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The key to success

It's possible to find many articles written around the world by someone who has PhD about the
subject "The key to the success" or "The key of the success".

To tell the truth, I wonder about this subject since I was a teen.

With my experience plus what I've read and heard I formed the following opinions:

1st - you have to believe that it's possible to reach an objective. Believe in you. Believe in God.

2nd - remember of all what happened to you in your life and don't forget that you did
everything to get what you diserve.

3rd - beside the step 2, the step 3 is: be positive and optimistic.

4th - the most of conquers will demand a lot of time. The 4th step is: be patient.

5th - set an objective as far as you can imagine, like being one of the directors of the company
where you work or get an PhD certificate. I tell it because there is a phrase that tells: "Aim to
the stars... In worse of the possibilities you will shot the moon".

6th - my last recomendation is: if you didn't use to comemorate your wins, then start
comemorate each little step that allows you get closer to your big objective. I'm not telling
about giving big parties. I'm telling about invite some friends to eat out, to go to a party,
nothing much expensive.

This is positive to steps 1 to 4. In addition, a phrase says that it's easier to climb the stairs once
stair a day than climb all the stairs in the end of the year.

I wish you good luck.

We'll meet at the top.

Daniel Cacheta


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