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tetrahedron O - HPC and PC = 2.

In Rt ΔOHC , OC=2. Therefore when HO = HC ,

S Δ ABC reaches

its maximum, that is,

V O−HPC =V P− HCO reaches its maximum. In this
case, HO = √ 2, and HO = 2 Hence, ∠ HPO = 30°, and OB =
2√ 6
OP⋅ tan 300 = .
3 Answer: D.

Part II Short-answer Questions (Questions 7 to 12 carry 6 marks each.)

In a planar rectangular coordinate system xOy , the area enclosed
by the graph of function f(x) = asinax + cosax (a > 0) defined
on an interval with the least positive period and by the graph of

function g( x)= √ a 2 +1 is ___________ .

we rewrite function f(x) as f (x )=√ a2 +1 sin (ax+ϕ),

1 2π
ϕ=arctan . ,
where a Its least positive period is a and its amplitude is
√ a +1. By symmetry of the figure enclosed by the graphs of the
functions f(x) and g(x) , we can change the figure into a rectangle

with length a and width √ a2+1 using the cut-and-paste method.
2π 2
√ a +1.
Therefore its area is

Let f: R+R be a function such that f(O) = 1 and for any x,

y ∈ R , f ( xy+1)=f ( x )f ( y )−f ( y )−x+2 holds. Then f(x) =
___________ .
Solution Since for any x, y ∈ R , f ( xy +1)=f ( x )( y )−f ( y )−
x + 2, we have

f ( yx+1 )=f ( y )f (x )−f (x )− y +2 .


f ( x )f ( y )−f ( y )−x +2=f ( y )f (x )−f ( x )− y +2 .

that is,

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