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(For Reference Use Only)

Proposal Format

1. Proposals should be prepared in accordance with the sample entries on the following pages.

2. Proposals should be prepared on A4-size paper clip and be fastened on the left-hand side.
(Please note that the proposal should not be bound or stapled.)

3. One original, two copies and one electronic media (3.5inch Floppy Disk or CD-R) of each
proposal should be submitted.

4. Page numbers should be included at the bottom center of each page of the proposal.

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

(Example Descriptions)

[Cover Page]
Proposal for International Joint Research under the
“ Development for Safe Utilization and Infrastructure of Hydrogen” Project

Research and Development Theme:


Name of Company: Co., Ltd. (company seal)

Name of Authorized Representative: (seal or signature)

Address : (postal code)

Contact Person : Name


Department and Division

Telephone No. ( ) - (Ext. )

Fax No. ( ) -

E-mail Address

* If the contact address is different from that given above, please indicate.
Contact Address: (Postal Code)

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

Proposal of International Joint Research under the

“ Development for Safe Utilization and Infrastructure of Hydrogen” Project

Name of R&D Project “R&D on ”

1. Outline of the Research Please describe briefly (in several lines) the contents in section 1-1
and Development and 1-2 of the proposal.
2. System of Research Please describe briefly (in several lines) the contents in section 2 of
and Development the proposal.
3. Research Period and Please describe briefly (in several lines) the contents in section 4 of
Budget Scale the proposal.
4. Contact Point Name of Company:
Contact Person: Name
Department and Division
Address and Postal Code
Telephone No.
Fax No.
E-mail Address
Note: This summary must not exceed one (1) page. Please attach a separate diagram or a table, if

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

[Main Text]

Name of Research and Development Project:

International Joint Research under the
“ Development for Safe Utilization and Infrastructure of Hydrogen” Project

Research and Development Theme: “ ”

1. Contents and Goals of the Proposed Research and Development

1.1. Contents of the Proposed Research and Development

Please describe the contents and the research approach or method of the proposed research and
development in detail. In addition, please clarify existing technological problems that need to be
overcome to attain the goals described in section 1-2 below and provide a methodology to be used
to resolve the problems, for example, by making a comparison with conventional technologies.

Moreover, please clearly explain part of the proposed research and development to be conducted
by each participating Foreign Research Contractor and the roles of the Domestic Organization and
each participating Foreign Research Contractor.

1.2. Goals of the Proposed Research and Development

Please describe the final goals (performance, quantitative properties, etc.) for each proposed
research and development theme specifically and quantitatively as best as possible. In addition,
please briefly explain the reason(s) or the basis for setting such goals.

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

1.3. Prospects for Commercialization or Practical Application of R&D Results

Please describe the prospective results to be obtained from the proposed research and

2. System to Conduct Research and Development

Please indicate the persons who will be responsible for the proposed research and development.

2-1. Person to be Responsible for Research and Development

Department and Division
Telephone No. (Ext. )
Fax No.

2-2. Persons to be Responsible for Operational Management and Accounting

Person to be responsible for operational management:

Department and Division
Telephone No. (Ext. )
Fax No.

Person to be responsible for accounting:

Department and Division
Telephone No. (Ext. )
Fax No.

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

2-3. Schematic Outline of R&D System (Example)

R&D System for “ ”



Co., Ltd.

Site to Perform R&D:    Center in Osaka

Contents of R&D: Demonstrative research on

Research Contract

Site to Perform R&D:   in Washington DC
Contents of R&D: Demonstrative research on

Note: Please indicate the sites at which the R&D will be conducted and the research contents for the
Domestic Organization and each participating Foreign Research Contractor.

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

2-4. Sites at which the Research and Development Will Be Performed

Please describe the sites where the research and development will be performed and the reason(s)
why the sites have been selected.

Central laboratory: Research Institute
Reason for Selection:

Sub-laboratory(s): Co., Ltd.

Reason for selection:

2-5. Résumé of Person to be Responsible for the Research and Development and
Résumé of candidate for the primary researchers for the Research and Development

Please choose an appropriate person to be responsible for the research and development and
complete Attachment 2, the Résumé of Person to be Responsible for Research and Development.

Please complete Attachment 3, the Research background résumé of candidate for the primary
researchers both the Entrustment Contractor and each participating Foreign Research Contractor.

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

3.R&D Experience in the Proposed Technology or Related to the Proposed Technology

3-1. R&D Experience

Along with the proposed theme, please describe the circumstances surrounding the proposed
research approach or method to be used in Japan and abroad. In addition, please demonstrate
relevant experience (including related research fields) and the position in the circumstances
showing relevant research presentation, papers, or other output. Moreover, please indicate that all
of the parties involved in the proposed research and development (including any joint research
conductor and/or each participating Foreign Research Contractor) have the ability to carry out the
research and development.

3-2. Possession of Equipment and Facilities for the Proposed Research and Development
Regarding the main equipment and facilities considered necessary for pursuing the proposed
research and development, please list the equipment and facilities that the Domestic Organization
and Foreign Research Contractor already possesses and describe their use, condition, etc.


Name of Equipment or Facility Description

(Intended use, specifications, etc.)

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

4. Research and Development Plan

4-1. Utilization of Budget

Please prepare a summary like the following list that indicates the types of procedures that will
be taken to carry out the proposed research and development and the amount of expenses that will
be required.
In addition, please indicate the number of researchers who will be involved during each quarter of
the year in parentheses under the lines indicating the R&D schedule, for reference.
Unit: million yen
Number of researchers in ( )
Research and Start April 2005 Total
Development Item ~ March 2005 ~ End
1. R&D of ---
*** ***
1.1. Investigation (*) (*)
Of ---
*** *** ***
(*) (*) (*)
1.2. Development
Of ---

2. R$D of *** ***

(*) (*) ***
2-1. Research of ---
*** ***
(*) (*)
2-2. Research of ---

*** *** ***

Total (*) (*) (*)

Note: Domestic consumption tax should be included for each R&D item. If the country to which a
Foreign Contractor belongs also has a consumption tax, it should also be included.

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

4-2. Outline of Expenses

Please indicate the estimated amount of expenses that will be required for the research and
development for each proposed R&D theme, in accordance with the expense items contained in
NEDO’s Cost Report Preparation Guideline.
Expense Categories Estimated Breakdown(in units of \1,000)
(Example) Start April 2005 Total
~March ~End

Ⅰ.Plant/Machinery Expenses
1.Civil Engineering/Construction
 2.Machinery/Facility Purchase
of Manufacturing
Ⅱ.Labor Expenses
 1.Research Wages
 2.Part-time Employee Wages
Ⅲ.Other Expenses
 3.Committee Meetings
 6.Other Special Expenses

Ⅳ.General and Administrative

Expenses (Note1)
Ⅴ.Re-Entrustment Expenses In accordance with expense items listed
In Ⅰ~Ⅲ above.
Overall Operating Expenses(Note2)
Consumption Tax(Note3)
Total Amount (Unit:Yen)

Note: 1. General and administration expenses should be determined by multiplying 10% of the total
amounts for items I-III .
2. Overall operating expenses should be computed by adding the amounts for items I-IV,
excluding consumption tax.
3. If a Domestic Organization is exempt from tax, it should enter the appropriate tax amount
for this expense item in the space for consumption tax.

(For Reference Use Only)

Attachment 1

5. Relevant Research and Development

5-1. Relevant Research and Development Supported by Public Funds

If a party submitting a proposal intends to apply for or is already conducting research and
development supported by public funds relevant to the proposed research and development, it should
describe the system, theme and contents of such research and development.

5-2. Relevant Self-Financed Research and Development

If a party submitting a proposal intends to conduct relevant research and development using private
funds in parallel with the contract work, it should provide an outline and describe the objectives
(performance, etc.) of the research and development. In addition, please clearly explain the
difference(s) between the proposed R&D and the self-financed R&D.

6. Agreement for an Entrustment Contract

If there is no objection to executing the entrustment contract (draft) specified by NEDO, the party
submitting a proposal should include the following statement in the proposal.

I certify that this proposal concerning the theme “Research and Development of ” has been
submitted after confirming that (Name of Organization) has no objections to executing the
entrustment contract (draft) specified by NEDO.

Name of Authorized Representative: , [Signature or Seal]


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