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Group members: Cuaresma, Garrote, Latawan, Madriaga, Researc

Sanedrin, So h

Title 1: The Perception of the Third Year Medical Students on the Incorporation of
Sex Education in the Curriculum of High School Students

Significance of the Study

• To provide students with sex education that is comprehensive, age appropriate,

medically accurate and emphasizes abstinence while not excluding information using
contraceptive techniques.

• To inform adolescents about sexual decision making and preventing unintended

pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

• To decrease the rate of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Proposed Research Design: Descriptive

Population and Sample: Third year medical students – 70

Title 2: Financial Attitudes and Practices that Influence the School Performance of
Third Year Medical Students

Significance of the Study

• To be able to determine if there is a relationship between financial stability and
school performance of the third year medical students.
• To investigate the attitudes of medical students towards credit and money and the
personal financial planning practices they follow, and to examine how these attitudes
and practices influenced their impulsive buying behavior.
• To further investigate the relationships between coping with stressors, including
debt, would be helpful as this may aid the development of systems to identify and
support struggling students.
• To examine the long term impact of perception of debt and how this relates to the
medical student’s psychological health and his or her ability to provide patients with
the best possible care.

Proposed Research Design: Descriptive

Population and Sample: Third year medical students – 70

Title 3: Effective Study Habits of the Third Year Medical Students of Saint Louis

Significance of the Study

• To be able to determine the effectiveness of study habits of the third year medical
students through their performance and to be able to determine if these study habits
can be adapted by poorly performing students.
Group members: Cuaresma, Garrote, Latawan, Madriaga, Researc
Sanedrin, So h

Proposed Research Design: Descriptive

Population and Sample: Third year medical students – 70

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