AFLC Consititution

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Constitution and Bylaws for the Army Future Leaders Club

Article 1

The organization shall be known as the Army Future Leaders Club, hereafter known as

Article II
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the AFLC is to offer its members with valuable managerial and leadership
skills that can be applied to military and civilian related jobs. Members will be put in
situations that will challenge their ability to organize events, speak in public, and
complete given tasks as a member of a team. We will also host symposiums where
members of our armed forces and private sector will be invited to speak on current
events. Our organization hopes to bridge ideological gaps and establish a positive
relationship between the military and the general public.

Article III

Our organization is open to those who wish to gain more knowledge in the art of
leadership. We are open to anyone regardless of race, nationality, religious beliefs,
political status, and sexual orientation. We promote inclusion and open dialogue.

Article IV

Elected officers of AFLC shall be:

a. President
b. Vice President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Social Chairperson

Article V.
a. Special committees shall be appointed by the elected officers as

Article VI.

a. AFLC shall have at 2 formal meetings per year. One meeting will be
held after Fall semester mid-terms. The other meeting will be held after
Spring semester mid-terms.

b. The elected officers shall meet as needed.

Article VIII.

a. Elections shall be held during the meeting at the Director's conference


b. All voting shall be done by members in good standing, by written secret ballot
with the votes tabulated by the outgoing secretary.

c. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote

Article IX.

b. AFLC is funding through all of the following:

1. In-kind donations
2. Membership Fees

Article X.
a. Amendments to this constitution shall be proposed at the first formal meeting
in written format to every member.

b. Voting on the proposed amendment shall take place at the second formal

c. Ratification shall require two-thirds majority vote of the membership.

Article XI.
Associated Documents

a. Shall be provided for:

1. Job description for all officers.

2. Description of parliamentary procedures.

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