April 26

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Dred Scott Decision

Hw travels from Missouri to Illinois to Missouri. In 1846 he sues for his free-
dom, on the grounds that he he has been in free territory, The local govern-
ment gives he freedom, the state government makes him a slave again. He
takes it to the Supreme Court. Roger Taney rules that Dred Scott Is a slave
and he’s no being a true people. Slavery is like a hoe, take it wherever ‘yo.
Dat Missouri compromise should have been against that Constitution thing.
The south said that they won and the North be a bunch of lying fools.

Panic of 1847

The low tariff causes economic crisis. The North feeling like they been shot.
The South be like, no man, we fine. The south thinks they be living the high

Lincoln Douglas Debates.

Douglas must win the senate seat for Illinois. Lincoln challenges it. The free
port doctrine comes out of the second debate. Douglas attempts to defend
popular sovereignty, Lincoln's exposure increases. Douglas wins because the
people do not elect senators yet.

John Brown’s Raid

The post Kansas activity of John Brown is enlist people. In 1758 he captures
the arsenal in Harper's Ferry Virginia. He wanted a revolt of Maryland and Vir-
ginia slaves. John Brown I captured by Robert E Lee and he was sentenced to
hang. John Brown is made a hero,.

Election of 1860

The democratic party falls apart. Victory for the GOP. December of 1860
South Carolina secedes. February of 1861 Jeff Davis because president of the
confederacy. The 13th amendment was the last attempt to save the country
because it was ratified by the sates.

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