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Desktop shortcuts

Action Windows XP / Vista / 7

Activate Menu bar Alt
File menu Alt+F
Edit menu Alt+E
View menu Alt+V
Undo the last operation Ctrl+Z
Redo the last operation Ctrl+Y
Cut the selected area and store it in the clipboard Ctrl+X or ⇧ Shift+Del
Copy the selected area into the clipboard Ctrl+C, or Ctrl+Ins
Paste contents of clipboard at cursor Ctrl+V, or ⇧ Shift+Ins
Paste special Ctrl+Alt+V
Select everything in focused control or window Ctrl+A
Toggle between installed keyboard languages ⇧ Shift+Alt

[edit] Text editing

Many of these commands may be combined with ⇧ Shift to select a region of text. [1]

Action Windows XP / Vista / 7

start of line Home
end of line End
start of document Ctrl + Home
end of document Ctrl + End
previous word Ctrl+←
next word Ctrl+→
previous line break Ctrl+↑
next line break Ctrl+↓

Ctrl+h (Search and Replace)
F3 (Next Search Result)

[edit] Web browsers

Action Windows XP / Vista / 7

Bookmarks menu Ctrl+B
URL Shortcuts (Adds www. + .com) Ctrl+↵ Enter
URL Shortcuts (Adds www. + .org) Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↵ Enter
URL Shortcuts (Adds www. + .net) ⇧ Shift +↵ Enter
Add a bookmark for the current location Ctrl+D
Manage bookmarks Ctrl+B
Refresh a Webpage

[edit] Go menu
Action Windows XP / Vista / 7
Go to Browser
Go to the previous location in history Alt+← or ← Backspace(Internet Explorer)
Go to the next location in history Alt+→
Alt+↑(Vista only) or ← Backspace(Windows
Go up one level in the navigation hierarchy
Go to the starting page defined by the user or

[edit] Text formatting

Action Windows XP / Vista / 7

Make selected text bold/regular Ctrl+B
Toggle underlining of selected text Ctrl+U
Make selected text italic/regular Ctrl+I
Change to upper/lower case ⇧ Shift+F3
Make selected text superscript Ctrl+⇧ Shift++
Make selected text subscript Ctrl++

[edit] Window management

Action Windows XP / Vista / 7

Alt+Tab ⇆ /
Switch to next/previous focused window
⇧ Shift+Alt+Tab ⇆
Alt+Esc /
Switch focus to the next/previous window (without
⇧ Shift+Alt+Esc
Switch focus to the next/previous panel on the desktop
Switch focus to the next/previous panel (without
Pop up window menu Alt+Space
Alt+F4 or Ctrl+F4 or Alt+Space
Close the focused window
then C or Ctrl + W
Restore the focused window to its previous size Alt+Space then R
Move the focused window Alt+Space then M then Arrow Keys
Resize the focused window Alt+Space then S then Arrow Keys
Alt+Space then N, or ⊞ Win+↓
Minimize the focused window
(Windows 7 only)
Alt+Space then X, or ⊞ Win+↑
Maximize the focused window
(Windows 7 only)
Maximize horizontally
⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+↑ (Windows 7
Maximize vertically

Minimize all ⊞ Win+M or ⊞ Win+D Cmd+Alt+M
Minimize all non focused windows ⊞ Win+Home (Windows 7 only?)
Undo minimize all ⇧ Shift+⊞ Win+M
Switch fullscreen/normal size F11
Show the window in full screen mode, with no border,
menubar, toolbar or statusbar
Rollup/down window
Move window to left/right/up/down workspace ⊞ Win+ctrl+arrow keys
Move window to desktop X
Switch to next/previous desktop
Switch to next/previous desktop list
Go to desktop X ⊞ Win +D
Go to left/right/up/down desktop
Show / hide desktop ⊞ Win+D
Activate window demanding attention
Kill window Alt+F4 or Ctrl+F4 varies [2]
Close dialog Esc

[edit] Widget navigation

Action Windows XP / Vista / 7

Moves keyboard focus to next/previous control Tab ⇆ / ⇧ Shift+Tab ⇆
Pop up tooltip for currently focused control ⇧ Shift+F1
Show context-sensitive help for currently focused window or control ⇧ Shift+F1
Give focus to next/previous pane Ctrl+F6 / Alt+F6
Give focus to splitter bar in paned window
Give focus to window's menu bar F10 or Alt
Pop up contextual menu for currently selected objects ⇧ Shift+F10 or Menu
Toggle selected state of focused checkbox, radio button, or toggle Space
Activate focused button, menu item etc. ↵ Enter
Select/move to first/last item in selected widget
Scroll selected view by one page up/left/down/right

[edit] Tab management

Action Windows XP / Vista / 7

Create new tab Ctrl+T
Close current tab Ctrl+W
Go to next/previous tab Ctrl+Tab ⇆ / Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Tab ⇆

[edit] Desktop navigation

Action Windows XP / Vista / 7

Run new application ⊞ Win+R
Open new browser window with same page as Alt+( D then ↵ Enter )
Ctrl+N (Explorer / Internet Explorer)
Start menu / Applications menu ⊞ Win or Ctrl+Esc
Copy a screenshot to clipboard Print Screen or Ctrl+Print Screen
Copy a screenshot of window to clipboard Alt+Print Screen
Lock desktop ⊞ Win+L or Ctrl+Alt+Space
⊞ Win+D or
Show desktop ⊞ Win+M (then use ⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+M to bring back all
Switch active user ⊞ Win+L [4]
Task manager Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Esc, Ctrl+Alt+Delete[5]
Rename file F2

[edit] Command line shortcuts

Below is a list of common keyboard shortcuts that are used in a command line environment.

Microsoft Windows Windows
Action OS X
(cmd.exe) (Windows
Scroll through History of
↑/↓ ↑/↓ ↑/↓
typed commands
Signal end-of-file Ctrl+Z Ctrl+D
Abort current
Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Ctrl+C
Erase word to the left Ctrl+W
Erase word to the right Alt+D
Erase line to the left Esc Ctrl+U
Erase line to the right Esc Ctrl+End Ctrl+K
Move one word to the left
Ctrl+← Ctrl+← Alt+B
Move one word to the right
Ctrl+→ Ctrl+→ Alt+F
Move to beginning of line Home
Move to end of line End
Reverse search of history F7
Stop execution of the current
Insert the next character
typed verbatim
Autocomplete command/file Tab ⇆ (if enabled eg. via
name TweakUI)
⇧ Shift+PageUp (older versions of
Scroll window up
Windows XP only)
⇧ Shift+PageDown (older versions
Scroll window down
of Windows XP only)
Win = Start Menu,

Win + Pause = System Properties,

Win + D = Show Desktop,

Win + M = Minimize all windows,

Win + E = Launch Win Explorer (@ My Computer),

Win + R = Run Command,

Win + Shift + M = Maximize all windows,

Win + L (XP) = Lock OS,

Alt + Tab = Shift between Windows,

Alt + Shift + Tab = Shift between Windows (Reverse Order),

Alt + Spacebar + N = Minimize current window,

Alt + F4 = Close Current Window,

Alt + Spacebar + X = Maximize,

Alt + Spacebar + R = Restore,

Ctrl+X = Cut,

Ctrl+C = Copy,

Ctrl+V = Paste,

Ctrl+A = Select ALL,

Ctrl+P = Print,

Ctrl+ Shift + F10 = Shows Context Menu (Mouse Right Click Effect),

Ctrl+Esc = Start Menu,

Ctrl + Shift + Esc = Show Task Manager,

Application Specific (generally): Ctrl + S = Save, Ctrl + F = Find

@ Desktop/Win Explorer: F2 = Rename File, F3/Win + S = Launch Search

Quick Hint: Those who hate typing long folder names/paths can simply drag and drop the whole entry from
Windows Explorer Address Bar to Command prompt. (click on the left most end to pick)

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