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Elizar Perez

Professor Ali Ashkiani

English 114

19 October, 2009

Carbon Footprint

Definition - The amount of greenhouse gas or (GHG) emissions produced directly or indirectly

by human activities or products

Identify items in everyday life that contributes to our carbon emission (footprint) cars/electricity

(home/school/work)/products we buy energy saving or the way it was manufactured(involuntary)

The energy used to manufacture a product is involuntary

Global warming - due to ozone layer/carbon emission changes in weather/melting of glaciers/

can change population in wild life

Deforestation - to manufacture goods such as houses/paper/wood for building can change

population in wild life

Living conditions for humans in the future/children/environment


Steps to reduce carbon footprint – biofuels(reduces greenhouse gasses)/carbon footprint

calculator for awareness/solar energy(windmills/panels/water)steps taking at


Home – appliances/water/lightbulbs/solar panels

Work – lighting/ventilation system/ac and heat/recycling

Road – Carpool/maintenance/using epa buying guides to buy used or new vehicles exm: vehicles or

analogy – emissions are like footprints in the sand/you have to raise your awareness like the

tide and wash your footprints away by reducing your footprints


Extreme weather Wildlife/ecosystems

Global Warming

Greenhouse gasses or emissions

Measured in CO2 tons


Carbon Footprint Carbon Offsetting

CO2 and Emissions

Causes Awareness Prevention/Reduction

Humans Carbon Footprint Calculator Recycling

Goods and services Products/Goods

Or activities


Natural resource depletion


Thesis Statement: With the awareness of our carbon footprint, we can find ways to reduce the

impact it has on the environment.

1. Understanding greenhouse gasses

a. Definition

b. Without greenhouse gasses

2. Example 1 leading to problem

a. Acceleration of natural process

b. Burning of fossil fuels

c. Increased CO2

3. Example 2 leading to problem

a. Deforestation

b. Definition

c. effect of trees on environment

4. Potential of global warming

a. Definition/theory

b. What happens

c. Impact on Earth

5. Steps taken to reduce carbon footprint

a. Kyoto protocol

b. Renewable energy

c. Reforestation

6. Steps you can take

a. at home

b. at work

c. on the road

7. Conclusion

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