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Rev.Adv.Mater.Sci. 9 (2005) 34-44 P.K. Valavala and G.M. Odegard



P.K. Valavala and G.M. Odegard

Department of Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Technological University, 1400
Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, USA
Received: February 04, 2005

Abstract. A review of modeling techniques for predicting the mechanical behavior of polymer
nanocomposites is presented. A detailed discussion of Computational Chemistry and Compu-
tational Mechanics modeling techniques is given. The specific molecular-based and continuum-
based modeling approaches are described in terms of assumptions and theory. The approaches
discussed are Ab initio simulations, Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo, Analytical
Micromechanics, Computational Micromechanics, Finite Element Method, and Boundary Ele-
ment Method. In addition to the discussion of the methods, specific results from recent studies
are presented and compared. From these results, the general focus of current polymer
nanocomposite modeling studies is summarized.

1. INTRODUCTION considered as ideal reinforcements in composite

structures. For nanotube composite materials, it has
In 1985, Smalley and co-workers at Rice University
been shown that a carbon nanotube weight fraction
discovered cage-like carbon structures known as
of 1% results in the same increase in composite
fullerenes; named after R. Buckminster Fuller [1].
elastic modulus as a composite with a 10% weight
These fullerenes are C60 molecules with ‘buckyball’
fraction of carbon fibers, based on results from short-
or ‘truncated icosahedron’ structure consisting of
fiber composite theory [4]. This difference in elastic
20 hexagons and 12 pentagons with a nearly spheri-
modulus is predicted even though the size scale of
cal shape. In 1991, Iijma discovered carbon
the two reinforcements differs by three orders of
nanotubes [2]. Carbon nanotubes are closed
magnitude [5].
graphene sheets with a cylindrical shape with end
Nanopartcles with high aspect ratios have proven
caps. They can be described as long and slender
to be good reinforcing agents in polymeric materials
fullerenes. Research has shown that carbon
[6]. Among all nanoparticle reinforced composites,
nanotubes exhibit exceptional mechanical proper-
the most widely investigated systems are based on
ties [3]. Although there has been some variation in
silicates and clay particles. Ahn et al. reported that
the reported values for the carbon nanotube me-
the tensile modulus of composites reinforced with
chanical properties, the elastic modulus has been
unmodified silica nanoparticles improved upon in-
shown to be greater than 1 TPa and the tensile
creasing the silica content, however, the elongation
strength exceeds that of steel by over an order of
to failure decreased [7]. A research group at Toyota
magnitude. In view of the exceptional mechanical
developed an economic industrial process for the
properties of carbon nanotubes, they have been

Corresponding author: G.M. Odegard, email:

© 2005 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd.

Modeling techniques for determination of mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites 35

This review article will discuss the major model-

ing tools that are available for predicting the me-
chanical properties of nanostructured materials.
Analytical and computational approaches to con-
tinuum-mechanics based modeling are discussed.
Computational chemistry modeling approaches are
also discussed in detail. Results found in the litera-
ture for the various modeling tools are tabulated and
compared for six polymer nanocomposite systems.
The comparison emphasizes the flexibility of the
modeling approaches for different polymer nano-com-
posite geometries.
Fig. 1. Schematic of the process of developing
theory and the validation of experimental data 2. MODELING METHOD OVERVIEW
(adapted from [24]).
The importance of modeling in understanding of the
behavior of matter is illustrated in Fig. 1. The earli-
est attempt to understanding material behavior is
through observation via experiments. Careful mea-
surements of observed data are subsequently used
manufacture of polymer/clay nanocomposites. This
for the development of models that predict the ob-
work led to the development of composites with twice
served behavior under the corresponding conditions.
the Young’s modulus as that of the pure polymer.
The models are necessary to develop the theory.
The increase in Young’s modulus was also observed
The theory is then used to compare predicted be-
at elevated temperatures [8,9].
havior to experiments via simulation. This compari-
The tremendous mechanical properties of car-
son serves to either validate the theory, or to pro-
bon nanotubes and other nano-reinforcements can
vide a feedback loop to improve the theory using
be realized only if efficient load transfer exists be-
modeling data. Therefore, the development of a re-
tween the matrix and reinforcement [10-13]. It has
alistic theory of describing the structure and behav-
been shown that in some cases the load transfer
ior of materials is highly dependent on accurate mod-
between nanotubes and the surrounding matrix can
eling and simulation techniques.
be increased by introducing non-bonded interfacial
Mechanical properties of nanostructured mate-
compounds or chemical crosslinks between
rials can be determined by a select set of computa-
nanotubes and the matrix [14-17]. Despite these
tional methods. These modeling methods span a
early efforts, more research is required to fully un-
wide range of length and time scales, as shown in
derstand the effects of molecular structure of the
Fig. 2. For the smallest length and time scales,
nanotube/polymer interface on overall composite
Computational Chemistry techniques are primarily
mechanical properties. Although experimental-
used to predict atomic structure using first-principles
based research can ideally be used to determine
theory. For the largest length and time scales, Com-
structure-property relationships of nanostructured
putational Mechanics is used to predict the mechani-
composites, experimental synthesis and character-
cal behavior of materials and engineering structures.
ization of nanostructured composites demands the
Computational Chemistry and Computational Me-
use of sophisticated processing methods and test-
chanics modeling methods are based on thoroughly-
ing equipment; which could result in exorbitant
established principles that have been developed in
costs. To this end, computational modeling tech-
science and engineering. However, the intermedi-
niques for the determination of mechanical proper-
ate length and time scales do not have general
ties of nanocomposites have proven to be very ef-
modeling methods that are as well-developed as
fective [18-25]. Computational modeling of polymer
those on the smallest and largest time and length
nanocomposite mechanical properties renders the
scales. Therefore, multiscale modeling techniques
flexibility of efficient parametric study of
are employed, which take advantage of Computa-
nanocomposites to facilitate the design and devel-
tional Chemistry and Computational Mechanics
opment of nanocomposite structures for engineer-
methods simultaneously for the prediction of the
ing applications.
structure and properties of materials.
36 P.K. Valavala and G.M. Odegard

Fig. 2. Various length and time scales used in determining mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites.

As indicated in Fig. 2, each modeling method putational Chemistry. The continuum-based meth-
has broad classes of relevant modeling tools. The ods primarily include techniques such as the Finite
Quantum mechanical and Nanomechanical model- Element Method (FEM), the Boundary Element
ing tools assume the presence of a discrete mo- Method (BEM), and the micromechanics approach
lecular structure of matter. Micromechanical and developed for composite materials. Specific
Structural Mechanics assume the presence of a Micromechanical techniques include Eshelby ap-
continuous material structure. Fig. 3 is a schematic proach, Mori-Tanaka method, Halpin-Tsai method
that details the relationship of specific modeling [26-36]. The molecular modeling tools include mo-
techniques in Computational Mechanics and Com- lecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, and Ab-initio tech-

Fig. 3. Diagram of material modeling techniques.

Modeling techniques for determination of mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites 37

niques. Each of these continuum and molecular- Different methods exist for evaluation of the con-
based modeling methods are described below. centration tensor. When Ar = I; the above equation
results in the rule-of-mixtures approach. Neglecting
3. CONTINUUM METHODS the interaction between the reinforcing particles re-
sults in the dilute concentration approximation. The
These modeling methods assume the existence of dilute concentration tensor is given by
continuum for all calculations and generally do not
include the chemical interactions between the con-
stituent phases of the composite. These methods
A r = I + Sr C1 C r − C1
a f −1
, (8)

can be classified as either analytical or computa- where Sr is the constituent eshelby tensor [31]. The
tional. eshelby tensor can be evaluated as a function of
reinforcement dimensions, air, of the reinforcing
3.1. Analytical continuum modeling phase r and properties of the matrix,
The overall properties of composites can be esti- r r
Sr = f (C1 , a1 , a2 , a3 ).
mated by a volume average stress and strain fields
of the individual constituents [37]. The overall stress Various expressions for the eshelby tensor can be
and strain of a composite with N distinct phases found in literature [28-36]. For Mori-Tanaka approach,
can be represented as follows the concentration tensor is given by

= A c I + ∑c A
OP , N

σ= cr σ r ,
MT dil dil
(1) As s 1 r r (10)
r =1 r =2

N where A r given by Eq. (8). Another form of concen-
ε= ∑c ε , r r (2) tration tensor used in the Self-consistent scheme
r =1
is given by
where σr is the stress tensor and εr is the strain −1
tensor of phase r, cr is the volume fraction of phase
A r = I + Sr C (C r − C )
r, and the overbar denotes a volume-averaged quan-
where C is the unknown composite modulus. The
tity. The constitutive equation for each phase is given
Self-consistent scheme utilizes an iterative tech-
nique to evaluate the modulus of the composite
σ r = Cr ε r , (3) material.
Pipes et al. used an anisotropic elasticity ap-
where Cr is the stiffness tensor of phase r. The con- proach to study the behavior of a layered cylinder
stitutive relationship between stress and strain for a with layers of discontinuous CNT following a helical
composite material is given in terms of volume aver- path in each layer [38,39]. Odegard et al. used the
aged stress and strain fields Mori-Tanaka method to predict elastic properties of
σ = Cε . (4) polyimide/CNT composites at various lengths, ori-
entations, and volume fractions [25]. A similar
The volume average strain of phase r is micromechanics-based approach was used by
(5) Odegard et al. to predict the properties of CNT/
εr = A r ε ,
polyethelene composites. This study also exam-
where Ar is the concentration tensor of phase r and ined the effects of CNT functionalization in CNT/poly-
ethylene composites and showed that
functionalization deteriorated the composite me-
∑c A r r
= I, (6)
chanical properties. In another study, MWNT/poly-
r =1
styrene composite elastic properties were shown
where I is the identity tensor. Combining above equa- to be sensitive to nanotube diameter by an approach
tions results in the stiffness tensor in terms of the based on Halpin-Tsai micromechanical method [40].
constituent stiffness tensors, Lagoudas et al. predicted elastic properties of CNT/
epoxy composites using a variety of analytical
∑ c aC f

C = C1 + r r
− C1 A r . (7) micromechanics approaches [41].
r =2
38 P.K. Valavala and G.M. Odegard

3.2. Computational continuum CNT composites. They treated CNTs as rigid fibers
modeling and the properties were obtained in an analogous
manner to a rigid inclusion problem. The estimated
Continuum-based computational modeling tech- modulus was found to be very close to that pre-
niques include FEM and BEM. While these ap- dicted by MD simulations [20]. They concluded that
proaches do not always supply exact solutions, they BEM can be a very useful for first-order approxima-
can provide very accurate estimates for a wide range tion of mechanical properties in large-scale model-
of assumptions. These approaches are described ing of CNT composites.
in detail below.
Finite element method. FEM can be used for nu- 4. MOLECULAR MODELING
merical computation of bulk properties based on the
In recent years molecular modeling has emerged
geometry, properties, and volume fraction of con-
as an important tool in the prediction of physical
stituent phases [42-44]. FEM involves discretization
material properties such as elastic response, atomic
of a material representative volume element (RVE)
structure, vibrational frequencies, heat of reaction,
into elements for which the elastic solutions lead to
electric permitivity, and binding energies. Molecular
determination of stress and strain field. The coarse-
modeling assumes a noncontinuous composition
ness of the discretization determines the accuracy
of the material, which makes it a powerful tool for
of the solution. Nanoscale RVEs of different geo-
studying atomic interactions at the nanometer length
metric shapes can be chosen for simulation of me-
scale. Due to the discrete nature of these tech-
chanical properties [18,19]. However, high complex-
niques, they are often limited by the length and time
ity of models, expensive software, and time-con-
scales that can be achieved in the simulations, and
suming simulations limit the utility of this method.
thus the techniques can be computationally exhaus-
FEM-based micromechanics has been used
tive. Three widely used molecular modeling tech-
extensively for the prediction of mechanical proper-
niques for the prediction of mechanical properties
ties of nanostructured composites. Li et al. used an
of nanostructured materials are molecular dynam-
FEM-based approach to investigate the stress con-
ics (MD), Monte Carlo (MC), and ab initio simula-
centration at the end of carbon nanotubes and the
effects of nanotube aspect ratio on the load transfer
between nanotubes and matrix [45]. Bradshaw et
al. used FEM to evaluate the strain concentration 4.1. Molecular dynamics
tensor in a composite consisting of wavy carbon MD is the most widely used modeling technique for
nanotubes. Fisher et al. used FEM to determine the simulation of nanostructured materials. MD al-
the effect of waviness on effective moduli of CNT lows accurate predictions of interactions between
composites. Chen et al. used different shapes of constituent phases at the atomic scale. It involves
RVEs to understand the dependence of predicted the determination of the time evolution of a set of
properties on the element shape. interacting atoms, followed by integration of the
Boundary element method. BEM is a continuum corresponding equations of motion. The equations
mechanics approach which involves solving bound- of motion are given by Newton’s second law:
ary integral equations for the evaluation of stress
Fi = m i ai , (12)
and strain fields [46]. This method uses elements
only along the boundary, unlike FEM, which involves where Fi is the force on atom i and mi and ai are the
elements throughout the volume; thus making BEM mass and acceleration, respectively, of atom i in a
less computationally exhaustive than FEM [47-49]. system of N atoms.
BEM can be applied from micro to macro scale MD is a statistical mechanics method. A set of
modeling [20]. In BEM, it is assumed that a mate- configurations is distributed according to a statisti-
rial continuum exists, and therefore, the details of cal ensemble or statistical distribution function. The
molecular structure and atomic interactions are ig- trajectories of the motion of the atoms are calcu-
nored. lated under the influence of interaction forces of the
The rigid fiber model has been shown to be very atoms. The trajectory is calculated in a phase space
effective in estimation of fiber composites [50]. Ingber with 6N dimensions; three position and three mo-
et al. have shown agreement in predicted modulus menta components for each atom. Calculation of
using BEM and analytical results for fiber compos- physical quantities by MD simulation is obtained
ites. Liu et al. used a fast multipole method to model by arithmetic averages of instantaneous energy val-
Modeling techniques for determination of mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites 39

system involving only carbon and hydrogen,

Brenner’s potential is widely used for bonded inter-
actions [51]. Brenner’s potential is based on the
principle that the strength of the bond between two
atoms is not constant, but depends on local condi-
tions. It can be expressed as

V = ∑ ∑ V (r ) − B V (r ) , R ij ij A ij (16)
i j ( >i )

where the summation is performed over bonds of

the system, rij is the distance between atoms i and
j, VR(rij) and VA(rij) are repulsive and attractive inter-
actions, respectively, and Bij is the manybody cou-
pling between atoms i and j and the local environ-
ment of atom i. Force fields provide a simple and
effective approach for describing the atomic poten-
tial of interacting atoms consisting of many differ-
ent atom types [52-56]. The force field can be de-
scribed by the sum of the individual energy contri-
Fig. 4. Force field degrees of freedom. butions from each degree of freedom of the system
of N atoms, as shown in Fig. 4. The non-bonded
interactions shown in Fig. 4 represent van der Waals,
hydrogen, and electrostatic bonding. The force field
equation developed by Cornell et al. for organic
molecular systems is [52]
ues from individual simulation steps. MD simula-
tions, if run for a sufficiently long time, can com-
∑ K br − r g + ∑ K bθ − θ g +
2 2
pletely sample the phase space, however, in prac- V = r eq θ eq
tice, simulation times are limited. Physical quanti- bonds angles

ties are sampled after the molecular system reaches Vn

a thermodynamic equilibrium. ∑ 2
1 + cos( nφ − γ ) +

Interactions of different atom types are described (17)

by an atomic potential. The total potential energy of B IJ


the system can be evaluated as a function of the I <J
12 6
position of the atoms at a given time,

V = V (ri ,..., rN ), (13) where Kr is the bond stretching force constant, r is

the distance between atoms, req is the equilibrium
where ri is the position of atom i in a system of N distance between atoms, Kθ is the bond-angle bend-
atoms for a particular simulation step. The positions ing force constant, θ is the bond angle, θeq is the
of atoms are expressed relative to each other so equilibrium bond angle, Vn is the torsion force con-
that the atomic potential is invariant with respect to stant, γ is the phase offset, n is the periodicity of
coordinate transformations. The force on an atom i the torsion, AIJ and BIJ are van der Waals force con-
is determined from the gradient of the potential V stants between non-bonded atoms I and J, and rIJ
with respect to atomic displacements ri, is the non-bonded distance between atoms I and J.
The van der Waals interaction term in Eq. (17) is in
Fi = −∇V ( r1 ... rN ) . (14)
the form of the Lennard-Jones potential. Tables 1
The total energy of the system is and 2 list force constants for bond stretching and
bond angles bending, respectively, for different atom
E = K +V , (15) types [52].
where K is the kinetic energy and V is the potential The Equivalent-Continuum Method (ECM) is used
energy of the system. to determine the bulk-level mechanical properties
The potential describing the interaction of atoms of a material from the molecular model. ECM is a
in an organic material is given in many forms. For a methodology for linking computational chemistry
40 P.K. Valavala and G.M. Odegard

Table 1. Bond stretching force constants for aromatic carbon (CA) and aliphatic carbon (CT) [52].

Interacting Atom Types Equilibrium Spacing Force Constant

r (Å) Kr (kcal/mol/ Å2)

CA-CA 1.4 469

CT-CT 1.526 310
CA-CT 1.510 317

Table 2. Bond-angle bending force constants for aromatic carbon (CA), aliphatic carbon (CT), and hydro-
gen (HC) [52].

Interacting Atom Types Equilibrium Angle Force Constant

θ (deg) Kθ (kcal/mol/rad 2)

CA-CA-CA 120 63
CA-CT-CT 114 63
CT-CT-HC 109.5 50

and solid mechanics. An equivalent continuum, iden-

tical to the MD model in geometry, is developed
and a constitutive law is used to describe the me-
chanical behavior of the continuum. Fig. 5 shows a
molecular model of a nanotube reinforced polymer
composite and its equivalent continuum model. The
energies of deformation of the molecular and equiva-
lent-continuum models are derived for identical load-
ing conditions. The unknown mechanical properties
of the equivalent continuum are determined by
equating the energies of deformation of the two
models under these loading conditions. The proper-
ties of a larger-scale material are then determined
using the equivalent-continuum volume element
Odegard et al. have used the ECM and MD to
predict the properties of various CNT based com-
posite systems. They predicted the elastic proper-
ties of PmPV CNT/polyimide composite for a wide
range of nanotube lengths, orientations, and volume
fractions. They also used a similar approach to pre-
dict behavior of functionalized and non-functionalized
CNT/polyethylene composites [57]. Frankland et al.
used MD to study the influence of chemical
Fig. 5. The Equivalent-continuum model of a PmPV-
functionalization on the CNT/polyethylene compos-
nanotube composite [25].
ites [14]. They also studied the critical nanotube
length required for effective load transfer. Frankland
et al. predicted stress-strain curves from MD and
Modeling techniques for determination of mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites 41

compared them to those obtained from Ford et al. used MC techniques to study the
micromechanical models for CNT/polyethylene com- mechanical and phase behavior of quartz, cristo-
posites [58]. Hu et al. [15, 16] used MD to under- balite, coesite, and zeolite structures. The bulk
stand the effect of chemical functionalization on modulus predicted from their model was found to
toughness of CNT/polystyrene composites. be in good agreement with experimental values. They
MD has been used for simulation of other physi- concluded that the model can be used to determine
cal properties of nanocomposites. Wei et al. showed properties of silica nanostructures with atomistic
that addition of CNTs to polyethylene resulted in an detail. Chui et al. used a MC-based modeling ap-
increase of thermal expansion, glass transition tem- proach to study deformation, rate of deformation,
perature, and diffusion coefficients of the polymer and temperature dependence of large strain defor-
[59]. Lordi and Yao calculated sliding frictional mation in amorphous polymeric materials [63].
stresses between CNT and various polymer sub-
strates based on molecular mechanics simulations 4.3. Ab initio
[60]. Liang et al. showed the presence of an attrac-
tive interaction between SWNTs and epoxy poly- Unlike most materials simulation methods that are
mer matrix [61]. Frankland characterized the based on classical potentials, the main advantages
interfacial friction model for the pull-out of SWNTs of ab initio methods, which is based on first-prin-
from a polyethylene matrix [62]. ciples density functional theory (without any adjust-
able parameters), are the generality, reliability, and
accuracy of these methods. They involve the solu-
4.2. Monte Carlo
tion of Schrödinger’s equation for each electron, in
MC is a class of probabilistic mathematical models the selfconsistent potential created by the other elec-
for the prediction of the behavior and outcome of a trons and the nuclei. Ab initio methods can be ap-
system. The outcomes of MC are statistical in na- plied to a wide range of systems and properties.
ture and subject to laws of probability. In most cases However, these techniques are computationally ex-
it involves a multidimensional integration over the haustive, making them difficult for simulations in-
sample space. Different MC techniques can be used volving large numbers of atoms.
for determination of material properties; classical There are three widely-used procedures in ab
MC, quantum MC, volumetric MC and kinetic MC. initio simulation. These procedures are single point
Classical MC involves drawing samples from a prob- calculations, geometry optimization, and frequency
ability distribution, often the classical Boltzmann calculation. Single point calculations involve the de-
distribution, to obtain thermodynamic properties or termination of energy and wave functions for a given
minimum-energy structures. Quantum MC utilizes geometry. This is often used as a preliminary step
random walks to compute quantum-mechanical in a more detailed simulation. Geometry calcula-
energies and wave functions to solve electronic tions are used to determine energy and wave func-
structure problems, generally using Schrödinger’s tions for an initial geometry, and subsequent geom-
equation as starting point. Volumetric MC gener- etries with lower energy levels. A number of proce-
ates random numbers to determine volumes per dures exist for establishing geometries at each cal-
atom or to perform geometrical analysis. Kinetic MC culation step. Frequency calculations are used to
simulates process by the use of scaling arguments predict Infrared and Raman intensities of a molecu-
to establish time scales. It also includes MD simu- lar system. Ab initio simulations are restricted to
lations which involves stochastic effects. small numbers of atoms because of the intense
Based on the dependence of time, MC simula- computational resources that are required.
tions can be classified as either metropolis MC or Ab initio techniques have been used on a lim-
kinetic MC. Metropolis MC applies to systems un- ited basis for the prediction of mechanical proper-
der equilibrium, and thus is independent of time. ties of polymer-based nanostructured composites.
This method generates configurations according to A study conducted by Mylvaganam et al. demon-
a statistical-mechanics distribution, whereas kinetic strated that nanotubes of smaller diameters have
MC deals with systems under non-equilibrium. The higher binding energies in a polyethylene matrix [64].
kinetic MC technique uses transition rates that de- Bauschlicher studied the bonding of fluorine and
pend on the energy barrier between the states, with hydrogen atoms to nanotubes [65]. He showed that
time increments formulated so that they relate to fluorine atoms favored to bond to existing fluorine
the microscopic kinetics of the system. atoms.
42 P.K. Valavala and G.M. Odegard

Table 3. Material systems characterized by different modeling techniques.

Material System Simulation Method Predicted Properties Conclusions/Remarks

CNT/Polyethylene MD, Mori-Tanaka Elastic Modulus The moduli of functionalized and

non-functionalized systems were
determined and compared [17]
MD Elastic Modulus Effect of chemical crosslink
density on load transfer was
established [14]
MD Stress-Strain Comparisons of composite
modulus from MD and rule-of-
mixtures techniques for three
different cases of nanotubes was
predicted [66, 67]
CNT/ Polyimide MD, Mori-Tanaka Elastic Modulus Critical length for maximum load
transfer was determined and the
use of chemical interface between
nanotube and matrix was explored
Nanoclay/ MD,Halpin-Tsai Elastic Modulus The effects of interlayers, the
Polyamide structure of clay clusters, and
platelet distributions on properties
were determined and compared to
Halpin-Tsai predictions [66]
MD, Halpin-Tsai, Elastic Properties Multiscale modeling of nanoclay
Mori-Tanaka, FEM reinforced polymer composites
was presented [23]
CNT/ Epoxy MD Interfacial Bonding Effect of nanotube loading on
mechanical properties was
established [67]
CNT/ Polystyrene MD, Halpin-Tsai Load Transfer The effects of nanotube diameter
and cross-links between
nanotubes and polymer on
mechanical properties were
studied [16,41]
Nanoparticle/ MD, Eshelby Elastic Modulus Effect of the nanoparticle/
Polyimide polyimide interface on elastic
properties was determined [68]

5. SIMULATED RESULTS or load transfer between the reinforcement and poly-

mer matrix.
As indicated in the review above, numerous attempts
From the general results from these studies,
have been made to study the mechanical behavior
several conclusions can be drawn. First, there is a
of polymer nanocomposites using modeling tech-
strong effect of the interfacial conditions between
niques. A summary of some of these techniques
the nano-reinforcement and matrix on the mechani-
as applied to six material systems is shown in Table
cal properties. The interfacial conditions can improve
3. For each material system, one or more simula-
the load transfer via bonded (functionalization) or
tion methods have been applied to examine elastic
non-bonded means. Second, there is a measurable
modulus, constitutive behavior, interfacial bonding,
influence of nanotube length and diameter on the
Modeling techniques for determination of mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites 43

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