The Astrologer The Winner

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The Astrologer the Winner

The astrologer, who was living in the house of Barbillus, was a man of evil character. The astrologer
and Petro were enemies. The astrologer was Syrian and the doctor was Greek. Petro had practised
the skill of medicine in the city for a long time. Many Alexandrians, whom Petro had cured, praised
his skill.

However, the astrologer was living in Barbillus’ house, and Petro in the city of Alexandira. Therefore
it was easy for the astrologer to visit Barbillus. He would often come to the bedroom, in which the
master was lying sick. When Petro had gone away, the astrologer said into the master’s ear,

“You are in extreme danger, master. Petro is the worst doctor. He has cured few. He has sent many
invalids to his death. Surely you don’t trust Petro? Petro is a very miserly man. Nobody is more
miserly than him. He wants your money. It is necessary for you to throw him out of the house.”

Barbillus heard the astrologer anxiously. But, although the pain was growing worse every day, he
also had faith in the doctor. When Barbillus didn’t want to throw out the doctor, the astrologer
made a plan. In the morning he burst into the master’s bedroom, shouting:

“Master! I bring excellent news. I am able to heal you! The goddess Isis, who always hears my
prayers, sent a dream to me by night. In the dream, I was walking through the streets of the city of
Alexandria. Suddenly I saw a boy standing on the crossroads. The boy was your slave, whom the
Egyptians killed in the riot. He told me about a special ointment.

Barbilllus, when he heard this, handed himself whole to the astrologer. Therefore, after he mixed
the ointment, opened the master’s shoulder and smeared it. But the astrologer’s ointment was very
bad. Barbillus’ wound was growing worse.

The astrologer, when he saw this, fled from the house terrified. Barbillus, despairing about his life,
summoned me to the bedroom.

“My Quintus,” he said, whispering in my ear, “Do not cry! I am going to die. I understand it clearly. It
is necessary for everyone to meet death. This one thing I demand from you. Search for my son in
Britain! Deliver this letter to him. When I angrily expelled Rufus from the house, I did him a great
injustice. Now at last I beg mercy from Rufus.

When I heard this, I wanted to summon Petro, but Barbillus stubbornly refused. However I
summoned him. But when he arrived, Barbillus was already dead.

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