Anorexia and Bulimia

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Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric illness that describes an eating disorder, characterized by

extreme low body weight and body image distortion, with an obsessive fear of gaining weight.
Individuals with anorexia are known to control body weight commonly through the means of
voluntary starvation, purging, excessive exercise or other weight control measures, such as diet
pills or diuretic drugs. While the condition primarily affects adolescent females, approximately
10% of people with the diagnosis are male. Anorexia nervosa, involving neurobiological,
psychological, and sociological components, is a complex condition that can lead to death in
severe cases.

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent binge eating, followed by

compensatory behaviors referred to as "purging". The most common form—practiced by more
than 75% of people with bulimia nervosa—is self-induced vomiting; fasting, the use of laxatives,
enemas, diuretics, and over exercising are also common.

Photos of bulimic and anorexic person.

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