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K e yu r M e h t a ( N R 1 0 0 5 1 )
Bhaskar Niraula (NR10056)
a profit is about ³values´

a profit is about ³Ethics in business´

a profit is about ³Corporate Governance´

a profit is about ³Leadership with Trust´

a Ôociety is recognizing the merits of value-based
a Ôociety is demanding that businesses get cleaned up




a hat is Ethics in business?
playing the game of business according
to the rules, even if your competitor does not.
a Being ³ethical´ does not mean that one cannot
also be ³profitable.´
a hat happens to the wealth after it has been
generated differentiates between µgood¶ and
µbad¶ business practices.
a ³Good Corporate Governance´ is in news.
a Triple-Bottom-Line
a Opposite of good corporate governance is apathy
a µI on my own, cannot make a difference.¶
a ³promise is promise´ ± Ratan Tata

a ³Must-have´ criteria for a successful leader is


a True leaders Nelson Mandela & Mahatma

Gandhi who created the history.

a One person, the leader of the team can make all

the difference. He must have a vision. He must
dare to dream.

a Organizations which create ownership and a

feeling of belonging are the best able to stand up
in competitive environment.


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