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Action Button – is ready-made button that you can insert into your presentation and definite hyperlinks

Animation Schemes – preformatted effects that you can easily add to you presentation

Auto Content Wizard – display a generic text format

Auto Layout – guide you throughout the creation of a presentation

Auto Shape – ready-made shape which include the basic shape

Browser – to open the publish as dialog box

Bullets – used to emphasize point in a presentation

CD-R – a blank rewritable

CD-RW – can be overwritten

Cell –

Chart – can be customized according to your preference

Check Spelling Tool – necessary because misspelled text in slide is very visible

Clip-art –

Clip Art Gallery – include sound and movie

Clip Art Organizer –

Clip art Task Pane – used to search for/insert effects to slide

Collate – when printing more than one copy

Color Scheme – for putting background colors on the different parts of slide

Create New Folder –

Cursor –

Custom Motion Path –

Custom Animation – display the objects and animation applied

Customized – using the preformatted color schemes/devise

3-D Shape – the look of a particular object

Data Sheet – where you enter number series and title information
Diagram – to create and organizational chart

Dialog Box – to locate and message our file

Destination File – can no longer edited from the source data sheet

Email – type e-mail address

Embedded Chart – the chart and data sheet created in MS Excel

File – collection of data or records

Fill Effects –

Footer – those items that appear near the bottom of every slide

Folder – if you are sure current location

GIF – in indefinite in the slip-art by a star icon

Gradient – which you can devise a color

Grid – ised in setting up the measurement for the drawing area

Group – are treated as one

Handouts – are miniature images of you slides

Handout Master – useful to customize the handouts

Header –

Help Text Box –

Hyperlink – shortcut from one to another slide

Ink Annotations 0 used to draw freestyle lines and object

Internet –

Intranet –

Internet Service Provider – offers fun and exciting features

Imported Text – a text file created in MS Word


Kiosk Presentation – can be set to run automatically until the escape

Landscape –

Legend – part of the chart that you can format

Marker –

Merge –

Microsoft Excel Worksheet – can be embedded in your file to original source

Microsoft Outlook –

Mirror Image –

Multimedia –

Network Administrator –

Normal View – contains three panes

Notes Pane – help speaker as a guide

Notes Page –

Notes Page View – to add comments to each slide

Office Clipboard –

Online Broadcasting – scheduleover the Internet

Outline – shows you the structure of presentation

Outline Tab –

Overhead Projector –

Pane – you can choose which elements in presentation to focus

Pack and Go –

Package for CD –

Pattern –
Presentation – a collection of slide, handouts, notes and outline

Pointer Motion Path – use for more options

Pointer Option –

Resizing Handle –

Ruler Guides – can use to measure vertical and horizontal distance of drawing area

Review Cycle – can be easily set

Recipient –

Slide – individual pages of the presentation

Slide Show – display the presentation in full-screen

Slide Sorter – display in thumbnails or miniatures

Slide Master – display a title slide and a bulleted list slide

Slide Layout – can still be changed even if it contains text

Slide Background – changing the4 appearance of slides

Slide Layout – slide can still be formatted

Slide Thumbnails –

Slide Transition – are the effects for slide to slide

Search Tab – search for sound only

Source File – can be edited a linked chart

Slide Timings – set manually the show rehearsal

Set Up Show – to loop continuously until the escape key

Speaker’s Notes – features in printing a presentation

Task Pane – help you to finish a task faster

Toolbar – can arrange according to you preference

Textbox –

Template – display a pre-formatted presentation

Task Pane –

Table – used as an alternative to a chart

Texture – import a picture for a background

Title Master –

Template – saved for future use

Transparencies – for overhead projector and outlines

True Type Fonts – can be embedded together with other project

U Ungroup – used to restore the grouping

Word Art – adds decorative style to a text

Webpage – display in the appropriate application

Sigrid Daryl S. Balite

Ms. Carol Clerigo

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