Drama Reflection 301 Week 7

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In this week we learnt drama types (improvisation,

role-playing, simulation, story-telling, pantomime) and
we thought how we can apply these types to ELT
teaching. All of us thought possible techniques that we
can use in our drama demos according to our reading
texts’ subject. It was very useful for us because we
brainstormed, came up with very different activities and
shared our ideas together.
What is more, we did an activity. For this activity
we were divided into groups and we were supposed to
make up a silent movie with our group friends. It was
both useful and enjoyable for us. We paid attention to
our mimics, gestures, facial expressions to give our
intended messages clearly. Then our friends dubbed our
movie according to our body language and again we
realised the importance of consistency with our body
language and what we would say.
I could use some of our friends’ suggestions for my
drama demo. For example I can use role-playing
activities which could be suitable with my text
“Friends”. I could give some situations which is related
to the scenes from “Friends” to students and want them
to make a dialogue and act it out with their partner or

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