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Name : Dellia Astuti

NPM : 0713042003
Seminar on Language Teaching Assignment

Checking whether the value is statistically significant to support the researchers’

hypothesis or not, the researchers usually use probability level (p). By seeing the
probability level (p) which is shown by two tail significance as the value of
significance, we can draw the conclusion (Setiyadi, 2006:172). The researcher
used the significant level of 0.05. It means that the probability of error in the
hypothesis is only 5% from 100%, and the criteria are:
1. If probability level (p) is higher than 0.05: H0 is accepted.
2. If probability level (p) is lower than 0.05: H1 is accepted.
(Sudjiono, 200: 382)

From the data, we can see that in advance level, the pre-test score is 70 and the
post-test score is 71. The probability level (p) of this level is 0.12. It means that
there is no significance difference. In this case, H0 is accepted. Moreover, in
intermediate level the pre-test score is 60 and the post-test is 70 while the
probability level (p) is 0.04. In other word, there is significance difference
between pre-test and post-test in this level. Furthermore, in basic level, the pre-
test score is 50 and the post-test score is 60 whereas the probability level (p) is
0.04. It means that there is significance difference in this level. H1 is accepted in
intermediate and basic level.

The successful of conducting the research can be influenced by some factors. The
most influenced factor is the technique of teaching (treatment) which applied by
the researcher. The level of probability of advance level is 0.12. It can be inferred
that the treatment which was used by the researcher did not successfully increase
the students’ achievement. In other hand, in intermediate and basic level, the
treatment which was used by the researcher gave significant contribution toward
students’ achievement. It can be seen from the probability level of those level (p =
0.04) that are lower than 0.05.

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