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THE ~,'OlD STR:U'-j M'ER" L TD~I

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... ~ .p gm. T: + ar-b 11'11,;-r'd~ 1,· n 0', ffil F,j-,f., ,.,~' ;::: ,~' ~f.""'n~r.~..JI ,n , .. ;,;;~

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book a n: the res ult 0,£ ~ e~ \ C4:~ of i!l(j r':'~.-,~

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cei '''00 initia 1 encourage ~ue:r~ from ), '[ a ':;:: Ce': \ 'elaz q uez ,::1 n.d. Gene "\ 'illa- L: oos _ ~, Jere !""Eeentlv, I have benefited from ~,e' val uabie Er'perience O[ J ose Rubio, a t~ll.e. with '::':1 irnpressi ve and well-deserved ~'e'? [1"0 tICrrL 'F0 - ~

h '"' "'i; d 'L :,., , - -'(- ~ ,,- {!!j~~' 1.·P'j." -j!!!i' __...~. ~f"'j. ," 1- 1" il"' t'~ ,,~;;._ ~

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J"."..J,~' ,~,. nsxr " ronrnnutea ~~.... ''''-,V _- ~~

about wood, and good frif~-ci '\,\ -:en tv~'N7"~. Schofield co:mptl ted the aceura te frertinz SC1:,~~,

. ~

The fine old guitars pictured in me 'bao~.

appear through the courtesy Df Otto \'\ -iI:L~e:~, C,eorg,e Ci us tj ~ Anita Sh eer, and F eiipe W vo.

\1 do • 'B bn d P ,- \~" 1 '" 'K.Jj'"

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Introd neticn Construction Th ron-

Ii ]-f


Fan, B:a:acing Humiditv


"'II ~,~ ,~,.l' d l. f' ..............:~l ..... , ., lAJu. an'- ~li atenais

T 1_ OO'D


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Construction f orms Be ding Form 'I\'·oik. Board

80,;1; ...... 11"'1' TIO'" l1'li:,1, ,1~.· ~

Cnitar-Maker's Clamps PurSing Curt , r


P: m'~D::;r ,l;,1..,~ \,'\.-"M

- '_ =::a I..U..t: Ill~.

J I)inting, Top and Bad" Bendinz Sides


Sid e .-\ss.em.blx


Joining Sidles to ~eck linings

Sound-Board Construction ,&c1 Censtruetioa

Gln'ing' Top, and Back

-\11 terna te Assem bi v ).Jetb.od Fuming

r ret Board Bridee

" ,:;= ,

C'-]mn'· the'S' °a

.1,,; ,_:" ':n I'ge

RIi""IiC'iiB'u'<'!I ~'l."~


l~l ','

Guitars bv the Crear ~[ :i,m Bib:[i~p,,:h\·

'I.!!r·~~~Hl [II

Index .



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t· 'ft' ., ~

. 'JI.1(},/,lIctIOJ[

Spa.:ln is the ancestral! horne or the classic

-. 'lb' . ld'l' ., '-', ha

gllliaL .: .• e won s grearest gllH~f'51 ,'_ ::~-e come

,L L 'L.. '~~ iL....... ''L it S" .' 'j! 1 ~,L z d

nom tne '\'~·onc.UlCncU'~ olpaulsn ,llUu~ au_

Spanish com,posers have contributed 2; rich literature fo[' 'this favored instrument, ,..:\]mnl.llEh


the evolution of fhe medieval gnib,!' into its mod em eounterpa rt 'too'k pi ace in Spain, me un~t:aI actuallv came to 5-00i:1]. :f1-ODl ~cr'05S the

-~~ . ~,

'" ledi tenanean to the south ...

Earl y in the eig:hfu century s.n, dai-k'-slinned

:\ [ c, ~ th ',:b.: I..t., n -

~ .. ". 00 rs rrom _ or JJ ~""")Jl)]ct!!. O'~ .~n. me . renan

peninsula and, cio:miu3' ed Spain fur almost lei£ht hundred rears. Durinz the E!rl~;:enth_ and

~ ~ ,~

'I:\,-e'} Ith cen turies, S uccessive '""'al \ lei' of ':\' f oorish

in vasi OU5: brongh t to Spain large n umbers of skilled artisans who settled in the zrea t cities

. if'": .l nda 1 ... '. c,·_ · 'd' .. -t...._ G·" --",..;11'... (",""".:.'1 ,. ,r

or ~"l.n· ,itU.uS~.-·. '. Of, 0 IL.!!~:L, ia.~u.;!:t., ,JC. ".ill.llE·~ "':.,!lOS~'

lem architects built: the ~:\l.marnbr:~. and Moorish troubadors brought their rn usie and :m usieal instruments to their new homeland, In addi'lion 'to af udl.'l" Arabic precursor 'CI the lute,

,a..:L rF'IV~ b !T'l"'I,ttg. h', 'r nth- ,~. 1t;;~·r1.:;~l~ ;·P.I.~"I·'1"":'1I~"fl· ~.-.'i 'f"L

U.J,,,- ~ . ;I" U !J. U , I!..i ~ .. LJ II. 1:...:1.;;" \".'I,d,. IL.L..L:l1 U 'bU...Ll'lii.rLL U • ..LlL.

. ,. -

eluding a form of the guitar·- This early guim

had the c harac te ristic 2"1" itar outline bu i was smaller tim n th e moo ern. glli tar and had upper and lower bouts: ,of neariv ecnal size .. It held.

- .. ~ ,~. . . .. ..

four striags an d \\ -as pita yed ·~l;:tb. a. 'pl,e"~ b, ijJ m~

I 1F1irr:'~''''''''''''Q'n ir makers set 'ITp sh op "!!·n..l b' .,_. J.''C,,-

,··:L~u'u..:w,""'ILIL''':-' ..:II •.• ···I ... ~.J! ~.~ Ll..:' ~.'." ~ .. ~"U ". wI!:'

end of the thirteenth cen torv instrument'Ii]n':! ki'~g-' ~ ~ e 'JI; "j;;.,~ 1il ~ ., rt i'fI !i..".(hl1'l},.;:.r··111 'fOO'~" h

~JII ~~ _~ ~~"!I;.. 1:!_ U ~ !GIl £ "-~ JL"~~l~, G...J. l l:=.....:..l :.-lIl. _ ,~E:.!d,l. ,_ 1.. ~,~_

1 ,.~'~.'. ',' bess the Inn Ct trad jtir n that . nlmi-

l U LJ, lIen ,uc~~]]. ~"e l, 0 ~~, u e!i, _, ~ 0._ . _. _ Cl .

........ .:1 ,L 1,;1,..~' 'h R. 't.. i'" 1".,.· ~, d

narec l11 'we ·U!,umpU.aDC. \\··D.r~ [U a-1J:i'[OwO ' e

Torres Jurndo' in the mid-nineteenth century.

Torres, an obscure Spsnish carpenter, becarne intrigued with the tonal possibilities of the guitar, 'H is experiments 100 to impertant iunova tj ons tba t g~P~ -,f tlie gul tar unpreceden ted b~11 ia n ce and po;\' -·cr... "',\;~ OIking ,,~i m. super b artistry he' enlarged the round dl!es~ refined the outline, :fi':.'(·eclj the s bir!..2: Ienzth at 6;0 milli-

0(" ,~ r'

meters, and devised 3. novel systrnl of brae-

i'ng the' sound. board 'to enhance tone, Torres'


r,~ PI2'maS~ J -if 3


t, rt~h~' T orr~ g-rJitar .. making,

prio, ripi£s.'J

- ~


II ,;1:1 ,_ " , ........... ",

!l.-.l!f ,0 ~ ,W,


contributions :al.iSei to Vicente .. \,nas and ~ '1.1: nuel &m!7Cl. ~'D.,O in turn taught Enrique Careia, Santos Hernandez, Domingo Es f50,

d - "b' ,~- Tl ! '1...~ f' "'h~ e 11:.--, __ 1_

an _ 10[' 'ic-k,"~=""" _ ' :'"., ,:,."-~~ 10 ['" m:~[ '.J~.LLI'\:.

- ~ 7 '.. m , ' • I' d ..

A seml.m _ -~.':'" '. :[01 . , e gw.tar s ".esl,gn, ,as

"~fn as: tOnal ···O,fS h" 5 'been a singular virtue 01 Sp3;~J,;;h grutar-making-. The simple elegance of plopor.!on and de·ta·i]~· : e pIofil.e of the' head, me sound-hole mosaic inL~:-! the sculptured hees-s L:es.t tOI an inna te sensitivity

t: 1' .... - Th b , f"S r&

to rorm an. cesrzr. ie . eautv 0. 'intln~,'

....;;mo, .1 r-


e.ui ta is .~: unsnma ssed,

-'" ....

_ odav, millions oi music ] o vers are cap-

.... ,oj r;--

,ifio"","<NjJ'i,_;m! b':' 'III:' the vibran ~ c't... arm "'!I nd intimaci of~

,U~ d t:'U, ,'Il '. 'III lUl.;:;. ,l. "U_.- aJl."" .II.. ' . d .... ' .


the classic W -~ 'f. \ ~ITtuoso perform ers have

-- "

hrought ·U) :=:a::"1:rdi~~ and concert hall its 5p'lfn~'

did repertoire and students B,ock. to the guimr.

IG' ," ui M".. ~""l ~ o::;C .1 Te soarin t FT .~~: '['lI C·!'.F"\[- ']'~,iCC ~.'I;"'II A. t. P

·iLJt1d ~~ _1_' .. ,." ~ ~ J~a,. ~u ,:tw·:J! j!~.II. 1iJ]],_.


l~wted States 21d acr ,-d. work at top speed to

fill the denacd ~ l- nfortuna teJ y fine gill tars cannot be iIlE.~~ a; top s?fed and mediocritv is the' .. ue, hi, S~_iu_ Sl:O will buv I~ auita

~ • t5

of a. ql].'lli.'.~ ~ '~):t ~:m.ot be' d uplica ted: in L'":L.e

U- w' • ~,,,,,...l 'S'c :r':!l in - I- "" 'iI"-- pri ..... e' Pv i"'1ap" b-' ,_.. ~I f"~·

!l.,C!iJ!.. "u::. ......... _1:... ~'I !'.!I."'- - "-.\.\.-:"_ , " @. ..... 'I'~

~ . ~

private lutilie:l., Hand-made guitars start al

about S,OCt

F'Ol" the :~OD accustomed to. pla~ing a

- ctorv moc~:" 21i~ tom th e ha nd 0,[ a

. ~

skilled is a 1~""2\"'S a. revelation. The tone,


II.Cti.'OD crafts .. :J'OSlru. and finish make, nlavinz

,II.:, r ~ :......I:l

S I ch an msU:uIn.en~· a unicue pleasure, 'Inferior

guitars are d ifficul'[ to pIa ~ .. ~

Keyert"b~e:s. great quantities of gui ,aI'S are sold at (illproparUo'n3.tely high prices d.espite

their al ~I'''] 'I ii: ~ "

. - eir 3 mosc nruror m .2c:.~ Ch. those qualities

'that characterize ;!, well-made classic guitaI'~ 'The 'beer economies and mechanics of IIlaSS 'P(IOO'Ll1C'tion ana ma'm . istribution preclude the ma:n,ub.ctme 0,: superior instruments in accorda.nce· '~\ith ~ic PrLT[Cip-les" A}lQ~t hom 'Ihis,~ \,;ha·t is m ,~re gri'~1Jmly lacking is the judg~ 'meat and -:'kj] o~· '\tl ~'il~:le' 'm"]n~,;"ln·ID' lIi·,-h' 0

- - ,I .... I III '~l ~liio . r::. iU d t I J -V1l ~ '- "111'!1i..

L·IU1~;'l .. fo"," ',' -- ;.nce~ a t tb.,e densi ~y of a gi~·cn

!C.LAS":'l.'C G' u,'rT"~R" C,"Q'·· '~S":'TR, UC'T' 'l·O;'>'··

. - - . I Im-:liJ r I . Iii' '1 ,_I r '. ...' [ .• '_ II. 'I

set of IOSe;\:orJ<! sides and baa.' Ci" ~ or a top of a certain temper and thic_bes ~d perhaps a change in file bracing',

:Ir." ~

The classic guitar is a delicate e::m :io.n pains;-

b.kin,2h· ,00 nceived to produce a ~~]]~ bal-

....,. -

atltt~ tone 0'\ 1fT its; entire plaQ· ... -e ranze. The

itt'"' • _

storv of the zreat mi" r-makers is: the storv

~ r~

II.- Th- ,~.~ - .. f t b 'L ..... ~ 'p

'LO succes S • .. . e ~f:: 0.' ule mea ~7·. 0 1Il,;:!,:\ ~

s.ucceeded in mastering ffiis e.qm tiro is simply the skill born or 'i n. -'ID Ie Pl tienee a nd me knowl edze oorn ol eraerience ~

~ ,

£7I1Il,(~tr~/~/i ~lf ·---"f1,·1,,' 1.0'1~',.h., - . I'" !,j 1."1 ,IlL. tl

Taking the \1.oiil ~$ a poin e, or'!epa,rtlrrt: .. , certain obsen tie .. 1S mav be rna Cie G.~Ht znitar



Th' a \1·'1"']';" ;~, IJ .:: h~~ ~~O' w. r- mp::-~ .i\-;c:!"\ ~ ... ~

,Ii.... . I IU .,iJ .. l:.! LJ. Q _, '11.. ~ , _ d .. ~ i.I'I • .L_

" -

wooden box "tuned" to p._ ieee the lGO' g

'.~ • 1:..~, ~, -, & ~ di

SfHJOnueS 0_ a L:~iV\:- C_;~ ~l:i across .rs srr nzs; ..• 1-


'~O" ~:t;,"·c'!:·, J;;;~ '1'"'":' oI'""l."~ ...... · -""~. d'"

mens! .' u]l h-:nes· .-.;,~ J_, ... Jl \lJ .. Ur":j(! _ t E.:.lC .u-~e .n

.... '" " c' f~ ~,~ it - , ... ; .. -, . - " ., ,- ... ," , , - sh £.t...-~~

air 3: re ca H;._ ~ \1 TcZL...a,.e-:2 LlJ Ii:;, 0;..'O:n U ,c- \J:lil,

. - ~

~1 I . th ., - ~ '~I·

enu, . nrreasmz '" e "\"'0 ume 0- U :;;::J.C'.lOSOO ill



creases the bass resonance, Toe ~:·IT'·e is true of

the guita.·~ La ge!"~ ceeper ,~G:S accentuate and deepen the russ. resoonse :-~'!..O'i.\' zuitars

" r ...... · ...

accen tua te 'he treble end of the S:G'T.e and also

s.tdler a reduction in volume or loudness.

_-\ orouerlv constructed zuitar h;~; ., vibrant,

r r . ~

well-braced body and a s-o un d. bcrJ-ci: especiallv

• e.l •

desizned to vibra te, Guitars Vi-:' i'~ to.· ~ 'tl1a.·


cannot vibrate P:'"'OOl1(,~ a mu~~li.. insnbstantial sound. Eracing 3J.d t jc~ ness of :'~ e top must be (. te u.lh ,.;td\15'-ed.o i"].s~: tJ ,t the

- .

"b' .. 'L._ _:1 ---.J'

top ~n rates In a. ilU.nner .(u.d_t nill pU.Pi..J..uce :1

'1 - •

. ' .. . ,,',.. '" o· ':"" - -

(", L. r~ slngul~ one_

.\.. d· h th~ t...,,_,' ... ~d ,.1 ... , .. ""l. gUitar nlJ, .' ,t \\1' " .. , In !1LQ.r~ l:1(] ~l' 'c:': troID

to 1-..:.. 10'1 ~ JlPT ,t'h"i ,... . O'u; b-l '_. 'n"'! "' .. .J.;-!i ...." f' ~,1..1· i"k~ Pili'"

~ .•. - UU"'!L . d,~.1 !l;I :,,~ ,_:_! lLLUuU~ u. Ul1 'TL~'''-'!i

I;;ur:ung 'machme~

fret' board --


';m'~' b'ra~'a

,'~ " ,,-, ~I,m.::t

tl I ~'~
I !-.
._ ." .. , .. ,.~ . .J 1, U.Ii.L:_,'j"·"1!' ... -. ,.-' ' .. I' .... ...:1 •. di ...... ;;; ... :l...~.-.

\~ !(JUJU.. _,.. rum grn. Ear aiso pn.J!U noes .' .L~L tn. ,[)mg

ertone .., d nl 1 d

.. • , .'. . .. ' ,",.' _.' '~ - I . '. l . - .,'

0\ ones ana .. issenaaces II .fS5 secure .t· ana

Ii:',~ 1.1.~.....,:n:'~ ~- '~, ,;",~.J ,

.;] LUi.i!:Ii. ~·i!!;],ll,~ Vtdl_L~

.. ..

The' g m.t~u~:"mlJ,ktt ~ s basic job, [h en, is 1"0' make

3, gm tar' thin En.O I'l~ to produce adeq ua teo vol-

. b'l b 'J - c' '~ diBi" e

, n.... . . .: , '; " ,- ~ " :- ,- - '. ... -, I' ..' . '. _ I' '.. . .... 'I'· . . .' , - - __

mne, ~.tal.l . e enoug_,I to prec ude harmonic d ,C_I_

." ,,'~i iIj..,';. -, " . ..JI - - ::-,:.t... to ;l'·'L ...... 1 ,'_ - ::1:1 ,,8" - , .', " -.J ~

CW.u~~ dilu. ~,w a. op U~~ ~".U.a ,pmpct .. ~

[0, l'E1Id body 3 nd :pn:;;s:ence' to the 5 ound,

Th' ~ . U\l..J~ " '-', ~ .. ~~t· 1.1..... ~i ",:l,.i· " ~ , ...

c 15 _a.lueD mean, is wnat tne uitruer S mves


If h - .... 't..,':: • . L...... .......JI....___.JI

w,'Or;.,o~~ to 3Il.lliO',"C :~.t cannot UC:' rW,ULl::U, 'to ,a,

pat formula, ~\ s,~~.eIn3l:ric sm.(i,r of the great

'i""""'-:-'L~~ 0 ""~'''''''''' • -, __ 1'.. .. , ·--'bll.;~· , .... :1,. .... :-:-,' _,~ ,LL':-_:I,.

U:~~!Ii.;a! ,gw, reveus su,- ne uwoges m rruex-

nesses and dimJensiOIl3: :from one. instrument to

h . 'X" '_ tw th', n" ;. ~, .. h 'be

' i _" .. _ ..' ""'. . . ,. :~ '", . -' J 'II' '". _',"--:- I'· . ~I ... -_ , L' , ," .'. '.' . _-

. _ e ne:u., 1,',' 01 ,ro are .s.. ,e sa,me,~, .. , ,lSi mIg,. t ..:_

tho I1g,h t accidental . rere il '[lot' for the bJ,c.~' tha t nothin g '''\ill uld have been more simple for

, ,

r1!"'::Il '*""m' PIf"I ,1f'iI:II: .L'L.,,;E!i; ~ ~~ nf:' 'Ill .... , ft'!II,;.",~ "!Ii n- d 'A' ': -

~!t;l,tU ... '-iii" uti. U1.~J ;)1~"L.'Ul,~ U. ~J~'-~.~~ ~,,_, 1_ •. ·,IW,!IP.·

nand ez 'than, to -oocnnnltul.l" Tlirod ore' the sa me

~ If""

:pattan~ I.t ma'~· 311so op'biD 1\~hy ,t,b~~ chose to

'~~oU'k ~·1'tho.!i!t mo'~&", iihic'b ga'\ll! tIt,em, 'un ...

li m"i·t~,....l'-T~ n m:;''''' '~'rn - ::.."L Ii!Ii i"JI - ;i+;'-] 1~ ni;EII ""ll i'"'!i' ~'1; oI!-r".,

. _._ "'_" C'!Ui ',!I;,,';" ib:.u: : ;~'U' 1Il;,e;r. m,I\,..~ 'l1"li tho .~.IL"".. II!!II. lD'.dll'L.l.Ji,'IL 1!

restrilctoo tr\~ the ll~ oif ~ 'ilUJld~


Cl.1 S"S ~·c-· c·· [-.f T ' R CO ",~ - - Rver I'O"~ "~-'i'~,~,I:_ •. ,' ,~, '~:\,i I·,.;j;~-ST,:'.·I." 1"\",

, I
I 1
I· r I
~ J
- them tOI the sound board, This W :h:3r~rDid .~" se


and ,faU 0. f' the' lC$OIRa a'rlg diap h:rdtgll] sets all

JD mob1'o:n OJ the sound chest, 3'mlpIifying and i:ncr~ng' the duration of' sound \\'"3,\.t'S., This amplitude gt\13 bod,!' and pon·'cr,' ro the tone of a guib]"_

Patterns ('j,t bracing in gill~.r 00 ns truction are

',",i!"ii DU'rnP!rFnl~i'I'~ "l',"" tc !r"1,1Q'P-"t· IIIoL,~ II> this 'lb. ..... , .... l,. .... ~ ., ~ '_ '_. --.~ UI~ d~ U. ~~~ . [UWlL ,It ~ !14l tiJCt;1]j J ..

provDCa tive area fur esperimen 'La ti,o n. 1 be 'I11J·jori'ty are designed to plrtJ'mo te the mov ernen t 0.£ sound l([m n'ons ,3,ClOSS the' dia ph ra gTn Jile' the' eff.·ec~ of' a stone dropped in the !CtTJJ rer 0 f a 'PO, ' .... Dd~ eoncentrie r:-i1"1:"'1~ m;: sound 'II·1:1..·i"">"'!!~, .

" .. " -J' ".'Y'. - .... ~y - .'_ '!I;;. ... &' .... ~ 'N;;oo;;!I '!J.W: ~~u..". '"LU.idUon.s

rip,p] e au t: u,crml Itn'f 'Ibn'dg,C,. :m,leetin~ I as ,J ncl ] ess resista nee as 't]],ey rea ch the dli ph r J~

'pen"". ~l~lF!ir

", KJl.ill.IIr~l~'iI~

, .

The,C' Tonesi bracing' pa,U,enl, is ,~t:1] t'he'


'mos t: vrj'd.el~·' ,il'CCep too design ~ lJ'o\\ ~evet " J,

:Frenrh gwbr~,makflf :Ro'bert 'Bcu( ru...s' df'\'ieloped, 3] ~,'S't,em 10 f bracing '\1,"hich bJ s 'p:rod nced ,s;ulme s:Upe1 h :g:Wta n, { .Fig. ;. Boue hef s design, at en. ds, 'tnle libra t.i n,g s uri.J, C'C

up t OV\""a, rd. the so und hol eo an d emplovs a cen tral fan arrangemen t rom arum to an arched crosspiece positioned directlv under the 'bridge saddle, Became of the bici~~ fitfnz of' the' rl:rt through the arched, crosspiece, t}ill~',ce~ ~igfl, is di,]t to make: The resul G· ha ve nevertheless been most impressive .. and craftsmen of advanced skill will ,find this bracine method a

~ -

l'e:\\;arding' Icha llenge,

Th e bracing '3,rO'UUd. th e sound hole serves [0 prevent ii·~'B1!jttef;'~,~.'movIEmm t of the sound-hole

ed ges that 'm ~gh.t distort sound \'\ ~ ves . en zcri ng the bodv,

The crossbrace in ba ck c,t the large strut at the top exists fa .p'r e\ 'en t cracks in. the top 2~ong ea c:'Jj~ side of th e ,t,.i!O,j., 'l..",","," ~ Th e d'~'n t' P'I" t'-j;;>,i;.,

. .. "- ,L l: If,;;o II. ,EJWIU ~ '.' '.' ,fL, .r..IIl..,iI .... !1. ,~.L .... L.

boa.rd. etpalnds and (', at a differ.,en~ rare tna n :the s:o.ftel:~, lh,] [] [let spm'c~, .som,f"ti m es, (J,uslng' era,c]~ut

,t\11 bra,c-ing: ,arTangemen.b 1l'fin,m..rC'e. Uu=' ~0'P ,J, nd help 1]1od ify dinleruio ru.l 'm 0\ ·'em,en, [ C"J U!:eJ b~~ changes in a[mos,p'h'~'fic.· :moisture.'.

. - - --- - - - - - - - .- ---

F' ,'-":;'g .. '. ,)' ...... ' B '[_.-

"!,- , fJUe'm:t n"Sfem

. - - ~ . ~ , .

Thev ;n. .... nstan tlv made ~~~'O'b-.· t ch '']IT1IC,-Pit:, "iQn_u'

( !i! "".lbl~iIl-iJ Lilt 1I!.LI...Lim ~ ~l~~I_" ~~~-~~~ ~ =..

their skill and "j udgment to unlock the combination that ,"\'-auld. libera te the tonal eloquence thev sera 1 P'htJ

.;.!] .~

':7dH·.; Hrn",;iu,' .. ':"-' iJl4·,: .~. /J'I H 1,.-"""(

, .

The slender ,spruce' braces :g)ued, to th e under side of t:b!f sound board ate all. essential element in ton e prod UCbOH. Their sJ7A;! and 'prd Hero 'OJ

.JI:~ "'~"b' ,.' ution :nP1 ili.1.u "'Ii a~~. the q' '. -· .... "1-- tic.. ~ o' f 'il:' n1 'liil"!id~U, I, . '." ,Uu, ._ Jb~ ~ U'~f dn'''-IIi.IL : - ~ ',' WJ L., ,', ~ Uu.l '1

..... ..l .............:A! pruu, Utl.O;J_

The large circular area of the' SOUll d board en co m passed 'by t:be to'lf\-er' boats 'is a dia'~)h ra ~; brn ci n g ~$en~fS II '~,10 rl~:ipli'n ethe' 'm", 'ement l(lf itbis smface-an unbrn:red so,und 'bcard is :nee to J~'B,3.'p '" in ,3. n nurontInUed, rna uner ~

~'I{n:eme11~: of' Ulif KI'ood 'boa.rd Its,mt.s: &nm the \'ib[dJ tions 0'[ sound, \\~ \1!S en ~t:lf"ri n~' 'the sound hole ,a.nd Uu=. m,ns,m:~'on of s.tring \librJl'& DODS to th,e' 'bridge., vr'h~,dl in tum, trd,'n5d!Uts


Da:mp,D;CSS is the enemy or all string,edmn~

struments nartic .,"~l~fl\~ the !Cl1I11',l!'o:JT""

~l IJ~ \ _ "- u l.3, I rIll] ) U.lifII. II tillll u_~ I ~ ~ LG-L .•

If dampness enters wood, the wood swells. in a drier eQ\iron W,e1lI[ th:e moisture lea,\ 'fS ; lu! wood ~nd I he wood shrinks to .113 'fanner me'. This. c~~cle' of' dampness and ~ing' is faid~~ normal, and a guitar can tolerate these changes if 'the\- are 'm,J d.~l and not f1treme.

'*' b'""-

A. guitar b,wlt in an. atmosphere where the

relative 1rl.I1.m.idi.'~~ level is abou ,6:)' per cent most of' the time '"\\i1l survire weD in that atmosphere ... If It is removed abruptly to a Ievel of: 20 it: \\111 snreiv crack

. .

after eulGllugh moisture has 'been lost, If a ·guib:r

is' boot' at a humidi~~ level. of ;1)::- acrlima:_ed, to a 6;, per cent. hUD1iru~- level'. and then removed to a humidity si rna 0,0111. of .Jl. it lIlaJ still. the probaD.ili~T is grea,t],- tt~ duced ..

If possible a gmla;r sh ould be assembled in. an a tmesphere con'taining 'Jess rnois tore 'than 'be :\I tmosphere i:'u which it l\ 111 finall y ro.B-' sisten l~~ be, .. \s a gellaa.1 rule it is, best. ',0

bwld guitars in a dry environment because

- ,~ ']' f h d .. t._ 1,' t.;

~\·elhD.g u ress 0·· a nazar tnan snnnszge ...

Thre crii ~cal surfaces for cmtractien and es-

.. ~ .;.'... th iii. ''II · Th-

p:IDSlOIl in a gw,~r are tne fOp ana IW.,·:'"'. .' e

end grain (eas,ies'- point, of entry for atmesnheric m.oisture)~ is sea 1 ed off. b?; the' P urflinz,

r ..-

Absorption of moisture ,U further retarded 'by

the varnish or other protective finish, 'ff the ,!nitar' ,is '\\l!U bra,eed and carefullv constructed,

- -

'the ',p'f'oblem, of S\l,~leUing is not great~ The mast:

~5cru.PU].O us era f,ts,mans',hr~p.. In. Ol\"e\ .er, COUll a fur li tle ~n the' bee of a pred.pi: ow lass', of mois-

h'l'rii"~ and "'h-· e res .. ~'1i1o,.;.n't' defo lI["'Ii"Iiiil"l,k:;ohfll ,nil':' """:"".,,,:".~

~UJl~ '-, .. '111 ,l . ~w~ ,', -.!Im. ·,.··.IILl.~~U}IWU U l~ •.

Before ~'"OU P roceed \\ iUl plans; t'fJi b tilld a gWta:[~ :6nd Ollt' from the '10<:1.1 ~reItber bureau the mean annual .a:\,"mges :for high. ~nd ·kI,~· bnmiclruh" in 'i"OUI area. .If the mean ,B1fIl!Id.2't!'

~ - ... 1

hmgh is 79 and the 1O\T ,is 1.8 the 'wean I _ .' \

a~"er2ge relative bmnidi~,- in yonI' area ~.-, 51):J .pe.! cent 1:0'11 shonld assemble yom guitu ~ an atmosphere that does, nor meed, tt-a .. miditvIevel,


\\~ork in a basement \\'odrshop, m .', ,

d.n nD onlv '. _1.. J-.1II :.1...,.:., ~ 't::P"I"n"&-n; t ",Ii:' .JI~~~

Uil!~tl. UJ"I . J..IIIm~U lUJ'\r ~~.L~Q. l. ,Il-J OJ. 1M . _ II

,.... ~ -. -

during the 'fi~n't,er months, when the ~.. .' ": '

dries the air, To extend the \l-ml-ing SfaSou, in - "

ii-1i..e, Tf;""lIITTTltP'F· 1!"'IiYl:F,iP: 'L'1"I1'IiT'jI';d: m' . 0,. q:";--I~ ~t.,.i!I' ~;.... ill

Ul1 -Ii', DL-'I'lU.J.~iIl·. ~1UU~~w .~:I, ~. g,lJ_D,l W!t!r.- ~ .

'tile ll'~orks'bop' 'must be dehumidified, TIm em be accomplished with an e ectrie'i"' .. " an 3, utomatic de\;re that condenses 'mr.istme, hom the atmosphere. An air COIIditioner -I.. helps ,(OD hoi lun:nidity ~

.\, zood h '~omcler (a des ire for me;m.tmj:n.

_ ~~ ~~l~

percentage oflelari~' bmnidity) is all unportaat \vorbhop investment, lIang it on. I, ,,·w awav 'from doors and. '~1ndows~


. F',e:hI,Y purchased wood should be lep.'

under a weizhted b:ai. d un til a cdima ted tol


wor kshop a tmosphere, nonnallv a few "l:fb .. . ~.fter th,e wood reaches eqm1Hmum ;-fi[b. fbt .surrounding atmosphere it rna y be staCked aD

hi· he, h If 'Ii ... • r;

.;1. g. sne ': 2J10 turned over at mrerrais ..

IGuim.[5.-=-CfJ.m"p,!.ete or incom.plet'f~must ru:t

lIk._ c ored n- P~"~ ;r."",~' if'If h,P"'!'··L· i'1I"ii'" moisrore

uc: iJJl,' •• C\l ' !iir.SJI..!.~~ u. .. ~ l I~ U.!L . fUIJ~'~""~

:\'~ .er . eat\,-t' ,3. 2Uitar in 2 cl(500 C.L::e winec tb,·


sun 's ravs aID uroO'k~ it If von d.o not ~ke

~ ~

your guitar ,\"tith, .~l]U {t,uring summer vscations,

1005(:11 a no s tore the' ins trumenl in the cool est, driest par' of the ho use ~

:\1 ~,"3 ys remember that :3 guitar .is ,:t fra;"I.', taut ensemble of l\1Xd. and strings ..

Wood I1lm.;J Inlflinls







materials the sound board comes 6n:t., It is the most important element m the gW lac Tones 'built a. gniw' vrith 00,., ': and, sides. of papier-

Wi!! ~ .

lWcbc' ''0 demorutr2tc' the k,~- role of' the 'top

in tone' pr.oduction ~ (G uital-1.sts WhD Pilla ~_loo. 'this iastrumenr said it rossessed an am,ordin-a:rv

,~ e

tone )

Luu '.'

Jmt v.~hce at' bov.· spruce \\"2.5 discovered to

have aeoustie properties ~' a m~"5t,ery' buried, in, the' past, but the oldest S-W\ -j'n~ng' stringed instrument prO\ -e ilia:' ancient instr ument ~ men 'kn~' the natural resonating qllali~~ of spmee,

The best:~:mU't"!·' spruce comes from, near the bnI:ber' line' o't' the mountains of central E mope" ,B'];;'n'ks far Yloud 'boards are cut nom :[,adiaUr


sa,~ lumm .. Cram pattern runs' Irom eloselv snaced heartwood to more ooen -srained sap'

UI,r- r'-'- ....


Sol"l'IIf1d \...~-~~.,. _,'n::o e p. ~,~,.J b - gr'JI ;:nil tern pe'T'

~.JI. " ~ ~ aJL ~ ~;I. ~,~ ." " .. ell ~IH1.~, ,,- . .I...Li.:. _""_

.( resilience 1" and resonance ~ ~\ good top is seasoned, '~'1 b ~ emshed, a nd c lose -zrained. _-\n~


~·.ll_,,_ J' ~ T - h ul ~ "k.... ].

nlJ.JlfiU W'\"L,q,ons S"O':u run about twe \-·f '['0

"'~' teen 'pet indJ ... \\11 ere the ,gra in '\\ -idem a',' the outer edges the increase should he gra,dual,. , 'nd grain shonld be almmt 'lcrtir.~]: if it is, badly

5'11,- ..-..,- .... ..J' E",e-, ,~. ," ":m,,.... _ ..... ~...J' ,."'.r" ... " ~.a...:: .. 111 ".

;,~ .. O,.lll!l., m,~m LUe l\uuu ~ cu LdIl.g'~u.uau.~

o:Ilnd·' .;~: m"", .J!"I;rg. '~,"1'".l!>'I'T~ ro- '1Ii';t-arp:' '~C' L~"'J"T:!C,t~~'~':i\""" 0'-'.("

4 , ~ '. y""". u.L~." 111..1. ~'l __ . L.~ _~ •• U4~~"'u . ,. 'k.;:~~ iIk],Ulr . Jl

~ .

th 1...-.. '-- ... ~ =, ' ".u ::1t.,"'}

. e Uct sprott tone' \\'\U.J 15 .::i crOM-granl 'Sll.~

nattetltJ. obsen~,bIe ,in the Il.nest !~tars~

Jr'- ....

Fitting' me "board \\il1 ,[e\,-faI its: resilien.ce. It

shooild be .faErl~- stitt' '\\iili o,n1~· a slight amount of s.prin~~ Cenemlh~~ stiffer 'boa,rds, \/\,111 riv,e a

,!II "'"'"!:I' ~ ,,...

'bugb er 'oog-e 'to tbe souD,d, n ~s'Ofter", m,ore

'Blenble boa.ros.. \' 'm" sc'ft ka'[d$, tba t bend


leasiI,. aJIie not used .


... :O::! o~b tn:e mast re,lia'ble indel fOli ,select-

ing: 'ops ,is; ,ismi, th,e' resonating q,ual~ty Rla'Y be. j~!dged: ~r tig'btl~ .. gnupi~gthe upper edge' ,of one of' the hal\~, aDd gent]~~' :rnpping :it '\'\i:th 'the b:u]jCkles, 0'£ the free "band. .. E\-reD :tJl iDa'·, perieoce.d penon, a,n detect diieren,ct!S in

C,L,.,\SSIC 'Ct~'J'T:'R': C"O'~~TR' l C" TIO','"

. __;'"l" . ,_, ,_::" ., . ' , , ,,. '\

.resona n,re b\,' listenina carefuRv m ,:\, O'~ -

• .,r ...!'3~ ...

sound. board, has a certain 'lIn;tlf. tone whilt ",

,poor one will have 3, relative ".~ dead :res~ r\s the \\-00<1 .is w:orx,ed to the a,ppropriarte ~ ll'ess;" ,thumping' produces a brig_bter, ,- ";'-[ , ootioel,b~e ring,

F~, ·c', 'L.._.~, ..:31,.. ' , 'fr' ,., 't..~-,J- -", ..,J'_

.l.oge! LX.MIUl or "ft. L.lIIlJHlW are Dl3!ur. r .',

bo nod Ebo . '1

. . '. . •. • -. . .' ill 1'" . . .. , ~ .

e nv or resew '~ '._ ,']] \; ,11.S.8., wavs nsed 1-;

11'1 _ J!! _

auitars Q,f hizh onalitv 'because: of its dura, m.,

b~ _ ~~ _ '~

1 1'- f' ~ d L'!IL] =-- l. '.', k .

"aCK 0 gram, an tne e ,egan, OOIlUa5'11L ][, Qua

with nickel-silver frets .. I L is almost impossible

, fi d' '1 ... '1 ~ b- 1_ 1.._ """",,,.:L

to I n·. co.m,p.IJ,lerQ,v' let~ •• ,~c·, erxmv; !$-trl~' .'

'!i!I • _

veinings of ,gra~~ are· lcomm.on.. If these ,", ' " "

are unohtrusive fhev will eventuallv disap l'

- ~

d,tlrkened, hy the oil and penpira.tion lelf the.

player's hand. II: they are prominent e1lon.gh1 to, reo uire s tain j D~~ 2: blacl stain from Gen:Ruw

~,~ ~

(E,bonh·o.lxbei=e) is good. Both ends of ebou,

finger hoards usually rome sealed with 'paa,in

, h '1] 'c, ,t, k= '. ", '- ·,e· ~,"-' 'I .. " ~ I' /" ~

or s e ac .0 .eep moisture rrom seepmg ,WWI

,L,t.., 'I d . .',~ .'11' ,~ ., ';' th 'L."'·_,-d j, . I~

Ul,e en. gnt.l n ~tDa U "3.Ipu:tg ., e UtJa!.' ... :-l, ",-a~ ~

t; a ' '00" 'd' .," t. ~.=:., b'" _.l!':- ~ i""'r! 'r.:r ",,_)

U n~er ' , . aI· ,m.i.,!.,.Jl_ c e LLl!i ..... = .oUo;.J.,

Struts and bracing for the ,ton are made,straigh t-gra'i'n den" Sitb spruce. ,~ light, mong c - od ,··t··l~ d 'b ~ 1" - 1..__ _ ... -...l..... ,&.L t . ·.1n 'L-\I;, we ." S .' OCA,e , '1;;, UID .. lJCT \ ~m ~-,Ha, seu ,1A,Iij] II.

~ .

1: u m ber~ Th e n~fi"O\l- fan 'bra.ND g Cd] n. strmetinJa he n~scued hom, '~~e' \1-a3te pcrtiou of the'sound board 'by ]~ udicioll5 "[£:~,li\i,n2:~ Do not use b3.

~ . J ~ ~

t,\-ood :for strutting or 'bracing [he top~

H:ond.llnlS mah~n~· is used :for the' aos:s: struts on ro,sfl\,'ood 'bg,cks Sitb spruce 0[' rna :.C' .on ,m:;; ph:~: ba.cb-.

The neck is made.' -of 5t!3ight~,Ln Hondmas

~ ~

,[na.hoganv~ ,di snon:. exreptionaJJ:\"" sta1ble '\l-ood~

ha.t" ,raugt!S~ in ,colo;' from a, :yell~ish to a,_ r~ dish tJ:n~ TextUflE': is: meUo\\~ and easily \\'or, .. sL LinIng is 'LlS'uaUy b3~1ri~ood (linden)" ,so" ti:n"les ,H 0 ndurns. !lI2hogan~,· ~

AU guita:r \;\~,ood mmt be ~.ep't ,m. 'the ". ,. room atm,osphere, .fO'f $e\-era~ \\lfeks beior:e ]. 1 beghl cOrnstruc'tion.

Tuning m,a,chines, are s.o~Id mmatdl;ed ~

V. IP X 7'1", W X'- }, c~"

~ 'TJ '. _ oJ ~. ". ":', . I {) Ii( .-

Brid2~ Stlddle and 'TUft: ,~V'Of\j OT' bone

~ !P -

1nJa:r for iJdck: 1 piece rosewood '\U1,e6'

strip~ ~~,. X ~Oll' (m.aple guibr ~

1 niece maple veneer strip" ~sc-, x .. :0

.iL.L "

j. ~;;.-,'7'"' .... _.l J'TiI"" I ,E-""'II r ') ~, .L V:~ '. , W{l, :s. 'lil, LQ,

P'urflin.g: : pieces l~, f3;" h1ac~'~':'"!Q;~ru-e~bla:CJ~ [fine I

'4 pieces 3.-1 Ii" bla ck-w hi te

.1 nieces 3. ' "~n~uEIon_~""" _ . .l ven PCl"'!'"

~, ,r.' ;'l;. .... 1!.A) . ],,' ,Ii II ,"",",,'II;.. 'I;"'~ , !!.,:u'!;.. .......

~ p' ieces r, '" I S Iii' 'r~~y''':-.~I \. ;i:i'nl~

Il II.'\.~~ .... &,v"J.t~ 'n ~ . ~.U,'li..llg ...

l' - ., I "'hl ,~1'_ 'hi ~. .'..l CTl

'7 ptec~es ~I~' ack-wt ite sme nuet

(U.,,--=P....::n\:1 ;(" 11!::11,a11j'll .. cn1dl ;!f!"N1 ~6"I'" IP<r"tcrrt..,~

lr- ;WI ill UI~, ,~ ~ ~l l' JlUl.l. W,.JJIl. ~ I'-"U~~! Jk:l.

_. -

1 t is 'i\"i.'-e to bu,,· 'm·o lexib-a, I(rr ,each for

i" 1'1r. LL -d' c:]l '. -......l .\.,

sa.~" ',- 'we 51 eo ill! e:t ~S, o:m_'. t. ~~_ urn-

eight pittes of' the ~i~"" ~~1JOd, "instead, c f: fum.)

Tuning rn«,hi~ 1. ,set '\\; tlt sae-4·S fur b'c~;late 'bolles

German sih-er' frd' we ,,;,tb stud,de;d tang" 45-,.,


~Ion',.. The' 'begi..nniug. gtri:tar-ma,ker should .hB rust' guitar of plain. un6guroo 'maple aDd omit the. side ,6l1ets; Un.£gured ul3p!,e is ,i.:netpensi\"'e' . nd. ~,illmake ,a 'beautiful ,grnbr. Th~ :s;ide' 6lld3, are' attracti\'"t but ,entail a; good bit "(If effort, ~\,d\~,nc.ed: aaftsm.en \\ill 'ha',-e :no problem ..


, .

,Fri,Cf$ range \\idle.l~~J' as Idees Iqnality .. ',\then pm cD;l'sJIlg machines, check the shafts for ,a:lign~, mOlt. Do not h~- a set t.ith a bent shaft or &repmt'e. ChecK. ,fm cracked rollers and dam~ed buttons, T urn ea,ch button. The shaft sh,Quld start turning as soon as the- butt'on is turo,ed~ IE the button turns a bit before eugagti--ro" the g' ear the p~T is misalisned

~ .t ~ ~.lw.:.4-li s'u ., III

,I. ~ ......... ...1 - c, Sa '" Id

,1; :UOUlen, pegs WlJ'I ~ meneo guitan are sO~"

~', viola pegs by \lcfuJ suppiy' hcuses and are . :"wa:ble in. rosewood and ebonv,


Th e bridge is ,fashioned from 3 'billet 0 f

s;:r~bt ... ~ in rosewood, Bone and i \; orw;r are

~ ~ ~

so d by guitar supply' houses for the .DU~ bridge

Idl d b .,.:1... • I . h

SUI: ' e.. an '.' n nu.2t him. ,'-QI:1i·:tS roue:. more

~ ~

UST· "0"" 'F'· ,,( <l'TER- . ,,1' ~.T !C

~._ I .. '.1. i'\I,Irl. ' ... ,~~l


l .. •·•

Sides,; :2 pieces r~·'ood or Dl3'ple, cut, :h;om same :fiitcb as bad. i ,X ]12M ~~eck~ 1 ni(tt iQ,f Hondmas· ll:W'h.OO"l~D.\1· ("'see

,r 0- •

pg. -t! for d im·rnsj'oDS )

m Pl'e('e' each holly \'e.Ufef and ros;ev.·,ood

( 'I ~ " ii.:'L. L) _'t;,' 8 !I' , '-;1 ,6 [ln~eg:1l' ,,,, . X '.'

_T ail' bloc,k: ') piece' mahog1,n,~· or b' Imrood~ :l"X3~·,X~·

,Lini,ng'5: 2 pilete$ shaped for ker6ng; 2 pieces ffa t. ~"l:!" X ~ [OJ' X 30~



LI!I~ ~
..... ';;"'"
'~ ...
I -,~ ~
.... 'w;.." ,__ - ....
_C ~, .~ -- --
- ~ ..... - -
_, ,~ or"..
.... .~ .,..,_ ':.t ....- -,
'I ;;E: ...,__ .... _, . ..,..
- I .....
~ i:: ,_ ,,,;:' ''i;iP.
...... - .... "':,CJ
=... ~ -- ;;" ' ......
~ ,_ ~ -
- .... -
..... .....
- _, ~ ~- ':..!. ~~
~ .... _, ..... ,....,.
- ~ ~ ....._ ~
'~I - ~.
...... .... - - -
- - _,
- _, ..... ..... -
~ "'" .... -~ ...._ r:ools

,Fig", 11 Guitar-nuiki'ng' toolr

t· +"iT"

.... 1,.1.1 ..

If you 09i'"'D,pol\"er tools-radial or bench, saw" jigsal;\-, band saw, ;:U].d drill press-you will save time bu-t fine' guibm' can 'be' made ,,:ithout any. power equipment, An inerperieneed craftsman, however. ~ill hall:' trouble drilling accurate holes for the' tuning' machines ~nd string holes. in the brid ge wirhout a driJl press-

.\. small rlJuti ng mach i ne, if a" d il able, ,.\;]] quickly clean pmffing ledg:G a,f[:,ff. [b[t!. top Dul- 1;;:',,",," J3< h. ',';'I '\ -,.., been cu r ~ i th the p. ~,~ . .....Ill ,; nO" too' 'J ~e

.In.l~ , Ut· 11,.. ...... _.~ n., IW, ~lli~ti~ '" _ ~.' .1: [I;;'

srrai.ght flu e.d renter bit is 3:.d~usted for the

pnrfiing deoeh ua UJ.l.[:; . "", r -'"

[Cutting kMlh, must be kept at razor sharpness for 'IDa;ti'mum vtlOrkin;e t:fficienC\i~ i "'f 0'0 wilU

- ~

need a medium a d ,ough grit l(om,binatioD

[ca' oomndmn stone and a ha rd ,r\rka usa,s :s'to:ne. to k;eep ·tooi edgesk:eeu.

H'old. the' tutti-mg b-('\~ei O'l the' t:ool a,gaiD5't. tbe' -rongh a nd then the w,roium grit stone and olone v.ith [a, .smaU circalar m,oti:olll~ K'tcp the surm,ce ,.veU Uilled, to p'r[e'\~t meed filt:Dgs from cl~aing -,ie 5,ntfa,ce of the f.tone~, '\\ ben the ~1!~ is ,. I,t;md u:niio~, ~hift to the :\rkansas 5.tone_ Hon~ in the' S],nl,f' mauna until '11

- ~~

Deep-throat clamts ~e 31"1 and I pcrnmz

cutler (page 3<:; I ~'e th; 0 nl Y spe;-i.a 1 b:ocili ~~ quired .fur ,guitar-,ma~=-. In additio n, ':UIT wj] need thESe o~' tools:

- ~

Fine 00",-",· ~ \\. ~ ?-I' r biade \\,;d th

k- - ... b-"'1 ~ -'-';l:

'1'~.4': ,... L, .. ", ~- - ,. . ae '"'llLn

_"" CUJ1llW ~c'" ~w~ -

sawinz i:t"t £11)J\lf5 "I

.,r. 'Z'"

11 iO' 0 cop' rn.£ 5a:W"

Jl ~ ,' ....

1;11' "'iiftA ~ ~tli!G

~~ ~~ ~u~_

1 l' -.' '~'~ '~

'~lG z 4 t'" ~na ~: Cn.t.~lS

~'S~' , 'ng:ro chL~ " fur shaoin ~' WCfS I

Hand scrapers


"'''T x: -, 'It <:._J..,~~ 1 t'~,!!' oer bla d e ~d 3.t:e

,. ._...... . !ill '''''It. ~~r lla._


&\d],us,rable",ocl: ",~e or mloo~h~, g ~ '\~iIe ruppe:;,

-):6' [ ,.iI!IJ~'~ ~";''I:'~n' r'_.:f'e'!iilIiJ

. - \1 ~~ ~~~~ ... ,-.~~,

- ~J _"

6~ CUIc1C' Oirter

- '"::1 ~b"'"II!' ".) '" 'I"

HilD: Of' pJ---"er d:rw. \l~t[, 1'5· ~ '"':!."" anl,

:t, ,II!!' -'its

:\55or:oo ,c~:nps

Flexib ,e ,~ccicn. mirr-or

~t[cb~ made 'by the medimn g~il stone are' ~ leavina the ~"e~ shin v-smooth, I urn

~,.~'~ .

, ,t.. -"": blade over and ,buld it Hat against the steae,


RewO\1! the boo b - mO\i1J.g the blade side-

,oj. ~

'WJj,\$ am inch once' ortwice, Test the' bbde for


_dt;rrpDeSS OI]J a scrap of . rood, Repeat the

fine h,ooing step if necessary until the blade CIltJ. smoothlv and easilv~,

. ~

Gouges are sharpened ~'i~, I :I. $\"eepin~ loll-

~ , 'I h - . 'ifj-h-' . - ~ , .. . . T"Ii"!, ~~ ~.. : . ~'L. 'I~ ,

,mg motron as, t.· ~ are ~ O\'"Ct IW,e smne.

Toe burr on the' inner edge is removed with a

... a.; d dn ~ . .l l~

wro_ge.SiJa pe;_: lOon" - aSdJ 5," F tone,

Ora wing an edge' un a steel-scraper blade is a 'trio:y job that requires practice, The long' edges. must De' honed dead fiat and square b~I"' slirnn.g the blade over the stone, 'using a wooden ~ MIT' to keen it oetfectl v \uD,caJ (Fl! 1 ~ \

r~' .~. ~~'~ ,r ~ . '~- . I . . - ~ if, [._ J I!I

Th bla '1 ~ ~l.. l' ·d' ~ "d d h ... ...J

e' [J,a'cle is 'wen lal au :1, ts 51:: e an', . oaeo


until tne' ~~ is knife-edge square. Clamp the blade in a vise with the cutbin_g edge up. IOil

th ~' t~:t.._,_i1 d d 11 b ~ h

~ e roge ~,a.L'~~ ann (, _,rnw 3J steel aumis er

(Stanley) Q[\-:iE:: the edge. :\Ia1:e three' or four

, r "',t.:' ith th b

passes ,e:re o:ng lllllJti:Orm ,pnSSUIC "1 .' ,! e our-

ni5,,: er be.d firs' at 90 degrees~ Increase the angle 00"..., the last pass is. made at an angle of 200U', 83 ne;g:ces" turning 6]le edge over in. ,a slUr1}'" book (:r12~ 13,)' ,~

..... ""'"


- .

. - ,_ ~ -

. '{: 5 ~ 3~~-~~ ~'~:i -~: ~:: .;:.--

Sandiu.8; sticks are easv ttl make more ,1:£-'

- .

,n.'rlent and less b2TS,b than steel files and mike

the most f;::=de~t use of sandpaper. Three s[OCG lror~ci with rough, m edium, and

1!. _, ~. 1" ~d ::1~

mearum-aae ~'t arurmnum on e pa,per \\1!,1l

sumce f I. rna nng OD e grn tar ~ Sticks sho ul d be

1 ~",,' 1''''"'' 18'· f _ ~ b I

,aooui.. :' ~ < . ?-+ 1'1' X ill-'" tor most comrorra ··f

USf and C~'1 'be r-Eused b\" coverine with fr 'esh

_ . - ~ - :;:II -




~ , , '..... ~



'!!O" )I

f:~ ;- I ""' 1)-""":,-, ,f·.····· . ; ..

~~ .,1 ;) ! . omu

'. ~:.f

,Cl.;L\SSI,C G'lITAR c~o· ·\.J"S··· '''F D U~C·· T':liO" ".",.'

... . . ._.. I [' ,:_-''':. _'_ ..••. .:..~, •.•. I lA" :. -, '_ ~_ ",. '.!!!o'~

Several forms are n~ to ·lbl:.Uld 3, ~'f; ... }_. -

~ 1~1~~iI3l

mold, ,9, bendlmlg f'OfIU" '~~U' .pnrffing f~ aDd:

"'II .- ~-.n' . t_ 1l.,. ............ ,""..l Th. , _'. -;01';.. L .~..,.. =Ji, .. ,. . .~~

,!!=t. \lu[~.~ ~.u:~, ~ ,e. "orA, '~~l_U sm~ as 3. fig

'fT'i'll!' ;[]'·l: run' . g L.~ iI',JI_. and "nn t -. 1C''!I;d~ . d .... ,11""_

VII.!!? ' '. W ,,-,~. IE:,..IU{· lJ_'r O,;M, ~ ,an. I dLOO:a::s ill

gmern1 :fOlDl fOE' m.ol.ding the _gtlita1. ~'hll,e '·url., ing' on. it

The 'mold is tn:f' J.m' sic form in \\~bicll. rida and neck ale assembled, It is possible if.a bw1d:

. . .;. ... ,..... ~ th ']d 1!... , •.

a :gml~. ·"l .. ·OU.t a, ·m,o,. '. Iloct ene :(5: nece.ssa;~

ro[ the mode of construcrien described in. IbiI book, It: is, a convenient means o.f iui~ svmmetry in the important fu_,)[ stag,e5 of mg.. strection. The top and 00d art' .auembIOOl,cuf:side the' mold, ~\ later setnon details an aJ.tu., nate method orf construction in w:hich the molld, is em p1lny·ed tfu,o~hou.t the en me oonrirurnon .pr.lXfSS; see pa,ge 66 ~

The bendi:n:g t·CJ.rm: .is a. contoured de.".ice' fior. 'no] di.rI:g and h"ciu; the sUa pe of th e sides,

.P':urfU:~ jQ,rnu are used :[.1} ,;til ssemble deeorati\ 'e strips of , band] "g' into ,3 lamin a ~~, sha ped. 'man bel' rca d r Ior ·hlrnsttlhtio:n as a. single: 1IlIIi t, These forms are not assenb I ed tmb1 tbc cu.c~tSS lOf' ·tb.e· :01 utaI' :is lOOW,P- ·~et:e .. ,

o.'~ ['l

._\ ~,UJJl ber $3,nd:w]:c'n 0 f s~reral ·~uls==ea.cb

measuring 10'1'1' X 2,4 !I,-,.! i,dds tbe'pd de .. , 'men.rn or:f tb~ oosiC' ~onns plus a b:m:plate., The Viaste punion Qf the' sandwich ~ tt..~, as ii, s'q.lJ«2:e j"~g' to COIl'fet ,imperie=rly bent' sides~

ThIil3l ~..,. nd· ''1:1",- ~,,..~ ~!!='. 'Il'TII'1Ild'O' 'l]''I1ii Ii"IIf',L ~'~l~' 1iI-' ,tL1.I ,dU ~~~. "- .":.t' IU"~

:2. .f ie('fS M~' :X' .1. 0 .' X 24'~! p,:l}1\I·'ood

2. pieces 1 Y4." X 10· .X :z-+ ~ lu.nlber oorc' I( or 4' pi'L~CfS of %~ l!!!' :X I.O"" X :2:4'" lDim"' bet)

I pi,ece :~.' X: .m O!P' ,X: ~ -+ ~ :\ .laSQlW te (tl~ :plate)

'Th~i)' l'1lm.ber can. c,:rt:en b:~ found in t~be 1001' bin ·a.'t local lum bet :d1m. S taclkJed. lbc depth. 0:1 the' sa.nd~ich is ',appfrnDm a reID,.. ;:' ~

.fro iect: the 'haJ f ~pa ttern o,E th'f' gui,tar. (·fig .. .l)1 ~~ire size a.nd dr-J~~' it 00='0 the to.P cf the:

~d."a.lch~ Spend enough time to insure maxi:!1lum. fidelity to the originaJ pa ttem .. ,',\then tf:Us

'~ ... >::" .'l. .............. , eatlv pe-' - ..... :tI.........l •. - ,:jl'T""!I--. another l:'_'D .~ oeea nea '~'r ': ":.. n Lo:lLll:cu. m, nra \"" ~.i;iIl u \...!!. .UlJ,~

I.!-:'· outside the' first o1Jt1ille~ This line is the DaNde- of the' meld. .Drill, poo-r 'holes to ~.·\;n:rud splitting' and na"il ten-penn ~:~ n;;I Us through 'the top and back 0 f the sand wich to hold 'it to!fther securely while .. it is being band sawed ..


:Krep '[tam ~'"leU clear of the two penciled ou .. [~·

[ the 'band. sa IN·' \1\,11] follow,

San d smooth the long side of the santln-j,dl~ OD which the gut tar pattern is centered, T ike me' sandwich to a. yard 'fua'[ handles millwork, or 00' at cabinetmaker; for baud sa\\illg~ The saw:v..;' of the' inner cnltlin'e must be eseeuted in one continuous cut. Dia.meter or the baud: .. sa ~- blade sho uld be !4 '" to nego tia re the curve ~'C the' waist cemfortablv ..


Glue the' waste portion tog·ern'er and set it 1i.ide ~ Sort the several pieces ~'h,8 t '\lo -ill comJrtSe1 the lavered halves of the mold, Lav them

~ +

~ ut on the ·,,·t1'rk bench. to make s me thev are

?- roped ~-. st:u:,ke.d to form a contiuuousj; sym, .. ill.emca1 mold 'in, t'he' s,'ha; pe.' of al :~ ta.r.. 'Clue '=he ,"'tttious of each half $.fil"l;lrateh; 'IJ$.ln.P \\-hit·e

~.. ~ i!.. ., , ., ... . _ .. _ r...,_ - . .' ;:::)

;;Iue·. '\'\ ben 'bath. 'halyes are- gh.1~ align ·them lnd. cla:m.p, them in a ",-is.e 'llth their ~JIEJ er hce 'JU'~ Sand the e:nd fac,es; and. the inuer ,contour'


iillOOth"., :Fill ,all holes ~1;irn '~~ood pu.tty. '{; []~. ,and the on th.e '\"\-0[1 bench Iud [beck. th.e ,6 t {) f' . he h~to 'end .faces.. 5d nd


them to buti 'ti;bt]y ,~na glue .. A :~ong clamp across the \l~t '~ill bold the ends together dur-

,''F1I o· g1-:' ''''''';'n P'

il.lJLl~ ~!!1iII11I'l

~ ,. ,_,.'

.\\ Den drr, d___r;al'ii~ 2. line l'iS" from fa ch side


of the trnbc=' joint at the ·top of the' meld,

Drill ,2, %,'!!I!' hole in. the [1ft~J'ter nf" each of

th- lines n' ''ili th ugh' tI]- '-1li 'b-' ~

. ·~e·' 1'1':- .' .'.: _'. -' II!'!!'~ '.' .. ",,!"'iI.",' ' ... i!!il . n~ . 'I~~_.

,~" " ~ .... ~, r· . _. IU;U rr-I!:i" ! :I ~ILY . ,_:: '.~ I .t.&l~ I: .~~ll.-

.in;· [be drill hoI,es;, idea 'sing. the center piece·= the ga,te~,

C'1J t rn-n ., 1.~, r, Ieaaths of ·H [II dowel, eJ ue

-'~ ,~

,:..t.. - ~. • - ,','L. drill . .... .JLL.. .:l ~ . ! w.L

rnem mro w-e ' groo,--es 111. UJe enos O.Jl ILUe.

mold, and r.eptace the ga.b:~ ~ The' dowels d.o nnf g:ln\lp te ::L.o ~.;.-!!l' \\~l~""L the sate in - place apply

__ ,_rL.!:.-'" .y fL1J .... , ........... .-...... _. _ Lt.[_, IL.l ~ ~ _. . . .,~,~,Iir..ri., ra . :,

.-.+ ....J" ~ '" .._

a clamp across the ,~1list to puess the dowels

into their' t:~~O~~ Iumiua' zluins. "nell drv,

!lIZ"" ~I,~ -..ill Ill'"

sand the dmn::!s; and zate ,B,TJJi\'·es to an eas'~ ·o.t


a. close nt. is ~_fT mecessarv,

Draw 1J;..,~.~'.:~ . i'p.-.. lin "e-' ·JIi.f'lR:1l1 ;1[.. i:i! ~J;..~ of, ""'

a.\'~ a 1IiJU_c.. I:.~~n . - "nun· U],i;". !!.,.~ .• "~.;~:Ii,,,.!!, •. - ~

y:!!i!!' X' .. I It.. '-"" "':' ',:"!!II' ':'1;~~~,.,l H:·j-= ;a' n[ ·nl\""'I:iII:-~~..lI

• ~ .' .. 0 ~",::;t' ~.L~bt.JII.!Ji"J:)UiU !L.I'.. ,t-.Ii._ .. "II' lJ'U{,!:

bC~TIt This: b-t.:m is the .m.old! base, ·,,',-ltD zate


.5.$.1 in nlsce, ;:;lim, the :m.o'l d. O~ the center [iae,

~, ...... ,

~, 1-.. ~ •. - .~ - .a i' '. !!."t. th - 'L - • " f- ~:]...-

I'~' ,WTIum, ~ nnsn '~lUI, t e oorrern 0.' LUe

beard, T race cum. l.iiller ~ild outer ,con ~ours of ~h~' m,..PI,TA Ir"'iinffl m"I:J:ii ~-'!'-d" ~.~~ on side

IL_._ '!;.".. ..V_U I",J.LIl.La"J _ '10... ~ .•• llL.Jl,~, ,l .. _

- .t.b '~I:;,.t.. _'1'1 'r II ~ 'h ~ 'h

of Lu.f ce.nt~ - -':i,~ "t.l.1,e :pit!J.""dnJ.el, .uUIeS ~~·.lC.· sen -'f'

~. 3 .gt,rid-e f~.f ~~Ji_S,TJing the' nfi"J,~ Dm~~ th.e. eire .:es to 'be' ,~{I tcn;ed ~i. th a circle cutte:. Th.e:~,·

lighten tb.e' .~7~.b.t 0 f the .!]]Iold ~uul prcl\ ide

1-. .... d '..' d·~·· 11'-1:.._'- ~''!I''i - m ...•• .J!.

.~,w.n V :-ul' ,.ED:ru d~"[ ro.[lletitS IIlSl,ue-

Posiii'OID. 'me mold. (] n. the cutou t. base and rnm.p th.e "[U 1) Drill p:ilot 'h,oIes, ~:D, tb.f

oo.c.\: fur' 1. ~:. T' .rb '[ ~ead. ~~l. IConn tenink the boles' and. tITJ:da;·m:p., _\'Ppt~i' a. Ij~ lcoot of Tile'bond or iirute gIn.e to th:e '00 H"o:m. of the' mold. and g1"Ci:: it in ·pIa.ce: ou 'the bast~. Fasten au:: $C.l·I~""S. and cIedD. off ,aU a~ ~lu.e ...


In rn.bseque:l't m 1J5!r..l tiorns.. one of ,th f!' molds bas a plastic liner' ]'::I'minatoo, 'till [h,e .inner fact',~ .3. wf'ful. d~iXf: frur concealing ,9. w.dl~ b\,,-ed,

~ .. ~., . -' " .. '!';~'] .1- ~.~ , ~'iIO- l1"li'(: ~'IIL·~"I'l"i"'~ 'c,r \...."Il"'!I't~~h·· .mner ~ .~ .. ~ .~.,._ c. rl" •• ~J: '!i.II".!I!g!L, u, ..."u,..",.ta!i;... '.' _ ,BJ. ..... iIU!. ,

'~-111, ~<i( the pe:ro " li:nes ,and 'p:resm -e 'the' rom··, 'vJeted form~


Fig. .l' 6' Lumb,('T' &-and", 1:ch )Ile Ids' p ri TI!ci, e'1i'tn,e:'1 fs 01'.f onm:

F- j,..... 1]1 -s

, rg. / £i ase 'v,r: mdd

f:ig~ ,,8 ,f ifiiihed



f £e. J,' &ruLing forrm in use'


Baldi/Iff 1Ufllf

Cl,ne the sides 'to this pl::uu S!,~- and ~d the ends nf the' plank to ccnrm m to th.e ~:~pe of the sides ~

'Fasten the collars '-0 me bo:tbJm of the plank, Scrf~r in pipes and ~-r~ ,om the 00' "om

[ c- .r.--

collars, Screw "the bottnm eollarsinte the. base.

Bend the metal sh .. eer (0 me shape of the

., d .l_'-:n 31 h 1 ..,- ., ~' .. -~

(!Wtat ani .nnu J i~" -e ores 2.''': .:...'" intervals LUaU!

u ' ~ ~

'both edges, Countersink the holes and sarE\\~

in '34.;P' screws I{ 11Htpnxl,f ) ,.

Position the eve screws on both sides .of the


form, th ten drill ' p,:,110"t holes and r screw them " '~D,--

. u,. '~' L. ,(1. . ~I ~~. '-_~ .... 11-, l.U~, ~ __ -

, ,

Foree O~ the' larze eve on me ere ool,b' and.

~r"_dlt.!l-l "M"" [jj III

boo;':: tb:etn ontol the small. ~1:! screws, Close the

~ ,


ncr '-~~~

~ ,1. U L ,I!,..U ,.,

s.TIr ~~~ X -r~r threaded eye' bolts, with wash-

~' "'''T:!,~ 'n:~" D' ' mts ..... .ci! ~,IIU. H 'IWI....I.~ , ,~

S- Ill' ... ·.,

LX I ,-Y", ere screws


g-n X ;~, sheet of medi~~uge alnmi-

num, zinc, lor 'fin

Two i" X 6~t pi~, threaded both ends I 'our threaded pipe' [collars,

I~,' X 36 "'beat \ 1~ canvas

, ~

TWo !!-, ' X I ' X lOl:" aluminum straps

, ~4" 'X JIl or- X 20' I um'ber<ore base. Orr

:2" X ] Oil' X ZOIt lumber

z- 'X ;''P' X II lumber 10'r \.\"3,ist 'block

- 10", 0'11 I 1.........., £: th 'l..~,

~ X I" X......', umeer :~o:r ,_,_ e lijd'se

large eye $0 it cannot slip out. (The small lit'tares 'used to boldthe ~-e '00' 'ts in til,le' illustration were 'bought in a marine-hard ware suppl y house, SmaD eve ~"S are ~' mere generaUy ~l\-ailable substiture and 'QlX.-',' j'mt as v.,~!l..)

DnlJ, :ly.1," boles :in, the nlnJ metal S:tI~PS that damp the ends, Round off the bottotn of the ] I "" piece of 2-' 'X '41~ until it fits the :inCUI\~,

~ R h 'i.'L .. ,iL_ ith 'Ti_ - .r

l\'3,lSt"IOUgl out 'we' SlIlU:pe ''I' pUile ana

rasp, Finish with ,s:md:papet,. :5a,\," the end, slots thaf ,engage the side 'bolts .. ,

The bending form :is; shaped, into. an eDgger~

ted '-,' :, ,,,. iJ;;..'~b-':-' 'I E' ,th,", ",c,Ji,..I'i,~,11 .s. ..... ' f" c, , ,t, C' ,

aJ n! represeueancn Q .ne IjJ,CIlu.iiU gtllUl.r contcur

to ':, mpensate ,~'or springback, Re$in~- and sand

" 'h' ,'- id '" ,"", 'th'· " "'" tt, , , "f" '~~ 0' ''")0- I

rne ',' 0 5J! IfS LO epa, em 0 l[' 19. __ '.,

'S!~. the:: X 10' X,~.o pi,ece of lumber Ior roe' bottom o[ 'tile form OJ! a '¥lid,th, of 19".


... ,




~ 'C,Y'



, ,



f:~g. ~,l E..;:piodcd y.~,. of lNnd-R,~ [orm


lVork 8mrd

her bands ale looped. around. r'l ese screws and laced baek an,d forfh across the 'bod ~r of the guitar to esert pressure while the 'top and back are glued 00., ,~>t cue-pound ilxD:: of % If! ,x: "i .' rubber bands will pro\ id e an adeqw. i.e suppl~-

[nr 1-11602'

lty ,!ta. _ ~I


For general clamp the' \\"or'k board to the.

edge of :3, workbench so that the: body projects rout, hom the bench. The' gmhlr em, be secured , to the fnrm by a clamp at the ned. 0[' a. numher of rubber 'bauds stretched across: the bodv,

,~ ,., II ~L


I '


- I


I' I


• I

'1:'!I"~ - D .1,' '''I'''I!;~or . pOOTli



. - _ _

- - .... -,_

I.' I

. ~

The bo.ffing' tKUitgb above ,,~s made O'f: 2,",~ ¥ttg:e ~ill\72lnzled. tin and soldered 'liith wft· solder, Itt ~s made by a. tinsmith fur ten doUa:u; .. ,

La .. \~ tOut the' 'm,tb!m on. the sheet of metal

. ,!r'

and cut to shape, Bend to the final shape and

solder the' end .~ ms, Soft sol der will ,,','0 il:, as long as there :6 wa ter in the ,troug;b when it is hea ted ~ The handles shewn ,3'F.e' 'tliSefu] but not essential,

,Il pair 0 f 'bot o_.,.da"'\i1lS ca n be fas h:~oned from

a. waste 'piece o,f'~iD ~ 'Do not 'make them, 'from a.D.~· ferrous metal


, ,,!,,"



~i4·· ,~.!

I t

. 1

'CI.·.7lSSIIC G· t'l-"T' J,R· C" 0'1"'"'5·' TR" U·C·<T·'f-·O··,' '\.~

. ....,' - '. . , ~ "l. . . . .', ~ "III .', ,~...." " :. . . . .i."

the end. ,~ith. the levers drawn on 1:. Rip down the. tenter of the lO,J(lg remaining ?e:e~ 'Cut off each set oi'f' ia~7S ' .. ~ .[ark. 0:0 each J2~ .. the (l'blQHg

-" .. L.t... ,~.. ~ It

mortise 'that ~U.l. reeeve toe a!.nmro,u::n. rna:i l·.

'Drill :2], series o't. ~~,.' 'h.o·IIes in e2m, mostise znd chisel mroll0'!L \InrkiD~' hom bom ~nds: \\,"ben

. 1 " I .• " ·l. ~ _I ."_." ~ £ ~ '_ • .' • J • ~ " J

th ,;0. t:,'lll"1t-l!-". "Ii !,,'P cleared smoo ,~L ,:;,..:L~ 'mi'l'oli:l'f:"" ''!Ii:''"IJI1,·m.s,''

_ L ~..IJU U 'i1.l, Iiir.-= ~ ~~ ...JU":ll .. -. [II LJ]~ -e I~ n G . W. )

m 'h-' 1 ill' n., ,b'I!

wit . a. " r ~t ,w,e'~

E ig'~ 1.6 Ln·er' d,01'7lJ, pres;ure off' Cut four lOjil" pieces orr the ~.IT!i1 in'!JLm Ship

and de-burr the ends. Trv the shaft in

. -

i ''''.' '1" .t; i 01 -

lItlor -:J , .. Diet' ,S "tialll}~S'


Deep-three t clamps. an essen 001 gnita:r - m,3 ki:Q.g tool, are easy to make. They fit through th e round. hole for dam pIng tlu:~ bri.d ge and are aiso used, to clsmo fan bracinz .. 0'11.1\,·' one is

- . til. ..-r.J•

absolutelv necesssrv, but their convenience and

~ .

~":'IDpli[it.y· 'justif:- the additional investment in

time for 'b uildinz -5e\ ",e I at

. ~

The clamp 'has a fi.,ed, lower and a. m .. o\ 11 ble

npper.- 'r~aK'm' \'he:J. the clamp ,H f~,rtenro. about ;]!1 object, wising the' ~e\ if"f' brings priess ure '[0

1..~ .. ~ p' • 1 ..... .Jil b' 0,; '~ Ji.'L W .

~.... . ress ure is If.:. eas ec "Y' .W pplng me rever



,";\ 'l7~'" X '3~~;r X -l5: ,,' length, of birch or

maple '\\1]1. make clamps and leave 3 piece -rOf' making 3. pu;.rlling cutter. You aJ SOl need a 1 . I'll' X·' I iii' 'F];T~";'n"il':Il"!!'I~'m' 'i;;.m'·· n ('¢'n:I'd in 6"" len oth~

~ '. . Iii:!i 1'I,.LLLLIi.iU U. ' iJ ' 'r ,;;!,u 1.. ,u U:;:;JI - ...

at hardware stores: this aluminum stock: is, also used for the end clamps of the bending fOri]]) . T wo dozen I" rivets ,\~lh recessed ends t ha

,. ......l 1 f l"op .,

r:1.n be peenec over, P' us ,(MJt' '.~.' cotter plns.~,

'1' 'h 1-

com plete t,., e

'II' '-i'~-' nn~ th . ..::;. 'fi'1[" TI01l'rn (F";p' "7'11') '"1i n~' saw nEf

.L.d.: yl!.:l!lo........ r _'!i., '_ ~;:'.' -",,' d .. UilJ ~

the upper jaw: it should ride :fr,eely,' up and down, The slot in. the lower [d'W is ~. sa tug:

. .L ~L~,,;,.. ,iIL't" G .. etal 'L.= ,u. ~._, ... , ,... 1-. ..... , ..J' .• _;;',~ e . -. , enouzn U~!I;. 'W .... meta SUj:U,IIL.,~ m, .UC" W.l,~en


Dri· ~1' !IO.t." li iij" 't.. ~ • If.'-h . t, ... ~:L '1-

, .!" tne '-.':15: note ar '1).," e mourn or :.ue ,aug

kerf J:~"'iIor. the '1,.,iP"! thro !'lcn-.· ..!.t">I ~;is : ·.r"I:ia and _:.~J=l l~~ l2.,:lC. -""Y :Lli _" &,~~',l lil1", .~,J:.J. ~v ,'-' ',' rJV_'Ib ~,.IUJ I

~ ~

~ th ~ F ~ this ''L ,~ ., 'h L..~d·ed

!'"'m' 00" ... .;. nl ,,",I Q '111 n'~' '~"l~. 0'" " , ! " !..~, ~ ;'-'i'I 1: rv! '.

::r . .. . ,~~ . I ~ I I ~,._,~,_ ,C1'ia.. '\.i, .-. ~ III!" ,~- rII ~ '="'- , . .-

, d ba '1= ..l~' "Jj

piece of sandpaper slid oo,C:.~ ~u rnrtn ..

~ .:L'L 'li~ ... f." ," i! tenon ri':" .:.,''1' - ," . ;.. . 'd'

Ji_J'Ii:: w ;we.]] ei : ,0;[ rn e' ,eno u ~ 1 ~e , .. = ont 1m

f " h . ,', .'. .. .-' C'" . . .' ,' .. 't" .:., 'I"!r"'" ,.- i . u ,"- ¢. . "d'"

o t. e 'Ulpper Jil ~ ,., '.. amp' rne p.. ~ m a ~lSe an

... ,.. :,.\... 1., e- (F- -0) Tb

ins ert a. '\'\'ec.Ee into tne kert I .' ~. ~I " e. " - r ,e

- - .

wed ze \\i11 oermit "·0 u to saw u;~ Ooill. 6eeks,

~ r-"'- ,;,a;

,. "l.. ~='L, ,. -, h l' .. L·

''0:[ tne tenon '~llLEl.'OU[ s...""21UU':;. we' Do~cm. race


" t-. 1 .,~ r-

or the . :on.2 ~EI .





''"10 '~: ) ~,

irE Dftit L.


I· ~ ,'.-

1 ~I

I' i . ~

I~~ ----I





-~~~~==!'. J~.~ _____!


-r-- . I

11'1 i 0 :




'.:'11 I

~~ "_-___;'---~~---,_~- ----------~---=---~~-__::

F~g: .. ,28 Clarn~ dMum:n

.F _

Sand. the contours perfectly smooth and uUfk olfE the center mortise, Drill a ~lfI 'hole throuzh


rne inner '~emi]Jl1S of the mortise and then re-

move the mortise \\ two 5allt cuts dO'lTI to the drill hole. Smooth the inner Cheeks aad . II~ l:-e sure '[he: lever moves freelv around fhe ten.uu.

The operatin~g principle of the clamp depends on p-esrure exerted on the Be:nlie I· .: J!mion under 'me kerf, This pr-essnn: comes from the eccentric: motion of the . ever which .... .- 'ogs Ion an off-Cfn'ter aDS,.

Pla ee the lever on th e tenon m ; he da~l1 posi tion and. dri], the 'bole th ro uzh If' . ,a;nd tenon. 'Insert a rive and. -peen'he'

end 0vtrm -

Drive the aluminum shaft into the lOUT!" ~ c_-~- iF dri][] ~ 1] 'holes" a nd ri \ ~t. Slip on the' up-'per j:nr and drill the hl·o, holes that .faU on

~iI.'L. ~..l - - .. 1l.. h ft

enner $hJe 0'::' the sa: .. ., Fasten rivets, These

·:-D rivets ' re position.ed to seep the upper' s- W' ri'gi~ '- 'ben pressure is applied, A s~ ~o,e aDd co ',er pin at tb,e uppe' end. olf the shaJt: eomplete ' e elamp, R,ubber squaresl ru. from . n old inner tube Ulay be :. .'1 'to . lne the

.,."' laees

I ~~!iI

Pur/filiI! {]jltter

\ pmilina en lter ff:1Di.J' -es a, e remer segment

.,' ~

around all four outer edges of tile' !gWtar. 'The

d'fP'th ~,n.d. V' nf 'these cutout lrog:fS depend on the : .. 'nd . .of' :p:uriiing; design usetL An ad j ust,3ble pmBing cutter d.~CJl.ed. mr m,e '. ~:olin tta.dle

is available fFig', ] 1). It Vi. -as 'i\~eU for' guitars. but an equally dftttn-e cutter cu. be made from 3. piece 0" bnch 0'[' mapl,e and a. saber -53.'1;\-


Slice a 1. " X I ~: fi '" )( -+~4 ~ block open

.. en.rlb\\ise· and smooth. bot . inner faces .. Saw af ,~~,el a groove dlMll the center o:f side A.,

This £!'oO''i·-·e must be vcide enon:gh to accem-

- .

moda 'f:. the sa bet-saw 'blade and shallovr enough

't_. - h " 111 - 'I' . l.._ ... ,'" ~ to eth - '~nEE

,0 'UJ . .J.'[ w .' en. 'me srdes are LA~.Ulcu ge aer ~'I' '.-

dent. pr:essure will be ~e:teii to bold the blade

r; . ....,....., !'I'~ in pll,,:, Ii""'~·

I!..aJ .ii. ~.u...- 11 ,;L • .1ii:! '-l'-1 ..

SJ..~,- the waste from around the pilot leg of

~irle B and shape file pio'- 0 the prescribed shape, 'Round the ~~-es or all. lx2ring surfaces

• j' • -

"'0 pr" P<~['" eo Mall,", e "!: nd mamn g~

L. . ...... , \.......... ~ lL1~liU':i; ,a"a_

Sa. ber -sa w bl a d es 5 n be. sharpened to a tine

c ut tin Z edze ~ The ·b~ci.e pictured is a 'T HJ] a n

~ --

S-;~- Grind o the teeth ~ong" the edge for

"'00' u 1- 'I' . bo .' \'~ ,Ii-~I\!!O- I.... .• - _;: edse In zrin ,- ··nO'·

ill. . • ~ _ ... "- Uh ... I!.,'_ ; ""US' --::.' =-

· ... h, e· .e.ri p do" ,."n,l;. "'fi Ilow ... ,'L.11'l' b~' d' p. to o' verhes t and

iii " ~l-..J.,~,,- .. 1 . .Il.J U ~ Gl.! -'_ It'll i1.l\.J ~..... . - L" U\..G - li;lj" ..

destroy the .emper, Sltarpea am~~ one edge, . he

inner face ..

Cut: two horizon tal groo-~s ~ I~ if' \\ ide on the

back of side .B:,. Cu. 1'\\1) $ITJ!:lIll strips of meta]

to acr 4S long washers tor the moo bolts in ~ eJj,ch groo\-e .. \'\ ~'ith "be roo 5 ides: cIa m.ped. together, drill me four boles and "" .~.l 'iRi-Irn ~ iIF machine


F-iQ' :i 1 'p·~,...a;n.p cu:tter IdMJ;I1r:arn

'. ~lI'r~' - - J [~IY.-!t:'- .... - - ~ .







C2 ~! JIa'

fig,19 LT:fOOt·

_ ~ , ..



1m I

1 __






m-·--I. ~_,_..JI







: I

, ,






Animal or hide glue made :froim .. oofs, bones. sinews. and skin linings of cattle m.:l been the S .. · ple adhesive of instrument-makers for 'burtdreds of' years. This glu,e is : aanufartured in ditterent grades 0.1 \"3I},·iD_g strength and romes in sheet, Bake" chip, or granld.3'F form,

TO' prepa_n=: ,3 nima] gl ue, pla ce the gl ue in a dOlTb!~e-i2r cet glLlf pot with lenougb cO_OI """dreT ';1,01 cover and 'leave to soak, ','nell. h\e' glue has absorbed as 'much water as it QI1 held, the' glue pot is heated. to a temperature '~hich m us t: n o t exceed. I ;,U 0 ·F. .( Excessi ve hea t d e~troys, the 'strength of the g).uem Repeated heati g' weakens and thickens the gl.ue. '\ must then be added ~ .fnrt her .~\ .eakenin g the gl ue. j

The best of hide gl.ue prepared in ·this manner are strong and. dependable. For optimum results the glue: mnusi be 'fredjJ]:Y' made :0 the right consistency ,and temperature, IGltir lI"1g must be done quickly :in a warm room sa tha t clamps ea n be ,3 ppl i'ed before the - g~ ue ·elli, ..

. '~quid hide' glut is also available in readv-tome form ... It hal' nla.rry of the same qualities <O.f ho - gIue without the elaborate preplratioru~ Setting time isslower permitting ample time :'O'r cooting and assembly before' clam.pi.ngm The temperature of the '\'TroT. croom and wocd sho :i d b.e a. bOlo 'e 6() : .f',.

_\ number of plas tic adhesives ,2\'~!iJ,a:b ·,e to- 6:n: are also useful for instrument-makinz ..

. ~

Thev hal "·f differen t properties. tlra t ma ke them

.~ ~l ttl ble for certain purposes,

P.d)---t..fC re,rin glue (" 'eldwood, Caseamite) '~-ery strong.., water-resistant, and easy :_.01 use, 1:.. cnmes i n po'l~der form a; nd '11 eed. o:ru~· be IllBed, \\iln. \1:-a'tfr .. \\ ben mL~~d;p the glue : ~1' .1 usa'll' e '.lHe IQf fi'r'e to s'c',"en hours at ;O-::Fr for 'best ffSu]ts the gh~e. \\~ood a.nd l,empera'ture :: .auld be ,at 70>0 lOr nigher., ,,\t lo\\~er .t1niug '. mpe _hll,[,le :fn 1 strengJh is no" ;athliuw .. ,." de~


_ - - -_ ........... .,...~.,_ ..... ~ U!,I, ...... Q LU:Di .. -a.:sa.1"'L~ to ~ .: ,.. t '-, - .'Ii.. II'" I.' _...t:....,.IoJ - ~·'E

mtnna .e OXtcau or g mn:g snrraces, ":;. 'iO'~F'"

'b "I' oods £ 6 .,

• . .' , • . !_..r.":"': --.. -, ,'" [ ~ ~. ,

c- .. m P j;al u. -. (ff. I. '_,-e to SCl en boon" '.' ~ ' ..

woods fo-u:r to sa hoors, Higher !( h::mpai'"

ill ... th ]1- ~ ,

tnres \1.1 recuee .~~ e c~.mpnlg time,

Polll:iml resin eJne' [Elmer's G]ue~·Al]") """ _

, ';iF;'_' '_ ", I I 1 I

white ]j:~uid glue that cures "el):- Iqui~.

b\~lell.~- to ~~ minutes: at iO~F,,, It dries ~,

parent and 1) quite .c\t tempera, lura, below 60:: ·the glue roms chal~~ ·\\·:hite ,I,nd the strength is 2.ierloo" Po.I~1Minyl glues are not

~ ~ -. '1-.. • ~ I

water resistant 23 p~tic resin gmes,

_.~ liquid rmn g..1w! 'that hal a \l!nifasl: -.'

"I . _

and outstanding strength is a ~~e]]ovr glue !Old:

T· 1... ... , ~ ··F _.t..1;·_ G11 eo-') .

as itebond ,! ransnn Ltue "'i' ,. The ,a,uihw

prefers 'this 00 \i\:hi·'·l~- zlues,


Transparent efx;r!F eemeui carnies .in two

tubes, OUe a resin aud the other a cabl!~ or ha rdener, rue two are :m«,ed: in eq ua I parts ·'00 app ::i ed in 2 :- b i'n 1(00 ti ng to (4 ch gl uin_g' 5u:rbce. Curing time is O'\nnight and males a. pemsD,Ell( '00". nd ,.,_;: UI1ml~'i:JI.o:" . ..1 str 1IIJr'!r'r.--=:.'''r-

. . . - . II.OIlI. '_""" ~ !:U ;], .... .u;w_

Purists i:15L~: on the exclusive use of 2mmnail

,1 •. _ " ~ f· T ._.J' ,.

g_ue in tae construenon 0'·' smngeo mstnt-

~ i~":- "......j·n- ~ . G' .;:....,. .' -'~, . 'h·~,... . d·· ~]' ...... ,h '" ..... j.

ill ... -'~ ". Jl. ,n..... ..t.1..l Of~C .na U..luE' an'· .~ uaill~ ~

- ~ ~

'p~ .~. ] .. ~ .~ .. :!L.= ... ; . ' ~ :,- _ ~ . ~'L._" .'~.- . - ':"1...]. ,t,

, ifelse.) uus ftlSnC!~ tS ~ ua ,IS .respoOSJ,lO .e' l.or

the 'rnaioriir:- or instrument repain-glue bi]\..

Jj,. '. ~ 't.-._b- L. ~ .,

ure, ~~.nI~ ;'~!:e a~~, atmospeenc mo~tUf~

and exposure :0: repeated C!-cl.le) o:f dampness and drvins ultznatelr \\ eakens the ·crine Scien-

., . _.! ~ ~ _ 1_.' _. II . L ", ='- III.· ~ _ _

ti fir researca OOS ie:e-dtI\~· unCO\ --ered the ·:bet


.;1...... ~h- .'.' ... ~.-. ..... '..,.:" .1 . ..::1'... ··be . '. .' " ."

U~ , ,l. .. ele ~e Ler..arn mO,kW, v. . me $po.rres ClD

live in animal g!tIe~ \\ . en. present they e\~eO'tUr·

_1'[:. 'l...r. .. 1Im d . .:,,'L , ."J . '

at l ttrea&, own we £lUe.~

,. :;...

S,· 'd- :. _. - .. ~ 'Ii . ~ _j: . ~ . '~I- .1' , ... . ,g;.. . - .' !l-

rra _l \":3.n us nsea aruntJ.W g l u:e~ . e 5 u Olngcs1l.

glue theft ,a\"'ai:-·b.,e~pl ns three: 2nd sometimes

f "J' ,L .... t 1Il..'1....... ~. 'J ~...!~t. I

'Our mlS '0 rssten 'LllC' lustrmnmts n~ J)

·t··he··' t . 1 -b"I'9U"'L- Th·,··· .. · .... ',. ,"" _ t . ~

. " . up ". I~. . !f{·e 1$ DO l'\f"ASIlll 0 Sop'r--

tiI2,t 'hIe' \"1Juld. not 'M" \\-e.loomoo the' sti:,paior strength and d m:a biliQ.7' of' moc:1:em glUes., 1'0-.sme.1JCe' on ttring. oru~~ a.oinml glue' m'ust ~ f'\~·l:abl.r be put dO~ll to a s·entimeu.b'J atta,cb-, ment for ~_'he old '~'2l~~



f~ 0' ':'!'j" ._ z~., ,) .


.... ....

. _




';ir",.:. -,~


-;I ....





.. b )

\ _ . . .. . -.-,', ,..... ..'

. " . . , . .. . I'- ,. .' . ~QJ:£;nth--c21l.M'y - rnetuJ.n. gtll,W (from _ .

f'/IlIIllfllkc Woud


Gni:bl" sides and bach are sold ro, matched sets cut from the same log' .. They bearknife or £1\\\' lD3,Ea and, axe tleast ~'* thl!ck~ It is neeessars


to smooth roth sides of the ~[JIP aDd plane the

sides and iEDcI: to a, ftilll % 4i ,rt ~

The' sides are scraped d!~ll, first because. th,ey ha\1e' '~Dl be beut

Cbm,p 'the end of' a, side near the edge of the '~ odbendL Remove the high spots 'with a plane adjustfd 't01 remere ,3 small: 3Jmount, 0'(' Vin:d: a atane, ~'Io'·le the' ,laue a~:y ncOrn '\1ltL an!:led 51w~rt1v. to CD t ,w,·:th a sb:cuing',

~ ~ ~~ ~ .

action, Lift 'the plane, return t'o 'the: begin mng,

and 'mklle another cut. If' the plane bites badly into me ~ it is cutting a§limt the gram; tnrn the 'board a~ound and plane from, 'the 0',,', C': end, P'~e the surface until an saw


and ," - ire fi!l2Ib are goue.

l ':nen,oorn sides are le'\'et[ switch to the hand sm,per~ ,Dra~r the small hand ~,a,pe,[ [(m1L,,] ~, its blad[E angled, for shear, and me

'both L .... _"..l~ ~d d 11 (-.

, • ,", ,IIt.i1Im to 2m,; "e an', a'p: P'I.iIl\·' 'Pi, ressure :', 1~.

~ '. 1111 • ~.

;,. ) ~ ~J:are tb.e sera per in a systems tie pattfID

that ,,-,]] jnsnre an even removal Df 'wood. C-, ec ". me' thiCkness, :IS 'wuidt. proceeds, The large. ~cra'~ blade is: used. for fina~ SDliOOthin.g and, leveli . ..;"' Sanding is aotnecessary,

If""""II-:.,..,...p 1--·th" 1N',d~ b' 'u'tt''' ... ,JI ,t'rlO'......ilLd'I" a·' .... JIi '1"lIe'~ l....,~ ,- lUU!!,· ..p .. ~ I .. l! aJ ~lC;u .. l~L' llN. 'u.Ji~

iLb, '1 '11..'f_ d- 'L~,,-t.· ..

'UJ e steel scraper U:J.;iJ,I- e 0\1% uUWl.U ~ T UJQI thea

over audbutt the' other ledges. Scrape 'IDGD ,again to make both sides a mrlfonn 'thieb'·. I ,Ble1A1Ulf of scraping the sides' thinner than '~l.'"

II,. !.

A th i,D spot :mrIJ 'the sides can aHttt 'th,r! t_

Flamenee-guitar sid,es are planed to 3] thilckn - of' ~1!1 hill ~

,Backs are not 'plbned to 'thldn,eg 'Until

ILL. ,~ • iIi......l 'F d~ 'L .-.1... L

'wI~y are ]O[Illlw,. -,a.stm '..:uC lUa~ to tlu~: . , __ I: ~

board used fm' the jointing upeta'tt:on ~ Drive tacks, in along the: :perimeter-three 10[' four' l\il~ do--to hold the. lu,'-" while scm,ping!"

P1a'fU~ and scrape bnitb gd~ miug the _ procedure 3S leu the sidcs. Because of the slZt, area of the me' it is necessarr to cheCK: LL._,

~ ~

level of 'the surface ;itD, a s.tmg;b~ooge. Smooth

th e back to a thickness of a hill 3.l";1"'" ~


Smooth both sides of the 'ioin ted spruce topl~ [,emo\lng onl:~~ as much wood as n~~, ".,t this stage 'the' top must 'be left at its maxim om,

'Ir'm'oo .. '-, ,i,.'t..~( .. .J 'thi:' , -,C·. :1~:~ to .• accemmod .... ,a..... &:1l..1D1 m"RC1;;o.

a, n U:"laJ. _. ,JU.J~ I: L.~I;.I,w..L.I..JLLI,~l~~ UJ!Ig.,. U-~JI'LI

\1twl1 :tHow the ~·ood to breafhe but prt\.~t 'n~lrn;'ng: If an "p,'p'r·~~bl~ ~""'O:JI"llD·"t of' til'·'ml .... ,~

.,.." ~ rjj~!II~J!! • ',' @ I a. . '1k~, ~ .. ",-. lElLLU. U ' .. ' 'I ," ~l WI

" , '

gomg to elapse before resuming ,,"Un [three OJ

four weeks ], shellac the end' grain of. [top :aud, 'l.-r-l~ "0',' [[fM1iI'\d' moisture absorpti ion

1~'L-,Jii:. IL _, bd.I.!, _ ,uIf!.IWIib ~11lJ'NJ, .....•

. - ,

, . ., .

- -:t -

-_ -

- ..




,'" ~

........ --

PJ'..,~,; '"'Ii' :,' ~,>" \~," TY~A

~.t u.~ ... " L,,~ ...

-.. ,


!oillfiJtg up aHtI Hlltk

Guitar 5DIDld boards 3I:C joined aiong the' edge on ~d1 .' ;c' gram is narrowest, Close the mn

1",~., 'iII.,:1L._ .t.. ...... _ d t "L '" 1.. ~ th'

narres .~: a ,!..MJ.1 '. ann mate n, tne gr:tm ,00. '. ·f'

ends so ;'. * 'the Inh1:S are .p:b.ced lexactly as ther w.ere ~c,re' ~~'Itl' ru .. 3'~ tr+_

~ I~~ .~~

Ciampi 't1]r, boards in. a vise and plane 'the

edge' to be' ,ioined. as level as possible, Do 'OO[

remo 1!. "fISlF ..,,!ft'r .~iI!"Ii~ U'I:'I~ ..... .Jl .L1...... ~~C1i::"'"11 T"Il:"" '"-.,

ilr~UJ1. ·'1 [~, ~.!l .~ul_~.1Ii.w 11" ~. UJ.ii,n D'L;"_:-~ 'iii U)

3.COOm.p,~I-~.1 . this end,

A '1" 'J .' r'JI' f] i!II 3""] 1L.._ ~~-- ~

_. . E1l2lJ]. '0';'. X··', . 11 m.IOCl lnat IS

perfectly bllC in its l.on.g dimension Vim rnm.plete. the jOin.ti ng o:f the edges, ,Cut ,{J_ sheet of =::~D' (medium.gri't) aluminum oxide ~.PH into. strips 'rlLie enough to .glue· the 1'; edge or the I ~ x )"' boa rd ~ Paste the. strips into place '!i\-itb '~te' glu.e so that the edge' 0.[ the board is on~ unbroken sanding surface, f.igr 37' shows an. .luminum level being mal Tilesa' doaoe was zlued [0 the edge 'With rubber

~rr~._IIl _..

hand and slide m·e sanding edge back ,and forth a.gaimt the erlge of the sound 003 rd, COIJ~ 'tin ue til is motion tm bl th e edge looks 'true., Re:~re~e the boards and sand the 0 ther edge m .Butt 'the- two edges to gether and h old the :5nund

'iI!.._ d "L.",,,(' ~T b ]ll:'li ht

coar up terore a hg t . iii 'g . t can be seem

througb the joint repeat the sa.nding pruct1lny,e until no liEn.; is \Eole thro:ugh the joi,nt

',\,-jth 'the boards butted, trace the outli .~E of. the template on e:ch. halt Th e bel t half of rhe sound board ~dlflmd. faD in the lower ben ' This area is. the main \1br.,a.tfDg Srnfu,Cf aDd sound-producing portion of fhe sound oo;iud. Crain irregulari ties cal] 50 me b mes be Cloncea led unci er me. fret boarc _.

'!If ~. '1'- rr t. - h .... ' , ...ii. ..', .:$:1: 1<1" . . II , - - d 1:..~_. d

JLdj,~, me . ··,'\6 t!~711, OD a. 7~ p.[,~1t\ 00. ooarc

atlesst .:.O!i ;f'" :.0 ", Press the' joint together ~unll exa mine. it c ... osel v, Sorneti mes th e da rker tines

. . ,

v summer growth i::l tl:u~ \1"111 meet in 3

'i- ! ~ .b·b • r. ., th ..

d.15tUTDUlg p; ttern ~: the joint ~.ll. . .. e gnun eon-

Dc ~.. ,. b]' h

- c' '. ! . , ~ . '.' L ,a.-"II .- 1'-,. ;. - I I.. • .• ,_ r. •

"er~iCS., L:tiTIOn:m~l an uusIg.t~. .ea.,,) line

-1 i' 'J .,. . bri - th·

~\ .u resun rmm tile ,DllgTng toge"'f'f' of twn

.:: r. 1 ~ r r t btrusi .. ,

na ,~ ] n ES ~ 0: the zios uno, : sive 10:1 nt sand

t·'l..· 'T. . ,'" ~1.. ~ • h- €.

ne (1.1gB nnm tne ~" ~"-e r e appearance 0':1i an

nnh .. o·.~fn gTdin :J:ll"" em when butted.

Center 'the sou 'p;'; hn.'Ii T'O 10,n the- plywoo d 'n"'nr'l~

'.. _", ( • ....-:tIJ' ~!liU ~1_1'iJ:::L'.. -li1l..iII ,I , ,Ii 11 'I U ':' "''II 0 .~



board. Drive five ~ 0"JiF'~ 12,.-·'':: c;!OnE the outer

~'r- -"

edge' of' one side 5:0 that thG n ea. 05, .gri.p the

board and. blold it firm, If the ::::ges are irregu-

L,. . ~ ... :1-... L'~ ~, 'llll

!,;;IlL. or not sq ua re eno u.g.u to II ~a a G..C. ~ weu,

P'''lIUP. them square Pnt 'u .............. ~ '~'i"'If"":" under

tal .~_!iir. LJJ~1I.r :':"~.' ~~.. bIl1_ n'~L"_l .rr----... ~~". 'I.... . .E

·the [oint and posi Don.:;;E ~~ '" .X ? ~.. bra Hen ceniered nnde {be (oint Posrron the OWlet ha ,r of the sound board so the' ioint is closelv butted over the OO~LfD. .. Dr;\·e·in ~'\-e tacks along the ,edge' of this half, btrr not far enough. to engage the 11~ and .hold it, Remove this half of the sound board and ~pp~!~ ;'0 in COO.t-

, Ii" I . . l' ,,;'L...

l[l~ or 'C' ear 'E'pO'X'!. cement t 'be E~gf or tne

ioial. Remove the battc·1] ~a':M!. ':0;;:,[ the other 'P~.b-5 edge with ~~ .. -., Rep ace ,j~ 'blttfIL put the 0 th er 'half' 'ba c~' in t-o .. posi ~c ~. _ :-:;0 hammer the tacks down until thev ~D :he edze, Put

"~h.e:n remov -in E .. -: e. sound '~~,:u do not proceed until the tacks have jee~ removed from one' edze. If the r~,:rm.D;::E board is re-

'!.-.- ill. .;;;E

mcven without .fint lirtingce - ~:cks the top

i-- ] ~ l' .- ''i:-

.". ;"~,. _. -'"",,", ~hil:ii .... ·n-J'i"'j\~':J .,:..,....,-,,,... .',', .

ma ~ c ~ up.. , ..... .,;; lq ~. .UJ...... C::"i;.J.!l'U ,__ ~~,,,,, a [ rf::~

~~ncin2' the K~£es and El..ri~ me 'halves

.~~ or.- i.P.".-r.'

,j;,.o-~h· ~ assin

L . .;. __ ... , ... :.1. ,.;..:::;, 1.-

_I" ...-r

f·i9. 3S tb,: 0 ug!J, f,(j' S nou- 3: oo:rk bein.g

iu in te.d. The m.sir p rocooure' ~ :de~ t:cal '\\ i th that described for the ~01!lnd. oc-~d_, The' onh~


difference is the IT~e. or a oe'nte~. :tri:l of i'nlaJt

.. -

on ,tbe backs a mditiQ·nal·! ~\

[=gh'l strip is llSed ~-i h .sev.1lOrl and ,:1 da.r.k ni·h maple or oIhcr li:gn-t \\1JtJ6;~

The \-enter s'hip is trim·m.ed ' .~.- .e· thicl"'TIf'S5

of t ·.e b.J.ct-. E.PJ~-Y cement is :p~;lied to both 'rrJ!o c)'t ~he' bac· and roth. si'd.~ of t~e ,-eUefr'


~'trip_ The inl~y a.'nd edges are r~.m"ed.l:ogethle'r~


, ,

1,'1 1




11 .r: (!I; j lJ\ell,u;7~{I »aa

Tbere are twn ways to bend guIDtar sides': weNjng 'tIU: \\load arld shaping it on a heated or stlefping 'the' wood in brJi~1:lng or nearlr boiling warer '[mol plastic enough bJ rlamp [r,J1 a form.

Sesnish 11lJthiffi have traditionalh used an

r~ ,",

u.pDg~ 1 t D~- meta I. pipe hea ted by an enclosed

, ... l..,~.-......,_11 'L. '. iL·L. ba '-Th hi L ~

~lJaJ! [JrnZJ'er' at me nase ... ' e cmmnev ue-

comes hot 2!J.d. the moistened strips of wood are .P[,ES..~ :~~ the hot metal an~"" sJovd~' t\""Oded into 'the pattern of the guitar. The suecess of rb a;; method depends on ski 1. g:adn,ed through practice, It is easy for a, beginner' to ~"'"O .'! tZ" fracture the wood bv undue pressure;

~ ~

the boiJing method is much less hazardous, ~\n

additiom] ~d-\" is the' 'bo.iling a\\:ay of some of 'me ~"3:n~ content of rosewood leavins


the .~,m . ore amenable to g]ue. A 'ooiling

tm~o.b, remired '(or either method.

- ill)

.R~·T'Ii bi" ali~~n~' '!~h e' h,ro sid,es :so Uta t thlel-'

~lY-Il:ll ='~~ III

arebac,' ..;nn'cb~ .forminS! a. s,"'\mmernml de-

i..,;1 II'

~an. ICM'1!Ji'"e ceD.ter·,., P1aCf' them, on, top of the'

b:odiog fonn and roc.k ::hem end",'o-end to ,estlb'rish ,th.Or ern.tered, po: ·.s,wtion. on tiu! fonn~

, -

~ Ide bl.-o or 'three. :short pencil Ula.:r ks, across, 'the o:HJrer ~jnt of. the s:ides at f'hre' pain, '~ho:e tbe~: ~un-m ~;-aist \\"~n fa'~L 'Th,t'S,e Inaib, ft 1."'0 bflp · tion the \\'ood on the'_ o'nn

CL .. .sSIC' GUIT-' R C·,·O·' '''S'''TR- V' ·C·, T' "0: 1'-.·

l _. ,~1 ,~.'., •• ..,,~. " •• illl'

quickly and. prevent mis:natcbing of: the sid:~,~

Pour rn-o inches of' '~:Er into the hough ,and set i't on a ~LO\-e 5-0 -~:~: it U hea ed b~' -. tEl, b umers, (~\ s beet: 'of tin 'O\-et '. 'e' 'trough, 'wID speed he:;ning of i_ : ewa f:'.1 ,.\ "hen the water is

\'-er~r hot (s1&am risng . immerse thc.' 'tl1[I1 boards. P n;rr in the hOid-d~-u bracrels: and cover the ough -e ~-\n h' and a. half of stee,p. ing \\1]1. make the 'fi1Xd. plastic enough. 'tol bend.

"!D,eD the- time is TJI),. remove the boat,d$


(tongs and \c\~ork gloal:'S ~,] mare this opera,T

ticn painless] and poriticu them on the bendin:g form, The sides must lie on the form butted together and par~e. 'd) the sides of the form, Lav the ca n vas on :00' a f the beards a "d,

~ ..

position the waist blcci::. Press the b~ock d,oo"D

and enzaze the side belts. Tizhten these :tVtQI

~ ~ -.

L ~ 'F,j.-" I'!'n ;.cil L.'L,a boards -::: _, wi ..... 't..,:,_ j 1111' of L'Ii,.Jiii

l).U!i~ u.ulll U,lL ,l..1lHI ~ L~ Ii., T·'II ll.UJJ. 7·-ir .. ', ILEI~

fo·rm· If" ~, r' efull -,' '1'- p .... ·n .;... t..,' r!5o .' o· ,'H:-F"'" l.,.,~ ut d- '0' n;-n

'_' ,~~ :!. 'I ,.U11 rL.!..l.~ _. ift!~ I..X.Jl. , .. '·~l~..,

k eepi n.g the can \ 'as tai t and c'i ;1' m_p' the end {no i too:gh ~ I. Do the same to 'the up:per bout, ~O\1.· screw L •. orne :he waist block a,nd

secure the end clamps,

T ransfer of th e hot, ~t: wood from trough to furm ,5:- 1J'Uld be done ranidl \~'"

f lace the ~ arm in ,;:: 'belted room er in the sun,", The . nicker the ~~,ing' P recess the bet ..

I a; ~

ter. I n periods of protracted humidity where

dr).ing is retarded, use hest . '.mps. If maple is allowed to rema i 11 \\,-e: &J"C mor e· than n\"o or three davs, mildew :ma.''1~ form at the \\,~t

~ ~

i n"M ern" fP tb e 1_, .. t p- T':] rP 1fO ,.i,T"'r"

,IU :1..11' Il ~ . . . lI.i1l3!. I·.L,Q ... ;;~ Ii.. .: YUL~ • .:

l h f- dis bed' f k II

. -._ I .' - . " l' • ~. - ~ ._ . ,'! ' _. _" III ~

.' ..f3,\-e t,e I.orm un.·:1 ~tU1 _~.' '. :Oi[ a "I~re .,., . ,',

iIi,:'h" ...... ~..,l.._ _'" ~' .•. ..J __ '~t ":"1111 ' "Dr. 1:.1f.~.

Ill. ,e ~'U!lJ!U H p.l.opeL! W:" I, v..w come On. w,,,",

" ,'~ ,. .: '~~h' ,n 1':~' ,~~.l' '. '. -' a.1or- !,.. '." d t

10rm \\'_.t .. un '.~ ,muue.Ll['f S]?nDgWC,'~ I,n.

'. ·t· t··h· '.,' "d: 'If[ th,~· ~- _': .' ,: 'd':"' "bl I'''' PO ] no. e rnO.t ..u e -'<Lees !:teem .. ~ lh, =-

into the 1l101d, rOn·~.y \\-un .' 'nsideIa.b~e ai' ,e, 1~~. Ith ey \\il] ha \ le cO be p;2.cei in the s:q ~eeze i ig",

,Fig. '-1; s_ ,OVf$1 the sq-~eeze 'iig in we. The

., .. has 'been Cd' ed -th b' her 1-"

r'" " , ... . ,- -J ~. ~',' .

~'3JS: cun~ _ '." ,I ~, .. _.~~ ~l . :m,1 :~" I]

ho 1 d t.he sid e3 in a ('nrn:' L _ . ire ,e:tl.ggera ted I ~ ,p

tha t of (be bending' Iorm. The. bouts are also 'bound and PlOPped [to an esaggerated degree, -ltbongb following a natural Cl11V!f. ,A fIT

da:~ :m the squeeze' jig Vlill correct a difliodt sprulftgbacL

'Tbe S11cress ,of' the bliJ~ngm,fthod, depends

OD the: 'use of stnugbt~, seasoned .~ free of 6.gur'~ planed to a uniform thicknes; llighk- Bamed eurly maple (because of its; ro~pi~ grain structure] \\--1]] sometimes fracture. rat the waist if abrupt pressure is used. The fracture usually occurs on the inner face at the' point of greatest co mpression. If i is (}ru.~, a s~C!,ce 'break it ean be filled and sanded

smoo' ..

L.~~ L ........... '" t - 1L ....... '

,,-'ocKJ, that has .~U UCUl:'O a curve I,,~ :I

"memosv," ~~ 11. increase in moisture ron ten t \,111 tend, to stra.ig·hten ~ C1J1lye1 a decrease ~i1l cause ~ curve tOI 'become sharper, Bec1,iL.~' (If: tJ1is~ the almost flat section O[ the side that bezins at the bottom of the ~~"t. CUI"\-e and . eads 1 ito the lower lXU1.t is the weakest 'p-arL. Thi, '" ection 'is under s bess from the 5 harp wais t cun 1:: and the large curve of 'the' low ie;r.' bou t, I t is strongest at the cd ges where the 'li~, hold it in shape, The weakest portion is the ~tEr.. l~-b.ich sometimes beeom es 51igb'", Y

rnncave ..

Anv d.~tiation from the' flat \i\,i'll be 3d'\·~

by tb.~ distorted highlight on tb,e final po ished sum ee ,', Th e \l,2iY' to avoid this is: b~- keeping th:: ,,:tKd to be bent a full ~~s''i lII" and eaving it on the I .. rm 'Dutil dry :.nd ready to use, (This. prJblem ma .. ~~ be reta,too to the: struehmi1. d~~

,- .. ~ ,- 0' f: 'l'ftl.~-.,.....:.J ' - e,~ h' ·~! denser '\-a,:rieti,es of

:sl f\ lIn uuu.... -" . ' QI _ .!'

B~vliaJn los.f"i~ood. see·m, to 'ba\~e.· the m.o~t

sta'ble sm~letaining 'properties'",)

Cleanse' 'It.b.e tt'o'ngb. soon :a' 1lS1,ngO[ the

gumm~r residue 'Ynli dIY' 3nd, '[eqw~e' sro~uri~' \lith steell\wl to re.:move .. The boiled..a: ". m,~ d ut!' uf rme\\iOCid, ,'\ ill :aibo s"tatn ligb t ,,~DOd i:f left in ,trougb ~


.f·';'o." ~iii'~ S" d'" L_·t f.1I"II .r~

~ .. J . "en, lng oou.'· ;,ul r'!U~ 1:.' II.


-- ----

-- -. _ ... ~. - •• - -._ ,I r-:-- .. . .. :~ .". ~ _. -. _ ......


f· "~~g.. ,4;' 'u'7tt ;._.. ~.r'F'i" • . It r~,~ ~ iii - ~ ~ ~--:rDn i .m:.~~" In. r ~t::


Ct .. ,5',"5.· ,C- G' ·:l·~ if T" I·R·,·' C" 0 .... ,-So.: T, -R·. -. C" T '0: v

'. " .. , II m:iz I • . • ,.;'", ' . '. . !I ," . '.. . l'iI l!Jii

";~e'" J'(-CP"'#&'!IJ ~I"'t·~· ,V'J c ' .. 'L·,IIVlb·

.. \fier '[hie sides are 'bent ·they are cIa.m,ped 'hm the mold, .~Lttk the center olf the 0\7eiIapi __ ' . and bottom" and saw off the excess, The SId'" sh euld DOt\~ fi t in the mold 'buttfdto.p amd! bottom. \ \ i_j tho both j om ts OD the em tier lim-" inspect the' con to nr, The :fif should. be m'Dg or nearlv so .


~, lake a tail block nom the . lip) X 3 X'-

block of basswood the grain nlnning the JODI. u-ay. Snape the round £r,on" or- me tail block with nup and sanru:[l.g· ~tick.. Renna the baci sljghdy~ Ho]d or tape 13, piece of medi~ grit sandpaper against the curved back vih01:. the' block v;,11 glu,e~ Grip me block in an upri~h.t ~·iti.on and rub it azainst the- sand'~.~

._;Ii r'~ - lr· ..... !i""--_··

until it conforms to the curve oi the bad.

Jigsa:~\· the two clamping' estus that vril faoli ate elm .. ping· the mil b:tOO~ during glwn.g (Fig'. -u5 .. Slip a ,. ieee of _ '!aXed 'paper between mold and sides [0 keen them from gluing' together m • .t~p'plr :p lastic resin glue to both surfaces, and clamp ..

. ~\ decorative strip of inlay ~-. C!!-'Tomarity ,a.p-·

] - ~.J the ibo ... 1-' .............. 1 ... '1..

P .~.Iro to ., e. bottom J omr, . t ~.a-IlLQJJ :iwC;

cen ler j'oint and wor is in, _.0 ' he p urfling on top and bottom ,.

C·J ue up ,3, ~6 ff X of fill stri P -0 f rosewood ·'ttitb a .strip of white .. black purlling. along cell long ed ge. Do this on waxed p3:,ptT using push pins to bold the white-black s.tri.p5. against: the

T1O' .f"~ " .... ~,..l' -II. -~"-,~ tJlJU III

Transfer the width of the' mIa',," to the bot-


tow j'O~.D t. 'Clam p t'h e sides in ,~ vise \\ ith ·the joint. bcin.g up. Hold a I .~; r . square a _g3.ins,f each mark 3 n.d saw to the deo th 0.[ the' inla , .. ,.

r"'!lr.;""' ~

Chisel and level the' grou..\-e' with the ,ed_g:f' of' ,~

61e~ If the' sa,~~ cuts are 3: m:a.e· scant tb. inla'~' she uld Ig:O in. .~ i th some s,:' ~'bt pressure, Glue vritb white glue.

The sides are' now ready '0 be ~'.~m.ed 1',0 the. neck,

~", ,t I 't~«"








I i
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\. J
~. I I
.. I

, I
" ,
r jl
J I ,



II i:"IIi)
. .-= ,~.

~ ...



.\. J .~
~. ,
I (:
;!:i, lJ'lffil\ . /I,! ...'

I II, ,

.~ ,i.


I I r


r-."' .. -.' . 1 ,~ ... I!!I'

''''-.;II...~I ,"!"",~. 7f;!


F ig~ i8 DiagriatnS of tread ~ neck. h"el, land foot


C' t . a, ,,~.,,]. eth f- - -~ nd --: ill'

U Ou a ,_." en.=:;L' o· Jlla I ~U\ ani • ~ _

--- .,... ~

J:;...n m 0 nrf" en d mark o,tz "'II' . 1'" oU:"-flTT1 ~ - •

uu._ ,,J,,., do ,_ ,_ """"'SJI.uI.,..jl.;!>II. •


Clue the bead to .' 'f; neck, using; the set-up .in F~. ,;o~ Apply plastic 'resin glue 'W' each face and clamp. \-erricaDv on each, ell I ~ 'K~I

,iil ... ·'!!!-If'

'the vertical ,c~~mps loose lmnb1 'the glum faces

0'[ the 'joint are. in ICO ntact, 'Tigh ten, the ver tic] clamps and appl.i, the horizontal clamps, wingcauls, The vertieal clamps are used to resist the ~lutviard :pressure' o,{ the horizontal elam .. ps 0111 the- angled 'ipi~t A piece of '\\~ed :ID.pcr under 'the join t . vill prevent .gl mng to. the wor k .. bench.

When drr clamp again 'to the edge 0:£ a '\\,·od·c"benc·h so that the inclined cud protrudes out 'hom the bench .. Plane and sand the face of t~be head to. a [Wclnw, i[J,f 1 ~ii-~

The. head of the guitar is _ rhere lnthiers have t-~ditioml[y applied. their hallmark: the profile of the head identifies, th,f maker. It is a ]?Urn t o.f. pride, and a well-balanced des··.gn re-

. th l.. ful ~JlI o'

(]" rure5 " . O'n!~ ,i t ~. :' cu nsrderanon ..

. _'

The design used here is me: result of maIl:!'

sketches and earlier a.baudoned d,erigm~ It has ,;} pleasing svmmetrv that echoes cla sical C n..l n ; sh m' oti fr- Tn-"e 511"1"1 "'11 11 'iI:.,. - 'lI1: '""''ii' top '1I!"Ir1I,"'1'~ ~ 1,.~ .

.J ~ lI.;iLAr3t 1 - - '. ~ • .i I~llll' . ' .' .lLLI..(!IJlU UdJJ IWIII.JIl '. .. .IWILW.d..!Ji ~

_ , r

omitted without harm to the basic des]gn~ IG . ue a ; ~~ ~ X 7 Vl" piece 0 f ~ '1,5 ~ rose ',,1XJd

and hoU~," veneer toge-her. When dry. -glue this sandwich to the face o-f the head, ~ea" 'ng .3



]~'I ~ : ... :;:_2_·~ ....... 8·_' ......_,J

Continue the lines O~"1l. both OO:fS of ithe. board as ,3, guide f,or sa.v..-m.g~ Stand the board on edge a nd c lamp, Sd'w down th rough the board ell the ang_e formed by the 'Line bisecting .. ' f'}rD itl ~ rectanzle . [TO' ...f9' .. ) Reverse

~u .' IU~~~ _,.- \"L.~~~, ,~., -;i' • ~'! ,l,~

. --

the sm Iler p ieee and place it on top of til e

longer piece SOl that the oblique cut mai es ,3

- ~I:-

conbnuous une:

Clamp rr e two pieces on me e~ge of 3 workbench 2 .. d plane th .:r ang.ed face smooth

and S: Q111:''''''''',p C·.··. heck \\1! ... h b,-:;;: :1 n.-=" re '-n ""TlI"'1 '--.:;:!i

101: _,_ . 1U.i!11"_'~ ._ ....... """ ru u. ~.f".J UGI,. . ....... w,.!.t.4- ......

- ..

. . h 'd d ., 'I' ' .. .of .• '. •

~U -e '[ . e 11:'''1'" -e iJ;' ~fl';;: a 1 0'" D rJ ".l.., - r: i TTl -"'1'''' 0

.:.. . ~ " . .i."4'1i-., _ . '!....~_~.-~. . ,..;.. '!..J_":'C: 'I ~_~-C ... ~ I' U

f_ ~

a re all 'true. Re, .erse their P051 tions :;


t ,

Iii~ ""'>JI

minimum of :"'~'''' overhang over the top face of the eck Ths O\eMug will later 'be sawed off at a rizht "" .. ,;;;:e to the face of the neck to

-- ....

serve as a. ba c:~ ton tor the nut.

The £h:~-'i:D head is then held in a vise

-- ....

while the ac'ezS veaeer is trimmed from the

sides wirh 2, F;,-ne~ Draw a pencil Hue down UU:" CED', e; 0: the head and neck on both ·bat.~ and i:oir .. Transfer 'the' head ~ttefn to the' back or the _ ead, 'In d'o]rlg SO, take careful account of ao"~' Ci~epan~: in 'length between

he '00,. ~,~ nd E:or~ or the head, \.\ ~ith 2 IT,,·


s qua re run a Pe::J.c:. ~. line from. the 0 P 0 f

the des."'ga lC:-'~S the back, ~Upl the 5:idles~, and onto the 'p _..,.c~_ ldy the pattern against tb H line and 'w~':"e snre the des-ign is atturn tely placed, P'ns:tioo ~'~,e centers of the' four %' holes Ion :( e ~,.:k and scribe the circles with a compass, ,Dr;'Ult the lines for the long slots, :maJcing sure mey [do not fal IT closer to the edge thau ~~ "- .. Clamp the' head fuce down to a. 'baard to prevct fta.ctming of the' face veneer ! .nd drill the Iour ~.'" holes ..

Saw Dff: "be face veneer overhang ~ndicnlar 1''0 !_:"I e r [Jpl face 0 f t hie n eck, U se a

,fine' blck, .~r'· w, ith a try square as a saw guide ..

Saw oft· the tapered excess at the rides. and

"=-~,\V the outlin e II f th e 'head. Sm.!(Joth the 1 rides of the head and mark the positiens of '-I,e holes for the tuning-machine shafts ..

The standard spa rill g fa tuning-machine sJla:rU' ,i5 1 ~ on cen ters, Th C' machin e in fig'~ 5', 'has' :I, spacing o.i ,} ~~ 6'"' on tent:r.s" [Check the spa,eng of ~'our set before drilling holes, :'tfeasuu! from the center of the sha'£tSCJev.~· set in each g'o:[,~ (The standard di~

· .'. hafts ,- '~.L"' thev j .__ .,'~ - 1,1~ ... ~'

am ere!" rof SUi;lII" IS 7'~ '," e~ req wre . 3 ~

holes, 'Here again it is ~7ise' to ascertain the

"",..l::_ .. f .. - .' 1.. .... ,£.. drillina

shaft wa:me er 0:. yOU! se oerore uruu -~'

holes.] _

.\, drill press is best for d.ril1ing these s,il:

boles. 'Iher must be drilled 3.'[ ',right angles

. '...:r: driJ]'I= . .l liehtl ,. -'·k·-" .~

to the 'tapered S E(],e,s: n r , ',Ito s:ug'_ _ ,y as ,~

tie machines will not tum easily,

"-ith a iig nr roping sa'",' remove 'the' long'

~_..J 'b th"'!;! ~" 1Il.. .'1 ~

pi eces of waste wooo - etween tr e ~--8 nc es,




03 mp t:b1ehead .!I] a vise ,and smooili fu;l1er &.~ ~f th~ chaDl~e~ "i~ a SilOdnJg stm· ~. Try the tunIng machines 1.1:1. :pbce to

make sure t.hey operate sm[oothI_r . Jf a peg ~:.

hard to rum H' rna ~~ L~. :1. b -:- t th' e It' l.._, ft " irE" ,-

-, - . -, IIJ'C UJ..ij" " ..,.ua: [ Q lObi'

of alignment or the boles are nol: hue. No..-& the time to. make minor ,adjl15,rrneIJ'ts 0 Wsm,proper functi'oruD?" of [- he runinz lDSJ.,rhful~ - '-

~ ~~.

Glue~ 'this; neck member [to tblf f01lr- 1('-;,'

fi\-e-) piece lami nati ou tha t loomp'rues the foot Apply plastic resin g~He to 31: ghling sur&ca and clamp, Figure 54 iIlnsuates 'the. method' of clamping using .Iateral clamps and caws O\Q'

l\~ed pa.~r t~~ .prf\'"~t borizoula1 ~hiftiug "'bJ]e: appl~,lng the \·,e'.~ heal IClam.PS .. ,

,\ 'hen glued., plane the sides of the foot· square ·~~th the neck and draw all guide lines v..itb 5o.ft pencil on the neck. the eract :taper of the neck, the position of the jUllctur'e ,.i·ih the bQd',~~l" the .smpe of the heel and the \,~rticill cut on fa ch side of th e 100 t marking L:.b e poin t of en tn;- of 'the . ~U~ tar sid es,

~ ~ -

Use a large back, saw to. make the \-erti{~il cuts that 1\111 accommodate the sides. This; cut is made a i ~ sligh t ;a ngle beea use the sides are curved at this juncture Saw earefullr and sIo~~ly checlcing progress of' the 'bIade~ as ] I approaches 'the marks denatillg the terminal pomts at both ends 0': the slot

SJ:n~ a wa v the larze waste areas :r round' tD.

,~ ._.IIl

heel ~ The a rch of 'th e heel is 'Des t :r.lemo\~ed bv

band 53\\" but can. he cut awav ~;th Uu~.~ gouge ..

Shape tn,e' bed to approximately j'ts' tim] form WI ng th e gouges and rasp .. i('eep it. ~7W;metrical and work to \\;Uu·. a fuE . !rilr' of Ithe' penn] lin,e on the neck that IU31'ks where the tIet boa rd ~\ ill lie.

.;\ simple templa te \\:Jl1 gua-rantee· of the heeI curve, Cur some Ol.rdboard to the CUIl' '.ill UT of' the curve and use it -IS agui'de.

Cut ~l\-a~" the hnged. chunks o.f ""3.S·~!e ~1JOiI with the I ii' gouge s:truck by hammer Of mmUltl,


Fig. ;'9'}. As the shape beermes more clearly defined, switch to the ~.~" gouge, P~npei"l~~ sharpened it will cut msiJy with hand pffSiure alone. Place both. feet squarely and use the ''i\ei~ht and Ieveraze of me fl1Ime' totso to \\orl:

,_ ~

I' ie tool, :Dig the g:ouge in with a rocking molion so that. It val] bite ana eci:t in short cuts. De uo!' trv to take' out too rn lIeh in one rot Cuide the blade' "ilb a firm grip of the If ft hand and apply pressure \i\-ito. the handle held securely under the 1:..0=1 or the 'right palm,

_\5 the 'long curve tha t 1iill bu IT against the sides '!J' res shape, beware of dislodzinz larze

..... ~ . ,r'~ • _,. _..

sulin [eI5 \1, ith th e IC-h j~-this;; is ea 'y to do

~ ,

when the ledge 0'[ the go nge is. en tting para Iel

, S ~ h "" 1· .. '..·· r . d

to the E'~ ain, 'U1:tC '. to a to GOO piece· 01 san, ,-

- .

..... aper for ,filIal sha'p:ing lor mi~s rOO-f' ..

Trim. awav excess ~!l):JC:i alons the lenzth or

.. -~-

t.J.e neck to wi thin 2, hill 11 till' (J f the fie: ~J(tl~...i

znideli nes,

Clamp the co mpleted nee.' , to the u-oribent:h. :HId. chisel a\\l'3Y the exit mmlp5 at the. base of me tuning-machine slots t fig. 57 J ~ ~,lakl~ C1!~ to the proper depth on borh sides of each s:lor with the fine back saw, CaL~: the rarn~ ",1m a _:_.: 11' chise struck by a, '0: Ilet, ~\. pad of rn bber or 3, £01, ed cloth. Ill] dec me hm.d '~i"i1 pI~ ~3 [; .da TN ge,

F - - 'iI!- ,II-h' , ~," - a, ~ t~ , .t:!!' -" 'file' fTl,.. D 'L-TlrI"li

. .:tn1S.llI! L e .fXl.r5 \"1 .n do. lW.L "_.,._ 1 U,,", UiU'l'I,I..Ii

and whi e veneer lines should make flsuaigb.r line paI3J]lel to tlJ.e sa~fi edge' that backstops, the. n 11t

_~ simpler rot can be made by using I:! ~

'00 nnd 5le 'to file a rounded chu te ,wnstea.'l or me sqeared-off ra·mp. 1'-' is iust as satisfying' a sOlution and is used. by many lnthiers, It was m;ed bythe gifted, lnthier .~,I3rcelo Barbero in the bead 5ho~11. in Fig, ;S~

The neck is complete to;r the moment, The b.~d mali· be carefuUll'~ smoothed and :6nisbed

... ...

but the underside of the' ned is ·If;~.:· untou:eh.ec1

the surface left Hat for em.olent clamping. of the fret 'boa rd.


Trans fer dimClnkH:IDS of the disb. !](t;j between the top and bottom. termi ill of ~L,p ~1,;ooi;':· '. -.' th _,

, . -' -' rn~ ~ .u~ to 'ie

top a.nd bottom of' tho sides l'F"-' .c:r, . e.,

_ ". _ . -,', ""~' ,"- ~ ~"w J - ~,i\-

all the ~~ .... .l' 'f'~ J.. j,t._" .:{~·n,_ . ]]" _

. _ - ~. ,td r~'" ~-:(l ;J_~~ •• ! ,.m.t UUi r ,LUn eq,ua .. r on

IEacb S1:de o:f. the 'top j'ullctur.:e IDf. the sides~, Sand

the ends 0:1 the' sides to a grad nal taper un tIl

'th;f!l,\'·' c ~ 1<,~1II'I"" ,_~, ·th' - ~ - 'J ' I ' .

" . \.; ,," ,Q iii. ~'!;;"·1lU eJ} m ~ ,_: 'Ell" '~l I[) ts, The dot itself

can be enlarzed 'bv usinu a hJe'~'~f·'.lfill " .,.- d":

.:; " !'.). ,'. ,~u:. ·ui!l, Sd.ll,_.

"pal"per gl[]~d to o.c:b side a~f a Bat piece of sheet

:r:n:e tal. Sanding the si des of the . s:10[: m wi be' dane in 3. ~"'3\- that ~"11]. no[ round or ..J.:.:-r,;"h'l'~.a:

,r, '. L;I,. ~,J...Ui!: 'L.ll ......

the. slot, en '[raj n ce I t;: this ocrtrrs ,~LPf"P -,,;; L~,

, ' . - ,r, ',,-, ,- ',', W,1;..",t.\,. \\111 ~

a P':;::tIrpl t.~.~~ 1L, . '1 d r.d

' ,~,""." IlJC'~'\ 'li;.;-!!;..-u. nee.~ anc !r."iI!"_ ~

- [J _" _ rpJi,1Ij ~,.

F- 'iI" !b.iI!.. ~d ,- 1

, , ,~L ,_ me Sl, ro, piace and .pla: ee the en me

assemble in the mold Clamp :i;:.'L:/!!i n~,l- :Ji-n >fob·

• - J!, .... , ~~,_ >L '. ,': lli.;.... . ~~~ lLu '~.:' je

mold, ce,ntfrro ~{I the lOllgi~dioo1 mold 3''(]~S

If: £,'L,' " , •. ' , _. . . , ..•

. 1.1 Ulf· ,S,Nles are diffi'crut to get into tn,€! mold,

cut ~(}me mDre ,~- .... , ..... .-1 fr 'om" the ....J '" f :II,:'L, ~

. ,._. '." ... '. .,!JIU'U . ".',: W. 1eJ.u.5, () OO:f

s~'~e8, . It is 110;C ,a'bsol.utely essential fhf' ~ [be

sides B't· ,~""" sl ~ , - . " d 'L - u ". •.

, '~. , _:."", ',0:..1 U2, . \. aIoun .. t JQI.'E: en trr.,e 'I' 1I""l ..... ~ j'o.rtj' 0

_ .... • - .. '_. L.L..LiL.I.'I;",d:, !!;'U',[]-

tour Q,r itbe :mo'ld _ Y('H1 mu's'f. '1L'rrn·~a.r _&;I!" r '. . ~

- . .. . .', .. ' 7 .!Il.W.v 1iI!I '!I..'~ I'!o.o.ii.~,. maU]j.niJll

, I

j k

.' I

l I ,

, 1

r. I.

~ I i I II iii


~ l ,

I ,


J ,




I ~


I II' r I

r I




I t
r I
,n I
1~ ~
-.:. TO P ~N C BAC·.· 'I(' .!i. ,:;I( L!l1 = ..,

- . ft n_I!'~ 'lr)j IIII!!!l I~'

rr--........_._~~--..---~~~'T·' '

I~ PiA 'IE: - "I 'II IE '.' .. '~" ~ _

, " .1. R~. f' ~ ~ :Ji " v ~ r A ~ E K ~' ~,

!iJ~ _I 'I

r't!. 6,j .side' ,~p~ -.~ :pat" - ''.~'E77J-', ,1",._" tape"

..... l¥"'1 'Ii.!!~' ~..I"~~" . il, 'Y. ':rli"!l'lI' , , ,_'

- _", "_ ~ I ,UII1 . ', .. :


5\mme,h\~~ ]f there is a ,~~p on 100(;' side and

.I! III • ;,;,

'.-'Ii ,·!I; ..... ,iP 0' n' the oth er, ~ ome ~ td" ;n~bl ;·'0; nal cuttin or' of

il.IU,~.Jl."-' J br- Lt!L6,. ~u, ~ ,~ .. lLIl _' . -e _--=.: . '_

the: end of 'the side' that is tizht ,a~ins.t the

- • 'I..iI ,;....r.

]d ~ · 00-

rn .r:w !'i :' 1'~ ~·~.ql'll'F.T"l. "

, ~ .ILI'" ,!J.~. "-' , U-i!!..I. . ".

.. Apn,]'\- hide g·, .. lue to the inner surfaces of the

.. .iL ,01

slot and th e ends -0 f the sides, 'Fit the' sides in.

place' and return the- :L~em,hlY' '[0 the mold \\-lth the neck clamped 0[1 dead cen ter. A, earn and. waxed :pa.per are inserted under the recessed table to keep 'the sides how protrudiDg~ ,Addftio'Otal caws are placed, under the sides

~.. '1 r. ~:m.~ s: . .l ~'~

fit strategic pomts to eg.ualZe 'U!J5 UiSITeJl!dI1C'Y'

and keep the sides, level, '\ "-.iill 'try sq uare restin!!' on the. Hoor of the: mold, make rert:a:iu that

,~ -

the sides 'rise vertieallv, Allow ~-des to drv ..

~ -

To find the- taL,per of me' bo ttom edge of: the

sides dra w :.I. pa ttem of ~ Ha t side' on 2 P ieee of .hea\'~y :pa,per (Fig. 6.l)" Cl1,[ out this pattern and TY.1i~-itiO]] it on one side, its 'bottom edze

r-~ _

lined. up with the' joint behind me bp] blodt _\ffi.~ the pa ttern to the side' ~i'th. tape .. 'keepiDg the ho,iao':D.tiI, edge: o£ the' ,patt~ aliQJ,l.ed, ·~·i t'h the top. ,ed..~. Cut ott m.e acess

'r" I! .......

~ the OODEf. meets the neck. Rnn a 'nPndl

~ ~ ~-

or 7i~:'IE C'~yon 'Moog thebottom edge (j'E 'Ute

~~~ d'Cloting the taper of tbe' ride .. R~~~

:l.t,.~. ~,-r+~1 .iI!II''I'lId follow ,LL,jJJ, ';:""1I~jI!!I; '~"'_';"___~l'11T#iO. iI'1i,'Iil'

lL.1i:. ~ L.LL.....t.Lli, II1.!IL!IJ .. . '., .uu W'-' ~,I'!.o- r"'\~ltlJ.I!.o!i.!!!';;' u u

:.'1-", <;: '1' '1'. . ~'J:~

UJil:. orner ~~ll!,11;,.._

Rernm me neck-side ,9 ssem b\i~ to the mold ,~,oo ci2m,p the uec:.\:_Rqlbce· the' cauls that

prO:J rm the sides", Plane ott the eseess 'wood

, ,.:.i;. ,!i;.,

dc"",·.j ':0 '[he tsper line enboth sides, Then

rest ,-'~e ''it,'o:rk hoard on top of the sides [0

'." •. ~ r ~~~' iI - li~ 'f ~L. id U' ,i.'!L

do (-.::::'crnpm J] nnai ~.'e\-t,' ng' 0 'rule $J."- es, ,I . se me

&: ~-nr~, board continually to cheek for gaps be~ the sides and the bottom of the '~·ork ~~ Use a Sdinding stid for final 1e\"~'Iing

(' L.;., c ... )

,1'1~'" u_ III!



Fer the moment, 'the tail bloc\; foot and he:I . .i:e· ~.,pe:-ed in die- same plane as the sides,

'Ii' -~ ::"t.,..- ~~;r~ ll,-f:"'l:l' lIJ,.,,,,,\·a, '!'n t~ m'i:'i~~Jrn"·~,.,..,.

.I....:.::..l...i::_. ;;..llii::. ~. U"-J! 'liifll .w. lLllid:I,.... I;.J...;I' ;1lJ!;;;: .r- '"""-ll Uu". u

])£crn the. ,~'e~"e] of the feo [ to aeeommodate the

...",,.,..-;.. .,.,;: .:,.'~.-, ~ .... ~:L.

iii:.~, ib--I., L.i iI. !L..I..!;iC ,WL~ ...

'''::'1'- '"" .r _. ' .. :;;";" -'. "" ek Q ,~"L\" ~ -:-.t

1!1~ [tc:] ill·;: ,eTIIUir'e, conrour u,~ ullSu. ~,zaun:,


,J-:'L.::!!. ~ ,4;'1;:__ 0·' ~ ,~l;:. ,,,," ''IFlII_"O,[l., ':!!-..~--~ 'm'" 'I, ~ c:'~d. ,1131;'" '''If,D

~~ ~~ l.~lIi.l.I, ~ LUlu 1ipf! l "!\l il!J.UaI'u.. . _~I ,.JI~J ,~ S b


il"l'4l1. ts , ~ ~~',~ . ~ ~ .

~ m-mide a 'bioode; Elui~' surface and.

~ r'-" ~ ~

strengthea me. rurred £ides,~ The' lining tha t

jaWs. top [,01 sides is a. [lmOnUQl1S strip kerfed (Fard:- sawed through) 3.' inten-ah, '0:£ ~ .. ~ The:

Immg tba ~: 1oi1'1'IS 'ba_"'. 'k) sid6 is a smooth nobro~. ea bandr.

Cornm are the least eIDcien.[ areas in an ,acoUStic cm1m:ber;: 'it ,is :im:port:~n[' to neutralize them tOI a,\llic:ii undesirable resonances .. An un~· broken . inID! between ba·dt aud sides ewes

-- -

.ri;ridi' .. _ a ed streTI.;;,.vtD where thev art needed; the

IO;.II!' lill ._, .1

'b2~'k. and :sides must be as sbb!e as possible.

:&551 rood, a fbfOns.~ cotton':: wood, is ideal for

''II. ~ 'L,~ • ~ .. ~c .. 11' d'

fmmg eecanse J:t IS acousncauy Clean .·.n· can

1...._",. L .... _, ......,' 'I'

l~ bent UKJre' e3'Sl Y tnan m3.n.og.1ny_

Factors-made .g'Jitars emplOY ,3 kerfed lining top and bottom because of me. ease '\1\,ith \"\-hich th~; can be insta 'ed, The ::0'0(1'0 that a kerled fin-ncr. permits freer ''fib.J non of the .. top is

~ . .

du Diom~, F mm the .s-t::r' ndPJin.t of a OOttS tics, a; n

UD!JrD,.m :lining top and bottom is probably 'the' best arranzemeat=-it iA~d5 0. itel used 'b v

~ ~

the E!,'eat Gcn:nan. zuitrr-maser _ Hermann

-- .~


linmg is obbinable cut to the' proper tri-

.~l .... _ 1:.._..._, •. 'J...""" - ".c... -0 ~

·3n!"..u.a.I :SW:De O'I rt can ee ITp~'. rmm a :;r .. '

_ ~ ,r~-

'1 _:,,:a:,. II!: - ~ 'L~.. ..... ~.Jll 'Th 'l ... .-,..!:... b .

. e1l.,.,~ 01 3s 'ii! ~~i~. '. e &:c., ts can be cut


Cl. .. \SSJ.'C C t"II~'" R CO:\~ST" R rc rtox

by ,polin;T saw or b~- hand U)in g- a: · '. '.F'~'g. ,63 a s ~p ,ot '. ~hi:'·t.· tape ~en,13 as I] """.,'11 ,._. for spacing the cuts .. Each cur ,is: ~tion,ed . _ .' the' of the tape to bring the OOlt cut ,~'. 'position 'under the saw,

Linin.g is 3":"~.:~ i:ruwled with the ., e.. the mold,

Frt the 'kfr'~ed lining in pia ce 'wi tb 'it'I"I:. .__,

,1 h .. S' . ,1' - d

ctot .esptns. bIT a '[Doe ,,-aId: a n .. I ,"':II.·I.T _.' -

d,othespins: every re.l.: inches m:rtd the' wI' 1.::.

and :neck are reached. The tail~b_.ock end -

LL lini "1 - I l,.. L~,:i hI .

UJ.e. .·.n~ng ts ~et iura ne tau: ()CK.. ,3D iII"'i!'l' 'l~'" -

. (',

tion desianed jo foreclose me ~~:ibili

~ r~~ ~

th Iini T"':'J 'I' ~ •

. f!' . un ,1\.4 ng ,ome a. t Lr.U5 lila .: 1._.- .,,~_. '. ~

poin iI- in ,i..1-- a n:!l'l";'~~r-

I _" ,l, . , t~~~l~ 5'~'~1II [.

Chisel. a ~'5. ,-<1 eep morose in the tail '. ~.'

shaped like the Iining. ell: ocr the uI1ing ;Did, fi tit in to til e mortis e·,. X &~- cu and fit the necK end of the Iininz w.-hi.cit is not mortised. -


Butt . :his end nearlv cain~L: the' neck, This

. ...

reg ui es careful ~baping 0:: ~l,e lining "0 ,2

compound angie. When tbi; 'is done, eg' ... - _~. the lilling along- its entire h;;::¥;'"J:i to roe SUiC tha t i' firs well,

Fit the liniaz .1..0 ;_h e cppos ~T~~ ;;;;:d':'';:;' in ~t.,,,,,,

Ii IL "~ - ~ I .L~""""I--=- _ ~Ii. ... ~ _..!~ ~ l ~

.....,;;;; "

out gaps.

,.\ simp' [e elal.'rnoing' -j'-_ \11 ill tennit the use' lof

. ,Q.. J _ r-'

smal Ie clamps instesd of c~othesp ins. The


mast ~'ndjff,e:ren.t clamp is immeasurably man:

,enerti ve tha n a IC'~O thesp in. This iig' (Fig., fiR. , is used ·,\·ih 3. continuous outside caul stri.;p·ped fro m a. discs rded. tOSe\\ -o<ld side"

The 'bottom liningis .' ade nom 'Ba.t sbips

F it, the bottom lininz, using the ~,ocedwt

_ .r-'

followed for the top lining ~ The tail blo:i is :tga.i 11 mortised and the upper end or the Iinmg

'b . the f f~ 6- h-' - - 'I........,

mtts agaUJl5.t,:e loot, , r_g.-I S' '0'(\"5 '_ e ILJlit~,

.... ! - - 1,: ...... ,:, '0' b ·'lO" sl ' ed -~th·, '~" of - ,11 tom, UWfl~, ,em::.- ~ 11 -- _' m,I-, a senes 0 SifiIa,IilI

C claw ps. The continuous o~tSide caul 5 nsed to keep the sides from ileiug scarred, IClamp indentations OIl the fact af' (c.J:!' lining itsd.f " re

. 'be th _1l '~ ---.J 'L

not senous. eecause '. ',;E\- n~ Jf: rernovea \1Ii,lleDi

~ 'b - I·' • , , '. - ~ b' ,~ S" - -::t' ",:, ! '!', - ,. - ,- ~ '--. --

tne .1 n~ng IS s _ l:i r u ~ --. p,nng: c.ctnespms ma ~,_

used [or clamping the bottom lining, but 'tmless the 'belli limll.g ('OnfOfIDS precisely ,0 the' lOOD-' tour of the side, dothespias alone 'ril not do ,3, good job, Use C clamps ·and ca uls to puU t e lini n~ -D.o" h t· azain st the ~d,' ~ wherever it 'b,.,,'11~ ..

,iii ;::, -:,:I" ~ ... _.;J, . ".n,.'!I.. !' Y'\.,~,'Io.l! ~_!IwoiI!:

\\ "hen drv, can-e the' bortom li:'lliue to a

~ l~

rounded. shape [Fig. 68') ~ ,RoU;h lout the shape

lI-ith a $'hatp knife 3.D.d 6:nish with 5a,rJdpiper'~ Do not remove 3UV. weod 'from the' oo'tto1m

- .. '

edg:e' of the lining" This ~iIl decrease the gtmOC

surface that Vrill~ hold -,'I ~ e blcit..

Fill all gaps i'n the' lining with a midure Orf C d d 1_ ,"" ~ . l' C" ~ v nIl,e sawdust aO.1. p'lwbc !reSIn E1U~'~ Scrape , ''''1 J

_ ,r-

all glue that ma y have dripped on to the wn~'

.~.__L. f·· \., id d d th .l:.L

surrace (L tuf st aes an sane '~'·,em 51UOOWL"


In the txoeess or. bending" the' lin-tn! ocea-

r· -

sionallv h~,tc:eS',:i. me' waist, II the 'bre£k is


, .',. - .-.,.:~ ~ .. "~ fracture th 111: ~. gr . ..J

:2 ,s"YpemC1~, .. _, rae..... ua\'" loW", ~ . e JIlJ!IlIlg n~.l

nor '- e. discs rci.ei. ~\ppl~l g,. ue to the break a tid

] 'l-,. ~ ~ I.L 1·' .

ea,mp 'W-l~f':l ~'J1D~ m UJ"e ,J,nnJg~

,Fig. 66' C~ _1 _ i'pring cLJthespim

_-1 ;"I:~ ,-1~h,S .1J---ul fJll~!~~' ~l.UHIr .

CL Ii. iC'S Fe c rr T-\·~ C··· 0 '\,·5' TH- (-' ·C' --'T:fO' '1\ .•

.. '1Ii""l,J,' ,~ .... .- ~', ... ·i n. '. "".111.,'". I :1 '. !. : ~ _ .. 1.:·\


• _ • _.. _ .,;;;. _ _... - - J- I, a

.r.~~ 6, ICLun,pmg bottom. unn!)



F· 6·'1'J C '~~_-." bottom limng itD ,sr.'

, l2 e- _ ~ !oW' , .... '"!'-


, I

. ... -

"ill. I

Place the neck-side assembly face duwn. IDD, the ,~ - En "·ed .at? in, 'perfect a1.mgnmeu,t ~m the center lroe_ Clamp the' Deck' and the tail block ~o 'keepl ", ' ., sides from shifting'" TQCf the inner and curer contours of the' sides, sho.~ng the p,.-Q'Uon of '. be :f.oot and linings.

Ranm:e the neck. .. side assem bly a.nd jigsa \\~

- te mnnd 'board a1:ong: tlbe outside _~ line, Turn the beard over and locate the center o-E , ~ e ~ ~ ~, so{Dnd h ole, Scribe a lcircle with- 3

.. ~: li''"' rndil!s'~ ~reasUI[e the' inner ~d outer diame:er oi VQ'Ll!' rosette' .. Scribe these ordes

~ .

on the sound board with a pencil comtass, In

~"'TI binz ~e circles forth.e fT~';'E' 'Um t ·Viiil.

- ~

reeeive toe' rosette I". is best to we!k ~Clillt If

\llm rosette turns OU:[ to be too larse to e t

- ~

in the grrrO\~. the grocn:-e ean be'

canner be mad e smaller, The groove should .6r Sil~ eaough to lequire genfle. .furong to· ge th.e i'DSE tte. in,

I t


t ,

, ,

C .,. ,. " . 1 t d ILL

or tne rose rre ore. es i'D, ,:1 '- ,tp th 'of 11] Ii'

i '-+"""'f.lI J .... ~'a: --o5<'ri~. .;,.bl·='L-.,~~ ) C: 111'1 t , .... 1. n

l,L.!E::.,,"l~ _ 1bU.1I;.,. .... ~. It, 1l:IilJ,,_;;l<J' .• '. I!.,i!, LJ~e so~

h 1 . '1' .:.1.. d th TIt

OlE OlJI..::e ro rue same' "ep' ~ ,: e ,sound ',- - .. '

- ' ",

~ ... - .• l' ~ , o,l,; - ~1 th . tt ..

.B .r:<l eli utro'U:;.u DUru. ' 'f 'CO$f,', -f :1(5 11l11 .... :=,_,J


The rest of the waste wood in tlI.e ~., ,'~,

removed lrith a rou ter bi t, .F or [0011- press [O~ .• ,


tions the roWl~d board should be ~j'ecured to. I,

\\~on beard with 'bleb at strategic po.lob alo~lD'

::.'t.. •• ..,

l.lI!e peum.e""~ ~

_\, crete . tter can be \\·(L_~ed ,,:l·th 3: hand

b:mce to cut the inner and outer edges of the. groove. The' waste ~\;ood can Ulen be remm ,.', ~-ith a ;irur:-p ;-.: or chisel. It is an exacting oper.a~

..... be d ·thl ,. ~

.. ' . r-I . _.' .' 1 • J- .' -, '. ". I . J"" - ". '.. - _ '.

non. bUIL~. :- . one 'Wl ,smpnSlng aCCW3'C)~

iE the ope;;:::or 'proceeds slo,,·ly with care,

.~ a rn'e, a small segmen t '\' 11i ba,-e: to be c.!l L ::um '~e rOSeTI[E to ma~~~,' _ it go into the

,.,.,.. ,- .. ,\ ,- ~- .1.1 .. : ~ . - , t :,;1. -' I~ ~ .. lIo-.,. , -.

~~OO\ .e. ~\ iaxe ~ em at UJ e ~ L ,2 [u'act:n"f'

point in the rosette, T,l:!· the' fit of the roset '

'L. ...... _~ .'. • - P' ~ ~ h ha

cerore '2 m::I2' .: . .:- in. • ' ()'il tion the rose te 5{) t [:___.(

-. .-

HH! crt portion and other &~~ fun in the area tha t '~,1J be concealed 'b-,;' th e .he t boo I'd ~


COO,r the groove ·v.,i lb. ~'hl.te g]Ue and . tess

the rosette into place. Tap the rosette home ~-:th ~ '~i et over ;1 y,r,ood'fO caul to receive the b_OVi"'5_ OriC__~1:", while the elue G shlI wet, raise

L~.. ,~

some fine S?n.lCf sawdus by sanding near the

rosette f:1-F'\:'~ ".1-.,:~ r;;:'o']I"BI"~''''sr' ;n'~i"'lI anv ¢:"]·P'S'. oJl]o.-:·np,-, _ v:.......:.~ ..... ,~ r .. ........:~ ... U.Ll _~ ,_ '!..Lu..:! ' .~.~-.II1o.1t...! g. '. ~o;;II.:, ~ _ !:)

the qe or me rosette ... Place 'l~~ed: pal .. per 1l\"eI the rosette d.nd a ~~,right'ed board to ,3ppl}· p[ESS'~e~

.\\ 'ben ~ (i): minutes) l' lf1. .el th e rosette '~-i h &.~. e top 0.[ the sound board, Sand it do'A'11 almost h:~I-e' ?-ith the surface Q.f '.'he t·,op. Complete the leYeliui:g process with a sing:le-ed'.ge razor 0 dc· used as 3; scra,per~ Sandpaper \\ill wear ,3.1"~~· the sof'te't spruce much faster 'than the hardwood mosaic and will also grind darker woods of . be mosa i c into the' Hgh ter woods. The razor b· de ViiU produce 3 clean, smooth fuili'h~

The back 0[' the soune 'beard must now be

1 ~ ~ Io.sij-' ,j:,'h L....._, .. d' ~ 3..~ M 'IlL'· 11:_

p.ian.'w, .(t~ In. UD'UJ. l." e eoaro lS " 3:! hucg.,


- .

- ~-


t ' • ..( ;oj
, i,

..... "";1 I"

.:; :.t t:





i I

--........._-_ ----

,- T - '"' ~ ~ ,e

s«: -..,

~ ..... -

~~ __ . p~-~'" pressure Q\.,p...-l.,."... 'Ir. I \r _. ..~ .. ~,._ " "--

,. . """! ... _ ..... ,.1'-

_fL·.::.... .....


-:,i,," :n: s

•. C ~ h 'II • 'i .. c1:Li3 • ,,- • ..

~ _.::: .. ~ ':"'! "! f""' '";" t .... un. t1 ~~I''' ~ r.=e '0 T - . -' . .:; ..-.. - ~ I .::.-:: ~ - .,,- .

..... ~. _.a ... .l..b ' !!;,. ....... "'""!;, ~.~!;.; _ .. - .' .... 03 _- .. _.~_. ..-;I,ll

- _ .

.... ..- "'-.~v,"? ,:""'\ ~t..""'l':- n:-r".F'!"l 1"] r-, ..... '!'""""i'f"'i ~'~ '"'!'i"'I ...... :- ~~ a'··-,;:i~

, . ~ 10:." :-u lJJLao.l "I'll ~ ~ ...... ,I Go .... do ~._.!o.1,;r ~ ~.!;,;01..,;. ... .L'!.,...- • ........

: ~. ::I' dci_!' :~ will <'l:ert pn:s,:;::;e o.:t to De e:::L

F:.:"' ......... "

.-...._... .

_:.,' _. -I",,;'

_,_ ~~,I !It


:_-:e e'::'~Q'

" • "I

_ . ,.~, n ~ ..... race ... ..,n ~_"'IBl.~ lv. Lt;[. :JiJ.Q', ~uu.


~.. H' ld

... _ • • ~"Il' I ','

J..:..,u...., !)Ire::: .... ure. II 0.··


~ ,; Q.'~'!,"""""'Id'" T' "'(;:1' "J' on

_ ........... "Iioo'IIliJ. .:,]I. 11.J'\iJ ..l!1

.... , _

nI~ ~ ~:""' ·~n.,..;11 p::l' .-~ ~-:_ -"'"'

v~ ~tl .•• .~l"''II'~U 1i_·!Iir. I' - .. -~

.... ,

_... III "I ~ II .. ..,

1- 1" 't"'I '11".,.,::;1' "'0- ~ ';,,"'1"1'" I ~

'- J.JI. 11"""';;0.......... ';::, ... 'i;.i 1;,,1,1, --,


)tH:' ,E: 1 ui n: C'.j tll ,~ 0.6 J !)"J.: V

,~...;/l .... , -

'J' )\-1th the deep-.thr,oat clamp. 'fOi :acro

,~ ...:

:Ii.,:'.:_-a Cc ;;.pply a cramp at e;.chenL _\ 1000:

~::-::-~.("~"""'U ·-..,.·.ilee bl~"T"'Itif"ll-:;r !1I"Ii "'! '''''11-'lr~r C',' 'lp,....!l ;:!PI! ·"'n'·

v _ "_ .... _ ..... do '!.;...w; y..,;J C_' lilL_L"Jd ~ ~ [I, L.L ~ :i. - ...... .. : " ,~1;",....... ;..,.:& ..,

~ ...,...

cut tne ~.Qu-nd no.e.

r· .... r""'.:.... ,r·\- ~ 0':'1". n· ;;;.. - <llI, a'"h' e po' ;;;;,;.., i'-' "~, ~ ~ -.. =: . ......."... "-.;: :,

\".,.4. ",-.l·lli .. · JU,1i..., , ~~'" - .-~ ........ ~-.... .~~- ..... ""'- -~~

- .


::: ""I "!.J" ra .}. ~'i ~, :! :","1''; M ;;:; - ..,.'19t . .:o ce ...... r.P'!"' • ·;·n . .,::I \,...;:'" 1 ~;.-..;.

_ .... ~.... :.~r...,_U!. ~ _.::L.II.L..I ... ~r;. ~.L"'~ . _J, 1.,......... _._._..'"'-. ........... _, ......

.. ~ -

__;:-h e , -"; - ~j3' 1 ;noPt ~Q-' .; a ·~n~r::"" ~~-~ l .... 1Io~ J.- ~!fIi.;_

_~ __ ., -d..u;;;..~'lj,. .• IH~~ ~, :I.. _UI;.., ..... y~. ;::.._ __ ~!'m ~" -' :-.,...~-

~. _".'5'.'1. ter a m 'r~~~'-~ C·-"·'·"!IInp· ~ to.;;I! "'··O-'~-" ~ -:,-~

_......... iI. .... J..... . ,w., ......... _, - '. d·· .. ' ;._,u.... .fci!" ~ ~ \. -_.

~ "

~O :he v;o~i;be:t h.. C~mp' f :,,? :.J =e ;as.

*!d \~-th the 'ho~es ili.gtl,oo

The i~,,: .. "Il b rscinz ;.~. :-l i'1·~·.· l~ 0 , ....... ~~ r'~""'!i'" 6-.,;;;7',

.' .L a. 1.1, ,~ . .a 1i;,.\L ..... o..;;! __ u .... _ ...... ',,' 1f""o-1.;: ....... 'IIJ u, ........ - .....

. _,.- . .:.

Cut ail the braces to size and .. ~.!:a the.::

riuinil side smooth, Cut J ;... X .: ~ X -.

...... ~'.

:nett: 0= \\"000 to ~e ~i) a ~.!:1!un2 wu:. ~'J


D~aQ'T··~T'I"II· _. '.a...: d

• _ iI4" ,., ..... ' .3 ~:u ~.~ '''1 Qf ..."." . L '.:!'P.j ' .......

_. d#'~~ _ ..... Q -.. H'~.; 'or ~OP

" __ • ~..>, ~n' r hi~ ID'3 nn.iI5r ..-.:'I~r-e·;'_L· ~ lv " . ,'" '""";r;?' u ~--:-,"

_ ~..1"''''' 1 .... ~.~... ,. ~.~4;. !i".~.. \....;;;l. ..:-..... ,a. .... lUo___ .... ,." .....


~ ~ ,,0:. ·U"·.;:!J..rJF?'.:wi _"""'Il 1 t - .. Ue b If!>. -:0 ~ p ~... dries c· -~ -n P';:l~

,,:;' ••• ,m ....... LL. ..... ' ..... --vu·. :"~" ... ' 'j".. . ,!i., .. ~ .' ..... Iio..~ .•. - • .:; ~.Ll· J,_ s,

::~e tor ~;-lces is '30 min U{~~




t. t I



. '--.... J .-



C-~ '.' D" •

, l1li. '. ~.":J . - '. ... ,.::. p:!II!! iI - •

• ,,-S, ... "........ '" I J('",t":'S ,L 0 ;)., !.-::.~


ICl "..;~'!' - -

, , ,~1_ .... I.,.,... oJ.'

"1 ,-~, " c" -. \'" -.; 7' "~" ...... - '" 0 '\'

, i ~ 1. '\ ,_). ... • ~,.._ L l .."

chisel and D':-~:], -", ,~ ~h Er.e ~ndp2~., Sc-~ out fhe ends c ~ ~;...h r.I~(e ~1~ h me ~~ chisel or the :' - ,~, Z'-lr:'~. Lea T;f a thin 1,,-:1;-: ,._

rr.-"'_':r ~, ~:.

eac h en d,

F 35'h ,i OIJ the ~:: ' ... i,e e ern" es tha t. g!' 00 I

either side 0: ~e" xnn d hole, IG\~e '~htDb

'f.~ • 01' ~ _ , " th

puce wtth C, ~InDS worcmz tnrcuzh ~ :f Cf:l"'~

, !II - -e'" ~

.hole. Chisel tht .L{"~g' ed~es to a 'be~~cl ,-ntd

round off with :S~TJ.Cpape: ..

G,l'Ill"'f' the 'r'·-o- rr . .,... :;. strars in n lace

. 1, UJ. !l1Iwi ,; ..... 1 ... u. _ ''-"I • ~ ~ . 'iii

L '

eacn strut is .... n.'· ._p ~n"':;:'__ Tl~--·~iI "t..pII).r:~ D !IIi

'1.....4.1..., ~ U. "I, 1.::1 ~,,"!,~"" .=..L'IJ ~~ ~L ~<'ii l.JIl;;~,Url!.. £":'!]-'

; :f Ch;'citi.1' l'l:l"'''' .;'~:a ::~' '-'r-:1 ~~ ":;:,,," .,,~~ ....,:·.......-n""""

• " ,_. ~",}""~ u..... n~"= _'- " ............. CuU') ,1:l"_I,,Io;,.,1, ~~W'':::'"''

... -

[,3 C h s _ t ~~, _ j : • ci ~~ ~ \"-e: ~t:] e:l.d o',-e:-

l~ ~ ,Eevel . he' e-~:g~ or :b.e ~=U5 with ~r

.... ,1 ·; block plane -:,,:r.c:'" ~"'rrim'~

• oIIiII - JUN...~ _ 8., \. '""""" .... ...a. , _g ... I~~~'.!I'

" - &

Co 0 ver all til ~ b: ~lo.~:li': t\-j th :ne' sa nd ~ !:e'_

- ~-

~li,e' sure an ~ ;'':c z.uei t.gnt

11· ,- '~'" - ~

he 'too i ~ ::'C7',," :.cm0 e- c:e ~:.~ !'H:::~'~ir"~


m us t. be trea :c:: ,," -::_)_ ~!'t - ~\ vo: C ex :es:~~t

bandhrrz ""-FlA ;;;;.~-~ ...... ,' .... :~..., 1iL'i-' _ _"'_""""- ':1'T"'."'~""~.I"';f'I,

• _~~Lu, ,'_ O.L1U. ,_ ,,," .... _..... ,......=.,,U. ...... c~ ~ . 1,..U.,4 .... r... l,...;.,;o


h - h ~" . ," . '. "~'l - · -, -

",' -, - ~ . _ ....... -, ~ - '~ .. !II! "':I ~ ~ '!II""i'II"'E- _I

.\ - C t" 1" .b • a~ ~ ~ . -\." , ~.lo,e .Ij" IX ru ~ .... ..,;; :1, i;" ~ ~

. ;:::;- <//;'


" ,

- .


, '~ .. ' !I"" -::;,A








.' ~ ..




,.,r. _.-;.-. - - "'1I!"iI, ~




- II



II ,

I t ,


t ,


qluill!J 'Up tlNd HI/tit

Clanlp me nttk-side to the' i\-mk lxdrd, top tide up. la,~ tblf: sound board. in

e- • 1- ... ;r ter I - H :1d th· , ~-

poil"Doo d+lgn~ on eenrer une, Cb me uJp

in pbce ,m,d ron a pendl hne ou each side of the csoss stm ~ \\':her.e :they intmect the sides. Also lltlfk the paiD t where the stru ends rest on the' jOint between "limngs andsides.

e., I":"" the P¥~.(: o1...C'~·· ,",Ct the ~:r,F1PiDt where I~W ou Uti; . ~~ I·.IU~~,:W: lil,~ _ .. ~ ~w. ~~. n Lh .. 1l. .',

the struts VtiJ1 fit against the sides -e Saw lout ·th,e papeudiculID- ICUts in the lining to free the SImI1 5emlen.t where each. strut \\1]] .St Chise·l


Ollt these sections and carefull\~ dr,Dpc '.' the top.

~ rl .

m'O pomtion~

The commonest error in fitting . up. ttl, sidlES is to foree t ae sides apart., \, ~ilth the top in p.w'~ Ithea: the '\"Ctica] rue of the' sides to mike snre they have not. been s;p~:red. The tap end or the round. board. has to be .fitted aEamst the of the recessed. 'bble at the



foot of the DeC.\:. :\"00' chee-k the other common

source n~' d:if6.(ulty in fitting the -top--=-the' tail 'block~ If the top of the tail block lies lower than the tDp! edge or the sides, .it ~~11 not glue tOI' e top, If the' tall block isl too high I( mere often the CL~:~ it "ill make an uns:igh tt~· hump, Si~b. t alone the' edees Vt "ith, the top-: h e1d in

~ - ~~. \

P ce t.O lccate discrepancies. Sa.D.d the top O'f

the tail bock nnb1 it is just 'right, Ho d the gWtar with . hand each end :Iud tum ,it over, see. that the top butts smoolthl,- 3EJinst

• ..J

the taU. 'bock and the lining~ Also UJa- e sure

tba t. the 'top lies snug against th'e fOOl of' the neck,

\ \ -.ith lenocgh support under the' neck to keep i., If\-el1i1-ith the 'top'," clamp the neck-side assemblv to I,the ·\vQ,r.k board 'pr.~:rato" to

• - .~~ !I'

glw- ~llV P·'~h~ the tep "'II'!inild seenre ;~.· ~

. "_~.' ~Y:UYI U.l: I_I '" ~. ~,_ ~~ ilL DJ.", CI!

rubber band 00 each side of ·the DOC·, .stretcbed do ~,.n. to, the bottom of' the guilhi,r" as '\,~d1l as one across -"_' ~m. Make a Om aamina-

I":on IO'f' the til to' ascertain that the' top ,·i111

";, .. JJe to the sides ;ithout any 2a:~~

- - _ r~

,~\:pp _'~ hide or' plastic resin glue 001 tho top

ledge of the ljn~ng, me tail block, foo~ :-md i aside edges of ,~.f openings in lD:e lining . -

· ne strut ends butt. 'U se a small Sa t b ~ app' l~ aloe. nuir:kIv Lav it !MTI '~I-L •. :- - . II

±'" I P'oo ,,_. - . U~ ".IW !Ill. gea I

pa±ing motion to keep! ~lle from lfa'tittgl': ' _.,-

the saw ,I,erf3_ A ~.pplr glue :to the :310$- in-I·' 'lopl tha" 5how the outlined 'position of' ·rw-m,."I __ foo ~_ and . taM block.,

Pre5S the lop .in·.o place and secure "i:th _-, ltn=.~v.. ise rubber bands and one across "_:' waist .. Cber..::k the plane of "the- neck ' .. rib _ snaishtedse. J't mast be Ievei l\"lib the" 11

- ~ . ~

dQ\'"'-U to the begilli~ o-f the sound bole~ '\ 'jth

the ,fiat side or the' tedge.' rna u SUIt the cearer line an the neck is ali!TIed ,·~tb tbe i:· ..

.. .

'tel taint of the sound board, down :to 'the '£00-

of the .gilltrr. \\nel precisely positi(jl~ cbm-, [be ~ eck and. complete the binding up lof .:"_::. itOp with ru bber bands .( Fig. 84).

Cut fow brackets 0,[ Sitka spruce to supped and reinforce the cross struts where they rest 2~.iib-:' the sides (Fig. 8;). Cut each ba< ~I- 5(]1 that the [OO't that filS into the end mo.' o.-r- each strut .;'.r;: 1i'" oversize Th-e up" rigb~' : t, ' c - ...

· _ . ~ ..Ibl. - ' lI,..·t ~~. ~ .. . . _

, . . .

· '.on or each brzc ·.e must he filed and sanded

, ,'" .~. '. ~... bi h i -,,' ifll-

to the curve 0' me 510e to \\- cr it .~w. (,I ._,

before fittln£ the foot to the mortise, Use·,c' g noptlper ~'J gain ic .. the-side techni que to mud

th - ~. i"'i~ ot·r. ,.,:\. x , "', , . the . .-.f- ~op,

.. e ~\,...l!I;;, : we llpri5D'CS 0 I' . e eg La, ' .... Y,I" '-'

When the back or the bracket :6ts perftttly, cut :., e foot to a 5',:~de fit in the m~rtise'. Sha,pe

the't to its 500:1 shape briorr,e g!Wflg it' ill place, It is el.tremer~~ a·~Ir.kvfard to shape";: bGlc'~~et . a ft·er i.t has been gt ued, If 'the brackds .6t tig.nt:. clamping is annecessarv. Coot 'j g1. in,g surfaces with a thin J.a:,~n of epoxy. and gl_~ the DQ{:ets in plaCe~

~\n 'llDrieht rein~~" brace is someti:m£S

~ .L,V"'~

glued :01 the side ·of the' lower bout ,6,\"C or siz

inches bac·· nom the bil bid The real \'"i!uc of this procedure is qeestionable aero'· m COD"

r~ .. 1

F ...

.. -~ ..


Fig., M C'l,.....,_~,-:'" fj1ued iti~

~ ~~~:!I;-"~ ,~ "Wtr

structing Ham,enco guitau. ~i:th their more rr3,.21 'f. ""- nstruction ... T on ei used an, nmrr" _ side

~ -CdII-II_~

brace 1:1] the' almost-flat sections OD. each side Q,f

the l\"3ls:l..' 'rtIr1'e-,~ n .a,ttem:p l le'ti'den .', ~~~ bl, de-

l....__ ... ~h· " .. ~ h t. ............ ~'

~t:ij IL l_ e memorv S rress .r.eJ..Q.L ~ J] on ro ze

- ~

~l. Hie ~':So brae ... keted leach bg,; " cross 5,; e- a 2TI

operation that requires gi"fI~ng on top and 00,(7. sim £tl' , neouslr .


S ide rein forcing braces are. made. 0 f spruce or

~'lJOi. ~,!.*,OF X ~ "I~ ~D;d the' bri~h', of' tI e

. "",,'

space beween linings. The:- must be rcnnded

to fit the contour and glned. ~-\fte: ,gluing the top and bottem ends: ,o.f the ~,Cf :.1 re ~-e red, hJI nl.eet: 'the' lininE:'~


The' hac.k is fitted in much ithe same manner

as the [CP,. .,d,di nonal di me rut} ill fit =-ng , e hacl stems, from the need to b,Er the foot, side5 .. and tail b oC.k, to. aceemm ,.' .:_. te the , rrh of 'the back, The foot: a DO the sida close, to the roo: ha \ -e, to be ". pered dO\\ 11 toward the' heel '.0 gl ue pilop:tI v 0' the ba ... ~

p,~~' . ~:1..I~ L~_ .... :~ "'n-c'd- '1T!i;o;!I'I"' '_ u:t..,~ :Il.L.aotru-'.""

~,lL&. __ J ll!.JJ,_ w.~ a ,I. I 1&.JJI4L.I. I . • 'If" l~ '" [J]}!L 3" ' I,

I t

c,r' i.S lC- C·· l-·1 - _I R C·"cO·· 'S-T' - -" -, -

' L ~ ,~ ," _~ - '.. . '_ , .. :I' ',~ . R l C, ,10:\

\'\'_" ''II il.1L. :n..,~:1_ - lac 'I, - b

" ], Dl U~,e W,CJ\ ,lD P a~ U)Opm,' her ~ .• , . '_, J •

_;'oou: the sound chest. '[0 hold. the ba,d seaD,t., L.."""'C', through the sound hole with a ,D.eq I' ~

I. irror and '~]'l'ty,e tho, e g~p" between f:oo" "1' -_

--- , .'. _' !::;.~ , . J • ,_'. IUC f· I~~,"'J .' ,I, ,:1 [' .'

-b:.l,:i_~ This gld],P represents the ~mlJunt iDf 'tapa"

~~,:~, has h) be removed at the heel end 10,,[ 1: I-~' : ,,' L Rem 0\ ·,e th e 'f;a CK a nd sa n d thle froot to ,I ~d '_ .,', ta per do\\,-n to the heel. U Sf the sand-. in.g s" .. : '~~, and 'taper t l e sides nut to the mjddj ~

i ~,e pper bo Ll13 to. a, ronespon diIl:g d,~ Guaa'll - ~ i nst ~Io~'-~n~ 0' 'I'1ij!l, si ,.l'J!II m .... '[f 11,'l,,'':''D ,,' _'.'

. - - i:!~ ~ ,ILJL,wI ~l l;r,.iL~,~.. JdlL ..... llL JL U E.J.'~j _ j I .

G·d:e..: .. ~-\S sanding ,P: OgI"esSfST replace the bad: :3 ~'~ec(he' . .- t, The ends of the stru '. vriD

:_ __:.n~ to be fi],erl_ do~\;u to ,5 t in to th e mortises =;;ie shallower by t~:, e lowered sides, 1lUS pm::~ nrem us t be repeated un :1]] th e 'ooc1: lies ~='r:: aziinst the' foot the Iininzs, and the 'tail

~ .- ~~.l"

block and th If! strut ends are sea'; ttl m, their. mortises.

Fittina the arched 'back is, the most eractinz

~ ~

and tedious part. of .guitar assembly- \ \ ~OT,: ~

s]'Q\\'-l~- with. rl.ehkrate care, The most common hazard is the' careless removal 0 roo llHlch wood from either upper l;!on, I ne::es;gfati,lg:1 compensatory .pbning of the sidles doo,.11 to the bim ·b~o:k.

Crura,"[ are Icrft,ffl made Qitb Hat baeks .. thus $im'pli.~ing the .fittin:g operation, bu.t· thE:: do not saund as good as guitars ,,:iili arched backs, ~-\ rounded! acoustic chamber 13 be:ta than a square one, ~\rlc.b:ing also helps s·abiliz,E[ me back by placi'~g, it under :sligb., stress,

Before gluing the 'back in place, go oyer' the entire interior of the guitar with Ene sandpaper, Scrape ,a~l1~" glue- drippings. a,.d smooth all

rouzh snriaces 'R" u:I!:1..n"E" ,., ts d '1\ Ii. ~_ ,;:I,.. !La'''w.~ .'.0 ~u: ~ arU'JC'G .' USI £_TIO

dust attracts moisture.

It is a:ci\L~ble 'to use hide ziue in zluinz me

,~ ~.-"II

hac '. even though plastic resin glue '~'-;S used

for the top, This \\11'1 make it eb'"Y ·0 open. u",e guita:r .if the need. should arise. the hlck: bfi!l~g :w,uc·o easier to remove than the. ~~o~p,",

II I ,

I t tII

, I

" II

'I ,

'I ,




I. _I


t I

Altanat« ASSClllbl!l,[efHUd

Assemble sides and Lin block in the ~C'£'J;~r


\\'ay .. Fi; the sides tOI the neck bur d·C' not ;::-::ue_

Ji~,\1i the completed round 'board to the exact inner contour of the mold and. drop .i"" into rne m-o;.id fa ce do\vn ~ ';\,'I'h the £ tt'ed intO' 'he noc.:~ drop the lrhole ~nto .position in, ;'Eemold .. ~b.['k ,,·here the' cross struts h,h,~e to be Cll" to ,permit. ChiC si.des to drop fIm.b to 'the sound boar-:d~. ICut off tn,£, shu_[ ends, 3rrd mJ.~E sun::' :t}U! sides '\\llJ dro.p dO\\ll, properly .. R,en::lm""t the sides.. 1f3'ling f.he sound iboalrd in ,the' moi~ .fuce' dO·'\1J_ Position:he[ Deck \'itb the Ieces...~ t:;),b1.e 'O\-et' tbe ·w.und lxu.rd ,.\,·here it \\11) Elne ..


'\ \ n h h '1L f ;.'1' ,'I[ " - .1 ". , b

"~ I It ., t. e.,et:"A: per,:ecu~~,t"U '"1 h.,e ern-

'" tC

CL,\<SiC'" IC'. '.(- ·.rr·.IR' C'O·' ·\··S···TRl~CTfO· ,~

"'" ,. I "_. : I. !!il~' ~ '..' a;. '_. " ',". .:. ..!IOu "Iii


. (bk

I. .• !La -,~. 1· ~ !.. ·\I "

. _,_._;;r., ':.,_ .: .ts of alterm. 1J~S :!:m,ns; ot . _._

Pru.lli:u~ ooD515 ". ..1. '" ... '~ 'f"~

-' ... ':;1' _ . . _ ~ ~'ili,. - (0 form ·a

and. light \."enterS g1.1!JleG. L.~~ er . . .,.

_ ~ :ed. ember sh -1nP'd to the ~ontom of the

ll~''A'Nl'l1.I'']['(. : I. W _ .. ,~l ··Uif.r--· _ , .

I~ -~ tb .a: o'T

. . _ - .' .,' eloHl""

",' Th- en: p' UIPJ"I ": l!,e 'Ie: to . I,rorte:t ,e.'···' ~

2JJl' .it'-"!ill" . ' I. \l., U .

:).1 ,'U;U.* "c '.._ , ' "'"" ... :L. ;,l ztain

~ IT E' the UI lik'" and ~ iJ:II tne ena ~~.: _

\..'Y5ts O~ ' . ..:_x. -b__J~ ". ," .

ofU1e' top and back, _. '. . .1

The oond·sa'llo"ed sedieD5 or the on:,,"Ul<!.· sand"

." ." ,~- 'M'O~-' be Walde

~, that were put W,TIS~. Jo,i' .• ' _ '. -_ .. _.

. ~ s.One n-.""II"ii~i~d ,u·rt1,ce but

=. ,', .II-;,'i".' .. -,....,';DQf tOm15., .,.;.' ql'UU-i' -.o~"" _

into l,1f@ 0 plll.W. 01 - • . _. ,r . 'h':l;e

• ..:1~,. if"<nU"""'1I'11'1;'e o!'H'9: one term \11 Jj . t '~--oI Jo,;; 0 '1;....\..1. ~~II: YU,

the' olther is d:~yiD.g. . '[-' . . '\- ~

-- In ~ll likelihood tbere ,,-ill be a. (fucre~ne~· .

in . he original mold shape md the a(~ shape

. -"11 p purihn~ f[orm

of .he com'pIeted gmt ~-;o n~,~ -'."~ ,", .'

<- be ' l' '·ed-' " ,I!.... ~'Dfol'w. f'U,C''' \* to the .fina 1

m'i"i'~"'II" .' ''!II t~· . '1.0 II;.,V ' ,- .•

1I!.Ll' " . d, lI;.,.iIi, ' ''1:..,

. "~". - "1'~ . .c ·th. gm." 1~b1r ootliDe onto eaC~'Jl

Onl·I,·t'l.~ - ........ ,. IP . race . ,e, .

Ii.>!! UJLllli.. - ~'L.;; ...

. . .' " . uW C'OII'~

$ection~ Sa\'· and $3,nd each. ~DOD to .... '.'

.,.,.,~..,_J, ll"'iIi'"Ii."tO~I'~'i'"

,J.;L.1!i.., "w .... 'rt.,J'Ji"I.,'. l~ IL ... , _ • _ :. '" . ." 1 . -e(J

'p ']- 1·'13i[ oI"I.,ne- "[n';;,," bom ,he contour."

eno a Ul~ u .. ~ 1U.II - . -

. " -, b ~ - ~" '.- iii :' ,I'W == 1 j

hoi .' ·,th· ·s',d· ~ if'\Ii' ~ .. , C' . rot In.. ._,,3L _ "' ' . ~

....",., o·u .' i·1 ~ ''V,l 1!.4, _.

I :!!"'!Ii.,.:. ,',.'. " ." 1,.;

, 'b 1" .. a"!I.1'"I1~·nc~ 1 n U~T\ "311.:) ...

~_,:'\Ib' _.''l -. biO"IIC' m' .',p '':tIL. , .... ~ ..... ,~.-u , .. 8-"',_. '

~ aJong ~ , ._ .. ~ Q._ .

... . - - ,'" f' . ··h .,..-~ . 'roaudifl2~

lea\1.J.lg hal. o· e1,( [ ILi,PlII p. , ...

. f 'II ... ·'n ~':"rli1.] tel , ..

C ,'- '::-"~1J le1lgi" [:.\...,.. 0':· '~""00(1 . .:. .... v..:...,1~.:..-. -~.

-.l ' ".:.IIi! I - uu ~ ... ,

I!J. L~" ,-', ~ •

. . . l":': II' \Iso...,n ~ ti"i rtT' ~ C"""" s-'n ~ 0 t

'1"" .< t" .... I ... . "'" u , ... '1..1''''-"-''- ~.

- '\ ..... \.. .1"'.-' "IIi --

. "~ _ I G"'~ . """:... . , t: ~. :r

1 '" X 1 'I!I!' ". ","",' ;:::'UV"InnrL:S; ': .! Ue :.,~c _, _:r::J::.i ~ ':ii'

I'i -..J ~ rr.r6,-'. .-

_ • '.. , ., ~.~ ~'L

~" f - .... "n 1... .... ",a· l.p\'l .. ,~". ':'"' ie ro ,:.u:e

the :Len-·.f: .me 0", ~.....u, ~...,.,._- ._"l. .. ~.': =-.~' w ... _ ._

~ -,".''11 .,. - -:h.... hto::u' .~'~ ;. 7i !7,,le 0 r

~. . .. ' . ~ ::._ . .lJ natl m,en a.lOfi£, - c....";!i... -"

:::,nfJ. I~ W' ~u .~--' .... ~ _, -

J.. _, • 'B 'm "forns "'ii'ii".~ ortr.c ~G :-JC t:Se~

,. £' ·n· . u.' cu.'!i.n ~'>..J-n _<

,pr'r ~ . oll!""!iT1 .U .' ' _. -

~L.LI ,.ilJ~· . ~. - .~, _, ~l

, ,'_ ~ t~ . :,,'!t-..o t· Opl is OS"'(o2lI. ·...-.:.c~r a:l.O

The . i[t'L!ID5!: .,QII U1 .... _'.,'. ~.....

I.... - -,' I~ '~'k

_ . ....... .....t,~. .' '!I"II 1-'L.e pm:;n~ I r :::t, U:a.~ [ ..•

T1"!.,O,...... P h"l I '''Ii ~ U ;uJL - -

,~' Jr. '- II!- r ,lllJ'i- iIII!QJ -~! ". ' , _ ) _ - , •

_ kd-'::- . _...:I --r!':' -,:-'1.'1" '00 P

I ' :"! \' I'~ Viii"

F'I!1'_ S S~' ~~s: a hrea'~' :,0'\\'11 0 ~ p~.--: ~ ~ :~' - .... ~",

!gd·-· 'L.... l". ·I· .... j"il,,~.l~ ;~ a 1f:1let 0:-' bIdet i.-C ~ nite

an.' 00[· , UI,.. ,'Ib.,iiUW Ji.:J. ,!IJ,ll - . •

", .. '" .' - "'.d: the side oi th~ Eciu:~ This

~1..,.... 0'0e5 ..;U-iQ un w . '_'- -

'U,;~ II. ... .' ~ ~ ~ _'!:... se

~ Ii _:. lIP. • • -:-' ~ -l1.1 rose-

tJ: - .' ~' ' 'm~ P' 'oC, S[ub Die' ro 1: ... ll2, I. " .......

P "1'lFi-ii 'in a i2i ~ '. ,[ 'I,;.-U,II,." ~

W. 4,!!..JUU';::i ._ g.

c~"",""_...~· a 00 map' Ie gui:tar5-

.. ~UlJI;J; '. ... .., h '.', " "Pr'

1 • '. .-' ':1 .•. ...1 -;-! .jJ\~L

Cbl'm:p me furm tOI.a ~or~~c .. -~ '. (~ ._:' ,

.'~l\,.. ~1 ... '.~F" r.:n'le[ 'w keen fue the COEll.t~, edg:e' ilu~ 'p~~,;. ~:t'": . .. ... "".r ..

_. '7 .f:uo:t Eluh:lO' bJI the :form~ T~ d.ozen

\ "t'Deers. . . - ,..,.~ , - til

; 1. ~" ru'bb:! ~,nd.s ;HIe Deeded fur :.tac-n:g 'W ,e

1 ..... '. . ~ ~ ~'~h'" al':""ll·'-c.t the forrrL

31lll:M . . ~ 1.111, Ii. _~~ LU - ~ ~ .

. _ '- , . b' ~ ~ . ,;.,k·e m5ltde

I ""'. -" . hl"ilnr a'lI";~ .... ""!(',~ :. Ie':"":' uum - ." .' ,L,AtWru ~.u.::lI . II. I~ op...:..~""- iUi.~

.... ,'_ -.".' ··if ............ ~ .. p. of h . 'ck-whitt.:ntac~. on

Oint l.1t' me :W,llL au~. _

v·"· .- this··· . tfi'l!', "'-'l"""1"'1l"'I

10.1 • ~ ." [VIi.:i..UI

J:,':m.,.,.[ I TeIll~nl\\~' secrurr: _. [ if

ulf .r-orm.. . , ~~ g..IO ...... ~ ._ ~d' -

... . _, ''!'. _ 'R!_~ .J "l ff'\l~ inches f'.lIC s:t e' or.

'_'iii.'" ui;., ~I m't titI IIi.H Du ol1I. ,

'~Jj,_1 1m. Ig, . ~' II I!!I

. '( ,~, - " 'rue.,. O",I'IIP

• , .,..' '. c: ,. .• w.'\!. OL ' ... ,I...... ;.~~,"'"

he' ,~\lllSt run'e~ .. -\pp.! :I. ' ~ IL '"' .-: ,

t the u---~... ilDd '"' on the' '[I,et: h!~U-\\. hi te-

o '. .U·~"" . '.' . ~ ~

._ ...-- ..

• .: .. 11....1 ... ~_r.




C ~' ".... try" t'::r- r·.....: ':l m. . - .

U::- . '.., ~j' -- -4'_';"_

.'. ~. ~ [~ I __ '!Ir."

~,e- 'both strips ale be'1~ ~t:cl dO~-Um~\~p~' i~e .~. 0 a section and :~:~= ·~.e· strips. Bring' ._~~ -nre~'~~ ID. that ':~ ee ~~ -crced uu'mrotl,gh.

"-,,-,,,~. ,I;.;~ Ul! & ~.'c·' ,:::--' - _, . .10. '-

~ joint_ Gl~ of these ~ strips with ii let

In:>:: be done in reverse, Tee =::ie: strip 1.'.-ill be ::--G cil!±,'eren sides on e~;:~, '~':'"I:ll_ This is verv

:::nccr""t. 1- 'd,-ertent ~~,..:-~ o· the tiller. in ::; same pI ce 0;] earn ~. t::l will resui . in tWO _,,""""';; ';:fl~ 'm~m' 1..,~ .L-. tJ:e ~ ........ e edee

~\.J.L~ _~Jl. 1~1:!- .lUI~ . - . ~ L~

· lli rompie'fS the flo :::r.c.i cc n, or the p \lImn g

, the : o'p \r::D~.e the n~~:r ,'iJr the back,

~ 111.." , ~ _ ~,~ "., It." ~

fu -owmg the same F~n:e· _·~,n \\"111 go

F""I"!I, ' "-hl'- 1"": th oDo;;"[j<!!' ""'"""'u·...;:"II'l'i;; -;:-1i3< stu 'd~nw: v Db-

'~~[ " \.. L" .. "!.. ro...';:"w ~ _UYtIo_.!....;; __ .'!i- ,.il "I"" ,'::'

~-e:i: ·Wipe .lW<lya~s ~~J~ :lnd ceep the

s.d-es cr' each member pe.~e.':-:::'~f square.

Before cuttiilP.: be ~~~ recess to,1Jy in the

- _. "'"

puriling. the: top an biti plates must be

~ooilied to a uniform thicOCl5 aU around the ~ tu: perimeter. 111 is Cn.:tl :~ckm.·s5 \\111 \ -:l.r;'

'Ii' - ~ !'I!' d '1' _"

XN'"t'fD ~ t3 "' .: ~ 3.! , ..

. \,' lU5" fhe pruf.ii.n;. cU:~e! "0 cut :1 grCiQ\"C

'1- htl f ;. t'IL ,~- T, ~~,- ~~r'

:5" is!:' .nv $IDJJ_!f':" Q'1J.n: ne '? l.Jr"lng.'- :::: ~"'"

~" .,..

\yidth. of rut ~n ~ s(_ap ~!~' ~y ,the ::-~1"'-~:

azai lS: we cut t· iake SIliE tne cut '.;_ ,:;<1" .~c:-


T .,_' --, ~ . - T

\\"ith the cu:te: ~~.' re pru=:_;mng 10,~ ur SJ;:

. _ • • - '~~t..,,-

'm3 ke the nrs; ,G;C !''5IO n aror"iQ :.u.e '~op r:e:-~

eter, Cla.muroz rhe guitar :;) ::::_e "1J.~): D~

.. _.

'\i\ hold ~ .. ~ ~ ~~-hile L:~ ~'::[~n£ ~ro-~..3~

- - -

\ lake 'he ;;~~, C"~'~"" n--ith li :-':''''! ee- pi~~me :f""!~:":-

_ ",JJ!. ... , IL "LI:.~ ~._ ',...!:,..) UL£ ! := - ",' 'i;".o;.,"'.;' .. _'-' .._,.,_".






4f1l":1lJI!C '~C

:,!J'C: c ur, T,:L1e

- ' ........... 'G! ..... I~...:.




,3.1l:"'· -'~r :-,C: ~~ ...

_ . .._, ...... ~·iw,

",r," _~_ h..::-, ~ •. , .... ""! ... ' ... , r:. -

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- . .' ~1!..'I;.t~_.~ =--

~ ...... - ....,.~ ..... -,_., ~ - t3r:.- ,. Se- ~

~- , ... '-<w&:... .. ...!t m ' ,,_'. ~_.-, FI'~.' '~e 'Ji - .. ~ '~,

,~. '. - ...... ~~.. .... ::.:r .. =::,::0 :1D:OE

..__ T

::G:lO ' .. ~ ~c

-" tirlmt 'it :s 'D' iC1~, ~ Dc·

iii:! ~

,b:s.tL.' [ m.:. ~e,..~~ tnem_,.

r" ,,",


T"Ai!'"~ .,~J~.~

. ~ .. II!

. '.~ _-' __ 'II!O.




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