A VERY Nice Lesson

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A VERY Nice Lesson...!

Once a boy went to a shop with his mother. The shop keeper looked at the small cute child and showed him a
bottle with sweets and said,
'Dear Child, u can take the sweets.'
But the child didn’t take. The shopkeeper was surprised... He is such a small child and why is he not taking the
sweets from the bottle.Again he said to take the sweets.... Now the mother also heard that and said,
'Take the sweets dear.'
Yet he didnt take...
The shopkeeper seeing the child not taking the sweets, he himself took the sweets and gave it to the child. The
child was happy to get two hands full of sweets.
While returning home the Mother asked the child
'Why didnt you take the sweets when the shop keeper told you to take?'

Can you guess the response…………………… : The child replied,

'Mom, my hands are very small, and if I take the sweets, I can only take few. But, now you see when uncle gave with his
big hands.... how many more sweets I got???'

When we take we may get little;

But, when Allah Almighty gives,

He gives us more beyond our expectations. ...

More than what we can hold....!!

A nice one na!....have written a nice thing 4 u but afsoos it cant reach you…….neways a suggestion from this
sister….try studying Islam …..
I recently read an article in a magazine……there was a line in it that I liked …it read
“Like the theories of science we can’t experiment our lives…..”
Take this line as your mantra… what ever we do with our life it will pay in akhirah that too for eternity as ya
know very welll.so we can’t do things for granted before we say yes to a thing we got to think that what this
would give us in ETERNITY….ma dear brother …..in our homes or I may say in the society we are living
….islam is taken as a religion…..which it isn’t …we all think prayin 5 times ..fastin in ramadhan ..givin
zakat..and goin to hajj is Islam ..Irony!!!! This is the reason why we are not really Muslims coz Islam is not a
religion remember it is a deen ..a way of life ……you are not a muslim if you pray 5 times but are not interested
in solving the probs of the ummah ….fastin but never understand the hunger….give zakat but you are not
interested in the economic system of Islam ….remember

“a person cant be a Muslim until his desires are subordinate to the commands of Allah”
Prophet pbuh{or as said by him}
Feeamanillah and wish you luck
See ya in Jannah

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