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THE LOS ANGELES PROfESSIONAL ExPRESS Issue No. 1—13  Thursday, December 2, 2010


N.K. may shell S.K. again in 2010; Poll shows
most Americans expect Korean war soon!
North Korea could carry out Lee Myung-bak as responding in a North Korea claims South Korea
more shelling attacks against Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting after fired first since the annual drill was
mainland South Korea before the the attack. Lee's remarks were underway. "Despite our repeated
year-end, the Tokyo Shimbun more restrained on his official presi- warnings, South Korea fired dozens
newspaper said on Thursday, citing dential website, where of shells ... and we've taken strong
an unnamed source knowledgeable he pledged to “retaliate against any military action immediately," the
about the North who had spoken additional acts of provocation in a official Korean Central News Agen-
with a North Korean official. resolute manner.” cy acknowledged.
Most Americans expect war in Sources in South Korea report- But the South Korean Joint
Korea within the next year and ed that two South Korean ma- Chiefs of Staff spokesman Lee
support U.S. forces aiding South rines were killed and 18 injured, Bung-woo countered: "Our military
Korea, a poll finds. Angus Reid along with three civilians wound- carried out its regular maritime fire
Public Opinion reported Wednesday ed in the attack. The shelling drill not northward but southward in
the percentage of Americans who marked the second major North the West Sea. Firing artillery shells
think hostilities between South and Korean attack against the South on a civilian area under this pretext
North Korea in the next year are Korean military this year, and the is clearly an illegal act and violation
"very likely" or "moderately likely" first in which civilians were injured. of the armistice."
rose from 52 in August to 71 in late The site of the recent attack, President Obama immediately
November. Yeonpyeong Island, is an eastern released a statement in support of
North Korea bombarded a island in the Korean Sea about 10 South Korea, which has signed a
South Korean island with a bar- miles off the North Korean coast. mutual defense treaty with the
rage of as many as 170 shells in South Korea had been holding its United States. He also ordered the
the early morning hours of No- annual military exercises there at aircraft carrier U.S.S. George
vember 23. “I believe we should the time of the attack. North Korea Washington to sail to South Korea
punish them severely to a point traditionally objects to this South from Tokyo for “military exercises.”
where they will never think of anoth- Korean military training so close to
er attack,” the South Korean-based its territory, and had lodged a letter By Edgar Tenenbaum | Staff Writer
newspaper Chosun- of protest against the exercises
lbo quoted South Korean President earlier this week. Smoke rises from South Korean Yeonpyeong Island after being hit by dozens of artillery shells fired by North Korea


Given the opposing views of unemployment results from a wage The other fallacy of the dual
LA(id) Realationship Advice
From our Dearest Sex Advisor
the potentially parsimonious new structure that is too high relative to mandate is that a fully employed
Congress and the continuously demand. Demand for labor is a workforce demands higher wages, Dear Sex Advisor, banging on the keys as I fell to my tones and my heart is melting like an
accommodative Federal Reserve, function of productivity, or more forcing business to raise pric- Hi, how could you? knees after a binge and purgatory. ice cream cone. It appears we are
there is a movement afoot accurately, profitability per work- es. More employment increases the Love, This is all I have left to remem- not alone.”
among Republicans to eliminate er. Absent higher productivity, supply of goods and services. Yes, The Crow ber: “I am so blown, calling you on
the Fed’s “dual mandate.” Prior to which takes time to develop, the employment raises demand, but the telephone won't leave you alone Pervasively,
1977, the Fed only had one job: only way to clear the imbalance is that demand is satisfied by the Dearest Cow, just want to make you moan, but I Vitus S. Hearn
maintaining price stability. Howev- for wages to fall. However, govern- additional supply created by a The argument was against your am stuck in the twilight zone. . .we’re
er, the stagflation of the 1970s ment and unions typically prevent productive economy. vanity. We all need to prepare our speaking to each other in hushed In conclusion:
inspired politicians to assign anoth- this from happening. Economists Since wages are the price of children for the future and
er task: promoting maximum em- describe this as wages being labor, wages are themselves pric- accentuate their most apt
ployment. This “mission creep” has “sticky” on the downside. es. To say that rising prices are attributes and glutes.
transformed the Fed from a mone- O v e r-t a x a t i o n a n d ov e r- caused by rising prices makes no “I have this mouth so I
tary watchdog into an instrument of regulation further restrict demand sense. Workers cannot demand can play a flute.” She said
social policy. We would do well to and add to unemployment. On that higher wages unless the increases while she wept a river of
give them back their original job. front, one of the worst offenders is are justified by higher productivity. tears from between her
The imposition of the “dual man- the minimum wage law. It doesn’t If they are, such wage gains will not legs. Why are women pun-
date” was informed by the Keynes- actually raise wages for anyone, result in higher goods prices. iSHED for not reproduc-
ian belief that inflation and unem- but simply renders unemployable The real reason that prices rise, ing? Quietly, like an un-
ployment don’t mix. An economic many low-skill workers. By creating for both goods and wages, is that known failure, the light was
concept known as the "Phillips inflation, the Fed effectively lowers the Fed creates inflation. dancing in my eyes. Then
curve" postulates that low levels the minimum wage. Another cause This policy undermines the econo- suddenly the sweet caress
of one cause high levels of the is extended unemployment bene- my by destroying both current sav- of the bullet broke through
other. But, like many things in fits. Since these payments narrow ings and the incentives to accumu- her skintestines
modern economics, the curve is the disparity between employment late future savings. Since savings Life is serious. In your
a fiction. There is no real reason and unemployment, and in some finance capital investment, lower daily existence, you neglect,
why low inflation would produce cases may even be preferable to savings equal weaker economic quite actively, the gravity of
unemployment or full employ- accepting a low-paying job, workers growth. the fact that you are alive
ment would create inflation. are incentivized to reject employ- So, the best way for the Fed to and all of your entrails.
On paper, at least, the Fed has ment opportunities that they might create maximum employment is to There's so much implicit
appeared to strike the balance that otherwise accept. focus on the single mandate of responsibility that you cum-
Congress demands. But this is a To get around these roadblocks, price stability. While a few elected plicitly ignore. Sinews,
fool’s errand. The Fed’s dual man- the Fed lowers the cost of labor officials seem to be figuring this out, spermeable fembranes,
date is the equivalent of asking a through inflation. However, this most are just as clueless as the marrow, epithelium, eggs
corporate CEO to maximize share- inefficient solution to a simple prob- Fed. Unfortunately, even if Con- ovarEZ, tendons, and other
holder value by giving away as lem creates negative consequenc- gress succeeds in changing the slimy, bloody components
many free products as possible to es for the economy. While wages Fed’s mandate, there is not much splattered on your
consumers. may go up with inflation, goods chance that monetary policy will back. We’re all just trying to
The best way for the Fed to prices usually rise faster. The net change significantly. Keynesian find some affuction, or
ensure maximum employment is to result offers no benefit for workers. thinking is so ingrained in Bernanke someone to provide us with
focus on its one true job – creating By tricking workers into accepting and his colleagues that they will a s e n s e o f
price stability. The irony of the dual lower wages, the Fed allows politi- exploit any wiggle room in their happenis.
mandate is that by trying to satisfy cians to claim meaningless victo- directives to jump back in the driv- The galactic acid was
both, the Fed ensures that we will ries. er's seat and send us ever faster flowing and I was wolfgang-
get neither. In addition, wages are only one toward the edge of an economic
While it is true that increases in cost of employment. Even as infla- cliff.


inflation may occur concurrently tion lowers real wages, other fac-
with drops in unemployment, there tors can work to increase employ- By Peter Schiff | President of Euro
is no logical causality that can be ment costs. In the current environ- Pacific Capital, and host of The
implied. Any correlation simply ment, higher payroll taxes, new Peter Schiff Show, streaming online
results from inflation lowering the health care mandates, economic at
real cost of employment. Put simp- uncertainty, and the potential for Puppies are one of the most structive, unsociable and violent. At puppies from these mills are inex-
ly: because inflation reduces wages even higher future taxes to fund common gifts during the holidays. I puppy mills, dogs are bred for quan- pensive as a result of a lack of
in real terms, employers can afford large budget deficits are all offset- mean, who wouldn't love an adora- tity, not quality. As a result, unmon- spending on housing, food, or veter-
to hire more people. So it's lower ting the “benefits” of lower wages. ble puppy? But before making the itored genetic defects and personal- inary care. The best way to help
wages, not inflation, that puts peo- On top of that, large current budget decision to buy a puppy from a pet ity disorders are passed on from fight against puppy mills is to find a
ple to work. deficits are crowding out small store, it’s extremely important to generation to generation. "There is lovable and healthy animal compan-
Inflation does nothing to alter the business credit. The result is that confirm that the animal was not virtually no consideration of temper- ion through an animal shelter or
structural issues that cause unem- employment costs are rising de- raised in an inhumane “puppy mill. “ ament," says one dog trainer, "I rescue group. For more info on the
ployment. Like everything else, the spite lower real wages. Taken Pet stores may often claim they wish legislators could sit in my puppy trade visit your local humane
labor market is governed by the together, these policy mistakes are get their puppies from “breeders,” office and watch people sobbing in society or go or go online at
laws of supply and demand. High creating a toxic, job-killing mix. when the truth is that they most extreme emotional pain over having
likely came from a puppy mill – an to decide whether to euthanize their puppy_mills.
industrial facility that systematically dog because of some serious be-
breeds and raises dogs by the havioral problem." By Jane Harper | Contributing
hundreds. Animals are routinely With millions of stray dogs and
kept in tiny, cramped cages under cats, including pure-
filthy conditions. Dogs raised in breds, dying every
these mills are under constant con- year in shelters, there
finement with little to no veterinary is simply no reason
care. As a result, hundreds are left for animals to be
abandoned by frustrated buyers bred and sold for the
who realize too late that their brand pet shop trade. With-
new puppy is already at death’s out these stores, the
door. financial incentive for
One such facility is located in puppy mills would
Arizona and was described by the disappear and the
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette as suffering of these
having “cages hanging from the dogs would end.
ceiling of an unheated cinder-block Now, why would any
building…” pet store condone
Dogs bred in this environment this kind of treatment
may develop unusual and aggres- towards animals and
sive behaviors, such as excessive risk losing custom-
barking. They may become de- ers? It is because

THE LOS ANGELES PROfESSIONAL ExPRESS Issue No. 1—13  Thursday, December 2, 2010


Former USC Quarterback, Shane Foley, rallies team through
v. USC
vivid recounts of L.A.’s historic cross-town matchup.
There are many great rivalries in
college football that span dec-
until a truce was called and it was
decided that the bell would be award-
then cutback to the middle of the field
going 64 yards for a 4th quarter touch-
ades. Ohio State-Michigan, Auburn- ed to the winner of the annual USC- down that proved to be the difference
Alabama, Texas-Oklahoma, Army- UCLA football game. in a 21-20 Trojan victory and a game
Navy, Harvard-Yale, Stanford-Cal just The Early Days. The Trojans were for the ages.
to name a few. USC-Notre Dame has already an established football power The 1929 game had USC just
the best intersectional rivalry in the under legendary Coach Howard Jones coming off an undefeated National
country. However there is only one and had a major rivalry with Notre Championship season under legend-
rivalry with two teams from the same Dame when UCLA joined the Pacific ary coach Howard Jones. In the
city; USC and UCLA. Both schools are Coast Conference in 1929. UCLA did opening game of the season, the USC
located in Los Angeles and separated not open as the University of Califor- “Thundering Herd” crushed UCLA 76-
by twelve short miles. nia Southern branch until 1919, some 0, the most lopsided game in the
No other rivalry in the country has 39 years after USC was found- history of the series.
so much overlap in the same geo- ed. UCLA began as a two-year insti- In 1952 UCLA was ranked No. 3
graphic region, with family members tution, developed into a four-year and USC was ranked No. 4. Both
and great friends finding themselves school in 1924, and came of age teams were undefeated and untied.
on opposing sides. On one day every quickly enough by 1929, that they USC defensive lineman Elmer Will-
year, the city is divided into Trojan were ready take on its cross-town rival hoite intercepted a Paul Cameron
cardinal and gold and Bruin blue and for the first time in football. USC was pass and returned it 72 yards to the
gold. It is a special competition and already established and they had just Bruins eight-yard line. Four plays later,
one in which players and fans revel. won their first of 11 National Titles in tailback Jim Sears threw a pass to Al
As a player on game day, it is 1928. USC dominated the first two Carmichael for the touchdown that
amazing to arrive to the Coliseum or games over the fledgling Bruins 76-0 won the game, clinching the confer-
Rose Bowl and see the enormous and 52-0, respectively. In the first ence title and a trip to Pasadena, 14-
crowds with the clash in colors, and game, USC piled up a staggering 712 12.
the passion of all of the fans. The yards rushing! The game was sus- The 1954 game included the best
rivalry against Notre Dame has a pended for five years 1931-1935 until team in UCLA history. The Bruins
national following but there is nothing UCLA was able to improve and they capped their perfect season by over-
quite like USC-UCLA within the city of squeezed out a 7-7 tie and some coming a tight game 7-0 after 3 quar-
Los Angeles. The classic series will be much needed respect in 1936. The ters, to pound the Trojans 34-0. UCLA
renewed this coming Saturday at the rivalry began to flourish through the went on to win their only national title.
Rose Bowl with a stadium half in years, especially as UCLA’s athletic The 1965 game was dominated by
cardinal and half in blue. The bands prowess developed. By the late USC and Heisman Trophy winner
will be blasting their fight songs and 1930’s, UCLA started getting star Mike Garrett for most of four quarter
the USC Song Girls and cheerleaders players such as Kenny Washington, but a couple of late fumbles by USC,
will be dancing with Traveler roaming Jackie Robinson, and Bob Waterfield let the Bruins back in. Gary Beban, a
the sidelines and UCLA will be leading which enabled UCLA to compete. future Heisman winner as well, fired
their eight-clap and Sons of Westwood Power Shifts. The series began to two long touchdown bombs in the final
firing up their team. Both teams will be run in cycles, with USC’s Thundering four minutes to stun the Trojans, 20-
wearing their home jerseys and each Herd teams dominating one era and 16 and led the ‘Gutty Little Bruins” to
team will be fighting for victory, re- Red Sander’s devastating single-wing the Rose Bowl.
spect, and redemption. teams consistently beating the Trojans 1969 pitted #6 and undefeated U.S. Army Private First Class of the Army Information Assurance dish woman in August of this year.
USC and UCLA; the names alone in another. The Bruins won their first UCLA (8-0-1) against #5 and unde- Bradley Manning, left, suspected Policy. Julian Assange, right, the Swedish authorities issued a war-
stir up contest. USC is steeped in game over the Trojans in 1942. In the feated USC (8-0-1) with the 1970 of releasing over 250,000 diplomatic Australian spokesperson and editor- rant for Assange that month but
their tradition of cardinal & gold, black 1950’s, the power shifted with the Rose Bowl on the line. Trojan wide cables and military information. Bio: in-chief of WikiLeaks, the non-profit dropped the charges based on
cleats, no names on the backs of their hiring of Hall of Fame Coach Henry receiver Sam Dickerson pulled in a age 22; dual U.S. and British Citi- self-dubbed “whistleblower” respon- insufficient evidence. A new Swe-
jerseys, Traveler, Tommy Trojan, the “Red” Sanders and UCLA held the last second 32 yard touchdown pas zen; gay; arrested after he bragged sible for publishing Iraq and Afghan- dish prosecutor sought and ob-
Coliseum, and the Trojan Marching advantage 7-3-1 during the decade from quarterback Jimmy Jones for a to a hacker online about his release istan war logs, videos and over tained another warrant for Assan-
Band blasting Conquest and Fight On. with the climax coming with their one heart-stopping 14-12 victory. of the “Collateral Murder” video; 250,000 classified U.S. embassy ge’s arrest just prior to Wiki’s latest
UCLA brings their own tradition of National Championship in 1954. One In 1976, Undefeated #2 UCLA (9-0 expressed frustration with military; cables. On its website, Wikileaks release of U.S. diplomatic cables.
powder blue and gold, white cleats, of Red’s famous quotes was “beating -1) vs. #3 ranked USC (8-1) met to belittled military intelligence on boasts its release of the “largest set British police believe they know
names on their backs, the Bruin Bear, SC is not a matter of life and death, determine the Rose Bowl, and an facebook; currently held at a maxi- of confidential documents ever.” On Assange’s location in South-east
the Sons of Westwood, and the Rose it’s more important than that.” Coach outside shot at the National Champi- mum security brig in Quantico, VA Wednesday, Interpol issued a “Red England, and are awaiting for de-
Bowl with the Eight Clap and the Bruin John McKay came on the scene in onship that year. USC won 24-14 in for wrongful receipt of classified Notice” for Assange, or a provisional tails of the Swedish warrant to be
Marching Band. The matchup be- 1960 and restored a struggling USC the first rivalry game for both John
tween these two great universities has program to national prominence, Robinson and Terry Donahue. information, wrongful access to a request for arrest, stemming from conveyed. Great Britain and Swe-
created many great games and mem- finishing with four National Titles and a In 1980 UCLA quarterback Jay government computer and violation accusations that he raped a Swe- den share an extradition treaty.
ories. 10-5-1 record against the Bruins from Shcroeder’s pass was deflected by
Proud Traditions. There have
been many epic battles played in this
1960-1975. For the majority of sea-
sons from the mid 1960’s to the end of
USC defensive back Jeff Fisher right
into Freeman McNeil’s hands who
series over the years. The all time the 1970’s, the two programs were the raced 58 yards for a touchdown that
series is currently 44-28-7 in favor of top powers on the west coast. What beat the Trojans 20-17.
the Trojans. Although there have many people don’t remember is that in In the 1986 season just before
been runs of dominance, this is truly a that era there was not a proliferation of halftime with UCLA leading 24-0 at the
rivalry in which the records can be bowl games so you played to win the Rose Bowl, UCLA pulled a fake kneel
thrown out and anything can happen conference and go to the Rose Bowl down and threw a Hail Mary pass to
on any given Saturday, with many or you stayed home. In the 15 Rose go up 31-0 at halftime. The play
games going down to the final se- Bowls played from 1966-1980, USC or became known as the “Hail Mary and
conds. Since the formation of the UCLA played in twelve of them. Even In Your Face.” UCLA pounded the
Pacific Coast Conference in 1916, with the rise of Washington’s program Trojans 45-25.
USC has won or shared 38 confer- under Don James in the 1980’s and The 1987 game had UCLA leading
ence titles and UCLA has won or early 1990’s, USC or UCLA still went 10-0 before half with the Trojans in
shared 17 titles. Washington is third to the Rose Bowl seven times be- position to score at the UCLA goal
in overall conference titles with 15. tween 1981 and 1995. UCLA dominat- line. On the last play of the half UCLA
Since the 1959 season, when the ed the series in the 1990’s winning cornerback Eric Turner intercepted a
Pacific 8 conference (later the Pacific eight straight from 1991-1998. USC Rodney Peete pass and looked like he
10 in 1978) was formed through the won seven straight from 1999-2005 would take it all the way back but
2008 season, the schools have won or and have won the last three contests Peete chased him down and caught
shared 34 of 59 conference titles. going into Saturday’s matchup. him on the USC eleven yard line with QUALM OF THE WEEK: IS IT MORALLY CONSISTENT TO HOLD A DIFFERENT OPIN-
USC has won 18 championships The Coaches. There have been no time on the clock. The play
outright, shared eight, and has gone to some legendary coaches that have changed the momentum and Erik ION REGARDING THE WRONGFULNESS OF MANNING’S ACTIONS VERSUS THOSE
the Rose Bowl or BCS bowl 22 times. been part of this huge rivalry. UCLA Affholter’s juggling catch in the Peri- OF ASSANGE IN SHARING THE CLASSIFIED INFORMATION?
UCLA has won six championships had Red Sanders, Tommy Prothro, style end of the Coliseum in the 2nd Email the editor—
outright, shared five and gone to the Pepper Rodgers, Dick Vermeil, Terry half iced it for the Trojans 17-13.
Rose Bowl eight times. The schools Donahue, and now have Rick Neu- The 1988 game matched #2 R.J. Soward, who finished the game last game of the season reduced to is sleeping away, two teams and a
have shared the championship three heisel. Coach Donahue had a record ranked and undefeated USC (9-0) and with 260 yards and three touchdowns. playing for pride and for city bragging Rose Bowl filled with Cardinal and
times and they have both played the of 151-74-8 and Red Sanders led the Rodney Peete against 9-1 and #6 In 1999, USC won 17-7 breaking rights. Long gone are the days when Blue will care. It is still a glorious day
spoiler role for the other derailing Bruins to their only National Champi- UCLA led by Troy Aikman. Rodney the Bruins winning streak of eight both programs had national relevance when the City of Angels is divided.
conference and national title onship. USC had greatness as well Peete was stricken with the measles straight. or even had a Rose Bowl game on the The Bruins sense a vulnerability that
hopes. The Rose Bowl and confer- with Howard Jones going 121-36-13 the week before the game and it was In 2005, USC had been ranked #1 line for both teams. UCLA is a dismal the Trojans have shown throughout
ence championship has been on the with 4 National Championships in 16 not known if he would even be able to all season and faced a one-loss elev- 2-6 in conference and 4-7 overall the season. It will come down to
line for both teams 19 times and at years. John McKay was 127-40-8 with play. He did and led the Trojans to a enth ranked UCLA (9-1) team as its having lost their last two games. USC which team wants it the most.
least one team 37 times as of the 4 National Titles in 16 years. There 31-22 victory at the Rose Bowl. Peete last obstacle to the dream 2006 BCS is 4-4 in conference, 7-5 overall and This is an opportunity for the Tro-
2008 season. USC’s all time record is was also John Robinson, Jess Hill, and Aikman finished second and third Championship matchup with #2 Tex- has also lost their last two games and jans to pick themselves up and to
761-307-54 and they are 31-16 (tied and Pete Carroll. Pete Carroll finished in the Heisman balloting to Barry as. USC featured Heisman trophy is guaranteed their worst season since Fight On and to find a way to finish a
with Alabama for most all time) in bowl his career 97-19 and led the Trojans Sanders that year. winner Matt Leinart and eventual 2001. This is a game that is about game. Who will be the player in this
games including 24-9 in the Rose to 7 consecutive PAC-10 Titles, 7 1990 was a shootout at the Rose winner Reggie Bush. USC mugged pride and represents the farewell tour game that will step up and make the
Bowl. UCLA’s all time record is 540- straight 11 or more win seasons, 2 Bowl with Tommy Maddox of UCLA UCLA 66-19 in one of the most lopsid- for both programs this season with no play, to be a difference maker, and to
374-37 and their bowl record is 15-13- National Championships, and 3 and Todd Marinovich of USC. It was a ed games of the series since the first bowl games on the horizon for either. lead his team to victory? It is time for
1 and 5-7 in Rose Bowl games. Heisman Trophy winners in this his 9 back and forth struggle and truly matchup in 1929. Bush finished with This will be their bowl game. the Trojans to play together as one
The Victory Bell. This rivalry is seasons. There has been controversy looked like the team with the ball last 260 yards and the Trojans pounded It is played in the Rose Bowl after unit and not as individuals, to get
played for bragging rights for Los in the Reggie Bush aftermath but would win. In the end USC receiver UCLA with 430 yards rushing. all and it will attract a packed house. physical and to control the trenches, to
Angeles. The victor is awarded the there is no disputing the dominant run Johnnie Morton came down with a The 2006 game gave further proof This is the beauty of college football- establish a running game, for tough-
Victory Bell, which was originally from that Carroll created in the modern finger tip catch with 16 seconds left to that you can throw the records out in playing a game in early December at ness and gang tackling. It is time to
an old Southern Pacific railroad loco- BCS era. lift the Trojans to a 45-42 victory. this rivalry. UCLA finished 7-5 that 7:30 at night because no national protect the ball and to take what the
motive. It was originally given to the The Games to Remember: Good, In 1992 John Barnes, a fifth string season but pulled off one college networks cared about picking up the defense gives you. It is time to thrive
UCLA student body by the UCLA Bad, and Ugly. The 1967 game is walk on for UCLA emerged from ob- football’s biggest upsets of 2006 by game in a national time slot. Yes, on pressure and step up when the
Alumni Association in 1939 but was known as one of the defining games of scurity to throw for 385 yards and defeating the Trojans 13-9. The Bru- there have been plentiful injuries with going gets tough. It is time to make a
later “borrowed” by the Trojan Knights the 20th century. It matched No. 4 three touchdowns, including a 90 yard ins not only ended the Trojans streak both programs; there are pending stop with the game on the line. It is
in 1941. During the opening game of USC with O.J. Simpson against No. 1 bomb to J.J. Stokes with three of 63 games of scoring 20 or more sanctions for the Trojans which creat- time to play like Trojans; with desire,
the 1941 UCLA football season, six UCLA with Gary Beban for the Confer- minutes to play to upset USC, 38-37 points, but also dashed the Trojans’ ed defections at the dawn of the sea- heart, inspiration, and confidence. As
USC students stole UCLA's Victory ence Championship, National Champi- at the Rose Bowl. hopes of playing No.1 ranked Ohio son. There are many questions about Trojans, we never retreat and never
Bell right out of their rooting section onship, and Heisman Trophy. With In 1996, UCLA came back from a State in the 2006 national champion- the longevity of some assistant coach- surrender, we Fight On no matter the
and loaded it onto a truck. They hid the Trojans losing, USC quarterback 17 point deficit with six minutes to play ship. es and what the next steps will be. circumstances or opposition. It is time
the Bell for over a year, first in a frat Toby Page audibled to “23-Blast” on and beat USC in overtime 48-41 at the The Game. So now the 80th game The stakes may be lower but there are to raise the sword and go into battle,
house basement, then at several 3rd and 8, a straight blast up the mid- Rose Bowl. Skip Hicks’ 25-yard in this classic cross-town rivalry re- still bragging rights the Victory Bell, to play like Trojans and to always
private homes, and even under a dle. Simpson took the handoff right up touchdown in overtime overshadowed sumes this Saturday at the Rose recruiting and the direction of the Fight On!
haystack. The prank wars continued the gut, cut to the left sideline, and a record day for USC wide receiver Bowl. Both teams are limping into the programs. While everyone in the East Beat the Bruins!

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