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Present Perfect (3)

1. How long has she called herself Claudette?
2. Claudette has been a model for eight years.
3. How long has it been since she joined…? Claudette has been a model for Jean
Grotesque’s fashion house for 7 years.
4. Have been living together for one year
5. Has been successful since
6. How long has it been since Claudette started her own TV show? She has had her own
TV show since 1999.
7. Rose from 200.000 to 20 million in 1999
8. FABTV has been broadcasting her show since Jean…
9. Claudette has become famous since…
10. Claudette hasn’t returned to England since…
11. It has been /It is over…
12. How long has it been / is it since…


1. Crunchester United Football Team hasn’t won a match since November 2000.
2. Michelle has robbed seven banks since Harry went to prison.
3. Nick and Jill have managed an agency for 10 years.
4. Nobody has seen Billy Buttons since last December.
5. I haven’t had a holiday since the summer 1998.
6. Myron hasn’t made a film for 5 years.
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous

1. have not been watching
2. have robbed
3. have never stolen
4. have you been doing
5. have landed
6. have switched
7. have entered
8. have you stolen
9. have been hiding
10. have been waiting
11. have come
12. has succeeded


1. I have danced; I have never danced

2. I have been washing
3. They have repaired
4. I have been looking
5. I have chosen; I have sent
6. I have not written; I have been waiting
7. Has finished; has blown
8. Has chosen; has not paid
9. Has been talking


1. How long have you known…?

2. Have the other secretaries been working hard?
3. Has Brigitte been arriving late for work?
4. Have you been putting the letters…?
5. How long have you owned it?
6. Have you been robbing the company?
7. Has Brigitte been using the office phone…?

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