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Thank you so much for taking the time to sign up for parent emails.

This year I hope to provide you with up to date

information on your child's progress. I plan to provide you with missing assignment, absences, and tardy updates.
Furthermore, I hope to give you a glimpse of the many exciting events in our class room. I want you to celebrate our
achievements with us.
Remember everything that goes on in our class room is at our class website at

Please feel free to contact me anytime!

Here are some other online features our class uses
Your child can read his textbook online. He or she is welcome to keep their heavy book at school and do read
assignments online.
Log in Name: practice4
Password: warren2
Google Docs
Google Docs is a free online word processing program. It is better than most of the software that comes with your
computer and the files from this program always open. I can write and edit right to your child's file.  It is an easy
way to send me assignments without having to print them. Just hit the share button. Remember I do not take late
work, but your child can email me an assignment until midnight of the due date. This rule is a backup in case the
assignment is left at home.

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