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Second part

Draw the profiles

Home tab/Modeling panel/Presspull

1-Click any area bounded by coplanar lines or edges

2-Drag the mouse to press or pull the bounded area
3-Enter a value to specify the height (500 for A B and 100 for C) and press enter

Home tab/Sub-object panel/Gizmo rotate

Select a solid C. You have a gizmo which appears

Select the center of gizmo and move to the bottom left corner of solid

Select the green axis to constrain the rotation

Use ORTHO F8 and angle of rotation (90)

Select a solid A. You have a gizmo which appears

Select the center of gizmo and move to the middle bottom of solid B
Select the red axis to constrain the rotation

Use ORTHO F8 and angle of rotation (270)

Now we going to create our object

I used colors to visualize better the various parts

Home tab/Solid Editing panel/Subtract

1- Select the solid (green one)-to subtract from and press Enter
2- Select the solid (red one)-to subtract .and press Enter
Home tab/Solid Editing panel/Subtract
1- Select the solid (green one)-to subtract from and press Enter
2- Select the solid (blue one)-to subtract .and press Enter

Now, we going to create a surface used to slice a top of solid

Home tab/Modeling panel/Loft

1-select each profile (3 lines) in correct order and press enter

2-[options] follow a path select arc as a path
Home tab/Solid editing panel/Slice

1-select a solid and press enter

2-[options] Surface enter S and press enter
3-Select a surface
4-Let default value <Both> just press enter

5-delete the top (red part)

Creation of round edge

Home/Modify panel/Fillet

1-select edge
2-give a radius (20) and enter
3-enter or select additional edges depend if you want to control the radius individually or together
Creation of round fillet outside of seat


1-select edge
2-give a radius (3) and enter
3-[options] Loop enter L and press enter (Loop permit to select all edges with the same surface)
4-select edge

To finish

Creation of round fillet hole of seat


1-select edge
2-give a radius (10) and enter
3-[options] Loop enter L and press enter (Loop permit to select all edges with the same surface)
4-select edge

The end

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