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Positive and Negative Effect of French Revolution

The French Revolution caused some very positive ramification

to the society in France and other parts of Europe. Some people believe that the French
revolution did more harm than good for society. However, others believe the positive
affects of this revolt far outweigh the negative affects. The French Revolution not only
positively affected European society right after the revolt but, to this day, some positive
affects remain in France, as well as many other societies in countries around the world.
Such countries include Canada, Italy, and Germany.
Some benefits of the French Revolution included such changes as setting a higher
standard of living amongst all people in these countries, and allowing anyone, rather than
just nobles, to hold a position in a high public office. The actions of the people of the
French Revolution resulted in many positive contributions to many societies. "They
unleashed new forces, destroyed old ideas, and offered new promises." In my opinion, the
most positive results of the French Revolution were the development of democracy and
equality, as well as nationalism.
Up until the time of the Revolution, the church had almost
unlimited power over certain areas of society something that completely shifted after
1799. According to experts, the Revolution brought about the "France," abolishing the
power of the clergy over financial issues, as well as transforming priests into state
employees who now had obligations and limitations that went beyond their roles in the
church. As the years went by, repression of anything related to the Catholic Church
became more obvious, and even resulted in the occasional massacre of priests.

With the creation of the Constitution in 1791, certain changes were forged that would
influence the lives of everybody for years to come. Price fixing of essential goods, such
as grains, was the first essential step in helping people get over the economic difficulties
they were experiencing. With this also came fixed wages, which allowed workers to have
a guaranteed earning potential despite outside influences.
However In spite of having some
good sides there was far too violent and ended up imposing a horrible tyranny on the
French people, at least for the immediate time after the revolution. The guillotine craze
when hundreds of people were killed for seemingly no reason shocked French people,
especially the residents of Paris, and made them unnecessarily fearful of a government
that was supposed to give them freedom

Though there is far too dark side in the French revolution but at the same
time we should keep into our consideration that, the French revolution gave many people
new lives, it had created a new era and an entire new history in the heart of France. It had
taken lives of many people, the economic condition couldn’t have gone worst, a nation
couldn’t have gotten any worse, but despite of all the negative aspect, there was
France yesterday, there is France today, & there will France tomorrow.

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