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Page 18 Wings 2 Fly January 2009

When is a
food not a
Mom - The school says no
more tuna fish Sorry, Peanut Butter
and Jelly Sandwiches
sandwiches in my lunch! Are Not Allowed At

This week involved helping grandkids Why are kids so allergy prone today? What Would You Call Some-
prepare speeches for school. First Al- Why are so many kids showing up
exandra showed up. She is 9, our old- with learning disabilities and attention
thing That….
est granddaughter. Then 13 year old deficit disorders compared to not all ● Was high in calories but contained
Tyler, our second oldest grandson, that long ago? absolutely no vitamins or minerals
arrived and, as I helped Tyler, this ● Suppressed your immune system
I am not a doctor, nor health profes-
article began to form. ● Depleted your body of B vitamins,
sional. I have no training in diet, nutri-
Growing up neither I or others my age tion or any other area that could be chromium, zinc and manganese
can remember ever being told what relevant so this article is simply an ● Can cause hyperactivity, difficulty
we could and could not bring to school opinion. However, since this isn’t concentrating, crankiness and anxi-
in our lunches. Today, however, many some medical or scientific journal I get ety
schools have signs posted on their to speculate so here is my speculative ● Reduces your ability to fight bacterial
doors banning certain things due to opinion. There are probably a great infections
possible allergic reactions in certain many reasons but there is one that I ● Interferes with the absorption of cer-
students. I have seen nuts in general think we all need to look at because tain minerals the body needs
and peanuts (and peanut butter) and we can all do something about it. ● Contributes to obesity
walnuts specifically banned in some ● Disrupts the body’s metabolism and
Let’s say there was a substance that
schools. Outside the food sector, its ability to regulate its internal
we called a food that was very high in
perfumes and any scented products workings
calories but didn’t contain a single
are often excluded. One day I asked a ● Can create drowsiness and lethargy
mineral or vitamin. Let’s say that 100
school secretary if the students at her especially in children
years ago the average North American
school were actually banned from ● Can contribute to diabetes
ate 5 pounds of this “food.”
bringing a tuna fish sandwich to school ● Can damage the pancreas and liver
because on the front doors of the Wouldn’t you hope that with all the
● Lowers the effectiveness of enzymes
school a sign said No Walnuts and NO advancements we have made in
in the body
FISH were allowed in the school. health, diet and nutrition, by now we
would have reduced the intake of this ● Can cause headaches and migraines
What has happened, what has ● Has another 100+ negative effects on
“pseudo-food” significantly, if not
changed so much in a generation that the body
eliminated it altogether?
now we have kids so allergic to certain ● Can interfere with the absorption of
things that we have to ban them from How would you feel if in 1999 you proteins
an entire school? It is weird when pea- were told in a U.S. Department of Ag-
nut butter and jelly sandwiches and riculture study that the average ●WOULD YOU CALL IT A
guns are on the same “banned from American teenage male was now con- FOOD?
school” list. suming 109 pounds of this “food” each
year? How would you feel if you found
If you haven’t already guessed, Tyler
out that this “food” is now in a variety
was doing his speech on “Sugar.”
of forms and is in so many foods that
When I discovered how much sugar
studies find it hard to calculate how
we consume, I thought it had to be
“When did a peanut butter much of this “food” the average North
wrong. There is no way I, or anyone
and jelly sandwich become a American consumes per year but it is
else, could be eating that much sugar
estimated to be anywhere from 65 to
weapon?” but if we were and if the effects of
150 pounds?
January 2009 Wings 2 Fly Page 19

sugar were close to what was being In my home country, Statistics Can- In language that I can understand, we
suggested, then I couldn’t help but ada has estimated that we eat on av- have wonderful little “Pac Men” run-
wonder how much it may contribute to erage 23 teaspoons of added sugar ning around our bodies gobbling up all
the dramatic changes in our kids that every day which would be bad enough the junk that could make us sick. We
show up in ways such as an epidemic until you read that the 23 teaspoons have other “soldiers” who carry tiny
of allergies, learning disabilities, etc. only include the refined sugar, honey little hand grenades with them and
and maple syrup we consume. Not when they meet bad guys in our bod-
It may be hard to believe but here are
included in that total are the sugar we ies they pull the pin, toss the grenade
few things Tyler and I discovered.
get from fruit juices and all the added and destroy those evil-doers. How-
First, sugar hides under different ali-
sugars we get from corn sweeteners ever, when our cells have too much
ases. Here are some:
which is what you find, for example, in sugar in them, our little Pac Men can’t
all the soda pop we drink and a host eat as much of the junk as they nor-
Sugar in disguise: sucrose,
of other products. The 23 teaspoons mally would and our little soldiers
fructose, maple syrup, molasses, alone convert to about 92 grams or head out to face the evil-doers with
dextrose, turbinado, sorbitol and about 3 and 1/4 ounces. Multiply that far fewer grenades. Needless to say,
high fructose corn syrup etc. by 365 and you and I are eating about that’s not good especially when you
74 pounds of refined sugar, honey and realize that it doesn’t take much sugar
maple syrup per year and remember, to create enough of an imbalance in
Some Sugar On Your Steak that doesn’t include all the extra sugar us to mess up our troops.
you and I are getting from fruit juices
Would you like some sugar on your Could it be possible that we are creat-
and all the products containing fruc-
steak? After listening to one ing a situation where our immune sys-
tose, corn syrup etc. By the way, if
nutritionist on the internet I tem has too many battles to fight and
you count calories, every teaspoon of
went to our refrigerator and not enough weapons because of the
sugar is about 15 calories.
checked out the barbecue 100+ pounds of sugar we eat each
sauce we use. The sug- To be fair, our bodies do need sugar year? Sugar brings our immune sys-
gested serving size on the but considering the fact that North tem down to a slow crawl when it
bottle was 2 tablespoons. Americans were eating 5 pounds per should be humming along like a well
In those two tablespoons year a hundred years ago, let’s go out tuned race car and if I remember cor-
are 14 grams of sugar which is about on a limb and say that 100+ pounds rectly, sugar in the gas tank is never a
3 and 1/2 teaspoons of sugar. Basi- per year might be a little more than good idea. To close here are 2 quotes
cally half of the BBQ sauce was sugar we need. It is estimated that our that should make us consider what we
which by the way was the number sugar consumption has gone up 26 are doing to our kids.
one ingredient listed on the bottle. pounds in just the last 20 years! And
Beth Mansfield, Canadian nutritionist
we wonder why our kids are hyperac- talking about Fruit Rollups, Mellon
Do you drink soda pop such
tive? Berry Blast: "It tells me it’s made
as Coke and Pepsi? Each can
has about 7-8 teaspoons of Tamara, our second oldest daughter with real fruit, it’s low fat. Well
sugar in it. and Tyler’s mom sent me a list from a what’s in here? Corn syrup, sugar.
Concentrated pear puree, which is
web site showing 124 ways sugar can
And for all those who go for basically pear which is sugar.
ruin your health You can read them at Then sugar, then some oil, the list
sports drinks like Gatorade… goes on and on. So here in one of
In a 32 ounce bottle of Ga-
torade there are about 14 teaspoons article121.html these little rollups, I’ve got 12
of sugar. Personally I would like to know a lot grams of carbohydrate which is
pretty much all sugar – so we’re
more about sugar’s impact on our im-
I was surprised to find out looking at 3 teaspoons of sugar in
mune systems. I read that when we
that in 6 ounces of Yoplait one little Fruit Rollup.”
take in excessive amounts of sugar,
Strawberry Yogurt there are
our insulin levels rise which result in a
about 7 teaspoons of sugar. Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition
decrease of growth hormones which in
Do you ever have at New York University says "We’re
turn depresses the immune system. I seeing type-2 diabetes in very
Pop Tarts for breakfast or a have also read that our immune sys- young children now. This was
snack? Well two of them tem has to work so much to combat never seen before, at least not in
have about 8 and 1/2 tea- the effects of sugar in our system that the quantity that it is now. Rates
spoons of sugar just wait- it may then not be able to fight off the have tripled among young children
ing for you. things that it normally would. One of in the last 10 years”
Even one of those Nutri-Grain bars the tactics in a war can be to get your
that we often grab for a snack has 3+ opponent fighting on so many fronts Maybe it is time we stop and do some-
teaspoons of sugar in it. that they get stretched so thin they thing for our kids when it comes to
become ineffective everywhere. sugar consumption!

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