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Placement Basics

International Distribution
• Is defined as a ‘system composed of marketing organizations that
connect the manufacturer to the final users or consumers of the
company’s products in a foreign (non-domestic) market.
• There are certain important criterions that need to be considered
before an exporter ventures into a foreign market. They are as
 Differences in economic structure:
 Geographic distance
 Relative difficulty in communication and travel
Export Distribution

Port of Export

Port of Import

Storage / sale / Use

Distribution Channels
Nature of channel system is affected by the method
of exporting.

Most companies that do not want to incur high level of investment
cost and the consequent risk prefer the exporting.

Exporting is of 2 type-

1)Indirect exporting

2)Direct exporting
Indirect exporting
1)Domestic purchasing

2)Piggyback operations

3)Export management company

4)Trading companies
Direct exporting
• In direct export, the level of involvement of a
company is much higher than in indirect export.

importer Distributor Govt. Dept. State Buyers
buying org.

Wholesaler Retailer

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