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Wedding Sermon

We are gathered here today to witness, in the presence of God, the

Marriage of David & Stephanie. We read of the first institution that
God gave us in Genesis 2:

Adam and Eve:

Genesis 2:7-25

1. Bone of my bone, the two becomes One Flesh.

2. Man taken from Woman: Not from head, nor foot, but by
his side.

Economics of Marriage:
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

1. When one is stricken with illness or other hardship, the other

is there to help.

Roles in Marriage:
Ephesians 5:22ff

1. Husbands to Lead and have a dieing love for wife and

family. They are to be a shield and rock, that takes the blows,
for the family. They are to be ever forgiving, as Christ was to
His church.

2. Wives to be submissive and be the help-meet for the

husband, otherwise there is Chaos with two heads. Wives are
Supportive their husbands and Nurture the home.

What Love Is:

1. We should remember some Good advice for any marriage.
Colossians 3: 12-17

2. Finally, Remember what love is: I Corinthians 13 1-7

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