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My beloved Parents

Let me express my profound sense of gratitude and heartful thanks to my esteemed project
guide Ms. Abhilasha thakur for his tolerance in every step, keen interest, regular observations,
kind co-operation, boundless enthusiasm, affectionate encouragement, simulative and
constructive criticism, throughout this work has brought up this dissertation entitling
"PREFORMULATION STUDY " into this shape. Words fail to express my real feelings
of obligation regarding his cool mentality at much hard times.

With pride and pleasure, I wish to express my thanks to Prof. R. K. Jain, Principal,
Adina institute of Pharmaceutical sciences Sagar, for his valuable help and providing me the
necessary facilities to carry out this work with great ease and precision.

I wish to offer my respectable thanks to Prof. Dr. Sunil Jain, for their support and
encouragement throughout my dissertation work.

At inception I am confessing to all my well wishers, whose name not mentioned in these
pages and I express my sincere thanks to all those who were instrumental both directly and
indirectly in completing my dissertation work successfully.

Date : Thanking you,

Place : Sagar Nirbhik karan

ROLL.NO. 0603PY071028

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