Checkpoint Study of Earth Due June 18 2010

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CheckPoint: Study of Earth 1

CheckPoint: Study of Earth

Jean Kidrick


Susanne McDowell

June 17, 2010

CheckPoint: Study of Earth 2

The Earth is divided into four subsystems, which are called spheres. They are biosphere,

hydrosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere. With each subsystem, there are other subsystems

with in each main subsystem; it is called an open system. For instance, lithosphere is rich soil,

nutrients and, oxygen. hydrosphere separates into oceans, glacial ice, streams, lakes, and

groundwater Earth's atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth and retained

by the Earth's gravity. The biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings

and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere,

hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

The plants will draw the nutrient from the Lithosphere (Earth’s rocky surface) and

integrate them into the Biosphere (plants and animals). The plants gradually die and decay,

causing some of the decayed material to go into the Atmosphere, (air, and gases). Other parts

of the decayed material will fossilize and go back into the Lithosphere (Earth’s rocky surface).

When the rocks corrode, the mineral deposits they hold become salts in the Hydrosphere

(water, oceans, and ice).the water, oceans, and ice evaporates and the salt goes into the

Lithosphere. The circle of interaction of materials between spheres never stops.

Everything we have comes from the Atmosphere, the Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and

Lithosphere. Metals are minerals found in the earth, paper is trees, the houses are made from

either natural stone, wood (trees), or concrete (more stone). We need trees for air, water to

drink, and plants and animals for food.

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