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Oil & Gas

Heavy-Wall Reactors
and Pressure Vessels
Meticulous design and manufacturing
for superior performance
Tailor made for oil and gas operations Pressure vessels for every process
GE’s Oil & Gas business has been manufacturing reactors, The Massa plant is ideally located near the seaport of Hydroprocessing reactors Steam condensers
exchangers and related fabricated equipment for more Marina di Carrara, so there are virtually no limits to the These reactors are installed in hydrocracking, hydrotreating, With a complete range of steam turbines for both generator
than 40 years. size of equipment we are able to manufacture and ship. heavy oil upgrading and desulfurization plants where high drive and mechanical drive applications, GE’s Oil & Gas
GE's lifting devices and rollers are easily capable of handling pressures and high temperatures are critical to the process. business has the capability to provide turbines and condensing
With hundreds of our units installed around the world for reactors as large as 2,000 tons. systems with logistic and economic advantages only possible
hydrocracking, desulfurization, hydrotreating and similar Tubular reactors through single-source supply responsibility.
processes, GE is one of the most referenced companies Our Quality Assurance system meets all major international These units are used in ethylene oxide, methanol and
in large vessel manufacturing. standards including ISO 9001, BS 5750, UNI EN 29001, Vision MTBE production plants and, more recently, in GTL plants. Heat recuperators
2000, etc. Compliance is also certified by Lloyd's Register. GE's exchangers can contain several thousand tubes and GE has over 20 years experience with heat recuperators and
Industry-leading facilities are typically used in low and medium pressure processes. has unparalleled qualifications to offer turbine upgrading
Our plant in Massa, Italy, is dedicated to the production of The Massa facility is also qualified and certified for ASME from simple cycle to regenerative cycle.
high tech equipment including heavy wall reactors for Stamps S, U, U2, U3 and is staffed with fully qualified and
refinery applications; tubular reactors and special vessels experienced NDT personnel (Level III).
for petrochemical plants. This facility is also used extensively
for welding high strength materials and for manufacturing
other equipment for the oil and gas industry.

High pressure,
highest performance

Tubular Reactor 1,400 ton reactor ready to be transported

Industry-leading welding technologies Comprehensive capabilities Consumable storage
Given the extremely high pressures and temperatures, and Continuous effort is dedicated to product development and All consumables are supplied by highly qualified manu-
Heavy wall reactors the sheer scale of the units involved in the various applica- plant facilities improvement to maintain our leadership facturers and are stored in a state-of-the-art facility
tions, welding integrity is critical to safety and productivity. position and to guarantee defect free manufacturing. The equipped with ovens to maintain flux and electrodes in
Heavy wall reactors are used in high pressure and Therefore, GE has developed the most advanced technologies Massa plant is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to a dry environment.
high temperature processes in refineries and petro- for reactor welding and manufacturing facilities. ensure the highest quality fabrication of hydroprocessing
chemical plants such as hydrocracking, hydrotreat- reactors. Weld Overlay
ing, desulfurization and ammonia production. Our production capabilities include: Single and double layer weld overlays have been applied for
• Wall thicknesses up to 400 mm Heat treatment furnace many years using SMAW, FCAW, SAW and ESW techniques.
Key factors enabling GE to manufacture this type of Our large furnace can stress relieve in one piece pressure Latest generation technology welding machines are available
equipment are: • Unit capacities in excess of 2,000 tonnes vessels up to 32 m long, 9 m in diameter and 2,000 tons. for overlay of the shell ring inner surface.
• Full qualification and experience in manufacturing • Reactor lengths of 60 m Longer reactors can be manufactured in two sections with
with advanced high-strength material such as • No shipping limitations NDT and stress relief on the last circumferential welding With these welding techniques GE Oil & Gas is capable
21/4 Cr 1Mo1/4V performed locally. of achieving outstanding results, such as the absence of
Advanced processes and continuous improvement disbonding of weld overlays during maximum cooling rates
• Automatic welding technology with ultra-narrow RT bunker commonly experienced during shut down transients.
gap beveling Through continuous technology upgrades and operator
training initiatives, we have greatly improved reactor qual- The Radiografic Bunker is equipped with a linear accelerator
• Top class facilities suitable for performing x-ray inspections of welds up to Hydrogen Control During Welding
ity resulting in increased efficiency and productivity for
our customers. Latest enhancements to our approach 400 mm thick. Conservative and experienced procedures and special
include: devices are used to control and reduce hydrogen content
Experience NDT techniques during welding.
• Direct supervision of welding processes at the shop GE Oil & Gas is equipped and experienced with very
For more than 30 years, GE’s Oil & Gas business has
floor advanced NDT techniques such as TOFD (Time of Flight Ultra Narrow Gap Beveling
manufactured hydroprocessing reactors for all major
process licensors including UOP, Chevron, Lummus, Axens, • Flux handling with no moisture absorption using the Diffraction), BC Scan and Phased Array for very high thickness Ultra-narrow bevel angles are used in circumferential
Shell and ExxonMobil. SAW welding technique welds. These NDT techniques have been used in accor- welding to reduce shrinkage and residual stresses. This is
• Controlled procedure of pre- and post-heating dance with ASME C.C. 2235 in lieu of RT on several heavy made possible by the use of automatic self-adjustment
Our design and manufacturing teams and facilities offer full wall reactors. devices and the application of industry best practices.
• Ultra-narrow gap bevelling
qualification and experience in reactor fabrication – using
advanced, state-of-the-art high-strength materials such • Ergonomic arrangement of welding station
as 21/4 Cr 1Mo1/4V in which GE is one of the most highly
referenced manufacturers in the world.

Product portfolio
• Hydrocracking reactors
• Hydrotreating reactors
• Heavy oil upgrading reactors
Unique capabilities for
refinery and oil sands

Hydrocracking reactor being loaded by SPMT Hydrocracking reactor; 1,485 tons; 267 mm thickness
Experience Experience
In over 25 years, GE's Oil & Gas business has developed GE’s Oil & Gas business has a long history of success in
Tubular reactors extensive experience in designing and manufacturing sophis- Steam condensers the design and fabrication of surface condensers with
ticated equipment such as tubular reactors for ethylene integrated vacuum systems.
Tubular reactors are usually the principal piece of oxide, MTBE and methanol plants. Steam condensers are a type of shell and tube heat
equipment in petrochemical plants for the production exchanger. GE’s improved design features: Our steam condensers are able to work in extreme condi-
of ethylene oxide, methanol and MTBE. These units Product portfolio tions – including temperatures ranging from –40°C to
consist of large shell and tube heat exchangers • increase condensing efficiency and avoid air 50°C. As a result, they have been installed from Russia to
• Ethylene oxide reactors
with very large diameters of up to 26 ft. (8 m) and blanketing through an innovative new tube layout the Sahara desert.
more than 10,000 tubes. More recently, tubular • MTBE reactors
• reduce the thickness of tubesheets, flanges and
reactors have also been employed in Gas-to-Liquids • Gas-to-liquid reactors covers by FEM analysis Applications
process plants.
• facilitate maintenance and service through a • Waste to energy
Industry-leading welding technologies bolted channel design. • Combined cycle power generation
How they work GE has developed automatic welding technology for tube • Mechanical drive applications with steam turbines
to tube-sheet welding. Surface condensers are fabricated in accordance
Ethylene, methanol, MTBE etc. are produced within with applicable international standards, using the
the tubes through an exothermic chemical reaction. Our welding technology has very narrow tolerances in order highest quality materials including tubes in admiralty,
The heat of reaction is removed by cooling water to deliver high-quality, precision results. cupro-nickel, stainless steel and titanium in addition
flowing within the shell side. to common carbon steel.
It is designed for the special application of materials such
as duplex stainless steel, titanium and zirconium which With a complete range of steam turbines for both
significantly increase the stability of the finished units. generator drive and mechanical drive applications,
GE has the ability to provide turbines and condensing
systems with single source responsibility.

Time-tested technology

Ethylene Oxide Reactor Copper alloy steam condenser Double passage steam condenser
Design advantages
GE upgrading of gas turbines from simple cycle to regen-
Heat recuperators erative cycle delivers significant efficiency improvements
and reduced operating costs.

Unmatched experience
Heat recuperators are used in gas turbine regenerative
cycles to recover heat from the exhaust gas and add Key features of our comprehensive in-house solutions
it to the compressor outlet air before the air enters include:
the combustion chamber.
• High efficiency with drastic heat rate reduction
This improves fuel efficiency by 5-7% and reduces
the cycle's heat rate by an average of 20%.
• Rugged construction with tailored metallurgy for specific
plant/process requirements
• Designed for low maintenance operation
in applications around
the world
• Optimized tube bundle design
• A variety of ducting system options are available
Experience (symmetric and asymmetric)
GE’s Oil & Gas business has extensive experience in the • Risk free retrofit
design and manufacture of heat recuperators.

gases to
Regenerative cycle

Compressed air
to regenerator

Inlet air

Fuel Combustion

Turbine Load

Site activities and technical services Quality assurance
Site activities GE’s reactors and fabricated equipment are manufactured What our customers say about us
There can be practical constraints on shipment of fully and tested in our Massa plant.
assembled reactors to some job sites. Our customers’ words of praise are our highest source of pride. Here are just a few
The entire process is carried out under a system that examples of what our customers think of us:
In such cases, GE’s capabilities enable field fabrication and integrates the GE Six Sigma Quality Program with ISO 9001
assembly of reactor sections shipped from our Massa Quality Standards to guarantee total customer satisfaction.
Canada: 4 HCU reactors, 212 mm thickness, France: 1 HCU reactor, 1500 tons. One of the
plant . With leading edge technology, manufacturing This stringent quality program ensures the long term stability
2 assembled on-site world’s largest and heaviest HCU reactors
capabilities and unparalleled field experience, our teams can of our own process improvements as well as the quality of
provide complete field fabrication of complex hydropro- products for our customers.
“…outstanding service and support provided by GE “…congratulate all GE team for the good job
cessing reactors to the same specifications and standards
with respect to the design, shop fabrication, delivery performed during the whole execution of the order,
as units assembled at our own facilities. Our Quality Assurance Manual documents the policies
and field fabrication…we look forward to having the in terms of quality, follow up and respect of schedule.
established for all aspects relating to the quality of our
opportunity to do business again with you in the future.” Thank you.”
Our teams have accumulated extensive experience reactors and is the company reference for all departments.
assembling and installing units in many locations worldwide, The program is certified by Lloyd's Register. The Massa Plant
Project Procurement Manager Project Procurement Manager
under diverse weather and environmental conditions. is also qualified and certified for ASME Stamps S, U, U2, U3
December 1, 2003 February 24, 2005
and is staffed with third level NDT personnel.
Technical services
France: 1 HDT reactor, 920 tons Kuwait: 1 HDT reactor
GE’s Oil & Gas business offers comprehensive technical
service programs for all types of static equipment, designed
“…excellent performance of the GE team…This state- “…thank all the team for all the effort made for
to help deliver reduced plant operating costs and increased
of-the art pressure vessel is essential to PJ21 and successful Hydro Test and Dimensional check. Our
plant efficiency.
was completed on-time and to the Company's quality team is happy with the job and effort made.”
standards. We look forward to future business activities
Extensive technical expertise, advanced diagnostics, NDT
together.” Project Team
systems and regional service teams combine to guarantee
April 11, 2005
full coverage of customer needs.
Project Director
June 21, 2003
Our services include:
• Installation assistance
• Spare parts supply
• Routine inspections, repairs and maintenance
• Predictive inspections
• Preventive maintenance
• Performance assessment, upgrading & modification
• Diagnostics and NDT inspection
• Residual life assessment and failure analysis
• Plant shutdown planning
• Gas turbine heat recovery

manufacturing capabilities,
in plant or in the field

10 11
Nuovo Pignone S.p.A.
Via Felice Matteucci, 2
50127 Florence, Italy
T +39 055 423 211
F +39 055 423 2800

Reactors Facility
Via Dorsale, 3
54100 Massa, Italy
T +39 0585 7951
F +39 0585 791322
The information contained herein is general in nature
and is not intended for specific construction, installation
or application purposes. GE reserves the right to make
changes in specifications or add improvements at any
time without notice or obligation.

©2006 General Electric Company

All Rights Reserved

imagination at work

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