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STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR RO. Hox 40002 + Olympia, Washington 98508-0002 + (360) 753-6700 * wunegoveron wa gov "November 22, 2010 ‘The Honorable Ray Laffood, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC 20590 Deat Seow Bn ‘Washington stands eady to immediately invest additional ARRA federal high-speed rail funds, if they are rejected by other states. Please consider us for any potential reallocation, given our strong record of investmen: and performance. ‘As you know, you selected us to receive $590 milion in grant funding for a series of passenger nil service improvements along the Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor, a 466-mile coridor running from Eugene, Oregon, through Washington and into Vancouver, British Columbia Fourteen ready rail projects, valued at $533 million, from our original application did not receive funding. Ihave included alist ofthese projects for easy reference. These projects have teal benefits for people and businesses traveling the corridor. Our program ultimately results in more frequent and reliable passenger rail service which draw people and businesses to maintain the ‘economic recovery in our region. ‘As noted in our original apalication materials tothe Federal Railroad Administration, ‘Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia, havea strong partnership with BNSF, Amtrak, and Sound Transit to continue record ridership growth, promote economic benefits and create jobs. Please let me know what formal application process Sceretary of Transportation Paula Hammond should follow to secure additional high epeed ral fund Sincerely, Chres Christine 0. Gregoire Governor Enclosure oo The Honorable Ray LaHoed November 22,2010 Page 2 ‘Karen Rae, Deputy Administrator, Federal Rail Administration ‘Washington Congressional Delegation Senator Mary Margaret Haugen, Chair, Senate Transportation Committee Representative Judy Clibbom, Chair, House Transportation Committee Paula Hammond, Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation ‘Mark Rupp, Director, Govemor Gregoire’s Washington DC Office

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