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Tag’s Care Instructions


 Take Tag out for a morning walk – be sure he goes potty and poo!
 Give him a blue cup full of food (the blue cup is in his food bag) and a milk
bone (he may not eat his food until the evening)
 Give him fresh water


 Take Tag out for an afternoon walk – be sure he goes potty (he may or may
not go poo)
 Be sure he still has water


 Take Tag out for a long evening walk – be sure he goes potty and poo!
 Check to make sure he has fresh water
 If he eats all the food in his bowl, give him another blue cup full

Other info:

 Keep Tag on his leash unless you are in an enclosed area or if you are
TOTALLY comfortable having him off leash
 Don’t give him too much people food because it might give him diarrhea
 The more exercise the better behaved he will be
 He may be depressed when I leave so it may take him a little while to start
 He will paw at your bed if he needs to go to the bathroom in the middle of
the night or paw at your chair during the day if he needs to go out – keep
him on the leash just in case he wants to chase something too!
 Thanks and love you!

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