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Guess The “FINAL” Score and win a 1st edition, blog t-shirt!

Da’ Rules:
1. You must provide your name and a valid email address (I'll have to be
able to contact you, if you’re the winner, right?) 1 guess per email address
2. Insert your guess at what you think will be the final score of both
teams in the corresponding boxes on the form. You must guess a score for
both teams. Keep a record of your guess.
3. Now the "real" important stuff: Your guess can not exceed what the
final scores are of both teams.
• (Example- If Jeannette scores 49 points and East Allegheny scores
14, your guess can be no higher than 49 for Jeannette or 14 for
East Allegheny). The one that comes closest to the final scores for
both teams, without going over on either team, will win a blog T-
4. In the event of a tie, your guesses are time stamped, so the entry
that has the earlier time stamp on it, will be the winner. (So it might be
to your advantage, to get your guesses in early)
5. If one guess is 43 for Jeannette and 13 for EA, and another guess
comes in at 48 for Jeannette and 07 for EA, the scores will be added
together for a total number, to determine the winner.
• Example - Final score - 49 Jayhawks +14 EA = 63(total); {Guess 1 -
43 Jayhawks + 13 EA = 56(total) ;} {Guess 2 - 48 Jayhawks + 07 EA
= 55(total).} Guess 1 would be the winner because they still hold the
higher total of 56, without going over, even though Guess 2 came
closer to the Jayhawks final of 49.
6. We'll do this for every Jayhawks football game. I'll try to get the
form posted on Saturdays but no later than Sundays, for the upcoming
Friday’s game.
7. You can enter your guess up until Friday and at some
point on Friday, (probably around 3:00PM, this depends on
my schedule and whereabouts’), I'll remove the form and no
more submissions will be received for that game.

East Allegheny, Jeannette and the scores above, are used as a reference only.

Good Luck & Have Fun!!!

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