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Kurangi Kecepatan!

K3 JALAN RAYA Pakai Helem SNI!

Waspadai Tempat2 Ramai di
pinggir jalan:
- Pasar
- Sekolah
- Tempat Ibadah
- Tempat orang hajatan

Waspadai Jam-jam Ramai:

-Jam berangkat kerja
- Jam pulang kerja

Waspadai juga:
- Iring-iringan kendaraan
- Perempatan dan pertigaan
Reduce Your Speed!
ROAD SAFETY Use Standard Helmet!
Beware of Crowded Places on
the road side: Safe and Happy Get Injured
- Traditional markets
- Schools Use standard
A lot number
of people
- Praying halls safety
involved in
accident led to
- Wedding Parties for riding
fatality or

Beware of crowded hours:

- Going to work - hour
- Going home - hour

Beware also for:

- convoy vehicles
- Intersections and T junctions

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