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December 1, 2010

The Honorable Ray LaHood

US Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590

Dear Secretary LaHood:

I write on behalf of the State of Oregon to thank you for your leadership advancing high-
speed and intercity passenger rail projects across the country and particularly your support of the
Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor. The funding provided to the corridor from the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Fiscal Year 2010 High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail
Program will help transform our passenger rail into a truly viable transportation option for the
region. As important, we know that high-speed rail represents a unique opportunity to create
jobs, revitalize our manufacturing base, and accelerate economic development.

I note that some states that received ARRA high speed rail awards may reconsider their
support for such projects and return the money to the Department. Oregon's commitment to
improving the Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor remains steadfast and I urge you to redeploy
those funds to states such as ours that are committed to your vision for high speed rail.

The Oregon Department of Transportation received Recovery Act funding to complete

preliminary engineering and NEPA on two projects in North Portland-Willbridge and North
Portland Junction-and these projects will be ready to go to construction in the near future if
funding becomes available. In addition, there were a number of other projects submitted by
ODOT under the Recovery Act that were deemed by FRA to be eligible but were not selected
due to funding limitations.

Additional funding could also be used to make improvements to the North Portland
section of the Seattle to Portland corridor. The Seattle to Portland route, which is currently
served by four daily regional trains, has the seventh highest ridership of any passenger rail
corridor in the nation. Additional investments in the Portland portion of the route would
complement US DOT's investments in Washington and help improve travel time and reliability.

STATE CAPITOL, 900 COURT STREET NE, SALEM OR 97301-4047 (503) 378-3111 FAX (503) 378-6827
Honorable Ray LaHood Secretary
December 1, 2010

As you evaluate where to reallocate ARRA high speed rail funds among corridors, I want
to assure you that I remain committed to improving passenger rail in the Northwest, and I ~sk
that US DOT continue its support for the corridor.


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