Process Oriented Performance Based Assessment

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Performance Based Assessment

– Assesses the demonstration of their learning

– An alternative assessment that is designed to encompass a
betteroverall representation of student progress Task Designing (Why and How)
Assessment is MOST effective when it reflects an How to design tasks?
understanding of learning as MULTIDIMENSIONAL, 1. Identify the activity that would highlight the
INTEGRATED, and revealed through PERFORMANCE competencies to be evaluated (reciting a poem,
overtime. writing an essay, manipulating a microscope)
2. Identify an activity that entails more or less the same
Learning is a complex process. It entails not only what set of competencies
students know but what they can do with what they know. 3. Finding interesting and enjoyable tasks (writing an
essay is boring)
Process-Performance Based Assessment The topic is on Understanding biological diversity
– Concerned with the actual task performance rather Possible Task Design: Bring the students to a pond or creek and ask
them to find all living organisms as they can find. Bring them
than the output or product of the activity. to a school playground too.
– The learning objectives in process oriented performance How to assess: Observe how the students will develop a system on
based assessment are stated in directly observable finding organisms, classifying and concluding the differences between
behaviors (Learning Competencies) the bio diversity of the two sites.
– These learning competencies should start from a Proper Assessment Tool (Scoring Rubrics)
general statement, and then breaks down to easily Rubric – a scoring scale used to assess student performance
observable behaviors. along a task-specific set of criteria.
Task: Recite a Poem by Edgar Allan Poe Example: Recitation Rubric
Objectives: The activity aims to enable the students to recite a Criteria Weig
poem entitled “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe Level of Performance
1. Recite the poem from memory without referring to notes Number of X1 1-4** 5-9** 10-12**
2. Use appropriate hand and body gestures in delivering the Appropriate
piece Hand Gestures
3. Maintain eye contact with the audience while reciting the poem Approapriate X1 Lots of Few No inappropriate
4. Create the ambiance of the poem through appropriate rising Facial Appropr inappropriat facial expression
and falling intonation Expression iate e facial **
5. Pronounce the words clearly and with proper diction facial expression*
expressi *
Simple Competencies Complex Competencies on**
Speak with a well- Recite a poem with a Voice Inflection X2 Monoto Can vary Can easily vary
modulated voice feeling using appropriate ne voice inflection voice inflection**
voice quality, facial used** with
expressions and hand difficulty**
gestures Incorporate X3 Recitati Recitation Recitation fully
Draw a straight line from Construct an equilateral proper on has some captures ambience
one point to another triangle given three non- ambience contains feelings** through feelings in
collinear points through feelings little the voice**
Color a leaf with a green Draw and color a leaf with in the voice feelings
crayon a green crayon **
– Utilizes proper voice inflection
Parts of a Scoring Rubric – Can create proper ambiance for the poem
2 – Good Speaker
1. Criteria – characteristics of a good performance task – Includes 5-9 changes in hand gestures
(left hand column) (written in shorthand to fit the – Few inappropriate facial expressions
table, e.g. “Number of appropriate hand gestures” in – Have some inappropriate voice inflection
full criteria would be “Includes a sufficient number of changes
– Almost creating proper ambiance
hand gestures.” 1 – poor Speaker
2. Level of Performance – Degree the students have met – Includes 1-4 changes in hand gestures
the criterion – Lots of inappropriate facial expressions
Descriptors ** - spell out what is expected of – Uses monotone voice
students at each level of performance for each – Cannot create proper ambience
criterion. (lots of inappropriate…., monotone
– Tells the student what a performance looks like at each
– Helps distinguish student work. – Analytic rubric is more
1. Weight –mechanism for assigning scores to each common and assesses
– Holistic rubric are used
tasks that involve a
project when a quick judgment
larger number of
need to be made.
– Holistic rubrics are
Clearer expectations – Student know what is expected – Analytic rubric better
used for judging MINOR
on them and teachers know what to look for in handles weight on
student’s performance criteria.
More consistent and objective assessment – teachers
objectively distinguish between a good and a bad
Better Feedback – allows teacher’s to provide better INCLUDE?
feedback to students.
Types of Rubric: ANALYTIC VS. HOLISTIC There is no specific number if levels a rubric should not
possess. Start small then expand.
1. Analytic Rubric – articulates levels of performance for
each criterion so the teacher can assess student Example:
Makes eye never sometimes always
performance on each criterion contact with
2. Holistic Rubric – Does not list separate levels of the audience
performance for each criterion. Instead, a holistic rubric
assigns level of performance by assessing performance Makes eye never rarely sometim usually always
across multiple criteria as a whole. A more global picture contact with es
the audience
of the student’s performance in the entire task.
Makes eye never rarely sometimes usually
3 – Excellent Speaker
contact with
– Includes 10-12 changes in hand gestures
the audience
– No apparent inappropriate facial expressions
Fewer levels of performance should be included because:
– It’s easier and quicker to administer
– Easier to explain to students
– Easier to expand.

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