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Also by .Jlli1Illi~ Ca,m,er,?u': .

, f lIr)rlmk «(,"o-"H'U'hOfC'd "!Ir!;Hidil ~1'Lllrk nr~r.l'h)

Tlu' 1If.i",rt) fJ .

A,\f J i I aJbl C 0]1 !lu'd'IOI.:ILp~:

• t- ·~JI'/,."". ,\IC',f·,,'j,n~J \1m r Crt.'~ ,i!.rt" J\lr"u ~nl'J JWOIUI.'''"

1"Jr€ A II"t~9~ J; ~fiJ. ""'t· I' "", "'''''''

Th .. Artist's Way A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity

Julia Cameron

j-CfiC'm~' [:II. ']'~lT(:hf'"r J ~uu.m l m~m~r 11lI1 [ICf'lflHl1I 1~1~ii'll11i1 InC.

Nn\' YOM

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fl,!lS "l-'i"",;:..(of'.I-5

I. Crr.a.l!H' lbb'-'!.-I1'ObI;:;il:'!. ot'Ml'I(tjd. J;[€. ~ Sdt"-.ll!;nlJliul!Jion

• -PI: I _jr- .... !miftim. Qd~. t{f. J. Grr:'.loIlir:lI~ rLi~t.f.ll')', iilrt~1'k,

f~! I TI'Jr

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J~J!i'1I). r nr,-l1It1'if\J'j'IJII'I ~~~i,"i~

f''''fr.!,uiJIJ ~ Inc. J»H~r'I~"C

~t'W l{Of ~lr 10014

.,no."W ~I.!"IPrJtnoini.("m

~~l1lf.! 0 .~ ~J JtI IC~lIoftOIJi

.uJ r.~ rt'd'o rd ~ ~k. ll:' FftlO rnd'~C 11:JJ'!1' [~ ~ ~q.»'lXIu«d iift _, :iwr:: l'Iil~~ ~r::.:0fL l\I~ 'lifi1tJ!1tJt:lNLJ11i In ('''..acrt.lidiJ.


~ ~ .... ~ ~ J nrou p~w. ~o) ~~tr t.ft'.;!tLvi~· I J!lli~ CJm~mll.

pl, ~ ~"":J!tIi iJdmm:r

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p..,rr;.ro:! ~ li~i!cJ \u~'"' r lli.n: J

1(119 j! 7l;6 751.; i'l12

' tJ, pr1-'I:i:Q ~ ~fe~ pJrtr· e


Week J: Reeoveri ng a Sense a r Siafe t'1 ;2.:i

S/uul(ju! A rj,'.istS' 2 j ~III' EmmJY Wit'~'iJi; Core

Ncgari vt Bdrt!fi J'O' Yo'mr .JUly ~Vi'di 111:' J\(li'T"~ti VI?

m;.\\1POllS J3' C'reafi ~t .Affinmuioll,l 1'6

Ua~k-5 J l' Che('h~- I:;.~, 4Q

Wm~:k ,~: RcCOYf'Ij ng a Sense of Id,cnt i'~y 4. [

',~ Sm~i' 4:1 PQl:nui!'o~'fs .Plal'fl~h~S 4:1.

Cr(I%j'tJUrkers 44 Sk~p,,~JilU~S'fl 49

A II e/uiOli 52 l~,des OjdIf!.' l(oari 55 Thsks $6 Clitrtk,-lt-i Se.

Week -3,: Reco'Vcril],g ;:Ii Sense ii)f Power 6,1,

A ,'it'e'.r 6" I Synchil'i"';J1icn1l 62 srll'a~u,(' 67

DtliJl~:~'J~' 1,v~:f""C'iiJiti nl. '7:1. Deli;,a~' liflbr£!,

tnl E~tt"lise 7J C,roJlii~J',1 '74 n.d,~cs 75

Che,k-/~,~ '77

Week : Recoveri ri,t ~ Sense of [nl:cg!"]t)· 79

H(me 9r C/nltltleS "If}.' .Bu1Firn D~~j.u. ~jj

Eseeise 86 .nt'j:J.di~,g Drpti MtrcQ.!:,r 8'7 lldes 89 CliJ,~('k~.I'i 90

W0ck j: RCCQY~r;,mlg 3 S ense of Poss.ibilit}1' 9 I

Linn:rs 91 .Fj~uli,aR rh' . River 94 Th Virfmi~

nap 96 Thc Virtfh?Tr-aJ,J Q'~i:z 101 Fr;rvidd,(,''fl

]tJrs~ ~m Exerrise 10 i L iu, ,~~I E-rcnis€ ., 02

Tasks J O.f Cl'lc(k-l'!1. 104

Week 6: Recoverl ng a Sense of AbtU;idMlCC 10 j

The- 'G"~ j C~t,ow lOS L~I"\";u f};I' .f 0 COIIUrui'Jg'.

(IU! EXt'nislf" 11..2 ·W;C.HICJ' 'Wa'dt,~fSS~ ml.EJIO;rrl'isf!' l.r.; nsk 1 I J Cllt>t:k -I'll 114

I 'WIS~Ji TO ItCKN'OWI.6IJGiE. my clrcaitivc cQIl~'at!J;~c~ E.dn1Jt~l1cl Towl,~~ who f1Jithfully road-tesaed these pdndple~. ~md whose {t.,'Ctlb9Ck [ fQund ~'11,vallLmble. lwish to dunk: Juli,Hll1Ja McC.l'rtll'Y~ G ernld Ay I'i(;'S'I< Jo]~r.iI, N ,and] S,I r A~~Il'hol1'y hi epk i ns f(J!l' the,ir personal CfC~lti,vC ali,um,g'lf! and d:llii;ir gem'acr.o~illy '~n ~~t:: (:11- COli ragemene of others I .e.r-.e~t:i vity. [ ~3~,U te Ti mesh t' Wh t:i:4 ter (or c ric a rtb1Jg, a ~odly of sO!LHld It'h3t enOCHlIJrag,es, 3!m'1ld CIIC 'tCilI, a body of ligJu" His heaBng millfiMJ5]C h3'S proved j'l v:;duaMe to lhi~ work, I ehank l'Il,y agent, S'IiJS~11 Schulman, fer her astringenr WI,( and pcrspicad,ty. Addi,liolm!aJrul~" the ll-C'ver,cluls. Sarra and ,M~kc Miw~il[1J of Unity. Cl1J~,caJg,o: Mic'i]c]e LOWTa'[¥cc. l~:ua~.l Leddy W~ ldroa, Gi n 11'Y Wc,isun.3,11 i MlebcUc: Citron. K;]t h},' Chur.;uy. iIlnd Ma:dl.yn Li,ebe:rI11@J~1I.; :How.;;u,d Mandel and Gay[:c Seminara of Ttrams,iliOIIlS BOCiditstore. Chic-a.gQ. Mosl cs, ] 'wish rCB ,a.c~u.n.w]edge my studenes amd the inspired cdit,ori I glJlid;;'iJ'll]c\:' of jan ehnson, Rick Bemz\:1. . nd jercl1J11JY Taseher, p'lLlblisber and rainm aker, ~t'"s. my bel ief dlaJt. til,co Gre:1llt Crea [Or led us .,,1.1.

W~ek r 2: R~eoveriil~g a S ellS€: ofF~d.[h . . "m 93

Tr.r.istitI8 19J JlI.ySl:f'ry 194' Tlu:.iI'l1a§;m'atto',! ,til

PJ~y 19'; BCd[)' Vth:~'i/r J 98 M~d!s ~ao CJUdl-/~1 .zo"


ThC?',Af~',i:S'I~ W~r 203 WordsJof It 2Q t

Appej[~d'i"': Tr~li I MiK

. 'nn/~iJ3t'L1l Stlnt,ri Ci.rd~ .20.)' Atl A,'I;SI~I~ ,ArayeF ,211

Rcadi ng L'h: ~





WltilN fJ~O':pU~ A~·K ME W~imillit ~ do, :1 usually arntSW!l:f~ "I'm a \11 r]teF.-di rector and [ ~eac]f1 du;!;;c- creativ uty wIQ~ks.l1:ops..·'"

1:'b,(; ]a:Sl OUl1.: i 11"~t' reses ~he:ifm ..

4'"How ,r~]'11 Y'0'U;II tt;[1ch cili"c.:}:t:~vh1?~~ ~'hey W,iUn: 1:0 blOIj,ll;,~. De .... fj,mnoc fi,~~tUS 'Wid~ cl'll'~,o8i.t}" on tht:'ir -£3(:'-=:5.

;. [ Ca!i:l't ••. , I t'Il::U tthc.rli'll. '" rn reach people to Je~ themse \ves be ere eive."

"'4'O~1. ¥~)U mean \~llIl'J'c aJI ereaeive?" N o,w d isbrd"'l!f ~Itl.d

hope baule h our. uYCiii.,'t

~,~ YC~lJ ,rM'.l~'" believe ~ha.t~~'


"S 0, \~b3'~ do yon do ?'"

This 'book is whM ] do. for ,L\ decade nOwt [ ha.vC' '~3ughit it s,pi·rm.tua'i wQ:rksho]) ill'lnoo ~n fr,~cing people's cr-e:nivilty_ :1 have eaught ;;Jjirt~st's and :li'iJonanin~. painters iliwd fibllJl'JJ3kcTS nd homemakers and hr'i.i'iIy-crs-an¥onc int~res'~~d ~liiL living mafiC; c re~d\l'dy th:~ough practicing 3:11 art; even mQ~ b:~cmd~y~, a nyOI'H! ~iiil~eres tC'i] in ·p:r.actidu.~ [lrU! art of eread ve l'ivil'c. 'W'hUc us:ing. t·eacEi'ing, ~;r:td sh;fJJving, ecols 1. havct:· f-OUIJd5 devised, d.i~ '\im,I'iI,cd2 iilud been. handed, [ :hav"t· seen MOC:ks diss,ohred and ] ives tfa:lflsfQrliiH.::d by '[~C sinlp]e process of cM'fI,gaging the Great Cre:nor. in di~covcr]iIJ1g and recover-inl CHJf c(,\c"J'~]'VC powers,

tiliTbe !Gr'e3.~ C'rC:!IJ~or?' That sounds ]na:' SUnl'L Nati\l"~ American IOd. Tha,t sounds ~oO Christi~I;"W~ toe New Age. too . ,. . ... Stllp,.ld·r S]n1vIJc~111indcd,? Tlue~~c~ril1l.!;? , ._ . ] kllo.~~. Th,i~'JJk of it as an escrcise :in cpen-mindedeess, juse think, ·"'Ok~y, G~e3,t Crcscer .. ,tMht1l'e~1Cr II,itU w~~ ~~ ~m:1I!d ~~}ee'p reading. A~LO'!.~r }'Ol1"fSe!.f to C:7il:pC rlment with tile ide there r.ilmiighr be-a Grear Crca ror :md yen.l [night gc'~ sonlllr! kin d of use' from it B,[\ frecitlg YOYlr own c ['\e~t ivity..

B'€(JJJ.1SC T'I'(.' A,Ti:;U~ &tin)' is, ilml essence, a spiri~~l '~'tlnLin~.ciacedand practiced '~~roulh crl~ial~'ivit)~1 rhis book uses rhe word Gd1il., This l:ll,il')f be wO[I'Iirt:ilc 'fo.r SOWle of yot1-conj ulLing eld, '~n=· lii~~'l1;r·ka.h·lc ~ u,m'lJp[casa nt, or si ~fl p,ly u nbc 1 iev'3lbl,e ide'3s sbou l God as ynu W,C'1tC raised to UJnde rs ta u d "hi ~11.'·· lP]C!its'C be opcmm.mioded.

The-,p(imap)! ifndRin'BfrOJj ,. hOlM ~D ~ #It U~~i'lS 1J!~!;I,'~r.


Through my OWIl It"xpcricnee-and that of txnm_de~:; others dHtt ~ haee s:h~,red-l h~:ve eo:me to believe t hat ('~~'~~yi~ y ~~ our true ('I,/l,l;'ILll:re-" '~hiit 'b~,Q,c;;ks a're' an unn 3 eural d!ll,"Irnn~iIl1Iig or a process at Qm ee as m'!l,01'l1l1l a[ and 3S m i [~(-IL;dous, a'S the blossom ~n,g of:;L fliO\:wr- ~it ~~H: ,t:~'!l.d or '3, -s:h:ndcr g,r{:icrrn stem, 1 h:;l'VC fU'II1I:IIl1I,d Ith'b l~ro~e:~;5. .of M3'king sp'hit!llJ~d COI:Uac~ tlO be beth shn'p~,e ~rl d :str~igbtoot"'I\\i'1i'rd.

[f 'Y0ilo1 arc ereuh.rely blo~ked-':nl'tid 1 believe all of ~s :1~C U) some ~~uclu-~i[ is possible, even probable, (lllait ~ou cnlflie:lnl to create rno(I'C fl'e.ely dU'Qugh your will In g usc of t!te rools dllil~ book pl"ov:idlc-s. Jlist as doing ,Hcntlmi3J Y0p seretehes aleers cons.dousIlCs;s; when all 'lieu arc doh-lit Is $ltr,r;!'Dm::bing., domg the ex-

• • 'IL· b L I • 16..' 'I'~"

Cf(:LS!!!'S U'n, t U]s, Q0:ti ;ia,tCf$..t OO:t1llrCl,Ci'U51n."SiS WlmL12::Il1I1 a I you are

dloi,I:tI,g; is w:a:iti 11,G ,nlJ1;;1 ~l:i1iy.i~~lJl, 'Do these ,thi 11~~ ~l1d ;3, br,cak ~ through will follo\-V-W~]lc'thcr you believe i 11 ;,1 Q(r nOt. Whcdtt:.r

11'1 • ., -I L·

you C9lJL I't Eli Spi nrua , awasen mig, Of not.

b'Jl short. the- tht:io.ry do.L;'5Irh ~liia1ft.£' Q,S m'ir~cb as the practi,c(; iu,el-f d0€S. W~[at you are dQ~ng ;'s Of~at'~lL\lg :p~tb,'.Vays ~n your COITSCi;Q'!11S'n~ 'r;];lroiIJrg'h whjeb the creative fo:rccs can ,arpenue, Once you -ag~"C [0 ch~a'fbtg i[ht;~ PI3'dll.v.a, s, yo'!.]r CJx·~ti,vlty :c]n("~ges." In rII SICI'ii'SC, root' CMj!ljtivjl~y' is like Yrl)l'l'f 'Mood. J'IlJl5.t 3S blood i'~ ~ fact of y'p;rn- pllyskal body a ltd ~tothi'ng you lnvel red, c[e~'tirvlry isa f~[t ole yO~1[r~pifil,1!:I3'1 bod.')' iJrm! nothing rh at Y'Orll musr ,i~:Jlv~nt:.

fJllJi\l • l' ._;II j.~ "~""'''1.. _

1Ifh'I~r nf>lu'oo m~ [j,j '~..i pp 11(,.!I

''fOU~,~ M)lIfl4)1 d t"f'"iI'h • " .. d~t mc.!l! .:1':I'j~~ t!i!p,f~ d]t~~,;1i;nI{ (')1 ~jP


[ 'began tc~c~ing, the Cf-eiilitiv ity 'iilt.1''(;u::kshops in 'N~'\,,~ Yerk, '!. t:iUl,§,~l'~ rhem because I was. ,~~M '~O ten.cb thel,1J., One lurrn,lIit e t Wt;lS walking i!~ ehe 'Vest Vj],bge 011::iL cobblcseonc ~trct:~ wb~ bc~nnifu~, afrernoon light. Til _. nex [ m inure [ ~'lJ]>dJd€'fily k new ehat I should begin t.eil('hin,g, people, grou'p§ of 'people. bow to ut~lbl,ock. M,aybo ]i[ ,\;'1,3$ a \-"'isb t"Xhzd~d, on somebody dS€"s ~V:JUL Ccrt3,inl,y' G' ViHag~' mlJiU'ISt oont:~~,n 'aJ gre~i[cr diens.h;y .of ::\r~ i'Su~l.'ockoo and etherw ise-'~b~'o nC2lItly a n~'pl (i,CC el se i n An}ir:!l]',ilra:~

"I need to l t nbleck," 5<O'lllUOJrlC ~111'l;y 'hqli'V~ btt;3ilii:htca cult.

~~,] know how [0 do h .. "j [ milir¥ have f~:p0ltded. pickilr.'lg up rhc cue, My al'fc 'has a.l\l1i.I'ays included strom internal directives. lL4(1n"'~·'~ ~flde,s, ] cam l'hC1rn ..

~ (lit~n,'t ~'l.a!l\; [:0 t._kc, -e y ,I,;:!ITll'lC).ttOml] rem l'ic·r:lU.a llc;'It!o:s~ ~fl'iiI!!'!!pi ra[;,0,," w ~ pen ,ling, I 5,imply. WKJfJC. NQ liU:god[ltin~I~. G(~od. bad: ~OIlC ef l~rm,y business. I \"J!:Jn~t: dioing i.t. By rCliomping as, tl:L~ s.clf~ons,ci,ous aYll~or. [ weete .rmc1'''r.f.


~~n retr~p'L;(;f, I am ,<d !, CQuld, t~lt I,P of ~hC' Jram. uf

b~h18 3< ~l.'E ffCr.~IUf;, .ar~ i ~r~. NQ~lrlLru!i!~. di~s h:nj(~c r l1ror~m a ba.,(j ~dl:.~. A~r~d few ideas re '!\!'Of~C rha'lJlJ the olle:] we h'3."~ aboll.n tlJrrL. Wf,! C~l'U !:bafl.ilJ so ~1ll:)I'~y 1''h1ng$ o·ff Iflo, ,f;i '1J.1 , ::'lIff~rr:!'I'IIg-a'niS( jocnti,lY: d.J'Utl1kir::~fiI,ltil,;ss. 111roli':!J1!i~ClJil-')I"~ fiscal problems. a ('~t[~~1I: ruthless~fllJCSS or sel f- dCSU'\II.Cl ivencss in 11l1!L31ttCrS of 111 .. , hea rt, We .: ~J :kmo"""1 hi.ow 'brok'c-,r:'ltzy-'p['(nltir:S((IOU~~n lI!ru~m~I!i]1l.: ardsts . 'ril!. I\l'id if l'bc.ry aJoli\; ~!ave t"O '1](\ then wh,~es mn,y C~Cn.l5e·(

T1u:: ~,d!l.::1 th:u 'I eeeld bll,; sane, sober, and C;~~3r~i~c t>~'nificd me, j 1mr1l'pl ying, as 'j1t did, th~ po£slbi1 i ~y of p Cr:1(UlaJ~ acceu mabil i.~~: J ~··y.t.nll l'!]r;L~a n if 1 have 1'hl:'"SC Ii 1.1"S, t· m Sl,lppo~ed [0 use thclu? Yes.

L~rov;dcl\fiaU'1, 1 \~~s S,l:t'llit • neeher ldot'ked writer 0 work widl,~nd - his 'tintC'. ] 'b(;'g~t, to eeaeh him wha{ ~ ,va. s Icarnill~ (G~t OlJ.jIJ( of l~n: w~y. Let rf 'work threugh you. Ac~ C1Um u late p~lgt:s. not jurdtnlCIII,ls.) He. too, b~~iln to llnblcck . . Now rhere ,,~ ... e two, or U!$, 'SQiOI1 I had ~"'V;.nim1L,:~ ~his Olr1LC t'1.l)101 in.~.t: r. Th~ t.l~e~So worked r"r "II isua I ar ~'h'i;t~, I~OlOl.

This _w~s "IIt:'r, ,cxci[in~ to lLiIn.c. br'il m',' gr-and\.'T Tll0lriIfJ,CU1It ; 1 imagined [ was. [t1l1rnml1!,; lneo i creative (anog_rnph,C'f~ l1u.p'p~rrjJlg ~ \IVay- out of confusion for ntysdf and for whoever ","Jnf:cd to r.OUIO~. 1 W'.lei1t'f' P~3~}~iilled ['0, become s teacher. 'i ~'raS {ml}l' ~u~g['y I (! neve r h~d .ft rtc~ud,cr [1i!IJy'~elf. Wb y did "I ~i~~Vre It 01 lc~m wh l ~ Ile;.lrl'lL~d the \:'INliY ] ]cam:Tll-rl it: (in b1-ttrkd ~m(;\ error, ~n~ bY'll!l.1, .. 1ki'I'Ig i'nl~CJ; yndls? Wt 3rt~s'[s should be m:molX.: reacheble. I d:lU::U;J~J1t. S~10:t(;IU&S an.d h~il.1I[irls; ef t'h~ ~-r~l'i'i could be '~a'g'g\~d.

Tlv:G'sc WVfC' ~ill.c thlOUgh~~ ,\1:u eddied wieh me as I took Ill,' ~rl1c:rn'OOIf1 wnlks=-Cltj,C)yjn,t t'lu'ljght off diu!' Hudsom,. plottin wlUlJlt ~ 'would write nexr, Enter rhe In. hin orders: I ''II~'.il- (0 h,'·a,(b.

Vl i,thin a 'MCt: k i I was Q;ffi!lE~d ,:1 trc:\ch~ns pOS11t10n dltJ ~p:tcc' 31t the New 'Vorl fetDflli'inist Anll]~J~iuj~.-:,e-'~'hi,('h I, h:IJ(,t [1I~\.'t:[ 1lca fn olMy fi rst d :ls£i-b]ocked painters, nO'lClls ts, po~ts~ and (. I mrnake r~""""'iU; sClfUrubl cd iesclf, ] began ~e:-;:u::h.i~~~ tht:'~ m uhe lessens that are nO'~1 in [his book. Since th:),t elass theft:' have been illiimy o(hcn.., • mild rnany 'HOiti: lessens M well,

lJ.r.r piilJr1j£ln oJI'hr""Uirl

.;1 ImPil'.I~I{·_ Ur i~ IWI_lrliff,

t.T d~;1Iputd. -


I:. . 1 ""!IlIrr .rt~jlpi,f~· iu

(;.~~ ItrI\lU~ ['~,"n , •

i'lll r {LU1.l;dMj,U'~

}[)[D,. S, G()I_DS,"~ IrfRI

Spiritual Electricity The Basic Principles

'fan MOST' os US; ~he' ldC::Ji .:I:1';.U the crearor cnCQurag,cs. .r!['ca'thl'i~~ hi: a l~dlc.'11 rhougll.'to We-tend to think, or al~ least rear, that (;f("'arive d.f~3IJ\S, are egcnstieal, iC:111cthing ~h~rt Of,JdWClddti't :1pp:m:ve of fOr us, Af[~~f :dl ~ O~ r ereatlve arrise 15 all'JJ l]ITlJnCr yoong~ ster and prOI1 t: to ehildish di],Vll k:i:ng. lf QI,Jl,r ITHlm Of dad expressed dOlJ,lbt Of' di5a,pp[Ov~] fo[" our creseive dreams, \¥( m,ar)" P'iojcci lba't same a.ui,(ude O~1t10 a pli!!~nt3l gcd. T!IiI~~ 'Eh~nk~~g mast be 'J!..l'l!ldone.

Wha,t \iVC' are r~~lk in ~ a,bout is an 'i:1l(h~,ccd......--or il1l'll~u:dsp i:rit!J.'1 3 I, experience, I refer to rhis p' as .!lpi~il.l~ud d~irQIJm{m 1:1:(,., We underta ke ~~,Ii"ta,i n spi f'i;ttual exercises to. ac 1!1J]LLy~ align-, ment with rhe Icrc:~,tive1e~C1?"y Qrd~c universe ..

~f you rhink of tbc universe as ~ '\<'a~t clecrrieel SC3 in which )"ou. ,1~' immeesed and from wb~cb you :1CC' [!onned" opct1ll1ng (0 your (:reJtLVily dl,:ltI18'CS you fr-oPl something bobbit'lg in dJlj:J!, S€"[lL [It) a more fu]ly fu ncrionieg, man:: oonsdou~,. mere eoo1pe'fadvc 'J-~tl rt of lh~;a.t C'OOS,'5r~e-m"

A'S 3, t.¢~,d'i,cr! I o r~~1!l sense d11~plreSt;ncc of SOlffl€ t hi n g trsusccndcnt-s-a spiritual elec nic~ty. if y()U w iU~~mdl hwc come ro rdy on ]t ~1l1! 'tr3'1Uic"C["Jjdwmg Iny OW!)) limitations, ~ uke the'


r. Creativhy ~s' 'bie n:il'tililin] ofdef of I,~fe. life [I) C'ne-rgy: ,U~ ~relti'V~ ~,nel't-y.

2,. TheiN ~s iin und~dY1 ng, :io..,dwdlin,B C~C ... adv~ fuKe infllting an of Jlrt~~dud.inl: en rselves,

a,· Wh.t=n we Q;peifi 'ou,fseh!'ts to, OlUJ[ ~aci\l',itl~ we ,opc-Jl. O'u'rS$~'IliI'e;s to tth~ ~r>e~~ID'l'S. 'reirt:irY~ it:)' withtn ~$, ~O;d our lives.

4 .. 'W~ are, ol!u'1s:,e]ves,~ cte'ations" And 'wei iim tum. af"E _ea1U eo oontin:u('J acalivity by 'ixi!lllg creative Q~nle' ves,

:s. Cf~3.tivit" is God"s 8'~ff. to us;. U~~RI eue 'ClrC.1Itivl'ty is Our e;ift ht:']!( ito God.

i6. Tile wfusall!d '~ ,creol'tiv¢ is ,selr .... MU and is


,. Wh~n 'we o'p,~n ourselves eo e-xpl~rillg QUI Crctti,V1ity,. we open @lIlTs~lVi~ to' God: gelod or:d!!!rly direction,

i8~ As w,e open aUl~ tt-e:at~'jIe ci~~mie:l WI t';hc CT-'a,tofi l'IiIJany F-md'G' l1u~ tDwt'rnd dimr_geS a'r'~ to be cMpe,ned ..

9·, It ,is safe t.o open oUfS~lYes up to, g-rea'U!r :iII.nd ,gl.'e;u~r cre3,'rivh:y~

'~Q. Our ctc:3rttiv~ (lreal:rns l'nd yeiming5 C'0m~ from ill diV'bJ~ source. A:s ~ m,'Gve ~mv.ud our dreams, w.e' mOive tn,wa:ni OJMJr di,yirri't:y.

Eva)' bf~'Jl" "1 H~l~ haj\~ • .r~ A "~i"J ',~.::I,~ bt'Hd'~ IlIl1lr,'Y' !i_II"~ w,hijptirl, ""GrC)!o!:~ ~mw_ ,.

Gr!l:'iIo1 ~ ImpfDtf._:liOr s a,---~ 'I~" p"~l'j;fi. llrli')' t1r-:t' I'b. J 'u f~ Ql.mir (Jf ,Jlt'lI f g.rJJ.

SnPiH/i,. .... '[ GIR ti,PiIl'ELf.) MUSI i!:!A . ,

'W~at IJ..It pi,,), ts lift'_ LoUJrS;'iI~.$lFllii c

Cr-NfllV;~,r IJ ht'J!I"IJ'I"u '"of IlrJllJf'jL'dirr ,Qi1d1 n1~kii!J.1" i~.fliiJIw )' Iil',rl If t yt ji.

p!I!frU '. Er5TEN "'-1M


an d (}Vt;Jf, c~ch t i :1Ilr:rc: at r, di ff~IC':1ll1 h::v!:l There is no "i.1Il:ch l 'h~ng :11,5 being dene with an '. r{,~SItic life" Fn,1:-oltf ItiOIlll!5 ndl [CW" rd _ exist '. t alll~'!I!'ds on t~u p,;].tb. Ou- aim here is EO flrlld tb,~ trai], e .... = tablb.h our (oorin- •. ~,nd bClil'll!1l ~hc: diml':!l. 1 he cre'H~VI!! Vl';;'ta~ [~31:JJt open ~ ill q'lLl~dd)r cxci til! you.

;fr-,t' 'U~pOH qf !1fi • t tJlOl d mt!fwi •• ·Klrtllr£I'md .d'is~"'~I'it: i r '!fi-. mtt'flfijid, Il,-mi"ni 'I}(.

A.L.!lIN' A Mr-MI"i"'i(~"

M3IiIf~y or 1l'S; "I.'1iIish we were more creative. M~ny or us; sense we oflIrc JITlllJor,~ crcaeive, bUl'l!llRm~b'~~ to ,C'ffil:ct~\I'i1dy ta'pthat c-n::ulvh:y. Our dreams elude IUS. Our lives feci somehew ·fi13It. Often. ~VC 'i1l3V,C grc3' ideas, wende rf111 d reams, bllit;;) re u na bl e (0 etu;tiI,Uizc t he m far Oil! rsel \l'Cs., SO!fW,l r;'thn~s \!.'II'C' ~'iI trI'/,J'C s,pcci fie crcasi ve ~,arnGimts we wCH:dd hJIVt' liL1 he able h'l {lJn1~1~,'~~:r',ning to p,lar the pt~~~rilo.. painrlug, t."Ilking an acd,llg d3S"S~, 01[' '~r~til1g. Sm'1l'1l,'-~t i mill1C s em r g,cllft,l, is more tB ffli'SC'. Vk h ungillil" for whJl'I~ _igh'~ be c~~]ed ..;re~It'lve Ii V]IDlg=1lJml1, (!~,Pll nd~ e d sen ~C' 0, ercat'~'\\' i.ty i It QU r bll1msincss l~ves~ in sha,r.ul:lg wit~ our cn:vtdrcn, our 'ipOUS~. 011111f Friends.

Whih! ehere is no quick fi~ f.or ]~-:lst:1nt~ p.fl'ii1~f~~ crt::nl" r ~ty. crcativ.: fiX'O'\i!'C'fY (o,r disc{l<~lcr}l') i$ 3, tc~c]~ab~c, lfacklib~~ spir]U~ ~.~, process. Em:JIJ ef us' is CQUl ptC'~ :l11d h i,g:h,~y in dividua ~, ret rhcre arrt: eemmon rcCOcgi!lI~2,!lJ,bEc denomiaators ItO the crearlve ]"t:,c:,o'fery precess.

\\f,orkl,l'1lg w]rh chls process. [ '~C-C;: a cC'I:'rai'l1 aJn1,'011,Un of defiance and gidtUn;ess in t:he fiirs't ,few w~cks. This t:lury :it~gc is followed cLosely by explcsive anger 'i l tile IC'O'UfS.e'S midseeuen, ~ he ~~[]g~'r is flO]]u\V,ed by g,rie f, til !::;~rl ~1,It~rD13't i ng \va,\I'~S to r 'IF(;S1SrUi nee and hope. This pJC'aJks-~~fJJd~~nlJ~h.:ys ph::lst of grewrh b ~ COIHes a series of e:xpi'lll ~£k):ns a-nd ccntmcrious, a :bi'lf['bi 11£; precess iln w'hich students experience ;11 U:['JJ se dation littd (,~c-.f.~n~ive skc~nm CJScI~l.

T~l~S choppy growtrh pi~ ~$,e is folio _. ~.:d br a st r-Q:ng 1l.1'rgc 00 abandon the proocss and FetUf~ ~Q life 3S we knew ~t~ 1,111 other words, 3 b=tTg,a]nil'l G perled. PCC'.i,p]~ ~,IrC "1 ften I~C rn prud [0 aban,&cm the OOllr'S,C' at this Jlo1ml['. I. call rhts 3 ereative U'-'~!arn, R"",cOlnmiuucrn to' the :procc~s jUr~[ tdgger$ rhe free-fall IOf il rna-

jor ego sarrendcr. E~~lo'1Ij,!ing: this, the (i'll,ai, phase ,of,thc course is chaeacreriacd Ib~r a 51CW SlUJ1Sie of self fiu.['.k~d by nlcrc!1!~~d.

ll:.' 'l ~ ! c,: ~ Ii 'If: I II I' 1M- II. ~ I IE; I'.R I Jo.~ r. I I' L [ ..


'If11l,t):(u·ning. ln dc-aling \"-1'~lb tbe Siuieidi!' o.f tlrJi~ "mce" ~df We iii, !jJ~' beee makillg do "!,,llilli1l. 'I.lVC lj flld ~~ ~t;lfln,";n ~n'U')unlt of I~r~c'( 1[.01 be e~~-C'l1tii.~. ()ur rears prepare the grouud fo.r our fll'lIlD'Ir:t'

W\N l'h. Wid10'i,)~t [$1lh er(.Li1tth~ IJK!~~ l,cr.iI:i H'g" W~ l11:\y rC:I1l~'illiDJ barre», We. J'ilr~rtIl_S't allow tbl; b~lit Orpil,~n to strike us. [k-mcmbil.::'f~ l'll'~S ;'5 !useft-d I}:"in;, 1 iglu~lr!rn.mllJ i Uti In~~' ares,

[:"'[O>!J,i' .~o -yrOIIl.:U k:u:Jio,~ ;f you ar-c li::fc!II,ti,vc:I), 'bl:cu:,krt-cl? J~a~,Il)\,'IJsy ~IS ~m U'li"d'l~rIT~ eluc, A'm there artists, W'~101r1J'Il yo.'II.'IIrC'SCl1lt? )0 yOIiJl ,~d1lroursel( "I could do d1:!l,l. i.f 1011]111 ' ... " ,IJo 'fori rell 'jl'{1ur~t~1 f d13 t if on~y y01i.1J took YOYII:' (:lFC-:Jt ~liI'C potent i II seriously. yc()l~ n:a~gh~:,

~ 'Slto:p id l~m;llg )'10\,', 5d ~, ., lt "~ toc) b~tJL;' ;'"

• Stop \l!j;laJ,j lci'clg '~l~rnil '~'ou ~n,kc !& nough l~U!lrlllC'~' W do wmt:rh lug yo:dH i't:.,a Ily love .

•. Stop 'b~]Un~ yours~lf. ~!)fs, justl11'~' lesc'" whenever you yC-3Hl for - m,ore erearive life .

.. SlOp [~II~~nlJg }'ol'lrsdf th:ilt dreams dOl:3J't mll;anJUcc'Il t'hiU llu.")' ~ rc pn I'Y d're::uluii ~~] I[) rha t yuu. sh i;:rlLl~d be more So-l':!III.Slb]..:,

Ii, Sltap fea rmg that you r fam ~ ~lY .and fric nd~, W-@I~~d t b~n'k you Cf<!IJZ y.

+ Slop~c;I~~ir1Jg yO(lnd-rl1mr~'t crleiildvit~, is 3.luN,\UY and 'd;),_t yo.n should be' gri!Lt!cful ror W;}~3It you'vc gO·l.

As you lea rn eo n."lt:'Q~llr]j'I:z·~. mrrntrc .. II!] d protect ''Y'O II,U inner artisr, you will be ;;!t1l'le to move b-cyoud pain ~mlld (:T(;2U~VC OOli1l~ seric ticm, 'Y::ou wi II. 1110: rn Wi!!y:s. to :n:COgmlj:z:~ reselvc Fear, .rt:'~llm""e cmodorHiI] sea li:s!tuc:. ::.n(~ M:n'Dlgdllo!'R ~fC'tll'r con6d~ncc, D,a~n~gil'1lg o]dJ ideas about (re~ti\l'ily U;I'~~] be cxplon:d and disc:,u'd,edL Working ,tv~th E~llis book, ynu. w"~ll experience In. intensive, guided encounter with yO\U c).\\Vn (,l:Ic3t'~vitY'''=;},roull' sriVtUt Vm~~n'Jls, champieas, 'iI¥ilihcs~ [,1;;,) s, drrc-:urn5. hope~. ~uld l rium phs, Til c CX1)C riCl1CC w-ill 'Ill alkc you eZl{,d~~(t dcpn'"S!h:d, ~~Jg,~r. afm,j.d I jQfyOIL,~$'1 hcp~ fut" and. uh ;,'Cll rn.tdy~ more fl"lCt.

The Basic Tools

'[:HElI~I~ ~\RE 'fWD PIVOTJI;,IL eoels 111::1 ereaeive recovery: tr~,rz ~'J'lIll\l'1\J1d~,rg J'l1g.{,·S and IJ"c l-JIfirs,f' dtU·f. A 13sling c[e:l'tt]'I.I'C ;:a.'j,1§;I';[!!kif:ni.l~g (,cql!ll~res ~he 'CQns~ stent use of both, :~ ~:;Il;c to incroduce tht: m both immediareJy~a nd at' su ffidc"Il t le ngrh to ill'l :nwe I!' most ef your questions. This t~hav'tt;'1!' e'irtpla'lns these liuo:ls e :rcfuUy and in (I.~:pt:h. Please read it w]th sp~clal CfJfN! end begin the 'im.looedi~t(: use of both tools,

I !'i order to re td~V'C you'r cf1eatdvi.t}f, yo~u need 'rrQ find h .. 'I ask 'you to do this by 3,11 ilP'P3'f~!'u:ly poinrless process ~ call duo t't.IOJl'tI'" J'~18 F~Be$. You. 'will do the p;tges, dJJUy rthrough all rhe weeks of the course anti . .r hope, much .Ion§e'l". 1. have been dOlng rhem (Of :a decade i~:aw. 1 h,,\fC stndenes who hW-VrL; worked with them'll :~;'itca,r]'Y rhae leng and w~tO would nO 1110r,e alDan don [henl d~3n 'breath i,~llg.

G]lil:njf~ a. "\\r rirer-producer; cr ... ~]{H ts the m~oruinG p~scs with i n$pli'Ir.1ldun (OF her recen t scroc:np~ ays and d:Jlrity in 1'1 anni 111 g 'her I1c:t,\v(:1c:rk spr,;cial]s. "T'm supcrsririous abouc them by now, • she says. ~'~W'hcl'1l [ '!.y,;;! s edi t ing m y last spcda]. I would gc;'t (I P ~t .s~oo A.M., Ito. get them done 'before] 'WCI~t in 'to wcrk ...

WI1~J .; re morning pages? Put si lin p],~ the moniIJ;i~g pages

hll sh l .lUgf1f\', whillf, Pl'r:, Ij ... urff IIW,. l ~ ~U'II Wr I~' di~wnl' in t'ht." mu,~ilillp'; "I[awl IWI WC(!II YUlIl .llml yil'~ln Ua:.llIYII! y, W~any-

,~~,JI.~ .ihMUI[ a~lt" jul •• ~~H,· '~al~llIIulry. the huml~ kiln k ill I~ni;;' t';lf~ I'hit;' A ~il~wh"'lI ,f(lll.' iu."" " .. ud

w'd Ifd lunk ill VUU r ~ ~ D\I', ·,f ' .... l! y.' I h i~" 'I'~f' I ~ lor ~~t' .' r ~u"u .. ,.h c ~u f IJ' clIj'l

·lI'dH."nu~~ rfHl'i. ,I'~]IJ IImddic", nnl:1I' !Lby ..... (, let n f:3'n ti c I'I.~~~I(."!

Tin' nNU 'II;~ r ~M. (n' I':h 11'1rl'm~ry tfl~d ('1 O'rt'tJlill~' rI\''(I!wny A, ~ji~orlk\,'tI "H it • ''''. 'WC· ~ t' udil,n Iii! ~ '~~l' j U r'l'll Vi' t, ~IH .:r: ,L~·~ Ij,~,y, H .. , ~11 ,1,( \!lj'C' loolot Ii~." , m u i ~i "11 i II ~. 111'1 i \ Ir ~ 't U II I' Wl(lrJ 1,1, wt,! '_ t' I w 1llleVt'f do m:,'I'lllhll!ih ,II~~I wllm ~l ~iI " cJn utl~n\ Ir~,~~IH. W.,; .Ut.' 'Vlnmml j , If um oW U j n U: ~ nn I; ziI-,d 'pt.or fl.:'n IIUU I ~ •• 1 ~ ,11.II!ol,a 'f IIIU '111.11 .Im-I ~ tc III ,II rririe, l~rH" ( ;l"Wrlom. W'hu re '~,dil.!·i m nur (ht"f~)'~'t.mll'IIIH-1 kpcp ,Ulil :1 ~ {]~JIIi,l~;:m[ 'ail\; II~.III 0:1 "UIhv"'·r .... iv " li''':lmlll kll"., rhn .m.' n:f~(1l1i di g~i' ~I~ II~h ·lrlLlJI'h. ~j'hl' ,( ,CIP .. h[' .!i~Y~i w.u,lIdI~l'f\11Ih,iu~~ ... Ili'k~': "YI''''I ~', II l-m.llt \-'IIfUm~? 'Wllll~lt a 'jlukil.', Vim _ , n'l iI.''IlPIl p~U1 h~I.~t , ~II ynlL

b . .,.,cnfi c..~nl'c il 11)' l,II,!;fI{ . yuu ~IIC'\I't'r willi.!. V. HI 1.." '1lJtt 'Viitn ""'lIcit

'W h,11 fl,lr il kt". ~m I l II i 1m ~ "((l'lI ~~:III'II b:l,.· rl!:'.~lt h,l'il!~~! A.nt! on ;mlll 11111.

M l1ltrt." tilL ~~ ru I '; a h,'irI'"ry." I't' 1I1t;'1U h er i k t y~ ~ I r C{·11 ,,-or·~ tn.' ~~ild 'lli'C' 1:;:l!I~ in j", ~ ~'U~, a re 111 nl l ht', HUI'111!. ·1 111'''' I~ .~kc,. III r,:H' Ii 1['11,;' , !'t,y '''llJiilliu~ I!;;W~lt ~!~ hed 1111d L t,IF.I'ir::1u mlh,) tlill." 'i'll'~l~C c'IrI'cry murmm~f.~' y~'1I II ":-11'1"11 I.{'J' '~·· the (:rllil),Ur" BI.'!~.liI: i't'l: l'hl'lfl' i:-.; un W')f!)')1I1' W,1)' 1(J W i~JL mht." IU "ruin~ P,lHl![trj" lh~ ,( ~nl'll~:r' opln1lf~1I dn~·"11. 'l {'JiliUt

t'I y ~"II (:t"lIiiiur r,~Ull' f1<lI" (A,lId iliL wm,) [u eep ¥uur h uul

11111~lwm~~, :'H:I!"O~,N !fin:' poll I] '. 'Wriu,' ~owu ll]l' C 'uljnr\' t~lI n ~hll., u r~:'lIU W;u U tu. N ul-t· ,~IOW it luvc ~ to ~.Ulll~ fUI y,~ mr c u;;U i ~ j 1I r~n1.ut M I fl~'H' IW In 'jill I :. k{~ ~ l'h,,· ( :!J . .' II !lion ~ ~ t'JIIU hI FWI~(:)U, It '[j! .L n~ ~rm W." I~)t·. h'Ij,1'C'I'Y Ii IIUII.' Y.~HI ~~'I.:"I ''''II:n,III'D'~f, ~n doc.", n, SU )'U~~ WIli'OI~ 0111.· I~,und, ~ll:"f? The ( :CUII.n~' [,ell '~u~, l~M~\ ,llIlht;'ljit' ;~. S ' yU~A df\'w ~u~mr ~ H'~,I .. kil'll(h? Tht" (:I"MI".nr ·.~uy ... , j1lle 1]01 P1.~ ~I,o.;'., .~.

'Ilrbmnk fir ynur C n, nr ,; ~ I ,_,nfmm,1 :'1I..'lq cUlm .... 'hdu.·~ ~m' ~

;~rrun:IIII~~ yuu r er~':lli'VI' h,~~ I, hll'.;jli~ "'ik I hill 101 l_"C,!P 4'11U (lj I~jlla~'d. 1~1 .i l11l'fI'n.·I~t dnt''I'I,1't ' PIR'll~ 't ], 'tm. )1~UlJt nilr;~I11~ \¥.In~ ~, I n not! ~II ~~uud fa r ~ nun mr~:t ~t~: Q r ynu r CCII" •• Uf, un .~ybt· 'm I H.:" ~,h~u t fNlil a m }ru1j) \j alllll1.l '~nn :111111 X t h n unHh 'il~. [1\)1>,;'[ n ,\J~,~ I,!;"n;' ynu ~ It" w.-'1 hi ~."d~C.' 1'111' un .he il,~,id[' fuvcr nr y~'irln IHu,,,'hnpk:.Ju,,,, nI.dtHII~~ f'hl' (~~w.m1f iliilu ~ h • 1I1~."l y. t'li !I"',~,~ 11nh; 'L;h,~, ',n, UtI' lil.n ic L'i, ilL P.III~ '~O pi ~' lilH- '., 1 ~Oil~'L" I[)i' jilt, Il'UW~1' o'V'm,,'~ y'~ U .13 ~.1 ~~ UI i;"1fC'.Hr'r.'II, ,

~ui:,jl,r ( al Itli c r nll!'M1 kill ~ 1.",1 '1j'I'jU I'm m('.I,I'<u1 fll',0.1II t;.HU.I wi f ~um I _ IJII " 'tr~·ly ; """, Bq~, Wh.H ,i ~m.;: ~ n h.· t: •

il._., 1<1t."·IJII ~C'f .lIt:I, I tI')iJ~ , • " () 1JI~',r ~ I U· W{'j1 be lrud ~ •• 1'1

,"Ii_ r 1;- l' , ~, ;l'r-l'~11 ~I.

Ie l"'lu .. lul~v ","UJt'f [. ht ,IW~ f M'W hur: hllll.II"~'. I

, 'Ii. (. 1- " r, IJ,1 hI'"

Ihn (~I mJt' ,I ~ d I tIll . ..1" , WiL.·'~ UUl·1(' bf'd W"'I~' I ('~ wll ,

, ml h~m~ dllt, ... , ~ U _I~h'''' m rH~I'.f.m bfmll't'Ohll,I" bLUh'rOYI rt Irh;u IN III flUHt' 1m UallJ ;.1 o1hhrmp::11 dr. ~iui:rn" dlildt,[~ I l ~ "IH ,~hm.~y. iJ/, .• 1i .. 1 ~lldll~ ~ ,1I!"h du.:: l:llnuHn~.. hoollJII~ flbW~llln .... brl, ~' ~1tJ.:,11I" uun IUlill e, W~·.Iiilll r',~IJ1~~,tl"llO~ un~~ ~L

Ahh.()u~,h uer, II ;il)lIally ~~n~'(u',~ lI.I. ~,hC' Im~,r'l,ill'l. p f

01 t, ." II,W' ~ \"1,:, Cn' c'1 Ut 'I~I~ ~ ~r r r .)I~.I l ~rli ed I, il ~I'l' Mll ). I "~IL yill " .;(

I ~;ni "~'" 'I'~h",'d ur h~~h,p,h. ~mJ;fy 'I" hl:lll(~1 '''I~ u illy I.ttlll

~IIR (J.-_~tul!

"hr, ~, ~'~f},~ "~ ,HI! Ul1 .1In~ Jru:ll"" ... Ilillil i'I ht:Htlfller ~Itd !J, V, 1.lh·u .1' pHil! .iIIl(111 t'oL'll :1 hi rI h~·it"f .lllrJhhn~dl ~liJll h.1k'f, ~ I lIlt' h.J'~'L·lh,u Illu .III,h,:'rr IJ~~ I .'HlIl~Nlllig t Illn I i.

"I m , ~ 1ft I ~ I. I II I

·,i I ... (J 'fill W ,)jH II I. J lu'lljJ j I U II .4 "j~j r I'~ Wi.1 ,1m .. will r t( j$.'-j~J1(t1IU( ,~" !.'mll ji'O. r~'ry flwl

~'Irt It im't~ ~~ rJr ! ."1'" (orJI ~ II·

~wm ~IH'nltJ ill "r'I'1 rfUlmr


known pf'i'~1cipleSi. Anything unknown is percei ... ed ~~, WI'IQng alnd I)O!(is;bly d3,ngt!'J"0l1s. egic beain ~Iilk...:-s things to be neat 'r'ltde soldiers marehlng ·illil a straight line. lLogk brain is Ibc:'br~~11 'we U5U:3U y Iiseen to, cspedaUy when Wr.: arc tell ~n g ,ournc[ ves Ig 00' Sfl:nsiblt:!-

L@;iJ'~G' br-1L~,nis our Censor, our second [an d ehi r-d ~tldi J~e"! I'"}" ~flaJ f~liI'!I; N r/~ r.tIl'!ill rid,. fQU rrh) t'hougbl:S. fl'llecd, 'W i,l1rn an of"igi 113'1 sense nee phm~. U'Uill~LlI~' ~J ir,.t'I~I!.:II'Ii't'.

~1inl 'SqIDi:gg]~1' ie says, ~~Wh3~ the ~.e~~ is d13't? Th3.l'S not :righ't!'~

11r.~ijl bJ}"~h;i is our lnvenror, oue ehild, eur lI,I'cry 0\\1] person;]] • bsent-nneded professor. A:l::'ihu brain says~ "Hey] Thae

is st), n~~l't~~" It 'put'S odd lh,itlg.~ ~og.ei:bcll' (b03t equals 'W Ive sH,d

walker], It ]:Ikc:s .c~U~'Illg a. spwdiw~g GTa 3 wild 211"1';.31': "The

b~ack hewlirrg 'I.-!10If polk>d 'into t;h~ dri,¥~i'n . " ,,'"

Artist br~ri ,1 'is, QU'f crl;~'li"!.l'"C', helis tic brarn, h t11.iIr1ks 1n pauerns and shadings, It. SCC$ a fall rQrlC',s~ ~nd [lmrink:s~ Wow! Leaf bo.1IJqu~t! Prercy! Gold=tnt...shi,mlncry=eilrtl1skin~ldlfiJJg·:s.C3rpe't~ Ard~,t br~in is ,3-SSQela'tt'ivc' and fl.'"'{:l~..:,bcdilllJf} ~t makes

• 11_ • I' . k '

new eonnecnens,;,]i!l!Ig togetner unages 10 nn:va. ~~ llnc:a~l1urig:

like til e N (use mvehs (;3 n i n,@; a bcae ~ 'w:w"~c-horse,'" In ShiT 11 nn~ dle~la~D:le Sky"valk~r is a le\1i~~,y adi:s~..:b:rO)in flilSb.

'Why all d~is logic-,bn:in/:a r:~.i!St-bn)1n ra n~? B0L":'a u:s.t" the n]on1&ng p:agt::£ teach 10 glc brn]l'~ to' sta nd /ill$ide- arnd 'let 31 t~:!i It brain phfy~,

The Censor ispare of QU.£' [e:·tQvcI' sU'r'viv:Ji br.ilit1L Et was the :pa'l'l i~m: charge of dccid~ng whether 'it was safe for 111S 'to IC:l1te the forest and. ,go OrtllX into rhe JHCtLd.O'\'Ii;[ OU'f C.~;n~!O:r scans ou r creari ve meadow (or f!iny' da~g(:ro:l!!ts beast ies, Any om:-i!,i nal thought, [11'11 look ,['cu)' d~i~ticrnuiS t70 cur Censor,

The m~ly senn:;ltt"csJpillint i'ng.s./~cu 1ptur:~l!i I p1homg:rn'phs it l~kes are On~') [.h~u it has seen 11.1::11''1 rimes before. Sa'(ie SCIltences, SaJ{c ·pl1intings. N(H L"):,pior31~ory bh.n .. ts, ilquiggles .. IO'f jottings. Listen to ·]r.~nrr 'C~usot and ;,t "!;\1i,~iU tell }ffiu 'mat q;:~'~tr~hing (ydg"ma'l m s wrong/dan gerou'sl rot ten,

Wl~~o \i'jlo,uldiIL1't he blocked if C\llC'fy dnl'C you tiptced into the epcnsemebody (yoOu r C\,':m.~ro"r.) made fun of l~OU~ The mornlug P~Sit:S \~iU eeaeh you to SU}~P listening IttO ~~~Jr ridicule, They win aBow Y0101 to detach from your nCI:lJt~vt Censor,

~t ~may be useful ror } 011l to thjJdlk of 'tliTh€ morning pages. as nu;d~ut]on;, 1:[ Ina}, ,ot bG [be praerice of mcdimnon )fOn an:


Kn:~ llic:-di~d eh is. lh,~ p'3l;,CS are a padlW.ay to a 5tl'rnng and d(.."'3T sen~(;'Qi ~!!U: Th,ey are a t~U th~1,: W~ fQUoW ino QUi[" OWlfi1 interDor,~ where wa meet both OUII:" O\'1i.'ln, creat i''I.I' i'toy ~nd oue ercaror,

MOJ'~1ili:i!t1Jg p:lG-e~ rn:::Jlp .our Own inR':rlor. Wiltn.o'll,u: r1rn.!l::m, ou[" dreams nu,< remain ttil!rr~ 11:(;C)ogniil:a. I kllll,!O,W ml!tlc d'id. Udtt!,~, du;m. tll~ li~~;iJJt: of insi~lfa;t is €OuRt~d '!i;li,!ith rthc ~o"v~'r '~Of ,t:xpt\n~ :ll,i1JJt:' dID:tJJm'!llgc: It:;s y,e:ry dHhC~ih. 1-0 o;"t'~n'P,i'3iu abffli1Lt a s,iuf:ulDn moradn::Jig ~:rt)C[ tnoIl'Jll'lmg;, InOliuh afwr li1Il'Olra'h" wiihrQ~l~ bi&inG 111o'lo!.t"d ito ,J;;:;o\nslfuctjvll.: 3ctio~n< The p"lges. :~cad us Quit of dJ,:spc:l'ir

tur~d into (Indf<e~Jued~o,f soh:lJtiojJllS~ _

TJm:c fiTS~ t' me ~ dld InofnllrnJt pages. :~ \ViIS '~hdng in Taos" NCiIiI1il ,M,&tttoo. 1 bad ~onc' rherc tio' sort mys.cH' oUI-into what, I. didl~t ,kIlOW, Fo~ [he ~h~rdI d:rl1t:'i'rI -a 'row. ~'d had a fihl1 scunled due to !ii,~lLiI.dw, polit ,,-:."', Sud] disasters are [',o''Il.llti ue eo screen'wFbte;~. but ,,"'0 UJe they fch like m'l~c~ ria,gcs .. CUlttld3!t'LVdy. tbey ~[~ elisa snous. [ '\\\'3 need '~O give tile: ~o"jll!S il'P- ,MO,\!1eS h~d: IJr'okcn my heart, ~ di!d1i]~'t warn iny more brlll~l'1IchildR'n U) meet ufiid Ill,ely dC3,ihs~ r"cl. gone to -. m.~' ,MCKko to mC;lIld ~lIi1I!y h~a It ~nd sec wh:u else. ir anyt1i:JJ:iiID,g. 1 J:n-i1ghl want '1ll0' do.

Li,ving in $, small adobe house that looked north to l'1J.OS ,Nountai!:ii", [ begnn a practice of w:ri,[ing ~iiI,'rrning pl@i~s, No'bod Y [(ltd, Wf 00, do dn;~lln. J bad never hea r-d of ~fiyhody d'o;i:~1g the m, J just g:on: the ins;'~tJcD~~ n1!J!LC;::~ sense dl~U :1 shaul,d, do 'theM and so J did, I S(!Jt ae a \\IOOdCIl la'Me loak.irug noreh to Tz.os MOUHt:li:n and I '\\P['OtCL

The m:nornii1 p~:gC1. \VC're IU1l pas'r.irru.:, something to dQ instc~d of staring at the mountain ~~[ the rime, Thcmeuneain, a hUlltf,backed Ji1] a rve ] diKenm:ti bil C:V'('f_, w,eaJther~ r·aiscd more qu~t'ionL'i dun [ did, ~f['~ppe:d ill clouds 'It)'l1JC day, dark ~'Ild '\VC't the :JIlC~'~. rhaf m.ounll'mi~mr~ dO!ITlil'i I rated [1,'~lP view a.nd my :fnornitllig pages as wei L 'Whit( dld it=--'Or any tbiug--'Ilnf'a]1,? l asked pagJt! 3fi~c'r :p-a,g.c! 1l10n''Il i ng a rter morning. No answer,

And then, one \v,et nl0rniDt~ aJ characocr named JOhllll} came srroJHng ~~~to 11,1IJY pages. W'i.~hout pl nni Ilg [;O~ r was writ-

ing ,a; novel. The ffloflTnng p~ge,51 had slilo~'n mea w,a,~: " _

An7yO:I1!~ wrho, fa,h:hfuny l!i7M'TniC$ monnng 'pages '~~IU be l,~d. U) g, oonn~(:tit')n 'w~th a. :Soufft: (Xf wisdom wirhin, ''If! hen ] aut stuck 'with ~l p~iuful sjcu.uion 0:1" problem, 'tint] do'u'( thlnk I know hlOllM to h.ndlltii 1 ~ in go to dm,c paJ :CS and ~~,-k foar

Jj I!1Ij~j~ys,J!ii;.l'mJf"j bl1"(1l f"lht' fa-mt' il'Joi!tti!"Uilr: g~ JI"'P ~,tr"l,g" QltrJ Jlt.rU" U til· blld-wt1: oi!1j ~1JI'1"h, lun~l- 1:'111 .. ,. f~tJP'JI.-f

.l:..i.k.l" ~l'l (}MIi~r ,In' prli1S(/t'Jo JJ .. ~ri'IR ~ 'our ~'I~~M'r ll.!i1(/.p.PI jj S~,"Ji~h~ll~ ~f J.,l'l( ir;


It ';1.1',: lilt IJ.jJ"wled~r ._r;pm'''r (",prJi~~:/'!,_~IJ.l4 ~n.t lill!(c'i ,hdf' U~ PrJ-ml dl'lirV d'l'/J1r s~'n ,(l9~h ta IfrY IlI'p,ttl UWf l'~mtJtjJvJiprrt~

guJdalllliC€. 'iu~o tlus, r ''flN'I'hic: ;'.~I~" as a shorthand fbr i:iI::J!C~ ··'thtlt:

) ~'I';;'" " '1;"" A a:hcu I a~ik 111''11.' q1J,'Ir~luon"

u Jj.,.. "",o.II,1l] ~ - 10'

1): Wh~l~ $~n,o~idl r It.e[[ Ithcft~ 3bout _ this inner \iNlisdol1~? (Tln:d 1 iislC'llf1 or dl'!: rcp~'~' ~:uDd W~tit,~i[h:u dlo'~nj fO'O".>

A;N~\lfflI!l: You sbo'm,~J!d :tdrn them C'vl(!['yonc has a dam;!;o"C~ dia:! 101 (jOG. NO' o\il~ 'II1c'cds ro go d'il,[O'~gh ~U'D. opera OOr. TeU dl(!~ to ~r"ll

this i:'4;"~ niqllLc '~~dl ;1 I):robl~m or tln~:~ r ewn, Th~,y 'il7IFi It ~

$ornelj]~1m~s. as a!::m,\I\c. the answer ,lh"::JJy s~ern fI'~,Pp"U1J[ 0;1' moo simple, [ h3'\le COIU~ to oei~:evc 'th.~,t Hf!n is tile opeli:ltive 'lIIQrd. V~nr olf.:hm! when 1. 3Ct OH dlC' adv:u::c I have been ~""en~ it is ,c~". a;C'dy righ(-fiH' lrJ:o:re r~;~liU ~ha~, seruer h'~ Ilg n1.(u-e f:oltlplk:u-ed

,!Vo~'ld bww been, And so, WI' [pe' (E~o;n:t I '!il~n'~ t'OI say: PiIlg,es are I11Y W,1f of m~d i ~~[i ng; J do thenl because dl«:y work.

A: R n.,l a ssurance: t ~e m,or'Jlmli[~~g pOl,gecs wUI '~vo1"k :FCrr 'p~ill t ... eros, (0[" >$(::1.] I prors, for pOCI~S, far. aceors, fDrla'1\;·:re[:s.~ f~r l:iJouSC:& wive!i~for ~[j~YQl'H;wl)o wan'f-S to t~ y a !l:Yithing creat:lw" DO~!l,l" rhink dn:y are a reel fOf" writers only. HiOO:C}f, TJ'ies€ pales a~re nor ; neended lor writers o.ol-y. l~w·,ers who ~s~ the-m ,SV~'(:';l'r I~hc'r mJke rhem more cffccdvc' 'in court D'.1nIoG~rs cl!a:hn fhc'ir bnhncc il~lproV{!$-:;(:nd not jllJ;llS,t ?'ntO(h''Ul~l.Iy. ]f ~n'Yl:~i~l,g;~ wrieers, l11~1I.'P hl11l<~!.I~, a r:eBteu~bh: ~le.~lru to ,1~ltr,!&,!I, mOl,rull'U:g :pagcs jlli'nc3d ,0 f J U:!L~ do l]lc:nu. !lIar':' the haroc-Sf nme seei ng t'hci~ impact. 'Wh~,t dtcytre ]~,kdy eo sec is ~h:Jl f.b~ir ,oth,er '\V1fit][~g $c'CI11S' to slIddcn1, be far more feee 3nd eXpa1ll~lV~ and someho~\V e3'Sy U) do. Jn shore, 1101 marrer 'Wi13t )"o.LI[' Ns:crVfliitiou or ~rour O(cupl1riol1. 'InOrtll~ng :p3£)eS \vi]1 rUf1cti()m:~ for JOU.

Ti ltl.od1Y~ 3 burroncd .. d.o.w n I btl nou€"d=]i'() eu r DUldg't:'OJ'Q rni I Uon~ if!e~ . :b:~~n writ mug: J:nr~orni:n~ p3g,es, wirdilJ ;1 Ske:P'CI1C'SI scorn, H£! didn ~ \1Jj~nllt tto do ehem wl~hmm~ some p1\!Dt:~fth:u th,ey won]d work. Thc' d3111U pa,ge-s had ue label, no DUlD,;rnd Br~d~frect. r:n:in,S- Tln'"i-r) ust sOllulJded si U y'; an~, TirinP:ch[y ha ted sill,.

T~mofhly "vas,. ~n, SU'0e[' parlance, 3 ser.IQ1LI~.'p1.ayel_ His 'pok;er face W3fJ se s(prighit mit Jook,cd more Uk{", 3, nrcphn:4,,: poker rhan ,:) JUCI€ ca f"d$}r~rp): d,t'(CI1S!f.". Practiced for y~ars 'j n the COlrpOl"3Jt'C board IiOOI'll~; rjrlt'rrhy~s im)"!,rN:lble w,~s. as cla,~,k~ shiny, aud ~;(pCI!1$hrc as rna !toga n,: No ¢l1l!O nons .$,c["nc~~d the SJI rofa,~ of this man's calm, He was a one-man nlonU'mcl"J![ to [he M:Js(:\.111 ine M,y,stiq UIJ"

I\Ulm'rJ~ u }~"'f~ (JJ1"drr II' U· ... y '1 i:1c('pu~ tf djilllll"}·.

:PA r~ Ulli P m(."~"iQ

&fc"r~lrtt", eih!'ll Jpf' a ,.:111111 ' • i · .. oJ tXd'lU'i~r Lli;trrl1l.

\'If/AI :r,I~R M_J(;!!Ji

511'EPJj.~ NACM'illiIUOYlrtfl

"f.hc odfU er basic ~·oo] of T11~ IbJ.', ~ Ii'~f' 11HIry s.t ri k(~ Y01la, as a - " I a d'i'liltt'r.$im~- YOIUI 1IiI'1I~y SJ~C dC3lidy how nuO,rumng' p:al!l'C's

JJ,[JiIl ~oO • " - , . h 'I' -~ - bi b il3I

couM 'L1!i'"'lDfK )c'Cc fim1d 'yolH"'sdf ~u J" _'_Y_ uu . :IC~IS a ,'.Q'~llt SQ:JtiInIICt"hjl1l,B,

II • j • ~rlili Jal _ r lSSI:,:n; yo 11. L mse d_ 310CS work, too.

ca, nU ~, f ~ .

Th,i 11 k of this rom b~Hill ion 0.' EOOJ5 i n re irF1li~S 0_ a radlw ,ro ..

cd~r :lI'1fJ I r3~Si~~,i.l\[cr. Ir is J t wo-srep, E~~.r~-.d~roctinll;)1 pro-ces-s: t}~'" m~ d then I'll. Daif1 G :YOLI r loo~nl~ It:1Ig pages, )"'01tJL <1 tIC SClldmng-norifying ')ro~f$f;_if :lIu:~ the '~1:~'~\I'~'FSC' of 'yot~tr; df~~J~SJ disS3'[jsf~u:;~io!1$. hopei- Do~ng j'Qur srnse ~atcf you arc' fi:'C'{'i''III'j ng~l)C" in ,.. youESdf ee ifD.s_i~ [. ~ l'Hi p]rnlt~~m:JI .. guid~~uf]ct:~

.Bur W~'r3t CN,:qCrJ)" isan arrtst d3lre~ A? ~,:rnS't dare is a b,fock of LlfJ!J,C. pClb~ps, m wo hou~ weekJ~. set aside and 1;'0111- m hired to flU rt1u,r'l!J,g you r CK'"3,U ViC conSCIOUSfU::JiS:. yotllr ilrH1Cf artist, ln irs mOSf plil1nry (o['m~ rhe ~~tiU dal'C is an eXCllJlrsioll. 11 p]~3,y ,date f~~aJr r@ll] ,pl''C,lan _<1,nd ti.:,Ct'~d ~,gA~'itlM all i,mia!~·'er1op~rs.. You do 11 0 ~ ra:ke 3tM yon e an rhis arnsr dan; bUlt YO'u.~ ~nd you r iuncr ~rds(. 3. k.a }H:HU' ercaeive child. l'h31 means no IO\f(i'1'S. (,rknds. 5POUSCS, chUdrcn--3.'lo I~.rggelrs-owl of arty stFi:p~.

If ~fQU chink rhis sounds st'npjd IO,r 'dun YO'l)] wiU r~eveJr be able [0 afford rhe tiI1H!. identify thae rC;:H;t10~'l as rcsi.stalllCC'.YOu eanaot aJfforo, tlO' [0 f 11 d t i Rile for 3 r risr dl~ res,

~~DoYOli spend quality rime wirh each oth er]" troll blf,.:d eou pies are eften asked by [le,j r thcmpist, ~~.alrcnl~s >of disni r'bcd children are asked rhe sarne thing,

··'Wen . . . wha r do you mean •. ,'1 ~uaHry rime' ?~ .. is the usual \\!c3sd-y n"-s.pouS?C. ·We'spen.d:l 'lot IOf Itimlt: lEogctiu.:r.,'j

'~¥es . .- . but is If Cp131ity dm,d Do, yQU eVt;r have a,uy ftl:na fo~ctJm err" the tm crap:js'E ~ ay pr~5!L,

··fu.fIlJj~'i (Whoever 11c.~m ofh:l~~~lg C~ln '11'1' QJ 'fotrt:n re~~lt,~cllm''''' .sin i p Jik c rrh is one?)

·~Do y,oug() O~[] di!rcs~ Jma to t~]k? JUIs.t m lincll 10 !,!;:Lrh

L. ..,~!


··~)atrs? , .. But wc~~ ~JUar'Fitxl, IOQ busy; ~oo broke. :r,oo-='··

"" 00 sea red .... • I[h!,; d'~F.]jpi51: ma,' i nt~rnm,p't. fHt.-y. (h~n'l ~IJ.D!~!rC().~ It it.}

~t is. (rm~ltcfcl~'1,S It'C) spe i d quality thnc ~ irh a child IQf lover, and eur 3fluisr Ca~l~ be- St."<:11I !S botb ito IIL!<S. 1\ wC"oeiy 3n:isL d ~u.':' is re III ttr~,ab]y eh rt'at~~lng-a 81(1 rerna rk ;a,b.1 y prodUCf.i ve,

A .datd Whh m., 3'ftBt?

Yes, You£" arrisr ~fu!cdcS ro bit ~~ken Oil.1t. pampered, and h~C"" tlcntC'd, eo, Then: are :15 ul:Iny 'I,:\lwys 00 cWl3:de t:hb •. 'Cio~;ji'Jj'mirt:!f[t~llll So ~hcre :I'I"C d~ys of y<lUlI' lif~', "Tm too ~!U''O,"kt"'. IS t~e .1: ~·on.~ one, a]('houg'h 'JlO on~ said the d;Jt'C need 'inv'oiJwI'C ('~ borate exp-CJ1Ses.

YO~lIrr ~,.tist i5 a child. l'~mru.: with a parent rn:;UtC'n!i mere dun mO[1i,~s s .. pern, A vish 'EO ~ gu.c.;u jmm!k. srore, a solo wi]) 1:0 Ithe beadl", ::1'11 old i110i\P lc seen :3lk'iollC' rclLl:~J:!rt:htCr." a \risi,l (Q an :arQ1!1:aIt"MUtll or ~iI'ii, arl: p~,~,CT'Y'-['hf'se 'CJQ s. I, time, n01r. lill, lAA:WU~'Ii:'ITIblb"'lf, il ~~ the t i,Mif:' eern m iUiWC ~n th at. is Sac Fro.

m:n looking for J p2Lf~d1ct think of t'hc d~~]d Df divorce who ge~ EO SQC ~ bdo\"Cd. parent only On weekends, {Du.ring MIOs.[ of the week .. J"(nlf a:ni.:st 'is lU [the cnsredy of stern, wOlkadaJ' 3duh.) \V~~lf( fh'lU child warus is ~ntJ~lIfII.tio:JllJ", net expensive ~1JilJt.", ingrs. WII:1Jt that child doc~ not W::IJllt. is tn s~arF"C' die' precious p;ren'ttwidn someone li k:c ~ he nn~ 's.~,gnl fie(ll n t other.

. $,pC'I1 d in:g' ti i11:1Je i~l solitude '\I:iJ~h your ar'tiSi't chi'ld is e 5S~Il't ial to sel f=1l'I):I'ftta ring. A ~Qn g ooull~t:ry ,~~tk, a so~~t:itr)1' cxped hlun ce the 'bca,cb for :1 s:un rise or SUn set, ;3 'Son ie OIU [ to il is I.1range dUUiCh [0 hear gospel music. to ~nl ed,t1k ~ eigh borhecd 00 i'3s'lJ)c foreign sig~lrIru ~nd ~ounds,--.,our artist m i'l~rn Ct~jory :m~f of tilt Sf'. Or your a'n~iPi'tt Ii~'igbl: like 'l)o\I,\·Hng.

COJil1m ~rt you rsel f to 3, 'IIlM'eekly <l rrist's da tel:lna rhen ,,'\",;nrh YOUf k i ~1]jIQ}-f sid€' ~ry to 'l/;1Ij/ r~lggh::' OlU C)f ~~. _W.atd~ h~l\"r 'tll~S S~C!l'~ t i mmrlC'"glC1:S casil "1 cpC roached UIJ0 lITL. W.a ~clb. '~]()1;:V rhc s.a~~d It~ file su.ddcI1]Y 'iIH~~u,des ,1 tthlrd party. L, ... ~rn to gu~~d "-!:}i'inst th~sc mITv,as'iOHS,.,

AbQ,VE all, learn to ~'i~t'c~\ to' what your artisr cll~ld has t;C s.a:r ~n ~ Jnd ~,bo1i] t. r' join t e2\ped~t,~iOn~. :"ar ,cx~i'I' '··'Oh~. 1 h:ue 'til is Sit:'tII0l!15 ~ f'U ff~'" you r 3 rri$t nuy excl. ~nl if' ~01il. ),"Wrsin ~~ taking jt onl,y [>0, growm ... u,p p]~lces t~fi1at ~g;J;' cl1hura]1y ,t-difyin:s and 8'0 od ,flo]' if .

l'iSi!;lcJl [0 that! ] f [s, ten i illig you you r ~ [1t needs lrmlO[lC pi.:.)" flJJlJ~, inflow, A Uule f'hn c;m gOI ~ long' wa}',m\'~wd making Jour work feel 111,Or~ Uk~ phy .. '. C fOT£Cl [~~[ d~c irn~g~n iion-i1t~

T~t tirt".mtll'JI ~ Ji."lm~rPrldJ • lI.rdl' 1)1; nor JJ.!'{("mp~1 ~JJ~'J by ~h!' mil" ~l .. ·1 bu.' &-r flit pld)" I '~r'-Pf{' i1(~ IJ1j

fft III illJ1(r .trPl'~UI m~·. L, Ju' i'c!i olI'Jl'f' , aiU'dpld, Ll'"r'l t'Jt '}lLt$ I' I..,i·tS.


11K. mLt.iI pldrlll ~rWJf of ail is ,pm-


• ~ t IJk /Might t!1"bIli~U(,T. ,Itt' ~'IIJij ',rlft it fimw 1m", Q iM/ri®!!ol'r. t!f m·r-l" F(I;.$Ibi'lilitt.

jEt'lot. H(nj~nN

C_ G. Ju::-.:r;

EI"tI')' Idrf,lrJ IS Fflt J.rclilt ,n" 1',.wI{!IN is !~(ilt'l~ ril:!l~J.!W/lll'n 1111i$r [lHO' lIt' jf,J»j~ ~~p.


our ,arriSt1c wdl ". Ov .~rr~~p:ii1g the wen,. like o\~rt'ii~hing lbJt:! :PQ,1ll d. :1C'3VCS us \~f~rth. itt. nl:llmr~ ~,!Ii\~d reseu ~ces. '~c fIIs:ili 1ml Va in for tin: im·_Sf:s \,ve :uqUlfC. Ou.r \~rk drme:;, 'JiltP' and W,t:' wonder ''IIIiI'':liiiiy, ""j ust when ,i.t Wi;'IJ5, going so wei I.'" The trutw is [[ha't work c~U~, dr 'I 'lIp bU~II~~' :ilt is l(lii~ ~'I ~o w~ll.

As ~Il'ristsi '!i,1Y,(~' must learn ~itli, be- se'~~':lrlIiJiI~~1["1$bjrn,~~ \'Me;: ~~iIJ'SI be,c;.c.ull~ ~h~TiC ~n..o'L!llGh 11::0' co:nf,ldousl'Y eeplen ish 'Ot~,r' crearive reosouras ~s; \Y£ draw Ion drtClrm:-.1Jo restock the trout IF''ond,, 50 to I c:111 this,proccssjH.irru~~ dl~l!' w,,·II~. -

, F]Ui n g ,the '\\'eU inv'E)l ves rhe 3Jod V1~ I"~'lir.sum t QC i mages re re(1"(":)] 0 ur ;ilirt'iSlt,tC reservoi [So Art is Ib C:\!T1rJ1i n 3uC'ndo:bl. Its ~id,.., wir«i: lS detail. Art ITI:11iy seem '[0 ~,Rful~rg from pajn, b1l.1[ pt;r1~J.p:s that ~s because pain serves rc fee 1L1l~ QU,r :ilJUcnti,@:rn eneo den ils (~or ~m'~:ii'r3J~lJ(N", ~~~~, (J.'i{.cruc~.atiml~Jty b~,uiru'l CiL1Jr~'e or i lost ~O"'~1L"'6 IU;!C''k)., A re way !iit!lC. 'to mvol VIC b[io~!d s tt'okcs,~ ttr.and '!icl'lenre!i, g;re:U :phf!Jns. ~'ln it i~ t'h!,; a:u)cmtj .. en tQ d<!tEtil 'mat $'t;ay15 w~th t~s: the s.jlltub~r rmsge 1:!' whalt :h3um.:s us ~nd becomes art, E~n lrra [[1'; :In~dst oi pain, 'th~s $'~mgul,a,r image brings. ,]dig;h'E. l'~c ~rtiSI! wbo. teII~ you difIe[\cJilt is l.y.'wg.

- F. ~ " -t If'

'111 ard,~li [0 runcnon l:t'll h'IrC !t~UlgI13g,C .0 . :lf1t, WI'.!! must learn

'to ,ii~ in 1't C~llnfON3b:llf· The J iur~,u3,gc of art 'i s i~rm3gt; $~l3fltilbol, It is, -a 'wQ:rrl.h::ss. 'l~ull'lag:<IZ' re\l"C~:::Ii ",~hcl]1 (:!'Ii,]r vcry an is to d;l:l!sC h \'~if]r.IJ '111IPo['Q,s. The JlL"tlst's, 13ugu3:g,e is a ~entma] one, a blrnl~J':rJJg(; of tch experience. \Yhc:1fl W~ work at our art', W(~ dIp ineo rhe 'Wc'll of OlLU' expe riencc au :, :scoop our ~Ina,ges. Ueca.uslC \J)j,'1J. d this, we tH~OO to leern ho\11i.1" to PUt images b-..,ck. I: Lo\~ Il1m 'l%~e, f~n t he 'IIl\1;.~n?

, We feed iJ i.]11~g~. Art ilS ::IJ!t:t arri !;.l!-brnh~ (nif.'S 1lIti,t, The Jnin br,ai~::i is ,CUI iru I'Ilg,€ b:ll'3.i~~, l'ruOi;l::l!C' al'ld hJrVICi~ fllo OIti'!} bes.t Clii'C;Jlti,fe' i:ra~]lUlsc~", T'be ,a:rri-!ii[ b~ail1 ca~~iilt be ~c3~1t~~~r ~I[~iggercd.,c(fC\cri,v,dy by worth a lone. Tnt" arnst. brain ts the ~usory br:aiI1~ 'siglu: and sound, S11:l!l~U and tiastlC'. tOlm:iliit. These ,tUiC '~hc elemcrns of n13 glC ~ ~mrd magicis the ck::menlta~ stil,ff Qf art,

[Ll flUilil,g ehe '~,1I'cU, rhlnk magic .. Think dc'li:gllt.. Thimk fun.

Do :no't '~hink duty. Do nor do Wb31[ you !Htmltl dQi-~pkituitl sit-ups like rcadi n,t 3 (hi ll btu recommended critic al [f;'~t ~o wh,(I,t']'Il'~ri~u~:s ~l[JI e~,pk'3,te \,~h3Jt inl[~resrs ye~,;, think my~~cW'y.

1T]fQt 'm asre!Fy. _ . .

A 111YS[,e1',t d raws us. l-ri ~ leads us on! Itl'~" us, (1\ elU 1')1' 'm~r

lJirfi ~A~ !tht.srj pl',iPd! 4 .

rd ... .Yoilr{ii! 41ft ~'.rUt·,~(,r~~i!'j,":t1 it11'rJ/r'Hnar ~ttiPl)" ,htl irr:r~~i~~1i' miHd $:(:'~fJS 1'.;1 "i1f.:~ oIIWri1uJ (f}i} pwdUf.t ,h-.jC ~hldol tJ~~rifyb.'i: rjf4.,~·lru rF/JfdJ Ik~ sn IJmd~

j~'I rJmJ Jtlf£b~.

FlRilTJOF CA'PRA p,tn-SlcrST

fi ~1~lflng ~hC' Weu, S uxJ:dug the Ponti

Ar~ is an ~F!Jflmge-usiwa,g system. I'll order Ita create, we dra~v {r1Qm our inner well. This iif1lru~r 'wcn. ,(ljfllauiuic Ilesc'fvnlr, is id4.,'aJly lik.~ a \V\c~rl-sr.oC'kcd I roue pond, We've 8o:t big fish, I'i;ld..:

A S]fI, f;!Jt fish. sk:ill'~ nl' f sh-an oil oonda nee of ~rti~Hic n:s~'a Ito "Ilf• As; ~:rlisu. we mr~:H real i sc t'bn we h ~'VI." to !]rJl3;lLnbi 11, [his. ,Slrris t:~, C(o-sys~Clrn!:!,. ] f we don~[' g£vC' ~Or.1fl~' 3'~'j~CI1 ~ ion rq' tl,p\k(~~p, au r well is apr: to become Idt".p'~ t:~d. stagnant; or bl Q(:k.~d.

A~~y cxwndt:d pcdod or piece of work ,Jra~vs he3vily on

't(lJ~iFJltrStf:lf·""iI'IIO mt' ~(!U ~~~'kf -nlui dub.~m ~ lj~t m .... 'r (d'Udnkt'"II'HU dr,Iit~Y'Qr&t'IJ-,i WJC~' i~1tfiI'UnJi b'l Li!iJrdt. l.A t HllliIL't" ,oJ 1\c1i!1ouJ'i. iE ~[fjlIJ· ttl, bt si'!.O\!.I'n. To dr(l.)llt" if'f E.Utr,- •

t.IIur. :stdl' 'if ilurld" p'~I{r j;Ulrl(rr s ~I~d ,fJf'QI~Ut!'tl'~J~ _ f'PISil'n~m;_m~t il j:l'N'j ;Ii rJiug ~md d:.lJfC'1!)r;: ~f ~t Il'rl',!'. O>JJJ)' ~ PI rlJ ~ ];MIl~' oI'dJ1 DttfJ S,U hr ,rNJJ~dI.

. l'f.tIUlAw~ TilE ULOC.IJiIN

I Jkr!'l~imr

(~f II ,_~.v. (t,r,,~ I U

I I 'I L. '"'IU I ru ru ILh 0111 ru ~~t" ~'~s; nll!.) In h 1 illhi;K I ~u .. • \v~·1 ~ ,1"'1

~~ I I~U ~ 1 ~ -" lIe· I - .. i I ,ml;3, _

1('I;'Ij,\" yen n .wn c u~ ~h{:' 11' f~H-;l rlOWii, ncu y~llU' \'ii' U~t" uf ~~,11 • ynl~

, h ::tl~~'t. In .cJW In u~ • . It!; tlllJ r, A n I $Is ~ r 11"1' "i~ n . bl! very ~ i 111 p]I~;~r I dnve ~b~,~ ro.ul, nOI, ,IIIU)'" l.~slUall!'"u.1.d. wJ~,~ ~ will r SC,[!? (~h. uJI\ Il~ a kn~Il1!""",illl route Ilum ':'I U!J I:J!:IIHj I:hl! no,\ • \Y!I.·llL·CU,Il!l1: .ri·fo~·u~l;."d f .

~II~ '" i~ ~bi,I.·~ "ri 'iIIJ,! \~mw.~d. Si~h [c ,!-.: •• I~ 1,J(l- ill J S i~~ll, . III .1\. ~rI'Y~I't' ry ~ ,1lil ~ w :s.i II I p~('·f t:"V,,"1 ~ t h ~ II 1,~f~:1 t. if J ~ i~~l,ll'h i~L) ~ ~H~k

of i,n~ct"u se, wi Mr u~ II II, .re~.~ ,? Sl'~,I'n~l I~ "~ I ~ &],1 h~ n~(),.rc~' Inob:d p~ I h. uP:"!}' 1.01 fJ r::w"'t~r'~u I .1 ~~ ) I.) ~ ~(l<I.~, ;um:(~ ,~31ai!.11 ~ I m rJ.~Tbe :!I ('l! 111 001"" Ch rio 1[.., Jlhl tJ; .~f J I~y I[ i U1I,,"~ of yCJr~or (he SCt"IH Q ~ f rtL' sh brcs d or h ~mc. lliI!.lidt' ~mlp~.nm Ur~llLiril'ih rh!l.·lumJ];ry .1rt~:u wit:hill.

Su:ll1~~ 'iUU~II1'~~!I! I~<II~'~' us, 'Otht.:'l[~ StifllGlilmd. u lUIS .. Ti'll mni~llIlC'~ Qf li~m,C'nill!b: Itc :'I gl',eU J)ic; t: or music c on I'll' .II 'very c'ITcni'Vl;l];u'c.I'i_ t.1~ ion, !~i ve nJ~ i:1l1I11 tJC'!ii 0 f h;1.rll.."r(l~ [ d~mc i 11 g eo drum Ifn u~ii" au ~~'~~ d 011,11' ,,1 rt I'~,' il~UlO U~~ play-f ir1iy---ti, .y r,~f n;.~J[~i!{I,

fi II i,nlll(: tJu.' w i I Il~'(.'\tlr{t In; ~ ~Iill ~I~ovcl( y. Coak m ~1!IC ~:l11 fd 11th.

Wt"]~. Whrm1m ~W: dloJ :md p.:ut:' \l't:'!!;t'ubJlc!'ii~ ~w do ~,o, '\I~idl QUtr d~,ouIt11lrs ,,_!'o \Vt.·II" J~c JUt'1ll ht: , a rt ,~i'! .m .~ fl[~ n-bll:' Jill ~'H'u":N.ui m: ~ hm!l. h,r.b:in il'i rc,cht:'i!.1 dU'ou~h dbytJI~lm-[~~rr(}t1flh rhYlllc. ~rl lL

reason, Srr"lpi!lA' C IHOIt. pt:'diug .1!1 :lIJjpl~~L~lll"~C' ~J.!Clth:mlS J l" q ,~i~r,lll y (otJ~~ 'or a~ J u m;ugh r,

A fI')1' n::'gu Ia r, flL'Pil'lu:JV~.: a eli 0111, pit. U'u:'~ I[~h~+ \,vc~:I. \,Vrh("fS

have i 1e'.1 n;j tu :H.ll')f wot"fi~ ~ [;I les o~ ~hc i~ ~(m l',t.! ~,ustCI'"S ;1I1d pClor Jam:- AI~d sren, "'l'n.:Ct:~ lou l ulirer t hlLl'l r '''J1~ nr,~t:'~ lIlUh:-,1T" rl H~;i r m .. ·c:J le'work, A liu,11I: c~p"rjnm,c~mlt \~ifh'ol1'u:' ftlclld,~ng (an C, st.. whulc new ,Ii~,h[ on 1~1~·St.: .'Ir'"lir\lit~c;s" NccdJcwor,ki. by d'~Il~'lJitiUJfl ,rcgu~ t Jr :'IllIa re pCltH IVC', h nrh :'i,PO ~ht:s and s t unu h,lt" iii rhe ,::I r~ i ~l wirhln, WhioJc' p,lot~ can bl" ~mitdtcd U]l wldlc We sew. A:) rIi:S1 s, wt' n n ver y i i ten II y r-(';'I,p ~ ha l we ~C~,

II,~ WJ~ y ~n. r gL~ ~ nny be [it idc;~ ~ III ('h,(", s~·~ QW,~:r ~II'I ;111 ex,j'j ~pt>r-.1itJt.~d Ems ~,c,~n !S s i11(j~ to hif~¥''-'! renu .ked, Ur,'1,u n iI"t':'!l'ca ('chi unw tell LIS Lh:n rbis, ~~ ,bcc.nJir;~"hll~~fing is. Jm ,arti'S't ... ba-a~n, C{il'lj,rjly, .

. buWC'nng, ~1J.r\"ImI,'(JlIng. sc;rubb~nG, sk vlug. nt'cr,i~1f!; J Clllt~o 111~1lr..I·-][~ik ·'-Yit'S w~rl;h!~~~11 .~( I[h~sc arc r,cg~wt~r, rellt'rlll'vt' ,:1C~~\I'IUC':'Ti d1311'H, 'Y LlFHh Ollle,l" t om ~.lil..llr llngic ,t'l:r.:1~11 i~n(a 0'1,11'. 1l1l0rc t;JIl:, It~IV~ arrisr blf.,in. Sohni,t)'lIs Ito stick, Cr4,,', ,[jlfi,'C' pmbkJtiJl~~:s ~1~~j' !n~bb.lA: up,lt'hr~n,gh t~l.llt: di~~~wc I~,i,,·r, cn~e.r,~c 011 thl.' fn."t·li.v.1 Y J UJ5 ~ as \l\l't" :I r,e L')j:·('.CU t ~ II C til I r;cc,k Y UUt..'lr-gil!) , • ,

l~j'fn whid~ of I~hc~c work~ be:n fOE yuu i ~d Wrlc il[". ManlY

.\'t.].I~Jr !1I'('Ii ,,;_Ikm 'I rf-fr~'l/J'-J'1 UlII~ Irjf.~I~ '~/4.h('r rimr-r~ ',r"

IMJ 'I jJ ~ tl r~~mjl ~J te« ,.]t'ri

lmu.II~'i:' II'L' ",U"'"' IIIm'mJ

S" J' ,Jj~ >[v, ~m.~~i~~111; Iji ~jjnl ~j~ll~"H"'J..-/~f~.,~. jm:Oi(~·t't,r~. ~JJfN' Ml.n~if!. ,J,J I/'!ftrN'.~' "m,' [milt rm),i,

URI oN J)i\ UE 1.1Ii i""1U


I~ . Ulldc:Ut:llld t.1I. l r Jill 1.1'111- dertakiug :.~ i'll1lJtt"n~ivc., ~lIid('!Jl ... ·l1c~l'LllimtT with Illy ou.r~ J crc~d ~ v I t y, I com 11 J ~It In Y!i1..llllf 10 ~:I~ t" 1:w(:'1 !.It:-w ~I:k

[turon iC.lll of ~ he' course, .~ i ~_

(1'I:~:n1l-~~ i [ '~(I wee k'~, rc ;1iI:1:~nH:~ J ""il~ "y ntorni u g r.'I':~~f;; ~I .1

w"'~il!'~· if ;:1 r t eM t!, Itt' ~ ~II ul the ~~ll.Irurfl Ul ~1It' nil of ~ .u-;h Wil.~· k'~ n:l!S~!Ii.

I. , further l'mcJc:r:su .. U '~h, 1 Itll ~ ~ (,,41'[.USt": W ri!U mi .!..' i'sllIUI.: ~ ;1,nd 1110 tions r~.H" me tn ,1 ea I wi 1 h. I, _~ (0111 ~ ~I ~Il mysel I· r'il:~' t' xce IIJt;U'c. :s cl f .. C;Ji'f\"-:'1I,d!=l~ i lal~t.: sllL!'~p'. "U;:;~, ex· 'rri ~l:'. H,i uJI p:u n pt:' ri n ~,-Iur rhe d,u raueu u r the !I."iD'L!.i rsc .

11]11' hA".I.!~ 1~l<I~II, 1}

·I~ j,1" Hui' m~lf1f\f' (II~ ",1, IHLHIJU ./~t' '11l~"'rI'", uO" It~i!" !ljllljJ~MI

I~L~j,k'rt·U~ dU ,(Jrli~ f[:l~~ JL1jJJ~' k,~(lw 6{!fmJ'. _ _ • ,~, YC$

.,rl~,Hr. !f rp~~ t'HOJIIi, if )I(}rr~t .£1.I(lIIlfJ ~'i f[~lJjl i1tf~ ~/lL' b~'~I~

rn 'g;rf ihl' tmi.".:'f.t~.

J141 I UIJ-]JI I ~tUI'tIIl

Recovering·. ' a

, .1

Sense of Safety


O~,1i: o.f OUR Cl'U:I!~~ needs 8JS. (::r-(;ati,\!',e 'beings i:'i) ;!oii~pport. Un'OJiEll 11 m,t-e]y; duj5 can be li;13 rid (0 (Onlc b~: ]clea]h~. we wOoui.d be rm etu red ai'la C.IlOO u rag,cd fI rSf l~)' our nuClear' fa m.ruly imd l~ L:1l by C'\I"c'r,-w]deni~1g circles of friends,. tlCiiIJd:a.'~t5 .• ~·II-wjshcrs. As young artbiltiS ... ~""~C need ,3Jl'!ld_ wamlt to 'bt:: ~cknowledgcd fur 'O'!J.~[" arternpts aJnd c.ffo.ns. as ~U 3S fo.:r our achievemenrs and H-i~ U In pbs. U 11 fort~n"u\({~·~y. L,]]311Y artis rs never [iJ!C~ i\.fc ~bis; critical e,;iI.dy' encouragement, A.'f. ,:I. result, they ,may' not know d1Lcy are art isrs JJt all,

P3rcm,lI,U SddJQffl respond, ~ ~Try h and see 'wh.u barpp(:Uls.~'· to ar~isti", ur-g¢.s :issu:i'ng from their orfsp'ring. They olTer calljn;on~ .m';, a,d1l.1"~"ce where suppt)rrt m'igilrrut be mQr-e W the pOi~llll;, Timid ¥,oung ardsts,,3.dd~:ng ~~(Ilre~lt~:~ (ear's to their OWTll .• 0 ten g;.v,c up their SUI:li:WY dreams o( artistic CaJn.-eI:"S. s.c,td~llg h-u,!O, rhe tw]~~gh,t world of could-have-beens ~JJ1~d regrets. There. CUJgh:~ between the dream of action and rhe tear of f~~b] re . .slrn.:lJdow artists ~:r-.c b ern,

] am th~nldllJJg here of Ed:win., a mmrdscr:abl.e rntniOlnJ~1iC' l'm d-er w~~oie joy in 1 i fe comes frOlljf;Jj his, 3 rt CO]]CCl ion, Strl()ng]~,·

Ttus. w(.-ck.~l' ~l.i:nt's }'ou [ crea n ~IV~ recuvI!.!ry. Y!l)U l11~y f~-d botla gidd~r and de!tialL1[. hope lit nd s,kr-pl1(':]1. . h c re di~1g~. tas ss, and e rt.: rcis;c:, J I nm:u B G\' i }r'OU m ('st.'lb1 ish a SCI1:slr; of nft ~ "It


wh ich will t:: ~l bilL:

you '~O explore lOLH CK' . .:nlvit) wil.h les lC.1lF_

(:OUf'iiI,COO to be ~n tt."'3chl::rs or 100 s<p;;;::cia1i:zc in craftt; 'W~~h Ithe h3n~k~pp~<Il- YO\a'~illg 'Wr!,r~rs ilnoY~ be; pushed [QWan! ~aJw-yerill:g. :Ii t:dky, ·wOJ.iidy pf'loFcssl,on" or mle~1 :nil!llr:dicJ~ :,chQc1 ~ll:rt<liU"i(; d1~{re 'SOH ilTIL13rt. And so: ~',e clTi~d '\\'ii'"ho is hi~1tlit:lf a 'bo'",l smJ~)t= reller IllI~)' be ~o.llv~r~, ]~:a,tQ Jil, gM;ted rherapise who ,IC[S ~~s Stories sC~lulb~I!1.d..

" u 'd d n".".

Too ~m;~:mlJl~: 1~IJte. ",. L'C pecome :Ii L1 ises 111CntU,s:c1'IICS. v'Cr<~ ofu~tIlI

100,10\,'1.1" 'Ill s:cU-wo;rdl.~ even 'reoog!1iU': tha'~ (~h~y have an artisde dream, ~Il~~e J.~eoplt' bcrqo~me shado\M 3'm:tisr.s. in!!a~·"'ad. Artislt Itheu'tt1se ves but ignorant of dn)!!l'r true :~d~nti~y sltma.dow ,: r rtists -;l"r~ to be foul'Id ~l~adQwii1.,g d'cclaJ.1ed arrists, hl»~b]e [JO reeogni2e that ~Iuy dlt!'1115:d \pes. 111!ify PQ5SeSS the clieui'lli~y Ibel" so ~d,ljJ'II,:i re, th,c}i' ()ftL~]l> or li[r:!,any people '!,IV 1m~, aCti vel.)' ptlJJrsl:~C' rhe a re career lbf',], t~~l::ITIs(d'W$ ~ecret'ly k,mg For.

W)n;n Jerry wrus, still M,ock~d. ~s :n~ artise, he' b~:QiI'n to d:uc lisa. ,Ii gi fi~d but:, broke ,~re,,"_~~ne~_ ~,ttisJt_ ~'~1 3111 your bigS'C$ ~ C~li'j], ~~ be o(~e'n eold her, What h~ d.ld not 1'1'11 ';ncd'i~U!ly' 'me]~ her was that be hi lri'llself d r'e"g 111 ed of bd'lIllg 3 fI~,mnmaker. He bad in

- . - ,

facr, ~1JJ1J1 entire lib:~~y of film becks and avidly dL:vo\rJ,[lcd

s,:p~d,JL~'illt!l;'rlcst 'Q1 Jgaxi~L'lJ~~_ o:n~ 'I1J In liIliI,3 k~mg. But he 'JV~S a fr:lld to t:iIl~,'t" s~ps. to aJcuil.;;Ii]l:2lC his ]n~~~'st~hfl,uead ~ ~'a'~ poured ~;a is. t'i [Tile a nd ;l,tter! rion inl\l~ Us,,-' ~~:l d lk:ls au cu!~(!!'r_ U ndn h~s guidamiru;c~ I1c'F eaeeer l1,'o'U'I"i~"']lU:dL She' b~a,m,~ SO'I~ClU .and 1'11- crcasim'il,g:ly wen known, Jeuy remained Mocked, in b~s 0Vl1l 'behalf 'When Lisa, su.sgcn~d he t:lloe 1 61nu lrak:iJng, course, he ram for OO~eT. • 'N'Qt everyone CiIlltlJ be :rm ~'rItis,t,; OJ- 'lie tqlid her-e-and himself

,A,nistis, love ofhe:r artisrs, Shadow artists ~,fC to rhelr :f>i.gllJftul u:ibc b~1( 'C::~l1IflLor; y~t ,d,~dn:ll ~beir bi[thrig~l- Very of~,c~] 311d ldty", not ~a Ilein. makes one pc rSQIl 3~l ~wtist ~nd an"m, other ,a shadow { r rt~ s,a;-'h id i I1S in rh . sh~d.(n~s. ,;i f ra:id 1.0 $1, " 011]1[ amcl expose t~u:1clr~:un eo the U . ht, fearful lh3~ m,( \ViII dis,integrare to the roueh.

Sb3 dow :I rtisrs cften ehcese tib:adnw earee rs~hG~ close to [he desi red. srr, even pa r.arulcl to. if! btu aoe dn,~ ,[ll'1t iltS'c~ f Not,~ ~a:Jlg their venom. frnnQ:Jis Tndfat]~, ,cO"ll'l~ndefllrh~,f crirics were rhcmaelvcs blocked dh':lCcrors., as he 113,d been wili:tC:1"] 'he was ::Jj ethic" lie may be '[igh I. lutcmded ficrio~ writers of~en go h~oo nl:\\'sp,np~1rh'lig or ad"fCnis]ng. w~u~ru they can 1iIfi$1I: thC]'f gifr

1 ~iI:'lrell''' "f~' if ii ,Lllerr ';ifi '(I ~Uil'i!~ It) ,dlll'{il~ flr~t"'Oli'," lJillU:t'"lJ, ~diIJ.n ~"'JI M dfOt)~f: nom"_

DLl ,~OI rJ{;f-tp; J(J llOr u~v. illJiA'M/~/. Uful"ilf~~~t1.

a'\RI[JC~'1 S'PINOZ,~

. . .. 1~; ifF ~·~te p]u m"'C ~111'O d idl r dire.;) lImi"]cd=;of 6c~ iOI1-

'W'ldIOI.n llMII~1::P - :o;::Jl • b.', .,.'

_ •• _ ... """ .. ]'13Itc(ujoJ;;d arnsrs m~)r c(onllC .~rtHU l11.n,i}n',t:'ts.

'V'lf~ung C;:II[VL... " .1 , • ,c, r .J ~ 1 iI?:_ ~~.

_J' . ...-:0'1.. ..JI.·all ·,.r sor.'On(ll1J ,.... p. C_i! ~lI.U·C .~ In:HlI~, sC'.fV"'ll.t11.

and '!it:n'l.'4." :1 ~('1;.,.,10 ~lj ... IL ~..1 oil ..,.

~' ~! d:rcJI'W I;ilj/G.!'n <1J:t O:JftC' Jlcmov~. ,

Wt:lf f .. ,,:I ~ . graph lor 111"'...:11"", ... ,· t: -

L:l['"{)]YI1. JH~r!-4i:'1 ' til. gl tocu P fliLOIO~1 ... I e ". .~~ ... oJj SU.('Cill'Z1lSdl~

:~rnf U nlil,ta,PP1 career ns a pho ~og ~a ~h cr1i. oc~'_ Jcal: .~h 0, yea t 1;'1 ed rJI1l wri,E!~ iC.a r.ur-c-Al.ln:s<, w.r-ort'e lInnn fll~ I.eS, Hil, ,I~if.:::r .~bm'fty~€cOlld

" _,~",,:I '~nni' ... K· K:11'iI!' 'who. W~lm[CicJ ~o be a wrtrer but fe3llrtd

,e,01ll1Rlljj:m ... ~ ... 1 ""F"""t . ..Jo .. '

l1l,kin§ her crcati'\II'mty sec:iou~~.y. made a. protilJb]~ ~~rce.m:: out of

rc;ppi fig j ·['e~I~~:)r (;r-t':1n~c pcopl1c" S ha:-d~~ ~Ft lSI'S all i tht.';;~c

. " .• 11 "' ... {J ..:r ...... pn;tl"~ rhem selves ,and thei r d r'~3 UlS Sit,.') 4?C Qeili~'

'!;; ... ·OIUL.f.' }I,;",,~ \'.~, !I.,V ~"- ..... .fi! .

rcr . .y:hr11b]~(w this, b1!!l1f. d~dn"'t" dl~:~, T~,c', lillad b{;-cm~ rais~d ee

I'he·role 'Of sM~!!i,dow' srtisr ~!]d would need to' wori=: COI1Sd-Q.liS~.)"

d· .~I •

~o I ~~;IIiIrn an '~~cl" ~l[,

1ft ta k:'G'S a gr,e}')Jt deal of ego :U.N~gth I~U. say 'to,.'l ''IJ.Ii'C,U"'1· ........ 'I'il;('l!' bu ~ do~r~~ii~ee:riuS p ... renr (II:lI>. ;3 J U's',rr plain a Oon'lIJ:l n~dn~J'

h ~~ .. , ~ .•.. d ,1:11

. . II·" , ,

OIl'H:~ • ... Warka. mil1'li,]td r am tOO an arnst '. The drea ,r;d n:sp<ms:e

iH3Y come back, ~"'How ~o -you know:u• And~ ~f ~oun~.eJ the fledgling artist docs .1'I0~[ ~no,~~ Thc[1? 1$ .lI~S," rhis d'r.t,,~. m, ~h~$ (cc'Ji og, rhis 1U1[[G)L:'~ chis desire, Til CI~ 1$ seldorn aJMiy rea] proo:f~ bu r rhe dre<JJ In J i ve~ Oil,

As. a I'O:~C of t'humib. shadow artists Ju-dg,c rhe~us~,:I~es .harshEr. be.ui:nIS EhcJ:IDl:sd.vcs (or yc~~s ov-c:r 'rrbc f'~ct tI~a.r. t}u,cy have not acted on rheir dreams. This cfllJd.:y outy fic:lnfo.rccs their sranrs 3S shadow ~!h'}be'r~ it t" kes nurtlIJr:ing [0 nuke an a~r,jISjt. S:haclow artists did not receive Iii'~'afncie~[u nunuring. TII,ey bhunc- themselves fiOf 110t :iicting fearlessly J_llyhrow.

Ln a '[wined. VCrsi,Olfl of D3J'I,wi[lI'iall d~h:['lmin:isw, 'W~ fe'l! ou udvcs tth J t· n;;tl atE iSIs ~ainsurv'i,'/'e dlc mmrlOSlt host i 10 el'il:vilron~ men~:!l 3[u d '!WI fiiud~ [I~dr rru,c ca II.i~lG U kc . hum in,1!: prise'O~lS:, Tl' hogw~h. M,3ny rea~ .alf'iists bear ch;]d'ren lOo c:rd!y 0(1'" ha\(Jc too IDll.ny. arc tOO pOilI' or ron, m:r; [:~lllo¥ed ctllhlfi1t~l~) or' ~iIfj;O<lle~iIJriJy fr;!l),m a.r.dsdc Oppoif~uni.ty ~o bcco.rne th~ artists dn;y ]:Cally arlll1', l'l1cso(' anisrs. ~l~dow (IlIU'lis[s ['h-J\QlDJgh no. ('ullt of [~ei:r O'Wfl', hear ~h~ dffisr.u:J.t p:ipi'H~ .of tile di'~arm, brut ~ft t1!:Iflj3b'1~ ['g In ~ kC' tbe i rway' t'llmug;b [he 'Cl::lll~tu m I :m 3z,e to n:D1d ]Jt.

ror all shadow artist'S! life m,ay be a dis",ont~nl'cd expcri= clu:e. nlUed wid. a sense of i1~i$$t:d p~~:rposc and unflulfiU,ed

p.roi~(:~i:l"]jg the A-ftis,t C:hiicl Whb:ill

~'Inc,~l~~~r. yO'li:u'lf. artist is.3 child. Filld and [p'I'tO:t'LCI. W:u chi. ld , Learn m ~1 ~ to ~,~ ~ yo~rsdf create is like h .. ":IJf"IlJ,ill~!:i. to w~1 k, 'ThiIJ arli~t'(·hil.d HUISf b~lilr.1 'by cr.ttwHug.~,aby ~[C!ps \V~IU 'f,'oUaw ilud [:bC'rL~ v: i I [ 'be ra:~~s~~'jl'C:chy fi:rst,. :p-~,i,tD t iug,~~ bCK~ Il'mI:hTlg fi I m 5 th ar ~,oOlk li ke uln~dU',ed hQm:W1C ·11lQ""IC','iO. ,fj r~t . oems ttl a t 't,\l'QI1I d :s·h::. rrlt:' 3 sn;ct ing (;11 rod. ~ y. the FCc-ovt:'ru ng ~hado\'llf artlS . wi~l u.SC" these nady effi)rts to disIC()l]r3ge coneinued cxplo'rat on.

Judrgin g yo.,ll'l' ,~a r 1 y artisric efforts is :mrdst ~lblllSC, This haP"' pens in Jm," ~UJltabe:f or '~il,y'S: bcg~~ming werk is measured a.g.,(ll:J:lS,1l the: n1.1 rerwerks of Oth~;~r 3nhts~ bcgimr11n in g work is txpo~cd '00 prcrnarure cri,li"isn1~ sJ~o'\~n IW o- .... C'rly c-~idri!lll friends. [lIi1 s]ilort1 the 'AcdglinJ~ ,::g rtist be'hav,cs '!,Nr'ell.pr3(ricecilu3sochis,ln. M~u;gch~s'm is an Li[tt form IQJfllt :lga .a~tcrt:d., perfected during the yea,rs, of sc'lt:rcp'foach~ rhis ~lab]l i~ the sel r-h.~dn J bl1udgcon wl t'~ w''h:icb ,iI sh l1;dow 3.rtist (3 n bl,;;:tt h j,mill1sc'l f ,rJigh t biiIJ(:'k i 1"iI.t!O tile sh ~.d;o,w,s.

bi Jft}cov.e~iljJ,~ rrC!tm]'~ our c-r.e:3Jl!ivc h]ocks~ ,It ~s, mn,er~ss:n"y ~Q goo 8t;; Ild}l' and s'lclW'ly. Wi'll,al[ \VI!.! 3'I"C ~ fticr helie 'Is. the hca lh~g or ~ ~d WUlj.nlcl~noti th.e cr,e:I.lion pf ne'\-~ Om:Sc. 'No, hig~h jU~ltipiti " pk"a!s:d M.istakes aire ]l(:cc'ss~ry~ Sn,lnd:d~s aT-e m,o.nn~~. The-sC' '. c b~by stc!ps. PJiogrcs-:5." t.lI()it pe['r(."c~·~o~'\!. ~:!l \vh:u ,,'c hO'ldd be' L 1{._ i 111 g of .oil] [Sled ves,

To 0 ~,r~ It~o {~st ~ ~nd we C£U'iI, l1ndo (}~nsd"IJre.'i.. Cro'a [i'!j,\'c ltC'_ OOll't.'r'j-" :is ~ik:e ]t~'u~irarhora tradllr~i:InS' We "tVaUJ~: to Ilog [('~1 :111m'\:' nd1cs r(H: every ,on,c ,:au l'1fru'ile, Th;s ,can go ~r~J~~rMt the C'go'~ grain.. Wc want to be 8f,ca~-iulll[lj'm'l!di:udy gn:g:H-b"'I't lh~t is. mllot !'iiO,,,,,V' itCCQiyt.-ry '\¥olrks. h: is a1!l~ ,:_·wk,\rr.d, (Ctl't31~\V~" r;:'lcn

'to. InlU" ill t'ltoIH11'f fljr. ~tr, mUll lcur 1!1ti.~,. IN,' oj bt'j·t~ II'''''''£.

In!iI-.(l,i,8 c:~! II J t..:


,~11I, i1-.J1N" b'l-rJ~ MI~hi 1(1 ~'S~'Cf.-"l' . ,kif' 'It.$JI.f,",,r:~~rJ1b f~~U6';( ami / LUitrJ·r ,f{l~li1lf W~fNJt~I.rt;.

:!)"-vJ.N J~.Ei:8:'

p~0(Il1is:e. 'ThH':y \~:1I~~1! tG Wilrirt~. Tblcy want to ~t3illtu, TIu[!''Y 1.'11. nt It!O,~,CI. 'rna,k,e ar~1I)jcSlc. d,;}m;e • , • bUllJiLr:!y IIrC. (li.:Jid tu t~k:~ du~" . = scl~~s sC.r'I.O'i.ll$Jy ..

tn o,rd,t:'f 1[0 move fr,o'~111 tb~ real m of shad OW!) ~IIU c. dt..,· light gf C[CartllVi~ shadow ;1rUs'~ muse ~,~~iI"n 'to. t~kc '~hreln~~~tVo!.!!,; seriIOU$]Y· gentle, dd,~ber,~,oo .effort, t'h~y 1.1 u~~ ~rn lIT till IX:' [h'ci F,u:t isr d~ilcl., C:r.CflIll iv~~y is Ilil ~y~ b'ltu fur s.'h~h1Qliliv ~n ~s es, 1~,1rrnnl ~ eo iUUOW ltil{:'r.llst'I'wes 10 III ~'Y lS ha rd work.

W'1J'NJ ¥Ii'~ .d~"."'d"rR drp',. il.uni, ~~Jli'"f ,aT dr,.;l~rrd, r~ ~ t2' jJ:~~~ "rar Ill'/iltll' 'P("'PI';:: jj "'. ~JILt'~ "fil;'U rO' )'(JlflI' ''11~~'''~~'.

:S,'\MAYA UU roo!" N


n~bJ/;~~;J, J,' ~]/UII~/illr' M1JH" r!1' IrI'hJI Wj'IJJ l~fl', fllnr j~« p~ I r~~~I~' f.,lj.lii;!'~ 11'1 Ihr'~~ JJ,t'

~Wi Jrlll 'hc;Ir.~!_

,(1;" I donor h ;l,VIl: go 00, cJiLough kh:as.

7· h wiJI] '~Ipsct my ma~hcr 'IlCUOf f8ither. ~,. W \\V ill have to, be' i\IOliu::.

~. l wil] fmd OUf ] ~,m gay (if stra igh1t).

J 10. I w~:n be s nru!lick !i,~f'a iglu (i f g.7Y).

~, ,I - I: w j II d 0 ba d work tI nd nor km11,ow 'irt i1Jnd 'iook ~~kc ~


IL. ~ wlll ~"C:] too. ~Jgry,

] 3· l will ncver hJ.VC'~~'y rc: ,I :mQnt:'y~

[4· .I: wi]] gel s(;;'lf"'-dG.:struttive iLnd ddnk. d,rlllit;'. 0:1" SCN mr;uyself to defIJt:h ,

] j. m ~\I',iH gc~ cancee, A105--=-o;r ,i! hea e i'lJH~(k O:r [~e


r 6. 1\I1y ~!ovc r ,"v ill I Ca\l\C me. 11" 1 w~,]J die,

] 8,. ] will f-i..1;;] bad because [ dQ~1~t des{':nl'C ee be suecessfol, ~'9· I' Will h~nte; only 'one ~oJld piece of work ~n m e,

,iJO" It's too. lare. [f ] ~!lav,~l\Il"t become 31 ftli11y funetiol~ing artist yet. I :nCV'C:r will,

N~M(, "11'~I:(!${' ";'(Il'e ~/'~di~r .. es ~1>(1'ed b'c i.rue, They mFII'1.~ ~c Wl:!l, I:[rom 10M r pareets, O'1J:1'1' rcli rg,io~~>; our. I( ultu re, and ou r li-:lIirful 'ff~C~LI:{l$" Each one a f these :bc,;1 ie fs refleers i1,g.l'io~ 5; ,~c h iJ'~C ab-ont ~\"ha't i [ B'nlU:."'3 n'Si to be :111 artist .

One't." We have cleared a:w~y [~1e Blon S'wt."'ping ,eulhtlli'ill ~M:;g .. rives, w~ may ind we a.(ce st]~] $u'I'bbo;rnly 14J(t; \1l;fit~~ core 111e"ga,ti vcs we' h ave acqlJ.]:~ fled frmll 01,.1 f' fam ~ I ies, fi.·ach ers, an d (rt~]]ds, 'These are ortell il1i10J"{, $obd!"-bl!lf cqllJm31]]}1f unde rmining if nor c(N~(ronted. Our b1t~,ineS;5 hen;; i$.(\o:n!lrtollring them.

N',~~,Ii'jiJ.1ll; beliefs aec I~X (tcd~. thae: beliefs, not tracts. The \'II,¥odd wa s neve r A:l [, 31 ~hough eve r,~onc bdic'i,,'I'cd it ''livas., YOla aec 'ml(lE d~llnb, crazy.·G'o,"lilnia.'r~t grandiose, Or s:my jU!Sl 'becsusc you l~:dsd'y bd::icvc:' }I!o\1lJT'.'id(lto 'be,

1. .E,.rcryonc w U I ha rc me,

2. I 'l!J:~.iIIlnJt'f:~t 11'1 if friends 3'1L1(.1 f'a,:m J. I 'Ii~i II gP ,cmz y,.

4, I' w~n abat!lldml mIy fr[,ends and f~H'n,Hy. ,. ] c. n'Ct;;.pcU.

~c.' ~ L ,oeIF:llltra~1. m,;)g~ '~""to: be'! i~f: we UUU"'it' OIiC gee do b do'V\:d dream (or ~n'io[liDJcr. 111 other wloJiid~,. irbcin~ ::Ii1'U artJ"il !irC(.:m ... li{} gOoOd, to be true to y'~~JJI. yO'1iJ1: 'W ill clc'il,i~ a 'ric!'; {- R. for it, l~~ .Il ~u;,Jk[!s 'yo!J!t 3'S 1J~fllp~ya b~~. Hen ee, ynu IiC:JjlJ~ ~U~ II b~ockl"d.

Mos,~ blocked €rt!,3 LI:IIJCS ,i;;~r.f'Y 1I al:ackl1o'l,M.~cd ~il:d I!.: kll~r lor Ifct'!5<o,:nh:JIg thaI. stands bll; tWl.:~n them and thei II"" Witli"r,-k". '1b beC0rJ11C un Mocked 'we III ust r,c:::coI1lt~lize ou r ,eitherl cflr dl; It k 1'ItJJ(&. 4. [ C~ n (!l idter be rotcllr!IJa]ldc3Jlllry happy OF ;]11 air La ~t ,,"" j; I ea n ci rht't!" b~ ,fin.Jn.C;mJ~[]y SJI.U:CC5SJ'L1! Q1' au ~ tt~:!:1,t'" ~t h~ p()s~il')l " qui'lC' pm;~iblc. to be braihL ~mi~ arti!i!t ~mHI [!Oll'l~nlical]y fuUillt.·(t It :~s qUjl[l1; PQs~i-

bl~ to he ,UlI anisl and flll3l1iJlcUa]Jy s'~Jj(CCS!i,tI: ; -

Your block dOCS.I1~lt Want YOI!] (0 sec' t1rn, _t. hs wh,~!c plan o,r :!tuack: 'is 'to make you ~'rr.~JtiQn;) 11.y ;;'Ii F:17t1iid ,c,r SIl),mc tl,illfc au rcome lfQLI ,:1 rill: tOOl c,mb;,u,~sst.·d to e ",en ri1e'lu:~OI1. You kIlIU),W ra ti,oll~ ally dlla't W r:hting 0:11" 'P.r~:~lt~f.1lg shoul cl'rru't be' ~.],IJU uff bt.'lCUISlL 0 ' yQU~ silly re1ir~ b'l'l~ bee: use it is a silly 'fe,a,r, you dOlll'l[ n~r it ~ . nd rhe hlock sJtaY:5 iorace, III this w~.y~ ~11'You"re' a bad !ipd!~If" ncecssfu~~y overrides all e'Oitup'!l:ltier speUiM~S progrnl1l$. yo~ 'ito~1 ~ t's dum b tie. 'Worry a b(lt~lr. spelli n~ . " . so. ~fQU, dOml'[ mention i l. And since Y(HJ dOll;t~ h, COlllti 11 ues to Mock )lo'n fmlrn;m h!iI ~Hug a so'h~dan. (Sp~'d Hng 'ca r is a I'Cfr]J.ij:l rk tlMy com men Mo(;~.)

I n ~'h~ ~flCj(lt P 11 re of. rhis week. we wU1 ,CXt'aV!E\: your uneonscions b~I[~Js by using s>om.c I"l)gk-b:rain/a,rt'~s~-broin ~canlillg tri,.cks" ~f~lese l'mflt3y s'u:'i'k~ YOu as 'hoke!,,' arid unpeodacrive. l:J.. in, t'hat's resistance, ]f:timl'h! ~~eg.ui'vj,ry ils,-tlw enemy within, what fo~]ows is some ljf,t:ry cffcni'w W'C:lIP-Ol1li1iY. 1'r)! it before

cl:~SCaJlfd~ng it our of hand. -



A rris.Es 3 rc: dirunk cr:a~r 'b-ml,kre

i rrcs pO'J~ s:iblc ,lloners

prom isc ,t~.(nl'$ doomed

m~b~ppy _

DOJrn., nor ,made

A rt isrs C3:n be: sober

:5JIlC :s:o~:\l'enl responsible

u SCII"~:fm:lemll,dl "I' faithful



d i scovered and re C'(JiVl" red

O'-UH ALf V "wmT"LlmN A-' FF~1i'!I'M'IIo'TIV't:' '!l¥.J'~ ,1!i'1)"ON" 'S

¥ j ·I~\···~~·I, ··111 ,~llj'::' i ,~L\~·n I' ~·W,~{-l· ... I_·' "

As blocked ,cn;;~tivcs" w~ ofllen si'r Oil! du sid~~rull3,c~ cri,liqying those In [he !YI,m\!'. "He's n()~ So t~la;:l!Jlfycd:"\JV~ m, y s._~y ef .11.':lU'rCTU 1y hot: arrlsr, And ,,\I'e l1l1llay he rig;ltu; .. boy t that, A II tn 0< on~'11 ~ it is ~ilLu~~~"dc, and no~~ l"3lelfalt eh :il1( Il1;OVCS an :riIfrist ro CIl: nre IF 5lt~glc.. A'!i b]o.(:kl:d ereael \!e~s. Wr2 WI ~.d [0 (c:g~ rd rhese bo~ us; srod:igbrr grabbers \~rjlth t'lrchUO!llity. We nKt~t be able m ~:h:~l~r 10 tt~UC g("!~lius, 'but if ~t's merely J sen iu s [fa sci I -proraenon were wim essi nK. (Jill r re sen -men r ru ns h igh~. 'h~s i" aetj lJSltj~~h}ll~~!.

J' lI."i'um(ii1 Jj,'~'~',t'[rj" • lUll , ~/lol' il~ fflr IIt:lMt.'u~IWt-r.rrhu,uJ fl'IIU':W 1.1. r$ ifJ) lt~{JfriuJtj ,ru,,-ly rht" J ~lI'ilIJ~r" J~rHr (iJ,hf l!·o",!J!tJ'jJjsr'lt11I!1'_ ~.vJI'r "' l¥ Ji IH~ pt~~ ;'".., !

Lo Uni l IJ,U~.Ii ~

T II _ ,\ p;I 1 I ~ r' ~ .".;' i\V'

.~ffll~ff~'Pi dli\t" filii: IJfi!Jtrir" I;(,,~-'; /f1r ttrMi~~ ~llpt"llS c~l yarrr~ $tV ~;iJ'j 'IHurt' '0 illii11~'I',


l11t '~f~i!".ir~~l14JJ "~'i'I! fe'l'H~Jil~ilitJ i, jl~ ~/ii: (il'rJldltt oj "willI!'JJr!lf,li~4 ~ j:ub,HO-MJ{!I',1 ~ if f/~'T( 'SillilY 10I'cl'[ri6U~ b~JlI t1cr.c muufo~ ~rr!d

c. C. JUNe

,It is a ataM'~ng tcdl~ll'i~u~ d~~~ ~ill_fo~f('~~. ~~i~S~7I:~i~~ s:t~~:~k, 'W~ l1'jji1!li!iu; spccrhc-"i. 1[..0 Old rsc h ~~ ;'.nRld ot]~C no '1;," ~ ~ JI.I ~lt "'~ reu wrililJs,. l~ co blIld

de d1.1d:H!'u'·r, mf tnaljl • .. ~ _ . .'

"(lHill could do ilt bCi;fC~ ~t omdy, you '" Quid ,~c your~e~f do it!'

,Arnr-it!l1la.tiol1'~ wlU hcdp you aJJI~:ow yo.n.,sdf It~. db n. An ar~ {j1i:'ftil':'!JliJoll is a ~)ositj'lt!, st:lmJeJ]l~Jt1t of (p'~:iauvc) bc]~ef. 3~JJd if we can bC~Q,'AJr~t' (n~c-mt:tU~il. :\~ :go!J~, air posurve sdf-t~lk 3S we (Iure'::u ."I~' ...... J,r. ",''' ~'~Io ••. tI' .... u wi'U 111 ot:U:_C:;i"l n ,e~'lO[,·lll,o!U:S ehanac,

~~r:1fh .,..,~ ill"" ["',u Ll~ I!'ii:. """... . , . . t:i' _

ttffif'm'1'~'io'J1 f~~,~j m:!1 lev« (I .tC~"'II~r, ~ S(Jfi:l't r,1iU'f i1'fJp,e'. ~ h~:L1 w~

.first sun \'vo,r.k~ng WJth a~r.11~3UOPSi'. thc)~ 'lU;ay fc~~ dllf;Jm,b. r-lo~tJ.Embarrassljn ISin'r rhis In'tlcresu~g! Wc.c~n easily; and wi I-fHJI!.I t cl1tb!l rrs is menr, bJudgeon 0 nrsclves ~"llli:h nega t1vc a f .... firmar ions: ., r· m N,Q c. gjlfrcd el:D ougb/no [' .clever tfn"}'!lo1Ih/:no~' Qrig:iina I cn,Ic:n"g,l~ Ino l ,/,ou:QG enough , '.' '" 13 ut say oog niec tl'a a ngs ~bu~1 t 0[1 rse ]'IIt:S i$ 1~.QI~Ori?~~~!y h;a,rd,.~, d~, .. It· feel s "r~ltry ;lwttu,1 :U ii~l. Trt t]]r."'SlC ~uui ~~~. d ~he'Y dOD ~ so~~.ud h,opc'lcs,~,y

" ,,, "'.,4] d' , f:.... -. ~ ~ .,,. [' I

S~'nJPY~' '~I deserve . ove, ',CSCF~V~ ',.'1[ p~y, !i;)H~SC'I"VC' 3 re-

W3_rd~ ug (f~uh"e li fe. ~" "l :J III 3. bril li 2r', nd SU(lC(t-s~f~l:1 an isr, iLo '.~~ have dch" e~ld ve rs ~ClltJlt-s.I. H'~ asn OOli11 p e eene ,3nd ,conudc:lu ill

.. k.'

I;ll Y ri;,realtJ vc WOJi • • _. _ ~

Did YOll r Censor pcr:k Us IrH~5ty l~ ~ r~107 ca rs 4p? Cen SO,l"Si

learhe :n~ylthil1g I'Jlat soua'ids JikA,; :ruaJ~ ts~lf,;_w~f~J~, The,' innnc, dia'~'c]y start lip W]lt h rhe j rnp,L']~t(:~ ront'! ne: :n~1J]C do YO'Ll~ l'l~itb k y~1Jl arc?" ,I ~'s, as [In eugh 0'1:1 ~_ en ['~rc c~1 ~,(Z'Cn l1'1: UJl1ooil1scl6~1 $ :li3'[" II,] P late n i gJn~ \,~nch,i Big Wallt Disn t.:'!f ~ Olli!' R~m,d'ffrd (mil O~f Ddm·ntrtuu and p,rac[icing CnH!'H~ DeViU,e's ddli['\\"CI;Y for

SG'~uhi l1it i ' clict:mJ1tc:itl es, _ _

JW':;Jt try pick~ng all ~ftifjtl:iti,on. for ex31~iJPlc "I, _---=_~

(YOlJllr- Il;\waflC). ~m a bri II ian rand prol i fie pott.c,r [~~il!1b:(~p.oet'll Dr: \¥-h,H!f!'\i'CT ycw are]," Wrirle dlat ten rimes in a row. WhUe :tOl'1 arc' !busy dol ng t'1l~t. sum€:flr~ ng Vlc.ry i m~~ resti ng 1IiIlrml11J~ppeJl. Your Ceusor wall scar: t,O objl;'>Ct,. ~":I I,i:,j'Y. 'wait a minute, You ("3J1i~I't :say all [Jia·ar pnsitive nuff aroilli:nd me." O~ect~ons will start 10 pop \~P' Hke bUfl1U03St Thesearc your &'/(tyl'$..,

, isrcn [0 ehe IC}bjecliblH'. look alt the ilrugl;, S{Ufflrpy litele bit] rts. ~ l]ldm3~,f {lJ1:1 d prcJifl,~. . . .S\1IJ.'C Jq.u a DC, • • • S; nee.; l~hen? " .- Cam~"[ spell, , , ,''YOltru caH writer's block ,pro=

J.e,: :;lI \}'" 'U.' id! , Jf "d'

'l.JIl€:,· • • • l'au re J~'I n ,r{U: '. ng you (se' . , " .:lIi!iTl 1-10t' • ., • ~,r,al1~


A~, d.ffiR, Miit"u rJ: ,~' .f~Jft:iII~ p;),Ji. I.l'r j;idrfIfJ~NJr dral JlJmt"~hj'I.~ I n:';ld);, Jjj.

SIIA GAw~11"l

r , Every nlor:ni~g. set your dock one~l:Jl. ~tf hour ~3l1i]V: g,c'~ u p and w:r.Uc !til ree ~>3tcs of ]ongllf,lllld, st re~.m-o·r~ C1,:nrllsCuQIliIS'II1e,SS Ifbl;)niiB.[lg; ·Wridll'S;. Do not reread lht:s{'

I. I am a cb::ul1l~cJ for Godl'"s C'n\u:i.\I'ity. amld.y d

~l!II'CI,.rk (o:lUes to goo .

1.. My dreams come from God ,aJ[]1Ci God has

he p ower EO .;IC;COg'!J~ plish t]~~[';n.

J, A~ I c reate ~nd listen. I. wi ~l] be I cd.

~. Crca l'Mll'i [1' is l he c rea tor's 'will for me. ~'" My crcativmty heals JJnYM.:Jf a nd others. 6. Jam, Ilowed to nUnllllrc in.y .u·li~lt.

7" Thr{nn1;;h the use of 3 l-Cw s~nrp,ll: reels, my cn:~uivily will ~Iolilrish.

8 .. Through the" l1JSC of 1:1Ir1')' ,C'rea'~iv"itYi! [ SCfY'e God.

9. ,My c rein i v iqr al l~l"ays ]c-, ds me to tru til ~ nd love ..

10. My creativity leads m~ to forg\l'c~IJ,Il:'&"i: and scl f-forgi vencss.

H. There is a divmc plan of G'oodncss.1:O[ me, 11;,_ There is a di,v:il'le plau of gooduc"ss. Cor my WJQ,rk.


'1 J. As [ Ustcn to dlC erea {r[ withirn., 'I 3111 lcd, 14· As I listen tic r:ny cr'C~'th~lty [ am led [0 Illy erearer,

,[$" ,I ;la~~ "I.l1Ii'i~l~i:ing [:0 create.

J 6~ T ~u all. will ing 00 Jeaen ee 'let mvsel f (:n~aw. 17, I am wm.njn~' to let God (fC3J{t; ~~J[ough l1'U':_ ] E. I a rn willing to be of service th rough U1I y

creat i vhy,

19. I am "vininG ttl expencnee nay ('[t'i'Uiv~ cn~rgy,

.20. ~ a mn 'Ij;II!.I'UJi I] g to 'Il'IISIC Itl,' ,en:~' t hI calenes,

.\Job· ronr pl.1/r. r«IWfrJIf Iltt}iYSl Im·lI".ri.'_r ~~. "NI' Ufr-

~(Osr~ Nt)II'I,:V"C1!OD

- ... '" llow "" 1"'!Il'on~ ,col se 1t01 ~~!Io:lfW,d rt'h,i::lfn" ,Idt:',~ ~~ I v: sric: .... k

~l:agCS'O~ ,,. ._,~" ,J:, _. ". ., ",', ,_ . .r'11 ~."".

~hiL'$C pllg~S mil a J3J~! mllIH,I<1 ilJnv~~ope. or hide ~b~uu

. \" .I-l.~'''''· \V1doonlC to the mn.onung ~f\:tifJ"l·S. Thl'."'.'

!'l;CH'iliC'-l! .".-..... W, 11:'" ~~ ,. ~ ~

\7\ ,m ("tim,ange ?,[1. , , . _ ._ _, •

T~lljS week, p~,e~sl! bC! sure I[)Q' \york WU'~lI JO'Ulr a f-

firln~H iJO[lI~' or choice and YQ'I!.JJ,[" bln rts :H ,ti'H'! CJiI d nf ~~da d:1!Y'S morning [J1tge~. Convere aU b.~,urts h~lt{II pQlSh Ive .'I'f:fi rlm:ilialt ~('JnS'.

2. Uk..: jl'tmJr'Sld{ OfI 3~ a['tds~d;ate" You wJ_n do this every ,\1IJ(:'i:k {Of' mhc duration ot the course, ~ $;;u'inpl,t; a tiSl date: rake 6,ve ~iOn:llrs aad So Ito YO~:!i leeal fi\f'C-3~~fIl,. d~~r~eT Buy silly [hi~JISiS Iike gold ~~ick-''o;n~ st~f~? liJlry d illfJ:O'SJUU. SOITlI,t" pO:!l.lC3Td~. 8pa.~',"':Jy s~g urns, gh:~c. a lid ~ scissors, It;r,:RyoWl5. You nught grve 'yo~:utSle~.r iii. !~~}O,frd sta r ,Oll 'your envelope each d ::g:y Y'Cifll wrlre, JlU:rt (or f(n~.

Ti me Trm,oc I: List eh ree 01 d enemjes of Y011T C[(,,"( ti've

). self- .... orth. PlclIse be as specific U poosibl", in doin8 En~s; ~XeirCi5e. Your histQl!!i(: ];n_O']lSltll2~r5 are the buJEding blocks of you r run,: ne§:rdwc bel tClfS. (Yt:ist rotten Shi,'" ter 1\.3fil'll Ri.ta, fr(lm fifth grade does !l:Ot]'IU'" :rnd the roefen ~ h ing she s a I:d ro 'you does marter. Pu t he,r :ifil.) Tho s is yOll[ rnO.ltSl'elr ha U ,of f~ me, Move lU!ons't,crs win CO;tmc [0 you as you work ~hr'OJ, YOIl) r rcc(w(;ry. f( is ,~I\\lays ~1ecess;a['y to ;l!Jcknowledge cr'C<'Iiltive' injuries andg rieve them, Oth erwise, rh,e).' beco1lI1C elm~~'~ ve SCJ r tjl:5SUC and block yo ur grow th.

4. Tl me Tfav~'I: Sdc(?t and "i,~-':I!'i te ,out ene bO["fiOI.r story from }l'OtJ r monseer ha ~I~ of {an~c. Y.ot~ do itiIJot: nn,eca to 'II\~ iii r~ long< or much, but do jOt dow:" wh a.t-elVCr derails come back to yot1---'rh~ reom you we re ~11. [he wa,~' peoplelooked at rlnl~ d'be W81Y 'Y"0U fdlt, what )orall f. pa r.'e,IJlII[, said or didnJ'1 sa, when yuu ~_olo aJbout i,t; [i1,cI udc ~:h('lltc'\l'(;T ran kles ~Ol~ @J~01i:!E rhe 'inci,deuf: .. A 11d lhc'il I rcnuellin'ber sh C' lave nl/C dll'iS ["cB:l fa key ~mdk' allel p-~u ~ed HflIJY head. _ _ .~'

You :rn~}' find it ca rb::l rtic ~o dmr:.t'\.y 3 ske:[,ch of l OUI" o~ d 1110 nster or [0 cHp Out 3 n bn a gc rh,:u e-vio,kcs the

incidc~ It, lroil'" Y'O'lLlI. C<II.r"EOQ]lm (~ hing 'your !I110m'lS,['U,f. 01' at k:asl': d,ra;w a nice red ... 'l thnrt!'~S~J ~t .

j. Write a letter eo rhc ~-ditJo:r in your (k'fe~H;e. M~,il i'~ [0 yourself. It is great fun 1:0 wrife ~h:rs. ~,l:'ttcr il~ the voice of you Ii \'\1\Q:E:~lII~d.e-d iiII:r~ iSI: ella Id':' OILl'f;li wm,O.:I!:II1I, it may ceacerrt: S:isu:'r A!lI~;n, R ira is a jerk :iUn~ has. pi~ ey~:Sj aJndJ ~

£'an too spel]!" .

6_ Time Tr.avel: List tbree old d EIl:~~piOflUS of your cteative se,lf- ... Y'~r,th" This is )l\01il1F 'brail~ of ,cha.mplOins,,, those w,h!o wish )'O'1i1 and yO'llmr cWC'Jti,vity well, Be'!)pc'" eifie, Every cnoowrag;,ltg ward, c-Oll!m ts, ,IE VCn iifycu d isbeljeve if) com lIP] i i'lt!l etu, ·U'C'Cord i r. lr m ay w,eru~ be true,

If you ~ rc s tll~k ft:lf Itllm pii m ["IUS. go back ~h toLlgJr~ you:n: ti n:1U~,! ... t«JI.'\i'C IloC an d ]uo,k fur p eshive m.emories_ Wh'UlI],. where, and WIlY did you foOCl good .bom:

Y'OLI rself? 'Who gave' yuu ~.rt.1HlfI ltio;n ?

Add i tioll1~ II y~ you JllfaJa:y wish to 'W ri tc th e cern pliJ11e.I'U out tIi'uld d!~c'O[~tC' lit, POSit it near whe re }ro~ do YOUrii'" Jnor'Jlin,~, pages.or om the d~dtbo~rd t'&f 1Q'u,lr car, [ l:;l'u't ~1iJ, lne on dIll;! ch!;l'!il~is of l11')f OO~1I1PUU;!E to chee r ~T,j,rc as I \,lJ,r ri ee,

,. T~rl1e Travt:'I: Sclccr aad \'IIIr~te 011~t one h'appy ,ieee ,of enCO'!Lu:3gemc'nt. Wf"i'~e ~ thalJllk~y,o~~ ]~[wr~ Mail it re you rsel f Of' ro [lime I ong-losr f!fle:~t() r,

8. ]n'lagin~ty Lives.: IT YU1l,l had tfi'~ ,oth,cr ]ivJ.:s, to lead, Wh~l,l weu b-I you de j 11 each r().f tht'~ul ~ l \vOM.1]d he a p:i!~ lot, ~ cowhand, a p:byski~t~ ,;1 p.syrhi,c. 3 monk, You mighr be a scub(] diver., m, cep, 3 writer ~f chih1''s books, a ibot'ba]] :p ayet. ;t, ben}" dancer, it p~intcr, a pt:rfor, nanee artist, ,3, hb,~ory teacher; ,~b~.ilJt,cr~ l1Ii ecach, ~, scientist, a tJ ector, a Peace Corps worker; a pS:'ch@~-, ogisr, ~ fus herm ~11I;, do In lniseer, am~ auto lll~dl~a" lc, ..1

ca,rpetl't("r, =1. :SC Ird:pto"fjl >'ii ~ aw}'c 11", ~ pJhn'cr, a (O~npllll'l'f

h.lIcker.~ a ~O~p-OpCI"'al :S:F.Lr~ ;[II ,OOUtU rr ~~ngcr. .l J[\ock:rnd=ro~ l dUlIJ'111 UfH~1'".\ .. er OOCUIrS to yo,n. jQ[ if dlown. IJo ~~ot ov~rdrink d'li ~xcrd~e.

TI",<e point: of these Ji\l'£",s ~ S l1) ha,l1"C (un in. Eh,tlnn-

rEl1flJ' ~i~\tI;t' U!\e' my JLI!'~' rlJ('V't ~Jf'J /PI tlll,,,! foTln" SUmtih~I_'Il' llnpprus.

!S"r.EUuI\ "f~ I' M '" f.,;

~nore :i1l1Jn th;ur1L yOliJt lfn:ighr In: ,having in rb'ls one. Lock over ~·o'~U' i ist and selece one, Then dro, ~t ~h'is we~k. For i §:I!s~,[I'nce'l :if you :Inn dU'i,\\\,,ll (o!mr i"y .;;i~"R'C"r • .c~1'II ;rOt'll flfrl,ick ~ gu ita f? [( you drea'm of being .~ cowhand, ~!ih LI,t

f' '. 1-... 1'• • .]1" ~ .

..1 bou [ some br::IUSCV.JCg· TI~,m~"

,. J n working 'W.itrh sffi [[ mat icn ~ s 'al~'lid blur rs, y.l:'~y onc~fI injuries and '~l'lJO~~~s'rers swim back ee Us. Add these u). )fOU r li~ ~ :}~ dli:~Y occu ~ ro ')f(r~]: W?,rk '!J.WI ijh each bi'~ln m ndli''I,dd:uaUy. 'fu:r,n ca1t'h ncgata \fC :1:11 to 3ii:;J, affi ILIU:irtl,\IC


,'0. IM~.c ya~r a:rrri!'t for a walk, the ['II.Y'O o~ yorLl. A hrislk 1[, ~~P[ y,~,u~l!lIi~~lUf' '\:V3Jk can dr:3Jmi:U1 tka II y ,a,llt"t cou-


(}IJJI"J.I~I'I ... IJy., ri'¥ b(.( ... mrr uohlll ~~ \,' t~wi;,JJ,·~.

CU.l:.IJI)E M. D:~ ~S"'-OL


:tou \,\dJJ do c:lleC];(.eirt]ls ,ev€ry wc~k. rf you 31'(' :runn:in~ }¥'Olr.IIlr Cr-esrive wt."{!'k to Sunday .. do fOl~r check-ins each S~tu:r~ daJY. Remember th31[ rhis recovery is yJ(JlI~"j. W1Htt you th'mmk ~ s bnport:llJll(" and 'ii~: "'ild ~ ~ become incl'easiugi "j iml~e'I',~sti 1"Q,g IDO yO:!JJll as 1Ol1 p'rog~CfiiS. You m:J·Y w.~nl(; eo do check-i mt:IJS rn )¥'o~ur Jnot'111ng...p,a.~t:s n,o'i:;cbo ok. ~t'~g bess U) 3USWC r by ha n d and 31~low ahour Itwel1l.t~r minuses 1[0, respond. The .purpose o:~ chcckins is to gi w cu jOll n1l.i3Ji of your ,cr~~6vc jo"rnc}~. ]'t 'is m'!J1y hope that you will bl~c:ii" share die tOQI~ \v~th others and lin doi ng so Sud you r ow.», notes, i.I'i]'\1aJ]i[]:il'bl:€,~ I ~ Yes, I 'WEl~ 11l13d i J1I

w'Cek !o~.r .. 1 loved "',~"€ck five ..... "

t. HO\~ Plan)" days IIJi~ \",,~(;k did. yo];) do your morn i ItS pl,ges? Seven O'liJlt of seven, we ,;!,h:lIII'a:ys. hOP1C. How was the C;i(pcriC'I1('~ (or you?

l. Did you de you.[· arrisr dare this. lVCCk.? ViCS, of course, we ah\\l3}'s hope. And yet a rti sr da res can be rem ::Lr[k,aIl:;I:y diffieultso ,;d~'O"!.iV YOlu'~c'~f Wlil~lt cl~~ yorU clJJ? 1ddw did :it .~ocl?

J. Were there any ot'h~T lSSUrCS dl.ii~, week tharr }'lOU COnsider s~gllifuc:an[t 'folr ycur recovery? Describe them,

Rc 'C" '0:' rve :'r' 1'" n . g.... a

.. ".:._' ", .·~·V .... _:. : .. ..J. ""I .,':.:_

.. '~ '. .

,', ,",

Sense of Identity


Tf{US,]]l~'G IO.Ullt C R'~A WI \I' ~'r'1 ~s new bc;h~:'vio:r for m.;3jfJill]Y of us. 'It InilY .fcc.1 qil.!i~~tc thr~;;Hcllll,ns mitially, ncn only [0 us: btu also Ito GU~ Iruimaecs. We l11ay fc\.·I.~nd k~Dk--crr;.ltic. This erraticism is ~ nprn::l31 part of g:etti'11; \i!l~lstuck. pYmn~ feee fllonllhe th at has blocked U $. [It is i ~npo,rlilln 'to 'I"Clllllc]l'llber tha![ at 'first' l1ush, goring sm'u~ Jike ~,Ojr~rnIS Cr3zy.

,];,hcrc is i1 re('ogI11i~ab]e ebb aJlJrd flow to the process of rerC'O'I,,"'r.::t:il~,g O!U r c rea't'i'w sel ves. As \ViC g,31]]-m! nl'e:lI1llgt'h., se '\\fijl~lru s:o.c of rhe auacks of. selif-douhl~, Tb~!!, is 1'i],O'fliilfiru, and we Can deal wi,d1 these $ltn:mg·er ~itta{:ks, wh~;J~'we see rhens as sy:rnp~onts of rcoovery.,

Commou sdC':'.at(a,dUl are: ~"Oka'l~ se 1 (hd ok~'Y t'his week burt it'sjust a l~,m,por. '~'1 tlil.i,Wlg ..... Ok~y.. so ] got the morrring pages done, 1 probably did them w[on,g_. i •• Okay. so :now. ~: need [0 p.1 ~,n somcrhing !big and de it rug{jlf ~U~}£~r~ •• • Who :"b:Pl~ ] k;:iddfJ:ng? 1'11 ~'~C::V'C'1i reeovcr, nOr'~ r.~C~n ;3li'1.!3,Y ., . . not €V,Cl". . . ,""

These attacks ~re ,gtrC)undlc&s, but \!',er)f cenviucing to OUfSri;.:h.l't.":S, Bu}rimg ineo them 'cn:ab[cs us to [C,"la:~n stuck and


Ti- ~:_.; week , tiC! revsc ~·lf .. dcfiI1ilion a~ .

ITI :ljor rom.1lJ" I 11 ent 0 r ('1f\t:"iII't 1 \·c rec O v er ~ r Yo u may fmd y'l"lur '. If" dlrawmng new ourtd-

rri l:!\o :JJfI! d s [ ak i 11 LJ

n !:" ... terril:! rn. . ...::· 1;K'rsQ1;') ~b~ needs, dC5i:rrl,.~, and il1h:;li1,;50t .l1Jla noun ""'" [hem sci ves, • mC·IC~:.Iiil~ and tools arc aimed :at movin '


you mto ~( ur P 'r-

:S>OlfJj~[ idene it y. a scl f:" dd'ijn~d veu,


All .w~!~/.f t1rptmJ's 011 "M$.: IJn~t lr ;l_ttJlld H.d. dllWhl ,ro /tel f~r.Il' !~,il1!' tjll' il~i»,. (l dj'I~f!lI/;' ttl II~ntl r~pn§JI~ -uI.)whrg tl.tri: b." lIliJ"l" mliwi,~.e ~{»ily 'IIltde1',ftJfjf.r!iI.

DoJl~~ UssING

:5rJlpPJ ~IT',ptlJp/~ '(ViiJJ u.tHfr,,.~ ~~III1'JI" )I!.mw ~ i'D' bf1fQ~ ~m~l:af~ljr n--1~li{mlhfp ,pt'J'I~efm.


dIe m:']s\ks. 'Of (u I f'lllj ng it", ¥OUiIi" blocked. .fnCJilJ ds Inay S E'm he ;,1;'8_ d~d,.~i'lJjg ~m all these com forti ng N>clf=delusioH ,',

'If th~y arc havil,l trouble wi.dli yo.Ul1i G.iCn~·Cfy~ t:b~y If\~ still ~cnill,g a pw~ff fr,o.:m ,elnaining blockoJ .. PClrb.,p:!i thC.f still Gel ,3 n 3.norccr.ic high fr'O,1'I1 ~m,~ ma rryrdom of bCllllm.g blocked or ~1'a~Y .,o:;~in ,oolJ",,:t !;y ,np;ttd:ilY a n.dJ W'3J]0'~.'M" in self-·pi ~'Y. [~:rhllaps [h>ey s[iJ~I] fC1:i S,rltlJ~ f'il'ink]~:J.g ~h~l1;D,t how more C!i~11;J11~~ ~h!f;;y ",mid' be rtha n Irho,$C: "I!Jh,o ~ru OI~t !~htC'",e doi ng it, These arc w(.'!: ie 'btcha,v iors fc:u' yQIl~ tlO'lf,J1iI;

Do 11'0 ~ G'~pt::(iI:"yO'Uf blo,ckc,cl friends to a PI t ,ud your reeevc'm:y.That'~sJikc expecti:mtg y'Our best f~iend~ f'rmm the bar to eelC'brn:~e your sobriery How cen tin:y when I:ne,ir Qwn drinkillig is s_onl;c~'h~:I~.g they wa:lIlt to hold 011 oo?

BtrJdl:etI~ft;,~;'iti~ IJ~,{iI'y fijJ~' )"0"''',," r~i.£iH.'t1ry &b'~'~~I~U' I'll- Your CC [ti"S I'm i1MOGk~d rnJ&cs dK lnlseul.~ H,g: pOi£slbi'l i ty t'ha t dtt.ey;. t.oo, CQU'I d bceome Iiil]]bloc'k~d and rneve lID1lJf:-O ~'Ulthc;n:~k cre:nhlc risks [ather than bcnch-~iM:i!lr1ig 'yniels.nt. n~ 3~en It:·C) $uibdt: SabOlJglJ (muu friends. 'Vall caAntOt3Jiffor-d dr1gir 'wrell-:lrneani[J,g doub'~ right no"v.~ Thd:r: dQlu~,ns win f1e-aili;tiV3te yo1!l,r o,~. Be partic~d;rdy alert to any SlI.!Ugestion thar Y01:.il1 have bea:un~ scHii,sh ,O'r eli ffc:r-crn.t (These are r,ecit-a],er, ~ wt)llds for us, l'ih.ey are att~lnpls U.l leverege us bf.a,ck ill'rlllD O'u'r old. W3l\f~ (or '~lm,(~ $<'IJke of som .. eene Q~$c1's cO~llf.on. not oueown.)

BJQck~d oCf.rr.'ilt-hn:s; are: easl ly n13~lIipulal)oo by guilt, IOU r fr'jends~ feeling abandoned 'by our d~pa'nure froul the ranks of the blocked, m,~y UL'liCOl1Sdou~]y Itry to. guile-trip us imtQ givu'tc: 1._'l1Jp our 1:'J!l"\yly' bcahhy habits. 11t b~ very important 'to ilJ.lIJ~dlCp.aa1ild I[h,ar. d;~C' II.U1C given ~~'Jor~1J~JVlg p~g'~s is d~ne between you and G;od.. 'You '~c£'~ 'know )!'Pur' an SWC:lS. Yow w~U be led to new sourccs, of SliPP ort 3S yOll'l begi,n to S!J.1PpO:ft 'you'l"sc'l r.

B C' ;wr:rr (,fjKfi~II' l@ £~gaard' )mLf,n ~1t'luly .n.¥'O,~~tL' Itlirli${ Oih:n.

C1rt."ativity j~ blocked by our fAI~.~ml in with other teoph:~s plans for us, We '\va~t to Set ,3siiie time :f'Or OUi ,crG:'w'iiri'~e work, buJt We feel we $i'i1Q~lt1 de sO:Il1~th~~llG else mstcad, As, biocked crca t ivcs, ~~C (OCUf,S. Ilot CJn our rcspon::s]biL~fh~s. tiO' ourselves, but en our r,esPQiIlsibi,~'iri~,s [P o,[h~rs., 'We tend to '[hi~-ruk such beh3lvior usakes us go.od people. ~Itt d)~jJ!sn~r.. h In3k:c~s l'!S fllil1snared people,

The essenrisl elemeru ill !\1llllr[tilillJ~in,g olur (,reativi[)' lies in nU'l"tllIil1g ou.rSelves. Through :self-mrJIrU,f1!:ura:n,u:c \¥C :rn.JI'FtU('C I)l!lT


1tfiJ k1Pil.QH,II",;J.ral Jrl'U "~,W ilwlf'~~ oflr~m"IMr HIIyfill A P1'T:1"'P1 1(1 R~)t.n fIle l..-orld rdb YGu ytI~ IlIJ,(Jillt r prff/rr, if' jg liJ:iI['!!,: 'h.ffl ro'~ . !l:t:H~' Ild'iilr'_


Crea~'~:~ity Jleurishes \lllilc~1 we haw 3. SClliSC of H,£~'ly iln~ s:ei€- 3JClOOp't~[.],(e. )four ,~Ir[i:s,l'. ]wke·;.1 small chjld, is Jt1lrp:pje~a Whl'll {t.-cU·ng 3i $C'tls.c,.O.f~C'~f.ity. As '0\1'1' Z!l:rdses pro'tc[ctmlvc p~H'e,rn. We 'mUSE ~tCarnl to pJac~ '(l~l( 'U'1t":ll$f wich safe compaeions, t'O~llC' pbrym3ws can O1p'S,izc OUI:" .atds,t·lt~O·wtb.

Not surp.r:i$img1'~f the mese POIS(U10l1S p~ay'ITHu."cS fur tIS 3S, [1~~O;lJcrilll (:re~riws: are people whose creativity is still b]Qc~cd" O:1lJ1E" rlc,ov~.ry rbre:a fens d~IC~1llI,

As long ' .. ;]5. we wer,~ 'h~.oc.lbcd!, 'Me O:ft,C:nl. fdr. dm~r[ I.t' lI\I'aS 'nl'-['iJglil1~ .1 nd sel f-wi U. 00 sp£~~ of ou rsel V,fS as cre~tlve 3:~.l ists, The 'until is tha'~ it \V,;1S sd:f-will eo refuse to, adfnowl[c'dge our 'f'c;__I~~l'ity. Of course, tlus flcfu~i11 had its pa,yoJf5.

We Il:OU I,d wondc r and ;,vo,ny ~Ibut ou r a r~rlogJ nJCC' in~ID€3d of bejng hu mbJc enough [0 ~:u;t help to n:~o\l'e t~] ro'lL1G~1 (:~u r fea I!'. We could fa11tasize ~bo"Llm art instead of do~ng the work. By uot ilskimg the ,G rear Crea lor"s ]]cl,p witb our crc.IJLd'l!fiity~ Sind b}f nm s>c'cing she Gre~t C~1I,tor"s hand E~ ,0'1.:11' creativity, we could pro(1~ed to dglt teou 5J,~ ignOire [(:)'1111' cll'i3ri vi ty ,and l1CY(;r have ito l;)k}~

RO:J.!:ER'lIi LIJ .. HJI~ Sl1.V[[,xsn:;.l

s • .It:'l' 'i~~~l" rol~ cJ{Jn,'" folk .. L,,"' r"r·l!r· IItliire'r .lJlflidi:UI('i!'~ )\t;".jrd .::r ~ilW to - I'nw;~)I. 1,1,.111 rif pall' 1""", .til Ktfi~ ~J .fpirii'mn~' Jrud,IQ.s.

it :!IJ~!riCady. ,mnd you certainly f0Cogrd:n: 'he thumbi1l~il cles:c"~ (ion in the lP3Irng,raph ' bOIV,e. Cr.1'Z.}f~ra:Ti31kcrs like dr. 'tn.t ~r dn~y C.:,1II1 s,'W,ing iE, dli;;Y are !the Star. Evrer'Y0'11C' aJr'~H':~lild lJilt:'ln funrdons alS, SU.lJPQrt~ng. GiS t, pick iug u Po ehei r C1L1,1l,': ~ t111l,ci,r iIO I!'IItra nces ;:nui. c;;t: irs, from th e C'1:\:1 ZYlll skcr's (crnczy} W~J,~I~m~"

SO:riM1C jtjf the 111,051 'prnloiU nd],. des l:nlLni II;II'c Cii"W""y!n::lk~fS I l..c'a f,u l(Ij ~~/11Ii! IIi:I'J«~! wilh ,'rt"

.to ::N,'Ior"e lIiJ!'I1Cr cni!.IO~JII:1II'Cr,:ed lIlk [hc'ms>f!lv,~s, IbIllDiIllOUIS> .']'f[ i$;[s_ ~bC'y aee $1~~!l"PlCt' 1Iif/~'r/l j"pj f\!i',Il""If 6).ttJ "")i~""r,; j ~~]ill: kind ef ~rrthlllt!li ·th,t1!,t give du: rest of us 'bitd niln'h:s. Oncil INa! i!"lI't")ltJ"j~ j',ulm IV,.lrdJ.ilI ~'in:"g;~'~ lbairil Uf~1 th,e.y 3CqUii,~'!! I~hat SJ:atu:s b¥ {cc..~di~ilg on the ]~re ,rnp"s~ en~r.g,ic s of thwc around dm"t;:In. For th is reason, ltu'~y of mh~ l:1l()s·t C'r'a·Zf ~,1'li~u ~"Il ,A1tler:fCiiI are found, s:ur:rOU'muh:d b13 cadr-e of suppcrters as: tiIJlt:'Il'tcd as t~,er aloe h~t dc~eftnlnciLlJ to s~ibVtrt rhe i r OWIIl eslen t in. the service of ehe Crt!r:1JUl ak ing Ki il&

l 3 m li~:iiin kin,g, of a, 1nOY]C' 5tH rn visi.tecl se~~:wa'i y,t:''l'.!,rs a~,o .. Tht: ~btm1,:a/~:f ew,~,s one of the g:ian~ o€ Am,cr.:~un. cjiirM::n~3, His

_ ll" bJ d l"'d'

statu re W,iUl u>rUiIIllSltaJ,.~ ,' . e, ~n iSQ w~S! fIllS l Cnt~ ty ~s a '~r.Jz:y-

maker, Giv~n rhar 3'11 Ii lrn nita kiir:llC ]~ d'c.m~di rt,!, his sets ~irC l'iJ r :nno.l' so: hours; long; bouts, nfip.21ra~m,oli3; m'nuigy." :)Ilid ~I!l~ tCrnec:illt:' po];~dC5. Arn:id n.!l,m0 J:'5, thar the set Was b'll.lgg.edl~ lb~i ,Cr"l'zYI1'Ilake:r Kil1Jg addressed his act~lrs ~'r a, loudspeaker sy!irem \1V'l:rile he, Hkt:' rhe 'Wh18.rd. of: Oz, secreted himself ~,war.y i~13

]mr~e and luxu riously (.'iQ'U_lli,~,t'd I r:aU~r cave. .

0"11Cf ~hf:: I two d ecades, rn h:Jive """!3,~dl!ed m ::luy di reerors at wcu:k.. I was ,mmJ:rrie;d EO a p[jQfoun.dl}f gifecd dilfoC'Eor, nd I have d!i'[cC ted ,m, {cattur<c In. ys~] f. 1 h !ilrVC orl~ n remarked how dosdya tihn (f\,~V resembles an exeendcd (~~'1Ifl1fil'y. In case or ehis Cta'2ym.:!lJk,c~r King, the crew resembled lIJ,ot1L1llmJg so 11u",11 3S am 31,cO'~IlO~ ~t C:U'il1l ily: the fII'IC'G,ho[i~ drin'~clif ('~h 1,1] ker) Surrounded-by his tip(JOd~!lg €w~:~bllcn, all, plle'~c:lm,· drnat his eurS;,Z(~ ego and ~t.s co~colinit3nlJdc~3nds were ~or.a],

On lba,t C'rnllYW-lu8:kelL"~s set~ dlJ! ptcduc::tion lWlifda-ed 0« seh.edul~ ~uld ower' budlet front king 'baby's 'IJlhfl"3JSOn:l!ble dt:&.Inands . .A film CJ-e,1'i is cssC'lniall~y a crew of Ie.xperrs. .lII~d to watich the~~ c~tin'l,3b~c c~I)~ru, bcCcome di~s~u~aU~lloo was a stf'ong l!cssol'i, for Jnc i 11, du.: p o\isQI1~'L!S :p.owt:r 0:' er,,~ytlrla~d l"I,g .. B'fi'~!1i _ 111 f s.c'~ d,e.sjgn,c'f$, OWiliume dC$~gners:,. SIlUlliUI, t:'llg~ncer~,-, mot fe, nlCQJ~ion ~~I:o;ll's-=bt::(a.mBc ,I Ilcrea:s~ngl, inj U'n;d ~ [hI:' pr'od.uJt::d,on. 4111 irs .dcv3s[-alt~~~g 001.\J'rs.:, ~lt \!I.'3JS ~,~. n'lilSt (he- «rnz)!~rrn3 king di rc.ct)o~s person a~ d r3'11taS t bait dllrey ~lrulgllC'd ~o

. _ ',," •· ... ··'·01.. r;rl'N the G~~t 'CI'lf'~.tQr.. nilml!gl~ t Jri ' 'C'On I"n.,.

1:I!ilIU.:'1" iIli'tfl1:I!J ","-!I.e, ,I ~"" '" '. ' ~"""__

• . ."h"''']·'·'''·I''''''' ",~·'I"l unf@Jd. ,P::uJ:u~ Will .. ,p~~3r for us 'ii¥;~:...

non our ""'" '~''',;I' 'oY, ~, • ,if:" • .... WI!...

. ~·4" rma the Greal Ca"altt,o:r JR1d il:IlilOV'C'O"UI~ lH fhnh.

liIIigij!'Y .0 ";i:",i .1, --'Ib. '.

Repib"at: [he G~( ~r-c.a[,o'f ~lJ~ gm;[~eU W;ll~, ~fJiJl CIe3It~V1ty •• 01111"

v. 'I.. "'[..1 . so '1[111'" iO .~.-. "",r II"', Dc, nOI[ E~'~ flm;nds os'] ua nder 'Y'O'tar. h'i'n ..

g:ll~,t ,t/T1 .... ~ , '"" 'u '""~ • ~"' .... '_",_ - ~", ,_ ,_ "_' '.~II, ....

Be ,ge~tle' tmn ~rl~l., and ,h~Ir:I',i to'ug[l. The b~,;[ [thill$ ')\Jill call do {'Or your In.enm b: [~O' be 3~~ C':~:a rn,~,I(; eh i:?ougJl1J y)Ol~r. OW~l [I{l:~!D'~f')r. Do ~,! ot ]e r rhei r fca:s,.'1 nd scooiITJld ~!itO~:~;!U'$ ,d,er-aiJ~ YOlt

S0611 enough, ~h~ krh'l'nqucs FII!m: Jear-~wdJ ~en(lb]!e )'Otl te re.aeh o('b~. Soon eno~gh., '~/Ou_\'\-!dJ he a bfld,~ rha,t "l'l',j ~ ~ a]!o,W' odlcrs to CfiO(Si ,(!I,ve[ from sdf~d,oubr into &elf~p,res;Sii,o~. :Fo{l' Irig'lu 11OW. pro ~CCt you f alFtl~ t by ref! u;~ M g to sllow you r, ~,O[tlirng p-3S'es m,c, "mlre[e~Hied b;YKt.1J~ders or to sba.r-e vo~r 3.rltiu date wi~h rfje'nds~ ,[)~I\'W :I $aJc:JCd cl! areund YOU!lf. recover y. GllVC yourself rhe gift of £a:idlJ. 'Irnst ehar }1IQU are OJ.'JJ t~l!,eright l[:f,flrCk" YOM :<II~.

As your recov~ry prog~SS~.s;. Y'ou wiU CO,IJii~ EO CX,P('flC'ilCC 3 more comfortable raith In YoiI.Jllr cres eer and y'O'ur c(~atO:t, witJfgin. You will ~~ rn ,fila r jft is actually easier to write th3r~ l~Ot wnre~ paiut than nor. paint, Il;nd so. forth~Yolill will ~e3rfl to C'J!l-

joy rile pmress of b~~llIg a :er,'~amiwc c~~~ne~. and Ijd' SUIL~f]d~f.j y'Our ,1'I~;ed ee COJ1m:mi dtC~-eSu.~t You '\IVII] ,dl:$oov~r {he JOY cl':f pr.rl(I~i:i~1A 'l/olU.r cl:ie-adv'j:tr: 'Th c:: process, n(lf~ tb~ prodl1c~~, wi ~ Ulc:c~nnc :VO'L1[ focus,

'You 'OWH hcaUrl1lg liS the grea test n;u::ssag:e of hop e (or Ot' era


A ~'J3Imed rhi Ilg 'vGa'~]WC5 do;w J~id beiug cre~tiv,e: is to a IlVO~:VC themselves widol (.'~.!'rilM,kl!.rj. Crn:'l!y,rmakc~ arc d'jjO:!l\c"pet"so~m_ 1l,I:id~, ~htu erearc :sbID,limt] ¢Cnl~rs.. They a~e anen 'C[1ai~ri~S,ll1,atic'! frcqL1Cnd)1 dUf,mhl,g. id,! il:TVCntivei aJfld pcr:s-uas~ve. And. Wf the C'r{"~ci"v,e person ,in their vicinity" :ther ~rc' >Cl'lonn01!JllsJ, dcs£,lfucf'\I"c. You ,know' the type: t:halr'i\ btll~ cnn of contro.l I long OEm pwbJem s. find s:ho(!"( om £OJlIll tjons,

C:i.'~ :t;"Jua ken. 311l'C d10 kind of pe.opJe wh {) [can OV'~f ')rOMr whoJ~ ~~~, To fl~i"~uprp~rs" dtlc'y are wrres,is'~i;b~e: ~'O m;uch '[:0 d~a!nge~ so ,ma;I'DY d:islr.tlcti,alls ..••

Jf YOI~ :arc invo]vcd l~~th ~ clr.m.zyn13k~r~ you :p['o&,1bly ~now

:EI ~ . fu:,n


"'h~m' I ;!11m d\l'~\Il4IJ)" JQl)"r"l il r"a~ I~"l' ~~tt.d .~j]I ~\j! IU"!'i:i'/m,r r~ Id ~~JI' imuillQ'1 ,~~Iid~ Uj;, .:md rhtn f,1I:' ~,[Imfr~ If! J;'~'fW lhf11 Rnidafr,"c JI{l'tdIl" and /td.rlr.uty.

')M K'ilfl! G,I\~'AI1-.·

," ,ri., d r~llll;l [ba.r W{lJ) ]ne3!~lll: (~ gD onscr~Ci!fl. Li b~ .'111 I,ood [u'DC. ., - "I m' ,c ,'II. I' 'I!

ii:Jm,o!l!!i~ poople. this .~rc1liv l\F.:3S W] .. '~·Ing. I~ WOf~ .. _~Jr~c iJ~OU~S fO;[

g,ood wo'rk. \Vh,;Jt dl~(Ol]ir .. ged Ih.c.m \\f.a.~ workIng those 110UIr:!!i

i f'II the &e.!!'\"IiGl~ of ego lll'blt<t;'ad of.::1I['_t ,

TJle cr--.lzJlnaki:fI]£; dynf.l.m~' 'is, sroul1d~d JlInJ_llower:~ 3,ud so any" roup lOt liicoplc can fu m;: non as ,11'11 energy :;;Y~~il.:'111 [0 be e>t.-'

11 •. ' ~ d- '" nd .JI ....... ; Ii!>i ..J C"'7'I'X 'IJ'~IiI!:Jkt!:rrs.- Ca;I'~ b~ {aurlJd u] s;l,Dhos,tt ml~J

p ,!O.lit'C-, . ,~. ~ ~ II:J,IL ,~iI;~~ ~I., . "'.. .I ,_ , , J}

.5eum.m:mg. ln a'II1l()~LtUl}l' an form- .F.amc.': :lilay Iw.lpoo! {::r~a'tc the.Im:o but si 1lOt. du:~y' feed on power, .'lIl, power SOU~(; WI n do. A J.dlOUgh (Ju i IDe rreqru~ n dy ,ra~yr.n.akers 3 re fay iii. a, a Inon~g' tI~e ~iC'h :Iud fal'HIOilllS- rbe'~' 3JiC 003tD,mOn even COIl'n-noncrs. Jhgbt in [he Il'~chm:r {;urmiJy (ldJ.(i:I)~;S ~reJSO]ll 'W.U~C th~,,-d), a r.~si .. dent crnzyJl]]lak,c.~ may ofwl'l, be (O'~fld ,fn(tim1!g~ !3mJly, Im:rnber aga ins r fanl i I y membt::r.. nndercu tt~ng anyone s agcnd3 btell' ]!a js. ,01' her O'll\fll.

[ .El. rhi:r1ltimrlCS ]10\;\1 of a deseru erive l"tl ia;tr:i:i n::')~ at :rny acq-w.iru;~noe" TIlL ll~lU]3~ Reild Of. ,<9. ]ar,gc and ~~~n'necl dJu~: s.he has; deveeed her e~,reuSn'£ 'C11:er'glcs to .dcstrOYI,!t}g du; cr'C'3nv:lty of her child·r,cn. A~',ys cheos:imlg cdtical mJkI!OmemlrS .fOr her sabotagc'j. she plants her bomos ro ,C'N.p,lo de juse as her chHci;l'el}

apprcechsuceess, = '" ,.

The d~ughlr~,1J' s ~ ruggli rig ,"0 fin ish a belated ,oU,cgc' d~gli~C :f.nds le!~t"]f :S.1c;j~]ed w"i~h ~ ,udd,~,{:'n:t drama [11,(: mJl~ght 'before her 6md eX3Jm, The son "Iilllhh ~ Cdt~.c;3·1 job in~r)l.\fie'w is tift~d WJ diu :I visi ~ad()[1 j usr when he needs [101' fo('Us the .lnO~lt

;"0'0 you, know what the nei gil bors a re S~yjflg ab O''I.'J t ·YOil,' the crazymaker will. often ask. (Amd duo"!' beleaguercd sE'~dcnt morl'tcE wi~'1 hear aJ horrific round of gossip thin leaves her bat rered , lacing her eX31'1] week beses by fccUngs. of ~~Wh,U'S the l-IS~'?! ')

"Do yon realise rouTe n~inil1g YOUIIl' -O'\1'loIll nt~tfia~ w:ith this possible new job~ , (And the :50n:'5 bopofi.ll ea reer move is athcs before irbegins.)

Wh~fh~f" ~ncy ap:pea r .as. YO'llU ovcrbe:u.:i n g mQ tncl'\ ,null" 111.:3Jf],[C ·bas!;.. yOU!rlll-.edy friend! 011' 'j'01.1t' n~bb Qr.n! fbe cJ".3:zyn1 aJker:s ill you r ]ire sbare ecru h~ des ~ I'llC dve' .F~ttc:r-us thil tt 111.aJklc rdu.'!:nrn .I~ OiS011l0'1J,]S' f.or ~fJry $lJs'~~i ned ,'rea ii-ve work.

ham1,d 8J lei (0.0[, Tb,c}! '[€,IU 3 v~catiGlf1 .rabi n 19 rger a~ d more ej(p~n.s-mv,g tl~~ .. n the one .itC;[lI;.--cd P'PCHf:lI, ,:1nd t1rq,cn they cxp~C( you so foot th e MruJ.

IC~Z})~lJtlk.ef."S exp(!{!' &lJ41€1tl"l {~~JlPH11·lt. l'h;cy ~uffur a wide panoJ~ly of m ytae[iou~ ai I m~l;ts ·that !i~cq'lll~lr'C C:3.r,~ an d .a['bC'~tilD n 'lil,h~fl.eve:r you, h.a·~ a dead~JIfiL~,[~-omnlg-or 3Jm1Iylh~rrllt ds::e [~:u d:rnws Y'O'IiJF aiUenU03tli {f.OUl mc' cF"azymakl'"cis dCD:tJtH:ls., The C!1lZJyru::tJk;er oookS"'ht:r O\Wn sp~C'mdmeaJ 'i:n a h.ou~c Cull o:r,h~I~~ .;1:"y dl'ildrot;l:1=a"lld docs. nor~:ing to feed_,thll,; kids. The cmz'1~ maker 3S UJO (I,PSCl 'to drive rll~n a.f.\er he has ¥c·.l1It)ed Cll0rm,!W~ verbal abuse o.m the heads of those l!IJround iml'UD, .'J am aflrcaid D:add:i wi]D h3~~ iI. h~art 3:tfack t· the \F;cti III srarts t~li~~.i ng, ;.nS tC'Zll.d or, "Hew de 1 gc't dfuis :r;frons'tlc:1l' 0 ~1~ Qr r:ni9:Y houses"

CM%i'~llnk;el.s di'{iG.Il~~r }'O~n' 1em~ty. No mat t,c:1i' how i.nrrponant your deadline 0]' how Cf,'j,t1c3'1 fOur W()u trajectory at the m.O~ ;'ltcnt, ("[.3zYfiHlikers wil~ violate '}'lour needs, They may act as th.o·ugh du~y hiC~~ your hou~ld:ari~ and win re.spt:(t them, OtH ill] pn1ctticc a€1is du: op~,ui.\l~ W'Ord. Crazy]1j;!l3k:~[S SJIfS dire peephi who C~]J )"uu at mi(lni:ght 'O'f 6:00-<A.M.. sayi:Q~ "I klll10w you ~sk.ed 11lC ~ot eo ca U. y(n;!! :uhis 'rr·i me, bnt . .. .'~' C [;ili::y-m.J k~I"S a:N [h~ people who drop by ul'l~Xpe[ IElOI 'bouow serned)i:ng y10u C~ittl'l And or dor{rt 'Wi.1i'nt to lend duenl,. E V)~11 b eue f. dle'y call and ask you ro ]ooat,c ~am~thint they need, ~hen r~iL 100 pkk i.t '1<1, [ know' yoU?h! om a deadline," dlley say, "bue this '\vUl~ only takCfi minYlie.'~Your minute.

C!i'~:Z l~'l~ak.ep,~:f sFnd. yD~j"" ,riJltu dlul maj:~fy,: ] r they borrew your C~:r:1 'they rerurn It l~te'. wieh :B.I1. C3!iWPt)1 li',ilItllk. TIl!sir traiiJe'~ arnmrgewcnu alwsys COSt y,ou t,~ me or ~'il1iL.l)l1e)'. They demand to be met in rhe rnidtUe of y,OUf "'I.\\i'Qr~d·Jr at an al-tp''Orl mil(!'s frol1i. ['O~VI1. III d~ddt b.r-iW';lg '[3xi m;Qoney,'~ 'the~,f ay when <oolJifronlt~d

. .. B r- 'II. • i'~

wirh, --\u: . :ril,'WOfliOlltlg.

Crj'l1zY;I~~kfi'S , J'1'tn~,fiUI(!\IC dJ¢lie' al~T Jed'j Ui nlIJ1. 13 ':Clraruse cra~y,makers r.hdwc !l:1n ClU~l'gy (}~OIlJ.1jIl:' elt€]lnf)~ th~y sct ,cop]~ agJ'in'St Ollft a'Oodl~r ~.n ()'ftder hl [ruri n'lain. dt~~r O\-VIt, po,WCl position dead. c~rnt!:r. (That's W'hl:f~' r'hJ.!¥ can ret'ICI 1'l10M di recti Y Orn tJu: ne,g;nive ·energies they sti[" up.) ··So-~'lI'Jld-s:o \V,a . teUinl,lne 'you didlt,t .get t'O wor'k olllitirnt: (,oday/" a cr.:ll.),'nllkt;f IDay ["CIa,},', You

CmZliJU1k'~lj hrenk llNIs ~nt1 desl roy s'dled,',jie.'S" The>}' sh()\v up 'two days c~dy (or yOUi' w,c;dding 3fclJd ex.peel tic) be '\"',I~t:'ed Oil

'~hiln m'd1y ~. if 5f'tfm t("llf(jj~1

i, {!lJJn~,j,iI' lit:I~";j;' fnr~,f Ilu.r~rfl ;l.I4" t.DttFt,a'cs.

[tf 'r3'1;:1111~ke:J:7.S are tha,l d,e!i!t-r:l!l1,eti'l!l~'" what are we doing i11= M:J'J~41.I!WIf' G~'~ !ll1fd~-II ~&oUI

w]ved wida HU .. ~ll1? The a 'I lSwe r; to be 'b.m'~uef b Ij;~t[o1li~ ~!> dl,1I1

"rife: ['\lal~ eraz Y 'P'1I:11JSc;I'II,!'II::'i: and W.e :t'n.; thatt sel r -destl"ucti ve, RL":diy?

Yc)';, As Mockt-X1 ceeatives, we ~'fe wm,mng ·~o go Ito 3hnos auy leB;[h~ eo rcm::1lIlIrJ',blocked, .~s, r;righ~e~~wI1g, :Ill, d ;lJb'WihflL as ]ifc wit'h aJ c:rnzy 111 akc.r is, ~~ lind 1Jt: f~r less, t hrea te [l,i~.~ l1m an tm c (';h~ llenge of a c~·~'U i ve H fc of 01.1 r Own. Wl~at ''Wou:dd h_J,p~cJ!]

f]lcn~ Wh~t w.ou.ld webe Fi:kc'? Very. fJrtC]]]~ Wt:' fC'.3,r ~~~~l ilf We ICl.

ou rselves be ere.') ti'~~~ we wi II. ooco.g1]'C c:ra:ZYBfJuk,l"rs; au ['!i(; h!:t':5

ilnd abuse d];QSC ~~I!IlIJnd us, U's~ns dl~5, fear as OUIII exeuse, w~

ron ['i1~fljIC eo allow Ct~l1l.'C,! (5 to a'b l:lIS1e 'IllI~.

[if YQU an: in'Vohl'.,;d now whb a crazyma!k~'f, it i$ very impor.,t~nt ehse ya~1 a,~mh this f~H~t. A.dmh lhar yO\ll, !_I'C be,ins; l1se:d-and admu. that you are' lIJ5,m:g yc.~~r Ow n sbuser; Yo ~llli cra,K;~nl13l1:ie1i" is .1, block .you ehese yo,a:rrse]f~ ('9 deter yo-n from Y0ut (!J,W n tn;jecl'oly. As iU,L11lch as 7fO'!J.l arc he ing ~~]oi ted b-~' 'y<)Q.D r cn.'ZYin3ker~ youl eo 0, ~i"C usi n,l;, th 11.[ l'lerS-tln to 'Mock 'you r C rca live !flow..

Itf you ~J-{: hl\'O~Ved mil Q tormred t.allgo "?M'1rh a ('~z,m~kie:r, stOP dancing to, his/bt'lt" A~nc! ']c-k tlf' ~ boo~k on ~odEpenidLI1icy or get your~eH' to a twcJve.=s't~p 'progmm for rcl~~ionship ~ddi.ctiOilJl. (A] = A~gJlll and S~X ~~dLa,,~ Addic~-s A nOJli1iym(n~~, are ,twO ,cxceU(;I1.l program 5 :Ii(i«( sro"pping the Cl!:{!JZ )tmab:F~~ d:n:u;,l'.)

The next time -you catch yOill~s~~.fs3yi~]g or r'hink~hi~' "'Hel ,511 e is d rinll m;Jig I1IiLC c,r;l,B:~ry,~"~i ask YAllU!l"sd f w'h3'r CI"CJti,'!J~ '~'rk you are Itryi'lll,g eo bleck by you:r i1nvolv(!,ment

bl "11 . ".' IO;~'" d "'f' sc-aud-so ,1] nd miss ,[,Jnll! :£~Ci. t d IlU th~

o ~:gl~IGuy ~c~ 'H~, .. ~ .. - , Ii' _ . .' ','

. . II~ ~"' ... used hes r-:sa·y m set y·Q'LI off l m,]rt-.ciL'" ~n-10tl0I1:.'i 1],...

'C'CI zynl a!l\i,cr 1I",,)i . 1"

C - . ,k 'r (Jlre ;:Xll,fl'ft bJatl,I~~11, NOlh'i~]!g thalt ~~C's Wroltlg is ' t"'~~,f.~J ir I: ule, .. ,,,,,,..II 00 healI' them eell it'J EJil G:' r.11Jl:1J]~ is; u liua:~~ \J

~'liCll' U'Ie'1 " .. ~., .. ,.,.u .' , " _" • -7

, ' urs, .']t you had n'~ cashed dl:ll dn,I~~u P'pOfJt: dflcck 'lit 1j,'o!\~tild yo r.. I" ., I~Oi~I-I.i""D\.AI ", one c,mz'IJ'maklllg fl_t\-h:l1sb.filltd. told Ids

1lC''!.I\:1 .ll;:}\fC 1lI. ~- ...... ,~~ J

!i ~llJ\gglins:~br.-sc:ii"e~lb il~y formc't" sJ)o(lse _

Crtlzyui:flll"on (rct~;le d~'lmdSl-.bJl~. ~'f!I'df)PlJ ivih?a'~ t/~€.'Ilif:I:O:,~gi' 'Crn~y_ makers are oft-en bJbd:,c=d eeeaeives tl1eJn$e~v~. AfrnJd to offer ...

tiwly r~p' their own Cf\cJtlvity. d1t~Jy ar:~.~.'OIrB.tb to allo'w that saJ!il:U:: c n.'{J rivl ~1 in others, [t m~ kes thc~ jealous. It _ the 1]It th rt;at!:'ll~d, lt :1]),3 kes them dr-a iIl1'J13 Urtt-~.U: .rou r Il,':~PCJll~IC.Ot .... Y{nca! to dU~'i r m.~,al ag~:ml:d~aJs\, ,cr;}zl'.nlm:ke~s impose [QC5C' apnd33 on ethers, ~n d~a I i 11g Y/t,jlth a ~ra,l. y lTD {IJ~]"I yaM) a re dea]~llU,;g ~hV(ljy,s \~~ith t-Ile fa!'!Itol:ls issue o~ figure <,!U],~ ~u:n?: b, Oth.£r wams wJ~3irt'.ev;er maecees to ]1'0\1 bec01HJ!S tl"~'I!litaJh:zed ]'m:r~o fil'Uler"t!' bJ('kid~p for the cr~.z·yrm;ll,3~cr'~ p~r~o'1~al p~ig]n. ·~~[)o }~Otl ,t'hink jb,e/shc loves me?" ehey call you to a sk \-Y1h~11 _you are try 1:lI1Ig to pass ~tl~e ba r exam or get Y'pu r h~~b,JIUJ. horne from. the. I'H);Sp:ita I.

Cr(J,;rtj~,,~l.fett,S .ltiJle I'kdllie~~xrt,IM' Itiei I' Ol~tl. ~~11 ~~e ,I:t~uuls, of l (,t.'izy]na Ic~r, [i rne is a p d:maJl'lI fOO] for abuse. .l~ ~y'O~ .'~~,~un. 3 eerrai 11 block 0 f d me as you r own, YOlfJt.: C~~}1'Bn3 ker W~n find. a \~r,3;y to .fight you for ehar ti me, eo 111ysrce!iouNJy Qeed th'i ngs (n(J,c~Jl~I'iJjg: you) just w'bcn y'ou nrc:'" to be aJon~ and fo[tJ!i~d. ~on [ID~c ClSk: at hand. "I !l~ycd up until three ,last' ~':ll1gh:t. I c::m.'t !ci:nvc' the k ids to school,' the c:r-azYl'am;a ker w.i n s,p:riI1U an ,!DiU d:L~ IJlor,m:llrnng you 'YO~'Its:l:,lf must ,ie:ruVle ea dy Cor 3 b~l1sinilJ'.$:S: br~(lk:f;;:JI$~ "'IV ilt'h your boss,

N'ow thiU ,\~Jfe h arve' 'tal ked abour ~'~e b~ rrie r [0 A:('o\.rer~· others; can present, lot 1l.1S taloe ~ l'OQ,k ~It tbe muner t:menlY Vi-e h~wbor 01:1 rsel ves, Pr:rh~,s rhe g rea tcS'~ bar-riICr (or ;'ll:lr)' uf us is \:vc look

1j, tJi!I~'~ rr i~~ Coih1'1 ;,~ <f13."~'111't11 tr",:if' IU:-(iJ~.te (l'\'ijfaUh' ~U~ .f(1'.N' Ji!I 'i~ Iliff ~I1'11'jpi/i'/)~ I}I'~ dh' .. ~;~'t ~1' Inll,~J M h""€~j~N" ut" i'!fo~~ if.J\1g~iro,1 W-~·Ih. JltiIJ, 011" 9,~ 'II q;:S U"I" .We', (1ml U 'ill, Ilur t1"m J'l't' /«1. It Ulll:ll~ir i~J'I~11~VI1_ff~ ill~S. r-,Jlf'IlJ~ ,lu1l' ~~ Ii! Ul1i1.lV'$fIU,U:1. }lUI ftuJJ',Fl1tJi'l' iml"~'f1~I;:Zj(-,i, ~iil

fi,r "irrJSt if t,f.t" IU!'!1tfJ

S{)P'U y 80lhNlIAM


(0:1' an axp'3:Hlded ,1;1;(" is our O'1II.r~1 d,'r:.::c'~)I'y ~~~_ld._~kep~ids'll1. 1 hi!;

,;..,.:~, ' II!- ....... !I",-._j ,p,'",;; s-tUf:.'1 tltmbl, I,t d,OIi!'Sl :!lO~ seem to !I1r'L~'l't.i' r

.In '5"'~t v-!ll- "".d_';'''tJ I II.. . _ """

whether \YC ~;re offfciaUy bdi,(:V~fS or a~m~ojiUCS" _We h. "'Ii! OUr

deubts oibo'lfuU of lhis 'Of'e;lltDr/cre ~~vlty stuff;, Jmd d~a'S~ dOiL1b'~f: :l re \I'err po-",vcrm]' Un' C'SiS '~e iii!' ~1'I!.:t"M,. th ey. ca'lil s,~,bQ-

t:lgc us, M;]fIY mumeii ill_ tfJing re bl!"gcm',d S~Df~S ~~~' Sltll'~r our r~~:~rals o.,r·doubf" \Vc 11C1c:d to. S~'()I' dO]fJIC ~h~ll3Ild t:l;p']Ofle ,

in~~c~dl. _

,alQ~~ed down to [~~ll:ir ,~sscnfn]s., ~h~ dorlJbt~ g\~) roule~hillQ:

like rnrls: I~Oka)1. so I sesrred wr~l~tl' the m_of'~l'Ing P,~!e's and ~ seem nu:ntc' 3,\'vakc.:' and ~]!~l't]~ Dly Iir~ So 'wh~t? [t"S_jtlSE a coh'J,'" r;idcDce ••. " ,-',kay~ so rha'V~ searted ffill~lilfllg the wd] ~nd tillot'im:tg ~n y a rtise 'or~,. daee 3Jld ! 'd_o ~odcc 1 3 In cheerin G, u p' a li!;r'~c. So Wh3It~' l't.'s jllLA S"e 'c:-o!i:nJc,idenlt~]. " . . O'_kay. so 110~ i a In begi Ilint; IlS to fI:~ tiec rha r the m,Qre ] let ~1,] y~~lf explore _dlc If{DSsl'b~ ~Ih,y {)f rheee b~,im1iJ.: sJomC' p©cwcr fur- J;ooti, tOil! _HlOlrC ,I lli1lot;~,(e'~ ucky' co~ iITe:idcnc~' [Urnill,g -up ii1 my Hfc. So Wh,~it'~ m 'CBm~t 'bd;,c:v~ I ani ~'II)I" b~i~ g h;d.. Tha ('Isj ust mill weird. . " .~ i

The reason we thlin:k lIC'S ,wi lifO. eo ~~l agine an n nseen hdpjrnlg'll:l-nd is rhat we d]l doubt that it's okay fu:r us to he- cre~.tivc, W'jeh this ~uitq;ad.c r.rln~y en1tr-e-ndlcd, W~' nol ollJy look ~II :gilrt mo,rSC-5 in ti1.'t m,on r;lml but ~11!!lO SiW.U ~hC!'H on dt~ ru m~:1J to gl:t dllC m O'~I t of our Ii V,C!f;, aJSj fa.s t.a5 po:ss,iblc'.

'WIU!tl Mike b-~ffi'ti his creasivc r'c _ov-cry~ .he ~eli himself ad~ :rollin rrhiu he \\\I'31Ot,eo: 100 make films, T\\I'O weeks later, dlrOl1gh a series ,of "'o:l1Jdd{!ncc:i,"'~ be fom ,d, hi,:m's~U hl f1hn Scil'ool wirk hiis compa,ny pa,',~ug, fOf it. Did h,e; y~~,ax and. ~Ili'oy thi,s? N'el, He rol d hffi.m;!;~ I ( t1:l13it fml m scboo'l ""as distract i i'ii,g hi In fronl !Tho; rCaJl job 0'( Iiru:ljllg 3ifllothcr j"ob. And so h~ garv,n: 1il:P fi]~fID}lt'lakillg to

1,0011.:. fo:r 31!~,orl;le_~'iob.

T'\iI.-'O years hne:r~ r~Jrnc~riu,g t'h~.s incident, Mjk.c 'an' Shilk-ehis head 3lt h'inlsclt: Wh~n d!lC' ~,-nh!',~ue g,(!lv,e :him 'wh;;u he waJmu~d) he ,gary,e thQ ,gift r~~shf b~ck. ,E:V~lltU{l)lIy, be dkllct h'im.-; sc,~f lca'rn fiJ nun-aking, but be rn~d~ 'it a, lot ha,fJlCl:.r on hi,lllsdf than the 1II1i,v,ersc Inay J13,"'(; i1IJu~Qdcd..

O~tU! of the til i 1'1 S;s ~[lJrruost woNk no time in it cre~dv"C [~c-'OiIrU!ry ,is, G1Jm1l" rei u,cta'llce to ta kc Siei'iQiIJs~" ["he po.'l!dbi~h.y th3 t ~bc tI nivt::rsc J u ~t n-l i g:~t ~ coo-pcnlJt ing w.h~h Ollll'~ :u:r~\~ iH1.d C-i!i:p~ndcd

1~lan~. W.~1'\"l.~ GOJt~CII b.r'L_~' ~I'K~rlll.tJiTh to (I"Y [liCC,fJ;\I'e!jF'I~ but we d " 0 W3:IU ,t~BIl' ulIl:rvcrsc 1£10,'. ' II:fca nlU'.lI1'HrW 2UC:li1rti ""''Ii 'IN~~ "II' ~ II' e. ~ ,_ O'~L

" '. 1 It l' . ....~I .Wl!.;: ·J;lL. ,n!'C,11 too. lI(:n

H kc' Fl'1Illd is ee han,n.: ,liomil e S'WI:t:ces:5". W hitHiIJ ~l o'Y.... '-- ,

'. ....U,_ ~5. w~ W IU


Of cou rsc We d,(;),! l-\ nry I:;,t ~~~ bit 0,( C,"" llC n-i m -, - t' " I r.

rllll:r~l~,r.ane'C is w::..ry fri~Jllf·~ j l'll'g for most of II~' ~~~,: n~ 111 IS'C' I-

. • '_, 'I '- : _. ".:I', W .!I~&!!'l!lr: Ut e:

exp~ru nlCi~,t ,.rov-olkcs It'hrc u 11 ~¥t1r:s\:' to open ~ dj ..... " _ .-

11. • . ~ . wOl' Or I[;\I.-"Q.

we ..:i~~<Ilfn Si~]ynrc arw,'l'y" "'J ~C}f,~ VO'llollt \rllliuucv~1' you ~f>C! Not 50.


it Ii ke to t'h ink of d!1l,c II . ~nd as a [0 OM 1111"" -11" 0' , ......... on. _ I _

- _,; " " - _. ,,_ ,Cl., • --._ _. ~I.m ~It ~""'"",m~ v,,'t!' Ittcc,p

3'u of OII);I~ ~su~,1 Idea.· about bre~ Gad. wh~t·s PGs~1'bh: and!

wha.t"s fillOI, T~"~ 'roOJ~t ha~ a door. That door: iS~vtr SlO, sli 'hrtl :U f. a~d o~lt~1dc :~U,~' IC •• i[1, see fI, great dell (~f daz~!I~I~1 Bglu~ OIJ~ there I n ~h~' d:l~Z]]~lg ]Iagh t ~:["e ,s, loe gf new idl.Las rh lU Wt een$.j,d~F too r~r-out (:Or ll~. iI'Ind. liOI w;~ k,ect~ t hc:m OmJ [ there, The' ,ideal ~c are o~J11flQrt3bJ,~ wirh ,'I'I'IC in t'l1lc rO~»lJ w~dl1 05,. Th~ erber ideas :;I'r~ OU'l, ~mdl ~ ~~cp·theml out.

In ~ur o~hury~ p"r-ere-ro:vcry ]iflCi when we would hear somerh ~ 11,1 \Y~n rd or [h rea ten m.ftt, ~liIJ Ju'S - g,rJ b ~:h e do.o, kn.ob <loci. pu ~ I, dire deer sh u r, fa st.

_ bnu~'.r WOf k. rl'~g~ring O'tI ~'C.r cha hge? Ri,dic'IJJlI,Q1;1i!ii [ (Sla~'l rh e door .. ) God ,h!l)t'l~c~]~l,g to b}e~p m.y OU~II ,cr.~~ld\i'e 1\."('Ovcry? (SJ,m,]ll; ~ Sym:l,chronlcuy SUPPOllftt:l:b]g my 3,niJ~,t 'wid'l, &er'~iL'Ildi'Pi(olaSi (:OU'lC~dt'11OC~? ($ Ia.m I s~ ~ In, $13 rn.)

Now Eh1.'lt we are mll:l creseive ;~ol!!,'rfY. l"heft' :is, 3nodill~r ap~',I"Oadl wo need I~O try,,, To do dus,. 'Wt~ gCl1ldy' Set u:~df: our S.kcf't~C'is,m-w.r 31~t u.s~,'" if we nt!-cd mt=-a nd \\'.hcn a, ,:v~i [-d idC! or cOlncld~enc-€i W'hIZ2£s bYI we gently !~u!dJl'C [he do~or ,ii, ]Ju]~ fnrtbf; f O'pC'ill.

Setting ~k~'p!tt'icisJn aJside~ I!;:vcn b["~eAy. Ca:11l mn,:JJ~e Cor '\'l'Cry inltit:nts'ting ~p]otr.!i.tions. ]n cre~twvc n.:oow.!f'y.. it ~s, nc't ucc~sary that we dUJ1Igc alny of our belic:fi;;;, ~' is ncc~su.ry llhat we eXJ ~iIil! i nc t'h~al.

More th~n 3nyi'~ii!l[Jg else,. creat~:vc' :n:e,g,vcry is a~ cX~lFCis~ in op CMHl1. in dicdmesiS. Agai 11.~, ,pil:tilIDr€' 10~J f mh-ld as [~~ iU rocn1l1 "Ii',i i:h ~hc d:oor, s Urghtly 3j_" li". N UGgi 11,~ tl~c d:Qor OpL:1l :iIJ bi,l l'lUlie' is: whart ~~3k:.~S f(lr oiP!!;n~lnindC\dllt':5'$. Bt.·lin~ [his '~ft."iC'~~ to lCm~sdous,ly practi~c; openmngyou,r narind.

trnj~"r"~ ,Qj 'fD~i':JrtJ Q.f ,gl~ 1~~tJJiI!'~{fiJ'r F~~. ~nt.rmij~QI\rJ ~rJ.rI pf'rhfJps /fJr¥!1IN 4r~~tI!'J ,;:,. I~i' (J! r)a

~tM,/U~1 ffl("JU'nxnL -

nkEJ Il,it UI~J,JH ,I!)

No 'f~UtYl.l'Q.W S~i.1'W 11ft" fi'm, .sp{~'I' ,d,~!p Jl.riofJJ-l J~IU ''''tl~ ~N-f1ili~lfoJ' ilp~ pf.rQl"'Jf'ilIIpl~', r ,i~ JJ'tiI1 drQ'J'tH_




If.IlUrp:~tl ,('131t. ,>I ud, , :fll:'al ~.YI '~I[n~ :1 b~lJOO ~'~.b,~idlf: 'OUt, of Itid'i y~t:iI,'k Y 'ii' ·~1" re' rhev ;;:q,U looke 1;1 J'lua the 'i)Ju-hc. I d ...... I!~' a, I~""''''_j l. _ I

o''f I ... J' - , - - 'V""~ iI'i. U.Jf",-,- n:Qlll,i,r '~llIC

~til".dS ic;,·· Bly mt'l?[bclI' w"uid saYI rlUl-:iou~ wit~1 !'ny g_ ndr~ul~er

for smnll! fleW ml~lmdvCII!UUfC, S~~G:: ITU:al e :dll~ d;,dn,'t k:lf1Q.~" I,

'U. ~ - - II k I ,- , ,.,.. 'IN ;1,.

_~lC tru~JJJJ ]S,~_ ~~~ ~~,l1ew lOW !;ih~:,~toa')(~ h. S,hc !il'tood i,t 'by

~f.1'JjJjdll1g klrlce-dt:~p Ul' [h,e flow of hfc ._nd p. ring d@~e at .... u~rltiOI1.

My g:ra Ildulc'th,cr Wa*i gbue bt'for~ I 'I!e. !ul'~d I h,t": ]e~~~:nfl h<tf ~1~U'~[:ii, \V)t:IrC' ~~~Ich i u g: su r!jj' i val I i(i!ii mini san h y, ~!I!ltd sa n~ty lies i'~1 payj ng al[;r'7nt,1~I'. Y~sl h CIIi' I~:l ~IIJ: f"S ~:;J ~d~ IJ .. d~s co LlJ~tll is gCI,t mlns WOUl" ~ W~' ha-¥~ ~ MIC rhe house. IChCfiZ IS no fll0llil.:Y 'imd m 0 wor~ bue 1 ~llC 't, ibl1f;F Ii ]14;;.$ are b1~o11 ~ 'tiimlg •• rhe lhrs,rd :n a!s fDun, - rho l :lop~~

Or SLl.lll'l, [he roses a I"(: ]loldlng de'spu'e ti1JC hear, ~

My GI'~~l.dm1ofrIH;r knew w~a~~~. ~ p:)'unft~:1 H:w had ~'~'lI:glu her: ~ID:rC'cSS or f~JI.I.~lur.t:'" ebe truth of ~ hCc' r,~~n}l' In~ ]~tt'lic ao du with its c]u~lil;~, The'_ql]~I&it,y Dr life is ill :propur~knil, ~dw,y~. IQ the c!lp3:cthy fDr ?~U~I]tt. The ca:p. d'ey fer ddight is thoe gift of -~yDng a,[u:nUon.

hm. '- 'yt. f when ,:11, ]Qm ~,and 'rt1iwa.minr [O'llc :3111 ir was lurch .. illlg g:r:uxh:ssly aw. y f(o:m :tIH.: 'oen~c:r ofhc=r nre-, t~!! w!dt~r .May Sarton .kept. A JC\~~r,.u'l f)f ~' ~oliff.~(J:tt. h~, h, lIil,t: reeords cD,ming home frturn tIJ psrticu] ~rly p.111~ (1[;1] we~,lk.elll d wwt h her 'h~Yvc1r. 611-

'u., Uln

ID(;I'~ I:l g her e rn,~ny Ji~~USlt." I W '\\Vii'S SJDO'PF cd by the [h'I\:cSI'lo~ d o,r my

$i[.l,1dy by a f,:;ty Olfl 3 Kerc:}11 d~rys"iillnl'hClnlll fa! ~]ghdll g it 'Ijl./P' like a sped igJ:u!im deep ~d IJC 13 hi and C1Im'incsc ycll,OiW (eQWF, , • • S~c]ng ~t w s I~ b.: gc ~dng' U!',ans fu~jQn 0 ' ~~II;l!.u\nJrl Dl I igh E. u,

Itl~ no aeeidcne til ,t May S~rtOI~ USI;S It:he word trJ',msfiuilt.'UJ.

The I.'05~ of h~r-I!D'vcrw( s a wound, ~I"d JII~ her respm;lS~ to ~ha't ,ehry:sa u l:hC'II1I[Jtlln~ i 11 Itlll~ at: ~ of p~ying rilt tc,nl'ti,u:Ifl" S:],il"Imli],Il'I!I:s ~!~al-

:iuIlg be',!;" n. '_

The' r,cward :fb,!' .l~~ention is .11\V~;_ps hC.ll'iflg. h nl~:y begin llJ; tlrlrc J1Ie31'iIl~: of a p~l[l~icul 'f :pa'il1~thc :~O!illt. Jovcr" tchcsickly. dll1ld. rh~ sl1m tlCe r-ccl d n_::ilIIJH i Bu t wh t ,i~ hC'~J~ cdl. 'H n ~ II y, bahc,: ,~il1 ~h m, ullclcrHes :;dl p .... ln: th~' ,pain lh:::u W'C' ~1Iit: .. II~ :rJ$ ll~,~kc 'phras'c:ii '~tl ~11Jjl.lnili[e.r,:1lbly al,on~c'.'!" M,ore' ~m~m anything else. :'ti'UeIUl011 irS • ~ act of en trucC ['ir-m. m ~ c~,rnQd doa i,~. l he \rli'3y ] Imve ]!ea rl1~ mO~lt rh i ngs-C;i II i te by ace idcnlt

W]~(;n 11'11;1 flrslt r.uil,:urri3·gc Ml'W ,;!Iip~n'. I took 3, lonely hOll~t i 11 ~hc rn-~o,11 y wood Il~i ~ :Is. My pll~ n was .sin1 pIc" [~1II0U Idl \IM-caithc'r

Dtl 'l"Jt'P ;"'«~6J iI' lift J'lJ ,Y"r.~ :I~~i ~., : i,l plfllf(i', rh~I~,rel. Urt'/,;II'lI'.!Ill", mUiJ,.-IJrr ~rMil~ riff~'1 #111-' pJ). t/~n~i;i'~ i.'j'rh 1Jf/)' IN'o1j,m",t';',,, ~,1(,.'U11!fi~' !duf1 Q~d imf:ft'tl~·11rg Pt'~pl;r-.~~I!l )'iJUI'N-{t

HF ~y M~r..:uJ~

Vcry ofrcn, a crem,live block mani~es~s, 'iudf <JJij 3~1 ,!Ilt<) f,alm.a'~y. R;aIEilC'f than \"",~fklf!lg OF hV~IrJg dU:110W; We sl,in OUr ,~ithr!d!:, :uJJd II1du lge J ~I d ,ydirC:1 ~'1IlI':S .01 C()uJd ,h:l,vC' .. , wou Id h~l¥c. :should h:l~t::. O~1JC of rile g:re:u nliliC'\l~filICe-pt~OI1S !libom the' ar[is l ic ];m &: is ~'b;] ~ it eutai 1$ great swa t iu~s of ai 11IiIIJ 1;c'S:S11 ess, The rru [~~ is [h~l~ a c.reJU I life ~ ire !Irilrv.o,h,cs g,k'~1l swa,t;.hC$ or a,t'~~It·nion..

J\ Eir'l::[uicnl $s" '\\I.1Y' to OQl]Jlnc:c ~ a nd su r 'i;I.~ \1'(:', ,

"'flora ,,'wd fa~JIWI1I~i reports," J used to ,cL,~I~ ,tb~ Iculg, w3nd:imtl,g ~,cners [",om my ~r1u,dm,od!u.:,r. "The COfS}Hbi~ is s{art~~c and this [ ~l'W Jill)' :first robin .... T.b~ roses arc JlQ;:lding C'Y'CI~ in this J.~lmt .. ,r , Th~ SUfillMC ~~~S eurned and that ]:iltllc rna ... pole do.Wltl1 by the .Ill." i I b~" . - ., My ell I";UM mas C':aCll~s. is Icui~'1

...I ~ ~

,1i"C'1IJIld)1':. • • • , _

r foJlgwcd ,m'y gra nod rno ~~IH:; r~!':i, ]W:! Ii kc .1, ,long horne mn,6vic': a S'bOl 0.( (his a!N~, :l ;sJ~Ot of' [hat, s,p~lic(.~d rcgether wi~:m, ~lO p~ll~ ~r,:lm rh~,f ~ eould ever see, "'·()\;1d~s ,oou,gh is g~tdrug worse ..•. The rnJc Sherland looks Iwk~ she·ll] dro.p' her lind e ,rly ....

JoalUlllc 1.1$ back in ['ill.: 1!O.spilf !i' at Al1na ..... , We named tJbe tH!W boxer 'frixi e and she li kes eo sleep ru~l lilly cactus bcd-CJ 11 you

, . " '""

~ma~n~ _

J C'(l'i,:Il~ld i ~:na.G inc. .I It:: I' [~;~J~~~.s Itrade til a~ casy. Li (c rh r,olugl~

grnUiJdml;.s eyes was 3 series, ~f,3,11 ,mn'rJu::;;,les:, ,th,e wild d~er lilies under rhe cormnwoods injunc: the qriL'uck Iisard ~COO~]lljl'g under ~I'H! gray rjl\fcr rock she admi:rcd lO·f hIs SaltillY fUl~J'isi~. Her letters ,docked the seasens of the ,e3lr and ber life, She livc~ until she was dg;h :'J~ ,:lnd the hators C311l(;:, u, the W;liY 'C~HI. Wht."11 S~,i: dli ~d. it was :II':; liuddC!lJy 35 her Ch r]stw~J caCltu~; ~I~rt: rochl)'i gCUll: tun;U~~row. She' left bd11ind h'~J lOl~CfS. an;ld l~cr:' IUJI.:5 ba I1d of si x ty- ~'WC yea'r.5. Hlcr husb3~)(I, n1 y ,~l'al~d:rafhcr Daddy H!ow:.:m , an d'CgillLlt1l:t fa~c~d W~lth 3 g~lm bier's sm i,:!C, lcud.'l loser's ~uck:, h,m,d, made ~1I'id ~on severr' ~ (O:rtUl1lCS. the last of l'l"I<cm perm:]11t:'hd~ ~C! dn'o'k them i1way~ ,oilll]'bled t'h(."lrml way. l'oss~d them Jv.lfay nh:l: w,lIIy sbc th'mW' crum'b<s tirO In::" bilros. J--j'It.: :s'q1Jaf,u~!er{.·d Hfc"~ biJg dl~l.Il1 ces I:'bc way. she s3von-d, ~ ~e sm rt~ I ,ones. ·'That m::1n,'! m,l" matlhc.r would !'ii,~y:

My grolnd,l11~ ~be r I i ~cd wi l'b d-HIi'l mrn,iIIJ] i.1I11 l.i:~cd Sl)3n'ish hO'lkI&C:~., iil l:r:JUcnJII in tt li n 'J CabJlIl! h,aJrnfwJJY up <'II, mJOul!n~a i I'D, ; It ~

~r~r oPt:! ini'r'~ ,~ftl.!l dII1'ffi d) ~"f (lotJ:FJ'J. , J U)' 1(1 ~."l' rr Cc!lil!lt ~h P'OI~~I

J JILt; ),()~... Pf)( I OC::~.


N I'M;!\ ~.ovVTCilEl

nruy ~o:ss ;;II~o:ue. I 'I;,\.roillJl~d S ~~. no iD'lf';, ~d n~ 'OniC wou]d :s.:C~ rne, IIImntH the- WOr.!illt or. dB; 'POlJ~U :-vaS' o~er. l'\,voUlld 'c~ik.c I~cn~~, 501 i ~aty w~dks\, 3Jnd ~ w·o~mlfd SUm-f. I\s. ]t h~PP~fled, J ciJ:d take thos:~ walks, bu t the')\" did not go, ,

. Two (l;!l)~V~~ up t.h.e ro~d bch~jf:1 my house, I ;~1e'l a "'fay. s~~npcd IC:!Jt. ThiS e~f. I~~~~ l'I~ 3 V_~\'Jd 51ufl ~~~~I~e w'~th a h:1lrg:e :s:hocp,do.g s he clearl y ~hsiL~l~!Cd. [ ICairn"llcd 3 U tins lllYS~I.r in .1 week's w'i!IJ]kili'l g~ ·W~ b~p n to lrove H:td .. e Vi5 hiS<", tltU! 'CIlt· a~~'d

I", and ~)iH:·m :~ong talks o~f all we had in cOW1~nUQlI1iiiOngly \-V'O(lUCml"

80!~h of us adm ~rod an C!( [fa~'~G~ In s:d:m.QIn rose eha thad wau&ered .. acros. a, ru::'i~hhoring fi:~lce. BO'[Jli olf us lwkc w;atcbing Efu·~ la,vender .! ef jacaranda b.los:sams aJS :[bey shock loose f[-onl du~ir ~Oo:rhlgS" Ali.c~ {I he~rd her e~nlo.'1:I ills±d~ one alf'U.irI;u)on) wou Id bar: at rhem wi ~b her paw.

ny· dl€ tillfne the j3£;3 rnlllllcl~~s were dene, an·ra('~~\1'C sJ ~ucd i:M:O~' haJd lJ.~cP added I~Q C'Ol'lllta~I:a: rhe rose ga,rden. By d~(tl], I h;,d exten ded .m.y w,a~ks :I lJ1l i ~c' fa n~~~r up and 3ddcd to ~~ly fd]ow.d~Ji:p cdu.:.r ears, dogs, I!U:tI:d chj'~d~~en,. ny dtc time th.~ sabtion rose disaepeaeed b ehwfld it'S fcmc-.e, ~ had mU!!ilJd ot house higher up with 3. \~~]]ed Moons]} gttmCti and 3. v]ttio·1:ic P;)[rccu J 8Jje,~ fUlid ef Colorfu l, opjll1ljoJ]3.led. ll'igb'ly dram:l.t~c. 'be' leI. D11.rndcii J'I1!e of lUll ~-iliwli15l~'3 nd. P:a:i.l~ had 'b(;cUJm~ so.~~lle~h;i~,g 1110re vaI.uibfe·; ex periencc,


Wriri tilg a'bO~l!Ifi anen [jon., ] see dUlt ~ b3"1.1"C w,ritren a g'ond

d~J aboae p~ilD. This is no coineidenee, ]It .nay be difilfcren r for (n\h,ers. bue painl Wh,Bt i~ 'took to I~'e.a,ch [ne to p~y ~tr~ndon. WI'~. times. ofpJj~n. w~c~n the funn:'lc is too l',er.rifYing t() conte~mtlJplau!' and tlfu,!;' past eeo jjl~l.d rc remem ber, [ h.aJ~ ]ea:~:nedl to p~y atren rion 00 right mow. The precise ~ 'was in ~s 3 h"v~},7S ehe oJroIJy S8JK .phlJcc w\[ me, Each m,'o\l1fUUll~ taken alene, '~iis,.:llL ·W,t1Jys bea I':aJbJe" r t;~ rJb:jf; 'cxai:it no~ we are aJmE., a[wa,ysl ~J] riglu. ~,;sb;::'rday the nlllir-d31~' nUilY h~ve fuo,ed. Ton'ilorrow dlC c'3t J113Jy die. The .phm1.e call frOB'll the lover, fcn~ ailll lily wai ttng~, "lay not ever come, butjust at rh€ momenr.just DOW; thsfS iltm right J 3 m breath ru~f)JJg' i f.1 •. and ou r, Realmj~~flg til ~~, ! 'bep n to. !lO, rice ~haJl ~~,cl~ 111 .. 0JrH;lflIJt 'was mot wiehour its beau ty..

The n1glon .m" mother dlj~xI, ~ got the 1(;3J I. t()ak :m;y' s:w~~~,elr.. and s~'~ o:~t up ehe bi i ~ 'heM rld Illy ho/use. A g:rcat ~JIOWJ ]1100:11 W,!:!! ru.\dug 'behmnd. dlJi.'! p;dm trees, Later that :nm.ght .. it flo~ued

:q bov>c r.h'C l,a~rot::~:IJ". W,:J !!l~llill1 g the (-:JCh:.a'!) :;;~~,ViCr. ViI hCJ 'I ~h j'n 'k :nt w ,aboillt Jfit'~y n1L~,~Jru:,~'~ .d~ .. t~. I n!'f~~~mbt.:f dh.l '~l1mvy moon. - I"hc :po{;l' 'ymU]am M,crcduh hLS obSIl,.~t~rcd lb.,t du: worst that can be $3~d or a 11't1~n is th;iH ~~~H: did not pay al't:enl~OF1I:" \Vlll·n l rhlnk or m~y sr.abl.J.IitI~ot~li;:r. I n.~ITIcnibclr. ~l!~r ~~~d{:nlil~~~.

11u I~Lll"'JI qf u-$JI1(M~lilt!!, d' Iil:t'b. 1'IJiI.jms"~piii'f¥J' ~.{'RdllJ'm 1f.1 rIff.

P'f'S(!,1lJ M(ilm~m y~ u1lJ1il'1t' IWO.r.Lr o!1f~d{JI'~r MN#,.

ln order to be i11lil: artift;'t. l liIl'IIiUSrt:

L S"how lip at thc" plt.~~. Usc the pi.lg~ to n!S["

to dre III ~ tn try.

1.. Fi II rhe well by 'C~lli"i ng f'O r ntl~y :lJ1r tn S~.

3,· S..-: -- Sin. U and gen ~l,e g'O(ll Is am J d meet t~.~bt. 4· rlf'a.y for gtJticl:mcc~ courage, and lUU11~ity.

j. Llcl1tc'lubcr I[b~t it is far h:nder aud more l).:rinfuJ ee be a b]ot:h:d artist d.<all if is. ~iO do eke l-lVQr-k ..

6,. JBe a,iC'ft. 3:lw~ys.. Foil' duo: pVCSCJJ1CC or ~hll:

GrC3't CtC'.::JJt(J,r Ic[]d~lns nd hc'lpml1g nl}r art:hu.

7· Choose cOITi,p~nio:n~,~,dlD me ro d.o the work. not j ust t:dk !.'!rbmw~ dein t rhe wark or W']~}1 [ aUI nor doj,i1Lg_lt:he \\'tlrk..,

S- Rc me III ber rhar idle G res t Cr-c~tOi' 1()1lI'cs. c:rca{iv.ity"

9· Remember rh . .t it is :111,- job to de dlC' work, not j udt;,c ttl teo' work,

10. Place rhis sign in rny werkplaee: G'~(u Creator, r will u,k~ care of I'he IJlumri,!y. Ycru (3kc ca re of rhc q!lI'dU~YF

UIU' .. ~u.! II. 1',lfOWII bl1t· .~N ~ '~II a p ~l:i ~ mll~ I ~ II'~'~ pC'~ u.·~11 Y j Ift'C rl'U~ m m lh~ JD,lh",'r h1~ ,,·1 II' hit, ~~II ~t· l)flUlt (ire'"" tI,hil," ~i~~I"'1l.11L" ~'nr hC'r'.~·lr 'rid. ~ ... ~~,tn mer. I rcn H'-,M 111!:n= r ,~m.1!' ~ pL)i III UlK ,cl "" II1JI 111",· i1>1t:"~ ~ ~, ki~r' • fr,nllll m~lt.· Jrm H11C.' : J~ l" \,\".:1' •• lbilUH [0 lONe, Ith 11111: - tHlnn'W\I'UCHI~ mil Itl!' w,I ... 11 h 1--~\!fI. "I JfH." ItI:Ui1,jll."·w I i k~ t Iw m , ,e "If ~ h 'I r h ~uill el" , hI,!' '!iwad. ~-·-I J:~k,c: 1~11i!'U, ht"'llc (h(:'), ~n:lll ~~~vc r y in a !at al ~r~"n,'i


"'IUUI.· ~'l!r Y'" 1'1111 I.I''I~H I h~, II-n II i,. will el 1"I'inlll ;01.' •• _ I .... I hl'l I". .U I t· ~ - {.I ~ Il.' J Illlllte: 011 1'1.'.: ~ Or ,Hom ~ t, Ll,!""

I. A rr.rmad'IIJ . It .~ dbmc:JI~~ h'~~ry (.I:.y. IlIU.fui~~I~~. ud lIi~h • A~ l ~] ~ ~'it"l a,nJ fiKH ",cd a ltd lr(·.~ ~ij I I Ii,! H.. . ilc I if illl( ·I".!I!"~. to fQUr~dr. (~~~ p, ",t J.) Ul~' • It'~lt ~)r ;bUY .1I'fill~t:l:ill. III ~-bifih. C.111 you st'1!: ynur~dl t!U 11If; liN<ldc r ~l)lly . Itt'pli-

. ~

c I ~Jri1I:~ 'fl~ l.

~i WJu:',n' due', YOILJIIr t:~II1!l; G\fl~ J .. i.l y.uur (WIt:' UM;lJur .1( .. d vi I ic~ rh m ~ week. I h)w I1Ulllt'~~ m i ~Ul' did you ~m 'V~ I'u ct!.ch Whlid, W!'r~' Wh"ll~ you wa~nh.'d t) ,Iu and ~.\IJ1Iit.b '~- u-c shuulh.? ,I loW' "Wid:] or rOI~jlr I i~~.~. j., ~J'Ji,:'1U J c'lr"iJl~ ,udlt:r~ ,:uu~ i 11r'I,ri.l:~IK yt-Hlr OWIIjII ,~~tj.if1."l;~ III. ve ,1~,II'y of YOUll,li Mod~t:'l~. frhmd • tr~'~Q'fC'G-I dn~llu.; ru rf~lI?'

. "lM:!.:', "1.11 ~~ I ~j r I ~_'.IJ't:' r. U fr W .1 d felt:!. h~. id~ 'k l d rrle. tOI),in'l Y'~U fU C(!d Itrl JUOlt"t'IL P,~.IC(· ll~ ~ UllU':U;!j of ~bn~~ YOUi .fi~U~' l_~' bll.: "UI:lI:,)H"r~'Vt'. ().n .... idt. the rudil.:! plaee dH:: ~Ja~r-Ul!\ df lhif,-·· y'u mUM bt' .JI

P (i~(,:' live ;lI'ouud -ILUJ I U w. f'lace I,~,ii, ~.jJfclfY. m.l~ UC"f where ,uu w d~· ya II r mnrm 111" p~~~c.... U~,· rh j ~ 1I'l;1,1111 ,til'J IIJ_~J'pur( yQUlr :UUOIH}IWY. Add ~,II~Ulli~lt:o:; ~,~ ~:ht.' lin~~cr am~d nUh:r ''lI,bC'ni~ H~. apJ)fn"l,fm:IU!~ '1"( >1.' -U~~~k ~s "'O~1f'ud)u,ly ,I \houldn't' t~dk to ~1!U~ut (!lifO flgJilll[ uuw:"

3· ~j~. rwe ~ , thin .'; you' l!IIJ,bY cJ1uilUR (IN'~c, k , ~:jl-vmbil1~. roi'h:f"" ik: ullg. b;~'dnl:g I.i·~, ~ ~~, ilUR 'n 1)1. m~k fl,~jl" J0V1c.:1 j·~J;J'kl'·JI' Jo,",e aMain, .If'jtii~ -~ rli bhJ' "i fldi'li M .1 II,QJ' lI. pJay'il ~ . 1{d..I, 'hiout~I~,wg 1,),1 k, '~"~, ~UIH~ tU:I .un,I, wt:~d'ira'Q Ij~,,-·trYI 311d ~o fiJwt]J'. 'Whll,;ll W;I''1lh,t!' IN~I_ U:n.ll~ y,v.u h=~ ).'dur. ,:!'If tlo lh~~,~· ~l11ih~t~,?, NIl.:_j(~ [0 each cutry. IJJact; ;1 tj ILei J J'~m\ I~c iilLJllrpri c.'d if llr\ 11I~(;;n yC~llr\ r.~~r

t~, rG'lJl!ll~ I'lu 11'1 .il UY'I W Hi' ,ij~tJ!WJlII hlYl~' 1",I'IIu~nhJ ~ hlIIJ~ .

It!.:101 ynu"'!oll' .hvU),j""l .• ~~ tll:u '·m mlo I In!' I.hl,," W4'j_' k \ W1I' h I II'~ I "'j i' ~'{Q.i! j I «u ~w ~ allilll.! ~'I': b! I Y !tIJ iii null a ~ r h:II'~!I .~ rul

~rHml ii, U, ',~m,'! III ~w r~ 'Wt' ,;1 r~ u y i Hl~1 11',u own U YUII "~ ~MI~~' .1 U C UII ~ 3'11! ~~ Y.~II b Y' 1~lllr i II, II u'.. I.UiLJk hi" W II ~li WN I I ~ I I[j,uu;-!' jll"ll rnr 'fl rII. tIIIHIIU~C tl •• : ... il~II·II. ~.~I, It n·.n~fIh' iln'il. (~ • [ . u· mh~' n· nrc:! N ~br ' .. .1 '11UJu, I, II mr~ ',''101'(''111 I r n .• II,)' ~ l. I in "i! n ~ u iuu ~~'.'.. Sh~'1' Iqu 1Uv;, I~-~.r hl'~ Mil., k j ~ I ~0111 m when If U~ wliiol be rre~·. I·~ ... I 1111.,111 I.h I ' u urue i~1 _ , ,I!I:,~ til

j. nip b.lck hUt) W,:"~ (lllnu~ .IIIIUI 1'!I.·.ld mbt-' .. fh rm;l~ lUll '.

NuW' wine II UIIC!l, r.I'~lllC rlu- IUU ,~ rt·r. ... , itH1. (U~t'U~ rlu mw ~h~l~ 'u .. uu-ul .... lln_' 11)."·1 il'ldl( nluw I'Ll ~h. tun 't • I~ U ~lfl,C";i n . Wd lC' I ~lUf 'of.-: d~u~ -"II ;1 r~ II ~ U 1m ~llil II ~ II'III~ II' 't:"1 ,II ,~I. Y in your ru Irlliup; I~":~ '~i; b·· "dUe U ~ III~ IUdc the :.1 Ufll .. ItjfJiIl!~ ye,HJ III.Hh~ ¥uuu'r'l, ·.Ili! h'Ulli1 yuuiI' 'Ldul'lt":l-.

~:). JitcHmll,l1 loU the 11~ll I'Jf iIlM~.imj~ y h~t:' ... ill't).ru .I1~!I~~ wt'(~k.

Ad!tl :hv~ ~nC],u' hv~". Ap;~~m'l ",h~"'~k Ibn'~ -·t' m( yc.JU'~ c' onllLl b~ ij.h._a,il1p., b~I." ,:Hlotlljt'('~'i~ o~ Idl~ ~·liv·l-. lII'Illu.!' '~Uin: y~j I .U~ Ii V.I II,J!; II i)W, I y( ~'I! II :HrC.' ~ Ii 'k·~~.1 la ~ Ill' ~ \ I it'l . d. Y·;1Ul ] "I ynUl' I ~u J ~IIU ,~IIIIIIf;? I you h. 'Ii,' h .It,~· I ,. ;UUllk"~ ~ll~k'l .U'· 'Ii 'II i,:V'""1 ,-Uf.Jw.'clIU W~UII. JPht'.II~ III yum. .If,ll.:' :-iIt.utM dli''lo!'t·r", if\! .IH~r-! ,m ~HIW1I:~ iruu Im.~ you d •• u \I"~rlil( A ~I~ily :1.1 rhe lake 1uII i~I).IIt.1 ''1of!~~I:~I.I~t::.?

,. I ~il:fljj! ~ j ic: I )f;I\.~ :1 C I rel c. I J I v~ ~i . j,t i~,il~'tl '.il ill: I ~II • '~<1 i ~f I it , L~]hl! I nWI)ll Il.iM "Cc· 1,u:rl~~I,dU'Y~ .1 md 111"1 ~Wf-i'l';j'I'tr, .1Unl hit" ~ "'l)'~ ,i~ n f~ 0, U ,m m . 'W j {b If~m.''''! Iri~t"J' i .11r,,~( I W~/'f~il:II"'/ ~ltJv#·lmiUt·.1 W~ :1 JJ1l ~I .~. II ·,11,1 ... ;11 the d~t~r 'j' I~.~ wh k!. y(~1 .Uo,. h'll,jliiJll!."c.I ill~~ I ~I ~ It ,n .11 0( a~o(iIr ~ fill II In. II cue • ~Ul:H ~ il1l1ot." ,cj,r;& I". IU~'I ~u ~h'. ,t) 'Cumu~ I 1.11,,; ~ I~ JIL i~, 'I'~ II,~ wi I ~ ·,11 ~w YU'II WIIIJ • 1"10." VO ~~I ., ~ ,~ur~~I,ijd •. d.

A" YlQlU h ·~,jH .hll.' • UWIIIf'.i:'l 1111 j. lIor IIIwr.mmmu ~ ~,t YOllr life ~r,u!' an ]uuik U:kc ,t 11.u-.:lIIUih, A I Jot" n~h"fl' pruK f\1;"~o("-" y. Uif 1;1 r.nH~~ I' in HI V h ['l;lJlIII • il ~I ~ '~'lltLI' ••

i sirul mt (''}T5 ,iu' (lrd~t' IL' te«. ~~&tll Gt'liIJWG U~N

Working wilrh rh is rool, Y'!l;;m ,vi i i no rice rha r the ~ ;) IY :I re: s of yOltl'f Hti: th.-.It reel i mrJr]:povcr-is,hed a nd On, wh ~'ch yo - ~ spen d liultJ or [1,0 :t:i me, Usc the tbn~ l idbits you a.!IfC find:i:mJllj ~Q 3!'t~f rhis,

J f you r 'sp,i riJtua) li fc'm!; min i filflJal! e""C'11 J h\l'eIII inu [C pir $ top i~M,O ,i:li s,yn a:g-og iJ]t" or ca.thed r,i!I!i C~Jn (€_ 5.1l:)(ll",r..: a S(;"IUi,C of wonder. M ~i:lry of usfin~ th]!:::Jit 6,'111(: w'i Il'[lr~,es or ,it'lnu:n music can pu l'IJ:IS h:u l~"~!(":~ 'W i ~h {:)IU r s piJri tl~3J core'. For cehers, it"s a tri p ce ;J, 8 r-ec,r~bOlUse-:

T.he pojnt is: dun even the!st aJi!::lOeult'h}l) ~o OlJ~r hnpo,,·C'[·ished 3itii::acS can nurture t:hcrn.

s, Ten Ti11')' Cbanges. Lji't een dU;11g(;S yQud lik~~ to ~il~a ke for you rself fh~)ln ~ilh(' sign ificdJF.lJt Ito rhe Slf;Jm ~i I or vice VCrs.a. f' get new sheets so [ ~a,av~' anort:ill!t'r sc r, g'o llO ell i na, i?8J~~lllt III 'I/, k i rehen, du nr]j~p III y M{d'llY f~,iend .A:lic(;'''~), Do H d~i~ 'W3JY ~

I v.~,(ndd iik,e to ~ __ ........ _~_~~........",._

[ would laike to,~_~-=--~_~~---=-_

,As the In,0]11111~lJg rag~'s nudge' us iilCI"e'il:Singl,},' into III e presen r, where we pa:r at tenrirsn ro 'OUf' currene ] ]VC;S, 3 sma~ ~ s Iliff like ill r;:Jj~w ],p,i1JjiU1[cd b\3,rhroo~'Ul] 'C'8J1'[ f'il!:ld a ]u xu r.ious:i 'Y hlJ:r1;C sense of sel f-care,

9· ScJlrcl one small ieem and make it :3 goal fQr ttlms

'jl. wee J\\.,.

~Cfq, ~(you are w~,iti!ng m,OtllrniI1;1 'pag,es, ~bcY' are wOl'kUl~ '~o,.r yo~ . Wh;;IJlt W~,re )'101t su ff1rised to ~nd y,ol)l;r~el r ~r tml~ 3botl'~? An~w~'r .I['~lis "ltlCStioll in fun On YOln check-:m page, Tins WJIU be a wl!(!kly ~e~f-sc:Jfl 'of YOli r In,ood~~ !~,ot yo~,r ~rogi[€Ss;" Don't 'w(]!(rry' jf }f@wr pi!lge~ ~ r~ whi ny el trl ~~. SQnlC'lin:u~:s fhl:1JJt:"s I~he 'very best d1'lng (Qr Y'OIUl.

2,,, Did ycru do you r ~nis,t d Ite dl'is week? ,~\e~em'b~:r tnait 3'rtiSlt d:at~s are ;3, nccessarv ftill"oli1ty. Wh~t dxd you do? How dldil r~el?

3·, 'Yerc du:lFC' ~U1y '(!ilt~l,~:r issues this week tth,at ,'01] consider Sl!G'Jl iiic3Qlt (or your :r-e~o!\I'eiry? De~cnb€' ebem.

J 10. Now do rhac item,


,I. Ho,\ .... r ntauy' days this week did }fOIl1 do remf tnoll"l1ing pages? (We're Jlo.p~mg seven! remember.) J '0\111 WillS. the ex pcrience fCH'" you'?lilow did rh e morndng p::lJg<."s \rlfc]"k foJ'" you? Describe rhem (fo:lr example, "The)' .feh so s n~pid. ~~d write all t Ilrt,;!C' :i t,ty=hitty d~ ~OO;[bIH!c~C'd rh i ngs fllJ t d ~.dn·t seen, to ]l~.wt 3n'Yt'h~[I!l:g to do 'w~th one 31tJ10 ther O:r wieh a.ny dl,i 11 C . . ."}, :nClnC,I1I~-

' ..

, e" . 'C" . 0" .... ;t. T . r'-:- n' g' a'

'.' ',. ····}V"···, .1 · r ··1 ....

S f··B:····

ense 01' .·O·.:··;t'J~h·· 'r'"

. 'V'V·I~._


At,u;u~ is ' . .tIP.t .. We rl"t":~ it I ,rid wt W~.IH to do, sOll1c'lhiu~ I hl !IlO;liilfU,l(l:un:', btt'. 'k som,Il!~'If]jil1g, ~lr:1i1liOW ~ fillt ..... m.-Jilsh ... 1'I~t ~mnn she W::Jim:~,~ [en dvosc h, ,5~::lr"d~, But we jiJ,rc' iiJIY:((' P~ol:jllJc •. md whal[ we do wid! {'j;~n i'luglf.!. IS, sluff ~t! ,dt"ny k, bur}' it, block i~, hide me I'ie abuu I i r, nln~d iC',ne ilt. Irlrudll' lr, iCllof,' ilL \'t/;f; d.(l ~V,~rr )'t h i I1g bu l li$ll'Jllto i~.

Anger ~!Ii met m, It [0 he Iisten ed eo, i\ nge r ~l'ii a v.a~cc, , , ~;.Il()U I, • plea. :. dC'l!i'i~,I:iJldl. Ang"r is IfllrliC1HH l~iDI be respected, Why? Bee u~c ,;') ngc'r is a liM!}. A 11 ~C[ S ~lOW:'!i u s W~!il.. It au r hou nda ri i:S. arc, A nger shuws. lIS, where we W~Ilf.IJ~ L~O G'o" ~:t h~n:~ us ~I"."C il.:vhcr,1i.' '!",,'e\'\! bt't;n all~,cl !Cl'S us know '!i~h"":~1 wr.; haven't 'Il'!kc(;~ itt. flmg,cr pnil1,t~, til(: w" ''I, :1~OIt jll!.lJS,t l he f Ut;t::r, [mf'l, I~ 1 ~ n;~Ql'l:r)r of. Mo(k,~d art i ~~ .. ~l ~ ,ge'r ~s 3 !;,i.GJD or beL ~Irh.

Anger is Incant Ito b~ acted UpOt31. h IS not mcamto be red out, AU:gCf l?o:n~.s, l~t: direction. W!: c'rt: I11C.IH 10 use jn,g~r iii'S ud I:u, l~.kc ehc aeeions we need to mow W.H.'Il=C our Lmg",r poin~'~ 'U~. With a Uulc l:lr~(luch{l' we trJ~fll usu ... II')' u'.1n~l;alll1' the message ~hJl OU" ~m~~cr is '~cu!l;lin~, us,

- h~ Wcc L tH you J!C .. lill~ 'JIO nh UI1- ::J'CU!ilOll1~J buuul

]r CII!;;JEl" ;mll .... l, Il'P JH~ a k ... of. D~cr. Jtly. a id gricf. Vou


POU'I,;" r hold u ~'Ollf (1 ~"IOU~ I,,' .ucccptlO: d I i ~lJ'IJ i

~~ ~h :tk~' n, ~01lJl ",,ri I! be ::J"'ikt'd to COa sciou ... 1 .. ,,' xtpl:r1J me III vith :tpirifn. ~ open-

I, '1I,~,tlid..:t.I u e \\

Wlu'!! ,Q ffl'.jII~ Mkr.J" ,Q"t' JftP 'Cl1i.oliAr,d Cod, C04 '.aJt:(' I ,molt' J~epJ ilt,UJDm iA~~ 1!'r.J~JI ,l-wl~ rhue 1I'Jr'li>'sa'mf, ill II'Jlr world.1ojriJPJ

Til ,WQ;Q.K J "II"H F.. CnA~lm

'~B~laJS ~ hi m] .I co~ I d !Irnila' ke ;1_q, b~ [ltiCr fi ~ nl than tha r ~ I~ {This, a 11- gers.'f,ys:)'Ou w~ml(' tic In:tJ,~c_ movies. YOIU Heed t·o ,!~anl how.)

. ~'r ,!n''t bdiev-e it! [ ~~d th~is.~de~ f?1' a plary thn'€ 'Years ago~ • ~1,d ~h¢'s gone 3f1ld Wr.It[c;n ~Jt, . (ThJS :llt~)C[' SI!I¥!l.: .s;t()P P,I:\Octa'Sltilltlll.ti n.g. Ideas d'o:t~'t g~f open i I1g l'lL'ight-s, ,ci njs~{!:d p,l.ays· d@~ Sta,flt 'w~~t~t~\g~)

'"TJ\;'IJ[ 's my 6 ~Jra tl'"~Y :tU~iS ltSlJl1g. Til is ~:s' in,e£:edl~b]e! r\l\e bC(;lm riipJlt..-d ott! [ JkjlJCW' ~ sh .. end ~] i3fVC pulled that ri!'U~'~eri a:a~ fifigetll~r .mul cP,yr,iglu~eJ ~~ .' ~ , Thi~ 3tlgCl" says: itt's tilrrie It·O ~~k,c }lIo'~t Own 'ideas senously "no·ugh [mil) rreae thcmtill well.]

Whcri "We;:' ~~eel ::linger", \eye are o,ficn very' ,;'!!ng~ tl~(l,t "iW Ceil!] 3 . t~(:· <l11~rt [t tells us. 'liY'e <:3.n"[ gc;t aW,:3!Y ufith Our old Hf~ ~my' io~geif, It tens us that oJd Jjf~'i:s dying. It rells tIS. 'lYe 3'~C bel n~ re b()~". and b.·~thi H.g, ku [itt~. T~~c' hurtm akes us :'ll1gry.

Allge r ]5 the fires EOiP.l1l. that S.1~3J~ the dea t~fij. of Q,~:n- old Hf:c A Ilg:t:'f' ls [:he iu el rha r [propels. 1tI~ i IUn our ~lC\V ·O.n,t!. An.,~r is, ~ roo], nee a maslier. ,Anger is mean r t'o ·b!l.;''t:.:pp~d inta an d dl".1.wl1 upon. U~ed properly, an . gcris ~~IS.l:-fid/,

SJdth~ ,~p,~dry, and, despair are the enemy, Anger is not. A11- gCf :is. our !ti~nd. Noea nice fd~nd" Nor ;ill genele (r-iC'lld. B'l1lt~ vc'r}l!; :w;ry. i·byi'll friend, It ,¥i~~ a!~W3"S ten us when '~lC b~e~;I. be~:rn)''(~ .. It wUI :id\.\"ays. wU 'IJ,IS when \~~ ItaV{~ hetF3y~d Ourselves, It 'W~~] nlwa,ys tell us I'!h~.t 'i [ ~s ri me l'() 3Ct' in oue owu best j n teresrs, .

Angcris n(rt the action i~~.It: It is aJcttiows Dll'v.llatk)l,l1.

~~s my ~$p-e'r;,~:lfl:ce t'h~H 'we're m~ch JrnoliX afraid tb:3Jf dU.:fiC m~~ht 'be 3 'God than "'"'Ie ~re r:h:u' there 'nig;]n nor. be. Lrcidcnrr~ li k€' rhose :lIJb.olve ba:pp en [0 us, and y.~t we di'smiH them as sl1,~C1i lo@i~cid¢.l1 .. ec, ~op1c t~d k iI bout Iw!w d read r~d ~f '~@Itdd be ~f there were 110 GOld. [t~l~lE1k n]ch tank is booey, Mo~r~ of 'll.JJSt a re I ]0(. nlO[5~ contrb["~a~I.'e' rC"d~ng we"t.~ l~lot [lcifil~' \lIl11tclu;;d 'moC) clQsely.

If God.-l:)y which ] do ~f1ot necessarily mean a 5i~ ]cp.-ointecli Chri;Srti31l eoncept but i1U1. all .. powcr.ftd :amid allk:nJiowi IllSi ioOC'C-ilo. ~'S noe ex.i~t. w,~n then, were ~.]l '0 ff dl1 e hook, :1Il!"crlr W'C~ 'Ttlc'rIC's 110 divine rCl-rfbut:io:n", I'HJ' dl'lirH;i cousela ~ ien.. .A,n4if d:rc wh!CI:]~ experience slrink~,1Ji!J w'CTI. W ha't d:id. }'Ou'eKWH;tt'?

T.~aJ ques tiO]l of i~xpcCta:ri()tls i nterests llJlfJ)C. rif thl;.~f(' is no, God, or if that C,od BS d'isblt,ef~ned in 01/,11:1' plIny little a fairs. rhen everything can roll along 35 ~hllM'~yS; and We C311 feel qlll]f'i:

J [Jsti.fied in, dt·diIJ'rilrug ccr tai 11 I hing:s i L'npo$si'bl,e~ 01 he r 't~n (I'll ral r, [f G,od; ():r 'tili]€' lac.k. of God" i~ :n.."'SptH1sibl,e r(],'r the s;t,a'te of ~~~,c' \,vc:rl d, '~kel1, "lillie ca:n 'C3Sru]'y ~wa:x cYlllic:ill ::"DldJ r,csi,GjF~ 00 r el'ye,s ~o a:p3,tby. W'h~t':s d~c l~se? WIJDJY tty (:han~jng ol'll,thing?

This is rile lHe. ~f t'hert.: b. ~ Jie~po:Ji1Js,htc creJti~re f()r(~ :~h:at.

Illl~I'l'lr Iffiflk ,Ii~ C:11r!l;'«Y' J', 1I1~ ,"'$ I!:J' P{liU (1,;~d u~mr.~S!lll~m· htw:8.

DIU 10: ffi Ef:..Llflft!.l,Gli(lN

,Ii· It writer ackm:a,o'lYl,ed.~~s ~ dl'\C~ilr!lJl r:o. Sf) t'Q flint 'l!.cho~L 1\ si lICJe- el(plo[!:'.(I~~ofy phone c-all PUts him i'lfIJ touch 'w.ilk . plrc(~,rC$50f 'wile bin Orws, ,and .. d~ni·f~s .lIT!; 'work and prern-

ises hi 111 rha t. tbe last.~ \t3ib ble s]o[. 'is now his. -

• A W OiJTHIJ 1,':11 :is ttl i 11 king a bout goin.,1 back to ~ dlil.J,01 llm:il op~~rJ~ her '~O fil:a~d, aletrer luequlCSting lm,~r.,appMC3.t]On f~orill the 'V'C~ y $("110(}] !lb(il was fbinkm 11,1 ll:b~llt goin ~ 1,0..

iii' A WO.r~aID wonders bow 'to t'~n'~ a r,:![,c! 5lhn :she has never seen, She fiil:ub it ,ill her neighborhood l.r,p~dm{J"(· two day>s ~al~~.f.

'Ii A bu~~If!I;,m'~n v,'II,ho has seeretl y writ te:~ for l"~rs VOWs fa himsel f ee ," s.'li a pfo.f:bsstomd w~jtJ~[" fOJi a. p;rolll esis 1Q.n his ralcnr, The nC'lit 1]1~g;hti ever ~ ~?oQl [O'iIble:" he me~ts .(Ii, w.fiter who beco.lliI.,~s. h-r~ ruenror and ~hcn con:a!bc:r"3~~;r OJl1 severa] SlH::Ce-ss,fu[ books"

'/\~lsw("re~.praye:~s are sea ('Y. They im,pi y re$:p;Q(ns~biUty" You asked for J to N,OlJi:V rhae }iIO'I!l'W: mOt it. wha,l ~n~.c Yol:a ,~ojng to' do'~ ;Vhy d~~ rhe C:-Ut~O'fU't;~y, ~I~i'as;t ~~W~tdl oUlt (or \:vhac 'Y'ou pmy for", youJ~s.t !nqlht'.gcr. U ? Al1sl!Ye[ed praye["S ,a·eJi.ver IlS back t'o our 01;.VU han.d .. This is IDQ:t comfo"rmble. We fil:ld jlt el,~,i,c;r 1"{1' a,v('cpt [be~ as ~~a t']]]])l!~$ 'Oif s,ymcllrroni,cjlty:

• i\, woman .~dnlitSl to a bur1ed dre:un of a,Ctiu,gF At di'al:IfJJcr ir:~',(lt I'D ight. SJI(: shs b.esk~,c;) 1113 n VI,(!.I'iJO liCaehes begI~rl:rnnB iltctors.

"n.ll'ni toI'f'SI!' Will :rn4'dfil youfi J laki~, Nh ,,"/~ itt. ,b.r~lf.

S:i'dl.l\kTl GAWAIN

/' jHJoH1j '{'f)' i~ ~Ilm 1'tJ IJj' J!!I'~ mriJ .. nl m"l"Ii~~~ J\II prrp,-lff·J HMi·,-ul.

AIIIIJJI~T ;~:l.ItIio'II(J'l'OH.r. 'il'U

Dill )"llji' ~·r"rr:mS(n~f'/,f.- rrihpm ,II .. , ~~«M~,~'t 'MI~fili"j,~:; (:hrfm-~·JJ,I~ltl j"r~r Ilu Plti}'d~·~t ~~li,f.tJ.

btl LJ I~ IJA) I ,ill.! II:

diO~.~ h~a'r us ::and aet 'O~l CIIIIIIF b~lmlr: rheu ·'I.-~e :rl1o:~{ Ire'llly &'Il.: 3Ii]jL! IN:l do some d:!Jiugs. P-r!u!' jl~g, in :;hlO:rl~ is UI): God knows tll.lrt tl1C ~ky's ehe IhIllrnJjlr. A!1')f()ut:' ~n) Wll'lll [~cll yen rh It pot!isib.i!~il~" is f:,r IHllft!' fhf:'~u,trW~'~II!1!G mh~uJ <imifo""'5·~bdlity. lba~ (1Jjr.:~dtnn i fi r ,I;Il0rC Dlcii'ri(yi:ng [than. l:m.y pri-\iog''I_ W,' we do, ~11l : acr, havt' [~OI-dCi ~ wi l h [[ fOKe h "]lI(Hld oursel ves tha t ~n\poh,fC's ilt'scl f i 11 ou r 1'h1''C8, [hen 'Me i'1~,ay II ave LlO move into rile [ion ,em ~bos(:"p,f'ev,iOlt$~ Y U'fJIl ... pn.'i~ i Iph; 01[1'1.:'., rn 5.

1 Ufe i:-. whar 'we ~'ml.I"u; or it:. \Whether WfJ: conceive of ;U'II ilmlIlCD' ged $orr-t: or .In other, 'o~n~r Cod, dOC5in"t m,ath:r .. Itt'I'i-fin.~ on rhar foil:'>C~ does,

Ii Ask .I'l.d )"ou d~311 receive. r(~ oek afid it shall be '6iPCI1~d I~O YOUI ••• ." These words are ~]nong rhe more liLuplc. sam O~1~s :J sc r~ bud eo JC!lICLlS C h rjl!fl r.. They su g gesl~ t ht:: ~o'~iIL~11 lit)' of s r:i'r.:n ... liht' nw~hod: ask ([t) ~i~ld :liC\(;;" wh: ~ ~~[~'PI~r,;:n~ (r'cf:ord d m,t.· rll's'u;i!u)~

]:) h amy wonder \"Iffb' disc:ortln~ ... nswer~d prn}/crsr We call il co~~~ddcI1"'C, We c. ,n it ~uck 'Wi! call jlt ~:uyd;~ing but whar It: '~s-[h~ h~md, or God. 0:" g'o-ad. aetivated b~' .our own hand when \'Vi(! act in beh IJf of eur truest d1"Canlf;,j' wl n we commit [~O Our own soui,

E>Il~ll lht" rues I: tim id I ife eonreins s~'~ch moments €I.f CO~1~'ndr~.'tlWiH; ~! I \-v~JI ,lirt;!t ::Ii :U~e'W IOIllJC" sea t iiiI.n~t.,f ~] I! II And 'then I • i,] 1;C)und the pCrfC\CI Orl e, II" ",\Va s the s t'r3 I ~·B6~U fhi~ng. [ was :n 11~ y AU"1 Bern ice's ;) nd llt'r n~.igbbor 'lV, S h,ilVil~rlg iI flaJ'r,[tS~ ~(I,I~ .u]d she h; d f h!'is won de rfn I love setU he r lIew .hllsb~II!J ell was a'~It"rgi C itO~'"

JI1 O'ilJlflili7~d lilvc-s~ such moments stand OlU lin bflrs-rel:ic". large ;)~MOQro~ Rll,11~,11I1f1tOrc: Lewis and Clark headed WC1U. h:wk ,niiH:'~~'n t"icu,k U«rOf Arrlc3" 'We ~U h:i1JYC our AJl'ic,; S't dlO:i't.!' da r k ~LI;~ d fom,;:nH ic ~:1adml S' Irl~,at c:. U fa ou~r d("~ peo~H !tiC'h,'_~s. \V~It: n W,' I 1m $M:F dUlJt rrr;' :n. w,hcm'l ,~ {)onllu'i'E; to :il~1I We sc t h~ UIi,Dtmon r:be pduciplc th:lt (~. G. Jung dubbed SYilf/u'Q/.irir,. ~~oost: ~y dd1nr·([ ~~. (o'.Il'LuilOUs, i"tc,r~ncshiln' ,of events. 5.,1I,ckhf~ i]lC s;~:;U]CS, we' 'c:.JIC'd it 1t'h'I'l'l-Jri,ily; 'W,hawver you C'hOO~l1l0 call it. OI'rl,CC ~C]rU b~,;~ i Ia yO'II.I r ,Clrc, .;;ivc I"!o!'.co.v,c r, yot1m,ay b t: :Hartlc:d W r!"oJ~~!l:ting up ~\p,c;ry\1~lu;l!'e"

U~]:rlt be surpri~c\[1 if you ~ry W d i~e,ou nt ~il. ~:t ~::1n be a w[r,.r d}'r~.Heni~l)g c(l~C{;p[:. AJd~o1l.]ghJILUla,n'~ I~{l,pc.r on ~}nidE~ro:nidly

\MillS :I, (;o<rl1crs,ton,(' or his ~'H~,oug;ht. I;\!'CiIfII hHIl')' jllI.Hlgi-;:ms p:~rcr 'H) b·I;.,t';V,t; it \1IUjJj!j, .. son rtf side l:HiJWI,C. 1 hey dbnu~~ m,l, l'uke 11M. .iUU~'FCSI iu tbl! ] 'C'h'iug, 3'S ~m Qdd~ty. jffiQd:Jan~ '~o (.;)'ke to!j, ~t:.ri- 01'1 '~y~

J I:I'mllg ndgh ~ ~U ITc Ii w~(b the m, Felll.ow-j'll g his own ;rm,cr ]~. db~Jj.;s. b reugh t h Im IjQ experl ~m;f: and {~rs crabe a pltcne<rnc~rnr@:~ru dM.l some ef US p'r't: r~W,' to ig:lT][fUt:': rhe ~joss,ibi Ully of a 11 ~rn~'tit.,1Ii gcn~t and 'res;pou :i!ivt=, urt i.v,crI:'S:L:! act il!!lt ~11 cl IiCact iQg in eur in It' jl'CfiU.

It is my cxpcrieece dun ~hh; is '1:'11· ease, ~ ha'l,,--1'C k"i!nH:t~, ,ii' a f~~le o( dunn b, never ta , ~'ik whether you ,elll} du somut~,nitl'g. Say, in'Stci1~" rhar YOlfm 81l1fQ doing i:t. 1"htm f:l~~en your Sloat bell. 1'ln; miliiiiJOl!;'t rC3lID:I r k:wblA: th ~ I'~gs 1\(;']]Q\1;I:.

"Gud 1!'i1 clff'ld'r:!nt." the a~~r~l):S J~H:]'l1na MCC;]Jlli~hy ~\ways ]"C[nhl(~S. me. [ ~H1V1~ many ~:i,mes, milrvdtd ,1N'l [b~ s:l~ilgh~ of~:!Iiu~ wJeh wlm[]c1ilJ the universe (lc.e]ivrf;;'nl·i~s treats,

Abcult six yC~tra "Go~ ~ play of JJll!1'itlt; 'W,IIS d10,SC~ for:) large st~gcd 're~diug i1Jil the ··~IIVC'r Ce~[ter f~l' ~hc l)ef.,orm~'rng 111"[[5. l Iud wfiu.icn dire' p]ay' wuh 'Orr frw::IiI,d. J~~ ham1:JJ 'Ijill[ mind fOT- ., he l!ll~d" She 'was my ide: leasrlng, but whel. ] aJnav,ed in Denver, C3Sl:iarg \~as ~l'r-eadl' set, It."!> so ~,wl ?J.f; I met ,m, lcao,iJIl g I i),dy, ~ had a (JiJun~,y rc-e~i n,[I'; diere W:'IIS a, bomb t:i:C'ki'r~g. ] :1ll]Clll~t~,o:ll:iJcd til ~s ~o rhe d i rec ~:~r ~)U t ~'If.'15 assu red [h~ act ress ~:!i. 3. eon su 1fD'D m:3I~,~ prefcssiouCJt S'~ilIn r~be' :funny r~]1nt Un!;cl'tcd l'illJ IUy .')[OfJ':13d~. SUU1" e flnll:gh~, .t\ ~1i4~k be fore '~VC were set to open, oUrI' IC3dJ~'· I~dl ~bruf'dy ~es~,gr..c!d,~fi om Illy p]a-y 31li1d from Ri.lw,,rring Churiluj th!o!' p:~:lY dt;;'IJt WJrS 1][1 I C) i d-run,

The Denver Ce n rer w~s st~lm'iI~':i,.c;d 31';JJd. very jpolOgt:lk~ Th~f fell, wr,dbJc abou t ~bll; d311"1J~ SiC' !lry p]~,y 'Ii,~ould su s:t:ain b-y d1L~ abrupl' depir1r~tl'r(;". "In a pc'rf~ct, "wo:rJd", wln) l!o\ll;l'ould you c.1stf"

~ht;y !1sk;ed 11.IjJjC, I ttoMr dU,·'il'm, :·In.JU~i3n~m.~ McC.a.rthJ"!~ _ , ..

J1ll~rnbnul •. was Idredl < m].d flo·wl'ru nt (rarm loIS Angd.:s. No sooner dl~d dt~ c4?n,[ic.r's ,d'ir~(;l"Ots liIy cy,cs on hc'r ''Ii'lo'QIl"k [ban du~y asked bC!;r ':'lot only ro' do. my play btu i\lso 'to bkc allier the m!I!'Il of

fb,',lfi.rg Cll\ll;riltC'$~fo,t 'wl~',~,~b ~~tt \,as briU;ia~~tly r1JJS~ _.. _

~ jiG Dd is ~ihc(1jI1It'1 1111 offl Ii! ~1!:I!gh~d ~o J u h:lnJlr~:lJ" very h~P'Pl; tlnu sh~' Iud t'he ,h~nct" [ro do i!her'· p,]ay fq,flcr :tIl.

~ n mru, toX:PCf kn~c. tlu:' iljniv-c~~ fJW:ts, in 'wi~h 'w,o'rtthy pi rln:s ~nd Inoslt c:s.pcCI3IlI)f \-v~th fe~t~\I'IC! ,find ex,plrl'ltsm'\"C ones.. ru ha.\'c

Ch""u' ili .dlbaM)·f tU.J'l~l'fr-ft. , II'~ ~,'jlI~.1' ,~mtl.l'h 'I i" .dW.llYl raSI ~ I'n thr plJoJ WJ.rt"Jd you Ifill_' r ")(p~ri ~i'j III U ltllm b,r. d fiJ~1.


D~I·n.j, 1191:., helinrt:. t({1!-i11{:.\ T~Rrti~U .. ,MA~f.,!I

seldom COJtltc,iy,..[I [.'Ii IdcU"ious plan wi.rhou:tt bei:~~g g:ive;l~ Itlle D'1I.;"::n~:s I~D .<J<c,onl pllws h ~[. Undc. rs ta~~d, I~h,u [he Il.;Jr(i' must CQ,IThe bl!Jore rhe JWUl. :First choose f~if1.~1 Y()lLI weuld de, The IIOf~" l1Su ...

JI'II~y ~ lis iflt,O' place of ]r5C'I (. " '_ e _

A llecc ofictn. WhCl'i p~opl~' tal k abo:l,U creauViC work, they ettllph~-sif2~ st'talttegy. Neo~'hy tes are ~dv ise~ Bf t:h~ M ~c}aI~).\\I'e] .. li::lll'li devices riley In usr em p!,Of to ore., lot in [0 dice HeM.. ] lh~ltk. [~(~s, lls ;3 ~Ot of r1.~,b]dd1lJ. If you ask an .'l.rds!! ho'w h~~ got: willea;;e he is hit! win nOI: descirjbe' b!(~3l!dng i:n bu~' inst~ad "ir\!lt'iU ~~dk of a S:l[it-':S of luck", bre:lliks- ""A rho1J~JI1d. unseen he]p~n,g h:ands,'~1 1Qseph (:3 n~pbd~ '~31~ Is these brea 1£'5. [ ea II them sy nch ro]~ii[~1l)l~:

his ,nly cO:IlJ[~ndon ehae yo.u ~a~~ ~-OUl1l.o'l1_them. "

Reln~mlo~r thilJt C(iC3UV~ty IS :'), trJb~d expenenee and that tribal elders wi IllinilEial~e the gi(EOO yO~l!}gsr~rs. who, ~ roSs 't:he,i r p~d~" Thh lllary seund ~,ruocc ~i:dlhll] dra'~£ilLking',., h(l'~ ~r is a'l .. Qt, S ornerisnes an older arnst wdl be moved ro help ,(j)U~ cv'en

• 'I!. ,~~ [d I i~, u. :II ~ d"

19aJiiltlllH his lOr- her O\~].l_ wls,~:es. ,'_ Ol'll't .r;o:~]OWL'WJliIY II. In ,outg

this £0([ you, bur ... ." AS:a"I1~ [ would sa.y. thae some of I he hc]p' hI'S h;nds rHay'ibeso:mcth'hlllgm,or-e than biLlfITUIlD.

, • L.J1 t: -I~' 'h'~ ..l

We i U,c,c (0 p,r(;ten d j t IS narc 1:'.0' 10lO\,V our c~~t!ll, u'lrea,ms:~

The t.rl1d~J is, ~t' 1S d~fli;cu]t to avoid !~vZilk~nl rb rough the ~'iIl1I.~n',' de Of5 rh at will open. 11l rn 3s[d~ )bmlr d eea m, a:~1d if. 'win ('(}~~e hade ro -yOllJ ;!!jliiB-~. !Oct WJIDli n,g ~o f9]]OW it a_gaj n ~nd ~ SOC-Olid Uly~ ~G'riOU.5 door 'lIMWU swi Ilg ope'!' r,

The u'lli,v~:raC ~5 p'J'odigpJ in' irs SUPPQlt. '~e rn:e nl,]s~r:ly in what we aeeepr .. An g~f[ h'ofses are ~ooked i,n the mouth and usuall:ly reru riled to sender, We s~y we 3'fC' seated by f!lily rc, burt wh at frjgfu~elf-ls us. more is. '~be possibi]j:ty of suceess,

Ta ke a small seep ~:n dl~ dif~cdon of ;3 d rc.a~ .~nd '\~F~r1Ch ,tbc S)'rnlch:rO,;rlO]lS doers ~yi~,g open, St;~ing., ~.frer aU~ is l::u~'H:~inf} And ~[ ¥orn see t]le re5'IIJJts, of yQ'ur experunents, you ~wdl not ]lccd ro Ibc]icv~ me, Rernernber '~he maxim '~'~lcrJ;~ and the net 'i;MW]J 3pp~3r}"~' ~n his bo()k" TII·e Srpuisli ,1iiJtld'.itlij'4l;1l E~p'tod,ilfo1i W. H_ MUffBlY tdls us 11li~ cx.plo[-e:mls ex.pcrm,e;l1ce':

plan~: '~hii~ "tha :~nomunt Oltll! d!t!'llll1!i({'~y ~mllll1~~ IIln'll!self. th~!n Ji!i[Iovidc-m;:t; :II1lIOYCS toe,

An 5't>rt& of thlngs OCC-I1U' 'to hell!:!, omit I~.h t Yt.'(JrnM oith(:xw ise ~l';Wil" 1m, '!;;'~ OC't"lIJifc~IHL A wll@lc SofIrCil f11 of t."'!,tj~FI't~ ,~5'S,lJib.":h fi'@N (('Ie d~-t:i,~iolTl. r:rI i~dfllg i~l'i OI1J~'s ffl'Ll'Of a II ~ e ner of indd~ntcS, and mll.: ... d!ll50 aflld ararensl @!i.s,is,t:nlOl: whic:h jl!I,(lI< :1ll~;Jfn l\1i)tlidd h~li'l,l\e lbeJlievcd 'iJ.\\iilU:wld, hi:l'l,/~ ClOi'lflC: h~i '\;,.;,~,y.

(;ruu i'Jt h-fR~lI'mj~~,~j heRir~ m~jdJli" 141. Vm [["cr., rJJ tf 'Iff bJililJ~'i/~1 f'Q "H I"'.Wt,H'r""l ~ y 'L.1Il'I"''''Ii:.i'~ 0PPr1F,fUfi [Iii" i.

nUII\~\t Bamc '

]fyou do, Bo't trlUlJstM:u~y~r ,zt:'--Y01Jl rniglu WJm1t [Q tru~t Goethe .. St~tJeStHru:l~ scko.l~f,~ aruse, man of the wcdd. Go~~he had th is to say 011 ehe will O!r Providence assis l'~ng (n~r <uffa:r ts:

'WhUC\I'il!f }IIml thr.i rk Y'Oi'l, CU'i ~o Of; bel ~~~!i!' )·ou: ita:f'L d1tl, be@;~n i[;. AJ/;do~ h3;S, Inagie. Il:'aoo, :'-lJlld PQw~ri1!l ~t


Sorn~ of you QJre lh'inkil\g~ !<[:~ itwere tllart casy to b:kt: an aelian" ] "VQ'IJl!rndf1l.~t be :1t('aJoling this broQk. til Those of us who g4o!t b.og~S'ed down btfe3'f before action are .~SfIJl3n y b-e;'I~,~ SiJbOL1;~C'd, 'by ~o older ~nemy~ shame, Slh~me ~s a c'Ol1'~mllmg d!CV1C~. Sha IU iltlS SOEII1!l011e. IS an :aUeln pI: [[ilQ proven ~ the pC'£50n f(cIJ:U:U~ '~chJlR,ll;I' lug ill 3, .~V',:ty dl3 I em ba 1!l:'il'5~S us.

Ma,kin~ a "ieee of art n'lay :Fc~:1 ~ lot ~,ilke t'r: Uing a rami Iy ~~ret. Secret telling .by m,~t.~ ~CfY n~~rt .. hll''lO.I~~ shame and feu .. lr asks tbe qutSt~.'on "What "'lJ11[ they rhink ot me onee Irlley knew lthi~f'!" This is ~ frightem1-ngq(~Cs.lion,~ p3rt'ic~bdy ~f ,~\ ever been made [0 fed ash,lulled for ear curiesirics and

. l ~,.. 'I

o,.::plW:Jtions-scu::Ja ''I" Sp~~:r.H'tb3 • '. . .. .

I 'How dare )Ht)l!? 81.ngry ~dl!.dts of~cn r.age ~t am 1nn'Oc~ltalt (hii,d who bas sun;mb[ed C'n'to 3. -(3111.]]1 secret, ([iO'\~' d~'~ you open you r 'Inothe:ts j~\Mch~ bQJ's::? H,~!Ii,~ da t~ 'jKm open your f.a~ dier~s, desk dra\~r'? Hew dare y,ou op~m t'he b~dfaonl door? How d31IG you glo do",r~l in ,tbe Icell :lJr~ 1I;]'P ~ljJ, ['he :a llt~C' ~ h'!lt'o s.o,mt dark pbee \vhc're \ve lnlide those rI:iI,i~fss Wii'!' donl wa~ [, yom 1[0

~) k_now. '

The act of m:31k~ng aTt eX.J.l6S1es a &Qci.ety to i ~~cI,f. Airr 'bd[~gs d~~Jngs to 'I ight., I't i~h11\l'i I'OJ~I~es lU.iS~ II' s,h~d's ~~Shl[ Om 'O'lJIIiU' ~imSt:'n~ g da'rk::ness. ~it ~as~s, a beam in'to rhu hean of OUr (it\'n d j],m' kn.ltS-S

nd " i,JiS' .. .I:>?" a: s~ys,co;:.

Until one :is Co.'Jli31ll1iJt~Cld, ~h'!!R];$ .heSl!tancy. ~h!C' c~a.I'J:OO to dr;3,,,~ '&.. .. lct", ah,,~¥s Jllu~n-(?g::~ive~~ess. CO'Jrn,CC,r1If,iI~,llg 3n 3Cr.~, of lll'liitiativ-e 1c(t1f' c-real[iol1m,] dU'ilre is OlTlC eh:m~a::D tar, ttli.~lh~ ~he iyuo.r,3Ji3'ce of w:hicja ki lis CO!lLli~~d~$s; m.d!tM and $p'I;e;ruillid


T~lt (,rl~ (J/ tJ I/JIIIJl is lilt' I1mc:t-l.jl~11 rOt .. 4111" 1 Mfi lifo u;'Mrh ~'i ~ttui~t f:4l hI" f..w"~1il¥.~1forir. ;'mfj~d~lJIrlil:'i)j or ~ n 'hr: rruJ8 n·m.

~-IJ- If\' DA"~D TiFIOIl_II.1t.lI

WhC"o p('\@pic do not W . .__'I1.t to sec SO JI1Ir'iet'bi ng, ~hc y G~ t Il~ad ~It dl~ OI1'~ who idi~lo~s ~l-lc;m, They .ki II til t" n1CS,ie'.n:gC.r. A ,~b~id (rom. :m ~JcohoJic ~10'n1e gets ]3flltO Em'OlUb~..:: s,rhoJIQ~uicJny (l,r JC'~ U!I ~ I y. The f l11 Uy is fh'l!ggC'tI as beln' trou·bh-;d. Tht; cM]d is

n sde I~O feel shame for bdn.cjng shame ee tthl: {a~~jly.B;w,t did r:~1J e eh i ~ d hri ng sha m:~? No. The clri I d 'b~o1l.~gh t iSha !lu;Tul. t'lrti~ra'8s; to nwgh t, Th e :r~D~ i i 'I sha riil1C' pf~dl ... ~ed and caused rhe c~'a ~:Wd P, d~

tress, '~~'\Vlu,r wUI the 1l(d'~G:h borg, I:~~lj'f .. k: ?·,n. is .31 .• d~3 mWlll{j; de 'hi' ice ai nii cd a t COn [iul11:iug a oon~p~ rae >.1' of :i ~ ~ ness.

Ar[ 01~cn-5 ~hC' closers, airs ,Q'UI[ ,th~' ~CUiU''S ~:nd artmes, 1:1 birjn'~fs, he ~in-" Bu[ - efcn: a. ,w,l"oumd can heal h muse be S:GC~]

b _ ~

and dllH ,art of du~' wound 1'0 air and Iighr, the alJ:'iti5~S

~Ctf. is Wfielrll rer ered [0, wh'b -sbiH11~nB'. Bad reviews are a ]lrii~fH!' snnree 'Of !Ilbamc (or 1l13ny' arrists, The truth is, ln~l,rY. rc-vi',em!s de ~Ilirn ~u 'fi!~~~:nlC .d~3m~· in an artist. IiSba.m..: CU~I :you! How d ~re jJO~J m ak,c rhoa t rerten p:icGtl 0.( a rt~~'

For the attmst 'w~n,o endured fhUdhood Sha,D'lim~g~over any (onn of tu,}edii~lcss. 3n~f t-yp~ Q{ c;,,;;p~ora[jo1fl. :anY'!lJCp-C=Cl3'tion_ ShfJ,II11f' U13Y kick It!FJJ even wirhoue l'bl;! ZIlid of 3 ~ha'm~ .. provoki:mJJ1 r~'v~t;'Wi 1(,3 ,ch~Ed has ever been made [0 fed foo[is.h Cor belie" ... j~:ig hiJms:df or herself talen~edJ the 3C'1 of 3cfuarnJy finis.llru]~~ a piece ,or :JU ·w~;n be fra!~ gil t w-i.t'i1i.rt1 ternal sha ~'lll ing.

M diny an:i:liU bf:g in .1 piece' of werk ~ gc ~ wen ~ ~ ong ~rD h" mind. '[H,eD fi n d. a s rhey near com plc:ticn" l·h:. t the' WQ,d:: :seCm s myst(;'i'1iQ.~Jsly drained ,of merit. ~rS" uo longer worth rhe tr'O'IrJble, To, [,ts,. this $l)lf'ge of sudden d~sirll~e.r~st r'~:It doe~lf:IJ!t:

ItlalUir:t!") is :11 routine cop,in! device' C~flPI]O'y'Cid. 00, eJ.C'l1ypain and W'3 rd ID.« l11l!.m~lncra:biJi t,~ ..

AdJ1l~~U vilbo grew u~ in dys,(uJn£tional homes .1.cilJl'ra !:lOr use l'h is '~Dp(ail ~ d~<viC'e very liVC]~. They ca]] it del3.cb:mc ~ ~- but jlt ~s act u.:d ~:y 3 ;n u mbing oUf ..

, •.• He fCFgolt flU)~ ibb·dldary,. Db. \V'C'.I [~, no bm.g dc~].n

A lifetime of this .kind,of ex,pc'nC'nce~, in wtdeh :needls for reaoln j rj.M .. re ,ro 1n Itu.dy dishonored! reach es a you ng ,ell i I,d dai31 puni ng. auyth Illflg IDU t fur 3 ttcndO~l is 3 d!aflg:e'f'CrlI.1S :I:Ct..

i I D' . I 11...'. -~_.l bU'] , - _ _

it'~gg][n;]g 1 (ll'I}1'1;' tn.liC ~1IilV:1.s:II[J~.~ ,mr3:C IS _l'Q.-w O:lfl!C rec.ove,lj':-

,ing ch3,racted~t.~d her v,iII,run $t~r<ch fer an ac]hievemel)'t big ena ugh 'EO girin approv.EJ:~ in her fa nrii i ~¥ 0:[. ,o:dgj n. ~ ~ No m.fU ~~r bow big ill dcaJ m.t 'w,as, t'hcy iI'!I.~V,C r scem.edilo, 'm~~ch Inn icc.

Tlrncy ~~'W .• )I:5 {cumlul. oml'!t.h'in~ wrong "I,,-'"itlm it, l\.U A''S and OI;U:

Band V! M got [he ~tt'CIl UOL '"

- It is ol1l.y naurra] dUll ,3. ynu,ng artut try' to I._g pZllrt:--n~' ,,_It,~el'1'[ro," by - \Vay of aC'COm p]i!ih:mt:_flIlt~!i-POS ~thl'c or lu:gati ve, Faced ,\\\I'·i tlITIr ill diffc ron OC Or :rage, ::i·IUIIit.h y<lIllLI'l.g5 ~c:rs ~OOn ~t'~I"~ [halt r.1;Cli,bol'l~ weuld I'\cany meet w.ith p-aI'\CJat3'~ ap.I7!m.1~l

,Often w,~ are WI:'()'l1g]y Sh3111i:rl a~ (:u:~tiV(:s. fJli'O\ID I:h'i~ shJ'nlbrag we' lea fl! th:n we :l're 'Ij;yr·Il;)il:1g te ,!'Zt'" Once We ~ C3Jf'11 mh j", lesson, 'We for~et ~[ ; Il$It 3f!1d y. Buried ~~r:Ld~r JI r/Ot:SI,llit 'lu'flfr~ I b.: ~ba~pe l~v~s on" wairing to ,tlac-h iitscdr to our new ~ITOrts, The' verv 3,Ct of a.ucrn:p.tilllig ItO. make an creaees ~~'I]LlIlmlll'ti!.

. 'T~t5, is. why man.y a grcl!t srliLiJdent t.lIlil1s I''H!WII' yrH 0« to lit;iU'iv,a1s where it Can be seen; why :_goodi :~o~~ls. afll! d~s.U'l}y~d Or :~i'lj,li~ 1 Will desk .d-ratwcirs. Th hi Is wby f~Jay~, do not .811H 'SC~11U eur, ~,..ltay t~,IClnc-d, actorr{;, do:n"r; a.wdi.tiJon. This i,Sic why ~IH"tt~!!:r~!i :may (('c'l ~l1ame at admieeing l'hd'l' :Shame is ,reldggerc:d in !lDr!o as adldt:;; because 0111' in~c'rnp~ ard5i~ is alwa,s eMr crc3;thn: (~i[d. Bec~nJlse of this. making aJ, pie-l:c or illrt Ina., ,c:1Use us. to f~d shame.

We dOEl~t make ~iII't wirdln jlCS 1Cve~t.u::d cd[ icism fOr'CmD!i.l in .m·ind. but eriricism 1h'3 l asks :l. question .1 ikr: ~ I How OOu Id you r ~ can _'~.31e au a'l'lt~st ft~c] ~~:k~ a "S~l ~~~l~d chi I~. A. w::nnleamlimg frIend. who OOl~SUHCU~[y' crUICI:Z:-f;:ii 1iJ begmntnG w.ri tel' :m ruy V~fY '",,""'ell en d that wdtcr.

L~ [ RIl¢ be elea r, . . IO'E ~U "iri~icisr;n is sh mhlg., [n f3CJr I eve n rbc ~lo.S·t severe eriticisrn when it fairly hits 'the mark is ~p't '1;0 be- greeted by 3'1~ ;!I1I~e'I!Tm~ A,tr .. Jitlh~~r .iJ sh~ws rhearuee .1 new and llahd pain fOf wQ.Fk. The cnUCJsm eh ~t: damages Jc5 ~·ha.l w~\ich dis;I~[3,G~'h (Usmisses\" rid~cu!.'~$~ 'or oo~dcmn~. lit is fre~l~c:nd ".I v~c i'O'~I~ but vaglm and. d-D:fficLD 1 ( (,0 rcfu te. T~rais is th-c cJrjlr.'[dsl'l'U. £ha{ aarn,a ~,cs"

Shann;d by :SUdl c:rn.tidsm .. an iIlf'~ist may bccom~ bhx:kt.'ICJ.or st!OiR send:in.g wor,k ~'lU ~iif'il'to [be: ~'O~ld. A pr:rrectj.oiiiILi~( ~ricnd" [cilicher, OIl" U;iti~-hke 3 'pcr!CiC~]OnJl1i,t p3rn:·ntwho I1Itp:~cks at ~is'Sllmg c, d:l,mpe~ the 3Jr-aOit of ~ young ~ftist who ]sj~st IC~irn i,w.lJg 00 let lit dp. D e(3use IOf ~lh~s,. as art is[s. '\'~l;;

:l!W1U.!H ·1(;3H1. itO 'be vcr)' ~u·l,f-pfOlCni'i"e, _

DOL"$ thi~ ~lle~.m na) ci'~(kh::.~? No. :llt mCllH ~cafnling WhCfC' arHi \V~e-11 tOI,$cek OlU: ri,gh'E cr11[]cis., As :u.,~]is'lS, "~L" m~U h:3im

f* I';L!W d"!l-_(I~"'t'r ~llt' !:I1ll Wit oj iPU.iI' pa"i~ li"1j II' ,itfJ.11W r UFh('n [.j.It' 1rop ~'I)'jrlg ~" ~O-J1J-""'"" 10 iOL\I!f IItWj\I tJlltt o~llfr PlOpl'~I' ,noJds, Ir"" 1/0 fu "'~~'jdiVil:" ~ Q11'H1 i!!'~IOllr {iIU lI'f i~ r.rJ' tiltmne/ 10. t)pll'rl.


lI:v,h~n ~r.ifiCi~;I~I.j.S a;pp,to~,pJ!'iate ~n~ (rom: \'"h~m .. NOl 'o~llly rh,e :source but £"e' l ~ nu~g :It;; vee y I tnpor~a,nt ]l'ere~A f.n"'Sd: d fa.ft b ~]dorl1 ~itprroprj.a.t!CJly sh 0"""0 to a ny' but th~ :mOiSl gclule a~[ld d:isQ~rJlil1g ey.e" h Olt~ll t-ak~s ~'ul]Qf,her a.rds.t to set: dlte ern ...

b . 'II. '( ., TI .

ryaJfllWC '!jj1L10['1l.\. t,~li:'iiit IS tf}'U1:g to sprout. _ te uH;:xperil!;,n'llced Or

hL1iI$fI: crlrieal eye. instead of rnuuH'I]:mlJ ehe shQQI!: 'Or 3rt IIn:o b~jllg .• rtIf:IJ3)' sA100t it dow.nilfSflCitd.

As artists, we CirllJ!~(n conl"ml ~Jl the cdticisnl 'we ,vii.) "c!eceive, W~ eannot nt~.k,e our prof~.ssio.r:ta,~: critics iliQere.h~aJlthy or more Ioving or morel!' CO,Im'S [:ructl ve £nan they are, But W,~ C3~'U learn to comfore our artist child oeer un!: ~f cri.tidsJl1; we ean learn IrnQ 6:ud friends 'with wnom ~vti call s::1ll~]y v:e;nt OUr' plailil .• We can learn WIDt eo d_~ny ~nd S.~dg our feeiit:lgs, when \!le h~\i'e"

b~eu ,artjsr[c:~Ui.f saJwg;ed.

A.rf :~ql.1'irl~S; ,m, safct fubch~·.ry;.[de:lHy; 3rtli~,~s find this firs,t hl their tfiarn ililly" [.h~Jl i n [be~r school, alnOl fin~d Iy in '3!i:Oln ... [m ~llui'ty of friends and ~uppO;rt,cl'S. This ideal is selda'lll, 3 :rea~-, ily. As artists, "''''0: must Icam EO create au m'vn .sate e'Dv'it.,on ... menrs, 'We' must' ka.n1 [0 protect our artist child from Sh-iUillllt. We do this b, defus~lnll' our ell ildhood shjjmj~gs! geotJCi.fig them, on, eh .. e page, and :iJU) ri1lg t:h,e~n with. a l [;lllsred! 1101] wan:} i I1g o ti'1le r,

By IbcJl i!rllg 0'11:1.1'1 sh ame S~[~t'S areund QUi(" ilt1t and t-e~I]ruD1lg flu~'~m lhrougb O~1:r ,a,rt, we release o~,n:sdv~s an.a orhess fr-OJ11 cia rkrn,~ss.. This release is noe ,dw-ays "wi(o~ned.

~~ mustlesen th,a_t '~V~1;~]1 OU[ are reveals ~ :se~tet,or the humaa soel, tlJio~t: 'i.vatchifig it m,~y' try' 'to shame us fbI' J:llabhlg ie,

"'J'rrjs rerriblc!" [hey' Inary' S{'ifYi ana,ckmng the weu,"lk when Iche' 'liM'Ork ir~€~,f is. aCiIW"td I y f ne, Th:i:5 can be very eon rll~ing'. Whe[lj we .U~ ~jid~J "'ShI13Iue on }10U"i 'a:l1d {e,el. ~t, lye :mwsl; !e:a.m 'to r-eet()g,liozC' rh i s .$h~u11e 3S :a re-creation 'Of do ildho ed shames,

"I know t;b:n" 'Work is geed ... " J thought tihat 'W~S ,~ood 'work .... ConJd [ be kidding m)~se~f? . ,. M~ybe- ehrat critic is It"igb£. ' .. " Why ]' ev-er ba;\.!\e' thJe: IlUVe to think .. , ?lij ADd [he downwa.rd spi.ra I :b~llfi$..

At' flu,list': tirlrles'lo lYe nlti-5,~ be very firlM _ith. o~;lYsehl!e,=s :rod. not pick up the fllrSlt dcmhrr. We s~rn,lly CaIlnmrlc't ,aJ]]o,w the, hm:-st negative Ithlnki'Bf3JB ~o take hold. Lak~~-lg ill tire nf~'uijQubt 'IS like

pjck:i3f~g, ~,p' 't~:~ fL:~gr dr:i n k Com" ~l1i~. :d ~~po,],~c. Olnct: i'll 'QU r SY's~e 1n1 dl!ir do'ubt '~ .. n.i:1 rake' on anorrllc,f ,d~ubt-:--a.nd a~fu:uhcr. Doubt;ng dl,ouglllrs cam'i bc.s,ropp~d .but u, Ukcs'vl,gl,I:U1G(! ~Q' do tit. "Maybe dlal CaiL"k \V,aS f\ght. . ,.. ,And,., bOQ.I'I, •• we ili'lllUJstUQ '~Iru"o ,at;:ti'~l]rnl: '~'¥Oll ::IJf~ a load _::JJllr[hu. a brav~ :aniu, ~I'0~ are doillg well, lr's

go@cl ~hl,E y(l!~ ~;id t~C 'tI~ork. . . ,,~I.~ ". ,_ tVhJil!r Jt.1l.'.1'tr1- ~11I1tH'" In1l1 U~ ,'Pi

Wh~ll '(;(N~ 't! Mtiii, ~he [tOatu.~n1LCIC fll n, oo.Cody ,~ (Ii [tIC ~td. $'ItJ~Br:

dcl'lll'n.:d in 5Q~s:.hin .. SlO~'l" O.C ... ~t ~~M :rL homeCOl1t'lh'8, Calr 11':1:1:. My earliest JQUir,ll~ lism work h~d been fo I he WasAitJg,~pa PoJt .. [ was bo~p~~~1 for a ~ .0J11COC)WI ~gir1"·In.:lk~S;-otoQd :rec~pd,G.l" B-ll'tt]1ll! dil"~ revtewstu~inQJ:d pr-ior ~o' the o])~ning .. [ did no.t

g~'t 'If.. . .

The Post sent a yO'!J.:~mg \-w-om,1l1'1!: who\:v~r~.chGd an cliillirc r.IIl0vi~ allo~J: l·heMlcr peapl]e iutd rh'c:n wrere ~~'aal h '7I.!aJ~ .3bo\u ;1l!i1,ovic.: people, Shu add~iI tl~~u ~ i Mgs,t' r of 111')' di,aJ.oguc had been stoJ~" from "Casablaeca," T w'01ild~ood wh:;n Novie sb~ had seen; not the C:nC I made. My IfitoiV;i~ b-ad(Qrty odd t'hearem: jekes and a ant HDe joke a:bm.u '4CaS:lb~lu~ca.!'· Those were the r~et'S bin rhtr'Y iid m't d,c m~~ny go.oa.

r was morri Hed. Sh amed, Rea,dy llO (aJ 111~s.t:) die.

]3e(.aJIJse th-e antidote fbr sllalT(e is s.~n~:iovc llU) ~J/;'lf-"f:rniSlC~ this is wh~u 1 d'ifl. ] '!;i\rem~ fOf a \~ant ~~r-01illIgh Roc-'k C reck Park. [ pr'~'f~d. [ made a list for luysc,lr (rrJ~3St ,oomJ1~i,im~nts ~n,~ .good fie1jtiews. I did l1'O't teU mysel f~ ""']I( d.oesn',[' maner," BUI[ [ d,.d ~'Cu

,fmy 3ftfi,s;~sclf, !~'yo,u wm~~ heal," _ _

And. T shewed up (or Eny open:lI1g. h was ~ lot ~110re S:D(t::e~'i{u] thaD my reviews,

. Three months I ater, 11\ Y 6~tril, "w~s chosen rr:o~ {II pres.drgious Euro'pc[M n l'es.ti val, Tbe~f 'Offered, re :fII,r me 'O\l\~:r. T6 p.ay M)r exp,en~cs. To sh.'o1il1!' my fihln. ~ h~c$ilatt~. The ~a.s;h~nEt~n shsming Ilj.cli dDme its ~do\v' and POilsoorOUS, work, [ wars, afriud

(:0 go. . . .. .

Bu ~ I kmcw be t 'c:::'r d~a'n to 'DOt: go~ ,My y'c~l.Irs Lll attHU, re-

eov~ry h~d ta~~g~:lJt tut' tlo jU£l show up.. W hen ~ d to:" my fII~ m s,old ;at. ~ ,~.f~g,t price. ~u1d \VOt~ iI. b~~d.litl,e J-ml [lidn'elfc.

[ sh :irr( ~ he ]le;L,d}i"'H~ b CGa.U S,e it'he iron}!' o{ i1 WJJS 11.0'[ ~(J<s~ on lili~~', uGod~ ~~~:" [iit ia;.tl ,MlJIJmQJI€h.':O i~ ['C'ad.

[t i~ uGod 's 'iti'lll a un fot u..s- 1:'0 be C-K'<'Lti ye.

S,~~rt' }oafj ~II'\~ iiI« H'" I~lltlr b~'~:,rl

!l;'1J 'r:r rr.t:d'/e,r:l #mr flu' ,b-R,JJ!'m,u!uc ,of '!;;t~t". j!Ofi lift i'U;Q'~1~MbJ~.

11m,]"'€, 'fuJslL'my 'l1'QrJd iJlHUI 1$ (1' "m.rrn 1J'L~n'~r j~J1d tluIIJ, ,1 f'd~r,mow ()~tl$itJh

l'OUi Sig N~\'''Bf.£~'

l·~rr u \jjIflJ::r; Ih~'" t'1~IJR/~I!'t~' d~~ lrml 4~"c' mrllr.t' ph'dri}tf:Sfir(:mjt·~~'C'hk.

If--IJlIiZQ1J1i. T I ~Ayl.t,;r' K I g'lIi; N

his irnporram ["o:be able to sort useful cr]d~ilsni fto:m £he Otlt€1F klCdl. ,Of~e11 we need the sorting eue for Ol.u:-se]lI'"esi ~~ilrh-, ou t the be~~e'fi,t of a pubJric: "!indi!'.},tiolil. A.s ~ reis tf:,. we 1'!JiJj'~ r.~r m,OIlC able to do eh is sordng dTt'i111 peoplernjgh t S1.I3pec t Poh]lt,ed, Ci'il~iGi:nn, if accutaee, ,ofll~·~~ givcs dl~ altis~ ,~n inne r se:1ll5C cf' lic:!'icf; i'O' A,b, hahl 1i;Q '~b~fs what w~s; w[I'oJn.g 'wlrh 'i t, h Us~f~]i c.fifid~.m ul~il1lu'~eJy lcaecs us with one flllore ,puul£ piece for OUflyod: .•

U~cless cridds:m. on rhe other ham'lJd, i"eaves us with 3, feding of being bludgeoned, As, :1 rule, it is ,vidlering and s,h:tlm, .. , in,g· ~ t"O!DC; a mbiguoas in con~t:~nt~ personal, inaceu fate Or' 'bl~~~k,£ [ lin iu GOinde~,mldol1s. There is nrothilllg [101, be gl('~~jcd frona, irresponsible tCr:i'tids:m.

You an; d~alm~fiLg ,~i~~ _3]-1, inner ehild, Ar~is[i~ ch~]d ,m.ln]st; creaees rebellion creates block. AU ~hart can be done "liN/it]) abusm, ve eriricism is to heal from ie,

Thereare certain ru es of rhe road 1!;~g~,;(;\~[ in dealing with 11~7.f {erm of erieieism.

[l:nl C. ri,t i€i'S~~'IL is [ri gg,c:ring grief ovc r 3 'l()ng,,"s't:l'nd'i~1 w(Htnd.

,. \Vri,re a hetrerto .fb~' cir~dc-=not to \)1;& :Jn3~lCJd. r.TI:.o~Jt 'prob.~,bl,y. D:ftmld ~~1tU ~of.k m~\tJ gcknowledge whu wa,S helpful If ::IJJ1'lYillh~n\'h rn '~h~ crl,deism. 'p!n',~Ai:rOO.

3. Get, back OU t ~~e' hbr$~, M'ake 31~ j fllmJm~dja'~c C( ment to do SOMc1iliillg i;iN1\t'h!f;:'.

,. Do ]~. 'Creadvi.ty is the only C'u1re (Qr cdll:kism.

A rtMJ!'wh" Jltk:,~ifnti'''n ill1 tlJ.'tL'ry.Jh;',I~ ~rt./II"Jt'" uA~(II (Ill'tnP[lJ q~~i~~ .r In a r,ryrJii tl)!.

EUGt;::.;.o , 11 LA1'_ [i' IX


] . R.e~c'iv~' ehe criticism .aJU the 'w;ay d:rf\ou,~l1 and ,g,Ct h O''!;I',C.1i 'w~th.

M.any blocked. l.~t~OF~t:' -are aCUJaUy Yery 1f;Q.\Ver.fl!m!, a;IlJd ereOlt~:\!l't ~~[i5lQ1rUIJUlie~ who h,a~ b~e~. 'Inld!~ ~ feel :~uUt:!{ a,bOt1t their oilt;vn st[,ellgth~ 8.r.JJd g) fits. ~1It:h!o:ut being ,a,c'kno1wl:cdg,ed ~ they ~m:e oft~m '!l.]sca as batrerles 'by thei r :f.amili'es and fricnd~. who ,feel rf'~e to both use thdr erea i;~VC enC;fgjes and d]spairage them, Wllcn these blocked arrisrs srrive to break free of their dys= ft111cdonal S1$ terns, ,tbey are o{tc'rIJ UTJlCd ee be sensible 'WIllen such advice is :trot ~:P,l?'rop(ri~Jtie ;fQ,f them, M3de!if) f£'e"1 guihy for flm,C~r. t:tilLe;nts'l they' oft,en hide their (:lr~'IoIlU ~iC:ilIC 'l1fnd;i:1r ! b'l:!tsh,e[ fer fX.'1U· of hurting ethers, Instead ~ the:y hun themselves.

.A ,Ihde' sleuth, .... '1,ork is in O['dCf' m resrors '~he persoas v.'{; have 3bandoned~ursel'Yes" W~len 'Yj~)'u C(U1IffLpl(,IG '~hie fO:l1ow:ing, p;nra'ses, you. rnily feel sU'ong emotion as 'yO\l~ retrieve mem= ories and misplaced fragrnencs of ¥ours.cI( .Allow Yo'l1'rtidf to (~3~QcbJre fo\£' a Sicnu:rtCe 0,1' SlO' ~'Il hh each phiGlSiC.

2. Jet down '~H);tcs 'to yourself 6:11 what eonceprs 0.1' nhrases bother YO'U.,

,F" •

3. Jo;t down nores om whse (j'Q"m:,epts or phrases seem 1il~efi]~.

,~. D'O somerhi i1 g ~ry nl);l'rtu..d I1g fOIl' }1'0'iJ,1 rsel f-.--.,.1)Ci:adJ an oJd good rcvj~ or recall 3 cOlnlp,illi rnenr,

,5., Rernember ,rtha t; even if 'You havt(! made 3, tn~:ly rotten piece of 3rt! ir may b€ a nel'eS:fiU'}' steppir~g~s't'ol1!e to 'yOU[1 next work. A,f[ matures spasmedlcally and. re-

q"f.rts' u,gJy duckling growth stages. -

6 Lcok ar the criticism il,~qii1L Does it remind you OffliUY ~riddsm fi:rnn your :p~'St~p;arrticllldJdy ~!tl:r.u:nil1g (hi,[dhood tGri,rieis.m,? ,A.'cklJllo\v]~dgc eo youu(;,:]r~halt t.b~' ClU"-

.1,,, My favo:[:i't~ ehi ldhoe d tJQ~ 'was , , "

2. My favo'.fire ,dd]dbood :g-ame 'llrlkaS • • .'

3. The best lilJ]j~V ie 'I ever saw as :alcid \\V3S . 4, 1 dlolltr do i~ much but 1 enjoy + • •

j, 1r m could ligh,ltcn up a ~i~d,e, ['d lel ~u~'se]f .. " rtj. [f~t werent soo late, l~d ... ,

7,. My f3.\h)tlre nili1lJSi~3'1 i~u.truli1lLC'n'l is .


:1~~',jI ~UJi 14;' m 1t'Ulf I!I/lilll,rmJJ .lllfJ ..,JM' J'(~I~tjrtJl( '} ... ll1plr'~~M,r ~~,. U.(~; U(I! lIP ••• • ;tllrJt~lJlt.

J:~ rL/j.l~}~lr",

~, "fhto .m~,n'u'l U of ural1l.iI:)lI>L;'Y I' S'I'.t:l1d en1, Itf'~.ujng mY:'l.dr to cuacrrauuneru c~ld~ IlH:Huh I ' , . ,

9· I J ''ilV!.·fCl1lt NO '~il1~Y whll IUy ilrlti~H" J<';I buy hi~1

her .• ,

10, '1: kin,g time ,UlU for mY"'i'L!Jlr I,~ , , • rr. 1.;'8 Ul ~I ~'I' .1I'~d t~ I :'lilt it r Sl:ll r t d rea m jl~i~lg, • Il,! ~ ~!I,;~nH Ily c.: IIjuy rc~ d.m n IJ . , .

I 3" ~r ~ had 11:~ld, ,per, ~(t chil Ihc1d I"d ~1:"V~C RJOwtm till to

Ibl:' • ! .•

i 4, rf it d'~{~ Il( . au lid so C'r .1Z:y~ ,~~I w r 'It· 'U'f nra Jl: c ,

. . ,

rnc~,n '; ,M Ea'lj,)' 3e'OO.lnpH~r~lIJc", it"; r,f yirfHJ!i wru~ll, 10:1 p,ranice of \vriJt~m1g th:rClc 1~\rI~c:J_ every Ino:n~,r~g ~~lUd lh~j,.l ~ n ~ kuru dtl"~ .01.' yQurs~lf CVll;fY dy.. you will ~gll1 te I1lUUCil.: :I dmgj~u hg'hl!less, ,orh~:'i rr,

~'ractiOt b 'il'll1~ kind to yQwrl:1i;~I,:r il~ small, QQ~ rete way's.

Lo-ok "_,[, 'yo~lrr ,refri 0,ti r II:! H. A re you ftedlr~ t y_ota'r~ I- I l'ICdll ~ I )(_l. yO'L~ h,a!Vf: $oekd )\,:0 1!lt:M.lCl ~ct _ of sht;ct~,~. Whl'u ,Jb[]\11[ a. new ~OlJ~C p,11UJ'~? _A. thermos rar [he IOJ'lJIG; d rm \1'11,;' to work? A~ ~ ~JW yol1nl)df to p~~clu ~)ln SQI~U: of yblUe' n! d ,ra'ggt:d ,Iotht:;;", You

,dmllli have LO ke~p' cvcryt'h~nR· _

TJrm't: expresston "God bc'lps dlQ'$t; whl) 'hd~) Ithcm~d"c'.~~ rnay rake OI;'Jl 11e~~_ and, vcry dir1iI!Jr~nt mCo'l'Iil1t. WI:1~fi"; in l~ro:: p - ~t~.r u~fll1~lliW'tc~, ~od, helps ol~'~Y rhose who c film hclp.~· i'[ win noW' come ~ :;;Igrn{y d11C :illl. z.~'i1g nY.~~lb\"T of smI,aU fr,ec r;irt.'1 t ~m"e e rca [or s hOWCfl on: r~h!lJ'~C' W~]O a re he I'p! 11 iJ Ih,~,n1I!1Jjsd ves '~i) ~~ lrhdc bOUI'Dlty. ~r 'you db. One niee thinK .3, dary Or yo~r!ileU. God ~ill~, dO' (WO more, 'C ~lI::ft fol[' t;.UPPO;rt :md CIlCOtli3gcl11i1.:'nu fl'iO[illl 'llltl.c'tlpectttl quo ~t4jrs. Be op en t-C rereivilng ift~ fl'nJD odd ,d~:lnlmiiJts: £h:e '[lckets, ~ free rrlp, 11 Oi-rCIF to b~'~y yo I) Idimllcr, a ll,eYl ... i~O-YOU eld couch, Practice ~,ay~m[g yes ~Q !i;UC~ bc~~l.

The 5C~,~,!!l rl filc.a II y inc! i ned. amon @;' you nli:gh l wa nit. ,t~, m:ake n s.ood~ ~hOrol~Gh Jist ef'elethcs 'YO'!l-l w:ush y.ou h~.d. Very IlrtCI1, the ~l'\CBns, on th e ~~~r ("C)ll~,~ hno yo 11 I' l~oSscslS;'~n ~t disconce r'~i !lg, ~~'l ucd. J'u~t t~y it, J~x p 'rhtnmJc IH.

More d:1ilan 3n'Yth~mg CIS~il l:~periWlu;nl WillI s,o~,i'l~d~, v(),~~ win need 1-0 '111 ke, ·onnll~,tnilCI'i't r~CI 'q,~j,e'l til:lflC. "try UJI acquh:~ t~H! 'hibbit ef ehecking in 'with y.ourscl,:f. $cvcr~,1 nmes day. JUSlt t.'1'~,C a bene, and ~~k y.ol,J~st:lr:how rc,~. arc' fccli,nr;. Listen to Y'DlIllf' d'lswcr.llcspOI:1l,dl kil1.dl.y. Wf' ,OU are d.~ing ~c'men'lling Wf)' ~flan~~. pfoa]~ise 'YOll rs(d f :1 blfft;;!Ilk. and a ~;II'\~a't ... f~lcrw.1 rd,

Ye~! ~ n!J~ ~sk~ng you 'to b~b1 you rself ·Wt,· hel ieve dl:u [0 be' arl'~n$. we must 'be t-OU:g:~~'i ,cynk~t and 2.. tcUcC~U3n'Y 'h'illy. U;, ,''I,l'~' til:, t te lh{! critics, As, a Cf(:a ivc b ;I'U " you w·rul] be more prOd'~l(lti"itc when coaxed than wnt:'11 bullied.

1 h!"p:r~ q ~~·k:Ufy.. ~ 'iff/rUN" !l]U ''lIj .... !R)lr (J qn 1;(/ 'fl. I Pf.$ll r~IQ'

iJ 'Itd'UI".'td ih f!l,lt.j')!~'~ l!",o~~ ,JIm" drlfrlU. anti ~ffi1UIii' .hlli'! I r (jill ':r

!9 /1'" of )r'Dl' ~'tl dU ,1~1j", 'h U tXP' J. .I i"~l !~S .~j) ilJ.~(, And if'tf)':t, ~I

if, it wi" p1('~r~:.rmdmn .'It I,my tI'~/trn~lt'-di 1m'll a ~ltJ w~ ,,~. lorn

~'.~. .M}. i,~,n;llb ~:hink :llirli~lr!rl.,---re • " , ~'6. i\-1'f Gn,(j 'II U ~r,k.~, a rlt i ~ ~s ;1 rc . . .

~ ,. Wh fit III ~I,kc.., me Jeel we jl I'd .-J)OUlll' ljl is r~oov'C:r, y .1'''' • • •

,~~. ~. r,uillg l .r ',l mysdf is pn;)b)Jbly " ..

~!). My 111 OS I chec t-!'Il1tC-U p m LIS ic is . . .

210. My f..,vori ~t:' wa')!' ~Q d ress I ~ ,

(" j I'Oi\l\l' t h ~. m'm e If I ic f(~r w" r-d n'cvt!'IMrc IU: 1- WO sltc'ps. forw. rd, One ~ucp bJ,~k. ~ltcrn'l:lUb;r rh::u .;Il:d be vent G't;j tJ,~ wi h yom'~ 'l~jlr. It ~WCM IrYt: r-ccovcry J~. !'H:. IIJ1S preeess, You are ctJ,p •',or g.rcaDr_ld~~iuS:"i' ~I'Q. "ru~.ii1d'~~Yi_ b~IL 0I11Wcdl~t:~~b"'r y[~IU I~~my l1l]:itiJt: b[u:J:.~rd, rI-ns ~!:!, uermnl . .(I'row~'l~ OCCUI1lr ~~l sl:ml'l5~ 'Vbu will Jl,ic dor! 11. nit, ~'fml e I ~ mes, J Jo not he tI'i con f i Sc::d. Th ink of ilt ~-Il res Jrug.

Verry ~fr,t!n,~ iI week of im.,i,g,hls \~iU be . UOr'l.\VCd by. ",.-reck n.f: lu -r~h~.b:n(;:'II. T'hc ~ 110._ u~ ]g pa ~cs wi'~11 seem) po'inrdt=~~" rhry tll;( ~~(J\t'. WM1:JL YG~'. ~r!l! Icatuillll,g [0 d~ wf,illting d~Ii;'''ln t::Vil·'"l1 W~U!~~ you ~irc.:'{1 r ~ld [hey ~ccna d'llll~ i~ tn rC:Jl 0]1 ti1(' .p.lf{e. Th~ls is l1't.:~.)' ~ ,111 pJJr1t:1 n t. M,rq.lra l h on runucf'S ~ug~c ~,t you ~oG rem [ ~d ~JIW nlJIIIL:'S, f~'r.cvt:ry f.1S~ olue.! he ~L me h.t~ld~ tfUie h~r tr'E:..'.I.t~vily!.

111 l.tu Ii ,ilb'u 5C, J~'(1tS' {h~('l .il h: aCt u ,J.I'y, m1IF.iodu"i ,o'I~rC'r"lIld i. It


J, l)c $cribc you r eh i l.dIhQ(:I d 1'\0 mn, ~ r you wis hi' ~rQU .1n:]Y sk(!'~ch [hi,s m~om_ \1'-11,_[ "I.WUS ')lour r3i\',ori'~c 'lhin;

about it,? \11.113 t'S yOlll' fa'VOlL.i,tc' th iug ,ab Oi!lt Y01.;l,1r reom righ t no'\~r! N Od1JlroC? W~i l. gelr someehin S 'you like in 'rh'c:r'l:-'fnaybe snf:l'!Lefh~:ng frolll rhae old childhood rnom.

~ I' 7~t'.l'rt'1.J,eif' 1 ~,.tvr' r" t"rlill"<!'1~ b~ ....

Iu,r((.j W'~ll~l~iJ~, I III/,rt-.wJ1S lU~i." ~ t.'Y rllf." t1i.t~ J h~I.'t'I,~ \i In'fiO brj""I',

2;. Descri be :fi v,~ r.!rn1-rrS"Oll like.1 11, yo~~rse:1 f as a , d:'li]d.

3", List five chw:~d blOod 3cc'O\nl.pJishnlcills" (s:tIrRiglu Pis, in sC'VC'lld~ S rade, Itr31noo'th,(' d,o,,g. p:L]r.JJchoo OlU ehe class, bully. short-sheeted the priest"s bed).

A ld ,:.\ r[\c~u'; Lha :fi V~ fa "'''l:rLte ch,~ldbQ'~Jd foods" Buy );()ur .. lf one of Ebe.ln ehis week. Yes, JeU ... O

\M~['h ba ua IUS is Ulkay. -

4· H3:bil'S.~ '['ik.e 3 lock ar your hi3ibits. Maf1l!)f .of dtenl m:.'ly in'~eTOOtre '\v]th y.oI~'1 f sel{ .... m1JJg and '.a,l~S~' SJUll1€'. S,()lnc of dle oddest th.ings are sel f-d£s tI1lJCtive, Do you have 3 ha bj[ 'or w,atlc:hwng TV you dQ'i1!~rt like? Do yotl;;~ have 3 habie of.han.ging 01J~ ,lfidl3. :r~al1, borin,s: (riend and jesr killi 19 thule (rhercs ~iI!1J exprus-~ sion!)? Some rotten hnbitg are obvlcus, OVert (d:lijnk,~ ,~IIg r4Q' 'Ill u d'n l smoJk.i[lg, caJc],mg instead of wriri ng). U,S ~ lell ~ ebvionsrotten L'ru3'biu. 'WhaJt's the ]?(If.Y6ff lU 'COil tinu m,~g t]hen~r?

Some mtteR h abits ere more ~libdc (n,o time 'tiC) eA~rdJ;eJl little rime to pray; aJ]ways hdping oth~eu, nor. getting iilny St£:lf..J.IU nun [iJ,g, banging OiL1Jt \vidl people who beliedc yq.u.r dreams), List Ir.hrec of ~'Qur subtle (oes. Wlutt U!S-€ do, these £orJ115, of sabotage ~_~ve'? Be specific,

5,0. Make 3 ,~:is:t of f:rmlellds w~o nurture yQiU~th:!!Jtls ~mrtnuo (give you a sen se of yOUlL" 'own, oom:petencl and pos$i~ i] i.t')-')~, nQit enable (glve yeu rhe message d~13t you will never ge't' i~ stra'ig~~t 'wirt~\out their help). TI'H.::re is a big differel1ce between being helped and b.elng t:Jrefll1i!OO as '£l:unlJ2J], we are hdp]e~s. , rhtee illlrtudn"g frienc:b~\' Wh:ich ,of eheir traits, p\aJ!rtL~uhrdy,~ rer~e yO'1:1 'INC~I?

6. 'Ca;U ~ fricmd \~ho treQiFS you I ike you. are d reallY' geod and brigltr- person who can 3iCrolltp[is~'Dl ['}rings. Par"

of !fOUif r,ecO'v-.Gry ]S, r~~dJJwtlg OIU l :for SUpnO:tl. "'r'L'

"]'1 b .. I r~ .1 .JlIIihi

sup,pan Will, 'C en uea OI!$, yq!lll Itl ' dena kI~ ~I ~w risks.

" Inm:ef. Co.mpas~: E::t~b of iU~~ '11 ,s au inner COI'i'1l,a~!il, TilJfi' is sn msu net ehar posnts us l~O\!la ed ht.'::u~r~,. h; 'W~:rns us when ''liMe ;)rt:, .on ~3Jlgeml-1lS gro'lInil1d, and h t~U s ~s; when ~mcdu.n'm;'~s. s,!Jtc ~1JIm d 'good for us. Momulg pages. are 0I11A; 'way to co:ntact h • So all'i~ serne ,Qth,er ~:rtiS;I!~b:fJ;n act i~i!jcS~P3imll ing, d ri\l"h~;. w~1k~ i ng.. 5l.crubb!'l~,g, l"IkIQ[1'I ng.. T~:is, '~I.\"cek II ta k:c 3m hour to (oll0w your'. mner compass by d.o]m~~, all al'l'is[..Jc.rain activi ty and lis,"'e~'!~'''~' to what lr:J<5~ghn bu bbJ e 1u1,p,

S. List .Iiv'e' ~Ieo~je ",au a(llln[~f'. NOI\¥-; HSI i"c people you ~ocredy ai[b~'1 [\:"" W h~r U:'~~~ do tm~se p~@~ple h:a,\!'>f: that" yQlla:n culeivsee fUlrdJe'f 111) yo;nrsclf?

9L" Lis.t IiVG people YUill wish you ~ad met who a~e dead.

Nov..~! ]jst £lve ~t;,o,pie wh~ ~m. dead whom )'Qu"d like to hang OUt 'W"J th fer a w}uJ€' 1:[1 e mndty. W hat rraies do you Hmld ill these p'cop~e rhat you, C3[J lOcOk rOf in y01L1'f ffiends?

J o, Conllrpilr;e the two sets of lists. a ]00:1-:; ~ ~ whae yau reall y ,I U~:t; ~nd :re~Uy :lldm~'ro~,n:d -a loek J ~ Wh31~ you tltruit1Jk ,YOl!JJ should Uke .llnd admire. Your :silfJl/lds ~mi!i!igh' teU YOli eo adnrire Edison while your ht"i'aJrt beh)ng.s t'?- Houdini, Go with the H'oud~il!IDi side: of you

fQl' it while, -


CH.E'cK-IN "

CI'"1l",tUiw ,.'","'[lrA: J:r, p~iI,. If JiIi .frl"!' .I~fr.dariQJ;r ~uinl Jlu' Hr_(.llot"I'm!, of tmrl,d'~I(~,fo,jfm



Cr-t"~ri V~")I i:s • . , tll"ilit frlMtlt- 1f:lif-t,R rlJ'oiIIl d'Cl'fi,.~ tX'i~!' ~liI"C4dr, ~r .. ~;r~ 10 fiM (!',['I!f 1~!II'w i't'lJl todil'l ,fJ/'~'J.I rr jnr";? fjU_.d Ih.:a'f IJ. '.:I)' ~ .... Q ,1.d ',m.dl'e:' 'w,rrI1 ,e t.'I,i,

MICA U-£ ~h mEA

r. ~!O\V many clay~ thi s week ~U d yOy do you r mornins; pages? How 'was the experience fot you? ] f 'You skipped ,3 dOilY, ,vhy did. you sk~p ]t:~

2.., Did you do your a!!tist ,hu~ this '?Ileek~ (Yes. liCS" and it was n.lftfo~ l.,) What did ynu da'? H,Q'IiiV did. i t re-~n

3· D~d1(JI!l ,ex:pe rienee a-Dy' S.Y1fU;hI'Ollici f!,' litis 'I/)!.l'(;ck ~ W'~,"B.t was b?

4· Were ~hCI~ any 'Qrh,cl' issues this week dUf you cansidee s~gllLific~f,llt far )irou r recolVc r)~ ~ Describe d'l~J~~"


1111,,) w~~·k may [ind ~'lUJ] r ~ryplhllG wirh dliln~m~_J ~drdcfmitio.tu. The cs-

.... ay!i ~ It:l:ik:-.., ~ nd cxerd~c!'i a rc Jt<.i]ljncJ h ~

C ,t pu ~r l'QU i 11m ([I ~HIf.ldIH:if.i"",(.:' intr,"} _ '~uun

, nd in n=~n,l ion of new Sdr-~'N .. ;m.':l1c:1o~, Tlris m~,v be borh \It:lI")'' di fficu ~~ a lid IC;Xl:J"(!:R1d" t'':U:ilil1g 'Uf yOIillJ_ Wlniilm,n:if: ~ j J not skip rhe LOol'of rt:ad i n ~ de priy~ lion ~

Recoverii g a Sense of Integrity


\flO:I!tKINC, Win", "f]-!r. MOON1NG ,pages. we bcgi'lfl' c. 'SOft lhHl'Itl!~~ rfw d i fCCrf'ilC'CS. bli.:' l ween 'QU r retI,I .fee 11 'I'ml CS,,' wh ic'~~ are oftc n srJcrel, ~D:o.d ou r .ojp'r,;'fJl' fcdh:l'G;s. _ these 0111. the n:e.ord fa r pu ~,l ic d~S.IJ~~,Y. OrIDda] fce'~'ing's are o(~c'n indicint.'>d by ehe phrase, '~:I feel o~a~p about t.h.iU [the jo"b Ioss, her, semeoae else, my

I .-1 - h ,~

dad S ueat I ' • , •

d b ~'~[ s: ~I k 'ill, "'""'I h .

What 0 we J!(!iI;:!LU, . IIlC-C:ll O.:3y ;11; mormng (lialgcs

(orce LIS to get sp~df'IC" Docs ~'~,I fed, okay'; ~ml~. ~ I: feci resigned, 3CCcpl jug, com (0 rtable , d e cached, n {I III b, {l(Jkra nt, pi! e iii sed • or 5.11 tt~ sfi1cd? WJMr~ does, it In ea 11?

OklJr B5 a. blankee word. 'Cor most Q,f I);IS-, ~:t CO;'IIoI'C!""S 3J~~ SOrt'S of sqlu~nny fc(;lin~gs:; ,ill 10 i'l rr,cqlH~'.i1d'Y sigul::ds. '~O$S, We ot'l1rwaUy ft,\;-,I cka-y. but do W~,?

At the fiOO[ of a successful creative reeovery is rhc C:Qm~ I]t~ men ~ ro P u nctu re cnu deaia I ~ (>0 :HOp s!a'yiI111811 ,,' ]If~~ u,kay" whe Dl jill fact iII'S S0I1Teth ~1i1!1~ else. The imof~'ing pag~s :prt'!Ios us [0 !1 nswer l'lol'hat else.

ln rBiIIIJ yea rs Q f 'w~h:hin g PCQ:p~ c work wilt h nmrnj n g p'l t;CS,

J' :~i~v.c ~1().[i~ed th3't maim.), 1~~lIild ~o l,egJ!c£t O:r: ,~b\3-11clQII rbe 11I~~CS. WlliLili::iJlCVCT 3U II n p~~as~liIru ,k~ce 'Of darby ·is. :.ibou t to il!11:tCfIG. 'I r we ~n\ for C~""1D1:pl,ii:; very~ '\f:ery .J'm.gry but nee Jdil!l~itting at dlC'1l 'W~ ·\'~rm.U be t.elfJ1ip:~~d (:0' say we :tiM::]1 '~ok~y !i'i!bO;1.1IE thi.u_~'·Th;

mommm~ pag~s "viii. not ,ilJ~O\\V us to get away \~i.d) t~l:i~ e\p,1Is~:OJl'l" SlJ we f;e~d. I~O ~volid them,

~'_r .,..~ have' r.~~, "r~t:~pi,n:tig f~~ii~l_~ thM '~rn;n; Jo'\'~r ~5 n('H bei ilS [o~·a.i~,Y honest ~u·~]. i.1S. ~,~~~ mgnuJ:~g ~aI"g~s are ]ia'~le t,o b:ring fins ;cn:~py po~~~blhty u:p-and "'>11th u, d\c res:pon'S~bili~y ffjr ;:In ueseuli fl~ oon\'~rsadon . ..Ra'd:u;;r tll3ian f3~C this geSS" We win :fJr~C;SS up, on doing the t.lITLof'uing pa,ges.

B, contrast, if we lire suddenly ._nd ~n3d]y' in loll' e, ll!l.c !m];arl[]~ng_ piir£;ieS ,m,ay seem r.h.rj;y.ue!ti~lg. We dan'~ w~ III 'tOPUI"~ Ulr.€ the f~lnC' and ~b:iny bu'bbJc of OU I' ~3pp.iI1.C8S. W~ waut ~o s~'~y lesr ill the' sea of a 'biissfu I us raeher d~~:r.Il be renlj,n~.h.m [liD at rhere is an .I: 'in the 'If.'Ie (,o:r ~n ,j", ~ye"P 1:nl 1'11(~ 'we) dn.:ilt is lC.'por~dll,y blind~'\d,

, _ htl shJn~. extrernc emeeiens of any .kiil:d~the v~ry thing thzu ~uomln~ pa,ges 3T-€' superb fo"r pr()Ce~S~!lilg~,a.lL"~ the 'L1su:d frigg,e,~ for 3,vo.idlimlg the pages themselves,

J1iJsr 3!:;. 8J1:lli ~r~ful:~ete accustomed to ru nn i 11 g becomes iJ[',ri,taJD:lc whei nt is U I] abh: [to get; his, miles ~n, so! mal' rhese of us aeC'1Jt;.[o]ueci now eo :mo~l ing pages wi I l uoriee an ill: rita bi]i~:y 'wll l:';1!JJ we Iel thcnll, sllde, w~ are rem peed, at WaiYS'1 t,o reve ese cause ,arro effect: ~'~'l was roo, CI1J,b'by to' write rhem," i'h~iI;eadi 0(,1 "I d~dlu~t wrrurre thenl so ~ am crabby..· .. '

()WI" afi)~ considerable period o( time, t~e :m;Ol,[lllJilllg pages . perform spjl:rirunl ,ehirop'J:3ctiC. The'Y W:!!1]igl'Jl oUirv~]u~. ]f 'We arc to d!lJC' le{{" er the right of (J~I r l) trurh, dle pagt:s \V,in p'rJ:jntt out the nt:'Cci, .for ~ C'O'!Juse ,1dju.tH·mJeJl'~. We l\l"~U b-1200Jl1lr:uc alVa re of OlJ,U· d1ri fjr and (o~rect iiU_.j f on Iy (:g. hush dB':: page'S up.

. "To Ithine o~-'n sdf b~ tr'1.1e~"1 du,e 'pa,gcs say, whih; 'busjj·y p()huing ~11at self Out. It W3.-S in (he pagcSc dlliU: .Mickey. it ,P_~~_Jl~~r" finE l,eanu~d $'bc wal1ted to wd[~ con1.cdY. No wonder ~l'I ~ her friel1 os w'cr~' \v["i torSo, So was .dld

ChddJOV advised,., ii'~fyou \wIU to work on. you:r ~It'l'n wOllI'k '0:11. }fuur lile.', Ti'!laJt"s :AnOtil'cr w,aJ)! 01 say~~[Jg' t'llatln o:rder tt\O have sfclf-e:xpressjon~ we must ffirs[ bave a ~~~If l:or exp![t:';s,. That .is the bu~iness of th~ nlolL"'J1ing 'pa"gcs: nl. H1Y:!H!1f., fed th~s \l\fllY • " •

EI1th JJflr·"~liiljJ!lla& Ilf ~um. ~tf!!I!l oj el"till,~.~.\q.. ._ , _ "~~"IJI tl~,~ lHJi"J'f~ "!fIX l'.linilbd, rh.~' .s~~e:.N ~iltiW'$ iMl'{f.

. -II ']1"11' \W" ... • !1d [h'~s, w,:ay. ... N@,Q'I'IIt'l:lslI.;,.wed·,.[II'."' ••••

;]nf [II:.L~ l I I - !!I .. ~' "-'k.

""1' "'I" but this is ""-'_lilt ,I h.:C'~. '

WI'm m, h '" ~ - • ~ • r. • ,..

Thm,· prlllCcSS ii.'lf lt~t: III t~'m Y III g, oJ ioeif :JI1IllI1~'Ij,~ I't ilIMy ~1t1 vol Ve~, lu,~!!I; 't

Wi; U 3-S Wl~~'1· ~e d i scove r our bO'li'nJd~_rl~ ~', I1t~, dluse bot'il ~ t]~I· es 1""". rt:Ucfi It U Ion ~C' p. r, ,[',.' ~I~ from our h:- Ilo.,.~.... A~ ,\ilL el ,of",

ttl[ 1.7, I .. :I

, .. l1i."rrc.eIJdo,li:s.. \lII~ osc eu r '1~InI'SiCOI1l,C',t:PIIOll'~, A~, we t"ll;,lIillrn 111 ~ ~ te

,0,1.1,· r. • 111 • - - 'II' , .

a'l~lIbiIU'il[y.,; ~ Icse ~,~ J"ni,l.'c~n ;1'5: Wil! • WI:! • rn Vrl." .1l . Iii ri ~ y, and

I ... ~~:'iJ' ('Ii'CM'CS, chl1nllgc. .

r.h",~, . '1 •. 1,,1" •

0;1 b~\If,C o,'_n~[\~'lI!.\'l1 r ns J~IJ. ruay i:'Ii~l;peol 'fm the mon~'hl~

. ~IJ~$. J'\[ fir:s.t 1 :llt ·~s a ~ ro~d.lh n~, p C'rc~pli n~~, 'O''IIrC'( l i me, i'm bc-, ~omcs a c.J I fot acu~n :md d~~n ?'LtfI! ,i],:uQn plan.

wfhis l1urria,ge!s I1:Il:H 1r~'r'km~ for mf1l,~~'~ ,the n'll(nl1'in~ 'iII~t",., • 1U' .A -I"ej dU!:1 , ~ .. J wonde r (Ii,bout. COli pies eh er: 11lI<i4i.! ?'''' A rul the I-~;r' .lL L _ _ IIF I ~ •

u:i \!.¥tm.d.;·r if l' [ilr:IJ I'() tj'mu bprcd w idl.n1t:,?'"

'!'In 3d,(,bti'-:111 to posi ng problems, d~c I)ag,l:'!l n I.l~" al~so 'Pun so~~JLtio,~~s. ·;1_(l'~1~ ~~:~~~, ~idl._ m:<c. It would be (Ull t~ I!."'a rn IZ rr'en(';h.~ ~ Olr'l 0,1 I nouc~d a Slt,tiJ U'SiI: down tilil..:' bim'k f.Q1" J d a 'If In\

, d . . "I

f~"er d. ss. Th,tI,t ~O,'l.Ll'tl. - is rntere s~~:ng,

As we no't]'~ w:hidl (r~l:nds bere lIS~ whi ~~ ~1 L1al~ons J~.l\f>C 'u~ s.dfl,~d~ \~ ,:rulif" o'Ll;etl r~kc{1 bywavc·s; 'of sarro""" 'W,.; a1l1!J __ Y WJfI't our illusiens back! We W,iUH to pretend the rru~'I1~hi,p \~{u~ks. We danl want th~ Lf,3Um,3 of :se.lm-ch!n~ for .1JllodWf Job.

Faced w~itll.~I-n~"jc'l1d'in'G ('hflLng~, change we h~,,~ ~~~ :in medon' tluoli:,~g:b OJ~U QWi!f) ha,nd W~ want '~O ~ll'lIn~ny .. curl r,'p in j '~i3In~ baw,1 our eyc$ ;Q~1'[. "Ne pahl, no ~. in," ehc lI!lIl. SLY slQ '11, has ~J. And ,V:C res,t::Ilt ehis p~t'~11 no IrntmUt:,r wt·~ ~ lin im ,~~ 'hr~l~l ',-

jlllg IilIS •

01'[ don't w~lt to raise ~\llly censcieusnessl" w-. WJr!1. i~11

'WJ!l t . • :J And thin n ks to ~l ~c nlor~~,ing ~~:l B~ ~ w.e ,I..: a fll \\~l-a'~l W~ wan t iU3,d 'Iuh~j m~:iIi~.hdy bee o I1Iff1l 1,;' W],]'I in &;; tlO, in:l k1O! I ht', ,d1.Jn(.t~· .. iltU;("dcdl[iO' gClt 'i,tBut nOll' wld~out J, t3!nttnml. A.,n~d Ir.~ol w~tr·iOllt ,1 kM'Jo. aJ SOlf.ilskr]t w~Ri a sp]'r~l~ml ·~!lfil~rg,c~ :lJ >orr s;~llJlrrender. ,(~ aJ.w~y;s dalilnk of kf'I, :s • s !ip~rmJl~d sCluues.. l'crb. p~ d~ey' should be iptrUcd 'ri~u bt:',ctlllJl1lJse dilley, ,r~ erie or lhc ~t.HJ~1 s it j 5 wUlllg ~h'r'Qlu'8h ('11 :JJrogt:li1.)

We aU k!~aw 'wh13~. 3 :k'r~fy31uoks Ukt': h is [~C bJd CJ!'i'i:! ai' I~h' ~u riglu .~.ft,:t:'r YO'!lJ~l!"e 'b'[\DkJc'~l up w,il[l~ your 'loMer. 11\ dn: mHC'1n ~~ad col,d and brom;:hi3~ COUGh tint J~~!rIOunC .~ y,(b~\r~ J,bu"JL.~J your hea h:h ~o It-u;et an u ,Jl'\eachaldc '\Wlork dca UBln.:, T~. I ~SJ~h m ~

r.m"~'il!J'J!' r~/n'rih I'Pri: HI" ~Jj JU .(,(Jfr~ r .. tlH jiJI'" U,tL!l· r) II J'm J l' . ~lmr'/J I rl J "I,ll mONt' ~1'1i}1~' W~I {1U,r' •

.lln.:!r_k (uUI'!IIf nr~:wh'7w:t: ,wJ:Ui:alY'OI'.\t('j~IS'1 .dil,i;.H~C i' eeuud or ~d"(..'_ raki 11_ your 0] loo,l:u);IIC ~ubl i ng? ha ["s ~~ k rm y.,~ toe,

Ahv~y:s, :s~sni6" .~ut. I rt::qIU{'lIl~y p~Y':'~~OSQ~'11JI;HlC. ktl'!.l"" ,

I Il--' I' I .._.;~ ;:JI,I\:

[ lIl" IIUI:I ~IL'lIS L;~ll( ou r I ~Y'dl'~ .Idcll~ a '1ll1 01,1 r i Iljl~~:Ji"ics,: • !r(,~~[ 'ill t ~ :1. Ik r~y ...

;1 k~ you.

G~l it;

Stllil'llj;'~I~'i~{~ iJ~~d l.d~ji,W ,/ilfmi i' ,.;mrJ ttrrf~ ~:J. ~l~ll'u:,rw }!iJJ'f ~~m

U 1'/ '1.1" _,Mro hi "Ut~U(

YOIi.~ r:nl'l ,-.]It:1.Y wjlt~~ rhis .1,bu~,iv~ ku.rie.r.

Ven ~ em ~·r[ """'CJ:ll'k ,~Ir 3 j db tJrl;~ t (JC3rnr:11. nd~ ei gbty hQll:iia III '" oe:k. Y,ou c. lI1~l re!o"~It!,' broEhm;r who I1c~cl:li, tJO, s:l"!,I'e hiul~dr:

In twelve-step groups, kdyn:s are oftt:n t::all.r:::d sm'r(m(i~lfj I~ '01 ]c .arc Itokl/~'Ul ~t;i ,~u. J~.~d t~l('l' would if I:hcy ~!1CW who ~ c:~ (')' u~r~ bohlll~,~, on to, Wnlf:1 d~c~ m,orn~ug '~'J:lges 'hl pbn:c and tl~t: ~'rnsrt: dl~r~Ca ill mn:rdc)u. the radio set. !'h~.Tnd~ ~im3h~:), dllanrlt of ,Iucr.ung ~m~' the nl~S';"3gc;' y~u ~IIFC ,li(''IIding ,alt%f receiving. The' p~lgcs rot~lm-u1 Uip [~:w usual Sl1S!' ects, bey UH"IU)On dh.· ~mal'~ IT rrts 'JYe pl'C'~C'r (10 i ji1I()Ir'~, nJ~f."l:.rgc I~U ':'("4.:S:S;t:s "vrlv,c ('iiI. 'd lJO ftc~.l1o,,,v~c~g~. In ~t~o~t, Ih~.J:lri1fOtllll,il1g, Pl:1.~,CS pOliut tkl" \Vcry Hl i'~'clln~r~ ['~~Irn~, ts hew yaure (-edmg,; what "~ll you make oftdnt.?

And w I·u l 'W\" In L k,t:' or [tuu if-; oftc~~ :rLr~.

Pt'OP~IC frcqucrnlly ~i;Hdit!'~ ~hc ere: th.~c' '!'iCc 'is C[\oundt.~[1 in ~:!HHa_liy.. TI:n: I1Ulf,C di'!lnlh tnuJr:IJ is lhd crc.\t~vily i_!oi gro,undlt:d JIJil fii;:llnYI. III rhe part icula ~ Eh!!.: f.OCll!i1(".-d. lhl: well observe I 0,11:' '~)~~C~ !Acid!y i ~ ~I'_ 'I, iI',i I ~ cd"

, , ~$ \llfil'~ i~\." o~w vagueness a'bOllllt:: 011]111' sdr, o~'1Ilr '1Ialucs,• QUi JII~~'C SliUI~nOI1., w,r become ~:vaH;}bl,e to the i1ili()merU~ It is, there, in ti'lt' i'i'lJilit Icud ~ r, t It:'All 'IjJ/j,IIt;' CO~'1I~::tC [ rhc Cl'CiU a vc sd.f Unl~ i I we Ct~ perm ence t he in't:'!ri otl1 of ~ul; l ude, Wl' es n i1 0[, Cou IU'~~ j}UI~ll (:~~,_, [~C'J II "I' ,1ftc may bt: cmn'u:shctl; 'b'lrl [ we' a re no [ It' "CO'l! II rorod,

Art ;~ic~ in r'~~c; mJ)i~f~Cnl t'lf c.mCOlm ~li': w~ meet OUt tr~Hh :imd W~ mr:tilt.'et bllirsdvt' '" 'IJIc n~ccrt 'Our t'lVit,s :li!llJld we lUC1f..·t our S~]! -exprc!):si,on. We; h:CO~l1C' ,originaJ I ce~us,c we b ,'cm!~I[C! 'SOIHct'hjlnTlg S.~)~-.cj fiC'; ,:In u:rigin front whicll Wt:jif~k n,ows.

. A ~ W~ t<1I'.n ........ orr-cg:J,iu-ou r crc.:nh,lt; idt'lf1lt ~~;" we J)()~C the f:'lJ ~·e s't::1 r we \~t:'r-~' SiJ ~ tta j I'D '~ng. 'rh (: :lloss of I b m~ ~.I [llC ~cl f cal~ ~I fCiel H:i1II;Um~~t~~: '!I~ d'Oll\ ~now who [ ",:m an)'liW1cu·C. [ (knl~l f(,t:OIg'"' 'nn:.··

RC'l1tCJ Ihll:;n;r th::u dl'rl.:. 1I110ll'C }-f(JU u:!;'1 your~t!.'U I[U be l'CrtJ ~11-

".,m.:.! dlt.' mrmlu:'H'~ cer ~li~U YUII:I'C 1m be dml '~h,c re OILIr.rv _ . (;tll';II'JU ., ~ . " T'''".,. .)II"rn:C'~ ..

i~ '\lIIa:{ki M,~, "lou :U'<j; your tl"lcVll I rom I~!.; I ~:m d. y llil r OW1I1I :1m fW

rrdudcmi _.

Shlr~s in l!UtlC aud Pt:_~C\;I)lIOl~ frcqrlumdy u:e'ompall~'y ),jhirl~

in idc'i~ti.,~·Y· ()I~l:' of u.~: dc.~t,,·~t ~;ngl1ab dUl SQrmcthi1lg ht':~b1:nry 15 ;IJo(]t m:S, du; I r1 ~1:Pll ~ $11.: l~ wocd:. out, '510r~ d I f\~ !JJIg1~11I :J~r~ d d ~!:lG~lm l)'ld "'!Od'iC~i p~'IJ"Cf$. • nd belong~ug~.

• i'l d!o~~~rr: nlltl."d ~~ Id,~, ,:l Ily~IItWOft:n"' "live Sir)! ;~!> ~ los'!!. l ~ uw-se l r:-

\,N'o:rltl~ sh;~[ into tlte li'\r<."aIW,y pi]e, "I'm ~;ek. of t'hl~ IU(:J,k'C'IldOW~1 dre sser ?itd illS si x lCCU ,00 {:,'i ,of, h r," . 'Ii, l he dlJfe"'~~r goc·

ofl"llo Gm.uJ.w~U, .

L3 .. y t{')SS~~~IS '~inlt the old :}lm1tm lInwor'IkJb'~t:l' We II1IIll._kc' W['J,;+,or Iht.:. l~t·W' ~l1d ~~llillJtil!lblc. A elesee stuffed W'~~~l r.uuy old dOl~DS d .. ot:!l ~ur;t imTlfV~UIEi(': ~~~W ones, A house cv~,rRollN,' i I1'g 'W i ~h 'll}{h;I~, :l11'I11C1 cra,J~ am.t tB.db'its, ~ou·'iJi~ hdd OU' liO :~tD:L!' sonlcday ~n.~, I·~il.l :fl:lH;;e ;for 1'111: ~h~:ltJ,t;~ dmrLf miglu tn~]y enhr nee rod.lY.

\'(HIJl~n the ~~. 'rG'h-~~ld-~i,s,c. __ rd in~pu~s'~ ~i'L:ml~C~ ,'OU, two cro!OS('I~B rren ts .. re ,t w,~,r' : dlU; ,uld, you is It:'. _;\1' i It'!' and gricv;IDl g. wh'~I:t! ~II[: new .youl (.'t:1cbf~~CS 31"!~ If~W~, sl-Nn~s. Af!. wirh any r~n'lnu tel~, I:~ iere I~. bort:lm. re m\l~()n and flo: 111!!rr. en g-~c~u~d <Wepfili!:I'i~ior~ b~'l·a,k!5· up h ke an I't:~ fka;. lnng-rro'.tiill fl"C!'~fn~" thaw, Inc]~. c:J1sC':1dc, . flood" ~ I,~d rr~t~t: n OV~ r~ U~ 11 [I~t:'m r ('0Di3Jt ai ncr (1°0). 'You rn~y find yC;)![lr:sdf I'-:Chlll8 'vo!:lJulc a.~l.d c~l3ng,cabie, Yau are,

UI! :pr~'p~rud feu bursts of tea S al~,d of'lao Incl. A c.crtJhlll gidd i ness :may aocom Pj,11 'Y sudden ~~ ~ bs Q r less, I ~'mJ~ n k of }!(J'!JHsdf ,J.s a~:'lJ accident v:~Cti.~lfI11 walkin a,\V~, rrom the ~n" ~,: your c!tllifl.l liss crashed and. burned: your ~~cW '~'i co bnl api arrUrl yd, You IDl;::l,,), f,,"!.!] Y!l;:mr~~;lf 100 b~ U!I"lL] ~n,~"n~y w~[llJout ~ Yt"hid,~. ]Wiilt k.'cc·,p W,:lt! k1n ~~

~f thic::: dJc~crilj!'~io'l1 SDU]l(ls drJH1r:UIC, 11!' n'~ 'oniy 'DiD ptcpa,f'C

~ "L..~ .'. 'I ! .•

yon I,or pOS.$h;~,i; cIne non 3~ PY:f10,u."ewUftJu:s" VtlU m'llrl:ay no r h :lll'!C

th~'(;.I. Your ch,:lllgt!s :m~y be Ul0FC I'ike cloud :mOl\'cmen~ r[iOUl ov~rt'''Sl no pardy dcmtly. It is i port,;uu '[0 know 'th.,llt'ilu nntter t!ih~eb (ann }fcnrf ' ,ro'wrt:ll Ita kc-s, D:'hCfiC i tri J'110~ her kl'Vld, ,of c,hrfl'n'IG~! si,owc-r ,ilJm,~d 11Ir~OI1'C; SU'b~tCl jelClJi funl:ning d~~~~ Whd~\n you :it'nse i ~~, :1'1'les~ I'U;:C tlFIU)~".

'~N I' I ,. I' d · I - L

o~: 1m ng (' ra nuUc Hi :1Ji.1]'PI: lung ~o lUre'. I . on [ ~ tm!Pi;; r1rn.c

rUi~)C~S~ is work in ~:II" I, h ~wc ,()flc~ ilCClrl [old by SOJ[~r:tt"one wb ~

A'~ ,~'" ~11'f U'l ,r:r~(J!j,i" ~u i!l'J)pUm' illlr !'" ~1" ~nll'" ~~ t!Il,t

h; !1iH P' ~if,f ,

I;. ! I rrtij' bttiU4j( ilt i"£J ,:m: diJ J(u/,r ~It r Y 't' Jr,J H~r rJiJ~,f' ~ rll ~ .

~uo'J IItl ~ ~'" ~d. d'll .hlll ~ I','II'!'~I LI'!iL'dWU,,/r.


fr'>~]n in)' p~: r~pct~~,~,c 'is c]1a :'!t1CO!l!: i ng 31 the sp ~d Qf ~ ~,j1!'bi" TIL-.

, 'I£!" ", ,In:

::ur~,-",~ogy rhat rn usc is ~~~~~r QnCe We eng-l,ge i 11 ehe IPr~s5 of

l11or-.~g PiilJC:S and . rtist dal~e~. We b!i!,in It,Q move ,itt !f!JiI,ch '~m! .. IQd:t y th.n we do :JfU)t C ven rei: ~jZ'e the' pace, u~!t ,:15 tra:v~.h:II"~, 011 :.

jer _ar,~ seldom l1r"var,e of rhdr speed unless ~bcy hit a paJ~ch of rurbulence, tiiO, 1- 00'. 1:r:li'll'Ii;:]c'rs 0,1'1 ['he' Afli$e~ VilL'! are Sf:ldom ~.Wtl~ of' rhe speed of their gliTo\:vt'h. This is {i fo,tm, of dC[l'uiIJ~ ~~~ ~I[' Ca:n:ll te nlp'[ us I;,G ah aJU d'n,iE recover yp'rocc~~ t'!lI~H ·'~i5n·~ ~I ~I)_ p-t:'11 ~lfl g "', to us, 0]11 )"~:S, it is.

_ \l'h,t:~ wc'h: vc ~ltgilg'cd ~hc ~li[,,~lor,wh~~in l\'J ~'H.dl us, ~lll~~rn,y d13n'g'cs ::lind. slu.fcs '111If3I QUI[' ._nuu,d~"S begm to occur, [ent-:lluer"tc

some of the 111 '~,lcr>c ~CiC.~~~sc 111 ~n'y o,f t'hcs<:wwJ l not be ~c oo'gn iz.b,~e at .firs'~ as healing, IJ ,F"[cr. ~hcy nhjr 'Ci!:m ~ri1zy a~lId rveR

d estrueri 'IIC_ At best. t hc'y w 1:11 seem ecce 11 [;rk~ -

There wsll be : c:h~:lJg,c' jilL'll ~·Iu;, I)~ uer~'Jc5. YO~lr dircJl1 ns wWlI ~b~e.c:~(', :s~:r-o~ B;c~ ~l!d d~~~ r.'eT: boeh by' n:ig:ru a nd by day. You \-M~W~ fU1d yu~rn~!'J{ Lf'l.'mcrnbermg your nigb_u:i~~e Ith·-C3,n~s, :Jw,lld.!ly d ... ·Y:. da.ydre,flnJiS wm c3~cb your ucudol1l, antasy, 0 bcm,gn ~nud ttm(;'XllC'Ch:d son, will bczin to crop 'up.

MaJlilY areas O_' your ]~4fC th~.t previously seemed eo ~It will stop :fitdng. Half your wnrdrcbe l'ilr:lJa:y SMrl- to look fll!JlUf1I,g1IY. ¥~:till may dCldd'~ to f'c'upllohr~c'[' ~ couch or just toss :i't Out, Mu-si,cal b.cra,f_5 :nn~r i11.~c·r. Tim e,r~ ~1'Blay (;'lj,1''C I'D bl!; bu rsts ,of ~pon t:i'l1001J] ~ S1I181ng, dil!!n~lng', rtmmng.,

Yo'l.! rrm~ry flnd Yorulr candor II:!Iln~.l:lJt~in. "I doni: like flue is ~ ienrencc rhat wUI h;:tve '~'ur mouth.« r •• ~, rhink tn3r~. gEe. t."

In ~hort. your t~15n:_ :tndj;~jdgmenu; ;]1"Jd per-son ~! idcnthy willi!

b,cS,j'l1 to s.ltow nh ro ug~,. '

~h~t f.'Di(l Jmtavt: 'b~cn ~oj ilfl;: is. wi In ng du:: fI1 brror. :Each d ~;rs motrJI~ng ~,g,t:::s il'3kc ai SlY/,IP'; 8Jll ~~IC bJt~r yrQ~'1 h,a,~ :~'~Jj:t 'betweI.:Jm, you .<i'nd your real ~,If. As YeJiurr i'm~g;c ibccO'Itli!l:S dearer, ]~ 1l1:):V :mrprisc' you. '''Iou m~Y' d3~H;'WVCf v~ry p"'l'1~icuti'llr ~i,k~5 Jl1d dis-' lik,~s dl1)]~ you hadl','t i1cknowlcd:ced. A fo~dld'Jless. for c~clcuse~. SO' wh!y do r ha'vc d1i,' c po:ts of ivy? A dishkl; f'Or: b~!iO'wn, So \,,',J~,y do.l keep wea rr llg l ha t S.WCOI lCr i ( r nevt:'r fet! ~ right ,'ll!l i r?

eel' Jdi tiomed :IS we 1t re t'O ~'CCl)l Qfhe~ p~t):p~C.'i i dcC.l~ ~ t i'ons of USt, d~is t:'i1lfJergilrog ind;vidwqt~]lty C'o:I,I'D, sec'lm ~(l ~I:S Ukt" !ldf-will rUill1 Fio:l. lit 'i:s nO't

-fo 1,1 «(II ,.h:" :lff~l, ijIUlJ'tJt7.'r:rt, ~

'I~ \1'Jk "l,dr'l nr~5t t'-6mpr! (Jf~ flJ'''''r111111~'t-iJl'u: f~fj:{ Ifllui ~l.UI~U~'~ k'lW U ·;1~ ,rJ'l~I, "~#r'[fif'-;:. Bw O~1t'r" J/H:-St b't1JT"el$ cliJ:'{" bAi!Jl~I~, II wm I"J/c"iI" llit' udlll,t.$ ~f ,lJiI'(#r~ro.d rJ;SfPU.l '-'J.~IJ d'Kti,rrs,

"-I'D Il: ~mtO""'I.Ii tla kc pnrtern 0:1'" you r 5<0 1Il~ is'.'~JfnC''~R. i l1IiI!'- J~~ch •. (_

... • I' "I 'I J'] r. I["'iI' O. 1I~

'11111'1:" " CI"" ri V' rum t1lY It iLll.~ "' UI~ w!!' 'Oden bh,'LIr t'lnl l Ii 11'1'

l~ ,J lHB,"1I 1I,.." . ... , • _ _ . - ,~, , "JIU~'"

~$Si w~th ~UI~,15; al,C'oh~1.I' c1rll'~~. OY'_:f'~or~1I ul1dc:pk~~ b:.'I.i i'll'-

If!" e. ~Q)d C' sex, undcre ;(i!:I.1!l!' ~~C. 0 - C"~TVi u ud' ~ _ ~ leI.:. :Ii""

l;u U;,'mil'i .' r: .. ' ' I, •. 1M"

, , em 'Jlricd, :form:. of junk 1,00 I' Of, the soul, n:nt" Ini,_p,~s hll;I11ffl1

:Jf!.U"'· . . .' r I:)! ,rU.

'Itl' -:":i~ MU~:IIrS on <0 U'_ consc lou nCS!)l_

l" ~t-"C 'L ,~ ... , ~ •

. ' ']~ '101.1 ,hJo,k O'w~ :~~~ l' t II inc ,uu have 'be~n d o'iu~ '(ill no I tlJQrllrl-

. ~g w rhine .. Y>O'!I;l '"~ I ,j ~I;l"" ~~ ~~Irl '!flII1." HOY d ~. n ij;C~ 11:;]Vt! ~n'~~r.',a!d 'yo'~ f ;;Ct; ~S J lil.:Sl~ I,t ,g.rYQL~lIr~ :-,,~_n III cnC!il~ '~a, 'C'lc~,a: 1"0 ~~n3 i il k '~I" your creJ~Oii"'$ .(1iI:u:un. You wdl h :.'!iV-'t: II.oU[cd . u ~nC'r,t."i~Sll.:d, "KUlll1H: II flU:" disCOIFICC1rl['; fI,lj: stCmfll:l!C ~ ~~~ r-sumal em m~'figy .. S~111JC b-1,I'E":'.I!i, or a Mll!tcr. ;orllia fl. s'~~ pOI,nr~ Q~ ell. nt,y. P(}?Jdc jilt! ,~bJl."ClS, m< y luvc l3,kcn~1

:1I"I;i!: (Htre'rcIU ~'H-C;l'l1mg 'to yOl_I" rhcil"~ 'i.l1LI'ill. be ill .sC~lIst~ o,f ~hi,! flow :f1I~~-dl:JJf :)'\t,n1 a,r~ Inough; lilt? ~~~~ VISit. ~.~~ you ~l1lrru~l~d.,;r (,", ~ll0.viali~· wnh d:l~ flow o:r~,cd: rill'S U~ dear alr>l..·:ul'y.

Venn :Iuay 'wd ~ be ~ j(:~}il,;'fJ:t:ntl'111~ a se U~~ ,tl.r b,~ ~:h b· fflt,imrD {o:l1lt and f~,idl. YO'!!;11 arc no Io-ngcr_ :'ll'~'IC'It; ~utt 1,?u canuun ~cn wh(;[c .0'LI :arc ::roin,g. You nt~y rhat this 1C~11'1 kcq~ up, "(Iou m~y r ,1 . ror the tin1!€ wl'H~n ehere \\'io\':ls 111:0 sense of 'vo~,~biW'ity" when '~lL~ feh more vinilrllrl;, '1If.llC~1I. you didn't ~~--~jl~c 'huw m:Jllil'Y ~1~11 t hilml gs yQWI een I d dn t,o ~I m,[[)I"OVC y~u r O-W'11 lin·.

h is nor msl to yt"~ fI'1I fur SOlrnc- ~S.l when }~Qi'LJlJ are mev j fl~; !l() to'II,p:r~Hy. Wh19,& y,!~,] w.iI[]t·~'i'~,~_ [~de is ~~:sE a,mn nl~l'inu~ lik,~dyitllp; dO'lllJ.m i I' a b 0:1 f. You r morn JI'~lg p-. IJC!S a re your DO:lll, They w ill bodl k:3d you. fQ;r~mtl nnd gJvl; you a Ilrnacc tQ I!1cc-urj'CIr:IJt' ~OI11

ymH' ibr\\I'~_[id mctien. .. .

lit is (lilli{:uh fo,r tiS to r(.:ah2c 'rb~l tiu:; '1)Jr'oct"!'1S of g;ning iilside 'f1~,d wrjr;illJlg 1Y.l,~C5 c~m Opl.:," .1~r:!1 in ncr. 'til rO'~1Iglln, wbk~ ota r CW:1 tor hd:p~ ~1i:lIld Btl ~:d~ S U!i. O~lrr wi I! ~~, C,~ll~ ~~ ~;'ritV i nt~ t'lm!~ ~ i IIIJ~er dour Dpen. '-rhe m:'I1(l;rnW1 II l;J'-aglCs '!1;Y m bIOI ~ ~c au r wi.11 ~ ng ~ ness; tiC) sp,t::lk 10 and hl:~ r 'God,. They ~ t::lrl U S ilm~ to ~rlrMIII;( y o~ bcrr ehrilflgcs tint also CPI1lr.n; (rom God ,i3ud Ie, d tl:;j, to find. Ti:li" if. mhe hand of God moving, thrtWigt1 )" b.llr]t\ ~~s ymJ.1 write. rn~ is \IIcry I' ow~rC~,~.

'Oll~ tcehniq'lUc [b~l Cc 1f1 be very 'rc.'Mu~i;ug ,11, ~'~llr~s 110int 1~ tu usc' yo,ulr ~mrQrnilig 'fa,~c.:s-or a pnr~: ,of [lru_'in~rO[' wriucn nfG~· .. n113 ~i(ll'I~ or y'OU:1i' 'llr'O~~,fC~,'S.

., " '~Jr.' h· a~ • .J I

"'lllllJlIU~~ wntHl!g;, \'1.1'1,; o:~J,cn S:JLY w l"11 n1311'li.In:g a uC;l ,

'l1rl" (('n~';r.' ~I~.I , ,i t"u~~lor ijudlJ k.rtlu-,/I ~tJ u.r ~~Fl(~~rr"rjllJ'm .rnl rI j'

VI. ~ I, A'mll ~

_ Tfu~~e is a, sp~ci,d pD1ll:ve:r iWl IW:fi (1'118 CUlt the d~a] we "'~ 1~"l,a~_in.G ,with OUr cre31~O,t. j~~ oorei.'~ yC'1L1~ ~ood 'vi~U~.l~']Y~ and • Thy' WIU be dlo:IJie" .'I[1'"C tWlO S,hOl'lt affi:r~DEnlot:ll$ th;H W'bCill) writ .. '~n ill It he morning reerrind US IElO be open to J;~::u~:re .. sed '.oodl dill ril.'l,Q rile d~y.

l. ILl l! '" '.ill ... Jl.. -.

~ trust Dry pCi!"rep'tt~oIjS is a.n~UJl[c:r powc;~:fiJ1 i1fiit1n'UiQ,ll

EO use' as we undergo sh it~,s\ in ]d~~nlt]ty. il·A S'~lr'Or,~ger ~m~d d.'em.rlc;~r rmm:e' is Ci1\tu:wil'lg'. '.

ChDQSle .aM rmat ~rOIJJS aceord illg rmo you r n~cd. As ~P,'O u C~~ilvare your In;l;r,i!e,d drcau'i'n,s", you need rhe aSS'illIJiF4InCe ehar such C'](,,p~lo',rations O),rcpcrmiS!\Li'bl\e; 4~'~ 'I,\eCOV'Cf and enjO)f my idel\tity.~'

.As rc(overing ereaeivcs, we ofl~n ~ av,e 'tto ,!!'~a'!liIJre our Own pas~ fOf the slra:£1ds of burih!d dreams ~Ind ddight$, De J Jird~ digging"; p~easc. Be f~st ,il:FHI frivolous. This ms an e~e.rcise ~ SplD'n~3:n;~e.~:ty, so be s~['(' I~O' wlfi,te your answers out quk;k}~'; Sp('!oo kills tJ1C CCI1:50l!'!.

r, Lisr ti·vc ho.bbies t]ml3 ~~S'ound fun . . 1., list :flv,e d asses that S'Ol'J nd fiulJ1.

3· List five rb'ings YOu, :persouaUy would 1.Iev.~f

do id]~lt sound fu:n.

4·, List Jive skil ]IS i;harc would be' fllQ t-o have. ,s;" Lis ~ five rh i~lgs 'you used tQ er~:oy do,i n,g~

6, L~:s" ,flv€ :sitUy thiu,tp YOIl!ll wouhi U ke 'to E:ry once ..

As yoru Diary' h~vc' gathered by thmcS pO~IiJ:lt in your work, we '!;\'IU] ap,roach c~nawD problems fron" m3 Illy d~([~refllt angles, all of them aimed at el ~cjting more 1nforma.ti 011 fr(l!ID y,ou r u 11-, eonseieus !l!bO~I~ '!!.~'h:lt yO[~ tl~ilJhHt Icoi'ilsodcnnrsiy ernjoy. Tile c~-

.ereise d~3'~ fc]~o\~,s 'win ~e-ach ~lJ enermcus 3m.OUmlJ~S, 31bD~U' YOll.rse,l~s 'WeU ,~S, gi,vil1g f'O\1 some fOO0 time ~milJ whlich EO pu mac dnle jnl1e~rests you j (I s ~ ,I is red.



.V(' ~n ,a/[,.l.,ldr~ d'i:JhlW M11.Ili!'I~~i~ hJIjkr.~ ~t.,t(lQ1jli,"l'. JiJi.tJl!,'~ ro ~lJt ll'4:ldi~ pJdntlirlR WJr.Qf FliIiXl. "nJ(' rtfiud I~' Rpl 'h1R.lliPfRiy bUl,r "'H 10m e"d1I', Illl rfl1P'1'Tt~:mt ir_ r PUI' ~/d ~a"~ .

lu 11' 4ItJJ'A.· ~ilurt'. ;iI(' rye IJCjlilJl Ifl see,

AI .I..:a_ ... t oae StU dent ~h1M~yS t:'x ph, i ns In t~u:--p-i['l![i Illned I y., in no, tlnCc~t. rurm vcr.rns-~h.Sit he Or she is ,iI VCf~t i'fnvo['t.~rn[ :uld

t:m :iLP7f~QI~ W~_C'!l .dlu I ~cs. :Hild. ebl iga dou'm~ ~I~~t .il'~]C~u,d(' :fea,dhl,g.

I his mtormJr1aUof~! IS m,cvlE;~j,biy fc'la')"'cd nl a. wl!fhenUI; lone that irnphes 1 am an idiot child, ~n artistic t1a,ke, una;bl!e to gr,iIIsp rhe C'Omp~~cxitie$ cf'an iJd~1J]e~, liJ(e. Ijust lisf'Clfl!_

Wbl.."1'ii rhe : ;l,ge i~ a}i been vented, \,,,,11(.·11, a I L the ~ss.]8I1ed read~ ng- [OT.' college OO'Iilllr'S,CS and jo~~ ha':) b~1:]1 n'b,c~i~t~oucd.1 po~i~n our that [ h,aJvc had jOlbs and ,I have gonc 00 co~L~g,e am~d that i!n III y ~ :iP-C:1'"ICWr:I,CC' j ~ m adl m,any tinn.:s l"i! r~ggJl.'d C IJ,lt of r~adi~~g for 3 week due to proernsti n 1\doru. A"fl b~ockcd crear i ves, we ca~ll be very ereaeive at 'wriggling, out of [lllillgs. ] ask :n'iy class 1:0. tu~~ d~ci r cn:il tiv:~ty to "itrig~Jillg iltr,f} ~lJotreading.

~,I g .. n ~h;lt will we dlo?'~ cernes 1'1!:t':Xt.

,Hc,[C is .l. brief,~ j s t of sente th i n ~s rhat people do whu.::u r:~llt;y are not 'rc~d]ng;

USlten to mu:s~c. ,M,ake cure '·:nJiS-.

K[tJIit. Cook.

'ix the 'bike.

Wa lJC [('0] 0 r:. Llewj~c th€ lamp.

l~fJrlllit the b.cdfOOJn.,

Rc~rrn~].Gc the ~if,chcn.

~o.rk eur, MecUnue ..

Have (de'llds. to dinnet,

Get ehe seerec


bookshe lves (a, diangerous .one!).

Grg· d~ii:1cing.

w'i Sih the dog. SOm" t closets, P:I}1f b~'lls. W~itco]d trh.:.nds.

Re pot some plat!~s.


EVCr.i1 ar [tl1e safe remove of the w dttc:n \VQ:rd~ 1 C~11 ree.! the' shock WJVt:5· of ~ll1lta.rgomsJn aboue [ryhlg Ell'is tool. 1 will tdJ you rr~~a~ those who have mosr resisted h have COlt"H:"':' back rhc mOSI[ sn'augly rewarded [or h ~vi 11@ done i!~. Thenas ty l~o,ttloim

]. . I r I' ( .ii" .1 ~

inc: ]:5. r 1~1~.~ soarn:."f' 0:11" 1:'lJlt~'r.;, ~,: fOIl are nor n::.l~,~lng~ you wui run

,r~u t, of work and be- (OKed. eo p~ ay. '{.OiU'] II ~iglu some incense: or ]n~lt on .ElJ11 old j~'2z Fe cord. Or ,P.Jl:n1tt a shel f turquoi.~t!, an d rhen yau win fv.."-eJ nOfju~u berrer bus actu,am]y.a. HuJc exeiecd,

~C)(m't i'C':u.i. ~f you can"t ehlnk of a1rmfyth'in' ,C~!i.C ee do.

,h.a·Ch3J• ..- d d· ',Ib~, e ,~,.' • J l.

frits• you C,:Hl rCl),d 3f1 •.. 0 tu 15 W~C~ S t:ilS,r;;,s_)

~fht>j[i l~fi!' J(mj ~~jl'.fh~ to "Xpall rel';!!i{f ~l!Jr~t"i"~p.,'l.dJ'.r' j'h m,lJ,lf,.m ~'~l rJf :r'J,jl,' f'J(;.pr'I~"{t !Moll brfi q' ~rll''',~ ~d "'Pft'tIl"J iss« IU\F ""Wilt lim-aSf.

En\!' i'[io;~;rmclu: Descrihe you r jdl":i!I!, ~n"l,l'i'rQI'Wim,C'lUi

m: • I~

Town? C:O' •• HUf'Y? Sw,:mi'Of Cozy? One p'lnl~raph.

One m 'mage, dra\~fl or d:r'pp.ed; rh ill convc)r~ Eh is. Wh~,['s yo'!!;!!' f-a.vor-i,tc sCaJso'mi? Why? Go tbr. t~, mml" ~ltltagazi;nt"s and find al~ i 1'111],~gC 0 diilis. ,0,[ dtaw k ]Jl]aCC ~i:: near you['" ",?J,i''Qrk~ng area,

z, T1 ~!]'lJ~ l;:~,vel: De scrib e yOl(l'f:i!ld f ::!It: c:~chty.W hat did you do af.l:"~r' [I fIty th ~t you cl1IjOY'L'rJ? Be: 'Vcry specific, .N01!;cU; \'If rite a letter ffQ;m you 31[ {;igh~y to 'OU 3ft yoU'r C;OH:l;11 t age, 'Vhat wou ld you eell 'Yolll~t:~r? Wb;.u interes ts won ld you 'Il'llli'gc }fOUfsei f to lPur~l1e'? ~n'l:n

..dI w.n:u 1...11 vou ~"nl"'Mo' ~""'lo !I1f.'"i., II;;LfC',amS . ""''!<'! ,1i"II. J'V ... - .., ..... '~Ji "-"b"'''

l. Tune Trevel: RCITI,r,;;I=-:tber J'Our$-1:1f at d;ht. What did Y'GJU ]'i ke !t,o d.'or' Wh~:~ were .,.nl~r fi<)\r,o:ri'tiC [~:ri "&S ~ Now~ write a letter from ;you at {1!'I:Q;lu to you at YOll r eurrent ~,ge. What. would yOl[~ tell ~~oun;~lf?

Ell'virOfUll.e~~t: Lock at yoU&! house. 'Is rherc ;Jjny 'room

['hat you could tna~t:inrQ til secret. p_rMv3~e space for

yQUlrs~'I[? CQ.fl'iler~ d~c TV room~ Buy a SCrt~~, or han S <1 S hec ~ ~I'nd cerdcn off a seenen of some ~thcr l'Uom ~ This i$ you r ~;JrcaITI aeea, 'II~ d~Oll ld be' decof(1'~Cid for fun t},uLd nOr[ as an office. All y,o-u FCilly need is: :1. chair 01: pillow, .so'm(l:thim~g eo wdtL: on, some kind ofliu]c ,dl['~n ,:lIJ!fC~ Cor 110'\'(;['51 and ~u1Ld'k~. This 'is

he f 1 ,., a

to help y'O'u center all, r te 'M,E!(t r 13.t C[f1C3Uvlry 15, a sptr-

ltU:1I!l,. nor an ego, issue.

j. Use "Y0U:Ii 'I ilft p~C' (fro]i!l wcc~ 'OI1e) 19 review YOlO If gr-O('lixrrh. Has rha u n~~ly r~r.r~llwb: eh an.g~~ shape y,cr.? Ha:ven't '10'1.1 been more active, less I'lIgld,' lIJ11or~ expressi vc? Be care fu] 'not to ~:XP!!ClIOO In uch [00 soon.

J' "r"dJfdt'd ~'IJ.u ,h~ mIl !l"f,t"l~lrlcT Ih1" my irlu(·, ,Si'!I: t~,r S~lrlfli. . . . '11r(J~ ~it"!iil''i'' '-..I d(f J,4'''h'lIU1,1J: ~i&

C Irt~ ,m!tJr '~dt'irlJ! ~li~OIJ;Rt~ ,r~J',

'11(. I ~ I - SurA

~h:ll·"~ .r~ is.'MIA r,/lrjl·'~il',i1..~. G rcOll'e ~:~ m US~ :~~I. ve t u me ro ~ r~hd,fy n~l~o ,h~al~l . O~;Ilt,: d'r~y ,~t ._ lilnr.1t!'o )'01111 :trt" In~iid~,ng :d~,t' lIm, bn ~}~~!.'iC,rnb et ;' h'~"!iIIlhy ;lrtJlill, r .... ~y tloes, do it LBS"I' ollgO'lllt11(t ~C'I(-wlunllrW~fllg (nys you rO'll.dd, buy yOUII' ;:'I.rwn: book~ ~~l itill~. m:~g,-ziil1;IIii:' liub~c,dJlItion~~! dH.". l"t:, rickets, a bo,~]jll'ng ball,

6. 'WrJJr~ your. <t"M .. V ~,~.ri i,~il.'s 11I'ra,~r,. {SL:l: 'p~glliZ~ OO~~oJl:.) Usc 1m il;.."vcr}~ il;1i:!lj-1' fo'r J 'Ii~t''l.'k.

7· An ENt'C~11~I!cd1 Arti~t Dale: :P'bn ~IT1 .a 11 V~Cil~:~on (o.r YOll'rsd[ (()nl" wcckik.nd d~y. (; .[~ r.:ady to 'CXl'Clll~cit,)

,111. Open you r closet" Til ow -tHU-or h :'111';110: 'On. 011' dorl1B,u:~O'nt;' ~O'~II."-~c·lr-Wofdrm ~:mtnr. (YOtrlll knew ~Ia,l,; au d~I~.) M,'lkc SPIfI'CC fOor I:'hc' III(:'W,

~. look:u on C sieu aJ~ 'uml i n '~ou r life tint you fed you s hOl,~~d chi! ,11 GC" bu I Jlil'Wcn'it yet. 'W ha l is the 'po )110,(( for you U1I st:ilY mg 5'MllCk?

~O. ~r you break your fe~din,g d~lJriv:HiOh .. wil"~rc ahotll ~l~W you d'kl i t. ~ n a [.fun f'WUtl? A S~4tJ}l~P? A hi 11 gc, Ho~w do you fCt"1 ::.bOAJi' lit? W~3Iy~

CH',EC'K-IN t.

r, How many d, ys rhis week did you do your m1lf]or~'~I~~n~ p,agcs? (nl~tru~J!1'~ onen shew lU'[) as s,ki:pp;n~ d~,t' 111 O:lI"nJlug ,p,~g(!'~.) r [ow wa.~ the ,,:l(p~ . .'r:i(;ncc ,I\or ynu?

,~. Did you de your artist date rhis w~t:'k? ~[Joc~ yom" arti~t ~c~ to d." ,~nn[ic than r-cnt a. Iuolll'it:?) Wll~,It. dic~ you do? How did r fc.:~.?

J" D]d yt)U experience any sly~1chffm ~dty this week?

W~·· f '." I ,n.:l" 'wa~ 31 .. i

4" Were [~ht:'[1G: :lny other b;'SlH!S ~:h'is w:t'C'k d .... r you COil" S ider :s,iSJl i fi"a[~llit for yo,ur fC('OVoCir,? Dese r1ib~' the m.


'J ·

. hi· w~"Ck ~"OU . f.

'bci n g ,dtt'J ~o 4.'?l I n-

; 11(: y·ot! r p =Iy~l T:. In J'(' til :JU I! 11tl, !o~. u:k. VO~I 'W. ~~ t'.'!l: plo~ Il.;,w: )'UII cun i I VOW r 0\"$'1'1 pos~ il .,' \~l ic ~ h ~!.I' lUg limit ... tn) the 0

~'OU (.111111 r!<!oi:; e ivc, VOIJ~ wi ~ I r,;~;:]1 Ulllll~n,QC' l h1 ~ (O'io\ or se nhll ~ g Ii") I" OIIJ1l1e,lfiug good il11$~ 'd of bdl1~ auahc lie. 'VIJU 'Ll1"l!}' Incl )'our~ ·!f 'Dhll1k~ni;. heut ,. (la-

C I~I dl J I'ligt.: • '11('1 ~ 01"11 It r n11~'lIU E UU l ~'O\I r

U row til 'b"f 111:1~, 111. ofh C"t ... ~ he c,J,U., • 0 )'m r cUJ'rnnnl:l Lon

Recovering a,

r": I,

Sense of Possibility


OHiOI; '1']11] barriers Il;iQ ,iI.!C,\q:!'~'illlg G'lll[~~S gcnt:'m~:iltty is. 011.11" lif1fJjh .. ~t~ notion of w'h:u: we are 'Dn r~~(,l abl~ 10 accemplish. WI-"

I . f'~ , I .

~n:fy' [1tJ1 I1'C j ~1 to t 1t:' VOiLCc' 0' uie C rc U:)f" Wile 1111, hear 3J 1l1m ev-

discount : . 'b"

s(l,ge~.'IHI rhea iscounr lit as ,cr~rl' Of :'l1llpO~S] ne. I' n dlC' ,O"~e

h:lind, 'we ttL_k,t: our~dvc:s very s(;"r]ous]y and dQ.lll 'lIN, nt It,gl look ]jke idio~s pursu'~lnc SO]UC 1),1I.tCl'JJtly g, 'L ndiose 'SChCimIIH:. 011 ~'hl) olht:r hand, w,,;; dO~l'l ~~kc 'ours.c~~C[)-or God--st:riou",I"I tll,IOUgll ~~1[(1 so 'Wr.:. dlClillU; ~'S Grn'a.ndiosi:! mI3~~y !id~cmi!.'5. dl,:i'l., wl.rh Gocll<s 1'1 e II'~ ~~ ilty f~ U we U w i'~~rlrin au r grasp.

Itcam:lnlbcrill~ fll, r God is nly $Ct~'fl:t:,. We ,I:'t; -In the spirirual positton of lrniav~n . a. unlimited balll'Jk account, Mou or.l'I~ f~~\I'c:r (oll~dt!~r how powerful d~c creator e II'~-' is. lnsu .. L:J,d" w~ dr~w very I'in-li,ted" ,:IUDUlm~lts, or lllC 'pOWlo!f V,;J,;,! ,bl~ [0 Us. Vic declde hoW' l)ow~d'"u I GQ d ; s fOf us w'e lluu:entrll~ eie ud~' \'~l ,~ I ~ ~~ ~I'l on how!l.1' n'tllll,C~ (;od (;::U~:I g~~ U t,; or '~lclp ns, We ~re ., l ihgywi,d~ oursd~~s, And if we 'f!Cclj,:':i·\(,L.:' 'L !§;ifl bCJOll~d (l'~~'r ~nl;l,&lning. ViI'" rI:f~en sc nd ;,t back.

.E'Yf'cW' y.n.I' ~"r:J)' rl't:-i!d to bt '-Il~r. (W,lJf.,~ tJJ~ il\l'UJ'~.tW hi i?"~"i'JII')':;pmb~ ~rl~;II~ ~'t:d ,tl(,r'dm'fa,J'{>!? d'/Jl ~,Vt'1'" l~I".t"J, C.'li:pc-l1 ,r""·,e.n1f-V 1pirilIUjI~}).

i~li ;.i'r~i,L~ [0 :I~l 80 {)of her ~g\."~~ t~s prc~~i~(;. 'Fi l1aUy, 3'rh~f a. PW'~ ," I "]V' abusive pbane call, C n wrek a letter StWri'tiliP ~~ r lieu ~'.III} I -' . _ • f L _ I ,~I" _ • I::t , .. IJLI!:

r- la:tio.:liJship. She feh .-~ r, sne utllJ~.sltJ~.~lJd I'll to OlUe lpaQ;.

WI"'~'D lu:r 11U:lsb:lnd came h~_Rle~ she h;,;.rrfliJ!!Y told hirn h.o-w she

b '~~:ib ot:1l g,e:a her ca r~c r.He [i.s'~ene:cl alld then lia;,d ! IliA .... ~k

J 0. ] WJS h~ rhis bookstiCN'C Jn~, dH.!' QWI1Ii,:'f 3sk'l,,;d ml.: ir yOlflJ ~~tl3 s,ood ,g~l1t. I,,:le.g:a:ve: U;b:C [ht~ WClTI1'3ns rUII!b~ e iilI~rad UlrliU'],bcr.,

, ,j

C;llllrle'r. .

~9rfllnYl CaJra JCql1rI.CStcd. She get on die phone a~~ ~ cen-

zred ~l!~IDcd13tely to rhe fli~W ~r;'en't's sCllsibi.lil~'-'. Tbey h V'"

1~.Cl ... ",,'" - " _ I ,'.,~ ...

~e-Em \V'otk:ting t~~'Ct.h:er! Yc'r!if sUCGcssfully,t C¥Cf" sil1~~.

To 111, e~ dns JS 3, sec ry :not Q~iW[ y of syndm rlm~lcity 'bUt :;d so of liigbt-de,pe-Il~CjiLe,e C~ uln~verS'C' as $Q'~Ke'. Om;a ce C~m bL'lL1) m~ ''i,~ilnng eo rc~~"ve. her ~O?dJ !rtU11'1"vh:-"E&Vtr source ~f 1Lp,ea~d. in. she :S'tio.'i)P €'iel bl!;'ll1.,g ')II~,c't~nl'~Z\c~.

. I tccc~dy h:3d. :awo~~a,n 3 r~lst w~t mo til [U she ~,e'r ~er new .and cxceH,011J agen t ~r, u Slug, ~rffi f~rt~~1't ic .. ~,s, ..Even ,aJtJ~r ',~e~n @f 3'rlistic r:eoo,v:cry" l su~1 113:"(:, ~""C1nm:r~l. side t~~a.t says hj~'f:imi;~.O<' ~l ~s ,3$ dtOlllJh. 'we wam ro bel ~cvc t.'jod ~'11 (Ee3'te she su oatO'mic sfrltctcum but is clueless ...... rhen ~accd w!tb how to . id af 6x OU'I"

'p~rin'[; ng! soCu.1 phl reo Wl'i'~:1 n g, ,:~ ,l I~. " " . . • _ . ~. . '.

t recolgl;hw~e dl~l~ :rn arny ",~m.rum b~lk a,~ ~ he sumrlp,i~('~t), of rh is.

'~Ol1iccpl" .. j''!.God d:oes~~~t run the movie ~U1.$i[ru .. rss," ~Il:.'! \1I,,:f;)_D'1!t it.(Ji ~;3Ly, ~"EA~A dees." J ~nllo .sou,l~d a C.iI~,UOlf1~r.y note hen: for ~II attiSU> who F,lIUt their c~a:tnfe lives IIUD solely hum. n hlllld5. Th~,s can block yaul[" gooi'll,.

T]H.~ desire 'fa be worlldly; S'o'ph~S:lic1tied~, a:i"Jjd, smnrt often

'b~o~ks, 01.1 r ,fiOIJr;IIifw 'Wc heve ideas ~n~ epinions about "~heli~ QUII' ~(u:ni, sJlIO'ul"d OOlIte' :fro:I,U .• As ? ,HoUywcod s(r~e.nwlllirerl' ] h'3.d [liUl'UU:'1 rueful conversa tl,bn.s ~'U'h ?fh~~ SCrOCI;m!U1 ntees aboue [he tbat wlrlIi le our agents were ofticn"wc' :s.ecR1C-O to ge't an ~w:fu~ lor of brtaJ,,'s, '[mill 1?,1LCC) 11~~c '~~ml next doer rteiglLbor,n _ '~nlY d!l,n~!t- ,b:rother,~~ or ·'· "" \vi~e wen t C,O, ca~l~e WIJh, Thos~ breaJ.t s '3I'fC God the seueee m


~ , [ha,\i!e s~id 'beiofl"e r~h3 t cm:-"(:'aJti" ity is a sP" rhu~l issue, Ally

pmr;n:S$. is m3dc·by leaps CD f r.~idl, some Sm-~~3n and SO~I~t~ ]a [g~ _ At first, we rn~y 'W311l fi'ihh r~p t3k~ die ffirn-st dance class, the ntsil srcp to\\r,J~d l,c:anl'll'llig 3. new 'I1'1!~di~lun. L'd!Jk'r, we ~~;IJ}' ';V~.I1't the

~I!l-k Ill"ldr )IIIi'~~ II'~ I~ fi.ui ;,t-~t!lMr IJ :1'(fJIl"'~JI'r ~4~1 J!~ m.nd~I~/ul.

.ft is w.i'UI y),1 m J' p ru:fIt'rdl/JN" i'tiJ ~~n't" G.od fJlr' 11'1(;11 It' Y.;n'I."l' hh~1. St.'l''''t~'llll'/-J'. I mJd,rlP t~Jl OWlJl ~f'pr:;d ~md the'good if #fe IW'rfJ'lt "~'fIJ. ~~II" "n~itli h.1',:U, 1 forfi.'1 j~IJI ~lU 'i'R~oJ nml tifprif.'{!' th~ ~~!i.~Fhl rJ_( "m! S,Ll~r:I, ~'vJ~id~ ~M!$' i.rllftry POWtT to tn:'t'.I'tt-.

r~ith arU·d, rhe tUIll1.CS1s: for further ':]3SJje5, s'Ci:uwinllr:5'~ 9 :I::lrg(!'"l' work space .. a yea.r's sabbaeleal, l:l'uc:r Sf~i!]1t we ~m3y ' an idea (Of' a b'&Oo.k. atl 3f,ltilsts' colleeeive gaUery :S~?~OC. As t:'O)"dl id:e~ CO!l]ICS to UcS~ w~ IUU::;'t; in good f8J~(:h clear 3\!,,-fily 'out 'huJ'u::r 'ball'~ riers '~o iicdng On it and I?h~n, On an," l.clWcl; take d'H!! comlltCreott~ swps DC;CJC:S-o;;;u·y 00, ["fa,SF&: au r SY~lch.r-onOt1:s. !t,@=o.ct

If this, ,l)lt.iJi10lJllds aiql' {;ail"Y eo YOUi, lIJsk 'lfQ'Ill[fseJf bh,uu:]y What " C'.X,E S rep you. ~u:¢, e"ilail'in~Wh;}.t: drea m are 'You: dj:sc-Ol1111t~ b~g as i mpo!lS~bJe given you r lieSO~.iJl:'Ces? 'Wh,at pa.y'off arre you ge'tltihlt'JjS ro']" ~en~aini nl stuck all d1tS peri Itt in YOlJllr ,c:1(p-a.nsiOiJi1?

God 3S lUY soueee is a si:m.plc: btu ,om.p.~e~dy, e.ffeC1[iJvc· ,p:lam rlO·]ji living, JI[ removes meg-ati\r·e dcp(l!·,,~nd i1fD;xicty_ flrotn .oUt .Ii~s by aS~!l.a.rint us dn'aJ['Go(1 ,vi']:! pro\'~dl'l. 'Ourjob ~s re listen f.o.v Jrow~

C.n€' W.?iiy we ],iStrr:i1i is by w.r.~rh'il,.g Q'Ill:r ''!l~OmlrnIllg pages, At i11rghll before we faU 3sh~.GP. 'we can lise aeeas ill~ w~'aki'1. "'Ie need 'l:lIlld'~II"JC:C'. In the JnoJrnillg~ w.ITitinrt o~ th!rSl~' SJtrl1:te ~QpjQ'. w,e ifj~d '@fl:tr~c~vrt:S g~jj:~~g ~lre'lli:ou;sly unseen a,;s a:r3iPp,.[Io~ach. JExpcf[ulelu ;\\vit'h this 'I 'li,Y{)9S rep, process: ask for answers in the ftvcni:ng.; [isEen .fOI'" snswers in. d~~· mo:rnmml,g. Bc open eo all belp,


fo:r (our weeks It01.&!'j, we 113"IFC been C'~c3v~'ti:ng O]J::Ul 'G:Qrud.OiuS-' ness. We h4V~ seen ho\v Cl>Ut11 we ~111:iJlk. 'fi~g-at,i vcly and f't~rfitlll)" Ilovv frightenit:'l\g i,t bits hc'Cm for us to begin ee believe 'tbu. (here nd[gflJlt be a rigJ~~ place fOf 'us. that \l'lle eould a.rta·in by' lis.-, ~e-nrumllig ~o 10'UI" crea.tiv~' voice :dJMlcl .foHo,\1VinC :i'~s. gu~da1llhCC, We ha~ begu n ~Q h,op~, and We have fc~ roo til at hope.

The sh ift ~o spiritual dependency is 3 gradual e l'le'.We been :mak~iljg this sll:mft, s]ow~J and siJirdy: 'With ea(1'b d,-ary we beeome more ('FUC ito ourselves, more open to du.c posirive To OUf' surprrse, t:hj~ @'GenlS to be workiag in our hU:m,tlJl1 n:;1~f;jonshi.p,s. We find we: ~U·~ able to It,eH mere of our truth, ~~~ar more of odm,er lP~op'~.e'~ tnub" and encom pass: ,:3, {iIlE more ki tidl Y ~ttinlde toward both. We' 3f1C' b~co~]Tj'irJ!g less judg.ll'u.ml31 of <n,1fsdves aru'.1 ethers. ~low is rh i s pos;sibl,e:? T11( morn ing P3!£$t a :fi()W of scream of" ("onSC(;]O~SI1t:ss~ gradually loosens slIJr held om fixed

Oftl1~irn p'''rJJ~1 ~tl~~1p1' I~} ,Iir,", 1,/~f~'r l~',~~j ,b.l(ku~.-J$; ttl'}' try 1'0 lr(Jl~ W.lfOft·lfJi,J!$,.. or mpH\' nlill'JIt~~ Y~i,r ~,,,,iN' ,~" tl'" m~,n-' ~ u,Jr~' Ill"'},

u ~11U j" ,llft,r' l.h"r u~i,il ir.e h.l~i~r. Ttli' W.1)' illl(W~lJy n~rll-;.< ~~$Ihf: rcc.~L"t':Ii'l·. l:~~; nrrtifJiEI~ be n4'.o i...,.r. l'o(f'~"J' 0'1fir'j tlm1J .do Ir~ftni ]~r~ ~l~nJ 00 Jq. in' OMt:T Ii" ha'l/l'e wh~" JI'{I'J.'~ ~'Rwi.

M, RCJl\ ~ YOtiiNG

are i::t-a,~dn& [0 ,look: for 1'1lJe silver ~,iJlru;itllg in \Vila!' (I]Jpe'lU,'to be a(h.1"C'rSify. M('ili~ of us find tf:l~t,.,S",~ wo:rk wieh rhe n:mnJilng p,iI,ges. we begin to itn,\-11 eursel 'lies more gently. ]\.'lCUn less ~~5~ral[e. we are Ics~ harsh ,~'ith oU'rsehr'e-s and with Others. This compassion is 'ou~ o:f the first. fnrilts of ali gni ng our Cl!\.~ a tivtty with its creator,

As \V1U (:O~;l'ILe to ~It' II'JlSi; ,:'Ilcd Ieve Otl! r :i n'll)c'[na~, gUirltl"i: Wle I,QSC OIU II: {0;1r Qf inti nl:3CY because '\,~ ]]0 IOlng,(!::1r iI;;(ltlilllf':.sli!' QUII: il1ti~ "~atC' o,thl!I"s \:vhh d'lO hj'~ghlc!r power' 'we ~'rn corning tJol,kmll:o'i!iY. In shore, '~,!'C ~![~ ~t~ .. rn~l1ig to give tlP ildil)iJa:t"ry-the worshipftl~ diep~i'ild~ncy on any persen, ,plac~', CIF thWliJJS lcnstcad. V\'"6lpJa.'c1C our dependency on ,hcsou[ce ,iusclf. Tile S01l.lIF~C ~aJ[eet$ OUr ~'C'cd:s, Ibm ugh p~op]c;, places, and tM ugs,

!his_ C'Ol'llCl!p1t is, 3. lIfer'f h 8l~ OJ1i~ (or I););O$,t 'of us to fC'3n~ (re,dJ~. We tend tiO behe:ve we "l'llS':; go ,OUt, ,8Il1d s~J1,3Jk,~ .1 f~'!I,v ltreci '~,o make fhings h3,p;pen. J would mil'Ot dcnry [lila n shak ing ;ii, fc",,; trees is good ~mr u s, ~J] fac~, ] bel ieve ii, is .Ile:~C'SSei[,y, ~ c:--all' ~t ,loi"1 lIlt flo'i:llJlJJ'k. ~ w~nt '0 saIY!, h,owc:~r. du~:~ wh UE the f0i1)l work is necess{iti"Y" [ have s~idonm seen it P(3,y off im a ll ncar !ashiom" ]t S;oe:Il1S to l,york mere Ull"1C' ~~'e sh;;jj~e thee app]e '~ree il!liid lbe uni~'Crsc ddi~:rj (.lr~lilg,cs.

Time a'll!9 a,~:~i'ini r have seen a r~'(jOrverJrm;lg crci,'Jidve do 'r.hJ(;' foet~vork of beccmrumlg :in~:ern3Uy' dC'at ~Uld fU~1IJ~ed ~bOUI dream S ~Jld de~ligh,ts. rake a :ft,~ eurward sl~epl5 in [be d;ifCcdoj~ of the drc~m=on;ly 'to h~ve the universe flillG open :1Ii1~l 'lJ,l]l)~ suspected doer. One "llf the c~llu:ral~1 tQj~,ks of cre31~h,~ reoo<vcry i . learning to. 3CCCp,'D,' tlris gene~o5ity'.


An 3'ft~St> rnust hav.e: dowIDtim~ ~jllle to ~lo np;tldng:. Dcf(mdim!l,g ,our I["ign't tQ such tht1,c ra,kc~ courage !OOJ1VktiDll, ,~nd ICsilliell~y. S.uch '~jlrme~ SpaJre. and (l~jct 'win sttikc' OlJ-f famUy and friends: 3!i a v.~i[thdllia.,;wmJ~ froO'lll melD. [t 'is"

For an J;rti~lI:l w,i~])d~'w,j~ is. ne[eSs~Hy. 'W'hh-o:m it, the iliil"tist in us f~dls v;{."':xed" 3ngry~ out of sorts.. If such dC~I?;r~\I'tl ~ci!On cont:i~~ues~ OlUJf arrtiE[ bcconurs su'lk~ll, dcprc~,(~. Dosd1e. W.C ~vell~!J.1aJ~y 'bcc;n'ii1C like ('OnliCred 3n~'m31!li, SIH1JTlilng 31 Otlll: family

;lpd fr~~lhis [0 :iea,'l.fC US 2IJhm,e and S~O!l mrmlDJaking ~uftlwe~_SOI1J~~bl~ de-

n~~,n.[cls. .. _ " - .,' ,_ '. ,- _ _

'We a[lt!' th'e" eaes m :),~ Illg IU n r-ca.s oDable .d~mnt al~dl5. We: I;xpca

_ _ ~rtist ee be' able to fu n,CUOIIl 'wm thcue gWUlS; ~ L wha l! Rte<6 O~I~; &0. A n ~ud S'~ r~q,~1il¢~, t'h~' '~1pk~ep of C~3 t ive 5'cd~t~ d~. An :~I~'St I"t~l]~re~ ,th~ hJ¥'~hng of nme al.~lm,e. '\1I'1lrhoiIJl thj_~ period or ,~,;1ri~r.:gl fl.g" l:!t~,~ aJ:rtlst, b~£I(}:r~les tk~p~eted. 'Olver Ih!l~~ 11 beoo:L'ru::s: $OlUetbn11 worSe- II:h~1i:1L ,Oint c,£ Sorts. i'lcad'l ~h re.1'~s. air<;

~~. . ,,' .

1m the e~n:,ly s1.iag,es, these deaeh dlfCiU'S are issued 10 our in't:i-

ies (Oi[ .r;(r~"Id. ltilll veu when ~OI!J mt.e!!:'l·ll'll~, me ") W,J.,.. __

(lOa '!u.;]' .... ' ~ 'J' '_..~. .... • • ·wuc

- the' g,po;m;tC who doesn't 'ta k.~ttb~ D]n1t. Woe to du; hapless

L'O I d ,.._ - i ..... \1'0" ;E" .... 1'1·'Il"'''_.lI· -. ~HV.... ._~. I~'

dliiJd. W 1,01 .: .oesn ~ g~'cit ' •• :, n .... i;j:...,,~ .. 1ji.!U!;t;'. \, l'i.oU ~n.;: 111l'Lll'i,Jng me' Wi"

~I'rgr'i' .' n re, "~l ._

. O''I,1!'C:f ti rn:il'lie" l'f our ''iYM''lnnB~ 3rt! :t,tllo'r-oo and W\I,;' d~!n [0

nay in 'WhaJu~ver circum S:[~i'ne!C-. ~m~,~ri;ag~;l jg~, fTiC'ndsh'ip-~Qrti,~ircs d'l'f'?~U gnd ~,n-n~gsl._ ~:,u~1clde ~l'\~~ way ~o slwcide\ j ~[ 'sJ3IIj'~ [[0 kill myself repiacoes 1 oo'!JJj~d lOU r-<ier' you. U

.4 W~~tU~S '[he U51e?~' replaces O~!iJr r~el itlgS, of jov an d !il't~s;fae,..

'tiOI1. We nl~y ~ rhrough .t'l'H! aeticns '?f (Q.D_t;ml~1!1I!g fHl;rlir~. We ntiJi1 ~V\:'n COlll!nnwe '[0 'Prod:u~~ ~re3rt:]'Vdy. but ,!,C acre lc1JJch in& blood. frDlD OMhn;hr.~, 'vampH',IZ~_Dg Oll'r sc'Uds. ~:mb shon, W~ i!JIrC OR tb~ Irrle~dP1~i U of ,d'rttl,oru'~ pilloduttion and we'~:re e~ug;ht.

'We ate (augbc 1;1'1 the v i rrue tn:p.

ThC'fC are powerful pa·Y0ffs ro be found 18 5raymng $t"Uck llrlrnd d.cfCfrjf,tg J1:u~~wI'il1Jg your sense o:r s~](, For many ueatiJ'lcS. dlC belief fh;lt they ll11Jlst be nice ilJJnd \\fQrry ~bo,'~r 'I,'riibu win l:U'LppJ!n ~id~ rhei r fne~'lldsi ,~a'm'il'Y;' 1T!,a'~~' If ~hey dare l"C, ~J,o' wh:a'~ ~~!C'1 rr£'3L11' W'3llt (",01 OOJlstJiI!~~ll'les 3, powerfur reason ferr !I1on~


A nuamill Wh0 \VOll'Jks in a affoce nUi~r crave and need the

retreat of solitude. Nodlil.1g would serve hhn 'better than a Vtlcalion $lo;pc, but lIt: lh'inks th~t;$ s~lfish SO h · doc&n!lt dQ it. I'm w:cnJ'ldn't be tllicc 'ta 1'1 is wife.,

A wom:),]l witlTh two slnall cbUd(~n '71;\1'3'11'[5 to take a, pOl~~ell~ d~ss. It (:ot.lfUiLtSl widl SlOllne of her SQ\lllS Little LeJ,~ue prn(ricC's, ,and sb:e' wO'I.iI,du'~t be ,able 1.'0 3,tJcnd as, f~]d~fu] :im:i'ien-oo. She nl1= ce~s poucry and. phl:YS, rhe' good mo'thc ~et! Ol:ill du~ sld~ Hnes ''' resentm-c:tl'ts.

~~tt d~r r~lliQ~UI nr m(h't, ,1"",(,(1 oj (lI!~~!r:'/lrts fi)~ N~.dHR JJ,pptd ,fl"l~~U ~I" wClrJJ ~ ,t r~rf~ ~flWtuJ the dtllppr .r.rir dliD:lf'j and (I~d~.iI. ~ior!LS. ~'~m !I1or RI-I,If.,dl!tl!"~ .IJ.1dJ' ,big t\~p j(1lJn IonIan.

A. young' ·f.1It:h-eF '~idl ,~ SC~riQi~~S :inrrre'~~H in :pb'Q'~og'i"a:phr, yearllS for a place in ilhe iirolue ee pursue hls ,intC't~St.ri~!e 113 rion 0 r a ftiI,Qdc,~ f.,_ rnnl~ OJ rk ro nm wo_u~d rnqll!1iiiIfC di,pp:h~g into savings Rind d~( d11C pUl'dust:! of a. new ccuch, The!' d'lrkroonrli doc'sl"l''t ger secup burthenew ,cOL1d~ doGS.

Man)!" reeoveri ng cr.,eaf~i'Yli;~ sabotage rh "·!lUillge]"i.i''C'~ :rllOS't f~._ q u~Il'tl1 by mr~3 It i a-l)g n i.'cG1'·. 1'full:;::re is, '3. rremendouseose [,0. slIM:ch Cit:._. s,[;IJfZ ·\t~'rt:u;le.

MaJny ol us hav~ -Tid/de J virtue Q!I/lIJt ot dep:r,~v,~~i-on .. ~e have embraced ill .IClrnJg~Ufl\C1"jtig a rtisric anorexia as 3 m.:iiJrtyr~:s cross.

We bave U!s~d it to fc~d a. false sense of ·s[.1iit"J turuJi~;y g.~-01!J.l~'ltded irnl, bci:ng good" 11l,~a:ning super,iflr.

~ c.til[ this SOCdW:tlVt:', faux sp~flituahl,)' ·the V]ltttle Trap, Sptr ... i~ ilillily h.1 ~ oi~c 11 been misused as • mute LD a.rl, \ ~ca;ll~e, uidc, 3 sesnee \V~:eN: Wl!' pmc~~~nl ourselves 'illho,v~~om: h:,l'll1l.:Hl naeu re, Th is s p~:ril't1a I s.uperwr-]ty is F~a II 'Y Oil ~y OlH! more funn. of dcuial, Fer an artise, v;i[t[m~ C~~ be d~a.dly, .. ~11[t: .~]rm'C to'WllM [lCSP ccra:billiJty 3ud Mtlatu:riry C3LnJ 'be :nuhUyj'ng,.. even J~ tal

\T((l!' tH:llliv(l' ICo. begood, to be n ice, to. be hclp:fut to be \UIsel fish. We W"3~U to be .~jen,c'.r6nSj of" service, of [']lC world, .B~j~' f~ Ii(u ,r~)'e rfolly Ul~Ur is to' be I~ ,tlloti'i'. 11th,en we c:'D~r S,C! others 1::0 Jc"aV~ us .:done" we eWl'~rUlaUy abandon eu r$e]~~ To Ot}lr~rs! we nl~)l 1,olOk Dike- 1j,~'re the~, 'Wt:' wn3iY ~cl like lJ;~ere there. Hut Oll(! I no ~'ScJ f has g:o:nc to gro'llmd.

Wh~'s left is a s:h;e]J of our whole self :I,rt sltarys bccau.·s,e h is aug~lf_ lH~e a J is tless circus ~I1J mal pt-odd!ed i n.~o, perrOf min g. it does ies tricks. Wlt.OtS. through its routine. Ir c~"rns in 3pplause, But aJ1 Orrdlce heop] .. f:,,~]s 011 dc~r,e3rs. We,~ dCJLd to .i~. Our 3 rdsr is no't merel y Oln of' sonS'. OJJ'f an ise ha:s checked out. Our lire is now in~: out-of-body experit;~lu:e, W~'f~ !on,e_ A. ,diillidau n:dghJ ,,~]I it d.isasso:ci~,ting. J call h [Qavj~ the scene of tht: Gn me,

"Come Q'uC COD1C out. wherever YOll :aJ!ri(; ,J.' we whc-ed~c. burtt our ere .... tlveself no J.OtiLge~ trusts us. Why shol.L1i~d it? We ·so]difOlU.

AJrnid 1~9 "p'pe;]'f ~fl:'1 fi;sl~ ~ w"c' lose OU'II" sel f; We he<uo~'JIe' selfd'es't:rlJcdll'-"'~. B eeause this ~d f-I'U"J{IJ] mer :is. ~o:rfl.'e't:h:in~, 'we seek PJs5h,~ly ·ra their dl:l11 '('o~jscjous~y a~t out. 'W{;l' are of~'c'i11~]j:~-1~ l!t) ~t:S poisonous grj, on us ..

'~~u lUfild ~~I" ~ l'rtd,t'l t?( Slif?~~~~. if rdJ r~'k.foj!I'" rh~ foS ~UI (:if tht;"suuJ.ii"_' ti!n JJ~e.fift/l day 'J~(1t:~ i"f01Jly ml'u, ~:rI ,,/.i,.r>(' ~J' Im'U kllf ~Jfi.ri 4l(J, who J'i#urb.:s pu rl:1/J ;lp.1f'ji.fth fl'~Il' ~trJif;fl l~');r'" ,r/fSI t~.JI~-t)~ ~iuJ Jr.

S' SA llHlIllhml1N IJ~Rr.

Nohody "hjl"liI" '0 '!I U.IfIl}It:lIII1tiIY,t ~ ~~ u;,~i~'fjl"~ f('ldpj'o,r iC'r W~ .. ,fi. i( ,~r l~f l;Ii tl,1il' 1,d11tl.t (~mti! J,h

m.t!'rr~.qr~ woli U .£Qta,J Y'ifr, 1 "rClrllrrl ~Q- i'M6 ki~,e j:cl(lr}.

I l'n'ptf,d~ !~I,flf~:<.t¢i'(lftltd. f1,rd I'm4l_U rt.HiPt".

I2sUF M. Me] 1 "'liE

I )

·H~.'I~ . ~,~ rIM.' rlll'j' l.II~~,rtl1 ,'f"l~jlll. M'~j f tmjlij'd~r1'~' ~~ ~,u 'I~" ,~/liI1~j •• #m.~~ ~11~,,~~J ~H "1 f~J , •• l·

\,~. Ii h'l! IH udB"J In'~'~JI,I{" .II~r.i I n' Wh~111'iI ,i II -llr~ 111 ~I~ 111'''1 wuhnm ~'\~r II~H' ~IUJ', .lli wh~.11 • Ij" •• ',II II r!II~1 inl" I Ii h ilV

h 111I.u IIlrl'~", " .1 ~ II dB ru I h.~ V III~ 1liH' ' I I ,~" W, Ie ~ U • ~'I II I • u

; m ,h"., I ··'\lVllll.U IW wy 11~"j ~ i, W~, I'~ W4 .IIIIIII.~ J I ~ II U w. I" II~. I'~"I ,-."1 ~, j II? ~"

I! f/j''' r~" 1 "'11 j,/r .. ,'f W til~i!"I)'

.1 h i ~ ,II j .11 '!if 1 , ~ r t~111 ~ i II~ ~ I h ~ IIU • II i~ 1,1101 D n .I U fl W.' n '~l, h(' ,< iu '1,\1 j I ill. ill ril:'~'illli~·j ~l'm,ll~ Wt' klMlIW ~~.'IIII,I"·I:I~III.H l:fli' j'I~JII' 11111111", rj~ I~ ~.i~hIIIIIMt llip III . \l'l" Y 'wll WI' II I'i~ ~ u .·I~ • "Ill IIIIIIIIIIJ. j.~~I' Ii, 1"llr~lIlI'ij

I~ hU' ~Plll, ""\I~ly h' '" ,t [~~ I.WI I iii." t I!,J.I$" c· o~ illf'.h ~~jl in ~j" yhur ~ U .fll, ~llli" 1l"llilll; Wh.ill wmml t ~ fII"'Y ~ II Wt:IH'jlllr~ lon, j,l;fyr

~'. ,~ y! llv ~' 11;, ~ ~ nkilihvh!,K'

l. U(~ Uy d.IUf mr~, ,I ,U m d IH~ a u ~" L (~f 1'1111 ! '~lIy I ('It'U,1 j, pulJh .lH·~~, -I, Ullyli~'f i. t~UU ~ "l"'1

~, Ihl fi. hnr, 1111 nll~h I~.I ~m, j ,

U Y'1t~'1I r Ii' r lunk ',I U'j U Y jl_' :tii(' II i ur.,~ N II'j~ II ill~ H ,1'/ y~ ~ h r ~Ijl '~'H~'I." h If:IuU IJIIt' nl,~b, I.~ t:. 'J lu'~~ t 1,~~/yl~JlfIIl,rnlll j .110(' 0'111 tu dly ~"I, 'I huw '~m Itwm 'irolL WJ'II 'WUlI'llld' I 11t!~' U VI 'l'iI"n'~ ~u." (I Ir'lk {-

t , XJIr,1 up J,~ ',J • ~ ~'.I I, .,"11,

~L fl.!,~· ~~ j._' LH I~H I hili iUP; Ill' .~~ I!lf V.

J • U u 'Y 'n,~, I~MN ~1 N.1"',r"~"1 •• ud ,~II .JI!It~·.~ mh,w ~ r~ f1i:i" Ji ~ .i W~4, i ~ ...

'~I ( ~N J hl" l1li1 ·d rlw In ,m'llll11lV i!' 'Hi ~,iu ~ • ~ IcylU~ '-411 .II,

~. (~.,II '~"Y II.W I,~ r~H .~I d It il -~ k f1lllllf' I 'J I~~t.',

Uy '.I'r'k ~I- ~~'. ~II'~ "t', r~J<. M/Alfhiu ;m~1 ~·.I~II ~,~,~ IIU~1; l~ U '~MWII t~lh !I'd f "·,.jf~'·Ij;!'HY. YU' ~~·.n n ~h h~· ·Ijh 1.ltllll jl UI I,!ur~ 'IMil~'rM_ u, lU.11 ,I nlj,H (l'("~ L ,~t~ifll ;WIt~1 ,II' ,~i~'_' Wfr"HH~ -11.1 .11)1 !I'd ~ ,ri'.~lti~~,~i J ... ~nt} w,~y~ W,' ;'il/trll 11th - VII 11111, hi,

I ~!

II II.' I. ~,~~ .I I." ~ .. ilillV I, II I , r I Iw ,. I' • III' I ! I Y I1111 U i ~ ~ Y I II ~

~, My II ~ n·., 4'1'111 • ~ 111,1 ~ i ~ W 1'1 W U I~ UI i i\ d' II'I ~lr.iI ~IIIIUI i', ill w. n ~,

~, ,

" II' k,~11 ~11~I'llllllr V I h,u I,ll A

III Wil' ',i • Y Ih .11


'/ ~I W'Y ~ h,' ~IW ~ - ',IIII~ II " ! U~ II ull~ WII!

I I~II,,' It~W 1111'1 n III U III nl illi Win Mi.

~JI U;I ~~~I wyt',ljU I, ~ II~ i III' WI ,HI~I Y II'h,n I

f 11 Ii I l,~ nJlli I p ~ Ht,

I' oI'n_ ~jl.j'l J' 'Ij 11 '~~I 'j, ~ II ~ ,'" I~II I j 1~I~j/. fl~lm II'. II!

t I I. II I ~ i

J). j .~, YUI, I' ~It rr,U au , 'V f

,~ r n ' Lw ... ~l
~. h Il,w JII r
~ IlftJlk~ ":j·I' ,III~ -I
4 h, ,~ I i. ~'N l ,~ S' Sl:Ilt,~1k yOiliD r hi 'ir bla:J~lJd. 6. Go 'Qm 'V,1'(:'.Ii,t ion.

7. 1:1 ke Ry ilm~g lessone.

3" Mo,,~ to :n b,j'G't!it p]3ce. ". D i 1"1GCIl' a p~ ~~y~

10. Th'!ce :lir~dll'3wj:ng class"

Very often,. rhe m€'IF.-~ acr of writing out yourIise 'Olf forbid_ denjors breaks dorwu your bar~iGr$ to doing tbcll1t.

t~sr your lisr smliliJ.e1!i)j;ll'bere, hi,go], visible,

One of the best l'1ll31S we C3iin: evade o'la r Cen:510;r is ee U$~ rhe teehniqtlC of speed writing- :Bee. usc ~viS!hes jJ're just wishes, Irh,L'Y are ~UO'\wd 'to be frivolous (and fl.'ccque1ndy ,d~Oldd be taken vcry seriously). As quickly as you, 'C31l i Itt nish (he fQ.Uow~, ,iug phrases,

L ~ '\:\\'"i$~'fil
2. [wish
j+ ] wish
4,· I 'wjr~dl
j. Jwish
6, [ w'i:511
7· ] wis1im
8 .. I wish
9· 1. wish
Ire]. E • h
n~ ~ lvi:,h,
12, I wi's:b m j ~ [ wi~dl
ti"". [ wish
~ 5· W wish
'16. :~ wish
17'· ] \1I;.·ish
'~ . J \iI/,ish 11rr ,!iFt~6l JJrflillnlrJ)! ~f CoJ JiJpmrJJ ~PllvhD' if lhl!' rl .t.t'il'ib~ R"o;J fow iiJl p!l.l'l('!rJ.


The fo]'lo'wi ng tasks ex p:lorc and 'ti'KP~ fiG YOll r vd:niorllslli, '~o thll" :s01!lI['C:C::.

'~. 11~c' rcascn I can~t 'rc~]]y 'bel ievein •}t"L'r,m~I:,I'f' God is ... List five gricv~~::Jce$. (God can take it.)

~,. St.a,[' t i~l g an ,I,ll11a8'~ Fi le: [f [ had e ieher f~1t h QT l1fifb.>(}I:il";y I, l,\\;"O'!J;dd .try . . TO, LiSt five desi res, '~g:r tbe ~~cx,~ week, be alert fO'f iru ages of [\lCSi;~ dcsrrcs, When y.ou 5$) en ehe m, dip, tile 111 buy them, P'hotio,g,r:l'p'h dl em, drrn\'_' rhc m, ,,~d'~li' "'t'nl 's'o',meho.u!'. Widm the-sci III ii,g.t.: li, beCi n • (11,e of d:re3It1LS d:l.. ~ speak to }tOll.J\dd to l~ CQIIld~l ual ~,1J!' :fOlf ~ he durat i on 0 f th e rC-'O 11.11 'If.'ii: !C.

3. O'lt~ mere l iJI111(", ]-i:sif; r. ve ] luagim:ll(lrry ]'ill,t'S.. Have th C",' chanced'? A.n: y{H.J doing ~ll]ore 'p~ rts or them? You may w,~ut to add images 'Of rhesc lhr'~ u) your l'rJl1J- 3~:C file.

.t. If D were [WC'1f1lt}\' :u~d 11d~ ;mo~rlrcy .. " U't five advcntt~rcs. t\.giiIJin~ .: dd inlag~s '0.( these t.o your visual ima,!g~ fiJc.

S" I f I lJll.llcf,C 5 iXlJ~n\I'!.-' and llad ml1Jonq' , , . 'List fi \~ ponpon~d ~)ICn'S:~Ht·S. And a,~ ~~rt. (Q]]cCI l~heSlC' imrllJagl."~. This is :lI '\f.I,;r", ro'[cl1r tout 1 !lU)lWJ" live 1 ' J }lOllS!.;" tltJt 1 "i'il~'J!fd' for ten yC'~lr:S,

l0-t T II JlI ,,\ ~ l' I ~ r · ~ W ~ v

lb ,.Jfu·I'~ I/P.r 111·SP~~ibilil't (},f

. c"W.~ fl .:lINd iIJ_{ G Lld is to 11((€1}~' d~~",~~.,:r' IJlull~(r 11M If!' -o.{{lr ra1i•

TEll I.A 1f~Rlli:jU] M lli N .~

6. Tt:'11 ~JYJ!>fS ] .~~ Ine';H~,!~? mys.~~,:r.,are . .- : Jus~ il'S :~13k:i:lfll~ dl~ fOSIUE ~~ph(lII: .~C'~,ps '~~]OItW lit tnt,o OUt lives m ~ki ng ~~l'e ~leg1l [IW explic n bd:ps us to exofcis·c l t •

'7. 'IC11 :i~c~Jru~ ~ \'\I'cum ld Ii ke eo O'wn lIla t I dcm~t 3'rt • And a'Sllh~, YOLi ~fl~r' want IO~ COU~CI: ~hr~se hn:ag'l1:. ·h~ o:ni~r to bOO$~' sales, experts rn sales l1'iLOtl,,"a lion O[t1;~l ~eaclJ I·:o.~lld~ s3'lesm~n to pos.t smsgcs of wh .. u lhcy wOllld ];1 ke to OW~'I. [t works,

s. Hone.sdY1 rut y f.'lvoriu; cr{'8Jdv'~ block is . . . TVj Over .. ,reflding. fr:iel1lds,[k. rese uin,[f ethers, Q'\!'er'C*Cteise, You n.tm1I1C rut Wbil·lthcr yo.U C~Ul deaw 0:1" not please carecon yourself indulging ~n i'I;,. ~

9. My payoff for s~ay~mg b.l,dC'kc.d is . . u Thts YOl1 l:n~, wanr (0 explore m yOUf' mormng pages,

[0. The pcr:son. ]' bi ainu! fOf' b[(;~ng blocked m s . . . Again, u~ YOll [' pages to mul [ On th is.

r, H,QW m.JJf1Y da·1:S t.hi~. week did you do y01Jlr t'1liTtorn~ng pages'? .An;~ 'lOltll srardng' [0 Iike tllen,'l-==-;al" all? HooW \:was rh C experience for you? ~I~v€' you diseoven;~d l.e p~gc-gUd-,;1,JJ3.1 f tfUi:lt yc·t,? M tutJJ¥' o( us Rind ~hnt :pay' di rt ill. our wridug OC:C':I rs 3 (tel' 3J pa;c and ab(lj~ f of va,I~~fing.

2. Did you do YOU'f' arrisr dare this week? Have you :t:JJa;d the experience of &€.":Ming; answers during ttbis Irisul':c tinnr,e? W.h:u. di.d. 'You do 'tOr yQur,daJl~C? How did il feen H3Jve you taken an artist daee yet th3Cre~Uy :feh ad.ventu"orlls?

3· D~d you C~ P€r:iCTii,!i:~ ;,}.ny s:yJr~dl'fo~:k it'}' this wieck?

Wh:H ~lj,IIas .if? 17ry inaugueaeing :l (:,olll'ver:s:uion 011 synchron i'dty' ~M~lb you r friends,

4· 'Wer€ ehere ,:U!lY other issues ehis w .ek I'll at you. con". stder sig~~'i6cant fOlf your ['t'!iCQV,c'ry? Describe '£ilremJu.

Recovering a f b

. .

.. .

Se· ... ·.n.· '. s":::e··.·.· 0 Aund r. -: ... a.···I'n·,c:··e •. ,·

- , - - ~

- - . '_


h]'lll a bel]ev\cI.\··iP'Na,ncy declares, "Ijust do'n5l bdievc God. setS il~r"I;I!o] vOO wirh ~iilOI'iJ,C'r··~~' A]tholl&l~ she dOCSl1 t. reoognize it. Nancy carries tli'l10 sel f=s,~bot~ging be]iefs... She br'~iC'v~ not only [hal God is good-too good to do rnQ.ney~~n1rt alse tni3JJt ]nD'~(!Y as pad. N3UCy~, !.~kc .. many of ~;£, needs 10 overhaul her God Goncc·.p't in (:U:dCT:frO fltlJUy rCQQrllfCt her c(,e3~]vi'~y.

F{)r many of us, ['1ris0d to believe th,fU Ino1tl~f 'h. the real 50'll,K'C' of 'Socu[:iJy~ 3. dc,ct'a denee Ol~ Ged [Ct·h-, foo]bav&y:. suieid3~ i even laugb,~b[~t WI~ei1 we: consider the Iilies. of rhc fields., we t:h,h~k. ,they aJN qu~hu~ tOO (HU; of it (0[" rhe modern world, WC1.:c the enes who keep clothes on OUr ba,dcs"'fl;;trc the OiIIIIiCS who bu y die groceries, And we: w ill plbl'i'SUe our an. \'VC tell O:lo'jJue·:lve;;$~ when wchave,cnou!th nl0!iJlJC~' re do it eas;i!"l.

,And when wil,] IbM, be?

We w~ut ,a God th ~It fee Is bk€' a. {~t p:!rJy(bak and a license U) spend. ~S' '\\'I1C p·I1/;!~sc.Lisltc'lling to' the siren song of II/pre~ we are dea f to ahc still Stl:¥la.~] voice 'w31dn:g in our s()t~1 to. whisper,

~ 'U: • I '!

'iIOlJ;rJ.C' euoug 1.

"Seek ,rf;: -first the kil~l ,dona. ofh~3iy.C]l 3JJIi~d all thins,s win be



~.I I.,. "',

Ttl; S Wt"C'K )IQ~I tad: Ii'

l), maj Or: rrfil"."31 n,\'t block-1llQm;y. You

:J re asked to n:.;J~~)"

laok a t you r ow n

ideas aeound God. monq: nd C1I'( .[i~ e aI:H~nd~n('c. The C5- s.1t,}",s "!I.·~U e );tplar,..: t he \Var~ in which y~u r attitl1d.I,;·ji Ii 111 it Jlbll.1l1- dance :;mJ ~~ xury i 11 yom' rurreru life. You will be 1 lilt rod uccd ro COUtU ing, 01 b 1 eek-

l'~tI n ing ItJPO~ (or d.1Jr~ il)' Jlr~.d riE~n usc {'I f funds. Til is . ~ ee . rnav fed \'01 an je_

.'\!~m("r ~1 W1J hi ,{ltlfll'lifl.

RiIII'fMO~iD Cmulu ms UA ,~-Jt

T/u~ mdtn" ( 'l'/Nn~ J'cl ¥~I'IU.r "~I #u ~'VIIJ,lhum {!fJ J"'sl ilf, l1ur im~.'ffi"JI.llre _f1lf.Llj~/tIl'\f!:mr dlil'IJ r uet will Itt' iJmi ,'U mlll'U I.I'J'(J,UoL"'JI H 'i' ~r!;'UMW',

Sctl;t\~ n G~"'A iN

~\llmt}' Irl,m (Qml," Wllrtl you I!1'Jrc.~ J(11u,t #re' righ, IMr~&

Mn:Jt P'J1fIM n~

,:ldd~d' ~6 ic,' \\~C ,b. ,ve bcil,;,u told. o(i.~c.n s i nee eh Bd hood. hv en ,.

'II. D -b'~ lVI' d I., b 'I' I 'I tf"CO ...

pjJl: quotillg :ffio'm [lIlit! JkdJc.we, om eueve (_l'i~. Arld wee' .

- I·· 'b M'L, G I ~ er-

rainly don't be ~cvc u a OUt aJr-a. ",arylP~ , ·oc \vouJd fQ~d a Al

. •• 1.., L ~. 1- ~ - I1tJ1

eleehe us, I n a pIIlC~,~,. nur I~a ~ntllil !; ~~I'P.P' les,. A. inust:'tll;~l1! tOtlir of

ElJrop.t:~ d:u:1JCC d3:!i,S~,~~ God is not 3 bOll, II ,to S;prnlg :1'0;1:' ~hosc. w.c tel i . (ll~llrsdv~"S, We dl~!l'm g, rc (H~r fin tII.llI:],~! '1l1:~I1CCir!lS ~S' ~ lj/Va}f tit) ~VQ:u,l' !110ft on I;' ou r ~ r.t b'IJJ~r alse OIU r ~'iiI'1 Utll all growth, OU r (~m til i~ ~~1i tllt!_ don:l~. "'] h ave to kt.~I? a [100 f over ,ru ~ ~fiI ead,' I \vc SilY, 10 N obody's g.lrn mlg I~O !pay me ee be nU):r-c C'("t(!31t I~ ,~

\Vc see • Iwfu I h·' 5tl'ii~ a:bout- fJm!~H. MOiSf of us barb""" .. <Ii t. •• .,.

. - l _. ~'. ""'L... ;]!,,- .... r't~t ~h:lt \rVor'~ bas eo ~e Ufor~ 3nd not p]a); ~n~d tful~n :lLlfltMn '

'\~I~' 1li:03 II 'if w~ut to do........rJ ~Ik:c w'nte. 3JCt ~ d ~11!]..ce=---..rii~,~~.f be cnllsJdl~ er~-d rri\!JO~ou~ and be placed il disr~'llI:t ~erOl ~ d. Th,i~ is ~J;.o.t tnu~

We ;1)r~ opcrl1t~lI,g' out of the ~o:nc old iru:~ li.'hat GodJls Wiii feu' us and our 'w~lil.1 for us ,:lilre a t opt' esiec cuds of tile '~~blle. .. f WaJrU llO be an actress. bILl It God 'wants me to walr tabi,eg in hash j o:i:nJif$r·· rr~u: :SC~ n rio goes, ,,~ So :i r ~ try L'O be 3n a.Ct'fCSS~ J '\\\"i II end

J" • L.. I ••

~: p S 111gmlg JIJ3£:11.

TJilinkjJlg ]i:k~ rll~s: is grOl:llt.l,d~d in the idea t~ll~ ~ God ,is ,lI ,\Il'IX:'l"U p~rcnt 'l\fi~Jb vcry dgid ideas ~ib01lUJt wlut"s approp;rriafe fo;r us. AJlJdi YClll(W bener bd,h::'Vl~ we' l.M.Olir ~ ~k;.t: Ir~] em .T}llis s ~nJ u ~r;d ged eoneepe n\!CaS \altern t iOJil.

This vo:c:c-k., 1n rOlJ~r 1l1Cf'llmllg pages, ~vrbe Jbo~n~ t~~~ gud you do IbeJ eve' ~n ~fJrd,fhe god YOU would hk'e 1[0 He1liev·c in. for SOtn,c or U15. rhis m~3ns. HWh3,[ j,fG,o,d's ,;'1 WOnflJ311 :Jj!~ld !tJw'~ ().n 11~ y slid_(i?"· F(}f others. :it is, aJ god 0 f eller~. For s t:itU {x[lrn,CUi~ 3 col,~C~~'~'!lL of .higj~e'r torc-c:s; J!1l~ov-illg lHi tow:u;d C!;~r highest good,. U yo '1.11 Z1J,II'e'StaJ! d~alii-ggwidJJ EU lod c'oulse:iouSa'lJ~ss 'that h.ilS ~-em,ji~u:d u nt'~ :l~1 i Iled: ~~~~cc eh i ]~hQod. 'Y'ilJU JfC itnrollalb.1 y dt:a]. ~1Il!! ',",:,m (11 a ro,x~~ ~~~. Wha'r \"'QU~ d a nQmr;)I~OJiic $:cd th i m~ k of y,O\g r iEfif!3lnrc lt031~~ ,M'lg~f. su.c~ra ~ god relilUy exist? rr ~Ol wuu!d ~or~cy 0,1' ~o~lr job or y~:)ur l'OiVt:'r I'Cn13~il:l youii'" ~'!il:igh~.r pow-cr'~

Many of tiS cqu~.te diffin1l:ry' wir:h T\l"i:rlut'.-alJd a:n with fQol'i ng aJI"O 1JJ~~d. H tlJ:rd work is. i,ood. A terri blc Job I~, ~ 5; t be bu i ~ di ns: tillrr l1'a,o.r,aJ A ber.. SouiJed:a~in,g::=-a f~lel Jet fol!' vnind~:m,gl

ILL - ~ _I

S'ay-bJ3l CQI1'H,$ ~o US CdlS-~ u}' 3'ftr(U st"'t":mns CO'lu:p::h i'~J,~ w j:~h us

l'Bmj'~'p~lt Du ~cQnn! :sort of ch ~~lJ tdck, hOt [:0 be: I~ k~~n Jc~i(!fllul'Y. On rrhe OHe hand. "'~ give lip SCFlllicc iCO the' 111'')[lon d 3i God 'wants.


, 'bt:' liHlPpy~ joyous! .. .nd .fl':cc', .O~I the odmcr, 'Y.rt s-~crlCd~'

~s" :~. d1;]l Go.d wanU, us t'OI' b,t! b:m].:,· ]1][ wc 'U'1o: g;O']11lI to be 'Sou

~:1t1t:iIlm:t.a_'S ~o _wan~ I~~> b~, ' rusts, Do we hav,c ~lfly p:rnoT at 3111

I :hJC'Sc' Jd~a,s a,boll.lJt . Gad,. . ..

Cor [Loo;kil1g::H Codas (Te9Jrl,rm~ It:IS preUr clear lb~t. the cr,~~tQJ"

. :J~f: d,iCt :II1rO'~ It,1lfO'w whc'n to SlOp, 1'lLc f~n~, !lrl CH Otll ~ 'Pi n:k IftcW":: r, n~v'n fifty pink Aow~fs, .bU.fhu",.S~lOV.lA31~C5. of C'1l~'rsc. o. [h.'~ uh~m~lC' e:xlcoom$~ ~n I\l,bc~:~" creauve gIIClC'. No two :alik1;:. ~,- ...... "' ... 1"'[ Ieeks $US'pU:~6U~Jy hkc S~Q,mOOlile w~rmo ; 'mll\.rn;,'iml

'I ~'u:S ""a, I",., _... ". wl f1!L1II

"I .,. su p :If}Qr~ for 0'1);11' crea nve '1e~[iIit,u res,

stn IJ tl.ll • I< . . .. , I ' - I

""We ha'Jit: a new<l,yer" t 1!~ Uie, Book of A[cu~.Qllks

,_. , n'vn~o Wl2i, p':romises. recevcrlng alcohohcs, ,111<:1 f. 'we t:i'k<1i: (:,1 re

Ano I , h "]'1 1->. ,t:' ". '9!'! I.,

' f God's l:U..m~~~ll~S~ ne WL t~K~ _,~v~ (fJJ: ours, ",u!lJ' DtlUcndJ AA

'1:1, I" - A'II,f'l'oi! "'IIJ ch l~ili'lJi!l!l!kin~' is 3. ]U'di lie. D~s.i)criit:e for a W~v 11:.0

ne'lrl~.o\~lI!""""'~'~)I I!} ~ _ r :I

N ':=lI\~ soltl'i.eif;y~ tbt:y chns- to 1.'11 is [hoy g~1l1t when worr:1C'd,

aCillt: 'I, • n" " 1- a: ' ~,

aOOr'llt d:adr ()wn p:r-rCcrnQus allm,~,~u~~_to. "'''':L 'C:J;lccuve'IY. ''-"''NpCO~-

., : l~ivil1rl~ hdpf th.ey· ~cbld '~O. reeewc 'Iil. T~'n, led hlive smoeth

"'liS; [!J. ~ • • • d

o,ut~ [3111,;100 reblldo~sh~p'$, g/iUI'l sa~l'It'Y' ~'U1,' sweetness. .

1b dl0~H~ less despersee, such assu ranees seund i

~ ""'''''''''il'ilt'I···'~''' like W~l-~ beinz canned. l':kt God who 'h~" ...

~·'!{f;n !l;~ ....... ", Jf ......... - " ,'=' iii 'l!I

~C}b' ft:i( '!J.]sf The' Go:d w:h!o [~as fld:I].u'il1.~ ~w!l)<rk? 'T~;'D,e Ged who.

toids abund.a nee 3;nd CUglJ.rutY~1 ~hro held s :j!J B;n~n j,OJ:rij J~m!i5iib:ilides, the keys to evl~lFy dooJr? Thu God can 5:0y:ud sU$~~dous.1J

Il,ke ~dliJlliJ f13ll1i tn jl!frl-_ .'

A~'1.d SQ., wt'lOl, i~ OO!I1'U!:S U Inc 'ro·l' us to cho osc bc:tw.een a

Gbcris.hcd d ['"e~u'1i1! i,H~ d, 13. LO,-"l!S;Y. c; ~rrrenl mntdG,c.~l~' \\fIt: ~fticl1l choOS£ to 19lDlore rhfl ·d'[\~(I,m Qm)d bl~ nnu: em:r COilt'I'If:bY ~d l1:use~j' ,O"l1 God. We' ~~iI: J ;.kc, ies l(j Od11S :f~1l:1l t' ''I {lite di~n~t GU to Bu I"O-p;("; t!kc ~tl~t painting €]9:S~_i ·gP' on. thi]!t :phoit,o ~,h~qt. ]n~ tnlJ~h~ ~t. not Go-d,. 11 ave decided nOfi to ,So'. We' ha;\ftc, [flled. mo bt.: !~ns:.blt'-, !Is tbOtlgl'l we ha'lflC ~r)y pro~f ~.t all d;m't God 'IS sen~~lble-r.ufucr rha u' S~C" i.i the 'ILl niver~f: mJght ]lot hill\tc 8uppor [cd $(rm~ hl.."a lith}\"

extra\!agti'tu::e, .

The ~re~t'OT m~y b~ Q;1!.1'f f::1.dl,r,lifnl,O.'[be r.lsoJ~m'r(;(:: btu ]1[ ~~

su rdy nut fh.~ ~~'cb~rh~ll~rt1u:rl ~h~~h/b:nchc'fl firi~ nt\s 'i~e~ ~n eart:h who h,avc UJsurnlcd 111 l]S '~he~r ldJf'~S 'of \\rbilt __ ls, se~l iitM~ ~Qr uS Clie~tivity :is Ilot;al~~d nttver has, !been seltsibJc,. Why 'ShouJ.d it bli? Vh,), should "O~ b~? ,1)0 you: s,'liU rhink thC'lit! I some :lDoral

IUr~YJ Irf'-tl VII' 'j"'rJ,RJr II'iI\i1d~)

~OU]l' lif~ ,lilI' tfQ J.,rflrlll rrlK dM~

':~I1~{'.1 ~u hapPlij sI'J/jJ_fudr t"(Jj )tl~a~u. n~al ~r ~ flJOJ'( ~ LI rm tfJ'~t. on (It'cmOfHIf( wr.U·'b r~w i1r.t:ln .Jrmy fllll N ~ ingl';r fiHlf)f~

.. ':~ Ij jil/ruJOUl!i." is e'uff£Y j'll If,l'Jr"i,m. II llves tJ'RJJkmt!. :~,.ftIJ.rt·l' i1 s,·mbc:H~f1II, ill' ,-ep'dNl,,.fI(tJ'lriJ,V! $r"(t~li Ol(o.u'fn!'li;:Ft! J,'ilid' rPl>agy.

1'1 ni; NlhO"mll;:.t L W'01HC

GOt! "it~'$ ~1I"'l. Tb,m $ ilJ~,nrl

,/\1, !JtJlleIJ[~ ~'~~(nI'ld ~g,~l,~tt". God U/;."t]S ~rl,

And.1 ~"'t~k1! art

TiMI t U'J~tl'Jt Cttd IJiJte:s' nit: jOI',l

h,ta.kJiI'ag ;llJT"t begins wirh ~(1king hary while ~he SUl'rs:hin~~S:. lit: b~g;i IlS ~~'i tJ~ ,~~t ei I1g j n ~D ehe now ~ir.lJd ~,I1j(}JI'~iHg yOU'll: d~y; b ~~gl ns, WI lb g~l'n)g YOlu~se]r s:gme~nl ~]1 rreaes 3Jm.u~ bre~kS'. "Th is is e,Nltm:av,;:tg:J'Ilit bu t so is Gndu is ~I good ~tri,tl1d~ (0 t31k. \Vh!C~ ~lff;',ning yQ~H' artislt to sln.a]J bribes and ·b~allkni,es. ~l!(l~ m~e'rn bet .. }'cu are rhc ch,e2ps kare, not God. As YOlll ~~pc\cr God to be mere ge lCf10US, God will be able to btl" Ill.'illre generous, 100 you.

_\Vba t W!l~ ,re~ll]l Wa!I'ilL(' to d~ is whar we are t~311y I~;ealn tlO do, Wh~n w~~ do whalt w~' 0'1l:c:-.e ~e,'Il1.r Ito do. money oo.;rni'5 ('0 1.:Js,., d e Drs o-pcn .f;"Q,f us, ~rc fecl ~'I£~fyt . and the work We do (eels liJ~e pb:y,ttous.

'We wi] ('.oJ!ldn~JC' to work this week 'with! aUf: ideas surrounding JliIilOrl~y, _ We will see how our jde"~S 3 bQ1J:II~ money (Hh's hr:i:rd I[Q get, You. IlarV1(;tO work k;,ug Iru,Qur-sfor ]'t You need IDO worry about mt.uu:y firs t· ;:iIU~~ ctCadvi,ty second n~ sllapc 'IOU r i~;leas ~i~oUJ [fe1.llJtiV"j ry..


fol!' those' of l1S who bave bceome O;tnist.kdJy 3'ni(H1;,."'lCricyearl1i'~'1lg to be creacive and f~f!,Ji~hlg to re{.'1d tl1at nt1t()gc:r :in ourscl ~:cs so dl~.t :~C' b~com~ .r.~oJ'1e· andmore focused en Ci1il'_f dC-1ni~, va,nl~n~ ~ u ~]I; :;Jj~d~c;ruJc ~u xlLury ~.aro, go ~ l'Ql1g w~y. Th,c key v."'0,r~ here ~ S _dt:t'#inJUt, BcO} use art .1'$ born in expan s·ion~ j It g be ... bcf ~1lIl ~'t'Illffl,clent; s!11Pl!ly, ilt is c-r-ttical '~b~t we p~n~pcr ourselves

for 't11fl e sense of 3 b'u:nda n ce i r bdn gs ~Q Us. -


i m1,udl. A~ ~'Oll gc't oldcf, you de :kss an d !'t::iS;S of til e. th i~fI 'So Y'(,nilllt:l~jCfy. Life bcocn:iu:$ fIU:;"tC and ,ooOl\eabOilU doj~; C'Ii/I,'lmill,['1'!1IJ

,. J

must, ,!

Bt.!\c:w~c j ba~e learrred to hear We t -:, :l~ .I~~,t mesuges. for w,halr- ~lh(;Jy ~ r{!'~, ~ WaS, net I[O{; cl!a~rur:Jlc,t:d by [biS f~!lfjgnO::Siis. Bu~ 1 \~·~tS s;rddc:i.~;utd by i It. ~f ,tt'lniirnith;a. me Olf the" v~~~,nc]'3;b~ HL'y 0,' ;111 arrtses, even ~erl~' ,f.1'~'IIO'I.;IS on~S<",_lto tlt_C shamrung. ;11 shotlM be

,~o\rk.imlg"· side ef E~H~~nscl'~s: £h~H d~SC;Ol.n"'3g~ cr-e,ativc p,ft'a~ S'Iut:St

I:nJl on:i~r to thrive as .~r~JLsts.-and. 'cH~e could 3tJ;1il:C. as. ,p.~ :ph~-we I~ ecd mo be ,ttV~ II :1.bJc: to .the 'Ii],1ilI,vers3] f1JO~. W~~llwe put a ~ro,P!J~r'9'n OU~' cap~GJ ty fO,r.'j>e;f by, anorecrica l~y decUlil i.1tt dl,(,' :5IHa ~ ~ SJ It_s of hfC;, ~~e [~W,1l _ 3. side I he J:3rg€[' g~ft:s: as \¥.r~dJ. These of US~ J i kt' ]lUY arns t fricud., W~l 0 3 re (;nga,g:e.d in ]o,ng cre~ ~'[ii~c worl s wa~ ~I n nd eu rselves ]e,;u:bmIQC OUr souls to ,fin.d : Inages. 1jt!IbUnll~~g 10 pase work, ~o crieks, prncticil1,g orlalJj cr;di moee dl~I'I C'n_i,a,rg~r.lg 01Jl:r are. These of 'U~ 'wl1o hav€ stym i,ed rhe werk fI, C0J(J!lpl~n~l y 'wim ffi nd OIU rsdvcs in I ~Vdf~ th at reel bdlrr'~~ amid dc,~u,ild of ilD:t~rCSl: n.~ ~"a:n~r how TI1l1li:iliJ ]l1£'''Hl~n~ less till ngs 'we have fi I led t~~~Jn Wl!EA.

Wh,n gi ltCS ns It:lriL1C joy? T~~3 t i~ the qucS~iliJb :~o 'a,d:: ,conccrn_ lim,g ]u X:I1r-ji'" and mr c~ch Qf us rth(; J:n:~'welr is very di:ff-erenr, For Berenice, rn(; answer is raspberries, rresh raspbcr:rif'i. She ~au,gbs .:1.{ ,~ow iC~$il"f' p]e-a~cd ~he is. F,o',r the '(zO$L of a p~nt of raspberries, she buys lm;c'rse~f ~I'g ~x,perielilcc 01 :[tbUlld3l:1.'~_ $p~il1kled OJ'], cereal. cu! Op_"v~[h 3 pc:·~td'1l~ poured OV~E ~ StqJop. of Tore cream, She can buyh,c~r abundance at the Supcfnl~rk:ct and ,~'~l'Cll get ire q:nh:k [rozet], if she has EO,

'1'·"~n1J;'1 cost $1",,8 to 34·50, dlep-e~liding ..on the SCaJSffll. 131.w;;rys tell myself t:lh~y are eo 0 expenslee.. but: the ~ruth is. [h!~t"s 3 bargain (er.1l wC{:k of ]U!~U!ry, ~t!s less tbilll ,a DIOVl,(;. lC'ss: th~m~ a de)[,]~_ cb~e-seburg~r. J guess it'sjusr more rhan I thoug~t '[ wa~

-I .,


Fe;); Alan. 'IllU-S'UC is t~.c great luxury, A 11U11SiJcil3H when he 'was YOt~I'l~g.eri he :ha,d ]ong denied hi) [ns~~.:f the .rlG~!t ~Q :I?~'~~, Li k~ rnes ~ blocked CI-ea:~ ives, he su fT¢f> from :I de.adWy dlH): ,il'~~S t"rc 3_mlioroxia 3'~d ,pride fl1l~ per(ctIEjo~l'isnl. Then:' We re no practice shots for [his pJ.1}'Cl"., He W~~lted I~O be ;art the [op,. and if he COU Id t1~t 'be there he ~/JIO Illldn"t' be ~3Jll,whc'rl£' nea F 11 is beloved l11USJC.

1 "J,r.ttllrl'f h~ll~ 1(~I'f ~.r-JI ,m,~ Id!Jlr ,ftlilrlJ'Jlmflmh "'l.r/J''y ,~~'tk.

Ia"UM.I'I. GUiL D:'1A~


E"'f/o.!'lt" t/lOtiiy ih" wm of God.

C. G.Ju~"iC

liiir 'ifr' ~'_( 1~'rrlYJ w/JoI.'"n ~!U ". ( J,'rrJ' J).~. 'j, (~« ~~ r.

Cre~l[m~e Jl~ving 'requ;rt~ d~'!l_~~~'~·~;;:n.,~, ,Y of f~mlU:. wbid] \"'C 1(:UVC' out I'fH' o~lllrsd\l'I.:S-CVCTIi If .H 50 .fifteen m.Ul!li;lIte~ for qu". 'I'~

_. . , 'b laC,1{

, ~orn i ng pages al~'hl;_ tii!,m};"nn:uun<e nuru ,ntn after work,

CrC~'ti ve I i vi 11 r; rt:qu i res rite J U !(Uiry of sp;rtcc· fos. au uC:~\i'e:s ,t'lI.f,t'~~ if j II \l,fc 111,~,~~ ~,gt." ~:o c2IJrve enr i~ one Slp~C~ al bOQk~hel rand a \'1/1 i ndO'lWii I ~ eh <\c 1S, OUtr'5, ~ M:y s u~dy lIit13~ ,~ ow i'ndmlll ~hc]f of pa:pcr",.'Cm g~us ~1~nJ St:'IM sJrudis.)" RC~ll~lnb er thaJ YOUt ~['t~stis ,a youngster .:ud YO'l'lng:SlC"u Ilkc rllmgs tint are "mine," M'r

I -, M 1:" '11. M '111] - ,)

II;,-:'n;itl r, v. Y lUI!) 0...... ' '_'Y P~·I O'l!,-,\-r.,

, . • £. Ih.. - • I ,..:I!

~_)Cs-~gI1'OIt~'l'Ii: a ~,t·\,: [niilligS spc'.ma • ~']Y yours, iI-10l11,e can go !'t

[c,uI; way ~QW3'ro'rJ!l~~ln_g you rc€ll~a,:r:np"r;:n .. ~" ChiffiilOlJltOWll ,:nlr)~where o«~,~$ :l ~:n;:.'unlfu I tc:u:up and saucer fol" ~JJnd~li ti.vt" dol5 lars, Se~ondhand stores of~nlm'lI":e Oril,c-of-a .. kim'M'I china, ~~~UC!h that ~'11113t~ ,:1111 ntlC'rJrlloOU snack a illOt-c creanve expcrf~,ru:(:'_

_. , ~~;~dlJ of what we do mn a e:re3tj'~ n.:(ovcry inay, seem sill}" SII ~ Y ~5 iE d,cftn~c ou r W.C~ IU,~l1 ket :\duh~ US~5 eo sq uelch ou f anist ,('hHd. ll~,~ are 0: sin, as a won] you '~O$\S ae YOl1ltsc]f. Yk~

3nlud~ne5 ('I'l' s,ili~y,-that~s Ehc- whole point. !

Cll').;'ativiilty 1:i1V'Cs: in p~'.f~do~: serious " rt is born fr'Ol'lfl :$C,r.i(liIo1iS plat-


For rhe tu;~t week Y<)_lJ,1 will be discovering how you spend yo'Uu H1Dnc1'. 13u y a 5111 aJU _ pocket aotcpad a.nd ~ rilce dO\ivn eve rv' I ~1[e~e1! you ~p~·,mlti. ] l (kJesl1~(. mntec r w lra ~ ~ t is for, how ~iny' the p:~~ OCI~3S(,,! h O'W' ~}CU)f d1JC a m'm;¥O~~jWlt. JJeu" ca sh i:s, still eash.

E.~,dl day~ d,l\fle ~ P;I,[1I;t: and c'OUtlJt------\v'h;a,t you bought-! '~ha~ you spcnl~" where your Il:n,onrjy we n~ wlu::~bcr if was 'o(Jj~ro-

ceries, I u neil j 11 a d i Ilt::rM ~ cab 'ride, s[lib\\I'ay :fa res, OT ~ loaa to

your brother. Bl" meticulous. D.e thoren .•. gh, A~JJd be t!lonjudgmental. This is mill exercise in ~c'I.'-obscn.ji,adolmF-,n' selfflagcUJlt iO~1.

VO~ lil'tily \iIDn~t to continue '~his practice for.1. full ~:no~uh or ~o;nt;c·r. ml,' w~~ W reach you whiM you value i 11 Ite:nn;~ 0 f you r spend ~ 11 g. Oft-cl'D (JU r spe~~ld~ng d i ffers fr'o:m OJLU· real values, \VG (riner. w. y C'a:s~ on things lI~C don'e drml~ri$h a:Fld deny ourselves rhesc d,ilmg1i we do, Ftll~ UUIl'lI}" of UlS" counting hi: il l]',~c~SsJry prel ude to le~ nil i I ~,g; crca I ive III xu ['jl.

, . rr':y MA DN.ESS~ AN' ,EXFJtC~SE

MON~ ,

I . It. '" '~I"''''''_'''·~.n 111'" 'lr'lih r;:JJSiCS"

Co"'}f C'~CIi!.'" .Uk.'~""" "'" iCl'a·'

ncoll'ili~ \-!I!.!"i,th ntfllHcy an: ---~~~------.~~....___,_ L ,G; iii

M: 'r03'n,C'll!' makes peO-p"]c'------~_~....___,~

,2,,, I

['1'..1 have' mOI"C mnoorcy n,( ~~ ~~~

1. I,J

4, My dad tll!ol1ghi!tnlOfl!;,Y was: ~_ ........ ~=---=_

5. M.y UlOID ~]\\'iI3,ys tllQ'lLlglu, itnOll.~y' weuld -~"""""""~-

bl ]l1l'lfll' fam Uy.._ I1t01lCY ~'~lI:JSIl!~ ~-~-----=-=_

6. 1

7., M,onc'j-'" cqt]al~ -=="'"-=----=-~-~~~~

8. [f1lr~::ild mon,~y.. Pil, ------~~-~-~

9. ]f~ could Itfo[\d it. ['0 -----~~--=---....-

I·.IE'I il,ad S'OI~C :Illtoncy., ~ti ---~~~-~~_ n!). I~

H:avill~ iT, itlO[U;!j." is IlOIi ~~----------

14. iel'

I .l" h'a order to' ~~~al!.i1'C more L'1.10n.cYi [~d nG'Cd to .-~--~

,c. W'11C1'JJ [ have lL1l0nC}~, 1. usuall '!J ------~-


I dlink nr:loncy '=-"~-~---------~ ]1·

I s. ~f l \"e:Jiet{t $10 €h,ea,'p m ~d ~~--------~.

[9. People th~nk 'InOI cy ~--~~------- 2.0'. Belrng 'broke tells me -~~~-------


t , Natural AbtuJ'Jjd~ulce: Find five pr~~t~f or h1tell'Cs[ing rocks. ] ,enjo.y tbis exercise lP~fdcilild3rl y because reeks

cau be' , ~r.r.h:'d in pockets. J1ng:;cfcd in Iu;~:s.iu!l!&s l;n~t .. hligS" They can be .s;r.n3n ·con,u~uu: r'Cl:nindcrs of OUr ere: dve conSel .. onsness.

,,1; ""~i rJ'N~'sr. t, i:; tI!'JltP;!1' 11)11 bt· ~imiJ~"fi .. -.a, ThiJ IiJ'~ ~T'Ii!'ft;m. rrl{[r~~I'~ i, fmlr~1I' b.!t' tJpJ"l"fv:te,

l,il!;~ .R=N't:'IIi CALCAG"NO

.2. N~I[:lIr .. ~! Abundaaec: Pick: H~OW'l::fSl or le::a:~€!s. Vou 111 .'it)' "'''''aJ~iU eo P[ICi5S rhese be ~·!i,V{!IC~'] '~ax papeif' J~l d ~a;lV(: rheIn i~~ a book. Ir.,ou did this ~Dl k:inderg~ne.~l., Ith3~'S tin!:, Sonn" of the besr eeeaeive p.lay is dou(; there .. lei YOIU FS:"JI:f do it JgaiLfil.

,. CJC;'II." ing: T~~ FO''IoY'Qll ~ Or gi ve aw,ay £lv,£; fatty .I~:iiccr~ of dorhing ..

4· Crea tion: lBa ke somerh i ng, (~f VOl)] have a su giUf Ill'i@b. lem, make ill, fruit ~abd'.) Creati.\I',i~y 'OCt hiVe to a.h.(.'Iir.:lY~s i nv,C!·h,""1I;' Icaphai.-A art, Vc·ry o.flc~ll, the: act of c->ookrung sowed} i'ng calli he~lp yuu cook :SOQ1c~h ~lI1g 'IJ, ina norher (read vC' mode. Wl1c:n f .. m s tynded as a w rircr, [ rna ke SOUJPSl ~mdp,ics~

j. C'onUlI IlrIill1ica!tion: Send postcards ro five frj{'':llds.

I'~I~S:iS :DlG~.aJ goodJ~{two-.sbocs. exercise. s.c~:ad. to pE."iOpie ~ro1J:1 \~OU ~ dl(l}ul" to In:.".aJm:- ru;"o:~n.

1 .. Reread lhe lla.sic Principles, (Sec' [page jI..) .00 tbi:s once daHy; lk.a.([ ~n Artist's Praycr ......... Yc)'llJl.".s (rom Week POUl' Qr mine on pa~cs :107-.201L Do this OIlCJ!.: da.iJ·~

8.. Clean ITiIlg~ .A~1lY 1'1:~W. eli all ges :i n you.r home envi ren:mel'mt'~ .lIt1.~le some,

9~ Aeeep UUlCC: AillJ new How in YOUI[' U:Ii!? Practice S11:)~ .... ing yes to ff1c~bies.

10. Prosperity: .A~ly ,dungcs ]l!l yourhllllanda.1 sieu: tion Of }1''OlJ r p erspect i ve Olrll i[~? A 11 Y nel{~ve.n C'r~lz'yideas .about what you wOlID~!d love·g? P\1JJJU illli1tges around dl]S and add rIO y>Olur'hrnagc file',


r. Hew 11:\113ny days this 'Week did you do your :mOr-b~~ . p3g'CS? (I. .ave ·o.1!.]J used tlhtCl11tl Y"·f ~O' ~hink about (re-


Re ·~'c·" .ove . ri n .... g..... a

,'" .... :' V I ...... ' .. "'.' " •. /'.

. - -,

Sense of Connection

T~lC abi I'i'~y '~O ~,~s,[en is 3 skill "liMe :1 re hO]l:Iiiug wi,dl bnth OU!r llliIornillll 'pag;cSi .l11;d our. ~rd~f d~ltts. T~IM! P""[g,c.s U:~'~J1rn, us ~JO b~ar P3lst our CCDlS~.f •• Tbe .U~l:!'j;t ~:lt,cs hckl~ tJ,~ ~o plek up the voi~e of inspift1,liolml. WJ(~dc bod, c( I hcse a~tlvJ'ues ,1\,((: appil,r,en[l}~ ltJU1- ,"Gune C,bed t,C; the tJ;( nma I aC[ of m.31hn g, .af'~" they ~rri.: c ideal ~~

the crest htt; P I'to(e-ss,

.11 U '~5 aflot aJbour thiID king so rnethi n:g up. It l~ about: [b~

(DP'~o::d,u,---gd,ling ~o]ncrth:i'l1t down, The "hr.,~clt~.,on$i, are im-

pOfir.aallt here.

. If we arc t[y~f:lJg (0, ,Il.i,~k sCl<u,r.J·t"J,i~lf UIJ! W(!: ~oc su:,._ining ro

reach for sO$l~c~bin~ that's just 'beyond QUi[" l,fM'iJ, .'L~.~p l~IlCt'IC, in the sm ,[QSphere" where a'rt liv~s on hiG;.ll •• ' ."i'

Wll,CI1 we J{et somf]rl,J,i~i9 (ItmU~'iIl" the re rs no sU'3~n. \XfCN not d"olI1g; we're g,cttdl1~,. SQ'IUC!(Hl!C or something else i~ doinG rhe ao·] UI !J; J n slcmJd 0 r reach rumlg. f~lr' ~ltiI1vcntioFtl s, we are enti'l,~ed m 11

~ iSID!: ~~ i Ilg.

WhC.Ul an actor is in the momeet, he cr she is cng~g~d h~

:IIiSfJcning 1\'01 the lr:LC~~ right rllillg creatively. When JJ p:l1nlt;r is. p~i'~nlhllg1 he or she may begin with ,;) plan, but dmi' t plan is scon


I '-"

Wc 1iI11f11.l1;u,I'II. week tto d~c pr~c:[i~ or ~ ~U;,tyd r.:~ ror en. .... ~ ~ ~ v; ty. "[h~ ~mph. Sl'S h on YOlllr rccr.:puvc J''i. !J;1 c:!,t as active skills, The: c~:s.ay~, t:NCll'iCi",.:s, J3Jto t3-3k.S ~i hlii .n exC:!I:v:Utn g a ... t::.~ ... @f g~uII.] i'll,1j;" (Tt".U iY~ ilrnCrc.~I. :l'tI; YOlI1COI1lJIlIt:'(l wi~ll YOlJn persona]

dn.::l TlS.

I I s

s~U'rrend,cr1'd to r~u: p'ili.llf'm:ugS O~~n plan, This ,is olh,;i1'CX1hp -l.

-- - m 'J .. "[11 !f""I..S8(l1Jl

:IS "The brush [;rIkcs [JJ~.t! nexe Stro.KIC. I:~~ da'ncc., ~iI'! ;e:-r'"'ln ...... c. "11f'. .

, - - '. - ,.,~ rt,J!;:j, 'I.'Cal

IJ1 sculpture, rhe C~pt',nenc,c Is tl'~c S:l111C. \",r,t; In,' !fifcllQru th~ C,(tll1':

d,u~~ Ibaifi} ~h e ('r(;al~IO'I" 0 ' "I;I',t'ba [ wt· ("1i(iPrc SiS.

A.f~ ~s .1 n ;:1C~ of .' ~'~:fi~i~lg i~'n, :'Jj,tl d d 1'\0 ppm !1:1J dOW~ii the we~!.1 . " as d~~!l)'l!.gJI ;'!ill [Joe :sto:r,ic!i, p.:dnrillg~ t~I~'l!.fl'hir, pcrr'G:rnid:~'lCC:i i~'b r~hl: "!.'ll'QrJ d ,I i V(' j usr t'I~Ui'Cll: [Jb e S~l'Ii'L'IC-C ef C-~I r n or I[JJ 1<1 I, ,cous:do Ul.$I1CSS ~ikl.' arlt Llndcrg,rcl1~iIi~d' dVfr. ~hey nOo. ~hrolillgl, us; alSa ,srrca.lrn or Idc:ilS thae We c:m tJ'p dcn.~f.fl mro, As ifflt:l!Hs .• we drQP dO\'lI/j1 til

• L, i 1l. "d te

"O\rel i HU;O b,mc Sit ['IC .111. We 'R·~if \V'M1~t :S' 'Oi\\y II lhclic a~}d we:ilCl (II !

./,,,,,, I 11>1., ; '., .. , " K'.i",~ "s. jl: -".' ~n' like t"dki ng dicl3.[ ion rhan an yIn iug !iane)! 1Ia, oj!ll! [~ do "!.VI ~f1 arr,

A fr.iend ,of m i l'a eo is a -SJl;nIpe.rb U I m:n\,l d i.relLlt~lr wiu), is k'rJJQiW~i fOf ]ll~S. met iCll.lo~~!,. pll1l~ n ~ l~lS"~ A ~'II,(j' yTc'r he often ;sho(!)rs IUQSl bri.l~ li::mdy (i;om rhe sea l of his pa nrs, q uick I'y gr,]~i'JJt 3 S~ et tl~m CChlCS to. hi nil. as he works.

Tlu:.~c 1l1()i1l(;-l'lIlS of die-air :illspirat~on requir.e It'Itit \.VC'm'DO'!J.'C hnQ dlCJ1J] on faith. We can practice :t~'lJ~C snl~]] ,Ii::'.aps o( rai'~:h dal~Y in OJll pages ~tfJd on '~ur ~lrti:St d~k:s, W.C ('an ,k\llrll not oM,I;, ~o 11~I~n b ~I~ aJs? eo hear ~~_I ~th ~ n~lt'~s.1 i'~cS: ,3CC,1l.l ri'!l,'C,: d~Jt 'in~pi red, unU~UV{· ''lI'Q~C~ fl~;;n-:say':$; , 'D\{uJus! [ry dHS~ sa,,), rh]s. . . ,,'I~'

f\1 00 r. 'vf'~wrs b ~V(; had the ex p'Cri£~~,cc of catch i ~.a () POCJlU or a pa'r-agrnph or l[ 1!:¥O of ro'l'nJicd w]"j ri us. We cnnsi del' these finds flO, be sma]] miracles. Wh,al,t we f~j~! to realize is th:u t:~'e'\1' a IiC-, ilflJ f:ic(:, cl1,c; 11 orm, \Y/.C ~'re the ~,ns I [un1!C]~t mere t:h'tlJll the ::ttt~ rfu:orof,oul' work.

M khd3llgt'k', i rs s~rid ~Q h.1V~ rem3,rkcrl that ~'H: 1iC~,t81 sr,.~d D~lI'id _ {rom .tln: m a:rb:'~ :M,ock l~;~ (G'U nd hi en in, i 'The J~~Jilll[ ~ ng has ~ i I (c of ]M own. r _l ry to let ~f. C"CHIii,C threu r:h ,I ~ sa:id jaeksQII1I Pollock, WUlu::n ] tcachscr:r:'C'I'l!wdti~ljg; J fi:nl~od Illy' studCJfUS ~haf their 1110Vie a,l'ready CXiiU in :irts cndrc'ty. Their job is ee listell fu,r it. wau:h -it. \vi'[h them, mind's cY'c" and wriee it dC\V~ll.

The Sanae n~:)y ill:' srud of ~U .. rt, lf PiIJ:iuring and ;SClDip'Ulr-e-s l"I.1''ai t (or U$" [~:'"-'Il SiOfl,::;lilt"as \\"~ilt (oJ!" :t;IS! bo oks, p~la:r.~, a:nti pbcnl S ~,,,,'a it for LlS~ roc. Our jeb is Sl nID,]'), '~Q g~1t Ithtln d O"!ivn. To. do dl ~~. 'We drop down the w(,'lll

S 0'1'111,(; pt.:ople' fnnd i I 'C3S1CF 1'0 picture the s Urea In of inspiration as being Iikc radio W~JVC$ of all serrs being broadcl'i,S,[ alt aU rimes,

~;J tlk l"jO'1~,'1'~OrIJtu'l,~j ~F il.rr C,rl'dl~h! ;11'1' [lr;rp Se!,f r-i IMIllCd rlif' l,r~jh(Jm{"'JIJ ~/ll/ N'Il' l~f "'hmilfl ' •• ~1~,./'f!~rtll fl/~cl"l": IIhe'

~\,~'dJJ1miJJi ,','I Sll~ r1.~h() Lis,li"'J.,


CL'i'tb,~l'itm iSih~' m~~~J'''_f lo'ln;';:ir~{Jlitr j~1 or!,.

M, J:t'flN lI!llrr

Jnstt'a,d of crcati~Ji rJfC-dy alld ,aJlj~O''iM'iilg errors to reveal Ith ...

~' .. h 11- • ..r • . ;~ r:tfl-

S~I ves ~I:lt'l"ra,s ms~g . e _" '\~~~' 'km~, gc~t In, rc~ :I!n gel1ri?C the' det~i Is

rJgll~, We COIT~Ct o_1Jr. (}n!~'~31HYu:,,[O a. ~.!I1&ror.n~.mty that lack~,

p. SSfJOn tul1d spOnt311cny. Do fll.1D11 fe .. ir f1rnJu;:u,kil;,".s;' MiJes: f)~\:l!'

Id ""YI - -- .. ~ , J$

~o J - Ll:5:, lerc are ll]OI'aC.

The ,pcr(c('tio:rJI].!S~ :fi.xcs OfJC' line o( a poem over JI:lld Ol~er-. un l i I no J~~lll.:.s arr1!. r, The .pe'r(ect,m'~n ist It(~d r~~s ~hof; eh:in Hile on ;J p'o.rrr~n ~]nllj Ehtli: paper i['.(!'o1TS. TIle' p~rfeCtl.OJllSt \1!.f.rites So Ilia 11)· verstens o~ 5c~n e on~ [ha t S~C' n,ever SClS tp dfi..~ rest of the pia',. T~l.· p[',rkcno[1'ltst wr-J]Tt:es~ .pa~~,u~, ere I~~S wizh one eye on ~'C.f. OJ udm~nce. bl:S [.('II,d of ·ef.lj'oyll~g ,d~~. process, ~he perfect iOlll st 'IS conseaerly SJradmg the results,

Th~ pelrfcc~joni$ t has n tii rried the logic s~d~ of '~I.e b.ra~ n The critic reigns SfI.prca:lI!iI:.e' in rhe lPerfuc~"!onw~i,l".s crca,ti've hQI:I's~ ho]d'. A. bri iIi JwU dcscrip rive prose passa g;c ~~ cr:iltiq lied wil~h:a l\Vh;ii~C"-glD"','e ~ppI~adl: ~'iW/mn~ \V,hiU abO'Ult d:ds e'{Hn.q1a~ Is tllms

how you spell . .~,.

for the p~r(~ctiolmJjs.~. rh ere are I'~ 0 "ti rst driiiJ.(ts.. ~rDlJ11gh sketches, wa rrn-up exercises. Every du,:fr ~s meant t.o be £lim 11]

t': • "

per ilC.or. S~II n stoae,

Mi.dw.{l.)' darOl'lgh .ili ,p!"'Qjccr. ~he pc.r(c~tiot.Jlist: docidlt:~ to

read it AU over .. outline i~ .. see where ~es.goiL1I.g. .

And where is- ir g(),ing? N(VI;\Vhco;" very fast

The pcr.k=!I;Ciom:ml]st:is !t1reve]t\S~tisfl~d.. The perfeetionist ne\\'Cr

i °Tl· . ~ .JI '1' h ~ k] 111'1 • 1!. -

S. ys, . liS 15. pretty gOOU. JI I[ .lllllJl'. . I J1l:~S[ j{eep gOhlg. ,,'

To ~he pc~r[-ect3,ol1 bi t, there is; a h~ays fa OrJ1I for. ~nlp,rp\l'~ .1?eIU', 'f~e p~rf(:c,~ion:ist calls rhis hrtlln:il!t'y" .In :l'iea,lity,. ]t is ~GDusm, If rs prJdc (hal' ]nakes~s 'W.ant ~Q Wnllte a pcrfecr s1(:rint

• s: " .f!". t"i

pallu a pertecr 'pamn[JI~ peno,nl1 it PCt.!b;l audirion mOh~


Pcr(~"ti0I1~5,nl is not a qu'C$~ ~hr tJle best. It is a pursulr of [he worst in eurselves, the pan rhar ·~€'nls us that f:liolthilrlg \\l'e do w~i II ~''IICi4 be goad el J oU,gJl-rh~( we SR01a1:M try ,agalin.

No. '\Ve S'~.OUl~ d f1~O(~

•• A p3l~lrlId riG i.s t1il.:'v~r fi nished. ~It si ~ npJy s ~ops in inU:!.Irt~$ tiling

J' .• ~.. I 111 I.r-· . ..!II A L. k i .

943('("$, smc r au ua:r-Yl1cr.. '. 1lJ;O(l!··. IS never But.IJ t a.

''l:)~" .poil:'i.t y,QU st'OljJ \~rhin.g jt and go on Ito ehe nC,Xt thl~u[]g. A film is never CIU ,Pcrfcctiy. bur ar ,3 eorrain POlCit yo~ ~et g01 and call it done .. That is, 3 nO[1113.1 pa.('l~ of cn:ath\,jtY_;]~tEing go. 'We .11 ways do d'Jj~ best l~a,t we can b, the Ilghtw:c;- h ave to &eJ;' by.


lrtl'~ r~ is ~J~nfJ. tJJ-"r"~' bli'IR' HI rr, "", km:tu,j 11 u4:r.J:U rtt.lirl 0' hUW TItr .mom, If ~U' 'I¢I~~ 'I~l~ ~~Jtjrr fc.' die' i.1' tBU'~f. TIJir .:nul

111L-;n IIHil'd)1 ~lO '1. n~ ,R(t ... J,f. Ut "'~y ~_ 'Lj!rL'Jj,~. !:.lUi 'C: fi.1b IMp dft'[,1 '~I!".rlI1' in rhill' d.ll'rk,.

A-GN ~ [~IE. M IlI..lL

u"t. e tm~~'t/' (,jfflF/MI; ~J~ tthrl ~mlr "'fI1l~'tmJ ''I imo d ((UPJ~ JJ~IfJr{ilp! t~Mi i1"Mif)P"J..~'lt ~~I ('J'! ~1I ,un" t;«it1'tl.l ~.h~IIt1'.f"$. • • • JiJkr d ,-i~k d th~UIl' 1[, ~all ,Of heM SJTllt;,r ~1~dr Ill}ill md~f! ~u

P'it.J ~';(f~' i1'wrt" ~r, "UlPt'n;lJ'~i' i/.


mil t ~JIl: 1l!L'U~V JC R~~nlQ n:ndf~" 'boxer j:~~e L~, Mou::i"s :m~ll~gerbrotll,,~r !!X'p]~H1S to bun 'wh'y ~ilI,C~ sho\31 ~ sb~-d SiOlnc w~'i'ght nd '~,I''iht all u n Ic;u~crwn Oppo:L1.c,-:n~. A frEe;: r ~~~,II~'tncaw S piilo!llbat k'aVC5

~D.tii" - m" ~_..J '6.. . . 1 _a to It" d '

La MoU('L ~,a nee, ]:~~ CO'llir;:','Il1~!~:s,. ~O. ,1)), u, tr you win, yon

',,,,, 81'11d. i.~ 'IIl'9U ]PSIi: ~ YO'IJ.!II W'I~l.

'i'l.rh~ •• ' . Il .

,. 'It' is at WiI.,':) diL~!tway ~..!ith raking risks,

'fo put 1ft differently: 1I"Cr..y Qrtcn a ?!S.k is, worth 'L'a;ld~f!: srm-

. ,"'V1 for rhe .:531c of taking U .• There 1'5' so.,mcdDil1 . enlb ... c'tlr~n' .

f .... - Jt".oJ Co; ••

,;]bOL'lit c.xp:!!ind'ing O'luliJi, se 1[=~e,!iJnul"o,n,. ill1~ :lI. risk does e.:t!3.ctly

[Jl;'lIt', sc!ecting, a cbaUcnlgc and :t11JfCnn'g u creau~s 3 sense at s;e]I{~:(:Im, P o,\W'crll'l,eID!it tj~3't b ~C:O~CS 'nh,~ '~;roui'ld f.or fu rther S'L!lLC'= ces~flJ.j,1 c:h,31!.cm:~cs" VilC"Io\.rcd. ~h.nj w~'Y~ nJ,nn~llllg ;;'IJ maradson jl1~ cn;~.Scs Y'OlL1rn:O ICh31~,OCS of w~I't'l'ng a fil1~,L-,i~ n;gth phv!f" Writing a f~ I~I~ J:ljg[ h 'p~~Y gives Y01l:1 a leg mp on ~ marathon,

COl'iJmJplett: ehe foHo'II'~I:n!g senecnee, ;~H" 1 didn~t have to do i~

['ltrf«dl~r. ] '\vollJld. 'try . . .t'

Thtrt ~s 'UI' t~1JUt art .:;If,' !r.i'l.Q 1lH' ",ri i~~ Jr:t~ .

W"'''il''~'' "'i KIt'II)IN'ii'K V

.s~r.(jlal /o,r I~J",mPl."Il1. ~Vfq if y.>ll '~liU ,:j J."'J~ Ilfi~l 1GBd dmflng t/~t jrlilrS,

II :iJ

r. St:n;}(:f~!~:ap C'O:JilfJiooy. 2. Modern d3ndwlg,

;,. Wb:il~ICWt:1J~er Ia:ft~nl' 4, .AK·lIJ.cry.

j. L~Jn~i~f:!lg GCII1~an, 6., Fjgu re dra\v jH~,

"7. Fj.~lUC ~ka.ti Ilg.

8'. Being a platinum bJOtld", 9. P1taIPpC'

~ 0, TrJ peze,

I' i' • Wa U.'l' ,I,Z. Polo.

w. 3, Wca [']til'lrg red ]:il)S,t kk . [4· T~ki ng a Co.'~l:U~lre class, J ,'. Wirjti~ g short sro;rric&~

Id. RC3d~]]g my poetry if]]. publie,

,I? il s.pOli1~all"il,COO'S reopical V.'U:~ ~ion. ~ S . Learn i I1g to shoot vidoQ,

~~" Leaming to ridea bikJc·.

2;0. T~J:d n,S ~ wa'ttcrcok~,.r


Jealou's:y. ]~ ~lfttel!,~.e;n:.(I7 is a :n.~rl'n.3] htulI]'~ltl ~~:rmm.?ri~"~" 'When 1 he:.u that. I ~bnlk, Maybe yon rJea.I'Qus'--1l0~ rm ne.

M,}\,' jea h'Hl$~y ~, i~l d'~~' head, dglitens the chest, mas-sages, Jil1liy $.w:mach Uming wi,'rb a. eold :6st as iot searches OUt [he bcsr glilp'. I have I.~,n.! rC'~'rd("d )e~~ousy a S ]llY 'g;:n:.l:rc;st ... veaknCS~. 011 [y recenrly have] seen u for the lOll,gh-lov~ fd<:TfI.d that

~r iIS"

§caklillSY hi ~. nl1llJp. E~ch of Q.1,l!iil" j,~(I.1(Ul$y· map~ d~ff(;r.s;" Each

of us wHI, probably be- surprised by some of the lhi~gs '(,,/ile discovet' IO:1ll our O'\.VI'ill. I.. fQr example, ilCVC1i been eaten alivt 'with re''tmeOil: overthe success of women ml,o'iitdists. DUl I ~,ook an u nh.ealthy lIJIJl'C'[lcst ,j n ,the fertunes ~1Jld rn a sfertunes of wO]1ro.CI1 phryw1"ighl~s" I was dlcir haeshesr cd tic, u~lt~l ru wrese

]:B1Y ·first play.. _

Witll ~'ha.t .:J·cdo·n! l1lL}I" jenlOll1s'\I'; replaced by 3, fee~=

~~jg of ,a~;~~arn{lcr1iC. My jCaJlo1L1SY had been 3, ~iDask fQf ITI)' ,fear' of doing something ] reii ]]y,~cd [0 do bu~ ~~s not }~et brilllV4: enough to take :Ji,tio~:l toward.

Jc?~lou!iy is ill'ways a mask tor '~3r. fC3;1L" dut '\\tC area r .lble Ito


UJ!;~~J' ('L~~jmJ~r }~r~ !l,:m ~'f1Ti.· 1(.1 ttall"i' tis*s .. IIIII'l' ,~IJ( _r;t'A"~,"'11''' hr {'(1~"1 tNS;[l-llflit ~~;J thE.' u isdll~~~

1'[1 be rmmblr. COJ/~ is dlt

_j;),rmdrtrtitll~ of it,; r .. ~rlfy..

K BSII,,1Ik',N Nli Uf

YO,UHf j;~]cnjsy map will have dl~CC_ columns, ln 'r.hc first 001- umn, name rhose tvbom yO'U_ 3 re J~alou s err. Nexe to each I~'"

• '1'rii'.!1 "e: . .11 ,~<I,ll1e

Will"I ~C' W~Jl~. ~e as :!:i,p~eJIlUC ana ::ICCll raf'~C as you C~!Iii!l. In l:~,c ~'~ i:tr(i

t:oh.un n, ]~$~' o~~,e 3CU0l1 )'Cll ~@j~] ute:." to .'mOV," tow,a,[:(1 C1Tea,tl.\r¢ :rlsk and. out o:fJeaknls~~.

W]u,t:nj("a~,oys:y bites, like a smlkc_b~tc it':e5 an i1111111e-dille antido[-c. Om:1 .p~pcr~, make 101lujca~loIl.1l~~r nflap.


Fix spare room


My slsrer Libby'


SI~H: has a real ::I rt studio

W!rites good cetme Try wr~kilm'lg: one novels.


Publish my hnlg~ h03'llded poems

EvI"]] tile b.igg,cs~ Ch3JngCS begin '\'vit~l small 'ones" is the color Qrjt"3]~~S.y., bur it iiS,c3lso rh~' color or hope, When yOlla ~car:o W harness n's fierce ~nergy 011 '_OU r OWn beh B~:t jea ]O;l~rSiy I ' pan of [~,C [~mC'1 tio~va.m, a greene']' and 111(H'C verdant ftuy,r,r;,

'{;i;;:milp]e te tbese phrases.

As ~ kid, ~. missed th.'~ chana to _~ __ --=_~_ L

a. As a kid! W hJjck~d ---~~=---- ............ ~=

3. As, a k3d, 1 o0111d have us.ed,_=---.,_ ~~_

4. As 3 kid, I ,d.r~ant~ed 'orbeing,o_~""""",_~~~~ j. As a krG.!. ~ wanted 3 ~~--= ............ ~-~~~~

6. In rnilill.y l'u).rums;~~ we never had ~~-~~_

7. A$3,kid~ m ueeded mcee __ ~~_~_~_~_

8. rn ,am $OIr}' ehat 1. will never ~gain $ce~ __ ............ ~_ '9. FOil ye~-u~, I 11 ave 'missed 3f.IJd wlOncleroo ~boul~ -~_

[,0. [beat myself 1l1p albou[ th,e 10'$ ef --~=-==~

h is i'll1.po.r:t8Jnt 'to ackno-wlcdg,c cur 'pos.idve hl"l.l'eWlo.fY' as wen as our S:ho:rtf:!Jru]s" Take positiv,e .stock 'Of wlldit BOndyo'!i.l have IQ build on in, the present.

Pinis,h these phrases,

~. lh,'a[vea lo.y~W friend iIJlJ __ ~=~~~~ _

1. Oll!~ flli~ilJg[ like abour ~~,y I[own JS ----~~~

3. [drink ['Inve nic-e ~~~---~==~~=

4. :l/ricin;g, ~uy ~llor=l ing P\!I,ges has shown me [,nfi_,.

j. I am f3kiu:g, a, greater ;n~e'fesr. in ------~=

II-an~ IIIi! i,li!' i!II jot oj Jlt'Apt!U J~r r~~'t'Pli'. ThltJlr ,I~ Rt'~ff~i('. I, J Iwl:i'dll Y"'JIIl d'o WI'II:~ Ii .r~fill (0011""1.

6. ,I bt,hcv,t: l am geuing better', ,t~""'""'"- --.. __

7. My' d;~i~ ~ ~s. ;aa fwd eo pllI:Y more 3UcntJ:OiIJi eo ---..,

s" Mf'~~~1 (~ea I''C' is ---- -=--..... ~ __

9,. ~ fe~:d mQ'N---_~ ......_ ~

~fr~' t I" irJ YOJif)"'i)if; r.'I~'''''' ~l(',~IU~p· •

'lI'flr~ iJ'1t' ofinl_ (fly ,f}'rPft" Ill< W·.J/c r 0.. !~nS!si bl;l. my cl"'cadvl ry is ~-- ~ --=-

,'fib'" fi)H t'rt" lt~rm'J.t!l r(lli,cl'rr."tfl'.

CLAUU'llAl, 131 ,\\';K TASKS

I, Make daf,s phrase ~ mantra; nC-dl'i!l~ myself Ukt" (I' ft. (i~nJ. f)'yai ,~'P',!'U J!u'<IlIk-e tilt"'B- Wia'~c:foo,liof Qr Cn;1i\\ p, ~

• 'Jl;, 'I"] n.... .• ~. !l),U Or

cal.hgl,;,a,pfi, l~llS p rrase, I:""'~S.[ ill ,~~'.I:u:,"re you 'w'Hl s .,

-I 'Ii..,i ...I ~ • I. 'b.' I' - ee It

d3i'1 'i.!'. "we len .... ro :t'u'un~ ~eml~~bg _1.a::r~ On oltl:r-SC~VC:S: \Vm

make US stmn~" BtU n ts dliL:ii:'IS~]Ir.Qg oUfs(',I''!.I'cS rh:u d ves US:5 rengeh.

2. Glvc 'LfI[1iUr5,{,.·~f rime out to listen EO one side of ':II, _.1

J . ~ ~~m ~ ~

bum, j usr ~or joy. Yenl Jna:~ 'wan t to doodle as yOl:~ Ji!-

ten, a llowi ng~,t:),'nn~.] f ro dlm--,aw f~le s,ll.1pes. !f:clno:t~Q1lIs. 't"1'HJlJ;lglns :yo~ ~lCaJ:[I" ilnlrre musir, N(:H'i(c ~l'OW jusr t ",'Men I j-" i'mmJ Inn ees can refresh you, Lea rn to talc thcs!: wi n i-art isr date-s ro bn;,:l!lk s ~:rc5i.s ilm~l:d til i ~ow ]m~~'sigh t',

j. Take 'Y01L1J~$df illnto 3 sacred space-s-a church~ SY,ti ..

Jgogue, library; grove' Dftre~s~:(jJmcl O1Jlo1!i1/! yourself to savor the s~J!e'l1ce and, h,(;aJ~ng SO~iltudo.Eit(h (Df us

, I ~ . .>II . f' ~ . ~ ,

hJS a personal J(.!lC'R 0: '!jilll~ ~ @lIt S3Cl'C{1 space llS._ Fo{1l' 1111<1:;' • .iii

1.'1 rge dock s OOr~ or a Gre~rt aqu 3l:rhun SU},r~ CiUl, en~~ Hl,cr a SCTu_""e of ~i UU;]I;SS wonder. E~x p¢rimcnt

4, Create Que won:de.r{u[ sn:aell iilltl your hOl'SC~\vith soup, incense, fir branches, ca!llldlcs~'whaJt(;:vet"

j.We~r your fa\fOrire item ef clodlil~g f.oF no special eeC3Smn.

6. n lIi!'y your-sci f 'OI'H!' ur,onder rtd pair of socks, one \~1111= clef fiJ i p'aa r of glO~CS=-Q.]1C \ixron,k~rfu I ~ Y rolll foni,l]g. sd'£:lovi ng' son:l~fhing"

1. Go]]arg,c; eo~!wcct '' stack of t h!ast ten nu gazinc~. ,Y:~JdiIJ you win allow you,ndf to ff1cdly dismembt:L S[:'tdl1$ a tWCl1ry-mJJlrJll..!.lC dtnc :i'inli,[ fO,f YOIlOelr., [C,a'r' (I i u:r;illt]y) rh fOllgh the ~ag:az~!~cs'I' c@~lll"ct i:a1Il(; a'!l1iJY i m .. ages. th.u reOe't!: }~o.l'I,r ~,ifc 0.,[ une re sts, TJrn.~iI1 It of thl$ ~@U .. ~· as ~ fonn of 'piel-or-i:d IUHobi(l'graph,. [ndud~ y01l:l'r pils r, prcsc Dn:. (~U[l re, 9:lllId y,dirl~1r dream'5, I t is ok.~y to include ]nng\cs 'Y1(JU s;~ID'Ply like, :Kc.:e, ~ulH'Ilt~ nn~:~] you have- a gQod Stac'k, of 'ima:ges (3« ]c:ast rwen ty). ,- ow eake a sheet OIf mu~wspapc r, a sta.pler. er SO!fiIIle. ~apc or :giuC', ~ud 3irr.aJ'i~c' j"O"1Jm1J:' ilna,gcs. in i'II '~il,' [1131 pleases Y'01.1. (This is Om,c',!O f iiliili)' studen ~S· fa-voti Ie C~jf'c rei ~C$.)I

l.\~iI:'~1 },,,u Jidrl,ill pgipuin;!. it 'I ~il1'mfwllQ'r Ctmrid~ }'o~j. A r Ih ' tOPJ."IISr!:lIll, )'flu firf'" to mlOl,rr" l~~~dt' lIn' p. inlrP1..i

F,;1,1\NDJ !lB:OT~1tO

W~rtfl i1'~ ir,uf"', S~.I:(IIlII~"PJ iJ: n(lJ' 1F.t~aJf ;t"!.luJ, ... !i1IppN!rl ~I.r~idr II:HJal,r.

C. G, JlJNC.

8,. Quick],. Us[' fl\'C favoriee :f.1 ms. Do you see ~ny 'CO~i!l ~ 1110];1 dcno(lniJ!mnoJ!!,S among the lttl ? PH',e; tlley re- 11'HLI'iI.'b'tZS. advenrures, period p,;iC'oes" 'polki.c:.l dr,~,m~. f~ltli1y epics, thrillers? Do you Si~C traces of your cinematic ehemcs hl yOl~r. ('oU~ge?

9. N3.~~e Y01J.'I'r f.:!vorJ.tlc topics f;itIi 'read .ah'lu[: cornpaeaI ivc n~l,ill~CUi]" m1l1Q'v:k's:, E SP~ physics. r2l1§!~rbo,.['ic]les., betrary:a], love tdtl'l1l,g~,c.s;~ s<::l.cntn,tl(' breakthroughs, ltpO:rl'ii .. • '" Art· these eepks in you r c,oU3Jge?

Gi Vie ybur collage 3 place 0 f honor. Ellen a secrer pb,C(' of honor is ilIJ]l, righ,t:~i~l your closet, i~1J 3J driwilH'~, anywhere 'tl1Ji3.t IS )''Qum:'& YO'1J.1may "MalJi1lJl 10 do a nl:\l11 Olf]C' c:ve.lI"f fe\lII months, or ,cQ]13gr 'b''nore l\1LO'r-onghl'¥ :ii dream you arc tr'yiamg 1('0 accn]1Il1J'p.lish.


I ; Ho\\1' many days. [11 is '\v,l:ck. did Y'O''l1 do YOiUII" morning p.l,g.rt~,? Have '~1l,1 al,k)\v~d r~~l'[I"gcl( IQ dJ~dn::a~n J f:, .. r creative dsks,? Arc yOlklJ ecddling your arnst child wirh d'il~]dfuQ.ocllo\fes~


]i,lli w{,~~ "= ti'ic klcs .111 ether ru·~ or c rc~ ti ve b~QCk~ time. 'Viou will 1.:'%\. !()I'C l~n~ way m

wh ich you )).,.,(:' lJ'ted you r I~~'I; KelP r i I ~n

time: t!o prcciwdc kmg .:.r~d\"~ fi~k~, ~[lU wi!! ide nl i f~f iWJI1 media'~'J! a~d pWiLruC':"lI

rh m g('~ yc.)U It;! n

rn ke' in }'OUIr CUf n

Ii e. Vo 111 t' -(:. ~'

the ~ rly CtlU"ldi 1011-

i U Ilh =ll ma)· 'h:a~',:: enceu il"3£.t'd },(nm ro oj, .( d to: .011" far 11.:5':; ~h:m}' .u dt'si [C' Head '1,'4:1 '~

~ecoverlng a Sense of Strength


o.~ Ill. 0.11 'II II B J\'UJS'f .tii ffiocu! e task s .~illl a rt i Sit m [1M face i~ ill, pr,;,m ~I O~lt:· artisde sU'lfll'·i~31. All ardsts ITI'U!it learn '~hC' aJ I~ of MllfVivin!; loss: loss .o.r 1101~C. loss of tB.C:" ~ioss 0.( J']l~n{!y. l,OM of sedrD(!Hef .. 1 n <Ild,d uron ·0 ot'l'r :111 ~I'illy g, ]lmIS" we ~n C'Y naMy '~lI'rr(:'r t'hcs.'l" losses h1i all ards·tic carDer. Tb~:y are the hasards of lbl: 1['0 d and, in 1m Pill 'Y· waf~. in ~i'Gnp6,'l'tS" Artisric losses c~m~ be turned .nl~O ,artbt ic ga i ns and stJrclr~g'ths~but 11 ot in ''I'~ e i hob t ion of the be-

.!I •• I~ ,

h~·.li£ ~~reo 3 ru '-5 rs IJ.l!fil In •

A 5 menta l-hC'~~ [b ,cx:pcru :1 f'~ itp:dc'k 10 poi ni ~'U~ ,. 111 or-de r ~c JlIIOlJ.t; dl['O,ughl loss and bt..'yond j[~ 'W'C mrn~U!'i,t acklDowk-dgc it a~d share! :ilt. H,CCi'UUC aFli~dc ~.OS~~!l:S a,re scldem openly ~u:knoiWlcdgt'd or mourned, dllll:'Y bceeme 3r~~,~,~ic sea t~SS1iJl:t that blocks; art isric gro·\l.~'[ h. Deemed to 0, 'pa in fu 1 j too sil Iy, to 0, h um i I lalt· fII, • ~Q :;11. rc and 5'0' to heal, dw, become. i:nSlC. d, ~l:crt-~[ losses.

1:( auist·i:c creations ar~ our bniLilnch'lld'fLcn", artisrir losses 3r~ O"~g r men i sea r Iii ~gc~- 'w,oa;mcn OHC'I'D suffer ec n"ibl 'f:~ ;w~~d ~ fI VJ'~dl1". from ~o~ing i'IJ chil]d who dOt;Sn~l'CofllIlJC eo eerm, And .1S uti~t~, WI: ~~:lIWcr u:rit'"i'bh: ]a·~s.c~ when he beok tiot':. n't scl], the fllm

'1'i:lki,~ 'd IlrU' :tltfll mft!ji~j.f rl ~WU' rp{lM is U;ird.I p;e"pt _lr:M

I~ h~l~ bC~li'l' nl,' peri~o:lI's priv~'!cge ~iV,e [he p~SI Gt!ca,dl.: 'Ull Um1clJ~i!'t3ke w~chi'n~ ~o.~,a:y.s ml~o the ~r,ov~s of:1!C'm.dt:lni~, h is m'V ~~pcrLe;IlI(;e ;IS ,j] 'lifUUlllli'llg arust that nna~ry a!!tJd~lI'nies 3lIic dU;3f11'Ji.\:I'I;'C;S JJf[ I~jltic beimrlg~ . w~'r'o, ~ne dCc:p]i~' fr~'If~ tT31~~~, b}, ~~~ I.:'i r i~l ~bll it j' to C~JJtc. ... killed In l:tllt:el.leuuid d'S(O~rsCI dhn:;J,llccd by [th. e ilh'wellt~ctmd sk~~lt fro11n rl~clr oWU C~erlf~Ve '~Ir:g~llf!IllS:. ther orten [ij,fI1icl1 dl~ cre.,H~\ it! ofrh~l,lr char C$ ,d,ccply dnaurbin ~

lD'CYOlrd as they 3 re f.() [he .' d~,o].n=1 y i1,PPl"C'ci,(I rion 0 r art li110S( ;:],(3dcmndcs f!'l!,~ Itb~ be~~t i nrim id~'~~ng when '"iewcd fi rSl: hrHUI. G~'t~Vf,;-'wllil't'llm~_ pn)g,r<'l,I~S !CJIrrd. to :b~ !t'tpli.'d~d '\'1II:ut1m,jLJs,.. ri{],oo $uspl~'r~ll: dl~~'p('opl ~ ,t]·[\;'Cl t studY:~a!~!: 'cr.('~ i '" i,~y. dleyr.t: :!lcna:dJry p~cn,~n;g D,t~ ~h:Q k~~ow8: where tb~1 'c;oQ~~ltl 'I~ad~

i' ~1lllru d,ml'fikmg pa,rll(ul,;),dy of a fi~tn-dcp, runcnr chai'f or n,.' acq~;~':I!l~nt'Jn(."C. ;]j ~m:~@d ,[i:l:nunaker ~f1110 for many }'elfS ~d b~cn l'I'n~bl!,; Or unwilling ~JQ, expose 11J~sclf to [h~ rigers and d~SJ~pO~lfun'H:llts of. ~ft.'lning. _ C~1[jdi!;~II:U:::]]~g his ferocious, crc= :i.l~hfe urges irree ~hlt lives ~)~ his stlld!._"llt:s~ he :Jl[ten13'~t~Ly O-w:rltontro~~,l;.:d and 11 udercur dru.:'u'" best c1ldcavots, :s:t"e~bug [0, 'Ij.~icar~ ~ol'l:dy fuH~J'1 ,Of jt]st~fy his own: IJcsirioin on du: side I 'itl C:5>.

As, much 3$ [ ~a'n'ted to. dis_l:ike this rn~I~--...and [ c~I~~inl~r disUkc.;cl b]s bdlav~"QIS:~] found myself l'lnab!,c to r-cgard hi['in without cempasslon •. Iis, O'W~-:J[ rhwiu·"tl;d cT~.ti,Y~ly. so lurniUiOll,S in his carly fi1flrlS! l1~d darkened [0 sh{!J,dc\\' Ilrnl' hh 0\l":U1J lifualll,d then rhe ]:iVC5 'orfhis srudents, In [he tLfUCS~ sense, he was :J (rci3it;'I;I'il~ llliIJ~'i1 ster,

rnll[)Ook ~f~~()r:C' yea rs :'w:illi more teach ins rOI" I1'lH: 'tto r-e-a Ii ze da ~ t 3':I~i.!I1'ilt\ harboes a f:ar :OIC'fC suibdc and dcad~y foe re the CJm .. ,;}(ive spi:i'rmt. O~tdght hostir]il'y. :lfter an. C:tm,;L b ~~iIl:ounfCn..'d_ Far morn: dangerous, far ~110k s1oul~c~'iHing. i~ t,he ,tlbdl"' disoo~mlt~I'iI,g that r1nay numb stndeut creaJlti,~f.r.} in ~h'l· academic grmr,e.,

[ a:n] rh'inkiug 1;],O.w of my time .at ZI d',IJl~is:l:L~d rcseaech ul~i.vcr~li~Yn \JiJ.1!lcre Ifly Irc:a~hing: corul!.'3f;UC'$' pub~[ms\lted \"'idci~~~ , nd \lI.1'c] I '0.0 ffl m roplcs of [he ~mQ~t e$OI~~ rk .1l1J1.() l~()(ic stripe, J lighly rcg~rrd(;d among th "~lttr in(:dl~otu3l1 peer d~ply immersed in their own academl .. c caners, these ("oUG!;'IjglJe~ olTr:~d ~rnnt' rJ'llbrOr1lmg [10 the CIfI:;1lI£iv,c slL:uldenu, who p.1SS~ - lthrou~h

'"lI:lRipI411J(JU i.:t mpt,· rrlJSJ"''''L1'1 f P'rQJl k"rPldtJ e,

Alliltl(; E •. "~r[Jr.:

I • .:

.~_j'r,rlmfj"l p~f".' f't U ,M! IH"ap,/r 1~~jlP ,~ 'ft(ll,Hhilh'IU f"u ,wI!.

em r\ml)!/j n LAf·~

.Im':j,r ItlUm·hl ~:".. rill.'')' ]1cgh .. >:I(('t,·d to '!iIUPI,ly tlUH 111()~l J"1udiIUQ~t,;_ I.::'... Inr I~U~~' I: ,t~n ULur~'gl.·mll:'nl.

(;rea l.,\~ II f r .11:.~~ 1)11 hI.:' conl (0 ru.~ b~y , I u a ~llt Uli(:d ~ ~1 ].II;cJ IC~tU~1 It(·flll!i. By il[s ,,"cry illl';llturc:, crt'. Im~I'\I'ny l'schrll,.''''''';' ::.lurch C'Olllail"l_ rneru. In ,~ ~11:~~.i'ycr!i~ty WIU:fC' rhc JliITJltenl"nU~t~ hfe :ils bUllh U QJ l'l~I'~ i'l11i' [ I1If cri I ic I.~i I ~g~u dCC'O~l~t 1'~J!.e tj~ug a ,~r,C.1 thl"t' ~~lrk~h~ 11I11"t 'ill f (' n":H it'ai m II !Ii'!.. .J] r, m,Ju: a n of, en' I,[U vc 'CQ"'~t rUlI;t~ 011. Jil1C'c~~ w it II !Jt.1U u Y :Ii ~1~~'pOi r, LlUdl-~f~ ~aud'I.'~lg. 'O'f ;Ipr"~~ijl 'l 0 be bJliI ~1t Mmo,'ill d r~lld e niiJ:Ji ics kn O,W h e 'I t.o It .1I1~'t' , I ng ,a 1- J lit, 'b ~.'I Itlij)~ h, ~W I~O .!!'.H"C~r1bic.l[.

S ~LnJil·n l work, wl ~,C[\II sc fIll i l1t~ztcl.W;j! ~ sldcloltl!l1i fl/J1~rfriru,riJ

r.~r fro 111 Ilf. Wh.!) lever iH:. ga:::"~, i lie ~jCC~li.JI~'1"~l rs, i t ~~ viL"~''Ii~d' ~al~~)' i,~;11 ~t'lFm~ oJ 'II~S • hUl·I.r(UU~i r~rne ~11~'ad a~~n I' ~b,*, 1·r<;j~1t1IIi!iiug '\~ork. nmcl with a vo~h:y Dr !JI]lDlI~·cl .. h.illI\C dhlH."S rOll ~d-ha~·-(;Inncs! a lid U I ig:h t-J~lali'c-dtn1J COS, i I1MJ~~ tI of bci lag ~.vur~c...~ w~:111 i"~ It W;I'Ioj".

~Ir is ~un m1'lY i'JIJi:_ UiUll·.U that da,e' wolr~y or, cadclT1a ~C' tllJ!;nh:'d n~ t'o .U~I c1fdtcd :ql (SL' studio,. It is, ~ OW'~VC'r. ;m'y poirn th:ll[ iI'~ .. 1:'1,['0 ,. ue 1'11, iPli U~' '''-1 ex i It. ~ rn\~. eve n RQILIJ ri~~La,~ W'h~~ ~~I th fill Inli ... . 1 ieu rtYl1<;lIl"iIIb:r t hal the i.HH i re t I.M 1'0 Sri (If intel ~ceMJ ~,i iBI n t~~'IiJ$.

•• ~I ,I'"' • I

C.OIIII,[t'r Q~o tJ~l' (,II'C'CllfJ 'Ifi:' '1111~,p~ I II l!i1~. III""Olf :alu~ onrt I~~. ~Q )il~On1! C' o¥-crl~

,,~.:~br3'~ I'l" In b t:c'(,une (r,l~prlcd, Th u S Is I ~Dt 1:0 ~ay t I.M~ ~Irt~ N ts ,I.~c~ r-i~C,lI; f;tll1t"r, lb::n ~lftilsHc rigor i~ I_f.tlroll!:ludcd d.lrre~elnly l'h 31111 • ~nl e ]JC,t~l u.'Illlif· U 11 ~1 ~I~y ad mi ts.

Anis,ts ;m.d IntC'IUI,;('n~::'iI~~ arc not the sarne anjlllaJ. As ~: yOUI'l J!:cr art i~l D j~JI:i!<. Wj!!! ver y cOn flJI~,i ~JIG ~ u 11'11;. I' mlyscl f I~ riVe' (xJn~Jdcnblh:' (rll"icClI~1 !J;fl~'i ,:c'ill".lld h~u¥c iJu r~ICl '~'U i'illat]ol1.11 rn:waf-d"w fin ~)r.-n:~ir-iu.t 1'1J,C'Jr:I1. ~n Wil~ ~Q my. '~}Wll rue d~lat! l-h~t lbt'~c SJmt:' f!km'>s, were mh~~}'~"lmtd w~ltJn rocu~c'd OH '~~illbr~t(lhit' arti tie t:hdt:':.Ivo'$-Uf~hn: or orhers, 1{o:nl1gcif .artiSl"1> an:' .>ccdlings, 'f~'D,d'f t:ld'y work resembles [Jr~lkkct ;md ~~:fld,t:rbIiLI~~I~ cve~~ wcLd~. The b;dh of :1t'~tidC~I'Ii'u. wirh their 1".r,~fc·rCUjjC: ror J () til Y I il tel h.:ctlll,ll:l1 d~l:o,re rn s, do li,t tle t(J .Il! u1a !'JPOf ~ the' I'~ (c of 111(;, ~'.IfC~lt "nor. A~IO ~I tc 'cht.'r, j l ~'13!t bCICJrJ 111 Y S, d experic m;l' t~tll ma~~ly t:lk'~H:e(i iI::rc.lllvG;'!-o 'Wtft d~m1u~d t8l:riy' 311(1 1U'~Uilh~~)r b~ dlt'l U" I n;j h iii l Y '~O C(U"I fornm co ;J ~-~nrmil rh ~j ~ Vlt'dS no ~ ~hci r 0;''111. ~I Ml rhl be Illy hn~Jt dllU lh( J[adl"tn ics ',,-vho read lhi~ ~ook rlllHi a,llpl~r 'ir would do. s "lI~[ilrim 3U 3It-er(~d ~.pi)rc('i" lm'CHt for the ,;mIbnu id~y of gllo,wlh Cor thr: sake ,t:tf growdm. h11 other \y,O~~, ns

,;,. III (.j;fO~hJU)' ,u mint tlfr ~m'jjlilJ 1Jr.i.M1 Ht', "f fJr~ K,w~if;rh_' ,.1/'1'I'"IH: t4J IllltJrk "!-irk.rMmh.

1·r;r~i"o1(;U ~. W,lt'KIJ,

·'hr~ I ilh:tr •• m, J~,llIiIl' W1ff.t: rlril, oiIi~.s.. "ll,b ~ liJl/HI Jl'~ 1.1 fJ I'll I'),' if "I

J 1: L~

.' liP PI 11j it"'rli 1I~llm{~ t'X{rr"r" lil" I.: IJ'~I.' (nmr ,JldilrfIJ.'ij I('"llr ~1IIJ."I"rl·~J_


A n ~s lhc' act of o;;,tru~U~rilig t~,lllC·. U look at it this ·wa:y." a. p.icrc

• rtsa iiJ' ~,~ LI 'l;~' t . 'I • Ie " A ~ I ,Il':'

it;lil il . .:'I L'I.:,r:S. Jrl CJOC! ~ i I.OW flI :fi:t.!'(;" I ~.c. is mlTy\!O ::JlggpS. 1 ~~rumd du:

i~nllj,lIC'li3i E\f,C D3l1'~[~Z :Jl'c.~ln.'llrk~. i·.re~ ~ni111 r'he fr.a:miC:'1 TIl·is 'is part.tnl~lalriy true when wh:n we .In: dcaHug with is an ilrtiilic 105,., Every loss J1UIS(" al~wJ}njj he' viewed ns 3 po cnlia~l gj]IB,mr:l~ ats .JI in. [[11 .. , rr.mljln~.

f {QlII'nllll f".~C'''~ t'~'NI my OWll ,m ~o p.'-ar.N~i" d'i of i~ I aN~ u,1t."1'iJ-on'y. r", lu~pl' it I rpJ Il1'J~UfJ;;' me r~/lrqNtJfr". t

, :1 rl i$~' f~~tIJIJ'q.fJ!:...g' (p,~m ... m,m"" itJI if,lli Thr b!lt~~' '1 ~'1jt; .m(J;s/ (iL1~Jipl(·i'" h"'UJ'J.rJU~ i~f,:IJl

Thf ~~cdd of Ii'fil/i'y ~~~j ~'r4 ~r~J';Iih; elf!' II.'Qrid 'OJ im~myli"~1 r·s ~b:Hdlru.

J IN~ JI«:Qlrf~ nou s 11


. IH . - I :~ I

_ A Y

(~ 101-: • O'U kit· '\. 11,0\- old I'Il be: . y the [;,. III

,( . ~ _ '. I" ,"'" ill 111C' m...: '

to'-j;. he' I, _II_OJ'? Icarn

A,. :sW _R; . J1C ·'am.-3'IC ~ou will blcifYIO'l.ldor'l

I~I"I "m reo old fo:r [J"~:lu:'~' ran ks ,,~j,th "'I d .. Ollll'iII'lt- h a ".rr e ".

'I .. ,. -G' J]!I k L' ~ - -~ 11;. 110' _i{'¥ - J110heu' t'n·

• 'f ~ '. ,3: .rlea: __ .I~· . __:.11~·' we u ':c tal 'p-rCVICI t tu r .h · .. ilr· .. ', 'I l u •. d~

.- '. '-'- ex)) Ot- ~

iii,!!" , .. Ii" - ,11 iii ~:i£' 0'11-'[1," j\:.Ii[-''-)!''1I1g· -C- [- :)i'11 AU J . ,-'. . tlon

rr .' Ol' :,~ ... ' i" "'_" •. ", h' c h~rc~ .' to save OUr el '

rom .rtc emouon . cost 0 c. _,' deflati '.' inol'lfed i~ b.' es

a. be InIlCJ'=" Clng

~ -'.1 ",I'R (,,00 0 I! d to go ... , to - ILl r,tll S c 11 00 I," I tOI~ d 1:11Y' se I C' . l. ~

. . _ I. . , . , ~ '-. . ,- .' - ~ . . _I a It t n I fit. , ...

fie. . r d when I· or .o til m school I dUicover, d that I ' .; y

d d - c. - - ld r .~- -'"Il - . I I .s. In ... ,

,"11 .~. _ ' (Itcc:n y. ,t: I:r·.· OJ ~c. It.ll· :1~iIl ,,_'f'" c . "Sl1r1i;', ,e' ".. .also d· '! • --

. _. '_ _ _ - ,"' ~'.I' I I,C'Oi cr-

- - d _ ~~, c~· - f~VC hunger m' '0' r c. -.. -cd I

. .'. . r i ,~Icr [1;' . . ~- 11_- -~-, . -~_. '" ., I _riC . ~ lC ex:pcflcncc', and :1 '-. .-

sU'O 1~cr Iearni ng curve. Now rhae I've tau·h t in a til htl s~~~.~ (11, I ·elf I fin.d, rh,3,[ very often Illy. best seudcnn are rh . ,01

, .' - ,g,I-' -HQ'Se 'W'1..

ca m~ to their work late. - ~, . uo

'.1"'111 roo old t. be an . c .or," I have heard many I - ,,- [!w, .•

complain anld, dramaricallv I rniehr add, The .. y .. ""lillii"no n'_ Atl11( CUts

,. . _ 1 _ ,It::). - ,. ',g,llJl""", I vi. 3a'\\JlI3 .

p,le,lsed ~'hCI11 fe~J Ithlc'n~ this jl , nor the case, Thlc' sp~':'I,cnd,~d .... _.ys - 'h M'-' h d id b '" · .I. - actOr Jo" - _ . 3 __ 0tlCy . J L, not; 'CJ~1J : cnng until he "'as nearl- ~,- --'

en y". I rs into a highly ._ ucces ~.ful ,e· fie· '1"- h _ ie- no YO.~lt.y,

_ _ . ,. ,1I1l!t "IV" 01:1" .

. ook '_ three ilrns ifll 3Id\_ ance -1,d works .' _ ith ""0" tI'!ii1 . 'f' the

f!j" ii}!' ',1111 'C 0' t

finclt di :rc,ctors in ebeworld. ., .. I --' I,. .,_: e

I11III 'f' Jd' . Jill 'b-*

'- Jl .. m too o· to rc,a~Jljy'·.· ~.' (:' 3J w'[:i tern i's 3JllQltb- _ C-(' (:[--';rnJq:l11'I e' ~ 'rt '. .- ~

~ ," ~ ;0 - , - [l """ ~ I~~ :~Jl It com ....

p~. lI,r. hl~ ]s I ~O~c'go--5a~lI, DonseR· c,. I ymond Cha . dler '.: .Id •.. ,pu,bl sh - ntll r_',c Ii r . Ide 10: 'Olf'ty •. h.- : upcr'b~.1 1""0-' ~J' l -

. - 11,,1\ e,~ Ihts

dl'ld li",1 was, w:ri'[ltcl1,c s a fi.f)s.t ~lo,vleJ ' --. Y' ~ In,n I'll I, is 'Sc'v,cn [il. -.. ',e

lUI' I d 'tII'jIj • .. - '_ .~.Cs\"

. .' m [00 01' IS an evasIve tactic. If is alUh1ys u!!icdl [0 avoid

fa,cu1 . 6, arc,.

'. 0' '~,c'tJi 100-< a 't'h 0_- her si _ e,: U ~ tin l~llni' ~ f _ ru' it " 'L ~

l~ - .. d 'JIll' ,_ h"' .. · '" J' \ neD

= m r:_,tJfC:~, ,"1,' I' 13,tt Jnrc.; ',e -llng,~ Side 'trip: o. "-11 . 'h';{IiJ . ""'il'nr"ll'

," .: _.. " I . .' to " ..,,' ~ dill (:' ego ....

S3\'lllg [.r,3,ck." AI., 3 Icul[lurc" w,e pr-Jloor~'fy rout)" 3'1i"!'ld ~no" , . ,

__ '_ .__ .. b,_' _J "II,I-'la,U_ IWrQrUr

Youlrh the fr~cdo,m to C}(P--::C,r"II-n. n' flo A···nd:~ \N-'-'C Id: ; p''''''M'''.~' g . 011'. 'Id

. . \II __ . -' ~... .. . ~! "ft ,I! ~".,. . '.J.rr ['h

timr- buuJlow tho 1 the righ t, .• a Ht 1 cry." ... -~

_ ,'c,3,n blockt:d cr, aive·[ U rh, m· el'c .. they arc bo,th~oo

old and too you n·:. to 31UOW rhem sci· cs to pur· ue rhci r dreams,

IOI,d 3,lild ,d,ot,tty~ 'thley III ig~ht tory· i.t YOLU1W ql~d t:o' 0····'1,:5.1 h-

e " ' .. , 'Itt ~'n,1 -' [~ .. ' ,II [1 It e'y

mb,lt" try it. In ci her 5C -nari. being c '3zy i a prercq~.' i;e to



, I'.. I~

~ . ~. ~' ... 'Ioratioll~ We Ido )10'~ .- "~ ,I, t~ 10' k ,era! . AI 'rYII'

~r&'at~IVI.~ eXp ~I.., 'I'" (·,w' ha rever ~liIl', '1IIl',) It, our IiIlIlg I, -

'-i- II '. 11 K,C 1, 11 I I, ,...... "".. H • .14 .. 'i, 1~1I' <!~'. lC \;y,.., 'I' ~vcr it i~)

ffllcdlUJ -, _

~o"ldlook nutS,

Yc '~ m:a:.'· be, · hl-

Crt:3,',vi ot'".u["·. me ,0. . nd ~1l he " CI C

. 1 _. ~ \tW't' ,dIISICO'V{:,_' .hat as . ~ c ,' yo IJ"J"C I'll a ere: 1-. ~ -e reco ""--nCJCS'~'.'W!. '- '-'"' . ,iI;)" '\lor ~ • .,

3('1: r~!1 f~l[ like a 'kid:' w~ may 'Iy a'~tcr a_s:nisfying, rei·t d ..

cry· _ o ... l-clf....,con ,Cl0'U ., 311d once c [IC C-. _II ' in '

. d. : Itc 11,1 I. . .. ,

.KI' ~ .r "'--r,c-r 3tivity.t nClthcr'lLre ~'.~. '.~ .. iI~'D' aU

O~i'I' . .1,' ,I,. ke to ] d h

- . H-' - -Io.n·'· W·' O···IU.~- ,'- t, "c:nlC'[O earn to do I ~l'

10' O\¥ .- - .. - . - ,~

c.' ding on the sidclim: at: a Ion zed-fer activi y.,

3sk·.~:ybc a year [0 be plt'cuy goo," the' ,ns er comes bac

I'tdcpcn,d~ .. 1- .' ,:.,

, As backed crean . e like t • pretcnd th .... car or c e

.1 ' caL is a long. 100_·r.imc, Our ego P'_ . t i liule tric

~\$era y e: 1(;'1"118 SI"'~'r'~Jil .. d· lnsread o 'f "1111110'~·IiIIt:lli" . '~

". kec' us .rom gc. ·.'c _ ... ~ .. L ... ', .....• __ "' ...... c ···c ''''U'- III: ., OUfSCI\'C' "

(0 P . . Co cu 0''111 ph 1''''''''f1g'1I''11 of the Itrill - UII h

"'., '!ou.' I"J1ICV: we roc ..... ,.!I!- I .... ~1Ii;,. ,c"J ,I -~-"""', '.1111 ~ :il'S· ,C

. rcJl1\fC J. -' 1'~ _ _ ' - .,- - .. -' . " •

" .. y' ViC [,cU ourd. c. It rna. be, bu · ch ..... J. ItJ t I

lo IS \\dlll..,..y' wlt'h some m'oti,on in it.~· nd b,.i ~I 0'[ ~ 0 I, . i 0 C I, Il .

,mOire I D, '". '

.0311 is vcry cnJoyabk" " .' '.' . ·

,. At the h~3r1: of the ano~xla of arn, nil: avoids . cc JS the e-

n' al of proCc':s. We like to focu on, avm - le me .' .. ill or ..

"" ". made an arl' ork .... his arlL n ion to hnl • n _ i. orcs

hl'1ng ." 1'~ '!' 'h" d . -. b · ·

.. h- .. t'. ,.t [ha,t crcallVJ1Y' U!: 110'[ 111 t IC~' on "'Iut In 1'- j' OJ

I :c ~ac - _ - , "" ~ ~. €,' ~ 'I ~

.. .'1 ani writing a ., crcenpJay 1, nlll:mm~ )' 1n0 C nnCn:Slm

. . h ... oul than "I haye written acrccnpla,~" '. _ ich ph: ..c· .. C

[0 E, C .. 1 I' ~ ~ . -:_ ~ . II • - a

- 'I m ;'1]1 -n- 3crlllg.-~- '.'. IS,' .nl'-.~ ~ ~·Y··· mlO'fiC nt~ IC'" In. ·-h I

I~go'" _ _ -' "III! '- ~ - _ . , _ _ II . -

<II rook 311 ctinda II few year" :0. _

In llscnsc, no crcatic :led cvcdim hed. You·' nOt Ie 0

bCC3UC there is alway, more to learn. Aru .bly, you c nno

act ' ~ I 1 b·'

even direct.· film b'C3U e you WI IW3~. I: rc L:C' '.

c en ye,r Lter- Yo" w'n kno rhl!, ,h ;. u m- ..

dOllc:md \Vhlt you will do next i },~U kl.:, dn , doesn't meaD that the work a~com hsh·., I" ",·onhlcs. r from it, I imply me,n'. [hit d U:' }_ work .j t th,' "".

nc~ and be tel" v.·or.~ ,." dne. , ' .

Focused on proc '"ur cr ~ .1 . II rcul .I. n · 0 . -

venture, . oeused on product,th~amc C:fl.·3'i-·c i.'C. n' 1 Coolin or barren. We inh'ri[ ch 'b"'i 11 \' '(hr 1.1

'~I.~tE''t'o is c1 t:ollr ejt,O(f,Jrs, A"Id ~it IiI , illl" II~ i 1 dl'u,e~1 find 'tiOII' I ~itl, ,~'n! I,. Ii," II ~ ',1!1!. ; "~~ Ilrtll "'{~ I huer 11101'11,1' _ ~\"pr.Ut ..


Wha,c doI mean bly fill',i"g ,-h,efo1rnf? m mean raking the 'next s,lnaU

.. d r-' ki ~ L d '~,

step instead 0" S "'lP'PJ:tl:~, ,3-1iC'a·.·W I ~3,rg:'C one' £0" which 1O'l .•

may' not yel be prepared. To be 'very specific, ill order to sell " SC[i en play •. you ~u fi~,H\I!rit.e one. In order to write on, you must .eme u~ with n idea and then com mit it to paper. a page at ,I nme until you It3VIC about 1:10 pages of script, Fti'U'i',~:s, ,"','~,e'

/tlrtflm ans that y1o'u write YOU,fr daily pages, Itt means that when

{j iJ


culrure center, we buy Art Fd'U~11 and remind ourselvc:& th

- 1 I· . - ~ b 'Iii'" d .. 'I.. -ualt

OUlr, ItUf( i not in st- e. _.ow ,:' ,11,_ ~~ '~! ',., .. ~. I,'OCn t le'x~s,t 'Yct!

Inste doc .. rill ' .. our rhc little room off the kitchel1 so

['I '~'r Ui . -'.'. ~I-l have ,3 place [[0 work [01 our ~'~o't[tcru~ W,e (,:'0"'- ,_ .. 1_,0;

_~llil11l_n- ill - I [. • _ ~. ! .... 1', ~ , ,. l,alUl

about ne ding a·,l:udi~3 complaint tha we ourselves ClIIQO,

Lkecrio1151) since we d~ not have ~ny work loargue Our rac~

Illduling ourselve . m it rr nt!IC flnt.,·y.of Wlat ou life \ul look like j, .'. were Ii al. u ,IS, we. fatlo sec the ms Q ' ,mal] creative change: rh ' we couk make ar this very me:. mCI1i1:. This kind of Iook-ae-rhe-hig-picture thinking i·· l1o,res the fact that a creative life is groundedon 111.II1.Y, manys,Il II

d - -- e: \'II!J!' 19r9' 'Ii le 'P"

._ rep ·.'~I. y,_ r,' 'J[ vcr' 11C!A1" ,d .1. _ , ' .,""

R 1[11· 'r ehan rake scary baby> 'cp to\r.:: I our dr· (TUn: t., ~n'

- . - . _ - . ~ ", 'I"lfll'!

rush to [he edge of II e cliff and thn stand there. quaking. Say-

ina[ ~I~I c~ ~1 t leap, m C3.'111't" I can't. ~ ~ ~ "1 .

t;JiJ - _ _, ..

'.' 0 oint: is, ss kin,g you. 'to leap, That Sjll;~t drama, and, fOf",he

purposes of a creative reeov r, drama .belon.s on the plge Or on the C3f11V'3S [or in rhc c'i:ay or I'll the acting class or In rh _ at;; of

creativity: however small. -

r rea-,tiV'i~y requires aeri vi,ty.' and this is, not good news Ito mo r ef us .. It makes u responsible, anc '. -[ e tend to hate Ith~t

~ - ~I ;j,i

You 111C3n I h,I'.' 'to d_ somethi - g i11 orde '£'0 6' ' .. -J better'?

Ve,,, AI1d most of 'U·· h,31"C 'to d'tJ something when we IC111, ob ... sesi about somethin . else instead. One of our favorite things [0 d~in" read of our art~ is to contemplate the odds,

hi! ki b h d '. -.

In, a cr'e_ rive c reel: t In·-J_l,~_ a .110U'. tne 10,. I '.1 is ' drink of

emotionalpoison. I robs us of the '~igllity' of [art-as-processl and put us at the mercy of imaginedpower (lut there. Uldng Ihi· drink quickly leads 'to a S 'VlcrlC' 311d toxic emotlonal be'nd,cr~ I~ le d U< . 101 ask, U .. ' hart; the use?" instead of " Wh_~t nCxlt?'~

A:, ' rule' of rhumb, the odds are whar we U '·Ie to p'['ocr8sEi ... 111tC about doing what comics next, This is lour addic1tj1o:n '£0 1~'U1XjCty in lieu of action. Once 'yolu catch 0:11 tOI this, 'thc'ji:g is up Watch yours,cJ[ fo,r 13 Wieck 311d noricc the 'w',ay 'you win pick up an anxiou thought. almo t lik e ) joint, to blow off~Jr ar Ie' Sit del'a'y-you t next creative action,

You've cleared a morning 10 write or paint but then y'O'D realize that [he clo 'he: arc diTty~ ~'~I~.IJ just think about wha I

W'3J II [rO '1 ~ int 3;11d fil c-tunc it while I fold th ~ . lethes," Y u tin

I, I


,.~ rJ" UJ e S'cllllld 1!f'II, U d'tl ;, , 11£ it 1_' ~rif ~O"j ~ ."' , ,Ii e

,-,I -I'~' ~ D, Jlir,JJ'" is .,UJ

,i 1,110 I~'~~ i'l. ,,~ 'l')'~

ACN . DE Mn L .

Although we seldom connec - rhe dots many of OUf .prlcsent,day losses are connected 'to our earlier conditioning, Child:f:_.11 m,ay be -old 'rh,cy_ canu do anything Of" equally ,d,llllagblg' b~' told rhlcry should be' a I]C to c ,0 absol _,tc1y c~', ,thi~1g with -- ~ set

Eith r of thcs~ me sages b~ockche re~iplel . The foUowi.l1G quc5,tio,ns I fie aimed I,E helping 'y'o"u retrieve and decipher your

own conditioning. Some Of~Ehl" 111 '1113,'y seem not . 0 ,a'pplly~ Wrl'tle' about wJ~'a,t'fIIJ!r £tJe)r . rigger for y'ol'_ ~

I ~ As, '. k.id1i my da,d ehought :m,,' art was .,_"!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~,., Th3,It

made me' feel ------ ~ _ .........


2.. I remernbe o,nle tim' when hie __ ---...~ ............ _~ ............ , ..

got it~

~, As ,3 kid , .. 'y mother 'I'.' ught me that ~ily Id,a'ydrleami~1g;

'. ,',I as iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ............ ---------iiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ __",..,_ .......... "",_ ............ -...........!IJ

''i'W1II1 K I, " II 'W .~ "'_ I ~

ing Dl,C .................................... -............, .............. ~ ........... -~-.....-....-......--......-................__~

6 .. Th,c per,_,ol11 rem smb r '~'- h" believed in m It .


1_ re:rJ1,cm ber IOllte ti me when _"""""",,-"""""""' ............ ...._._ ..................................... ~ .. 7~'

. ~ 'felt ....................................... -_..", and ............ - .......................... ~ ab u [hat.. 'dIn itllil W III 1'1 GlIll.for ~h

Ie' 'er forgo Ir, (1,,-- else lojeoUI- I',f I ~

T. "he rhing th a,'E ru inc d 111 ' ch,~ ,,~. cc to 9,·

The 11'cg:,·J)tivc' lesson I gOI frOID [hat, w,'hi,c'h wasn't

10,., I" I

]oglcal bUE I.-ill believe, is rm elc n t.-........-......... ....................................... ,._..

an,d be an ~ rers -,~

WhlC11 I was Iittlc, I lea -lllcd that and

.[ ~ ,I' -~.

_.....,.._....~ ........... _ were 'big sins tnar I pS1r'~ic'hlla,rly 'had tOI

w',a~c'h OUI: for ..

'1 ..... flC;W' Up:_ll'iltkill:, artis ': ' : e--If! P-I :,' to'p-' ICE

IZ .. 1I1

13. The reacher who shipwrecked my ,colilf. ence was

_ _.... ....................... __....._ ..................... iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ....................... __ ·'"

-)'4 Iwa-~,~d~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~

. '.1

, ,

1'. 1 believed thi tc cher because """""""""""""""' ............ --~_.........._

101", The mentor w:h,ol g;a:vc 1~11C a good role model was ,I

17- W,I'C'll Pl- ople lay I have tal nt I 'th:" k h "i ~. a ,1£ ro

1'9j Jju: t C'f l11it believe that ------_.....--_........- ........

If I believ e I am [1.- I]y talent '~ " 'thCI11_

~lt _ ......................... __.....-- 211d ,:I'n, ~'I ............ _ ____,..,... ............... ~

d and ----- ..

a 11 .-- .....-..... .............. ........___......~ - - ~

1 m id as h_11

I,aul n It'dl' ",u't/d Jjl' '1~"g,O',',I~ IIUUJt" I ,~' r i f'h 1/'1t:' he fl,"" art]. "t ~

1'" 'Ill ~IOIOtl per 011,. ud '~'igO'Old oniu.

I '" t~tI";lflity i .. ", abies ' II~tl~r l ea, lJ'tJ~ ~d'y e, ,', i'a'li,f.1,~~,t)' bill "SI .. f. 01/'1, ", I.

~Jy' "n:a'I~~I',i"'l' lis aJjp'll~l,itltfd,.

III 'W I elf ,I)"" {f dfJti II}' (I" alii il)' lillO, 'Remly.

I 111"14" 'Yf:61 ", r·t If 611f1 '11 Y (J'('tI f;,lIil r ,"O'ri • ,fl",(·IIl'rollslr. 1 '~lU" sbnre u;~Jr (,,,edt~;v'i',)1-' ""[Qrr oJ' 'Iuly.

11110 r~' I ~ 'C" 1" hope:

I UI61U aa 1 {Ii r",,, ti;fJf',/~:

I 'I"O~P n'f,',r!JJII creatiue ,r:;(,ol[lJlt,ry~ J 110,11' allow "'f, til! to II",~ ~Il ..

I I! I( .II' " a pt':' ;Ot/'~ ,h,tlpl ""'.fo'/"in~ III," life".

I "IOU;' D'J/r fl' (., I€lld loves a.rlis,'ls~

I, ,'~oal Search: You mary find the foUowlngexcrcisC'dirfi~ ',uk Allow youlCdf to do it an.ywa.y. If In IItipb Jr 'am· "', cur. to you, do t .c exer J'" .ror each on ,. of them, The impk acr 0 imaginin, drea n in co,.crete dct~il helps U [0 br~ng i into realLy. Thillk of your_ g~al'c. rch 3.5. pr:chmi~lar)' .rchitcct'- drwil1g ,~, ," 11C II C ylou \VOUJI' _ \V]~ h to have.

The Step, '

r. Name '''1' I'ur dream. TJ,3t", ril:_,'ht,Wri,t,c it Ido\~n" "In

a p1l"rfc. t '~' ~' orld; I \1-\fIOU, d secretly 1, .,' _j to I; t~'t:~ .~'

~ rsamc 0_11 co Jere c • or I rha . si 11tJ:.., '~ 0 YJC),U its ~ ,ccomolishmcnr. On you'!" cmonona compa s, this eoal : i ni fi IC.~ ': tr u c ~1 or t:h I'

, coplc t113,Y W,:1)Jl - ' : I b ... · ~~ n ~, ctrc '.. he I

I .

WI-l.,_ H: -'I!,

I(~ I

",Il,i_"r,c rh ,t drcl!. rn, : ,,"lor one, . ~1 article ~u ,ll Opl'~ In . ' .... ,

I ,: illl&; is t hi ,!OI . (.)'1,1 " rete _ '0 - t I 0 '- C f, 1'1

en11' It" 01111J ',. ,~~l' cr 0 ~ 111C 1- _ ~ ~

~, orlch ",'r~h ~, ~ .. , - on' ',' . ~ res ,- ,h/c · " I_I ,re· '~ i ,_'

,'oo,d revi ];,' 'h11 a Bros d . Y Illay .. 1., h~r res ee

~ c:rcatiVrc ,. rri >'111 is tl:~c emotional 'cell, cr of h,e:r d,r,C'3 m; CJC"PIC'C[ i 'true no:_ th. Act: c .s 0'-. -_1" 'I' I.e

I apply I' .. , ~ " "'a,~ '_ '- "., A, trc : .,' t -: "~- uld ," ed I , C

wlork It,,:.·ul. J II her I: re: '01." : . 1 the

seem to desire the same 'rhin: .~)

. ~ '~11' 'p c:- fc ct '~ 0 r ld " -, /'1"1 c' I.: -, lui d yo u Iik ' o b i· ~~YC y,car·! in rels tion 1£'0 Y'lot,r d ream

In the world we inhabit --I" .I~ ,~ wha,lt ae io 1:_ can ou 4~

rake" rhis ,'car, liD 111'DYC YOll, eloser?

5. What~ ction can YOll ta .... ~ rhis mo'nh? h,li \ ee __ ~ ". his day?j~,,'h,t )]0,' '?

6~ List your dream (for example, to be . t· mou . "1,1_ d'ircc'!:o:r) ~ Lis' irs 'tfU,IC north (rc, P :_j. It I nd h'i'gh __ - ICOl1 scion sness mass corn -'1' unic -1"',O'l1i,) Select 1'" I·.

r [o,del (,'l~ Disncv, Ron ' .. - _ d,

'Po/well) ~ ,=,', ke , ,'n I ctk 11 ~~il~ ]1~1 i _ .' -' s~ , hlr,_ '.' y'e a [50,. r ne yca,r,~ 011,(: mon I~~ One \\': e k ~ O~ ~ ChlOQI5aZ ~_11, action .. RrtJ,di,,1 " Ilris.' b,ook' is . In . c'liIOH'.

,h'ildl1'o-~i,: ,'-~h3,t ,_-" i 11-' ou h 1_ b eet i ~,"'O'


hald P', rfeer 11lu'ftu'rin'g?\' r:I,lt,-_ , 'P'_'.:" 01' 'h,'i' j HI "~

ehildhood .. 'What 'were yOlu gl,\c'n? C,311iJ - ou rcnarent - -, dirccti ')

youf,:c.Jf in that dircceion n 0"" _'

" ,',0"-'.110_ [ 'ch. 11" C';:· iek ,a color and ~ f"II" . : u- klC\r I'" ~ ...

3 i,

renccs de cribine " ourself ill the fir - --: -', n .. ("'''I r

s11vel'. high-eecb and ethereal, tile c Icr of drea 1 an a,c"t!o:rn,'p,]i,hm,cnt~ -,11C .J,··)IO'f -, hal -Ii hr nd In' .... '"w,:,~,e11 I Ii",·l, crer _~""~'" I IlID~m F':.' _ I.' _1

set 3'l1'f:J"ICf" b,' ._: d, ·if 1.,

1-':, lit) _

Iusr, ,3~1-d appl - s, , ~" 'har 'i·· "l-I,F avorite

)'00 1~I~VCjl~i-" i', t'I: :ac co~or? ~ h~ r about -il,I, is )",'IOU '1 ':, ':.~ ~. I. d C-". ur h ,l~ , ,_- i,

I ! ' .....

.s. SEyie Ser .lI1Ch: List t Cn1l:Y rhing you I!ikc to do. (Pcr~ 1131l', rhc same .~·~,.trty YO .. ll Hstcd before, perha 'IlQ.:·,,-,,)

. .'~' 'I .. ''", I

An swer ehese ~ UC'_I[,I,O_" tor leSCI1 uem,

'.:!~' es it (1011,1 money or n it free)

Ex.p,en .... ivc o'r' cheap?

Alone or with somebody?

Job r· t._- cd!?

)' '. II '. k'i ,

P _1 Y , rc ~ .1 f1 '. I; ~

_ \tls,r-paccd IO.r sJlow? M'ilnld:~ b10clly or spiritual?

6. Ideal •. y: Pin . aocncr day iJ .. ou H'i as it i now con "itutcd. using the in[orm.a iOI1.lcant:d nom above,

7· Ideal Ideal Day: Plan a perfect day in you life II' Y0tl I isll it were conseiruted. T lCI!"C arc no r_trictions. Al- 10' ; .. our .. elf ro be and - 0 hr .\C what ver your heart deires. YOUIi ide: "I environment, job, home. cirde or friends. intimate relationship. stature in YOUl'lIlt

orm=- your wildest dreams,

hoose c ne .' c . rive asp' · t ft, .... m your ide •. ~ day. AUo\\! youfscl[o 1ive it. You Dlay not beblc to move to, Rome yet, but even. in a still-grungy apartmenr )Oll

~ h d ., 'I ~ ,

can enJoy 13, nomemade cappu- cino anc a crOls,Sant,


I. many days this week did you do your momin

p'ages? (Ha l" you been very cmpr d to aband'OI1 rh,c.111?) _IO{\N was the experience for YOlt?'

F, All

., II... ~ • ~

0' ~ Of TlHf. MOST importan ·.·.3 .JIi. .. lUi rn· nc 1:("'0\ er is 1e. m-

in". to call liihing~and oursel .es-b) the rieh n mes, ~ ... ,·l r II haVl,',pcn )'c.m' usinz t, C . [n,' [I. tc .or our bcha i ' '. We hvc'" ntt:'d fO create < nu ' h3~C t:CI1 U') blc t and we ha\!;: called rhat in , ility I. 'ziflt'SS. hi I' ,10 mcrclvi - iCCur. tc. It i cruel, Accllracy and compas ion CU,',1.: IJ t


'ca,f) im

" y

ART r '.~ T- 1-" A,

sbow, an opera. Whenrhcse I~rgc tasks are ":ot OlCCi)ft1plihcdl

or e~ en be un, the _: ,I,ocked arnsr c __ lls '[hit lazlne~,:s,~ 'I'

Do It'DI tdlll,ll, ' i:tll1lbi"'ily.' 10 Slldrf I~~ Z'IH'fSS" 'CR,/I "ft .~ .

Fe r is the rrue name for what an~ the Mocked artist It Iti ... 'be' fear ,of failure 0'1' fe,lr'lof',SllCCCSlt. Most freq rt;I,le'fltJ.". it is ~,,-~3'Yr.

. - _ - , ,]'il." !k1 ,1lt;3 r 0"

abandonment, This (c'ar ha,s roots in ch,ild,:hoolld realitv~ - -, '0. '.'-'

. d b ii jj 1;· St

blocked artists, !,ri. _·1: ro . ecome a r-Is,'~ ,a,g.jl nst ,e:ithlcr the'i r p- a;~,

1111 d OJ h . fo'h!l", .', ts '!I' , .'. d ;;; d -

ICJl_S.IOO~, WI<~: :_~. or ~_'_,e'lr pa I, n~s goo .'. Ju,--,gmen,t'ih F'or a

youngster this is quite a conflict. To go squarely againstyoc

III ~. m rflIo~I'Ii"lil11l! yo·-··'u1;.J b e'f. ... O'li"' know '-wh" il!- t _. - U,.I'

p:ue,nrsv3~uc5~."~"" . '" 'U,.'I_ ~'""''' .. IUl'- ,. ia .. youre dOil1g.

Voui:! better not just be an 31rtIS. You better be aglftt artist or

you-r'c' .o,in,g ro hurt y'our p" 'rIC'11t'O much", 'F " ~

Parents do cr hun ,-, len children reb I. and declarin, oneself an artist IDS usually viewed by parents as an act 0.( re~ belllon. Unfortunately. rhe view of an artist's life as an 3d!o!es~ cent rebellion often lingers, ma·, ing any acr of art en .'. U the risk 'f separation anc the 10:$ D' loved ones. ·'ccause anis,t~ still yea rn for their creative goals, they then Fe .,. guilty,

Tbis glli It demands that they set a. g~1 {Of ~hems,elves right off the bat that they must be great arnsrs In order to justify 'this rebellion.

TI2 . need 1'0 be dg',te' -t ",",'sl Jt,IQkJe i 'Iza:rrd IrQ bit! an artist,

Tile ne,ed to produce Q IRat work tJj em makes it Hord to produce d'~'y' dirt lalt ell.

~ di 'F h- d b ~ ~ d

Fin . log Itar to oegm a projece e oes I: or mean you will

not be able to do it It means you will ned help {rom YOlllr higher POWCF. from supportive friends, and (110m yours,elr. first of all, you must give yourself permission to begin small and (:0 1n baby steps. These steps must be rewarded. Settillg imp !&sible goals creates enorrno s fear, vh ',11 creates pC()..

elastin tion, wh ich we wrong '/' C'J' I lazincs s, -

Do 1:1,01.' cal" p,roc~tllti't,ation.ldz,i"eS$i Cal,' i,'lfo(j~~,

Fear is whar blocks an artist,. The €ear of not being good cnough~ Th,c' fc ar of no'r fi'nishin'~, The fca,'r iof ,a!ltlre ar,d 'of sucres. he fear of b 'ginning at < JI. There is only one Cure for fea,r~ Tlha£ Icure is, lo ·'e',~

Use '1(JllrJejor YOIU,' drl';slt "D ',II,rt its jeitJ,f;.

Stop yelling at yourself. Be nice. Can fear by irs right


_ i'" ''-iI!

.;S 10,,'


- T-··r~u,StA,SM EI, n

_ .. , kc ~O 111' ich ,iscipJinco be ,. n art.. '. " ear' '0 ten

'It n~U,JS,t t_ - . ·1·iI. vho r-~!' not artlsts bur _"' h th

-' : \vell~n"carm1111g Pi op_cw yl ~ n,l',.(W, l~lI'~~~ -~'S"" t_cy

lold by , h a temptation, What II sedaeeion. Theye InvU:ln '

\\,ere~ VI ,ICb- -,e:.o~ re an adn iril1,a audi ~nIICC, ~O act O'U_ 'Ihe ima c ,J.J J

- - r 'en Cl' "!!.,.,.- P" . . ,bi - ' ,I qDIt« HiI' " ,~ ~'nR '~ ,ir nf' .,1)-

'us t~ P h"'ro:ic and .ip'l,rral1-----an - :,' l: IC~ elf ,uvi ,

h t]1 so ~, - 'I·..·' II .. ....

[ a I " , ", _ _ gfol'lll1di'n,~_- IO'U,( sci 1-' _ a' ~c In m I~I' ,,~ ~l - clp,_,'in

. As al'U ts, I~ the short run, discipline may work. but it will

i d~ngc~lI;~r a while. By its v~r~ 11. ,tun~. di eipl'Rc is roo ed work ol'ld' 'I · 2tion. (_"biallk of diSCI me as a bauery, useful bUll:

. - se ~ f-, - 1111 r - - 1 r: bci d t: 'I

lR: .1 - .,' _ -Id-, ) We adn .irc 01' ~'_ ser I CS, 110! 1 '''J!lB so ". 011_'I,c:rlU~" I' c

ho'r'E""'"llv~ ell - - ~ - • 8 L -- - hi ... ,

,. . . ., __ .: " 'If not rhe creative au,t lOWlt UlecomlC I _ pOint.

di5C;IP~;~ l::~of us rh~t creates bc~t is ~ota dr~vcn. disciplined T . P functiomng from WIllpower" with a ~o~ler of a:O'to'ma,lob"n" .~ .. - h ... up T'h~s is 01 Cf,"- .i '11 ,0: our of : 1£ .... '_' i'lL YO'I,

d - - I aCK Jill.., - , .. :t;ii

pri I,e to.'" ,"'~: ['-ising at dawn wi~h military p ci ion, ahlt~

It - O\¥ the J rn ,~, - 'd - _.' 'b - 'd

n.· . de k the easel. the ~ rawlng I 'oar·., · · ·

i~lg rhe cs _ ~ '-'rrend~'d, period of time, beina an artist req, uire

0' - - 2'11'Y leX!l;,1 I ,\oi, - ' ,~ . ore I: ~an discipline. . nthusia ,m is no an emo-

thll'Sl,3 sm m - - ~. I - ~ - - d

en~' _ ~'If"~ S a splir'it'u·1 comrmtment, a ,10,\ In:·- S'U_ ren _, ' to

· naI'state,,, I ~ J ~ - ~ ;; f -I' -h - _.. "

fl'O' " . 'I oeess ,3 loving recogmnon 10, ,3 •. t e crcall' ,

our ,r.'eat~ve pr. - 'I -

around u~.,. _. (from the Greek •• 'filled " Lh God") i an

..~~h~:a:;~ supplY,lapped int: ,'. I~, Row of life i sel~ .. sn-

one: g ~ mde It] P ,,3U ,,10 _ work, Far [101m be 1-'

.. - , ," m 15 g[lOtll ""'" IL _ It ., . _ ~

thu~ as - b d soldi er our artist is actually our child Within,

bnu~-nulD~le "._ -,tc. As with aU playmates. ie i jo'. nor. duty,

.our mner p _ay~a- 'ii _._ '

-, ma'kes for a IIS'I'111g bond, _ ~

that ~'., ' our artist may rise at d n [0, rc _ he t, C\1i.' ire r

Tru,c'l! ~'III B' this event '"IIi, 111~ ore 0 0

.. h - , - ing Sl'tl ~~'ne'ss" lUI - ]~, c·, I,"," , L~ - ~ '- -

~a!H~lln t c m,om, .' '. , ,. Il."_ .- I d di ,

c ~.- ~ sld' 'I . ve of secret adventure Ifhan Wltu l,fOf1c:~a,'_, ISC'-

With ,I, (111 ' - - 5, 0 - - - ~ - d ~ '., 'I '" - ,", -::. 11-

. '.' 'h"- ,··h :' p-'co'p:Jc 1.'1l'IY 'U!'~i\ ,a'. 1'1· 'CIP:LII1,< ,IS ac[u . a

PI1l1C'. W ~at ot_,cr , - - ,- , ".. h~1d "',' -III _ ,..

' , ,.--1 -, . ,', ma, ,~.~I ,_~i[,h OU,r ,- [tl' t C_,_l~: J] mC,CI ~ I ..

p~ay dtc tlaldWC,_i 11 "oof . found with rhat,crilL3' uin

6·00-' A M· - ~!n· we I 1_,

~ :'" I '1 I! .~ II!! P 1

>!!' . - n

sculb:;ea~"is~ c~il~ c:m best be ,entic~d.~o ,~or, b}'ntf~at~:_

,I P""I- ,iIr. 'iIIl· .. :: f,,,",. t 1 " .. ' t:' ,. _uff: , .• ,t" hi r_: . --.-

., k as pl3V• l 31111, I.:. '. '!io;. - ,. . __

wor ... '. '~. ,., "mp c f4nhc c ·,1", r-

ei]s arc fUI,l~ Man'y ., Iter···· , -

I .. ," ,


_ I: _ ·,H I _ " -,,'Y

"._" 1!!It1k S ,111- Jft'.1I'~r1' l'j,li'tluUII.' u~I~'lfli I'll' ~~ -,IJ u ,11,111,1'01 exiu.

ing, companionable clatter fur a solid typewriter that t,

J. n' '1.'"k·fl,!'I; p-~ on ~ ~ 'In order "01 W, '0' rk w·· -:..".UI n "'IJOji - - '. ,I'IOts

3_01,-. '. ._c,~ i:Jl. ."0" "I! -~ - ~ _.)U~A, . ~'.' ,'.' '><-,,~_:_, .' _ '"" IIlll,~ - ~ '1'~lly ,I I" n S,lt " ,find th. r

h - pace 'lIi"j1e~ bese dealt '1I'''h ,. pl ,- . ~al

- f"IT OC,_'II'IOL_' '~I;\''''''' _I""~ _ _:_"",,,'-,- ',U,,',,' ~".ti ,'P'3C'ICS ..

··.'ino·3'llf 111,U[-: I 't toys from the five-a:lld~di:ll1C[j, --in~' ,,~_,.

'Ii - C-'h-I. '. . J'~' 1- r-:- -- .. ;'fij-- ~A' - ,- - '., h'~ '-- ,. h -y 11~,[n ...

13.tU f'C I .. __ rJ$,! < _1.:'11 .s-~ ~',iI,pll~r"",n1.,~'u::, e m,OnS,t frs.,. ',3,ng,'in -. . ,- 1

", 1- .... .. ", 'f' 8-' . '. _ fi· ··t ,- Ik . -.8 Erys ... ,

[3 _ ", '. p rt " 0 I,. O,W' r·" 115,1 [all· ~ " "

- ts arrrac ive - ,', the idea of a pristine cell, mon;uuic;' ._

'" '.. . .... . . Ii ..... id -- . ~ - f' b " . lit IS

S·C·.- .r tv. '_ 'I'" to our remanncrsec nonon 0, 1 [clng:-::' "" re al a"rt~- h-"

J' - - "~" .. _ i!lJL", I . r

workable 'I~~[h may be ,',llat.messier Ihanrhar. MOSt' I~.,',I';C - , •. ..J lid b . 'b· dl "J 1'- ,~.-. rk b uthe kids W'OU1':_ 1 C - orec S~. Y ,Ul a star '>1 I' ,arr,enrOOlt'l-'1 0.' u - _ _,,-

I ,'" -,~, _, .'_, ......,~ .,_,' ' -' ,U.~, ". u,r art~St

£hl,ld .I ... ~10 cxcepnon,

. 'b h . ill Thl

Remem .Ier £"8' 3Et ss process ..... f, e proces is '("~UI-P-"p"'o'.'ed!

, '-' ~ "i ' .... ',.:.,, '. 1"'0

fi-· F' - . 'fiE ' h ,i.. - '.' 1.,1, '.

e , un, . or our p- rposes.vrne JOLl'rn,c'y]s, aIW2'YS the onlv _'

~ ~I'lli iii beim - d '. . . h . - ,y ,aF~

rlV3!.1 may t c ,lnl[Crp,:r-etc< 1[10 mean t ': a,t our c['e,3,r.ivc wOlrk ",:' , __

J- ~ .... ,.. J f J ~, h ' ~ 8., le-

£03_ly OUf .creau~lty ICSCc'lIt pay,. In rne field of time. At the

h ca f. t olf th IS play' 'I~' [ '~Il" I11y',5 tc'ry of jO'y~ .

R - .... - -R . .1. '.' Ol'."'~'

. . - r- 1 __ n_: ,'" II·

'G,HI"'lAIN M .. CR.lTTE

I'C"R"E ,,'iTI'V,"'E-- U """'rU'R: N·:---·" 's

. .' _" :____: . - n_ _ ,_. _ . ," -:. ~-i . ~ _ I '_ ~ '.i

R ,',." '. ~ . 'i €".·om·- .... r ""'" .• ',eo blo k )'!k' . '-.... ~ e

£covcrUl , Ir:_ ... ' d ~. I" ~ : OC"~ ,I_·.C recoverm lrom ,a,11' ,- m,a":;"-

ill '" - ~ , '"'. . ... _ , - ,~,O_

1~1 nes,' I or In'lltlrV~, fCl- Ulr'c', a comnucmcne to hP3··]. '~'h!- A~'c'- " .

~ I" ,"""', ·.t ~ I·· 'Oln'll~

- '. ". [!I;o;-

poinr, we must make an active choice to relinqeish rhcJ""o,y- 'S 3,'1 d-

,. '"I d d 1 ., . II 'I' - id - , ,

P- 'ir.IV1~C:.DI··C'S, accon .('- _0 tJ1C emononal Invalid A 'p"OO' ···;d··'I·'IC'Ii!;~'r'n. - t

~ __ OJ. • ','1", . .r.1 ¥,11!i;;' nr-~

is!:" i qJirc often a hapy person. ThL can be ~ry Ihrea'nin

3S a ,eI~conccp't [0 those who arc oed to gCCtjh~ the'r nc~d',,~

-'b b" .. h . --.l;!!'

met IV .1 _':Ing 'un,'~ ~lp'py~,

, "I~d ~?ve 1:0. but. you see . ~ . I have these crippIitl,> fcal'~ · · · . C3~ get us a 1m of attention. We get more symu " g 5 cnppLd artlstuh n a funcriomd ones. . ho .. of Uisaddit:tJ fO_ ~~parhy in [he p. :i've of.creativ,ity can bccom incr. osingl~ Ehrearencd as we become mcrcasmgly fUllctional. Man'" .,..:_.

" .. b - ,I ''Ii".

cov~'r:~!1g art:ls~s. .'. e',co~me s'o Ithreatcl1C,d that they f113,kcU-,tt'U rn.

,and,s" bora,ge;them.;.j '.'es,~

w;- usually commit cre:ui~ h':r.!-kiri either On the c-e of or in the wake of a fir 1£ creative \l'ictory. The of success (a poem. an a.cliingjob, ;l!l S~Il.g, a ~hon: story,. a: tih 1" or any suc~ cess) can sel1d rh" recovcnl g arU,tcul'"ryil1'. back into rh ',cave 0' sdf-dt:.6 'I.t. Were more com ortbe being a'" ic im o(aft' t'

0'1_ C

"k "'1'I'n'n"g having to ool~1'Si:5tetlt'I,'y 'be prlodl1c'ti'v " ~ ,nd bloC- II. ~ let -

~~c" JIEby,~, ro Ui - _.' rrlves 0"11' ' d d -., . ji II!

I - .. ,n ,~~ rt'i'tIC' '. ,1-tUI.' '. __ ~" _c~O! __ '' __ -, _ _Ut ,en '. ill, e _ _ tndlf ....

.A. We:. ,(eet our newly min cd product or our dtdi(;htful

~l!tl'\OlJ!nC.t:iF I. - )- d - '!' .-' '. t .. · .. 'h .,. II' •

[11L.r"1~ _", '. 'l"'t'l 111 ~'Aw" W lR,t I. ' oes It rna ,'er', Ifly' I: ow~ .'tJUS[[ ,a. S't3:- t,

,~css "11,1, L". h 'I ' h

pr.b 'dy else is so much rurtner a :lead .. · , ·

i\ltl~t~ and they will "_t~yth3!t way if cite stop ", orkins, Th.

• _. , 'Ii ha 'Ir[3\ ,r3rV'- I. d ,~.'I'~',h, _-·ye,: ,fit from where \' c - -, :'fC :-,-' . ",-,

f • S W~· ,." Y'" . - . I

POIP-~., block.d. We are now on the road. and the fad is scary. we ,Vt:re - ~ - 'b d~" -,' cted bv road side '~'I;'tr~tIi""'l"io·'·'-·'III' d " d

'I~' bep,ill to ~e :~.lS.l:ral\..< .. I.,." "~"-. oi:i!l"_. IrJ,~.~ ~[~ 1.,1, I"l '. [or I.C[lour'l!


'~)' the' bumps,.,

I' A, scre,ellw'[itcr has an ~.- ent intcre stcd i repping a s£ript w.ith just a f.C"W changes, ~ ~'e doe's,n', make the

,c'bian ges i

• A performance artist is ~ffe[1l:d a SP:l~ to ue.~or worksbopping his new. ma~en~t J:l1- doe, Iii once d.oesnt U.c his mixed reception l,n,d,IC:I,I'lng 'nll?re work ts needed,

ehen stops working lo'n new materialat all,

• A.'n, ctor is told re g,t his head 5l ots to,~, . ther an.· ch ,~ck. back in with a 'prest:igiou,:~ agent, ~,1 e [d,OC'.1 t ",C't his head

sho'l!", d01Es'n"t eheck back in,

.' An a.c:cress~'p'[oldu,cer a solid s"c~ipt i '. '~' C:,. _red, a srudio d,cal to' fil.r 1- e = devel~lop - ,er pr,oje,c ~'j" I~h ~ and, I 3:ul.

with fh,e [dle'al Illd,_lhc:n sihe,lve., t ~,e p'rojit!"C., '~nt'i'r!ly~

• ,A'te'ris, i[~.Yited iD'tO' I, g,[OUP s]],O:\V~, hi,s, n.rsc, bu,t picks a £igh[ with the gallery owner.

• A. poet rea,s SOI,e poems t? ye~y ·ood· :,bli ~c. '·0:_ at 3, n,eighb1orJl0[o,d o'p1en '~ntk. I~I Ins,tead of IC.· l"l[U:1'Unl'" 't this 'Ie'vel a:l1d, g-ain:ing s;t'recng,t'h~ t.he poe1t Ic'nters ,3, sl' .. 'ul (~ "0.' ·t'''= 0-:"['-:: b,,·~vl'~ iII"!i,O' 'I"~ .'tell lo'r poet: J"ud '". d b .Oll·'O~·E·),

's· IL: ". . v\Oi~· III ,i11lt;1i I" . - , , ..

lo~es- and scops re· jng pulid alto_ ·,h f.

• A lyricist hooks UP. with '. n!e\\ rom~o, tr . nd th,) Ii' -tran" make belutifulmu~.,c~o ,ether. They demo thr : c 'song::;" which :g,t le,nth'u5,1'lc'tIC ':e pons, 'I, il]' . then , ... ltO'_:

w,orkin,~ 'to,:,,~t'he "


,0 I,

h ~ un II


I ,

l I I

II't" I J -tur

., ,I h 'l h t II It ~ 11 11\'

It 11 U "~It ~ 11,1)1 U

.' II , 11::.11.\1 .111' In W, I' 1,,1 .n \ I.e I .. ,1 A~ II: 1111"111 \I 11", l III I t I ill'll' 111: .1,'1 II I '1'1 !>:l' lve ·


~' . II I '_ M I~' S ~.

~, b h ed if to t "i_ ,h,lcr !f r n 'c-,;i~rcd~lnlll1'i ,k,C'~ 'vJ~o,' 1.'11.11","

,0 " '-', ," '~ I&Q q

bl k' lime, I. he E;J: h er -,- zed it. 0 ab Ildon _. tht

. k I -

'il 111", He stu k rh .. ',lint 111 s ' m .'. :,i: rJ sun ~ ttie b ,Xl: - in h'i,

ms ·"Ill-'nll ~ 11d fi reot alb' U'E them l-UIIU the base menr ft, "odC,tit oil II, "h \\j1--lt JIUSlf ,3, 'W'CU,,'U he IEI·']dl h'ilm,5'c~f then, a .-sLuni:I1, Ithe 611n1 \,:\ ruined,

I '11-,' -J, ·,b h ' ac de I rer.

(ric,n c",,~ he I[olld me thesrorx ',: ,,- hi" I m. J ' .' d ~, " III.;',· dcic n rh t iJ W,3S ~ 10 d. um'£'~s, losr," he told In '. '- '-·,'lCil rhe ~ab lost the fODta'. 'It;

h 'iii" "T': I'k" b f' r~- IIII n'l D" eb b - k d- ,

.~ c,' ~ t 1 '01,. li' ~n"l:' ,·'IOU,\. 1~1., '~d . 't',- ,.', - FOC ,- ,10\ n-and

Ih~'u ,I" -~ bee n tOI mo ~ m ~t "'" bandoncd Idllca,1 ,~ " --

- , ·ck larer, - b" r :I C II rom the lab, 'T- 11 cr dible.

he, roun 'I rhc (OOI't~' . ~- n J1,t: rcl , te ~-' ~ I was :not t '101 ""Iurplris~d,," I

believe the creator keeps an eye on arricslS. and as Pll'Otccting that film. ,ith rile :_1!n.'C'IOUI',a ement 'O~ h,J'~'·"crlccl1'\riICr zirlfric=' d now hi: witt· .Bob finished hi, 111m" l,' have ,'IOrl~.~ - n

O m, -~- , econd, i __ nov __ ti c d cumel- ,- ry.,- 1t' ," .·t aer,

• ~ I ~ Ie r

Faced Vr.:i,tlh 3, creari :c U .... [IUrOI 3'" k 'yo,urscl:( fh', ,',.-ho, can ~. I':"k fOI~ help aboutthis Ll-rurn?" hen ,I .art asking,

In order 110 ~ ark fr .-.1' on a project an arri ',[ rnu :t 'be ,I ~ ICi-_"flU rionallv fre of rcsr ntmenr (i. r) . . resi I C· ( r). ~ 'h,aJ'r ~'.' \-'1- mean 'b,' tJ13'E?·,:f,;,c I ,~--,11 that __ I v ou ied 'bl' rrie j'

- ,

mUSI[ be' aired .' eforc th work c;tJJ'n proceed, The same holds

rrue for ,,-~ buried p yoffs ro not working, ·-'Iock: are sc~dolm Illy sr iIOl1l~-· hie')" c .jns C d, rl~ c, '~ i:zab], artistic Idelc'n'l ~ " ,,:', ~.Ii_ " \1-' ]1.'1 ~" p.lifC' ,j- 1,,_ (rib)~.:r ---['0'0' ,-~,.) ., ,3 h' :', rile "L\! ironment.

Remember, 'your arti, ,t is a creati e child, It: sulks, rhrev = ~ tantrums, hold ",rude,:" harbor irrational '_~'_I" '.' like most

hili- r~- .it i _ ;rai~ 0". the d rk, th 10 _- _ m 'n" <Old an, ~ ad - ',.n, .... ure rl If in-liE ,,:3 el, ';,('sr:--"s yOILir . ri·"tt, , ' , ,r')'-, nd "iuar-dian,

iI, bi'·~ brother, warrior, and Ic,omp,' nion, jltt '~,)I, tOI " O'U, ro con \ ince ) oun , rtisr i,l i" . 31,' t'OI come out __ nd (work) ·1 ~'y~

n ~ !!! ., II •

t: ·'II1'nJ~l, ' ,311' n~', '-''OJ '",e ~ II ,'. ~ ';00:; ]: za Ito c your ar _

,II a ,e" j,-- - 'Iii 'que ·~t ~ n, i Th scion \~:ill ~,_ elp ,e _ 01\




. ~t, ,

.. I ''''

,. M3ke vour deal, : be deal is: ·~Ok~y Creative ~~orcc ou t ke care of the IU. ~it~'n rake I 'are 0, the qual ~

It·il',. ~n I ~ '\ . n ... _~ 'U r I " . ,3~ and ,P . ~ t it,

l " ',,) 11,;1,,11,1

, lid ~ -II "I:tj-~~ 'S 'II,~"/I' (tJllill, t'dl,,(I'n.

A word of warning: rhis is a very powcrfl11 e~ercisc:; i-can do fa tal d311' ,3, :C '£10 a crcarive bl k,

I ~ Read Y'O'Uf. IJ10f_·jn',~, pages: This ": 'fIOCCJ':1 is best unde ,~ r ken wirh t\ '0 colored I rarkers, one eo highlight in~ si,I' hts and another to highl ight 3cti,QJ1S needed. DOI,n,lot

judge yourpa,.· es or y.~ ur elf This ,I: -,~c:ry' im!p'Oft,;U'lt Yc '" f .. y will be boring, Yes, Itlt?'Y In,ay 'be p"inti'L . .•... "Olllsidcr them a map I' kc rhem '-' ,', j'l1fo'rn'lI'_'.' i'O]l[11 :not an Indictment.

Take Srock: W':hol 113,VC' 'yo'u consis cn~,tly blclcn C0111, .... plaining -~ Ibou,e? WhaJ" hav e yOlu procrastin ar:. d on? Whaf ble: scdl have vou allowed your-elf to-hani!.! or accept?

Take '_' I,el,rr: M"a~l'Y of us notice a'lt aJ~lrl1l1ing ten ....

rd bl k - d whi . "-h 10 kir ~;'~H'"

d C'~1 cy eowa '1 ,a,ee' ··--all· '~W.·' I, to tt Inl_~] 118:: ' . ics tcr .... ,

riblc, He's wonderful. I ~Ol! \,' hirr ~ 'hate him, let) ,i}C3, _' job, I~'· ,: re rribk job," and so forth, ':'ll~,t be thrown by ehis,

Acknowledge: The pages have allowed lIS [0 vent

vithout se] !-d,CS;'-'fUCti,O'11" £10 plan withour inlicrfc'-=~ ence, '0 compls in. without an audi I C'-, . 0 dream \'J ithout ["' tric ion to k,~10;W our ow 11, nlJ:ind'e. I' .Iivle Ylo'urs,e,I,,€' credit fo,r undertaking them, Give them credit for the changes and :' . rowth tlley have (01[.: ed,

2,. Visualirin ~ YOIU 113v,c already done WI. rk with n3111- ing yOllt goaland i,dcl1tifyillg (fUC norrh, ~_ he follow, ....

ise ask Co 'II ~ oil' h 'IJ .~

ing exercise 31'. cs "IOU, to :,'U, "l rmagme ,=:1'\1"1110;' you,rgolJ1

accompli shed. Ph: S,C spent CI ough eime to ~iI] ill the juicy' der ~ ,J Is thar wouk '_ re II y ma k - 'hie ICX~ rCr.j 'lee wonderful for YOI'Uli

WI-.Dl' I1'" I:f~,

_- I oifI R :.11• 11 II.

h ...

'··'·'I}C ,_r' 1.1 ,~'t_· \. ... 1 ~ 11';' k"'1i.

1 ., 1.11, \IC'~', 1"r

I t~ Il'l~1'tl'~ ,'~ (_"~I'r Il,iu.Jf! blF 1J/~~iU~~' II. ~I~',~ ,I' U' I ~~/bl'ff' ",p~'J'~


·X'I(_'"flll.: III : C' an "

,4,·, ''YcrIL~ ~J1C':~:_~ I~U)'" other i.:ucs eh is week thl~ ,t yo'u 1.0, -1,udcr t nl III.~ I'll :h - Y' U:1f re,( :'v'cry? lc-' cribe them,

- '. . 0 y . - - in rh fO ~ h

CRATJVl1'.Y I~, _:: 10. • ....•. Irt~=' _I,::~- .', ~ _ •. 'IU" 'I~ ~ 1",' 'pc I •. u_

like Iightfllowin.g throu h a crvstal pnsl:n. .. h. n "'\C, r ' c Ii:: . r abo,ur \1\ be we are ~nd \ har \',' r'_dom . .rl1. ~ncr tree" and we Icxp,crl_~' -. no .'1', - 'n1. " : hen \1_ ~~ _ .~. - ,[ \~ h

I I' h h 'W 'U' " . I-h· ,,;,' n ;1 h if" -_. I 'U' - , -

Icner, .' :n ,[:' -'t '_.~. 0, '- u I' - _:- ' le:- WC,dlJ . .,j~"'L . i····. _,' .. IC '.' .. e

-.:c:ricnc- a shaky, out-of-conee I ff'f!""ln'~ . C \ I" •

~ownthc ftow and 1"C:::ain our ···r;;11 • c of Cion trot .--, c . bioi 01'

p5},chic b akes . _ . . , .

EI' "'ry CCIC3'[I' I','" ,_ '~r on 11, ~ ... 111 '. rl' ,'\\\-~' ~I _ ere - -I

E· ch of l favor .one or ~- <0-' ,~. I.'".' ri, ularb 't ~ ric I. -

h blo ck u "" 0 ~~ ti('~1 ·1=" Iii. I" '.

cause t' t:.'y . ,'" _< ~ .. ' - '. ~I[L· ~ I~ . ~ J! to

F'Of'onl pCloph:~' ood is *" cr ... _-'· tl- _... i ·,lllij~

,[:'15, or cer .ain ca' b h:- '1:- rate 1'11." '(I ~ ViC' th -11

h U1 .' 0' c'rt U'll,_, bl . '1"~ll:ur .. 'II u ',' U',-

crgy and hanae .. ~., the · hk . I.'·lin, _0.1'1'" h

. t ,i

F.. r I

n I

Lh~" i r,' I' i 111 _,t r!L 11, . . d - IITliOWS, - ~h \ th t I'h,-, ,

' , I "11 h 6' ~.- _ cy 'I fi

I -. ·t t'~, iii· ~~,,, 'p.1 _, r' , I ' '. ill'! " .. A bi

L lout r 'I: 'y up~_r ~ ~ ~I " ~'~" _- - _1- ,'1- ~' __ I",:'.~ ~,C_ 'I:. b,owl or

ice r . rn, an evenmg · f junk 6 od, and thcllrYS1l:Chll" 'So Wh t was: I rbinkin, ,? What' · · · ? Oh. never mind. . .. . II,.

_~olr s 111'C people ak ohol i_, the [av ~--'c'dl bJock~ Fr. r o :h' c. ".

d- 'III" r k 1'" €' ·t h c~ bl k ,-. - "fill 101 , b -, . S j

£1-1 ,"} ~ ""'~ r 11130)" .. \'rrr -' - ~_ -' '.' .~' . I: ~'e,., :IU.' Y'I·UY. U I _

ill I C. t ~.. r' t. -n- umb .. 11 ·1-- "'J' :l!ll~ W- - ith h Yfi'

rncy~r. ,Il,lir: 1" '\,1 '~".',"~' -" ..... i" ~ c_. ~ 'ey can'n ke'a

h~_'I( hour s walk", WJl(,t a wa· te ~f E~mc"" M.L s,t-d,a,s In,d I'nll"111

h rk.:l'"' 11'1 I wi'"

tiplc proj&;"Cl ' arc dra",," to e em I e ~ tes to. soda can in tbe

'l n,. "'fh '" '" ,1,1] : UZ~~ " buze, bus If' Jwat'l - ~ .~ ehe br.u'!· Ih-- I a'· '~I .'. tl -

· " ." - - - ,. '- . ne

J t -b it' ith b -"Ilk rrou h "'- ., h

, ,'lr " - 1, U .~ lt r '~ ,~W _S, '\\-;. , -'\~. ' . - ,_ '.'_':' I I. ~'~i. .nr,

. r' _

or others, an obsession wihpainrul love plalOcs ere tive

choice outsid~ their b~n~s. Relching~O~I~e pa.infu] tho~gh~. III 'y be .. , me In· ta III VICU rns rather than feel thtT own consider bl]c _ ~ I C~ ~ j] ~1:f on ,Iy he o,r she wouldjusr love me '.' " , .. 'I

hf ob ,cs .. i'v'c.:h,'Ol,~,'" '~h:t .~ .rown - our the Ii _ rle voice rha!t 'Illp'c.ts re •. rranging the UYinrr room l' 'takin:c,' ,I, p o'ttcry' c:I"'III,C"1[" ,t __ B

0' ,tJ '. b _, ~ lei ,. ' . '. I'd'lill';'~ ,It" ...

in a new '[IOP o:n rhat sf'D,ry' dt,3t's,~ltyml_cdll T'he minure , Ic,r'c~ .... ,

arive thought rai es it head •. it i lopped off by [he obse'io:

.. ked ., k ~ -,

which ble rc. r anc prevents rrs .. omg out dancing?cdo_

in- the ,h Je pay with an inner-city theme? "If only heor she would love n11'C ~ ., ." S'IO~11,ucll fO'f' ~st Star IS~t'ID'Y~-

_ .. , ex. i· .,hcgr,eal.block for mal1Y· A ~~s~~riz~ngt titillating hypnou., mreresr : lidc novel '~IiOU possibil res ID . ront of the

real novel, . he new ',. x object becomes the focus for c::rcativc approaches,

Now, note _,arefu Ily ,that food. work. and St.'X arc all good in tho OJ' I lve ,.' If. i· Ith,: ~ ab,rl'-e of them tha.t mak ~S, them cfcalti\\t .... ity i .. sues, Kn,olw,jn'~. y .. urself a'-- an! aFltis~ m '.': ns ,aklloW.I,. ld~in

which .'. 'these yeu .. buse when you want EO block yourself. If crearivity is like a burst of [he, universe's breath 'throu.c:h the srrav ,that i each of [I'.,' we pil1~h thatstraw whenever w~ pick upon of our blocks, Wc_'hutdo\11 our How. And we do i on purpo ~'f'

We begin. to sense our real potential and the wide range of possibiliei.c. open to us, That scares us. So w: all reach for blocks ro . low oUI1 .. rowth, If we are honest with oursel·c. we • II know ,,-,i:11 bl ks are the oxic ones for P .. ' Iue: Ehi c is th '. block wede end as 10 U 'Ii' right,

r f

I 7

Till --'irill iii' 'I", WAY:

III .,'fIl. ,f,Il, iii

ride out rhe , nxietv an .1 sec w.h'F't' ~ em. r c. ~. xiety iou-I. W 'I; ,~,,, n us e ir [)O write with, pamt with, work w~th,"

'IV,1 k h I SIn "" U1.

Tbc .,w"f, -' ' _

r " or _ ' iut ':~Id," 01 (( f ICC 11 urs: Slclld(nn"

I ~

'~ ,I ~11,'cl dares wieh ~'\'lc,1 lone's 0 ,do rn rc seld 0, '111 often, never?

" , I, ,iii_I",

J 'r' o',:tpol:n· 'U in,:" u, 'JIlt i ,I rhe dcadl i I cis

3:11 r m,

ofren I never?

4. I take work '1.1 ith me on wC'kcl1d5: .. 'Ido I,

1 ' cr?

~ '~- , ' ~


t'r of

- ..

ddi '" d II~k Il ddi ~

WorkahoJ1ism is an a .)1([lOn. an .. II'C a I a'.I .ICtlOIlS. it blocks

creative energy. In &OE. iit could be argued that the desire to block tile fierce Row of creative energy J.s an undrlying rease I for addi ion. If people arc too b·I',·· to write morning paes or too bus y to fake an artist date, they are probably too bu~y t~ hear the voice of authentic creative urges, Tor-eturn to the concept 0 ,. a radio set, the workaholic jams . he signals With self~ induced .~ tatic,

Only recently recognized as an addic ion. workaholism still receives a great deal of support in our society. The phrase

'I "1 'bJ 0; C' d

I'm ulfJ,kill'g has a certam unassai 3; e all' 0' goo ... ness and duty

ro it. The ruth is, ... e are very ofien working to avoid OUrselves, our pouses, lOll ~ f', ,.1 feelin _,S ..

In ere rive recovery, it is tar easier to get people to do the

- (-I · h- ,"" 1

,eXED work o. the morning pages t'in ~t JS te gertdem to, do the

II signed play of an artist date. Play can make a workaholic

F ,0

',e,ry 'n·.· rvous, un IS: scary ..

"Jf I Clad marc time. I'd have more fun." we like to, ten OUr;... selves. but this is seldom the truth. To rest the validity of this

~ k ~ ('-h h ,. I 111 - -

assemon, as'-, yoursell -',OW muc ume you auot each week to

fltn: pure, lln- Idulterat "d'i nonproductive ftUI1?'

For most blockedreatives. fun is samet.ling they avoid almosr 3S assiduously as their creativity. Why? Fun leads to erearruvity. It leads to rebellion, II: leads to feeling our own. power, and that is scary. UI may have at small problem with overwork,"

] ik to .. J'I , ell es "but I am- not rc -1')- k h 'I'~ ii'

we nxe 1,0 ','lours IV ~ ~"I ou arr _ 1- reauy a 'w!or :,3 ~IOJ~C.,

Try 3 11 swering these questions before you are so sure:

I take WI .·k ..... irh me 011 \I' car' ons:dd ttl. .., [ n

S ~ ~


,I rake vacaric ns: sC"_J,dOI'-I~ " '- .en ne', er: 6.,

". M'l' intim _lie' 1(:'" ,II ' : lain I

, ,11[- en never?

,o,[!- ...... ,I,

',. I try to do two things at net': seldo .1. (tell, 11 ."C :

9. I allo' nvsel free time b tccnr~ ct : sc1m .. o ftc II. ~l'CVC r'?

101• I aUIOYf rllysecl!f to achieve closure 1011 II,a,5,k : ; cldom i 'Iftc~t IlC\ cr?

] I~ [ procr -,·,-j_111( rc i'11 fini <bin ,r u'p the I < L ose end : '< 'e~donl" often nc vcr?

let out '['0 do one job 13111 starr on rhr·c mo to: ' he

I..". lL

:~",lnctir.I!,: "c'!_,d,1111,~ orrcn, never?

I] ~ )' work in rhe c -I. ings dU!'riu,g , 3'r11il, _':,llnt~:cl om, o,ftlcn~ never?

4~ I ~,I'I,o'" d." : seldom. I

of :1, urioritizc :11),\ - dl.a}, , to_,· :i uc u c 11

I :11'" 1') ,

.. 9to'rklpta} ,: seldom, often. '11,~ \'C, ?


our 0 i ere It I I~IC

(I I' 1 iI~ L' -_

.' II.. r ,.. ~ n I . ~ J ~ r ...

I )

~ 'h

19 •... use the word dadlill .. eo describe .. nd .lionali2C my wo,rkl· ad: ' eldem, ofeen ncv'c':r?1

20. GoingoD1('whcre" even to dinner. with it nor'cbook .r _ ly I.' rk mmbcrs i "O'J11C thin - :1 do: seldon" oficn, 11£'· cr?

In order eo rcco'. er our cfe'~'ti: '~tY1 _ we must learn to see ~. orknhclism as, a block instead i~f.: bui ,din:. block. Wo.- k abu c creates in our arris r a Cinderella Com • Iex, We are a]\!I.}S dre . min ' of the ba I ~ and al w' 'Y, experiencir g the ball ,and



There is a difference between Z"- -' '-'flll work oward a ch,e('Oi§ iSJIC,d '~'-I04' .I~ md 'W r' .' holism ~ That ,diffcrcru:,., I ies I,es,s in the hours rha n i doe .... in th c ... motional q uaHty of the hou rs speno There i·' a treadmill quality 'to workaholism, We depend DI,ll0\'l:[ addiction and we resene if. For a workaholic, work is 'ynonymou with worth, a.nd so we "L Lesitant to jet ison an)'

f ,.

part 0_ u,

- In srriving co cler r the way for our creative flow. We must look ar our work habits very' clear,ly .. , We nta:y not think 'We O"V!CfWQ'f'k un il we look ,a.'[ the J10l~l[S we put ill .. We may rhink our work i· .. norm I until we compare it with a norm I. 6'rty~ hour week.

I ~ J. b "' .

One WiI)r to ale neve C anry II.: our our time c',xple~ldltu.res is

to keep a daily checklist and record of our time spent, Even an hour of cr .. rive work/play C:lO go a long w: y teward offiet~ ring thc,'iC',I1SJC of !-ork"a,holic desp eration t~},-, I't keeps our

dl - b

,rC3JflS at t ay~

BCC2'USC workaholism is a process addiction (,a'n ,add,'j,cti1oll to a b ell a v lor ra ,t her th a 11 ,I " u bs t a n ce), it i: di ff1' It uh EO ,t:·. I ~ 'wh,CJ1

- d 1" .. ~ A I ·t- .]., .. ober b -b -

we arc inc [II·' .mg m IE" . '._11 a C'IO 1.0' .C gets 110 ocr ::y abstain ":-1",

frOIn .,cohot· workaholic gers sober by31.tininb from DV: rwork, The trick j, to define overwork-s-and this is where



:··t?i,l/,_ I~' ,,_: , eu -ss dnd,b"J bt1~" i;'tJr, nll ~UI'.


I r

" ~v

. ,



fame en our.gcs us t •• bel~~.~c that i_ it h 51_~h I I ned · j. ~ on'[ happt:)1I. Of _- .. ur se, U I f:.1 C, . arne --- n the . e .

- C.'lII:"S' and )'11 our t:r.:"IIJlC iouls 'we k .. n. 1- ~ tha ~ ~. mo P!~- 11

SUCCI iI_ '. . . - I

have fclt-SUcocss ill the end of 3. God day's work, But f Itt .~ 'I,

'~I " d - :iCEi, -ell ,arld it ,aI-wI,Y' : I lC,:lv-e, u·· 1 ~u n , . ry ..

Iia ,i ~ Id I ~ '.' -

Fa~l'C' ~.' ~"SPI[ltu,al 1-_r_lJ1",I", . '1'. 0 1[1, 'n L:, .... rIO··'U 1_ r ....

'" .. ic work but Ii ,~"e.lllI,c1.ear w· 'Itc,·' - can 'be 3 v F· Id 11'[i

U !h. (. '. . I '., ~ - - - I '

b· , .~~p'rold,llclt~ :Falnc\~ the desire 'to' il. tail'll i,t~· he de. ire ro hob on

Y h' "H . '~' d" '~1fI

~ it (,an produlC'IC t~_c" ·OIW ,3rll~ III doing?" ,tn_ rome, hi

,- uestilOllJ is not "I: 1')1 I, ork goin cl' ell?' I hi" nu '" - ~ ...

q - - . - - . h. ,'I' I

'Ho,YI does it look to t '-'c]11,~,1

The point 101' [lie, ~ ork is the - _',ork~ . 'Inc 11 rer ercs ,I·j rhat perception. Instead of acting bcin: ,. abou 'lin - . it b ,,comes. bout being a falltOu,._ a tc r, mstea ,abolu,t .. riri'I1',·.', it be ~ srn c a .: " U, r b -i ~~'_ ecc

pu,bli: ,hcd~. , ~, . ~_ .

- We :dl li kc credit where en dit 'I.: dUIC'~ '~~" rt ,: I-~, ~I '\ -e

a'iways get it, Yet, 6' .=tJ,:itll: 011 f'11'~~'ll wh ther \\ .. r ...

ling ell h........(: eat a con inu I_ ''" l n'_ Ie.

n Il~VCr-]110U rh 1'(-_1 "" Ii III dru -,.' '\, i nti 11 ·i1

sna'p at OLl r heels, d'i ,'Ie redit O'l:U: 1 __ • ·]11--·· sh m" l' '. - t r .. ,'c .'

at ano ~ her', 3.(('0111'_" li . h ~11,CJ1.r.,

· •. ' ten this, rc ... · ~ Of 0 '.' he many f~ n rna .', .. 12" "C -People or insn nce=-and see if afterw. rd . your life somehow ft:cb: more shabby, Ic's wo~rhwhik ~hi .is rh f.1nl~ drug l.f WOrk.)

Remember, areanng yours If Iike a prcclUS ObjCi t; 'ill make '/ 'llfton. WI '0 you ha,.· bc.:cnO;.cit'cd by ch,c f hle dl' I.' vou Died to detox by coddlin yousclf. W lat~s in order here isa ,.n.::n deal of .. enrlenes .. and orne behavior that makes

you ]ik' yourself: Sending po.stca.l:ds is a. great ~ric~. MaU one to YOUI'S -If that says "You arc 1,010,'; great ... " IE I: very lice ro . acr 1:1111- uer from our, elves,

In d c Jon . run. fall letters rom ounelvcs---,and Our creative sel'(~, re what we arc really aft:,e.r. fame is reaUy a shortcut (Of sclf~approva:J. Try approving of ytJur.sclf just as you arc-

-.. 1 ~ - , • j f '. -". , .~ .h· ._, . - .. ]1 k .. d' I.. ). ". .' . ,

and spoi m yours, : r tten Who • sma I ,I; S pea, ur s.

What We are really scared of I. hat without fame we Wont be loved-as artists ,or as people, The 'olu~iol1 to Ihis fear is co it')' c reee ,sm,31IJ .. J10vi ~lg.· actions. We must activel", oonsciousJ- _y.<

"" . ,II... ,I" 'II;, - "'" ~".. . I : . 11

,c,oD'sisrc,ntJ'Ytl and creari ely nurture our artise selves ..

When rh fame drug hits, go 0 )'Our e.eJour ~yp~~ writer, your camera or day. Pick '," p the tools of your WOrk and

begin to do just:ll little creativepla:y. .

Soon. very SOOft, the (arne drug should start to lessen it hold, T'he only cure for the fame ··'rug is creatl e cndcolf.

Only when we arc being joyfully creative C:Jn 'Ii ,C release the obsession with ochers and how they 3JrE: doing,

Bit _'J/II,l' ' , Jli" J _I c .,, . 1. hf IH!~' lU~'" ,I" MIIJ1 f!11'i:I~;r-~ ~p~~ri~' " : s teu. rrd..

J. MI'I:U . AM,U.rt.~~

COM!~'J:'-TrI1'T-'IO" N'

.. ' . '.' .' 1- L ,1,[ . I, . ",:

You pick up :I magazine~r even your alumni news---and somebody. stJ'lBl!bQ,dy yo.u knoui has gone further. fasrer~ toward your dream, Instead of sa.'ing. "That proves i can be done."

- t': i).' I "1- ". h- -"]-1 . d- ~ , .. -d- r"-' ""

)-OUf jliear 'W'~5aJYt . '_ Ie ,Of' S:. ie Wi . SUCCIC, '.1. ,,,,,St,ra .' 10:. n.11: r. \,

Comperirion is anorhcr spiritual drug. When. we focus on

.. )1'1 ,II d

competition we porson our Own we ..• unpe. e our OWn PIO.~

ress, When we are oghng rhe accompli,hments of others we r· ke our eye • way from OUf own through line. We ask OU.selves th wrong: questions, . nd those wrong qu ···rions give us rile wrong anS\VCf:!,.


• j,

fh I ". "

I h """In



hi' lis ,,11 • _U ,un I, u .~ nd "n)' J

·t· h In~

, . :u 0_ .' 111 . uwn prson. I .(1, '- 'I 'I, • • YOli m. u \'V •

",~, '" ~ I - I ,~ ,lll n

L dU'l' au' ot rne t,,'m!l 011 your IIslt-or :llC'quirc h If

. _. '(II ~IO' 'Itl"t~ bl~uc \-11'1:: ,II .' 'l~ t iii : -C~il" j'1 rt-n,lII,3U:f :1'1 d u D.~ ~ t I "lII1 l~'

, .~ II -, W - - _ - _ . ,,;] ,II ~ . ~'I U: I . '"'"

no 'I' 1 ;ui, h " dr 'SS'f:, '1'1[., k il! Ih. \ 1) iii} J

'I,_, ~: 11 II I '[_I

mount j ma cs n ir, 1:)1, ,- ,t', ,Ultl le, - -

" he A:wfur rurh: An' wer the 6J'lowin· quCdOU5"

. (·n rhc rrurh, \l1.13~ h:lbi~' 0 ,au hay'h. t .:.'t, in tt~ ", " : f· : -I r -" I ~311t I v i I[ ,,?

"II' '. 'h.t dovou rtl]nk mi, he be a pr-obIC'Ii?

Ilr. i .,

Whit ,[ do y ·.U :pJI~ u .0 Idl ... 1 ~ b' .. · U,' rile ,h~,bt t

\, h.,t is· ur "~; 'ff in bildh~ oluhi blu It?

If yunu't Il'lIrt.' our " our P:IYO«, ~sk "trusted fri-I"'Ii"JI'

f ,II YJ !!II

Tell the rruth, Which.ri ~nd. m3k·: on d,ubt ""Uf-

.. r,? (,h, - '. , I-d. ubr j vours .lr, ~ :"I. bu they t"rj:~ ,~~!!r ir.)

eU the truth. Wb~chricllld. bc.Ji.cVeiu you and YOUE tzd.'ut? (The talent IS you " bur they Ill. Ice ¥L 'd it )

. Ill,., t"~' !foil) p-' - " ]'" - - L . iII·pi'.'fIJ Y I ' I. • ,I:'. ..

' n •• ', ,.11,> ,,' ." .... r • n AC ".I.,'"O .. u" ", ru IV .f.C,I,L?

I I I, ,~, J ~ k· ~ - - - "'~ . I F

~: tne ami,' U I. r nxe If.'lo°m. rae next , IIIcsUn is,


I ~Wh')Jf'?~ltJ

.' ftjl' 1 ,II' r ,I" U b~jir. "k."


~'II ,~{JI' I~ ~ ,t~ 1I~1~ 1_-tt,lIJh ~ ,lll'tI_ k


~llIiUI"U~J.;'~·'/r i~,? .. l",d l'I(i,flJI I~{t,~",

1/'1 '1J'~'1 " t"l (~ 1,. 11'''''' 11 tl 'J'~~f Inn·

~J ")I~~J t.II/I' 1[(; '/JI~ h(fl ,. ill' ',I,·,.

;'" ,J'I,f? ~ . ~I"~ "d "",I, s.: tl",I.-

nt 'JII 'h,t'I,I'(JII~' ..J~II 'JI,,~,,~lrll~ rUt' t:I't1l.tJIc"'. 11'1'1 ~tn ,1,111/'l'I'S;jl. ',n'

• ~,i/ll f,' ,/11~f~'1 ~~'~'i ~lli ,," II/"t," I


Whi h den u' ti v habir do ~. UI' destr .'ti" '" hi ' Ie wi rh v u r . _ r'c'l - U,l_ tive s 1.-') _ ?

~.hi, ,11 C0I1'[ u rive Jlabits d u your 'OU!iltru.· rive fricllds share wirh, Y10l'Ir "IOI"~'· rruc ri'vt '.Ic~f?

'I I

-r· 1,1ff!!'!lil' i- . . 111'-'11;. ,,'

4· ..... ttin RRm iuc;, kil, will y ur an wcr .

rho , tilC' ,ri,l' a; o ...• t. v·,., ttin ..' ' .. '. 'UO'I1Jiil ~~tl-I' ,1:0' 'lljIi

,I ,- - ,iii 1:",,;11 ~ ILl.!

)lollrdf.~c., in .'. illl hW ,f your . ainfid be-

h.vior,:., You can :llways add m .n.'latc'r.

'" t· y u uri.' J .. I. our ex .' rin • .re L i . Uy .....•. h~

bllCll by" .. Y:-'Ol- r b .. " .. 1;,5 ~~".' "r" '·····I·'··J'ln--1'·~.1 -,"11_~ .. '~!Ii_l ,"'iIi.', fl.II,I.'_111C'"

. ,. _ I -. .' ..' . . , , . !!i..o" ~ I( I '"' . ", " ~I . . '1'1 . .11 "'" II I'!II !II

nust com ill -01 ,pla,y:' n!DI wo'rk after~' ix,

r _ ,

I! 1, I)

~ ~\l in U') , Ion. ~ cr L

I \;~ i,n 11' ,) 1,(lU ec bri In I ~'.! O[~ k IU "



, ,~,()nl'S~

I' :\ iU no lou ~I er ]·I!.I,\"IC UI, - . 1.

1.1u1Ji- ]11,_~n,L~ (, t.l m rll~

lor ,-I a i 1:1 fron~ n1'Y boss rhe '\~ ork: h

1_ ~', i iH II:


t t en 1" '0 J'l~ -

.n till :_1


'1- ~


a "'~u' (ten II C

1:1 ~ )

nc I,





,~ ,


I •

I 'i ~I~ 'Ehret: lUI,,- 1i11 j iI. III ,I, yo I




ar _I,:.' r,


4~ '. t k .~ thr '~Il~ nil II, .


·, I - I ~,d U c


CJ " h ~ t \ t - _. i ,.'

'. Wt:fC there • n ·,rhel i" sue: rf is wcck that YOII C{)II~ sider ,;i,nifi ant (or y' til recovery? Des ribe th('nJ,


-C',rJCiJ' lli an')'

Y-J ,1! - ~ •

1- i I' rOt1:1 It,

Se on' se 0 '.

, -,



I MAN Annl'. Asan.rtir JU1~y need a di Jercnlt nli ' ... ( • bilier and flo~\' from other people. I m. 'y fmd hi... . nilnc- . _

,(. '0" - ["lii'_ die ' m ',all': - J ~'- VC - '_11'" ~ rei I'r - _1,- I 'Ii 1 I 1

111 \fC J I -' - ' ,. , II, - , , III _ Ii _

Ihr:1 ninc to- I .e drau ", me of cl_-l'r') ald Ie·. cs nell .- c I

crt'afl'. I nUII.,£ cxperi rnent with what vor ", fOrme.

- An arti~ f,'S era ]1 ,A 10'\ , is '!,y'piC3J~y erratic. ~"

m [ be br 'kc a:U the time, bur th ~, dd ' 'I r, '"

n t - _ _ . ,,', !~

~. 0- II' s,:nlC' 0, - th 'iiJ tlll1 , " " ,0 I~J "':_':~

t'1f! ", II 1'1!1r.' . _

People win bUlY~l r no~ ~'Y p~omp·l.. he rna kct m: " be r ItICIH!VCIl when Ith~ ork rs ~rc. t, [C31111' It c~I1U'ol the ~ . ct _.

Dc;ing,rlJt'lto the mner a trs ,- 10 I(ICUI -c~ U~I'E n ., th- II ,,_

I u'l nor .3J . Y · I ha c • . 1

val,lIe 311' the \'IJ Iu -' 'If 111,' '-_ rk by 1),-~' . 10-'7'-- 111" - C . _1 rc,

The ides rha t 1110n cy V,~ ~ ~d 3] rc n-ty r ,~di'bi lit ' is \ r\ h.

U)I . ht! ke. f f nl -I ~I--~ __ - dere rIll ill ''''- I real '-- - then ' ' .. U. l ;n ' \,\f. S

hlrlanul., :", ~ 11 .rtist, 1111l never '_ \i w. I 11" rh -'S Ii ~

UN·",I ,"d',-- ~o'r.rH" ,'-or ~ 11_," ,,- n rhc h 'r -i. n I In" c .

book of pOl: 111,t ,3 ---01)1 g't :I ,II 11 ~ICC' " J m U$I[ lea,rn rhat ~ 'S an arri ~It 11'~,

- T- T'~S '\"",'Y

-U_, "o\,R '11'"

~ _,n II(JPpl~I~'_11 11'0.' ,,' is f.dJt~' (ro", il~ no p" ""tt1 (.lIld:"qJ~t,J o,;~ it; r/'t'IM -ttl'" J~'''itl,ll'u.~t/'I~'i' e .r:a"It'(J1


, "~.' , is. tJ' ,~,'r~

,A,·' " ,'··oBO'

M. NEt, _ WB,I', l' ~R

.. to ,and Illy we rk .. In orh r words, i_ I ha .. ' ·1 poem t. wrie, J need [I writ,c rhar poem-s-whether 'if wJn"cl~ lor nor,

IllcceJ £10 create wha,[ wants to be created. ,I,c,a,nn"oit p-Il,~- ,

'.. _., b I, d- ,.,, .' '. - ,.. ,- _ _', (J 11 a,

career re u'_JfoJd In ;11 ~ 'nsl]~e ,:.Ir ~t on diet ,I: d by cash Row

and m rkt: ~m. stran .... res, Tho.ethms are ,nc; but too much

rrention ~. ". ehem cm sri,lI the child wirhi "'.,who. g~£scared and angerc when ,oont~nu~Uy pu~ off: Children. IS we all

i~.. d dl - ,II JJ ,- vith "Later No'" - O"'1Il1I' iiiii'

ttU,IO'W,," 0, r~o[ -_,ea~, C . WJ,I_,O. _Ii ..... .: ~:n. "\"n,.,

Sine my artist i a child, the natu_al child -. il:hin. I mUSt make om' conee ions to its sen of riming. Som. conee .. sions d r,!' not mean total irrespon ib]iity. What it means is let~ r;in,g the artist have quality time, knowing that if Llet it do What L want' £0 it will cooperate with me in doin, what I neoolo do

- . I ·~IJ .. b dl d' b dl

. Son ~tu ies- WI. . rit'[' a. y ,raw i3._ y. paint badl~ P _

form badly I have a riaht 0 do !that to get to the other side. Crcarivity is irs own - .... ward,

;0 hAs .10 ,anish'~' I must be very ~:lreful to surround myself wU, peopre wno nurture my . ruse-not p opl '. who try 0

oed} domesticate it fo my own good. Certain friendships wHf kick off my artisric imagination and other'S will deaden it .

. I may be a goo~ cook, ~ ~tren housekeeper, and a s.trong artisr. I am messy. disor:', anized except as pertains: to writin. t a

demon for creative detail, and not real interested in d 'tails like pc Iishe d shoes and ft'oor~"i'

To a larae degft!c DIy life is my art. and when j[ gets dun. so d~es my work. As an artist. I may ~oke into whae " rhcr PC<lple think of" dead ends: a punk band that I mysteriou,;fy fan for, ,' .: aieee of .. ' spel music that hook m.. inner C:U:, a piece of red ',ilklju.· r like; and add to a nice audit" thereby '<ruining it."

As an artist. r may fHz2 my hair Ot wear weird clothes. I rna . spend too much mony [on p. rfume in a pr tty blu bOUle '¥I:n thou,.h the perfume '. tinks bec use the bottle lets m wrire abc ut Pa. i:, in the' thirties,

, As an artist. I write v.. hether I think it's any good or not" I ,hoot movies oc-her people may hate. J sketeh bad sketches to "l. "1 ~ 3'. i 1 fbi mom. r ' .. '..IS hi p'[.,. It v 31S Ma and I was mee r ~ -I, ",10 me boc - -, J '\1' ""L n t: . _ to mce _:" 'I

As ,an · flit. my self-respect come .. from doing the work. ' ..• ne performance at 3. ti me. one gig at a time. one pain ling at a


",,(.i,p. sf rh ton s i -$ o__f, 0110- 'in l

. '" - c .n arcisr i . £.' a knwh:d., the: -'('onishin. , is to · II .'. flu.' wren; ·i,··c in .: room j( we Uk,c if. If is to hang Or. to

; weird coat rha~ makc.:s us fl.ppy. 'tis to !1 . 'I" k·cp trYing 0 be ~ oln,elll, i n[, rhalt Wit' ~I rl~11~1[..

If·' l~ arc h~ p icr·.· ririn than nor writi.I' pi. in in .. thaI] nor p. ;11' in', sin..-in.·, han nor , in ,iug. 'tin '"han noa'cring, ,'jnr tilllg han not direcflng. for' Old s !3kt· (3ind I meal1 that J.itc,r;dJy) lcr you r': elf d'o i,t

, '0 kiU your d'rc.m bee lilt' they rc irrc'ponsible i to be irrcpou,jbJc to y, urself CreUbiliy lie with you and .. : od_ not wirh a ,ol:e, 'f your friend- :Iud ac;:quainr .nees.

The crearor made u crealtiy,e. Our crcarJYi't.y is OUr gilit_froHi od. ··lIr use onl' is our gifr to .. ··.od. Acccprin,:. thi ba ,'in is the be innin,. 0 true ... ·.Jf-acccpr:mcc.

I f ,1'li" IU~ l:J ~ '"Ilrl( ,',' .1~fI.~ l·"'li~'[, "(II I( r

- t/~t' f ~,- ~'h,1 'iJ1'~"( ~J. ,J~'lf if ~ t, '_'1[1'11'11 is Ultll~ iIII;,"JI" ;'Ji~~,'$" hit" ,l,(J,i, O[IN'",

I' ,j,ll' 1,1,,.,", i - ~tlll, II ,'t!l'''I'/,al .. "

,,~ [~' -ti- -iF be." ~II I~ -it- 1$ , lillllPi


Creativity isa spiriruaJr3CEicc. It j, not somcthin ..•. that cau b,

£: - h dl d' · 1 ". .' L

prfc(tcd, lll)i.·c" r ··d a L c. ~t s my cxpcn,ucc trJa:t '!; .. '

reach · Ltt';- 'liS of rcarl C :It3linmcm only to have a Certain resrles .. n " s ser in. Ye.. we are succcs·,eu I. Yes, We haw rn ade it, bur .. '"' .. '

In other words, ju t vhCI1" c there, tlltre disappears.

Iii satisf d with OUf · · e m pJilmem .. , howc-cr lofry. We arc .... nee a'~3in ['nfronted With OUf creaive self and irs hungers.

The questions we have jusr laid to rese now re rheir heads

a. '. in: wh: t're weoin. to do ... liD'''?

-[ - I • - _

Thi un .misfl'ed •.. t alliry, thi·· rde" appetite fo.r £urthcr explor .. rion, tel's us, We arc J'ked .0' expand inordcf chait we not conr Fa cr. Evading this COH1mitment~n evasion that

n J' dl ,. h ., J'"' _

tempts us 3n- caos srrai rn e toc3.'"nat'IOQ, QI comeht, ;pir-

• 'I d' . C';. !lie·' 't, f . . "1:1 - d I - rd _ II

IfU3r, J:Comu rt, , ... n t c re [; .' won e .'n a . C_tfile n-


'; leE I '- ;110 ..

As arlits, we are spiritual shark>" 'The ruthless truth is that if we don'it keep rnoving. We sink to tbe bottom, Iud dic. . he hoke is tcry ·jmpJc: we c. n insist Q 1 ~c~ting on Our I. urels, or \ ~ .. a 1 be ·inncw. -~ he sr in~em r qui cmenr of a >u.·tain, cd ll:_ itdifc i he humiJity to,raruga:in, to begin anew.

It is thi· willingncssro Once 1110rc be a begJnner that dis-

. J



CJI_ 1

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