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TASH Survey

  We hope that you have enjoyed the TASH/Think College Webinar (add title). We
know that you are busy, but we would like you to take a few minutes to reflect
back on your Webinar experience. We need your feedback to continually help
create TASH Webinars that meets your needs. Please complete this evaluation
and return it via this survey tool.

1. Please let us know how you rate the following questions.

  Poor    Average    Execllent 
What is your overall satisfaction with the PBS Webinar Series?

How well did this Webinar meet your individual learning needs?

How well did this Webinar meet its overall objectives?

2. Please rate these questions of the following scale.

Strongly Strongly
  Disagree    Neutral    Agree 
Based on this webinar I intend to make changes to my
current work.
The overall program provided a comprehensive array
of presentations.
Presenters were prepared.

Handouts were available at the sessions I attended.

Registration for the webinar was easy.

Assistance was available throughout the webinar.

I found the Webinar platform easy to use.


500 characters left.

3. Which of the following promotional resources served as the primary catalyst or

prompt to your registration?

TASH Website
TASH Email


4. How many people from your site participate in this webinar?


50 characters left.

5. Please let us know what additional training you would like to see TASH

1,000 characters left.


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