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1. How does using electricity create CO2?

Using electricity can create a lot of co2 in

many different ways. One way is when you use a coal
burning plant. In the United States one-kilowatt hour of
electricity purchased generates 1 pound of carbon
dioxide. Now let’s think: if you leave a 100 watt lamp on
for one year, it will create about 238 kg or 966 pounds
of coal. If 1 pounds of coal are used to make 1 kilowatt it
means that 966 pounds of carbon dioxide are released
for leaving 1 lamp on all year long. (Rounded). Making
gasoline is another way to use co2 with energy. If you
use 6 pounds of gasoline you can be releasing over 12-
20 pounds of carbon dioxide to the environment.
Gasoline is used daily so there are millions of pounds of
carbon dioxide released every day in the world. It is also
interesting that 43.9 of the Co2 released in the
atmosphere is created by electricity generation and
heating. This is a lot if we involve it to the massive daily
amounts of co2 released into the atmosphere. If we use
other type of ways to use electricity we could reduce it
to half or even one third of the amount of co2 we use
Diego Larach 8e

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