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BIOL 437

DNA Repair and Mutagenesis

Lecture 1
Textbook Chapter 1-3
September 10, 2009

BIOL 437 1
Class Announcements
Submit Assignment 1 by 18:00 on the 17th.
Check your student number to be posted by the
Consider Assignment 2 and an exercise to be
prepared for the Term Paper.
Future postings of both ppt and jpeg files.
Go to slide 19

BIOL 437 2
Mutations: Key Definitions

BIOL 437 3
Types of Point Mutations

BIOL 437 4
Second Site Events (example)

BIOL 437 5
Terms characterizing mutations

BIOL 437 6
Reversion of a FS Mutation

BIOL 437 7
T4 rII Gene Mutation

BIOL 437 8

BIOL 437 9

BIOL 437 10
Forward Mutagenesis: The LACI System

BIOL 437 11
Mutation is Non-Random

BIOL 437 12
Forward Mutation Systems

BIOL 437 13
SupF secondary Structure

The secondary structure may or may not be important for individual

events. It does allow the sequence to be displayed in a small box!
These mutations allows the selection of mutations suppressing an
event elsewhere such as in a lacZ fs mutation.
BIOL 437 14

BIOL 437 15
Shuttle Vector Protocols

BIOL 437 16
Mutation in Mammalian Cells
Direct Sequencing

BIOL 437 17
Mutation in vivo: the laci system

BIOL 437 18
Site Specific Adducts – An
alternative use for shuttle vectors

BIOL 437 19
Mutation is Targeted
Site specific data
Mutational specificity changes with agent
Photoreveral of some lesions

BIOL 437 20
Mutagenic Misalignment

BIOL 437 21
Sequence Directed Mutation
Tandem Repeats and Palimdromes

BIOL 437 22
Complex Sequence Directed Mutation
(Bacteriophage T4rII)

BIOL 437 23
Reading Assignment
The next lecture is about UV damage and mutation. Please
read the textbook (Chapter 3) and then the two papers
posted under references on the website. These will be:
1) Glickman et al. (1986) The C-C (6-4) photoproduct is
mutagenic in Escherichia coli. Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA)
83, 6945-49.
2) Drobetsky et al (1987) The specificity of UV-induced
mutations at an endogenous locus in mammalian cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 84.24 (1987): 9103-07.

BIOL 437 24
Next Topics
We will continue with the repair of base damage.
This is described in Part 2 of the textbook. We
will start with Chapters 4 and 5 and progress
sequentially through this section of the book.
Chapter 4: Reversal of base damage caused by
Chapter 5: Reversal of alkylation damage in DNA

BIOL 437 25

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