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Graphic Organizer Directions:

1. Look over the Documents included in your packet. Each Document

gives one answer for the DBQ questions:
 Why did many African-Americans leave their homes in the South
to start new lives in the Northern Cities after World War I?
 How were their lives different after making this migration?

2. Start with the first question. Why did many African-Americans leave their
homes in the South to start new lives in the Northern Cities after World
War I?

3. List three reasons for this migration. On the graphic organizer, write these
reasons in the boxes labeled “Reason 1, Reason 2, and Reason 3”.

4. For each reason, find two documents that provide information or proof for
believing this reason is important. Write a summary of the proof and a
note about which document you found the proof in the texts labeled

5. At the top of the page, in the box labeled “Your Position”, write a
sentence that states that you think African-Americans migrated north for
x.y, and z (Reasons 1, 2, and 3).

6. You now are ready to answer the second question: “How were their lives
different after making this migration?”

7. Use the second graphic organizer to follow the same process for the
second question.

8. When the graphic organizer is complete for both questions, you have a
basic outline for your essay question!

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