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a r t i s t d a i l y. c o m


4 Editor’s Note 20 Make Every Square Inch of
Your Painting Come Alive
Tomi Kobara energetically inter-
8 Art Mart prets the world with bold impasto
brushstrokes and a dynamic,
10 Quick Sketches unified palette.
A Note From the
Artists’ Fellowship... 28 Inside
Utrecht Competition BY MARGARET KRUG
Winners Announced. The work of artists who depict
interior spaces compels me to
look closely so that I can see and
understand my own world.

Copyright © 2011 by Interweave Press, a division of 36 Finding Beauty by Embracing

Aspire Media, all rights reserved. Title registered ®
in U.S. Patent Office. The contents of this publication the Imperfect and Ephemeral
may not be reproduced either in whole or in part
without consent of the copyright owner. American BY EPHRAIM RUBENSTEIN
Artist (ISSN 0002-7375 USPS 494-930 Issue 817) is
published 9 times a year by Interweave Press, 201 E. Randall Mooers uses
Fourth St., Loveland, CO 80537. Subscriptions are
$29.95 per year domestic, $39.95 Canada and foreign carefully arranged configurations
countries. Group subscription rates on request.
American Artist is printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals of humble, everyday objects to
postage paid at Loveland, CO, and additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: explore light, beauty, and the
American Artist, P.O. Box 469074, Escondido, CA
92046-9074. world around him.


Elizabeth (detail)
by Tomi Kobara, 1977,
oil, 48 x 36. Collection
the artist.

46 Zeuxis and the Art of the 66 Exhibitions

Everyday Modern Life: Edward
BY MICHAEL GORMLEY Hopper and His Time...
For a recent show, more than 30 still Titian and the Golden
life painters created a painting incor- Age of Venetian Painting: 20
porating the same ordinary object. Masterpieces From the
The results are revealing, both about National Galleries of Scot- 36
the artists themselves and about land...Alexis Rockman: A
the value of pausing to examine the Fable for Tomorrow.
common, uncelebrated things that
surround us. 72 Business of Art

58 Rackstraw Downes: Painting 76 Technical Q+A

the World As He Sees It
BY DAVID COHEN 78 Bulletin Board
British-born artist Rackstraw
Downes has taken the American 80 Coming in...
landscape as his subject for much
of his career. He was recently the
subject of several exhibitions that 46
showed him to be an artist who de-
picts the world as it appears before
him, not as it “ought” to be.

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