
regime having in mind the importance of the achieving outcomes in both negotiating tracks by
contribution of the second commitment period undertaking consultations on emission reduction
under the Kyoto Protocol”. It stressed the need numbers. The AWG-KP will also meet to discuss
for interrelation between the AWG-KP and the LULUCF, emissions trading and the project based
AWG-LCA. mechanisms, methodological issues and response
Norway said that it is prepared to move into the measure, he said.
second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol The Chair proposed that the AWG-KP meet in a
as part of a balanced outcome, that includes major single contact group, and said that he will present
emitters. It said that there should be balance his proposal at its first meeting. His intention is to
between the two negotiating tracks, and that there ensure that the text will serve as the basis for
should be outcomes from both tracks. It discussions at this session.
supported a single contact group, and finalising Bolivia, Saudi Arabia and Cuba objected to a
rules for LULUCF and other issues. It said that it single contact group. Bolivia said that this would
would reduce its emissions by 40% by 2020 on not respect the mandate of the AWG-KP, and
1990 levels as part of global and comprehensive would reduce the legally binding obligation for the
agreement. second commitment period for Annex I Parties’
Saudi Arabia stressed the legal mandate of the emission reductions. It suggested working in the
AWG-KP in Article 3.9, and said that the second same way as in previous session, in two contact
commitment period must be adopted in Cancun groups.
to avoid a gap between the two commitment This issue was resolved after consultations
periods. It also stressed the importance of between these countries and the Chair, with
potential consequences, including spillover effects agreement on having a single contact group.
of response measures, and urged for a decision on
this with an effective programme of work. The contact group then began its meeting
immediately after the closing of the working
Mexico restated its explicit support for the Kyoto group’s meeting. The Chair’s proposal was
Protocol, and supported the Chair’s proposed distributed. According to the Chair, the document
text. It said it is important to send a clear signal is identical to document 17, with the exception of
that the Kyoto Protocol regime and its Chapter I on the amendment to the Kyoto
mechanisms will continue. There should be Protocol for the second commitment period
agreement on the numbers and rules, and this where a list of outstanding crunch issues have
should be approached in a comprehensive been proposed for focused discussions, and
manner, as they go hand in hand. Chapter II on LULUCF where proposals which
Tuvalu stressed the need to eliminate the are virtually identical have been streamlined.
LULUCF accounting loophole, and said that it The Chair proposed that work would be done on
would present a proposal that would allow issues each chapter in informal consultations, and there
that lacked maturity to be passed on to the second would be a stocktaking meeting on Friday. He said
commitment period. It said that we cannot afford that the exact date of the closing meeting has not
to have a process decision that leads us down been defined, and that work should reach
endless discussions, creating more loopholes. conclusions and present draft decisions for a
balanced outcome to the CMP.

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