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Author Title
Cohen, Elizabeth G. Designing Groupwork
Adams, Dennis M. Cooperative learning: critical thinking and collaboration
across the curriculum
ed. Davidson, N. Cooperative learning in mathematics: a handbook for
EQUALS Get it together: Math problems for groups grades 4
through 12.
Gillies, Robyn M. Promoting cooperative and helpful behaviors in student
work groups through training in small group processes
Johnson, D., & Johnson, R. Learning mathematics and cooperative learning: Lesson
plans for teachers.
Johnson, David W. Meaningful and manageable assessment through
cooperative learning.
ed. JoAnne W. Putnam Cooperative learning and strategies for inclusion:
celebrating diversity in the classroom
Mills, Barbara J. Cooperative learning for higher education faculty
Jacob, Evelyn Cooperative learning in context: an educational
innovation in everyday classrooms
Johnson, D., & Johnson, R. Learning mathematics and cooperative learning: Lesson
plans for teachers.
Johnson, David W. Meaningful and manageable assessment through
cooperative learning.
Kagan,S. Cooperative Learning; Resources for Teachers.
Nilson, Linda Burzotta Teaching at its best: a research-based resource for
college instructors
ed. JoAnne W. Putnam Cooperative learning and strategies for inclusion:
celebrating diversity in the classroom
editor, Shlomo Sharan Handbook of cooperative learning methods
Slavin, Robert E. Cooperative learning: theory, research, and practice.
Stein, S., & Crabill, C. Elementary algebra: A guided inquiry.
Stein, S. K., Crabill, C. D., & Chakerian, G. D. Algebra II/ trigonometry: A guided inquiry.
ed. Wm. E Campbell, Karl A. Smith New paradigms for college teaching
Gillies, Robyn M. Cooperative learning: integrating theory and practice
Williams, Bruce Cooperative Learning: A Standard for High Achievement
Dees, R. L. (1991). The role of cooperative learning in increasing problem-solving ability in a college remedial course.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 22, 409-421.
Graves, T., Graves N., & Davidson, N. (1989) Cooperative learning in mathematics [Special issue].
Cooperative Learning, 10.
Robertson, L., Davidson, N. & Dees, r. (1999) Cooperative Learning to Support Thinking, Reasoning and Communicating
in Mathematics. In S. Sharan (Ed.)
Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 245-266.
Sheets, C., & Heid, M. K. (1990). Integrating computers as tools in mathematics curricula (grades 9-13): Portraits of group
interactions. In N. Davidson (Ed.),
Cooperative learning in mathematics: A handbook for teachers. Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley, 265-294.
Webb, N. (1991). Task-related verbal interaction and mathematics learning in small groups.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 22, 366-389.

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