Phys 260 Mcgill Problem Set 3

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PHYS 260 Problem Set 3 |. L 1. Charged = mesons (pions) are produced in high-energy collisions between protons and neutrons. 7 They decay in their own rest frame according to the law | N(t) = No(2y-? where T is the half-life and is equal to 2 x 10~* seconds. ‘A burst of pions is produced at the target of an accelerator, and it is observed that two-thirds of them survive at a distance of 30 m from the target. What is the energy of the pions? (Express it in terms of the rest mass energy.) Ey te purse ea sted yi | Pao Om Z Yrs Lean eee ae Tene 4, the Ps, & ont Fete = BEL ange 2. A particle of mass Mp is at rest in the laboratory when it decays into three identical particles, each of rest mass mp. Two of the particles (labeled 1 and 2) have velocities and directions as shown in the figure (a) Calculate the direction and the speed of particle 3, (b) Find the ratio Mo/mo. | 3. The neutral + meson (n°) decays into two 7 rays (and nothing else). If a n° (whose rest mass is 135 MeV/c? is moving with a kinetic energy of 1 GeV: 17, {) what are the energies ofthe 7 rays if the decay process causes them to be emitted in opposite directions along the pion’s original line of motion? (b) what angle is formed between the two + rays if they are emitted at equal angles to the direction of the pion’s motion? s! be te-asst flora hn pee fat | Siimeuns will oxlonily o> alors tl Kase oe ©. 1 GeV + 900 MeV. Ep Ke tam x oe tae oes 261 (3S ba be $e) ee cole Fb |B, 4 hi3Gev | Exe + mV

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