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Wave Anatomy:

• Still-Water Line - The level of the sea surface if it were perfectly calm and flat.
• Crest - The highest point on the wave above the still-water line.
• Trough - The lowest point on the wave below the still-water line.
• Wave Height - The vertical distance between crest and trough.
• Wavelength - The horizontal distance between successive crests or troughs.
• Wave Period - The time it takes for one complete wave to pass a particular point.
• Wave Frequency - The number of waves that pass a particular point in a given time
• Amplitude - One-half the wave height or the distance from either the crest or the trough
to the still-water line.
• Depth - the distance from the ocean bottom to the still-water line.
• Direction of Propagation - the direction in which a wave is travelling.

Tide guage:

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