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Los Adjetivos (Adjectives)

Definition: The adjective in Spanish agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies. Usually
adjectives come in masculine and feminine flavors and reflect the gender of the noun they describe.
Normally masculine adjectives end in an -o and feminine adjectives end in an -a.

Examples in Spanish:

an ugly monkey = un mono feo

a beautiful cloud = una nube bonita

If a noun is plural then the adjective is also plural, an s is added to the end.

Examples in Spanish:

the handsome boy = el niño bonito

the handsome boys = los niños bonitos

the honest girl = la niña honesta

the honest girls = las niñas honestas

Some Adjectives:

happy = alegre
sad = triste
intelligent = inteligente
rich = rico
poor = pobre
stupid = estúpido
furious = furioso
angry = enojado
ugly = feo
pretty = bonito
handsome = bonito
fat = gordo
thin = delgado
crazy = loco
brave = valiente
sick = enfermo
healthy = sano
honest = honesto
famous = famoso
Basic adjectives to do with feelings, health, emotions

feliz - happy
contento, -a - happy, satisfied
cansado, -a - tired
triste - sad
preocupado, -a - worried, concerned
enfermo - ill
sano, -a - healthy
amable - kind, generous
amigable - friendly
simpático, -a - kind

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